THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ' f t If COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAI.ONEV Editor Mid Pub. DAN K. MAIONKY News Editor '' Entored at tho postofflce at Marsh flald, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second olasa ma.ll matter. THINGS IMPERISHABLE. GEN. William Dooth on his 83d birthday announces "I testify to tho faithfulness of Clod; to tho tcuo happiness of a Ufa spent in scok I 'Ingtto boncflt others." lWo struggle to llvo to old ago. Why? To bo happy. Wo crowd and VPUoh rnnll ofttlmcs aro uncharitable unfair,) unjust nnd Huitlati, in order to profit ourselves In money, honors and f position. -Ana nt 83 years of ago . discover that truo happiness consists rn helping xnir fellows. Tho luxuries that we seize and en loy.through tho years of conflict aro fdrgotton, llko flno moals oaten n longi tlmo ngo, and In old ago tho only1 prizos wo'vo galnod, and still IjoM, aro romombrancos of having fielpod our follow beings. Tho real comfort of llfo, from cra nio to gravo, Is faith In God. Tho truo hnpplnoss of llfo, from tho wdiool desk In tho primary crado to tUo old arm chair by tho hoarth, Is Ichowlodgo that wo holp othors. . MAY GRANT A - ft LI LUflft M'U PI (Continued from page 1.) TIIK UNPARDONABLE SIN You can break tho Ton Command ments and Society will forgive, ' But thoro's ono Bin that no man can ovor manago to outllvo. You can buy a Bnow-whlto mantle and nil other mlsdoods cloak 'Hut tho sin that's without pardon Is tho crlmo of being broko. You can break tho Ton Command monts nnd tho world will roll along. ' Aftd no man will daro to question If you'ro with tho wealthy throng. Afcd no man will shun or scorn you whllo you'ro of tho moneyod folks Outtho sin beyond forgiveness Is tho crlmo of bolng broko. .Vou can break tho Ton Command ments nnd avoid nil worldy grills, For thoro'H something that absolvos you In n roady roll of bills, Add wo'll call you n good follow and wo'll pass It as a Joko JOu$.jtho sin thnt's without pardon Is v tho crlmo of bolng broke. 'LOWER HUG Alt TAHIPI-' WASHINGTON, D. C. May 4. Thtf Democratic members of the Son ata committee on finance practically agreed today to favor a reduction of S3'. 1-3 In tho present tariff on sugar And voted to abolish tho Dutch stand ard and differential on sugar. MlCTHOnifiTB' REPORT Tho following Is a synopsis of tho annual roport of tho Methodist Church In tho United States: Momhnrs, 3,500,000: constituency, 12,000,000; church property and pursouages, 1200,000,000; educa tional institutions, lG4,000,0Oi . ntndonts, 7n,000; pronckcrs, 1 1.71 r.. Atrnual mnlntonnnco of preachers, bishops, etc., $lfi,27G,000. Annual Hupport of foreign missions, $1,000, 000. Annunl support of homo nils r.lons, 11,000,000. Sunday school pupils, 3,500,000. Sunday school touchers and officers, 37G.000. An nual puhllshlngs, $3,000,000. r. W. W. CALLS OKI-' STRIKE SEATTLE, Wash., May 4. Indus- 'trial Workers of the World said the Btrlko at Ilonulnin nnd Aberdeen will ' bn callcvl off Saturday night and tho HtrlkorH authorized to go hack to Mjrork. BECOME NATURALIZED Judgo Henson last Tuesday after u vory thorough examination under oath of two witnesses for oaoh of the following applicants for 11. S. citizen ishlp, orilerod their papers Issuod: James Anthony Yates, Llbby, Oro. Holurlch WukiiBch, Lakeside, Ore. Mark O'Con, Ilandon, Oro. ' Anl'nno Sacchl, Billiards, Ore. Louis Knutson. Marshflold. Ore. Charles Phllpot, llulinriis, uro. 11. Ilenjainln Ostllnd, Marshflold, Oregon. . ., , , CTirl William Aspluiid. Mnrshfleld, Oregon, Coqullle Sentinel. TAKE