THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 3, 1912 EVENING EDITION- ml in IK Vvv If I l I fife jnpT C.fjrtljM Hirt tcUffhtr & H!t IT'S a pleaiure to feel, when you meet people, that there's noth ing the matter with the way your clothes fit; that the style is right; the fabrics look as if you hadn't economized too much. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes give one that pleasant feeling of being right; they're worth all they cost for that alone. They don't cost much here. Suits like this from $18.00 up. Some special values at $20.00 and $25.00. Woolen Mill Store This otoro la the Coos Bay homo of Mart Bohaffnerft Marx clothes toays "The Busy Corner "--The Rcxall Store 12th Saturday Special Sale A regular 50-Cent Hard Rubber Comb special tomor- 1 Q row only .... 1H See Our Window Lockhart-Parsons Drue Co. inuwt -MAIN 298 US STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP WNAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho closo of business, April 1H, 1012. Tiraniinnpo lsk(ntB Dlseounts .' J432.792.CC Fffidte---- 60.000.0U vi.uuuc8 201,901. tfli Total $734,774.02 'UtilStnM, ., LIABILITIES. 00 'Wilti a Lndvlded Profits 55.5C3.C7 J734.774.62 I toy Your Meats at the 'NION MEAT MARKET fcHAIways H.v. ,phnne 50 v.vuiUO flIBIlii. " ..- OOOB BAY TIDES. Bol w Is glron thi time and height of high and low water at Marahfleld. Th tides are placod In the order of occurrence, with their times ob the first line and heights on the sooi ono. line of each dayj a comparison of consecutive helghU will Indicate whether It is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 1 hours si minutes. of tho Ferry Trauslt, reports a good Increase In tho traffic botweon Mnrshfleld and Eastsldo last month. During April, tho Transit carried 4220 passengers, 208 single- teams, 41 doublo tenms, 41 nutos and 30 hem! of stock. Bond Fixed Judgo Benson has Uxed tho bond of John D. Doss as re ceiver of tho Tort of Coos Bay at $12,000. Mr. doss will furnish tho bond within a fow days and nssumo chargo of tho affairs of tho port. Dato, 3 Hrs. Feet Hrs. Feet Hrs. .3.20 .6.8 .3.21 .6.5 .4.28 Foot .6.2 May. 9.45 0.8 10.24 0.7 11.03 0.4 4.30 4.7 6.12 4.G D.58 4.2 9.31 3.0 10.07 3.9 10.46 3.7 THE WEATHER, (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Saturday. Light frost in wost nnd heavy frost In cast tonight; northerly winds. RE- LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ondlng at 4:43 a. m May 3, by BenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological obsorvor: Maximum 54 Minimum 37 At 4.43 a. in 38 Precipitation 04 Wind northwest: clear. Wed at Amity Wm. Bost, ft plumber at tho Pioneer Hardware and his bride arrived horo on tho Breakwater yesterday to niako their homo In Marshflold. Thoy woro married at tho home of tho brldo's parents nt Amity, Oro. 8ho was formerly Miss Joffry. Child Is Dead. Elsio Ranlclla, tho 12-months-old dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ranklla. living at G79 North Second stroet, dlod this morning of a complication of disoasos. Tho fu neral will bo hold tomorrow from tho wuson chapol and will bo conducted by Uov. B. F. Bongtson. North Bend News Tho North Bond concert band will glvo a ball t Eckhoff hall, May 18. The North Bond lodgo of Owls will glvo a big danco Saturday ovonlng at Eckhoff hall. Tho forraor C. A. McKolllps homo has been sold to Joo Olln, who will occupy It shortly. Mrs. L. Hodson of South Marsh flold 1b tho guest for a fow days of hor daughtor Mrs. M. J. Pratt of Shorman Avonuo. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Donning nnd Miss Allco Denning of tho llghthouso woro gueetB yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilolchort. Tho Coqulllo baseball team Is ox pectod horo to play tho North Bond team on tho homo grounds Sunday afternoon If tho woathor will pormn Masons Visit Quito a delegation of North Bond Masons enmo to Marshfleld last ovonlng to attond work In tho third degrco by tho Marshflold, lodgo. Following tho do- grco worn, n banquet and a social tlmo woro enjoyed. Is Author. Copies of tho Lumbar World Rovlow, a now lumbor publi cation at Chicago, havo been received hero. Ono of tho special nrtlclos in It is on "Effeclont Forestry Meth ods," nud Is by A. 13. Adolsporgor of Marshflold, head of tho timber do pnrtment of tho C. A. Smith company. W. C. T. U. Meeting. Tho W. C. T. U. will hold a meeting with Mrs. Fannlo Whcelor tomorrow at 3 o'clock. South of Mill. Tho now pulp mill of tho C. A. Smith company will bo south of tho big lumbor mill Instead of north of It, as was erroneously stated tho othor day. In Collcgo Politics. Bon Chand ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chand lor, has been nominated for mombor of tho oxocutlvo commlttco of tho student body of Oregon University at Hugcno, Wants Dmnnccs. Ceo. R. nnmlnll. who wns employed on th'o tramway lino of tho O. A. Smith Lumbor Com pany nnd who sustained tho loss of a log In an accldont on tho lino last year, has lectin suit for Jin. 000 damages. Tho North Bond Commercial Club Is circulating a petition to tho West ern Union Telegraph company, ask ing thorn to put In a station nt North Bond. Mrs. Jack Farloy of Marshflold la a guest today of hor sister, Mrs. J. A. Lonnnn, of North Bond Heights. Mrs. Lonnnn loaves tomorrow for an oxtondod visit In tho East. W. L. Wnlkor, of Cooston, wob called to Yoncnlla this weok by tho Forlous Illness of his mothor. Mrs. Wnlkor recontly loft horo and hor 111 ncsB Is attributed to tho hard stago trip. PERSONAL NOTES MRS. JOHN LASKEY, of Isthmus Inlet, Is in Marshflold today. ARTHUR WILLIAMS loft yostorday for Tacoma on a business trip. JAS. STOCK, of Sumnor, waa a Marshflold business visitor today. WILL McCULLOUGH, of North In let, was a Marshflold buslnoss vlsl tor today. " MESSRS. HENDRYX, of Hnynos In' lot, woro In Marshflold today on. business, SUPT. A. O. RAAB, of tho North! Bond schools, was a Marshflold; visitor today. bert Mcculloch has gono to Lnmpa Crook to tako a Job In the Conloguo camp. MRS. ARTHUR WILLIAMS loft to day for Bandon, whoro sho will visit friends for a fow days. MRS. L. P. SORENSON and F. L. Orconough and wlfo loft yostorday for their homo In Bandon aftor & short visit with friends horo. V. E. Wnttors, who bought tho old North Bond hotol slto from Robort Marsdon, Sr., for $2500, announces that ho will probably oroct a build ing thoro this yoar. Tho proporty Is 70 x 100 foot. MIIS. GEO. CONDIE and family havo moved horo from Bandon. Mrs. Condlo has boon unablo to locato hor husband, who mysteriously dis appeared In Marshflold a fow weeks ago. W. S. BUNCH, a Loon Lako rnnohor, wns In Marshflold yostorday on business nnd plensuro. Ho has 37 cows on his ranch now nnd Is try-' lng to nrrango to Bond his cream out to Marshflold. Thoro Is a movement on foot to HO lliakCB tho Comimnv kvo North .th(irmnn nvnnnn hnlunnn uu mo uiiicurs 01 11 unuor wnom no uaurornia and tho city pnrk, graded Ferry Traffic. Cnpt. Alox. Hall. Last Night for LA CIEL Tho Groat Spectacular Electrical Transformation Scene. At the Masonic Tonight PRICES 10 nud 20 CENTS ONLY Complete Change In Other Acts Threo now licensed motion pictures never boforo scon 011 Coos Bay. Prof, Van Miller In now violin selec tions nnd musical novoltlos. HEANE nnd KNOWLTON In ft Com- pk-to Uluuigo In Nt-w and Old Song. Don't miss this great vaudeville at traction Ask those who havo seen It wns working. Goo. F. