MAKING MARSHFIELD A CITY BEAUTIFUL Your Savings JI'b not so much the amount you cam, as it is the amount you save that puts you ahead in a financial way. Lach month you should lay aside a portion of your earnings and place that amount where it will pay dividends. Marshfield real estate will do it; it's better than a savings bank will pay higher interest and is nhsolnfnlv wif n. A f nw ,lnl- iihsnliirnlv lars invested monthly in roar estate in a growing city has been many a person'; Why not your's; when Marshfield offers you the opportunity of a lifetime? I . i ,. , ,:$ . . i now. s start. Start First Addition to Marshfield (It's the location) that make "spec- enable you to i our office for plats and tomorrow take your Sunday walk to Bastport, the location of our property. Reynolds Development Co. In this Addition wo arc selling the best property in the city at prices ulation" a certainty. We'll make terms to suit YOTT; terms that will open a savings account that will pay dividends from the start. Come to Owners Coke Bldg. Opposite the Chandler. ;ity Auto Service Good Cars. Caroful Drlvors nnd .11. -l.HMnnrt nilH t l I T O BfUOMOlO Climb""- wu. ...w.vw. hVIII go anywiicro at nny umo. 5'wdl DUnco lioioi aim intuitu (ir Store. Day Phonos 78 anil 40 TlhtPhone 46. MRKER A GOODALE. proprietor. Jnique Pantatorium HE MODERN DYERS. OliKANKIlfl. IRESSER8 and HAT RENOVATORS kftst (or Edward E. strains & go. Eti Tailoring Lot ui raak your Kit Salt. 5 Commercial. Ptinao SflQ-X. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY wonderM New hiqo Sow on mmm 4 n for the m ffib ill Come in and see the latest and newest labor saver farmer a true marvel of mechanical genius the : it'I-rJ . rl'5 A.JL7-, jTJL..-1 J3n4CiJrl.--n-iiR tRi1J!lV MfJiTTf A.JLTSQKSmPV nrri .-iKH"nrrn3 vi -.' ii" t.'- iw 'Ti f r. x-i .'. "l ; i v. irf .-. c"niTifn -ri foag.2&5K Sec the Pulley for Running Light Machinery Vr-A. j. iiendky's Modern Dcntnl Parlor. Wi ire eaulDpod to do high clan rk on ihort notlco at tho very A ben prices. Examination freo. idy attendnnt, Coko building, oppo- r Chandler hotol, phono 112-J. S3 3i ff. DENNETT, Lawyer. )Sw ow Flanagan & Dennett Dank IiriMIeld Oregon VI. i. T. McCOHMAO. Physician and Burgoon Marshfield, Oregon. p!e: Lockhart 3ulldlnr. Opposite post ofllro. Phono 10G-J Ijto Lambeth Frod Nemlo ' Cadillac Auto Service Cood Cars Reasonable- Rntcs All Night Scrvlco Careful ilrlvlnir nSHiirnd. ' Fhone Dlanrn Pool Tlnom. 231-R "til U P. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phono J. Palace Restaurant. I ton Auto Call FooteJ MIOXIJ 1II..1 NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Ilotol. TWO NI3W OARS After 11 p. m. Phono 5-J Resldonco Phono 28-J JVI1I nml;e (rips (o Coqulllo. You ii'-T F'w nnythlmi 'ike it before nothlnU Hlto it 1ms EVLtt BLr-N MAT)E. It makes a wliulir.ill n'.imp into a perfect Power Punipiiii! Plmt in a few minutes, nnJ besides pumpiny, it ruui st") irat r. Jiu n, lUtoktoiie. or nny mnchino ordinnnly run by 3 n fljcclrsl trip to flet oequuinteil with tho most wonderful invention j ... ' . '.... .. nr In tau-n piHim tn SURE. Wo wnnt yOU CVCr BMW. 11'1 umu jimuiuiuwiMiv. - to give you a catalog free. 3Z3Q5aaregB3CTraT3?raTO iHKuCZaEK! EKBLAD (Si. SON Agcnta for HAltLEY-DAVIDSOX mnl INDIAN' MOTOHOYCIiKS. MAKSIIFIIttiD, OUIJfiO.V-- Patent Applied tor OKI A A Correct Insurance Pnftr.v Is very essential. If It Isn't wrrectly written It Isn't lnsur- ce. We wrlto correct policies -In the beat companies. !$. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. rrff HMI'T VACUUM CLEANER For Tbnt BprlnR Ilouseclennlng ASV CHILD CAN OPEBATI3 T1IHM No Dust or Dirt Satisfaction Guarnntccd LIGHT TO HANDLE AND WILL LAST FOll YEA11S TIlY ONE PltlCE ONLY $10.00 C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furniture Store on Coos Bay For All Kinds of Hauling :i SEE The Sign of Good Candy Always Sf.,Ali,i, UUI!EU!V M.I.NTIHK, Clifford Doane pnoNE asi-. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Pbone SW Wc Make Home Lighting Effective and Economical When the lighting solicitor of the Oregon Pow er Company plans a lighting installation ho aims at scientific results and low operating cost. Their object is to please the customer so that he will desire to continue using electric light. Household lighting hills depend much on the character of tho wiring and equipment of lamps, fixtures, shades and reflectors. mleotrio lighting means no matches, dirt, odors or danger. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 Plans for tho "Citj Ik nutlful" con tost nnd the c' '.liln '! " reletting con test havo been completed by tho spe cial commlttco of tho Mnrsufteld Im provement Club, which Iiob tho mat ter In charge Tho following 1b n statement of tho rules nnd regula tions of tho contest: Contest for AdulH mul Children. Members of tho snmo homo may enter but two of tho eight. City districts: No. 1 Fcrndalc, north of Dato street. No. 2 Dato to Commorclnl. No. 3 Commercial to Donnelly. No. 1 Donnelly to Flnnngnn. No. G Flanagan south and oast of Seventh, No. G FInnngnn south and west of Seventh. Tho prizes are ns follows. $50 for tho greatest Improvement made In the nppenranco of tho ontiro homo premises within the city limits. $10 to bo awarded in each of tho six districts for tho best kept old lawn In tho district, $10 to bo nwnrded tn each of tho six districts for best now lawn, scod cd or soddod this season. $5 to bo awarded In ench of tho six districts for tho best streot parking, scoded, soddod or improved this sea son. $G in each of tho six districts for tho moBt improved back ynrd throngs, tho planting of vines nnd shrubbery. $D in ench of tho six districts for tho most beautiful window box, $5 In each of tho six sections for tho grcntest lmprovomont In vacant or unoccupied lot. $G in each of tho six districts for tho finest display of roses on bushoB. Prize Contest for Children Only. Open to chlldron umlor 1C years of ngo. Vcgotablo Garden Contest Slzo 10 foot by 20 feet or ovor. Flower Garden Contest Slzo 24 squnro feet or over. Rules: 1. Eeach child must do tho work in propnrlng his garden. Tho ground may bo plowed or spaded by somq ono olso If desired, 2. Ono or both contests may bo entered. Prizes (Snmo for both contests). First. Ton dollar camera. Second. Rainy wenthor outfit; southwester, coat, boots. Third. Thirty freo admissions to tho moving plcturo show. Fourth. Complete Bet of gnrdon tools. Fifth. Freo picnic for solf and 40 frlondB. HuIch for Fnlr. Prizes to bo offered at tho Flower nnd Vcgtnblo Fnlr In Soptombor. IIuIob: 1. Ench child may enter an mnny contests ns ho wlshoi. 2. Each child intuit do the work! 3. Every boy or girl In Mnrsh flold (undor twenty-ouo) Is ollglblo to outer theso contests. 4. Tho contests will bo dlvldod Into two classes: Class A will lncludo all over twolrji years of ago. Class H will lncludo nit twoltw years of age and undor. G. No child shall mnlco moro than ono entry for each prlzo. G. Thoro must bo n stntoment no rompnnylng ench exhibit signed liy tho parents or guardian of each child to tho effect that tho exhibit has been prepared by tho exhibitor. 7. A first and second prlzo will bo nwnrded In each class. First Prlzo, Merchandise to tho value of $2. GO purchased at nny storo In town. V Second Prlzo. Morchnndlso to.tlu vnluo of $2 purchased at nny storo In town. Vegetables. Pumpkins (Class A and U). Otu) from each exhibitor. Squash (Doth classes). Ono from each exhibitor. Lcttuco (lloth classes). Oa bunch or head from each exhibitor. Ueete (Doth clnsscs). Ono peck from ench oxhlbltor. Cabbage (lloth classes). Ono head from each oxhlbltor. Potatoes (Doth clnsscs). Otto peck from each exhibitor. Carrots (Both classes). Dunch of six from ench exhibitor. Muskmelons (Doth classoa). Oat from each exhibitor. Colory (Doth classes). Ono bunch from ench oxhlbltor. Turnips (Doth classos). Ofl bunch of six from each oxhlbltor. Pnrsloy (Doth classes). Dundh from each oxhlbltor. Strawberries (Doth classos). Ono quart from oaoh exhibitor. DagaB (Doth clasBos). Ono pock from each oxhlbltor. Onions (lloth classes). Ono peck from onch exhibitor. Flowers. Sweot Pens (Doth clnflsos). Dot quet; slzo nnd varloty cotiBldorcd. Astors (Doth classos). Douquel;. slzo nnd vnrloty conBldorod. Dahlias (Doth clnsBos). Douque; slzo and vnrloty considered. Chrysanthemums (Doth classes). Douquet. size and vnrloty consid ered. Phlox (Doth classos). Douquot; bIzo and vnrloty considered. Nasturtiums (Doth clnBBos). Dou quot; bIzo nnd varloty conBldorod, Carnations (Doth classes) . Dou quot; alio nnd varloty conBldorod. Cosmos (Doth classes). Douquol; size and vnrloty conBldorod, Poppy (Doth OlnsBcs). Douquot; , slzo and vnrloty considered. Marigold (Doth classos). Dou quel; slzo nnd vnrloty conBldorod. voruona (Hotn ciaBsos). uou In preparing his exhibit. Ground quel; bIzo nnd vnrloty conBldorod. mny bo plowed or upadod by Bomoj Entries for tho Fnlr contest npo&f ono elso. not bo mado until Soptombor. ENTKY DliANK For n Mnrtdifloltl Ilcniiflfiil. Thoro must bo n sepnrato entry blnng for each Individual coutostunt. Nnino ., Aro (If n child) . Resldonco location ., SPKCIFV CONTEST Mnko n cross In tho spaco opposlto tho contests for which this Is an entry. ADUIrfl AND CHILDREN. , , , Not moro thnn two of tho eight listed Just bolow mny bo ontorod by members of tho snnio homo. 1. Grand spcclnl 2. Dest old Inwn 3. Dost now lnwn 4. Dost streot pnrklng , G. Flno roBcs G. Dockyard lmprovomont 7. -Window-box . .'. 8. lmprovomont in vncnnt lot CHILDREN. Tl o ngo limit Is sixteen years. Slzo of vcgotnblo gnrdon 10 x 20. Slzo of flower gnrdon 30 squnro foot. Sond nil blnnkt to Mayor 13. E. Straw or Supt. F. Tlcdgon, on or boforo Mny 30. 1912. fWWW"V"V"" THE RESTLESS MAN. I'm truly sorry for tho gent who, whon tho tollsomo day Is npont, won't by his fireside llngor; who enn't bo ronely sit nnd rend "Robollion", "Money Moon", or "Quood", or t'oth ormoht humdinger. Tho llroaldo pleasures ho will dodgo; nnd Bnya "I hnvo to go to lodgo nu outside gunrd, donr Sallloj tomorrow night I hnvo to go to act nB ushor nt n show, next night I 'tond n rnlly." HIh patlont wlfo Just honves n sigh and wipes tho briny from hor oyo nnd nnd nnd dis contented, alio murmurs now nnd then: "I wish thnt husbands nnd that kind of fish had novor boon Invontod! I used to lot my fnncles roam, and pictured nuch n happy homo, with ov nnliics lontr nnd cheery: nlan my Iiub- lmnd'B brnlns turn sour If ho must stnv hero half nn hour It suroly mnkoB mo wonryl" For pleasant nvnnlncs bv your sldo porhnps tho Hri vnn mndo yoiir brldo Is yonrn inc. too. nnd nnntlng? Dlsgustod with hor Moated Grnngo It would not soom bo pnsslng strange If sho goes gallivanting. MotninKB uini mnny of tho dames who piny tho frnntlc Buffrngo games nro thoro by hus bands drlvon, who, whon thoy toddle homo at all, go much llko Dobbin to his Btoll, to oat tho grub that'B glvon. WAir jmahu.-n. m CONCERT R E S HAND DANCE SATURDAY ovon Ing. May 4. at 9 o'clock Bhnrp at EAGLES' HALL. All NEW MUSIC. YOU ARE INVITED. PROGRAM FOR ENTERTAINMENT TOMORROW AITERNOONj WILL RE AT PARK IK WEATHER PEIt MITS. Director Fenton of tho Coos Day Concert Hand todny nnnouncod tho program for tho concert to bo given tomorrow afternoon nt 230. If tho wonthor Ib unfavorable, tho coucort will bo glvon nt tho Masonlo Opera Ilnuso. Tho program U na follows: Mnrch, "Fnlrest of the Fnlr", .Souhu Overturo, "Jolly Robbora". . ..Huppo Wnltz, "Tho Pink Lady" Cnryll Intermezzo, "In n GnrMon of Mel ody" Sudds Mnrpniui. "WhlsnorlnK FlowcrB'Mllon Selection. "Arllno" Dalto Mnrrh. "Frnsnitl" . . . . CnBro TrKlWi nnn'l ICCtO tnyiubitUut. A. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOtrUlnlUlltffori'nverUhurM. Niuuiurii Trouble. T lilnorilerii, na lie (.n. Th..llrnHli UI k, inaitToan. AI ll KruKjii. Pt ttuntU muled rllKK. AddiM.u S, OLMSTED, L Roy, N.T. II en tin ii be, iuio I'ee I e 'iiCuUI HKlalS. 1 1444, Times Want Ads Bring Results - "? 2SS iinauaiaco. iSH m n Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Wuklutti, u. a