NOTICE EAOLESl Memorial Day, Sundny! All Eagles roauested to attend meeting nt hall, 1:30 p. in. Sunday, May 5. By order of WOltTHY PRESIDENT. COOKED FOOD SALE by Slstors -of Bethany SATURDAY, May 4, at Pcrry-Nlcholson store. ANOEL FOOD nnd HONEY NOUHAT llfta POUND at STAF- VORD'N SATURDAY and SUNDAY. that would bo a "cinch." Ho said bo was not hero when tho present ono was drafted, Claude Nasburg asked that whon tho Southorn Pacific's franchlso Is re drafted for enactment that it specify tnat tno soutnorn I'nciric navo tno inBldo or rather west sldo of tho stroot. Mr. Mlllls aatd that ho didn't want his application to stnto that way but if tho council wished to ordor It that way, ho would not offer any ob jection. Thoro was more or less discussion about tho right of tho city council to regulnto tho location of tho Tormlnnl Railway's tracks and Mr. Goss was Instructed to look tho matter up. Ho was requested to havo tho drafts of tho two franchises, ono for tho Broad way routo and tho ono for tho Front stroot routo, ready for Monday night If possible Following tho meeting, Mr. Mlllls stated that If thoy wero given the Front stroot routo, they expected to condemn a right of way through tho Alliance wnrohouso to connect wltfi their proporty. I. S. Kaufman mnder a short talk, urging tho granting of tho franchise on Front stroot Instead of on' Broad way. According to many, the- Soitcuonv Pacific franchlso will go to' a voto of tho poople regardless of whotllor tho council grants it or not. If the council grants ft, nomo claim tho-ro-forondum will btj Invoked nnd If tho council doos not, nomo dcclnro It will ho submitted by tho Initiative. City Englnocr Gldloy BUggosUd' that It might bo hotter1 to chnngo' the grades of tho down-town section nnd' thus mako n smaller cut on1 Droad way. Ho suggested that Central! nvoniio nnd Front street bo miaou, tho ralso In Front strcof to bo nboirfJ a foot nnd n half. No definite nctloai was taken an this, but Messrs. Oldloy nnd Whereat will try nnd devise jo simpler plan. Tnlk Ily Mlllls. C. J. Mlllls whon called on by Mc Allen, said thnt ho had nothing now to offer. He snld that ho had no quartvl, argument or fault to flnf: with anyone. Ho said that ho dcslrct tho fullest Inquiry. Ho snld all tha Southern Pacific desired was the? right to como Into Murshfleld on Its own rails hi Its own wuy. Ho safi' that If at tho previous mooting h lind said anything In tho heat or iLe argument that gava offanso, Ito wished to apologize for It. Ho snld tho Southorn Pacific hud but ono cf Ject, nnd thnt was to coma In nnd help build tho community nnd shru In tho benefits thnt would nccnao from tho development. "You enn't havo too many rall roodB," declared Mr. Mlllls. "Tho more railroads tho moro business and wo will tnko our chnnces on gotttng our flhnro of tho business. L haw no complaint to mako about thocoinpany to which you gavo tho Front street franchise." Clmmllrr WnntH ItnltroaiH 1'pon tho conclusion of Mr. Mlllls' talk, W. S. Chnndlor wns called on. 1I until (lint lin fltiln't linvn imr ItlfMlH In imrtinnlnr In offer nnd had? merely I come to hear what wob said. Ho de clared that ho was exceedingly an- xIoub to boo n rnllrond' como to Marshflold, thnt nil hnd bjn desir ous of It for years nnd that tho mom should bo mndo of tho present oppor tunity to get one. Ho said that ho was In fnvor of doing ovorythlng pos sible to got n rond that would af.'ord' nutsldo connections nnir would llko to hco It occupy Front Btit-et, providing It did so with n "common usor" clauso In Its franchise. He BaUt that the community should make sonic concessions to the ploneor rond In hero. "So far as I nm personally con- corned In tho Tormlnnl Itnllwny, I am willing to turn ovor my Interest In It to tho city or to any rnllrond that comes In hero," declared Mr. Chand ler. "I nm Just speaking for mysolf now. I don't wnnt ta seo any im pediment put In tho way of a rnllrond trying to got Into Coos Day." Mr. Chandler snlil that probably a telegram which ho hnd sont his as sociates hero last weok would better explain his position and he road It. The telegram was aB follows: "Particularly Blnco NmJJi Bond Council has granted SoutKQ 'Pacific a frntiehlso such as thoy rMWsted. I am absolutely In favor of turning over the franchlso on Front atreot with common usor clause therein con tained to Southorn Pacific, Northern Pacific or nny other Pacific thnt will agree to build Into Marshflold within a stipulated time. In such caso it is Immaterial whethor Terminal or somo other railroad constructs roadbed, It will not chnngo terms original fran chise granted Terminal Rnllwny. Such railway acquiring franchlso to relmburso Terminal for all expendi tures with Interest thereon. I nm ex ceedingly nnxtous somo bona fido railroad giving connection with trans continental lines shall oporato through Marshflold, providing ma jority broad gauged property owners volco samo opinion. Leave Monday, connect with Broakwator." Continuing, Mr. Cbandlor declared that "tho sooner wo como to some kind of on ngreomoflt, tho soonor work will commonco ov! a railroad lu horo nnd Wo will got a' chance' to share In the prosperity dot will fol low." Upon tho cvncluslon of Mr. CharuxT- ler's talk, Mr- Minis and otnors ap plauded loudlv Mr. Mlllls romarked' "That sounds ruoro llko Nfarahfloftl' nnd Is what I oxpected When' I' cam' hero." F. E. Allen romarked thnt ho nud' the other counctlmen hnd hopod thnt something would to dono st thnt both railroads would use Front atroot. Ho snld he thought t&ero was room for two thoro. Ho said ovorybody wanted tho railroad and that ho hoped to get It somo way. Ho said that If the jwople tho com1- munlty to grow nnd prosper, tney must hara a railroad. Compare I'Yiuicltlw. City Attorney Doss rend the South ern Pnclffc franchise nnd tho Ter minal franchise, comparing them ami showing, where thoy difforodl In x nunibor of places whora tho Sfruthorm Pacific franchlso differed from the 'Zormlnal' franchise, Mr. Mlllls'and C F. McICnight said that it woidd bo prfoctl7 satisfactory to hicro it olmngcd'to'bo practically the sumo us tht Tormlnnl. fir conelusIbT,. City Attornoy Goss offered' acvornF suggestions looout chttngus. Olio' w.m that tho SoutUcrn PnciTIc' franahlsff ho made subject to nil provlbus' frnmchhtes. granted,', so that lf'tlicru'waa a. clash' betweon tho Tormihal Ilailwnr nnd the Southorn Pacific wliro thoy nitty use tho buiiio strootB, tho1 city wouldi not bo in volved. Ho- uugguMtoJ mXao, upon tho rocommondntlbn oc the city cnglnoar, thnt tlia company Uo- required to put lh a groorar rail or to- fny a bridle Uorder albngtitllorxlls. A too that tlrat jirovfalbniba'mnd'o-fiir requiring thorn to put their wires snUurgrrrand In trib ftitiiro;. 