wwgwp' JtCTiorOl'tiajrjlS3SBaKiWWWiSvMM-, 4 Snj --- -a. COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912-EVENING EDITION THE it i' 4 WRITES ABOUT OLD MEXICO Conditions in Southern Re public Described by Former Coos Bay Man. IKES ANSWER 10 GRftfFORT Says Jacob Evans Was Legally Married to his squaw Wife. That conditions In Old Mexico aro ovon worso tlinn tho tologruphlc nows reports from tlioro have Indicated, Is shown by a lettor which Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, of West Marshfield, hnvo Just received from Charles L. Freer, a former Coos Day man, who Is now located near Mnzatlan, tho principal Pacific port of tho troubled land. Writing from Mazatlan undor dato of April 22, Mr. Freer says: "I am writing Just a few lines to lot you know that I am still In the land of tho living. This revolution Is raising holl down horo. Tho Am orlcanB and foreigners aro tumbling ovor themselves, getting out of tho country. Somo of them hnvo boon hold up for nil they hnd nnd hnvo mot with rough treatment at tho JinndB of tho Mexicans nnd all havo boon moro or less robbed. I am tho only American tort in mo imunui country back from Mazatlan. I enmo In horo a few days ago as they sont mo word thoro was Intervention and that American troops had been put across tho border, but when I got in It Boomed to bo only a rumor, so I am going back io San Marcos tomorrow. 80 far, I hnvo boon very lucky. I havo boon held tip sovoral times by small bunches of rebels, but I hnvo alwnys irinnngod to stand thorn oft and tho big bunches hnvd not botn orod mo much. Thoy Btolo two horacB of mtno, but ono of thorn keeps coming back, ho has had a man shot off his bacK iwico ana uu tlmo ho gets away and cornea homo with n snddlo on bin back. Bo far In tho last two months about BOO men havo boon killed nrpund In this vicinity, among them flvo vory good friends of mine. Con hnc, tho capital of tho stato, has boon taken and looted. Mazatlnn hns boon taken onco but not looted, as tho banks and business houses put up monoy not to loot It, but It Is nlmost . .. , . tnlrnn ntrnln nrcttV SOOV , Evqry morning slnco I hnvo boon in. thoy tnko bunches of prlaonors out nnd sbpot thorn. Tho postofflco In San Marcos has not been running for months and when It wns running tho bandits psed to hold up tho mall and tnko whnt thoy wanted nnd destroy tho rest whonovor they .folt Ilko It. This part of tho county is simply In tho hands of bands of bandits who hold up nil those, llttlo towns nnd . .i.ii.iiiiiinn nmi wimn thov nro strong enough thoy go nftor tho big townB nnd I dont know whon this thing Is going to Btop. i wisn 1 . I am Bonding this up by n frlond vyho la going to Snn Dlogo on n Gorman tramp stcamor. I often think of you all and vyould llko to bo with you at tho presont time, but whnt llttlo I havo Is all tied up horo and I can not afford to loso it. If I am run out of tho country, I shall como up nmong you again." l'oiiiTics in coquille A caucuH or cltlzons to placo In nomination city officers took placo at Noslor'a hall Monday evening last. A. J. Shorwood wns choson chnlrmnn nnd II. O. AndorHon secretary. Tho following offlcora wore noml nntod: Mayor, A. T. Morrison; coiini'lliuon, to Borvo two yonrs, W. U. Lnlrd, J. II. Cording, G. O. I.onchi city rocordor, .1. 8. Lnwronce. L. II. Hazard, James Watson and J. .1. Lamb woro appointed a com mitter to fill vacancies should any occur. Coqulllo Ilornld. Kdltor Times: In tho Issue of May 1, I notice ai. other lcttpr from P. A. Oraffort, which has becomo a thing of llttlo moro thnn ordlnnry comment, ho stated ho wns not nwnro of tho fact thnt his undo wns termed a "squaw man," nor did ho know his undo had any "children from this modo of living." I would llko to hnvo Mr. Grnffort know his undo, Jncob Ev ans, solected that squaw from a num ber of squaws, took her to tho Justlco of Pcaco at Emrtlro City and was logally married, according to tho laws of tho Stato of Oregon. This marriage which was solemnized by tho Justlco of tuo l'oaco anu recoru G0AS1 EAGUE L BALL SCORES Portland Victor Over Vernon Oakland Wins Slugging Match. .7G9 .538 .180 .4G2 .462 .304 STANDING OF TEAMS Onkland 20 0 Vernon ! - San Frnnclsco ..12 13 Sacramento . . . .1- i Los Angeles . . ..l- i 1....t1n1r1 7 1G AA4 PORTLAND, Oro., May 3. Port land took yesterday's gamo from Vernon by a two lo ono scoro. Tho games in tho Coast League yesterday resulted as follows: At Portland E- rortlnud J 0 2 Vornon x c At Oakland IIIO JUBllCO Ol 11IO i uuviu uuu v.u." Al, 1JHK1UIU1 - -' ed In tho courts of Coos county, was gncrttmonto 6 R. H. E. Just as lawful n mnrringo as that of Mr. P. A. Grnffort's ratner anu room er, Bolomnlzod In tho Stato of In diana, or wnatovor Biaio uioy wuro married In. Mr. Oraffort Would havo ono oc llovo that his uncle, Jacob Evans, .n.i.iiii..l Hila trmrrlnen nnd tho llfo of somo 3G yoars when ho lived with this squaw (his legally wcuucu wlfo) and cmiuron, a uiuur rm 13 8 San Francisco 4 At Los Angeles R. H. & Loa AngoleB ..' 10 17 8 Oakland 17 24 4 ATTENDS WEDDING BY PHONE Coqulllo Woman Listens to Ceremony Over Wire, wlfo) nnd children,, n biitor romom- Tho tolenhono Is nn instrument brnnco, I will say this squnw during ramlo U80 0( on many occasions in .. 1. ..ahm l.iknt tinlla. fnr Tr. . I .1.1 HnllHnnt nml mltHM- WEAR A BENJAMIN tneso many years kuih huuhu u business, uocini, pmiuti mm """"- I'jvans, uau hib ihuui " "" ""'rious oinor nnair, uui. it w -od and mondod hla clothes nnd g00(i fortuno of Mrs. W. II. Schrood nurscd him in sickness, and In tho or wf0 0f oUr jowelor of this city, to -i.u .i.i.a tno 1.1a onln rnmnnnlnn. I ' i.. . .1 n.nr.ta frnnnmlttna chrllor days, was his boIo companion, Whon ho located on a nomcBicau which Is now known ns "Bhoro Acres." Thoro woro no wngon roaus but JuBt a rough trail, provisions had to bo carried on ono's back for Bpv- ..n1 ...Una nml ttila anltflW WAR 1)V II Id sldo on all occasions, carrying her load with him to ,got tno sum 01 llfo safely stored away In their llt tlo homo. It Is hardly fair for a mnn nlmost n strangor to term this llfo of mnny years which Jacob Evans llun.l rultli thin Hnnnw Mils lawful wlfo "or modo of living" as ho cnlls It) n bitter romombrnnco. Wo who woro ncquninicu wun Ja cob Evnns and neighbors of his, know personally that Jacob Evans lived hnppy with his family until ho got old and childish, and, as all old peoplo, got moro or less cranky, which cauaod him and his family to Boparato. This la tho truo cnuso of hla living nlono tho last fow years. Taking Mr. Graffort's own statomont that ho learned of his undo, Jncob T.i i... n a vnnrs ni'o tiirmicn niH crnnu- j I ItltUf v Of - ii" w. motiior. Mrs. Manna urnuori. uui tiirniH-ii nnmn cnuso. only known to himself, Mr. Oraffort doomed It hnrdly wortli whilo to iook nis uncio up until somo four years ago, Just about that tlmo or boforo Jacob Ev ans sold his placo, realizing aome nlno or ton thousand dollars, wiucn I think was tho inducement which caused hla rolatlvoa from tho cnat to look him up. Wo know that thoro Is much Vnoro satisfaction In finding an undo worth ton thousand dollars than finding ono living from hand to mouth on n homestead In tho backwoods, which was tho csbo of Jacob Evnns boforo ho sold out somo flvo yonrs ngo. "A son of this samo modo of liv ing," JAMES 8. WASSO.V. ENTERTAINS AT COQUILLE WcdnoBday evening, Mny 8, nt 8 o'clock, thoro will bo a lltornry nnd musical program at tho Masonic hnll. Mr. O. Lo Roy Hall, of Marshflold, will road tho poonis of Riley tho Ilooslor poot. Coqulllo Herald. TAKE NOTICE EAGLES! Memorial Day, Sunday! All Eagles requested to attend mooting nt hall, 1:30 p. in, Sunday, May 5. Ry ordor of WORTHY PRESIDENT. RAND DANCE SATURDAY ovon lut?. Mny 4. nt 9 o'clock sharp at EAGLES' HALL. All NEW Ml'SIO. TOU ARE INVITED. HOWARD'S genulno MEXICAN TAMALKS dollvered any plnco In tho city until It! OVMM'K at nlglii. Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Plume a:w. Try Tho Times Wnnt Ads. A Kodak Will Tell the Story i i -,) ll. t,.r. , loll tlio tinth Ami with a KolnK, Mm can prove the number of fish ,u l.nvo caught Don't go fUh lng without R KODAK. KODAKS $1.00 to $tl.S.O( 3-A FOLDING POCKET KODAKS: nt only $20.00 Red Cross Drug Store Developing nnd Printing Promptly Done HOWARD'S gonulno MEXICAN TAMALES dollvorcd nny placo In tho city until IS O'CLOCK nt night. Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Phono CAN SECURE Flno Incomo proporty In Southern California In oxchango for Coos Day proporty. COOS RAY LAND . INVESTMENT COMPANY. JOHN W. MOTLEY. Mummer. Barnard & Langworthy Eli-clilcnl Contractor, nnd Supplies. PI!ONI IKI-R. 170 So. Rrondxwiy, uot door to I'nlon Mint Miiikct. rccolvo unuBual words transmitted by wlro through thovuluablo messon gor. Claronco A. Clinton, brother of Mrs. Schroeder, was united In mar- rlago to Anna M. bimonson ni iu rosldcnco of tho groom's father at Norway on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Schroodor, with rocolvor at nor oar, rccolved tho minister a wuru over tho phono that united tho happy couplo In tho holy bonds of matri mony. Whilo Mrs. Schrocdor was not In n position to recoivo h iwo from tho brldo or pnrtnuo oi mo uo- l.,lnl,l vlnnla U'hlrh fnllOWCll tllO coromony, nt loast ono of hor BonBea hearing received Its fullness of a marked degreo nnd tno uniquo cir- cumatanco contributed onjoymont that will dwell In hor minu wun ploaBiirablo rcmombranco equally ns well as tho hopo sho cntortalns for tho hnpplnosB of tho nowly-woddcd couplo. Coqulllo Ilornld. WEDS IN COQUILLE John Juzn, Former Mnrshflcld Young .Man, Married There. Tho following from tho Coqulllo Ilornld will bo of Interest to tho Cooa Day frlonds of John Juzn, who formerly lived with his pnronta In South Mnrshflcld nnd who for u couplo of years was employed In tho composing room of Tho Times: A qulot nnd vory protty wedding occurred Wednesday evening, May 1, at 8 o'clock, whon John A. Juza and Ella May Johnson wero united In Minrrlnpn nf tlin liollln nf tlln lirldo'fl parents by tho Rov. C. II. Cleaves o tho M. K. churcn boiuii. ino unuo was born nnd rnlsod In Coqulllo nnd la lili-liK' natnninnil liv nil who know her. Mr. Juza Is n young man of good habits and hns mndo mnny frlonds during his sojourn In this city, n period of about three years. With tho exception of ono Intlmnto lady friend of tho brldo, only rola tlvoa of tho family wero presont nt tho uuptlnlB, A supper served after tho coromony was greatly onjoyet. by all. Tho well wishes of tho ontlro community go with Mr. mid Mrs. Juza In tholr now lire. , MARRIAGE LICENSES County Clerk Watson Issued tho following marriage licenses during tho weok: Clnrenco Conklln nnd Cnrrlo Mnr ton. Wllllnm G. Woods nnd Dorlo noat rlco Stayton. John A. Juzn nnd Ella May John son, both of Coqulllo. Coqulllo Ilornld. The most skeptical men and the hardest lo suit are the very ones who appreciate BENJAMIN OLO TinCS tho best when thoy como to try them on. The 'fabrics arc all wool the tailoring perfect n guaranteo of good service and shape keeping. Wo can fit you correctly Now nil storos can advertise to do these things Most oi them with truth BUT thoy cannot agree to save you from $4.00 to $7.00 on a Suit. BE CAUSE thoy do not have our system of selling merchandise. Cash OnIy"MoneyTalks' At $15.00 and $17.50 wo are showing values that aro incomparable Let us show you. "Money Talks" $tiS8&&r 'IIS I n'illinlHlPf) I filHIMlel? Mimlm BilH Ml M.k. .r 1 BenJ"iln OotHca Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, Marshfield. Bandoa IM T. J. iOAIFB A. H. UODQINi nOOD INVESTMENT Tin eo 7-room houses, rent for $30 per mouth; will sell at n bargain. AUG. FIUZEEN. Ronl Eatnte nnd Insurance. fiS Contra! Avenuo Mnrahflold 0 Marshfield PainL (3b Decorating Co. ictlmmtM MARSHFIELD, Puralahed Phone U0U Oragop E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MARSHFIKI'R, ORE. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONIC MAIN B7.J RALTON mill TRAVELLE, EukIIsIi comedy artists, closed last night nt tho ROYAL nftor plnylng to good houses. They pleased their audi oncos In souks and comedy, thoy bo Ing original and of English stylo. Tholr costumes and quick changoa at tracted especial attontlon. They will piny n return ongagomont next Tuesday night. LIbby COAL. The K!ndYOU have UAVAY8 UriRI). PHONE 72 Paclftt Livery & Transfer Co. f HI;!.) Stick a Knife Into n pleco of our ron.st beef and note how tender It Is. Put n morsel In your mouth and thou you'll know what moat toothsomenesa menus. Same way with the test of moats. Put them to t' o teat of tasto nnd tenderness today. MARSHFIELD CASH StARKET. FOURIER BROS. MaisliiU'ld Trleidioitc North Reiul 2UI.J TuoMiuKets nt Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKNRV 8U.NG8TACKKN, Mgr. CoqulIU Offl.e Phons 191 Marshfield Office H-J, Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Qaatral Agnt "EA8TSIDK" Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday evening, May 4lh F. 8. DOW, Agent. OcmbDocL EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT 8T. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. Ilolsnor, and nro pre pared to rondor excollont sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Uay. Careful drlvors. good rlga and ovorythlng that will moan satisfactory sorvlco to tho nubile, phono us for n driving linrao. n rig or anything needed In tho livery line. Wo nlso do truck ing business of all kinds. RLANCHARD RROTHKRS Phono 1HH.J Livery, Feed nml Sales Service. 1 II Flrt and Alder Streets. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TXME. SAILS FRON AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND. AT ' 0 A. Jj . . . ..... ...... ...... .......i i nmi, 1,'iimt MAItmillKLD.uToJ iKi, mil, liiiiii join, nn nun ....... """"",.:,.. ,,iiu SERVICE OF THE TIDE MAY 1th, lOlli, intli, Otli, lMthM L. A. PARKIIURST, Ajt Phone Mill W Tin.' i.'imi.'vh ni.' roos HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRRLRSS Cnilc TTi.mt fnn-c Ritr frr PnrrlnnH .Friday, May 3, at- 12:00 Noo CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT TORI NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPAQ i. , i.i. ii- o. F.McflEOnCRiJ We Have Been Successful In buying n largo stock of first class Eloctrlcnl mutorlnl nnd can glvo our patrons a vory low prlco on houso wiring. Get our prlco you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J VAST AND COMMODIOl'B Steamer Redond' EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUIlMAIUXn f- SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR C00S I Tuesday, May 7, At 3:00 P. M. lK'1'i.'ii.ni ' i.' i ' Til A N'SPOltTA'llON COMl'A' Pl,n.u. p. F. McGEOnOtJ R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estale and Insurance ln North Front Street let t iosy AND GHT AFTUR THAT ROOF. HUT FIRST COM'- ' OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAIL"' SRINGLIiS $1.50 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, S1.25 AND " C. A. Smith Lumber & Mf RETAIL DEPARTMENT. A Modorn Brick Building. Electric, WANTED ! ! ! Light, Steam Heat. Elogantly . Furnished Rooms with Hot CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND and Cold Water. .. II O T E L O O O S ! PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneu- C. A. METLIN, Prop. matlo Cleaning Company. Orders for miiea. uu tuuia a uay una upwarus. work taken at C.nr. rirnnilwnv nml Mni-knt I -.-..r. r. ....... .; "...'v'. " " uuiiiu iiAiivux PHONE 100 uiuuunay aim Aiur Marshfield, Oregon. The Electric Sltoc fl '""'"SS" TnBBWswiw- 180 So. Broadwsx