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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1912)
i tW3M MADE A INTAKE DIED WHEN HE WAS A BOY rTADVKHTISlNa In Tho TIMES E.L Ynr Ileal Bstato "la i OJtttws WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIME Will Koop the Income from Yowj Furnished Rooms from Lnpelaitl YOU can really holp tho fiMly revenues by renting a few furnished rooms nnd. If vou knuW how nd Iho Market" EffccUrclyl nwlll P th0 raoU a,uoutt.?rour 11 ". v. i.. nwrt nf all "noa- '?!?.. lb town. And if 1 V. ono of thorn who ought to there onu..r n in !whon to ubo tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra Income as "stendy as a clock." rn . yu " BU" o 01 MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS agfiaauawtrciiigiHiKar mn ! uvvii lJR(nl)lliiHl in Jtwn nL,AAA aq Tho Tonxt Mnll bUhmiul holds frokt umpqua MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const .Malt fg. 250 nml Coos liny Aihertlscr. STREET BY ITS FRANCHISE Attorney Goss Does Not Believe Council Can Locate Tracks. Ill act tonight UN-o. r. rnHinurwoc nraft of Broadway Per- mlt Completed New Questions mvoiveu. indderablc Interest contoro'in tho Lgof thoInrshflold cltr council f Southern "Pacific for a frunchlBO fciili Mnrtuuoiu win cumu ui iui file action, lno bouuiotu i-uci-ippllcatlon Is now for n doublo rtfrinchlioon North Front Btreot iBroidway or for a slnglo track kbliaon tho insiuo or. rroni Birooi lit ny. Today, u wan -Eonorniiy Mthat tho council would grant comfany a frnnchlso. Rt; Attorney uoss arnica una nf iwauaiso "' " u " " , i hstl not rounu anyiuing ImMo1 tbo council to rogulnto f.plidng of tho TormrauTa Rnll h tricks on Front Btreot. Tho r protlslon about tho location- or it to tho Terminal noinpnny'a kiln It "that thoy shnll bo In tho k linearly as practical and If ill double tracks, tnoy snail bo rtOKCthor as will onnnlo trnlnRl mlth safoty" or rn words to' Wert. Wllh tho Terminal's dou- nctaln tho centor of "tho Btreot, iwrald not bo room for tho sin- tick of the Southern -pnclllc. . Oou has drafted n now frnn WANTS LOCAL BRIDGE IDEAS T T Major .'Morrow Asks for Ex pressions .From People of Coos Bay About It. A roauoat fora gonornl cxprcr-slon from tho pcoploot Coos Day rclatlvo to tho nroposod construction of a bridgo ncrosB tho Hay by tho South ern Pacific Is asked by Major Jay J. Morrow, Unltod -StatOB Engineer for Ibis district. Tho roquost waB received by F. E Loofc, Junior tKr.glncor In chargo of tho government work on Coos Day, todny. Tho roqucst was accompanied' Uy mcpB nndenkotches Bhowing tho locntlon of tho .proposed bridco nnd copy of tho Southern Pacific's appllcn-J won no mo war Dopnrtmciit for .o permit to construct tho bridge. Tho locntlon of tho bridge Is shown 1o bo nt right angles to the chnnnol of tho Hay, tho lowor end of what wn formerly known ns Lane Troo ishoal nt tho mouth of Pony Inlot. It will intend from Sand Point to tho II ut nt tlio mouth of Pony Inlet. .No detailed description of the kind of structure tho liildgo Is to be is given but i It Ih showi: to lmvo three steal npnna south of 'tho draw bridgo nnd weHng Iho Southern Pacific's;! '"?" win norm tunc m 11, non for franchise on Ilron.l- - 8!',1 "I)nnB Pmctlcally jondhlng IH has embodied In tho nowi, """ iuw iwuur ma io mo om tbe Ideas suggested ut tho two !" ;""' trosHa work extending over :p of the council cnRod to con-tl,t8o.alf.c(Hl eml the btl.liw. It He has also H.cludod a! ...S?