. r. - ..t-jt, mnttfrft. ji.wasasia'SjBCaBiBBKii-,liwi"'--'--- 2 PM,II, IHIIIIIIIIH" IIH1II HBIWlii liWWWMWWWHiWi" i UsssW III .CONTRIBUTIONS concerning eosial happenings, intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later than 0 o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will be allowed only In casos where events occur lator than the tlmo mentioned.) , . IlItlUGK. WJoy got mo Into a Bridge gnmo and hour uftor hour I Bat ASrosn from a dlgnlflod lady (nud n Brldgo Whist shark at that) I played In my finest manner (which isn't n thing to boast), But tho glaro of my angry partnor was souring mo to n toast; For flho know all tho rulos of play ing tho nbsoluto rigid dope, Aifp thought mo a porfoct ninny, a person beyond all hope, For Brldgo was a sorlous business, a vital affair of fato, Ami whonovor I mado an error I was guilty of crimes of stato. Now, I'm fond of a llttlo card gamo nud tlcklod to doath to play, But when I am looking for study I'll got It another way, Far I am n frivolous porson when rocroatlon I scok, And I hato (o sit In nllouco and pon dor my hand a wcok, Atfd frown of n wrathful partnor dis orders my brand of gamo Anil tho stnllo of martyred mookness displeases ma Just tho same, And If I must spend my leisure away from frivolity I'll uso It studying Sanscrit but nix on tho Brldgo for mol O THE paHtor of tho Baptist church which John I), ltockofollor at tends when ho Ih In Olovoland, 0 says Nlxola Smith, has put forth Homo rules of conduct for mnrrlod xmon which ho calls "Don'ts for Hub bjinilH" nnd which uro guaranteed to contain tho Bolutlon of tho dlvorco evil and tho method for the painless pursuit of perfection which (theoret ically unyhow) all men aro seeking. This new code of conduct for Iiub i bntids Is dlvldod Into ton prohlbl- tlons or "don'tH" which wo will con nldor In order: "Don't forgot your wlfo wunts to bo lovod as much attor murrlago ns boforo." Sho doos want to bo lovod, un doubtedly, but If you hnvo to tie a knot In your pocket handkerchief In ordor that you mny not forgot tho nunlvoi-Hary of your wuildlng or your wife's birthday, don't, think that sho -will bo docolvod uh to tho Bpontnn olty of your nffoctlon or your gift. In love the stupidest woman In tho world Is a wizard of perception and umlorHtnndlng compared with tho iiinHt Htihtlo nud HoiiRltlvo mnu. lu tho Intorests of her own hnppt mors flhe mny docolvo hersolf iib to tho (Uinllty nnd forvor of a man'B dovotlon, but tho man can not do colvo her. women have not been HDoclallslB In lovo for ton thousand yaurH without learning far moro of Its nature and Ills than over comes to tho makeshift knowledge, tho sinut- itorlug experimentation or the gonor . l prnctltlonor. man. Many women protond to he foolod ' by w.irmod over affections, but thero Isn't one that doesn't know whon .nho'fl uettlng an emotional rochnufro The husband who roally loves his wlfo doesn't need clorlcal reminders to toll hor of It. Tho cold storago vnrloty of lovo doesn't fool hor n minute, though -moro's tho pity uho hasn't always tho courage to jiinko It known. Mr. Rockefeller's pastor doos not develop any groat Insight Into tho feminine character In Ills second rule for huBtmmls. "Don't arrange for your second mnrriaue before your Ilrst wife Is olther ileail or dlvorcotl," No man over arranged a. murrlago --his own or another's, It Is pre sumed that tho hnldor of a first mortgage on a man's heart Is sutll- clently alive to hor Interests to see that ho doesn't give a second till hor ilulins aro nut lulled, A wife owes hor husband the pro tection man's universally changing affections nocossltato IIlco tho pres ident of tho Unltod States, she Is able to succeod herself or name her uuccossor. And she doesn't, need a steam rol lor, either, to enforce her claim. "Don't compel your wife to osk for ' cent overy time she needs one," Is tho third rulo for husband. I don't agree with this, After all, sho ought to do something to earn tho money. "Don't expect your wife to work fourteen hours a day whllo you work only eight." This Is outrageous. No woman should he expected to do nil her shop ping an I lunching and bridge play ing and going In fourteen hours. "Don't enrry nil your religion In your wlfo's nnmo." That's the best place for It Then tlioho ghastly crodltors Life and Bxpoiletuo can't take It nwny from you. You'll liavo something to con sole you In your old age and you won't be nfrnld to dlo. "Dou't lot tho nolghbors pity your chlldrou because you aro their fath er" I dou't see how anyone who has passed tho primary grado of exper ience can Indorse this remark. Lot tho n dghbors pity anybody they THE COOS BAY SOCIAL CALENDAR TONIGHT. Coos Bay Concert Band danco Mrs. A. B. Adolsporgor, Brldgo Lunchoon. SUNDAY Coos Bay Concert Band, con- cert nt City Park. MONDAY C. I. E. Club with Miss Edith Hlldonbrand. TUESDAY Enstorn Stnr social session Slstors of Bothany with Mrs. P. A. Sandborg. WEDNESDAY Norwegian Luthornn Young Pooplo's Society, social Jolly Dozen with Mrs. J. Brockmlllor. Brldgo Club with MrB. W. T. Morchant. THURSDAY A. N. W. with Mrs. E. 0. Flanagan. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Rhodes. Cordiality Club with Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Campboll. Ladles of St. Monica's bazaar FRIDAY Ladlos' Art Club with Mrs. W.- B Curtis. Catholic Ladlos Fair. SATURDAY Modern Woodmou ot Amorlca danco. Catholic Ladles ball and ba- znar. havo tlmo and Inclination to pity you can't stop thorn. "Porfoct lovo enstoth out fear," wo havo been tpld. But fear castoth out lovo iib well and of nil forms of fear tho lowest and tho moBt fntal in Its consoquontcB Is tho drond of what tho neighbors will suy. Just think what a load would bo lifted from tho world Ifi wo all stop ped worrying about whother tho nolghbors will pity tho children or not nnd yot tho pity of tho neigh bors Iiob a certain bnromotrlc vnluo. If they didn't pity our offspring wo might havo no monns of .assuring ourselves that wo wore bringing them up proporly. "Don't gossip mon should not encroach on a woman's prlvllogo." This error mny bo pardoned. Men don't gossip to clergymen. Tholr gos sip Is not of that sort. Women do. But tho gossip of wo mon concerns mainly tho mlsdo moanora of llfo. A mnn seldom thinks of mentioning that his frlond has boon guilty of anything less than a capital crlmo. Iltlt If you bollovo what ho says about another whon ho gets roally confidential and ho Is most con fidential whon ho Is warning a wo man against nnothor man you will wonder why ho doesn't toll his trou bles to tho pollco station Instead of to you. "Don't try to run a 40 horsopowor automobile on n I horsopowor sal ttry." This Is splendid ndvlco. But It strikes nt tho basic principles of our social llfo. Fow Americans would, find llfo worth living without its pretenses. "Don't livo boyond your monns or according to your moanness." This scorns to bo tho same ns num ber nine. "Don't forgot tho host logacy you can leave your family Is tho memory of n good husband and a kind fath or." This Is truo, but wo will all moot our opltaphs soon enough, Wo mny have to dlo to got them, but wo don't havo to llvo to desorvo thorn. Our families need moro time, and less money from tholr husbandB nnd fathers -moro lovo and small and moro romoto logaclos, o MAY-DAY BREAKFAST Tho nine-thirty Mny-dny breakfast given Wednesday by Mrs. F. K. aettlns nt hor homo In South Mnrsh flold In honor of hor ststor, Mrs. W. A. Hold, was a triumph of beauty and art. Rooms nnd halls woro de corated with rhododendrons and apple-blossoms and brnnches of feather hnckloberry, and In tho bronkfnst room tho walls euclosod a fairy bow er of pluk nnd white in lengths and bows of pink Illusion. Ribbon wrapped hooks from tho hidden coil ing droppod pink ropos to tho tables whoro nt each place stood tho daint iest of favors lavender May-baskets over-flowing with fragrant apple blossoms, A Inrgor pink and sllvor baskot. drooping lilncs from lis brim, formed tho ' contro ploco of tho charming display. Some of tho 11 I luslon effects woro so artistic that ' It was hinted they wero obtained from tho East or porhaps from abroad. Tho dnlnty tables wero waited on by three whlto-cappod mnlds, whlto gowned with chorry colorod ribbons, Mrs. Efllo Fnrrlnger, Miss Agnes Hutcheson and Miss Eve lyn Andorson. Plnco cards woro lavender and pink tinted baskets. Faors wero laid for only four at the tnblo of honor rt which Mrs. Hold sat, nnd tho guests woro re quired to draw from, n ribbon lottery to determine to whom tho favors should fall. Mrs. F, G. Hortou, by drawing ono of tho three marked streamers, was chosen queen of tho May, whllo Mrs. F. M. Parsons and Mrs. Dorsoy Kreltzer woro mado I TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, PERSONAL notices ot tlsltors In the. city, or of Coos Bay peopla who visit in othor oltlos. together with, notices of social affairs, ar gladly received In tho social do partmont. Tolephono 1S3. No tices of club mootlnca will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish sams. rcspoctlvoly first and second maids of honor. hus completing tho royal bonrd. A boautlful May baskot was won by Mrs. J. T. Sullivan ns first prizo at Brldgo, whllo Mrs. S. C. Small was awarded tho consolation favor. Among tho guests Invited woro Mrs. W. A. Reld, Mrs. C. A. Sohlbredo, Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll, Mrs. A. L. Ilousoworth, Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzor, Mrs. J. T. Sullivan of Ban don, Mrs. L. C. Soronson of Bandon, Mrs. A. II. Powors, Mrs. F. G. Hor ton, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. J. W. Bonnott, Mrs. D. C. Greono, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Jr., Mrs. M. O. Horton, Mrs. F. B. Haguo, Mrs. J. Albort Matson. Mrs. E. Mln gim, Mrs. Wm. Dungan, Mrs. W. F. Mlllor, Mrs. A. Rnlpho O'Brlon, Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgnn, Mrs. E. F. Morrlssoy, Mrs. A. E. Noff, Mrs. W. F. McEl downoy, Mrs. 8. C. Small, Mrs. II. S. Towor, Mrs. Wm. Grimes, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs. T. C. Russoll of Beaver Hill, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. E. W. Knramoror, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, Mrs. E. E. Straw, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, Mrs. E. S. Bargolt, Mrs. F. W. Greonough of Bnndon, Mrs. S. C. Endlcott of Bandon. Mrs. T?m, Fnrrlnirnr. MIhr O'Brien. MlsSCS Nora Towor, Agnes Hutcheson, Evo- lyn Anderson nnu uorn iuao aioni goraory. - 1UCCIPE SHOWER Miss Charlotto Murch was guest of honor nt a dainty roclpo shower given by Miss Mnmlo Mahonoy Tues day nftornoon. Bostdcs tho Brldgo nt which Mra. Willis Konnody won tho prlzo, a lovely bouquet of carna tions, tho lunchoon tnblo furnished tho chlof attraction. A gny llttlo May pole stood In tho contor stretch ing ribbon stronmora to tho tablo whoro at oach placo was n minia ture Mny basket. Tio shower was In tho form of a bouquot of npplo blossoms nbout which, like snowy butterflies, fluttered tho foldod re clpos. Tho whole tnblo with Its flor al decorations nnd menu of pink nud whlto wnB vory protty nnd offectlvo Among Miss Mnhonoy's invited guests woro Miss Charlotto Murch, Mrs, E. MtngUB, Miss Ednn Lowls, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. W. II. Ken nody, Mrs. Geo. F. Murch, Mrs. Toz or, Mrs. J. T. McCormnc, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Miss Evolyn Andorson, Miss Agnes Hutcheson, Miss Roso Stein nnd Miss Allco Butler. bridge luncheon Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgor Is enter taining this nftornoon nt lunchoon nnd olovon tables of Brldgo. Rho dodendrons decorate ono room, whllo forget-me-nots nud othor dnlnty blue flowors sot tho koy-noto of bluo for tho othor. Tho luncheon tables aro vory pretty with small May-baskets filled with nuts as favors. Bnskeis of bluo nnd yellow with appropriate flowors dock somo of tho tables; pink nnd green othors; nnd Invondor nnd whlto tho rest. Tho favors aro tloJ with lllles-of-tho-valloy nnd forgot-mo-nots nnd baby ribbon of tho same hue, nnd colored ribbon bows stretch from thorn to tho contres of tho ta bles whoro stand Inrgor May bnskots as centre-pieces. Mrs. Adolsporgor is assisted In serving by Miss Char lotto Murch, Mrs, E, M, Barry and Mrs. W. II. Kennedy. Among hor guests nro Mesdamos C. K. Perry, S. C, Small, Chns. Van Duyn, A. L. Marker. Mnttle Tozor. It. K. Booth, II. S. Towor, E. S. Bargolt, F. M. ParsouB, J. T. Harrlgan, C. R. Peck, A. E. Noff, W. A. Toyo, B. M. Barry, L. G. Johnson of Myrtlo Point, J. O. Stemmlor of Myrtlo Point, A. II. Powors, Ward M. Bluko, G, F. Murch. II. H. Davis, W. F. Mlllor. A. B. Campbell, O. S. Torroy, Franklin Birch. C. F. McKnlght, W. S. Nichol son, L. W. Trnvor, F. G. Horton, John Hanson, W. F. McEldowney, A. L. Butz, A. T, Hnlncs, Dorsoy Krolt zor, W. II. Konnody, E. B. Straw, G. W. Kaufman, Eugono Crosthwult, P. A. Sandb'org, 0. W. Tower, F. A. Tledgon, A. Rnlpho O'Brien, M. C. Mnlonoy, F. B. I.eofo, Enrl Downing, W. N. Ekblnd. J. W. Bennett. A. L, Ilousoworth, D. Y. Stafford. Win. Scott. Jr., D. C. Vaughan, C. F. Me George. B, F. Morrlssoy, D. C, Oreeno, Claudo Nnsburg, 1. S'. Kauf man. F. E. Hague. W. A. Reld. R. T. Street, C. F. Hoffman, Robert B. Browning, S, D. Harpor, J. Suth erland. W. H. Perkins, Esthor Con vorse. L. W. Holmberg, B. W. Olson, David Nelson, Anson Rogers, N. Itnsmusson, and L. Doblo, and Misses Ada McConnoll, Cora Mao Montgom ery, Charlotte Murch, Agues Hutche son and Evolyn Audorson. 0 LODGE RECEPTION Tuesday evening at tho Finnish Hall the Royal Neighbors of North Bond were guests of honor nt a re ception and banquet given them by their sister order, tho Marshfield Royal Neighbors. On tho reception SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1912- commltteo woro Mrs. E. E. Kolly, Mrs. C. II. Wnltor, nnd Mrs. A. Z. Downs. Tho hall and dining-room, whoro tho banquet was held, woro charmingly decorated with rhododen drons and hill greens. Prior to tho banquet a program Prepared by tho ontortalnmont commlttoo, Miss Slgna Larson, Miss Esthor Nelson, Mrs. Galo, nnd Chas. Knox, nnd presided over by tho oraclo, Mrs. C. II. La Chapollo, was woll rondored nnd was grontly onjoyod by tho audience. Tho program follows: DU0t piano nnd Mandolin . . . . Miss Esthor Nolson and MIsb Slg na Larson. Reading Mrs. A. Z. Downs Whistling Solo ....Irmond Carlson Rocltntlon Mnrgnrct Lund Piano Solo Howard Kolly ttocitatlon Myrtle Nelson Piano Solo Kuth Hong and Recitation Wllma "iBlan Vocal Solo Mrs. E. E. Kelly Piano Solo Esthor Su Ilvnn Bonding Miss Inez Bnldw n llecltntton Mnb10,1 f "! Reading Mrs. E. E. Kolly UomnrkB Mr. Starr, tho Woodmnn Deputy Following tho program enmo tho big bnnquot and a social hour with music and chnt. Tho refreshment commlttoo numborcd three, Mrs. 0. O. Lund, Mrs. G. N. Bolt nnd Mrs. Chns. La Chapollo. Among thoso prosont woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnlter Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Andrews, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Chapollo, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. O. Lund, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Hong land, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Olson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gnlo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Hydon, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. La Chapollo, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wnlter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thon. J. Scnifo, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bolt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. La Chapollo, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kolly, MosdnmoB Mnrgnret La Chapollo, J. Winifred Bnscom, Roso Wolllng, A. J. Carlson, Irwin Nel son, J. B. Jacobs, Hattlo C. Cousins, Mario Llvongood, JnmoB A. Nnglo, Helen Baldwin, E. W. Sulllvnn, Wnr mr v nirrnn. i.nurn Iliniinlirov. A. H. McKny, 8. J. Immol. Messrs. A. I L. Ilousoworth, Jolin ii. Starr, uuy C. Luttln, F. McDonnld, Fred E. HIIJ, 0. J. Knox, Bnrtlott Knox, Leo La Chapollo, Rub. S. F. V. Nasburg, and CIiob. Skorltt, MIssob Ellon A. Ogren, Esthor Nolson, Slgna Larson. Per- Yooir Wife amdl Yoimr Sweetheart Are the Best Jundlges of Youir Clothes A man who forgets this losos money, lor he does not got full value for his cl( thos cost. Briny your wife or your sweetheart or your sister in here and let her see ijou in a soft front roll lapel hiyh vest Stcin-Bloch Spring "Standard" Sack Suit. We are one of tho few clothing dealers in this town who can risk such an invitation. Try on today. WALK-OVER P'AMOrs U1W Magmas EVEWIWG EDITIOM- trudo Scalfo, Vivian Craig, Esthor Sullivan, Margarot Lund, Ruby Pit man, Myrtlo Nolson, Anna Downs, Bontrko Carlson, Wilmn Hongland, Ruth Hongland, GlndyB Dlmont, Julia Olson, Inoz Baldwin, Mabol Crnlg, Ada Clawson, Joy Hill, Myrlo Gordlor, Eugonln Nool.Lllllnn Thor wold and Lucy Thorwnld; MnBtors Eugene Kolly, Byron Crnlg, Irmond Carlson, Geo. A. Graham, W. Hill, Howard Kolly, Homer Craig and Duncan Scalfo. DEM0RE8T CONTESTS . Thursday ovoning, May 9, bIx boys from tho Marshflold High School nnd Grammnr Grades will contest for tho Domorost sllvor modal as part of tho program propnrod by tho Marshflold W. C. T. U. Tho following boyB will tako part in this progrnra, tho second of tho sorlcs Inaugurated by tho W. C T. U.: Loo Byorly, Leslie Isaac son, Hnrvoy Walter, Horace Rnhs kopf, Chester iBnacson nnd Arthur Kolstnd. Mrs. Robeccn Luso-Stump Is In chargo of tho program nnd Is training tho contestants In delivery. Tho Domorost sllvor modnt contost that waB ropoatod In North Bond Inst night under tho direction or Mrs. Rebecca Stump resulted In victory for Miss Evolyn Lnngworthy. All of tho orations woro prnlso-worthy nnd It wns only nfter hesitation that tho Judges' doclslon wns given to Miss Lnngworthy. Tho Judges woro Mrs. Cnvnnaugh, Prof. J. F. Grubbs, and Miss Josophlno Grlllln. A num bor of Marshflold pcoplo nttondod. " , DANCES Tho Mnrshflold Lodgo of ElkB Is nrrnnglng for a big ball In cplobra tlon of Ub fourth anniversary. Tho ball will bo on or nbout Juno 20. It Is plnnnod to havo tho momborB nttend In tholr unlfdrniB nnd tho music will probably bo furnlshod by tho full band. Thoro Ib Bomo tnlk of giving n donco boforo that dnto, but this Is rather Indoflnlto. Among tho ElkB who hnvo ordorod special uniforms nnd signified their Intention of attending tho Grand Lodgo mooting nt Portlnnd nro tjio following: C. B. Gilbert. R. II. S40.00 HOES THAT SATISFY (trni 'That's our Motto" And do you know to "Make- CJood" that short sentence requires the strictest atten tion to all details of shoo buying. To live up to that thought we buy shoes that havo by merit won the confidence of the public and no other make has done this as the kind we carrv. and UAXXAN SHOES-FOB MlilN CROSS SHOES for WOMEN & Matsoim Rosa, II. J. McDIarmhJnrl nor, A. T. Haines, J w60,',11- E. Hullnir. Til nl L J' ? Mill,, ? aD.McAVthurrrF Y .Stafford, Join, 3,2 H? goltTTn: Powers, WJX .3,.H,A.Welli.nLEH rum, Frank Grant, Mn in Dan Mnlonoy, F. m ti Ml! ji... W. 0. Swain, M. j. Vi Mnrhoffor, W. RosX"' Fish, J. P. cox, P. N ni L. Dorgman, Hugh McUln fe dron, R. J. Montgomery 'i?,0 a-ILKVloVllVrMii'M Pointer, W. H. KcnS V'1 Keating, J. j. KroB?' , iiiiuiiiuers, "; Tho Bastsldo Social and i.v, , Club la planning f, . i.:"VAttl social tlmo In Its club rZ'$ ovoning. Numerous wltiffii been Issued. ,uy1Uom Tho last of tho sorlcs ol mw, dances bolng given at thinSS Hull by tho Moclnrn W-V"?1 s-.r i b" Thn nnnnlinll Tlnnnni ,-- Inat Saturday at tho Eagle.' M,l vory successful and largely iCIj wnrlftnir nvunnonn 11.-... - " ''"""-g mo wan). Tho Coos Bay Concert Band in glvo u danco tonight at th, Ev Hnll nnd nro planning to tn -tt outfits nu IML'tUU laejDltlrl. 0 Tho North Bend TonnljClibM n vory pleasant dance hit SattS nvnnlnir In Nnrlli Hon,! it,. of which nro to go toward ls Ing tho courts nnd buying nevtv niont. A good many peop! attttW but tho crowd that wit expecUi iruui iMurniiuum uiu noiCOOtt 0 Tho soml-monthly dances tittn bolng given by tho Marshfield Di Ing Club will bo varied to delay & I f1 tll.Arl mk ns. It w'""utu ua yn . .i. and the