IAD HABITS ARE COSTLY LUXURIES, NO MAN IS RICH ENOUGH TO AFFORD THEM! (Hoes lag trns ffS rut Your Ileal EaUto "la WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIME Will Kwp tlio Income from Tow Funitdlicd Rooms from Lnplul YOU can roally help tho ftully revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you knuw how nd when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that llltlo extra Income na "steady as a clock." the Market" Kirccuveiyi ... ..... h fact about your JLXbK. '.h0 f?" of I1 L?0?: I".. hiivors '" wwu. "u i . one of tnem tpHBCMt. MUM II Kit OK ASSOCIATED PRKSS OL XXXV ifttiitillslicd l 17H Tlio Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1912 EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES. CoiiHolldntlon of Times, Coast Mull and Coot Hay Advertiser. No. 249 11H ! m rin imi m mi ii - - " -"- i iMMMHmJiHHMHMarfHUNnMHimMNnaWMMMMIMHBMBBMn SSIPPI RIVER FLOOD IS ROOSEVELT NOT SUFFRAGE LEADER MAY GRANT SECOND' FRANCHISE " GROWING WORSE IN LOUISIANA . I---, Uinlinn nt trearn uneruut .VUu.. . New urieana iuj tver dbiuic- Iufr 125,000 ARE RtNucncu nwifiu-uw Lton Rouge and Surroundinu Section buners ouvciciy . -Loss Heavy. I Auoclatad Pmbs to Coob Day f Tlmei.) LtW ORLEANS, Mny 4. Tho Lv, conation iu i" " ----- P s In.,,.. n trrOW WOrBO. No fot oven those who have dealt K dollar problems, can forocMt 1 .. -i.. if wnlnr over ro- n tn Btroarn. At Now Or- km today, mo wnimi ""li" .. M.i.i l, nlmnat a foot. CB.MrU from lloodod BoctlonB aro .:rl. .innmv charactor. Many Etci are undor wator and It is ostl- ited thlt fully lSU.UUU purauuu uiu ', .n,i xntinn nlnnttitloiiB and rttoatnd sugar mills In ninny plac- i m rulnod. Tlio waior ib uvor k topi of many Iiouboh or nbovo tho nd BOOrS. TIlOUHllliuu ui iJuinuMo . i- jia want' Conditions at Baton Ilougo hourly at worte. A rorco oi ono uiuub ,j . wnrkncl nil nlcht trying to iteat a broak In tho lovoo directly front of that city nnu anoinor m force Is working J"t south of ... rtnnen. Tho CltV IB bllllt On iibhSi and the breaks thoro did o itrloui damngo except in mo MmiIo district, but tho rich Bur- ktllng country will Bunor sovoro- III Hi ipeech at Klkton, Md Taf t Matted that much of lloosovolt'a wort came from tho trusts and ktweiti." GOMEZ RETURNS TO OLD MEXICO Declined Invitation to Partici pate In Great Woman Suf frage Demonstration Today. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Times.) NEW YORK, Mny 4. Flftcon thousand women and mon todny par ticipated In tho groatost Woman Suf frage domonstrntlon In tho history of Now York City. For nearly n. year preparations for tho groat par ado havo boon undor way. Tho pro gram provided olovon divisions lod by an equcBtrlonno squad of ono hun dred riders, a band and a company of outdoor suffragotto orators, each carrying her llttlo greon platform slung llko a nap-sack across hor shoulder. Tho mon who aro said to havo numborcd about three thous and, wero dlsappolntod bocauso Col. Roosevelt had dccltnod to load tholr division LI WALL n U USHES MAN y fcar Twenty or Thirty Were I i.ii.j ! -!.ii ; v- INIIieUIII HUUIUUIH III IU- ronto Today. h Associated Press to Coos Day I Tlmnii.) TORONTO, Out., May 4. Mnny c reported to I uvo noun kiiiou uy tco limn nr n wnii nf n nnur rivn- 1 factory building. Two hundrod ri3nt. mnitK wnmnn mid Millflmn. i' working In It whem tho accldont twred. Several bodies hnvo boon 'owed and It Is foarod that be a tuonty and thirty nro dead. "Jt KArn In lnrjktl IMm lm,.llilln,v n'na - -.v IHJUI V',. i IIU UllllUllll ,, IT Ofriinld luri .,in.,ttia nml U'nfl ?P5:ed to linvo tieon splondldly " me upper mories wore mrom- w'l 2nd rnriianlnrR wnrA nt wnrk Nile a'l buckled. Former Political Leader Goes to Juarez Knowing He Would Become Prisoner. (Dy Associated l'rcss to Coos Day TImo.) EL PA80, May 4. Emlllo Vas- quoi Gomez's purposo In visiting El Paso la a mystery today although It Is conjectured tnnt ms amuition ib to bo president of Mexico. To reporters iin rinrinriin inn viau wna nun nr "pcaco" but ho failed to explain what no mourn, ay ino woru. no uiu not visit Juarez this morning and said that If ho went thoro ho would bo ar rested though there Is a warrant out for him on tho Mexican sldo, but thoro Is consldornblo political oppos ition. Gomoz visited Juarez this after noon and was received by tho rebel officers who practically detain him ns a prisoner ponding the recolpt of Instructions from General Orozco. TAKE AM, FOREIGNERS American TrniiNport to Aid Refugees In fllil Mitlrn. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day 'iimcs.j RAN PltANfMRPO. MnvM. It wriH learnod hero today from nn unofll clnl Bourco that tho War Department ordered tho army transport Duford to tnko on board not only tho Am ericans on tho west coast or .Mexico but tho Drltlsh and Spanish nubJcctB as woll. Tho ordor It Is Bald was sent by wireless to tho Duford from tho Mnro Island navy yard yesterday. Tho Drlllsh consul general, A. C. Robs, of San Francisco, said tho nrmy officials horo hnd been nsked to order lm Tinfnnl in tnko iihonnl Drltlsh subjects and had expressed a wllllng- ncBH to clo bo, providing mien nn ac tion wan sanctioned by tho War De partment. Ho said a large- numbor of Drltlsh subjects woro on tho west const of Mexico, but so for ns ho know thoro was no particular In 8tnnco of peril. Ho does not regard tho Incident as an "Indication of an alllnnco botweon tho two countries In Mexican affairs." TAFT SCORES TEDDY ARCHIBALD iS TODAY "IN BAD" NOW Accuses Roosevelt of Misrep resenting Him and of Being Close to "Bosses." SPIRITS SAY Cr,ARIC WILL RE AT ROOSEVELT . ! Commerce Court Judge May Be Impeached for Work ing Alleged watt. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Times.) WASHINGTON, Muy 4. Attornpy flcnnrnl Wlpknrnham BOnt to tho I Houso Judiciary Commlttoo today tho , results of his Investigation of tho I chargos that Judgo Ilouort w. Arcn 0 FRONT STREET TO S. P. S R LAYING (Special to Tho Times.) mttiifii J. V.. A "Theodoro Roosevelt will bo tho - ; ---"",; f republican nomlnoo nnd Champ thQ rnnroads. Tho Attorney Gonor- Clark tho democratic nomlnoo , 8j( jt j8 Bnjj, rocommondod a further - . ... .. . ..l A. . .1 .,.. tliA hnnil. nf ttm tor prcsiueni mis year uu Champ Clark will ho oloclcd," was tho prophesy mado today by Mrs. Jorry Simpson, widow nf the former noted congress- man. Mrs. Simpson Is a spirit- proposed purchaBO of coal banks uallst and relates several recent owned oy a com company cumruuuu talks with tho spirit of hor hUB- by tho Erlo Railroad. It Ib assorted inat iiiuhu iiiiuo ui iuiu vwu. ,.. to be bought for a comparatively small sum and sold at a profit of 125,000 or 40,000 of which It la chargod that Archibald would ro coivo onothlrd. Tho charges, it Is Investigation nt tho hands of tho commlttco ob to wnother lmpoacn mont proceedings shall bo bogun. Dnn nf tlin Rnoclfla nllCKattOnS mmln nnntnnt Archibald, it iB Bald, , . o- . --. . j was that ho was Intorostod in mo A Immt. 4 COMEZ NAMED NEW rtoiutm (Dy ABSOdatcd Proas to Coob Day TImo.) dent 1-aft began his ttght fortho .op- said, v"? ay-spSyaTodTbVBpoecheB In William Doland of icranton P. Shch to attacked Viovolt. nccus? Bccau.0 of h?rXtt wU ."'"tho ?ort consorted with tho "Dobsob" for Ws duty as n momupr of tho Com 2XnCO"ar8CdwT,..o ho was ,ln 'S&JS&lmt Whlto Houso and now preaches ttotoo Houso against his former suporiors. , ;"dV-,: commltloo. This commlt- li.WAVS WANT IHIYAN too is charged with tho responslblllay IOW ANH WAM imiAW of ,nvCBtgat,ng 8Uch mnttors with a . ... . . - vinu, n ifninrminlnir whothor a nrlmu Plans Mndo to l.nuncii miuiipcuo ...r .- -- - - im,,OBC,lln0nt (Dy AsaoclatedWosB to the Coo. Day ' Pi'OTcSS. 'X Times.. court for fodomi oniclolB. DKS MOINK8, Ia May 4. rianai jirpg(ont Taft In rospoiiHo to Nor- to onglnoor a "stnmpodod" In favor rB. rosoiutlon colling for papora In nr u'm .i. rtrvnn for nrosldont nt tho .,. n. i,wi,.n Arphiimlii ndvlsod stnto democratic convention at Durl- tno toubo r would bo Incomputlblo . ... ... .... t. fillnu' If Itn ... .. t.K- I.Iaaa.1 ,a mntit nil ingion. piny iu. " " wun ino puoiiu nuuivni. iu uu..u by presenting tho Nobraskan's namo tll I)n,,or8 public nt this tlmo. Tho ,n Mm nnllnntil convention dOVOlopod nnnnm Imvn linfinsnnt to tllO Jlldlel- today following n setret conferenco nry COnunltteo of tho Houso for fur of tho Iowa IJryan LonK"oJnBt night. (uor action. T STEEL ON LI Southern Pacific Receives Rails for Coos Bay Road at Eugene. EUGENE, Oro., May 4. Tho Guard says: Tho Southern Pacific compnny todny began work on tho construction of a Bhort spur, with iigni rans, irom ino main nno oi tua road to tho matorlal yard on tho now Coos Day lino. Tho material yard is locatod on tho Jensen placo, betweon uiair sirooi nnu tno mnin irnci. Work also began on tho building to houso materials. Tho stool rails for a fow miles of tho track havo boon ordered and tho work' of laying thorn will hogln juBt ns Boon na thoy arrive Speaking of tho prospect of Imme diate laying of rnllB, W. It. Fontnlno, engineer In chargo, said today: "Heavy steel for tho first threo miles of tho Coob Day lino Iiob been ordered nnd will bo laid ns soon ns it nrrlvna Thn frrnfln linu linnn fnma plotod for tho dlatanco excopt tho Tinm rnitnn wiiip.ii in mir nn in rnn- ncctlon with tho laying of tho Btcol. ny tho tlmo tno ncavy rnus arrive tho short switch or iignt raus win Yinvi Tinnn nnmnlntnil nml thn hnaW steel will bo put on beyond Dlnlr HtrenL It In not tho Intention Of tllO company to lny moro than a fow hundrod feet or light bkmji, puroiy fnt ffnitvAnlfltipfl. nnd whnn Din hnnvv rnlls nro nut down they will bo thoro to stay." Mr. Fontalno further said that tho high points townrd tho tunnel nro nil graded and that n total length of throe miles Is thus graded In addi tion to tho Btrnlght atrotch of threo miles near Eugono. Work on tho grndo Is progressing ns rapidly nn tho wcatlior will pormlt. Fuller Co., subcontractors, nro using n cnhlo haul with donkey onglncs for power on tho grndo out In tho hills for tho purposo of hnullng mntorlal from tho ruts to tho fills, In tho wny of expediting mnttors. 00 60 ON SHE TODAY eight Handlers On 24 Roads aunicago Try to Force wage increase. CHICGO. M-iy . six thousand aV.ii Vs"i Handlers on twoniy- ff railradl Ktr lrlr tnilnv. Thai' ro- r? offer bv thn roarta of nnrt e i wage advnnco thoy asked. Tho ifldmntiilnl f ..