- ?f ? rcf"?8t ?fJbo C0D1: i iium, 4UUJU1 tuurrun a jcvicr aau rm. n cap rlniinA 'fv 1 1 timt i1i ' ".imnrtanml riiMllru flli It a v1ha,1 a nidi as a body did mot sped- ::, '"" - ."" " , '- " jrlMtructhlm to Incorpornto tho em uier" clause InHlio Drond Iriachlse, somo of tliom nro tin I to favor It. Mr. 1411118 has i u7 common iibut ciauso k tranchlsas, saylnx that tho RMln which ho would consldoH kacc user 'dauso would bo If Ikwer thoTormlnnl Hallway's pmna inniiat casoHlio would iprolilou in It stand ins It Is. ri It also a question its to tho f conflict ol tho rlglrts of tho cu Railway and tho Houthorn ponaroadvay. Tho Torminnl I franchlso on llrnmhvnv for -! track mil has flvo yoarn I to conalr-jct It. It It puts klw track In -tho renter nf tlm tktre as the frnnchlne Is un- llOkfjad. It would comnnl tlm Wl Pacific in Imllil nm trnnlr lilJeBf tho luttor lino hnd to ooauso trnek. oxhlbtt nt tho'Marshflold Chnmbor of Commorco this nftornoon am thoy will Tomnln thoro until Wednesday night when thoy will bo sent to North Ilond for oxhlblt thoro. MnJor Morrow's letter of lnstrac- tlonB to KnginiMir Lcefo Is sc3f cxithui- ntory nnd Is ns follows: "Tho Wlllumtitlo Pnclllc Ttnllwny company, n corj'orntlon exh.ting un der the Inws of Oregon, uniler dnlo of April 22, 19 12, mndo nppUrntlou to build n bridgo i.eross tho waters of 'Coos liny In tho vicinity of North Pond Point. Tlm application wns no icompniiicd by certain mnps'jaid skot- vhes showing tho locntlon nnd genornl character of the structure. It hns Veon rofurred to fills ofllco fcr report "Hcforo innkirMf n roport, 1 donlra to lmvo nil parttOH Interested fully express their views ns to tho ndvlh- n'bllity of granting tho permit, nnd to ninko Biieh Hiiggetitlons ns thoy may T IflllflMfAH f t droit of tin f rnnchlso ' f or ' e'0 nt nH to tho 'locntlon and plnni. tkra Pacing Mr. aocB has ' r tho VtopotmA bridgo nnd its pro- 'UlUt tho "It v bolnr- hold I "'"' "" i " ibni. uicblso subject to timU.riHf. uulomlniirt tho nature of the i-ermis- Mnal inav l.-.i.t ..,,, iH' slon souglrt, I mall to you, In pepnrato . ' -... ... Sm F'OCDIKj -JPtcled that tlnro will t big 1 w toilRht's -mooting ,nnd tIdl4tu8slon.of It. loxpected that V?.o Tonrfrnnl ? lHl BOuri (rnnoltjiln nrrnnm. i a rlgli of wayfihroughttho '" nnd tho C. A. ll lumber ynrUs for its 1 lUUS Alimlnnin .H. 1. , ,i .: - wvy auu diijj 1 IV) lltlk UHwoon Vrnn n.wl . Whon J. M. -tnnko wuo '"-siine coistructloa of the 'Usinderstcod that ho hold r"aii;,ilof wnyrthrough ru0 r 2 00 but U nmy P'orkon irv. i . IT" bS a foii-.o nf rrn nt tit. ... - " - E1 rowtructlcm of tht. Tor P Uroadwny. Holhnot r. iug on From Stroot lust ,7. .?0ing, acothor -ton- P I of 2.5D0 bronght In ior r 'UB iteilnililn ..nvl i..,.1. Laf,lh1?r "Wpmont af eighty ltk. " mo"'n(J uumclont - ---... ,w, auuiii ,u mile Vote Against Plan to Improve River and' Gardiner Harbor Is 799 to 423. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ROSGUUKG. Oro Mny C KJom ploto unofficial returns show Uto do foat of tho Port -of tho Umpqua by n voto of 423 to 759. Two out of tho eight precincts Involved, Gardiner and Scottsburc. gnvo majorities of 212 nnd 3 for Sit, whllo tho dthor six gavo an nggregnto majority of 570 'k"ichci mo p i an . TAET III OHIO AFTER JOTES President Scores Roosevelt and Says Only Real Boss There Is for Colonel. (By Associated Prose to Coos Bay rimes.) NELSONVILLB, Ohio, May C In n speech horo today .President Tnft oxplalnod why ho caino to Ohio. "I am not asking a favor bocauso I nm a sou of Ohio but I oak for slmplo Jus tice" ho stated. Toft again nttackod RooBovolt and snld ho had boon forcod against his will to ontor tho present campaign hy RooBovolt'i "mlsnipresentntlonS". "Roosovelb says I am In favor of an aristocracy of tho bosses," said tho prosldont. "Now .If you go to counting, you will find Just ns .ninny on his sldo as mlno only whon .u man is on his sldo ho becomes a political loador and when ho Is on my sldo, ho Is a boss." Ho declared that Walter Urown, tho only nctlvo boss In Ohio, was lending tho Roosovolt campaign In this state. RESULT AT GARDINER Voto nt Mouth of Umpqiiit Over whelmingly for New Port. GARDINER, Oro., Mny C Tho voto at Gardiner on tho Port propos ition wns 242 In favor of It nud thirty ngnlnst it. It was tho largest voto ever enst In this precinct by about ono-flfth. Special boatB woro run to all tho votors. There was talk horo yestorday of contesting tho election nt Yoncalln, whore it Is alleged, non-residents woro voted by thoso opposod to tho oru DEMOCRATS 1 TO E TICKET .PRIMARY IN .MARYLAND BALTIMORE, 'May C Maryland primary elections nro bolng hold todny. ;i:t coliseum ready Washington State Convention Will Open at Walla Walla This Afternoon. IT)y Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WALLA "WALLA, May C .When ttho Democratic Stato Central comralt rteo mot this morning to nrrnngo a (temporary roll of tho stntod dome- crntlc convention which will convenol this aftornoon thoro soomod to bo llttlo doubt that tho contest botwoon "tho so-calk-d "hand picked" dologa 'tlon from King county and that sol- ioctcd nt the primaries will bo fought 'out on tho floor of tho convontlon. Adams county also has contesting delegations. Tho latter -contest may bo sottlod by tho credentials commit tee There hns boon no opposition to C C. DULof Spokano for temporary chairman. Thoro nro .ulght candi dates for tho gubernatorial nomina tion. Buys Cmccry. I. S. Smith today rpurcha8od tho Anona Cash Grocery stock from J. W. Umstatlil nnd his rasoclntrfl. Mr. Smith wltl closo out tlio business nt onco. lOPI'OSi: COMPENSATION HILL Prcpuru to Sent 10,iM)0 nt Republican Convention. CHICAGO, May C An arrange- ineiit of tho sonts In tho collsoum for tho republican national convontlon Is bolng perfected whoroby ton thou sand persons, or twutvo hundred inoro than when Tnft wuh nomlnntod, mny bo accommodntod. ALL QUIET NOW AT MAZATLAN L TRUST I LONG ONE fte Year Or More to - netvidenceln "luuon Suit. il Press to the Cooa Bay Tim off Rferl.' reiTeVsteel'cor- " were today and package, imo copy cf tho nppllcntlon nnft pliiiis, -which vou will show to nil InU rested panic and allow them freely to exsmlno them. lt Is doblred thnt you show the npptn'atlon unil plnniw among oUiers, to tno following parties: ILornl .iiowspnpors, Mnrshflold Chnmhor of Commerce, Port of Coos Bny, '.Messrs. L. J. and Edgar Simp son, Kr, Smea-ton nnd tlr. Powers of tho C. A. Smith company, J. W. Ben nett ot Flnnngnn & Uunnott, Copt. Margolin of the Stenmor Hrenkwnter, Cant. Olson of ttio Nnnn Smith, Cant Mageo ut tho lUdondo and Mr. Wm. n. lloiiiLio oi flinrBiHiuiui w" i"ii" Uy mndo luqulrles, and to nil others interested parties. "Aftor dho nintior hns teen thor oughly rousldored nnd dlscussod by tho pooplo of Coos Bay, I desire that It 1)0 mndo -clear thnt I will be ploas od to lmvo irny of thtin frooly oxpress to mo their ilows about tho proposed brldKo nnd offer nry suggostlons which thoy may deem necessary In tho interests ! nnvlgwlon. "You will plonso tako care of tho plans which are llnnlly to bo returned to tills Olllce." ..,l,,wu-vnJ-,-,.-, probably will continue for two months. Hearings also will bo held In other cHles nnd It is proknblo that it will bo n year boforo tno uniieu States Circuit court nt Trenton, whoro tho suit was jlled, will tako up the evidence for judicial consider ation. oiiraox good roads day PORTLAND, Ore., May C Satur day. May 11, will bo good roads day in all Oregon. Governor West signi fied his wllllngifess to C. T. Prall, sec retary of the Oregon Highway Asso ciation, by tolephone to Issue a proc lamation, sotting aside that day for n unltod effort In ovory county to bring tho petitions to the attention of every voter. Transport Buford Reaches Mexican Port to Bring Refugees Hume. .(Oy ABsocJatod Press to Cooa Bay Times.) MAZATLAN, May C. Tho trans port Buford arrived hero today from San Diego. Cal. The Buford will Jeart) for Topoloba nnd Altata this afternoon, returning nnd taking Am Orleans from Mazatls.ii Tuesday, Conditions horo uro tranquil. Ilouihnrtlnii'nt of Meusuro 1 Rcsuin- Wl In Semite. (By Associated Pross to Cooa Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Mny C Tho op- pononts of the workmen's compensa tion bill resumed todny thedr bom bnrdniont of thnt inonsuro In tho Son- nte. Many protests from the rail rood organlznti6ns woro prvbontod by Sonntor Smith of Goorgla, Culber son of Texas,' Myers of Montana nnd other senators. A. I SIMPSON FEAR HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE IN MISSISSIPPI DIVER FLOOD MWMVSAAAAAAAM I AT G D D. Reavis, Mill Hand, Falls Off Launch Into Umpqua Sunday. (Spoclnl to Tho Tlmos.) GARDINER, Ore., May C D.Roa vls, a young mnn, omployod In tho Gardlnor mill, was drownod In tho rlvor horo Inst ovonlug. Ho and soV' oral companions woro crossing tho rlvor in a small gnsollno boat and ho foil In. Whon an effort was mndo to turn tho launch around, tho gnsollno ongtno stopped nnd bolng without oars, ho could not bo ronchod. Thoso with him In tho launch woro Ross Rlckor, Frod Brown, Jim Ronvls and Wm. Anderson. M E M Vessel Returns With Victims of Titanic DisasterPresi dent Hays Found. (By Assoclntod Pross to Tho Coos Times.) HALIFAX, N. S., May 0. Tho cnblo ship Mlnla which rollovod tho Mnckay-Bcnnott In tho work of searching for tho T tnnlc's dend ro turned to this port this morning with her lings nt half mast. Tho Mlnln covered a wldo rango In tho sonrch and tho last two bodies recovered weno picked up forty-flvo nillea npart. Tue inula wired ovory pnssing stenm cr drtlly Inquiring for bodies. Among tho bodlos brought nshoro wiib that of Chnrlos M. Huys, prosldont of tho Grnnd Trunk Railway, E APP11AL IY CHINESE Celf-slfuU Tleeliig from Mexicans Swk Tfiiipoiary Ahyluin (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay TImo.) WASHINGTON. Mny 6 Sovernl hundred Chinese Jleoing from tho dis turbed zone in tbo stato of Coahulla, Mtutlco, nro oppoallng to the United Stato government for a temporary asylum In this country. Torror stricken by the memory of tho Chln oso massacre of tho last revolution tho Chinese are pouring Into Plodras Nogras, apposite Eaglo Pass, Texas. Their urgent requost for permission to cross tho border lino reacueu Washington today. A TURIOSn BATH GOOD. Phone 214 J. will do you POUIILi: BILL ut ROYAL TONIGHT Tho Olympic Players will present a very funny four people sketch and some Dutch comody acts In conjunc tion with tho regular run of moving pictures. Miss Kohnlo will