10' pro vi ill wa-tclimou for streot crossings, du tll&work prompts iy and1 a number effotheo minor innt tors. Mr. Mlllls srucdl r all thouo nnd snld' that' lio would' Re willing to rurnfalh bond' for nny amount tha oountiU'mlgJit' require to do tho worW us n(xicl Iti tlio frMiulllm-., DellaUr CO lunoa TTscr. Taw "Common usor" clauso In tlw Torinliml Ifitllwny'B- franchise also cam up for dobum- ngnlh; Council man Forgu.wn- wnntod" to know If Mr Mll!lBtvoiUU'avrono msorted In hfa frnnclllso. Mr. Mlllls roplfed that It ho wns gei-titig tllu' wnJorfront Btroet,. ho would'uxpocftU'ho'nkeiathls, but' sliico ho was not and) was taklnir cu linek street, ho ourtnlhly tauld nob coasiuur u: Ho snld that tho Southern Pacific (II J not dwlro topny ant tor any other railway or coiwct it rror any other TJllroad. Councilman- Snvaso wanted ro Unow If thoro wasn'tr still a possibility of tho SDuthorn Pndfla nnd Termlnnl' omlng; to tonns wnorobr both could' occupy Front strot. Mr. Mlllls ro piled (dint- life Had' oueu trnablo to do bo amf then Ho naulo the suggestion mat lie wouiU' taarvi a franchlso for-t single trnclt on tho Inside- of Fiont stroer. Mr. For,tusoa wnntd to know If thoy would allow n "common user" clnnso on tho irfnglt- track on Front 8tr'.ot anil" Mr. MIIIU replied In. the negative, but said If they could' tnko owr tht- Termlnnl Railway, they would Iv porfectly willing to let the "vamnia: usor' cIjuho In It Htund ns Vt Is. Ho questioned; the menntii; of tlit cliiuse, liowftwr. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS INI'XIIUIAIi CHAT j. if. Proctor Is oxpoctod Jioro within a fow woakn from San "'"n dsco for a visit at tho homo of bis slatorv Mrs. J. H. Flanagan. T VJ. Tlnnnntt nffd wlfo and J. If. Flanngaa loavo todu7 for Portlap4 and othw northern aolata for a wools. or ton days' stay. H H U IS Mrs. B H. Jones df North Dond roturnod tills week from at oxtondod vllt In CaiUfornln. Slw- wj accom panied by hr mothor, frs.. Curron. Fire of Unknown Origin Carlson Place Near Allegany- will CASE PI! Tl" realdonco of Mr, nd Mra. W. T; TcttaB, about five mllea up tho -Wont torfc from Allegany; caught 11 ro yoMordaiy nbout noon ntrdi burnod to tbo gronnxl. tho ontlro liouso-hold wealth o( the- family bolng: d'astroyod by tlio'tilam The wholo family, Mr. nncl Mrs. Tbttoa and sovoraD children worfnttHwniD'bat woro unnbrta savo anytblhg.oxuopt Uio clothoa try woro Bovoral'' liuadrod dollars is tliw esti mated lossi The houso bolotiKml to Mr. Cirlson ono of tho proprlmtors of tho Pnlnc' U'cstanrant in ADarah fit,l nnit lini-uTin naurnncn. It will f f ' tirob'nbiy bo jolJulTJ. Mr. and WrB. WKIHHNGS AN1 ANAOUACIv- Tolton an BtiyinB- tor tho prosont ' S'H58 A A-l with n marrlorl' son- who also Iles near Alloeany. Tho-Ore Is thought' to TfliVnurriago ofHtiss Mno ClnriBsri imVQ Btnxtbd htkliv probably In tile Mara.ny to Jas. D. Koborts by Rovl wnj( thoiigW how it' oargfnated Is not H. I. Uutledgo too)S ploco Sathrday known. everJng: tit tno M0tioi8t parsoouHu. wwwwv Mlsa Hilda) Stonholm,, ft' tencher nt Hie Control hool, wLu' lln boon promoted to thw prlnclpnrslllp'oi thnt bulTdlng for t'io noxt year, cx?)cctB Hi' spend most st hor summer' vaca tion In Cnllforrtfti nttondlnif n' foach Bti'a' sammer scllwol at Borlioloy.. Mr. lloborts, tho groom's father, was f tho only witDtws. Tim- wedding hnd been- pJhnaod for W'jtlnosday, Uhy 1, birtA the with of- "flVo brldo ami irrnnm- llasinned tho ifaT nnd cndtxl with ttto marrlneo n fow dnys befdro tho doto originally sett. After tho ceremony- tin- young ueoplo wtro- guests sfi honor at n wedding Btipper at tlm 'ahmoj of tho brldVa pnrontsj. Mr. nnd Mrs- CWttt. Mngnny, at whlcKi only tlie"ltnudrno family woro pro tcnXi Mh mad" Mrs. Roberts wcr. fmmodlillAiyiitl homo In tnnr houio list tho followliitr' norsonB: Fancy Sowing UootB' Mrn. F. Bi. Hnguo nnd Mrs. II. CI FU-ddock. Plnln Sewing 3botlb Mrs. Early and Mrs. MVok's, Candy and PMnoU- Boolh Miss aiyrtlo Cowan.' t?lni.Pnrri" Mn: H. W. Sullivan IIa.Iuma trtlttfar MV-A' rTnttlAplfln I XTorlarfty. Grab -bag Mrs. CI W, Montgom-ory. 0niuepu y Prosecutor, . Mlinnwict i ,.i.. '""iin ' t u,1:"" PO Into "uumu mere, iorU,opurnon"?li; aJlodgo attempt to Sul II Jolnor nnd Tom TalbotT 7&A rnacn on South Slough u ' night. It Id also undiitK la looking further InW4 muruer. Mr. LiUtavitt : dlBcuthoruaoM J?N cluos In tho lntter caia th Mr. UlJoqvlBt said thin,.. oxpoct thnt w i S.!?111 . . . -. vuuin !: orougt.6 up for trial inlT murdorrot Chns. wiL."?J imhsru.yw Pnn(::'u,,t nt Cnnnll7A l,i ...i. l" "WCni Tho ilrBt enso that will trial whoa Judge SkfZS court n riini.iii it "'WJTfc nbly bo that of 8 .' 'H was indict! for con.l.u "! orderly Iioubo near CoquUl 9 ProBocuUhc Alio.... - Drown who ;X.lil tho trial of the n..... !"lk 1 tllllrdnr rniun. I,. .. "'W l,n, .W,r WWM4II1 ... ........uuiii. boforo t2xo Scpto'mber tem' ThoJurylnthoS,'" .. rait tu. 1fTTI.'IHI.laU West MArsllIMU oned by Mrs. CJar- ft oV i'lNK PIWTM. nco PdiinockX whero nm old-tlmoi iiAii. JORDAN, from HA teacher of nlsnn ia.z: Ji tuning export. P. rj. Dor i 5I --ii i field. cftlrlvarl My i'ohinits and nlghbors vus glvotutllumi Wcdnesdilw renlng. TJiO'1 lll-UTJIl5l, of Miss .ICuso Wall iiml Mr. Hurry Wlnklor will! be boI omnlzod next Wednesday at tho Marshflehr ChtlwU'o thurch, the Rev. FVtlhor Monro nlITclatlng. (Dnly re latives of Uiu-contracting pontic will be Invited." TB young couple will losivo boo-jj nftes- c&e nuptWftf on n honeymoo3 tvlp to Callfornnl' points after wh'Mlf tlMj" will malto- their homo ut tfirclk Btiad whbcv tho groom Is launnRtirof tho North llend Drug conrpanyv Bliss Wnliil f the daughter offMr-aiut Mrs. Jt'iifa Wall of West AJAraliarftl. Tho mitrrlttKu of Cluronci. Gould and Miss Jhsstt!) CMay, n wolltlbnown Allegany yjounjc touplo, wob solemn ized Thursday as tho MarsliUetd M. K. ChurcrA purauaiigo, tho IZov. II. I. Rutlodtoi omVtutlng. Mr Could, who Is aiwmi of Mr. nnd Mts. Ooo. (lould, Isittiuhnul of tho OonM lag ging comnany aail tho brlddols tho daughter of Rev and Mrs.. Orny of Allegany..- Thy will mnlx their homo nnr- AIfgany. A Host of friends mV naite in oxtouding nil tho good'wJiillesttuit can boonntowed upon tlb-ostlexabto young iolks. Itiir. Mnv A. nt 0 i.i..i frl EAOLKS- KAMI. All NW&i ml AIM.' tWlron "' "' . ww ...... ... ..,,,,,, COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Drops Another to Vernon Oaklands Wins Again. There's Just One Girl You may care to present with a e ring. Mako It us fine as you rati tsr, afford 'engagement and wtsldlng rings engraved FUHH of charge- Wo also have a benutlful line of Hmocht's, llracolols. Lockets, 'tlnfi, Watches nnd Fobs at iva- ynalQi) prices- Call lu nud see h them. Red Cross Jewelry Department Flue watch repairing promptly done. STANDlN'a OF TKAMS W. L. P.O. Onkland 21 C .778 Vernon 13 12 .550 San Francisco ...12 13 .500 Sacramento 12 15 AH Los Angeles ....12 15 .411 Portland 7 17 .292 Frlergthi. and neighbors iiMr, and Mrs. Claroncc Could, who ero mure rlod lasa week, aro phinnlui; n big re coptloiv for ttru ut tholr aow homo noar -illugnny noxt MoiMlny even ing. O Clarr Huberts and .MUsitfyblo Droke -wore married nt tho MitrBhllold Meth odist uhurch parsonngu Tliursday ev enlnr. the Rev. II. I. Rntlodge oil) clatthg. W. M. Cox Ms tho onlg wltiptHH. Mr. RobertH came horo houktIiiio ago from Portland. His brldo arrived horo from Portland on tlHttbtst Ilrenkwatorv After tho cejw moBy thero was a pleasant wedding alauer at Tho Chumflor whoro. Mr. Huberts nnd brldo. ar making tholr Itaimo for tho present. Many frhtnds will wish them n long and happy woddod llfo. O Tho nows of til umrrlngo off John A. Juzn, who