- j-i, 41. k... w "'" uuiiura u iiiuiiiii . --- uu i i roaua oirurou una ,'"" , Srvcral roads havo asked vvua' I'ouoo protection. N'0Ti:i) FI.IMHST SHOT Callalian, Rreathltt County rvucr, .vssiissliintwl. soclated Pres3 to Cods Dny HnN,L0N'K.r. 4.Ed. f.,,7iL;uo amous iireathltt coun- v, .,' wns assasslnatod today Ire .I V, r ln th doorway of his I'" l CrockrHuvlll . . :r ui n "v uoorway oi ma ia j.rockett8Vlll. twenty miles ! "CKson. Tile asaasnln shot hill from which Calln- idi.t -""". lW0 years ago. Tho Wgome d wUh bu,l0t8. ISLAND IS SEIZED Goh l?i:..?jr-J!' !". n?et W. "''a jsiana of unodtd Install3d As Provisional Presi dent ot Mexico By Revolutionists. (Dy Assoclnted Pross to Coos Day Times.; JUAREZ. Mex.. Mny 4.-Emlllo Vas nuoz Gomoz today assumed the pro vlslonnl presldenry of Mexico. Gom oz mado tho announcement this after noon saying tho ollko was tondorod him In tho namo of tho revolution of Pohuual Orozco. It wns snld that Gomez camo horo ln rosponso to a tel egram fiom Gonornl Orozco nnd tho document was oxhlblted by Gomoz as "".".., i,i, n nrovlB onnl prosl- dent. Colonol Pnsqunl Orozco. father of General Orozco, was announced as mlnlnter of war and Moreno , Canton of Yucatan was named nb mlnUtor or forolgn rolations. , GREAT AUTO RACE Fourth Annual llond Contest nt San- ta .Monica Today. (Dy Associated Prosa to Tho Coos Times.) LOS ANGELES, May 4 Tho fourth annual Santa Mon en road race or nutos today attracted tens -r. ...'...i f nntn nnthuslasts to ol;amoow.t,sthovar- inns contests anu wmuu p" ---St Sable L drivers in tho county S up tho Programmo which .tart. dt 10P:30 o lng 101 miles, Id nines anu m ASMnxwell car driven by George Joemann! won the light-car race and broke the American record. Thetimo Snutes mn d M ds. A Flanders driven by Evans, wns Bocond. nnd n Fl'Sers driven by Tower was thW. Ralph De Pnlma, driving a Mercer. Case were second and thira, resp Uvely. i iiCEUAS MANY LEAVE LARGE LISTS' ON BREAKWATER 01RA ROBBED: Steamer Arrived in From Eu reka and Sailed for Port land Last Night. Tho Alllaiico arrlvod In lato last ovenlus from Euroka nnd Balled at midnight for Portland. Sho had tho largost pHssongor list sho has had In many trips. Out of Euroka, sho hud eighty-live eighteen of whom wore for Coos Hay. Horo alio took on twenty-flvo moro passongers and a number wero unablo to bo accomo dated. ... . Among those willing on nor weru tho following. Harry Welsh. Mrs. Cornoll, A. M. Van Winkle. Edith Jones, D. M, Cross. K. Get worth, J. D. Cnrr, J. xti,a r; v Tlntos. A. Wngor. M. Klrkpatilck. Mrs. Kolp. Geo. P. In- gram. w. u. uroj-e,-. .-. L. H. nnxtor, J. rorry, . u. , G M Moore nnd Mrs. Flshburn. " Among thoso sailing for Portland on tho Alllnnco were tho following: J B. Thompson, Mrs. J. E. Thomp son," M. Henderlckson, Dorothy E. Thompson, Phillip Thompson, Cath oryne Thompson, Mrs. M. Henderlck son and children. James Thompson, S M. Spackman, L. M. Kesslor, J. L. Dottrell, W. A. Snyder, E. Magnes- son Paul Peterson, roier dwuuduu, A Preys, W. Durrand. A. Pommer vllle. C. E. Hastings. Roy Moore, Roy Monroe. F. A. Collar, Chas. E. McCloy, Mrs. C. E. McCloy, and F. Barnes. REMEMBER the QUATERMAB9 STUDIO for FINE PHOTOS. All the LATEST DRINKS at BAR TERS. Photo Supplies, developing and printing. Walker Studio. Steamer Sails This Afternoon With Capacity List for Portland. Thn nrnnltwnlnr milled tilts attor- noon for Portland with a capacity passengor list. Sho also itad a uig cargo of freight, Including largo ship ments of butter and chooso. Tho Breakwater will now go on a flvo day schedule, loavlug Portland next Tuesday and louvlng horo again lOrlilnV. Among thoso sailing on hor woro tho following: J. J. Clark, Mrs. D. McIConnnn, D. McKonnan, Mrs. Donnott, Mr. Bonnott, 11. M. Knhu, I). M. Nowman, J. Guery, IC. S. Robinson, O. Ludlck, .Mlln Ludlck. Mrs. Matthows, Mrs. F. H. Dye, J. J. Mauzey, Mrs. J. Alopo, t Ainnn. N J. Falon. O. Grosbock, ... ...-,.-,-.,-.- .. C. D. Nlcholl, May Ainorion, u. r. Thomas, Chas. Onull, G. L. Cousins, O. Sargont, O. Harris, J. R. Clark, C. J. Splcer, Wm. Yates, L. Melvln, E3. D. Lovo, K. C. Molvor, Mrs. K. C. Molver, J. A. Hansnor, E. D. Do ran, Pearl Rolgard, Alfred Odmun, Stovo Robinson, II. W. Donahuo, A. W. Cross, It. A. Emoraon, C. A. Pear son, E. Rogers, D. F. Grey, Mrs. L. Oxford, F. J. Hay, A. O. Sultan, Joo Hamiior, MIbs D. D. Kolly, E. E. Deffonbaugh, J. Heffold, Frank Walford, J. I. 8weomnan, John Hay den, 8. E. Hodgo, A. D. Daly, Mr. McCloy, Mrs. McCloy, A. J. Knowt ton, Jack Deano, 8. O. Wolcuo, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Flanagan, W. M. Walder, Mrs. E. M. Starr, Miss Mc Cormac, W. O. Dust, D. Johnson and P. Erentz. Try and IRISH ICEBERG at BARTERS' SDSPECT FREED Fail to Hold Chas. Rouland On Robbery Charge Theft Thursday Night. r'l.nu iinninnii. n loceer from South Slough nnd who enmo horo from Astoria, nuout two monius ago, was roloasod this afternoon by De puty Prosecuting Attorney Llljo qvlst nnd Justlco Ponnock after hav ing boon arrest for "rolling" Jus. O'llnrn for ?77. Ills rolonso follow aa.i ti.n itlamwnrv Hint thnrn was llttlo evidence to substantiate tho chargo against him. O'llnrn Is omployod on tho plpo Ilno gang of tho Drodgo Orogon. Tho ..I. .Ill Imfnrn lnst tin WUH Ollt for a good tlmo with Rouland, whom ho know, und othors. Ho took ono or two too ninny and Rouland oscortod him to his rooming houso on South Broadway, Just north of Mill Slough. Tho noxt morning when ho nwoko ho found thnt $77 which no nan in uiu pockot tho night boforo was gone. Marshal Carter was appoaled to ...,,i lm lu.irnn lnnklni; ui Ilouland's record. Ho found that Rouland had) clnlmod In tho Castlowood saloon lato I Thursday night that ho had boon "touched" also nud Nlghtwiitch Shoun soarehod his companions but' found nothing. Ilowovor, Marshal, Carter dlscovorod that Rouland had, doposltod ?70 with Hugh Sneddon nti ii.n l.'o.rln anlnnn fhn namo GVOIllllK. I Friday morning, Rouland claimed ho wnu iirnkn" and went around to thoi Castlowood and borrowod ?6. Todny Rouland had an oxpianauon fnr this, claiming ho forgot, and clnlmod that ho had earned tho money. ItERELH WIN AGAIN Ansco FllmB at Walker 8tudIo. .Moxlcun FcmUtuI Army Reported De- featwl In Turr-oii. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coob Day Times.) . WASHINGTON, May 4. Tho Mex ican fodoral army was defeated by tho rebel forces undor General Oroz co In a big battle at Torreon, accord ing to advlcos to tho Treasury De partment today from tho Southern border. No details wero given. IRISH ICEBERGS at BARTERS'. C. J. Millls Makes AnnlicatiDn to Council for Single Track There. WOULD TAKE IT IN PLACE OF BROADWAY W. S. Chandler Willing to Turn Over Terminal Railway to Any Road. That tho Southern Pacific may bo given a franchlso for a slnglo track on Front street, Instead of a fran chlso for a doublo track on Drond way through Mnrshflold. was tho lnU- mnllnn lt,ntt lit, mntnliArn nt (hit t.lfw council nt tho special mooting last ovoning. ino manor win prooniuy bo dccldod at tho rogular mooting oX ino city council noxt nionuny. Tho proposition to dlvldo Froilt street with tho Terminal Rallwajr camo from Mr. Millls, in replying to a question by Councilman Savago, If moro was not yet a posBiDiiuy oi nn nrrangemont botweon tho Tormlnal Pnmtinnv nt.fl thn. RnnMiArn Tlflftlffn whereby both roads could ubo front street. Mr. Millls said that no nod mndo ovory honorahlo effort to coma in nnmn nrrnnmnnt wlHi tlin TnrTTilniil company but had failed. Ho said that ln consequence, no would uo wiiun.1?. to tnko n franchlso for n slnglo track lino on tho Inside of Front stroot, Instead of tho doublo track franchise on Droadwny It tho council could grnnt It to him. Ho said thnt ho had been wrongfully accusod of tryltiR to bottlo up tho Day nnd thrrt ho fait thnt his proposition to "tnko who. was loft" demonstrated thnt ho 'WJ not. Ho declared that all tho BoutifV orn Pacific wanted was n means (it getting Into nnd through Mnrshflold. iiowovor, no ciecinroa mat ine Bouhtorn Pacific could not accopt"n franchlso on Droadway with a "Com mon User" clnuso, nor could thoy n cept a f ranchlBo for a slnglo trnck no. tho Insldo of Front street with aT "common user" clnuso. Howovor, lit) snld, If an arrangement should bo mndo whoroby tho Southorn Pnclfio could tnko over tho Tormlnnl conv pany'B franchlso, they would bo will ing to tnko tho enmo "common UBor" clnuso which Is In tho Tormlnnl com pany's franchlso. New OueNllon .Hkch. In tho p(nn to hnvo both tho Tor mlnnl Hallway nnd Southern Pnclfio occupy Front street, n now problem wuh raisoii. ji is ns m wiiuiuor tnu council hns tho r.ht to roqulro tbn Tormlnnl comimny to lay Its trncltn so that thoro will bo room for n tlilrd track. Tlio strcot nt iib nn. rowest part Is 34 fcot from curb to curb, so that threo tracks will crowd It Bomo. Tho Tormlnnl company nan started to lay Its two tracku In tho rontor of tho street, which would bar n third track. City Attornoy Goss said thoro wa ttmno question whothor tho council hnd this right to rogulato tho locu tion of tho Tormlnnl Rnllway'H tracks. Ho said that It was n cIosq legal question nnd thnt It would ro qulro consldornblo Investigation, but thnt ho would try nnd report on it by Monday night. Mayor Straw Absent. Mnyor Strnw was not present Inst ovenlng nnd Councilman Allen pT Blded, tho other councllmon In nt tondnnco bolng Messrs. Ferguson, Copplo, Merchant nnd 8avago. Tho hall was crowded. Even Gow Why wbb thoro na nn nttontlvo listener, Councilman Ferguson nsked If Dy Southern Pacific would bonr tho ox ponso of changing tho grados of tho Intersecting strcota, which wouiti no necossary on account of tho reducing of tho grndo on Droadwny. Mr. Mllllti ropllod thnt tho compnny would bmr all tho oxponso Incurred, A discussion of tho cuts thnt would ho necossary on Droadwny to mnk It avnllublo for tho Southorn Pacific tracks followed. City Englneor Old loy hnd prepared n piotllo Hhowlnif tho effect tho proposod chnnge In grndo would have. Englneor Whom nt had nlso prepared ono. This pro file showed that on North Oroodwqy at Dato stroot. n cut of 22 finn would havo to bo mado. cc 10 foot bolow tho prosont established grauo. At i'ar and Broadway, tho cut would bo 14 feot. At Mmkot avenue, tho cut would bo 2.9 feet. Councllmnn Allon said that slnco J. W. Ileunett hnd of forod to have tho nlloged dofoct In this clnuso remedied, ho wanted Mr. Goss to draft a "com mon user" clause that would bo ' nlnnh Mr. Millls would not ngreo to as copt nny chnngo In this In enso the. Southorn Pacific took over tho Tor mlnal, when asked if ho would do no by Mr. Gosb. Timrn was considerable doDiuo about tho changes that had bevn mado In tho "common uboi" claiiBO In tho Dlnko franchise Mr, Goss said that tho two wero prac tically the samo and whllo ho believed that tho Terminal Railway's "com mon user" clause could bo onforcotl, ho wns suro that ho could draw ono (Contlnuod on page 4.) l