sing il lustrated songs. TOMORROW NIGHT Dalton and Travello will prosent somo good old English comedy that will nut you In tho best of humor. ALWAYS 10c. HOWARD'S genuine MEXICAN TAMALES delivered any place in the cltr until 13 O'CLOCK at night They are READY to SERVE. Phone 335. New Lumber Schooner Shows Up Well L. J. Simpson Very Reticent. Tho A. M. Simpson, tho now lum ber schooner of tho Simpson Lumber company's floot, nrrlvod horo lato yosterday afternoon from San Fran Cisco on her Initial trip under her own steam. Sbo encountered vory rough weather coming up tho coast and hnd to fight a strong northwest wind and sea all tho way. Even in tho fnco of this, she had a very good showing nnd L. J. Simpson, who was on board, stntod that sho fully enmo up to ther anticipations. Sho brought a small enrgo of freight for the North Bond Shipyards and Simpson Lumbor company. Cnpt. Bondorgnrd Is master of her. Asldo from a trial spin ot a couplo of hours in San Francisco bny, this was tho first trip for her new onglnos. Thoy nro not fully adjusted. Sho will have a speed of about nlno knots. Mr, Simpson said there wns noth ing particularly now In tho company's affairs or In tho business outlook. Ho snld there was nothing to g(vo out concerning tho reputed deal for a largo tract near Rocky Point, belong ing to the Simpson company. He was vory reticent about tho rail, road situation, saying that ho would have to get acquainted again beforo making a statement about It. Among curiosities in tho ogg lino wns one with a perfect yolk nnd con taining another egg about the size of a linnet's ogg, which also bad n good shell and was perfect. ALL LOCAL ELKS Are requested to call on the sec- retary, Geo. H. Rofnor, at once, have their measurements takon for uniforms. Orders must be 4 given immediately o be In time 4 for the convention. . TEN DIE IN W BECK Four Trainmen and Six Pas sengers Killed On Confed erate Veterans' Train. (By Assoclntod Pross to Tho Coos Tlmos.) NEW ORLEANS, May C Four trainmen and six or moro passongors woro killed and forty pasongors woro hurt whon a train carrying confodor ato veterans of Texas to a rounlon nt Macon, Ga., was wrecked today on tho Now Orlcnns and Northern Rail road near Hattlosburg, Miss. Flvo bodlos havo boon rocovorod and It 1b believed thnt at lonst ns many moro aro in tho wreckago. Whole Families Reported Lost From Roofs Houses Float ing in Torrent. REPORT 1000 ADRIFT IN LETTSWORTH DISTRICT Trains Run Through Two Feet of Water In Effort to Rescue Refuges. (By Associated Pross to Cooa Bfey Times.) NEW ROADS, La., May 0. Flood rotugecs reaching horo doclaro that thoro hns been a heavy loss of HA) In tho flood swopt. districts. Haw many caftnot ho dotormlned. Groat confusion rolgns and families dlvldod among tho rcfugep camps loads to ttro reports of numerous porsons missing but novortholess rofugoos any thoy havo scon entlro families swept from house-tops. In tho Lottsworth dlstrlot It la orn timatod thnt ono thousand porsonn . mny bo drifting about on hastily con structed rafts and yet romaln to Uo . rescued and slmlllar reports como from other sections. Roltot traluf woro run ovor traoka tovorod by two foot of wntor and awing to tho pre carious condition of tho rails worn . obliged to laavo many porsons behind fonrlng thnt a stop would ondanger tho. liven of hundroda already aboard , tho trains. Scores woro seen waist deep In water, signalling to tho trnlns but . thoy could not stop. Floating houso roofs supporting scores of porsons woro soon floating In tho Lotts worth., nnd Bntcholor districts. Boatu nnd lnunchcs nro bolng Rent Into tho flooded sections ns fast as obtalnablu . and supplies nro bolng rushod to tho 1 rofugoo camps. Appoals for holp Ktw coming In from ovory direction nnd In many ensos It In Impossible to hood thorn. Tho railroads aro out of com mission In mnny directions, tho rond boda nnd brldgos bolng washed away. GOOS LEAGUE NOW FORMED Bay WRECK IN WASHINGTON Open Switch Causes Bad Accident nt Cleeluiii. (By Associated Press to Coos Timo.) SEATTLE, May C. Tho Colum bian train on tho Chicago, Milwau kee und Pugot Sound from Chicago ran. Into nn open switch in tho Cloo lum, Wush., yurd today nnd crash ed into a frolght A. W. Jordan, a flromnn on the pnsnengor, was killed but tho passongors woro uninjured. It has been calculated that nearly 500,000.000 foot, or over 55,000 miles of film aro used up yearly, if satisfy tho world's demand for mov ing pictures. Tho largest lako in tho Eastorn Hemisphere, excepting Victoria Ny anza, In Africa, Is Lako Baikal, tho "Holy Sea." It Is 3100 foot deei, Its bottom being 1G00 feet below the sea level, and In area corresponds to Lako Michigan. The name calico, or print, Is taken from tbo town of Calicut, on tho coast of Malabar, and the cloth was first brought Into England In 1631. Its general manufacture began about 1676. Baseball Season Will Open Last Sunday In May Or First Sunday In June. Tho Coos County Longuo for tho sonson of 1912 wns porfeclod nt in meeting of ropreHontntlvos of tho various towns at Coqulllo Snturday night. It was agreed thnt tho senson should open tho Inst Sunday In May or tbo first Sunday In Juno, depend ing on tho wonthor. Each team Is to pluy (on gnmee, two ench with tbo other flvo teams In Iho organization. Jt was ngrccd that t ho maniiKoni of tho different tennis should consti tute a board or directors to direct tho affairs of thu tongue. Clin.. Baxter, of Coqulllo, 'wns olecto'd ' prosldent. Each team will name otu man for umpire and from tho six nnmos substituted, President Baxter will select threo for tho season. It wns agreed that tho homo teams should recolvo 65 per cent of tho gnto receipts. Tho BonBon will open with Hnndun playing Mnrshflold In Marshflold, Co qulllo playing at Eastsldo nnd Myrtto Point playing nt North Bend. At tho meotlng, R. Whltty ropro sontcd Enstsldoi Peck Wallaco, North Bond; Joo Scott, Goorgo John son and Norm Johnson, Mnrshflold Mr. Cox, Bandon; Geo. Gngo, Co qulllo, and Myrtle Point wns not rei rosontcd, but thoy agreed (o accept any arrangomout that was satlsfso tory to Cluis. Baxter. KAS'rKIDE IS VICTOR Details North Rend By Scoro of Ti-n (o Nothing Suudiiy. Yostordny at North Bend, Ea-t-sldo dofoatcd North Bend, 10 to 0. It was n tryout of tho North Bond play ors nnd sovernl nowilnyors will bo tried out boforo tho rogulnr team Is choson. Klssam, n now pitcher, will bo trlod out next. Tho llnoups woro as follows: North Bond Llllobo, Mnloney and J. Thomas, p.; Klssam, lb.; McDon nell, ss.; Lee Heath, 3b.; (Jaffnoy, 2b.; Denning, cr.; J. Thomas, rr.; Klnnoy, U.; Murphy, c. Eastsldo Robortson, p.; Donn. c.; L. Haling, ss.; T. Snllng, lb.; J. O'Donnoll, 2b.; C. Mnstors, 3b.; W. Jensen, If.; J. Tollefsou, cf.; 'D. Vineyard, rf. , Tho sect known as tho Jains, Ta India, Is said to bo ahead of all oth ers In fasting feasts. Onco n year these people abstain from food for seventy-five days, while fasts of from thirty to forty days nro vory common, . J. . -N