will bo woll-remom-borod ns having lived horo threo or four years ago and us a prominent mombor of th younger sot, nnd Miss Klla May Johnson of CoquUlo, wilt bo of greati Interest to tho many friends of the couplo on the Hay and In tho Vnlloy. Mr. nnd Mrs John Juzn, will probnbly llvo in Co quillo. PORTLAND, Oro., May 4 Port land droppod another to Vornou yes terday and Oakland continued Its winning streak. Tho Coast Loague rosults yostorday wero: At Portland R. H. K. Portland 2 G 1 Vernon 7 11 0 At Snn Francisco R, San Francisco ,3 Sacramento . . . 2 At Los Angoles R. Los Angeles 7 Oakland 13 H. 7 5 H. R. 8 1 19 1 CARD OF TIIAXKS Wo heroby wish to express publicly our henrtfelt thanks and appreciation of tho ninny kind nets shown us dur ing tho fatal illness of our mother, Mrs. F. R. Taylor. We especially wish To thank those who sent tho ninny beautiful floral offerings. MR. nnd MRS. E. L. PIERCE, MRS. J. J. WOODS. MRS. R. N. DUCKETT, FRANK PIERCE, MRS. W. W. PARKS. good Clothes $8.50 up to $25.00 At any price value should bo the prime considera tionit is with us. No matter if your limit fori suit is $8.50 or up to the best, we are positive that more valuo. can not be obtained elsewhere. Tho service we render is not figured in- though it makes this a desirable store in which to trade. "We have realty established a high standard of styH fabrics and service and best of all, a standard (-( values. The most you can expect from others is the least w can do for vou'.. Marshfield FIXUP NorABenJ CATHOLIC UAKAAlt Tho bazaar to bo ijtvon by the Ind ies of St, Monica's Catholic church will open noxt Thursday evening nt the formor Tabernacle bulldlnir. Plans to make It tho blggoat and boat nffalr of tho kind ovor conducted In Marshflold have boon porfocted by tho members of tho church and it Is oxpoctod that It will draw a largo at tendance. It will bo opened Thurs day ovenlng at C o'clock with a five course dinner. A llvo piece orches tra will furnish tho music for the dances each ovenlng, Tho bazaar will open Friday and Saturday after noons nt 2 o'clock nnd refreshments will bo served each day. Tho awards In tho various contests will bo mndo Saturday ovenlng. Tho bazaar will bo In charge of Rov. Father Munro and the ladles organization, the ofll cers of which are: Presidents Mrs. A. H. Powers nnd Mrs. Eugene O'Connoll. Secretary Mrs. Jas. Cowan. Treasurer Mrs. Peter Dolan. Soliciting Committee Mrs. Mary Early and Mrs. Anna Iilanchfleld. Refreshment Committer Mrs. Dol. an, Mrs. Wall and Mrs. Kamraer- or. Entertainment Commlttee Miss Ma mie Mnhoney, Mrs. Hugh McLaln and J. H. Flanagan. Printing Mrs. Jas. Cowan. Tho booths will bo In charge of BANK STATEMENT OF CONDITION" OF , FLANAGAN & BENNETT MAHSHFIELU, OREGON At tho .?Ut.e or business,. April IS,. 1012. Loans and Discounts. - ' H'lilh Ranking Ho-iso "' Cash and Ewhnnges - J. Tom, T.lfi LIABILITIES. , ..ilH Capital Stwk. paid lu ', f iciillt Deposits J". V"i0 CONDENSED STATEMENT Vjii Of The First National Bank of Coos M At tbo clobe, of business Aiil 1 l018' RESOIJItCES. Loans and discounts Bonds, warrants and eecurltles. ' U. S. bonds to secure circulation Real estate, furniture and fixtures Cash and sight xchange tioMw; 11,111 IJ,tll U10 Total LIABILITIES. . Capital stock paid In surplus and undivided profits Clrplllntlnn. nlliannlln - - " -""" UM.U,M.W.U, . . . ueposus. Total. 55?' . MMtlOV lu addition to Capital Stock tho individual liability ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEr08 W. S. CHANDLER. President, M. C. HORTON, YK DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier,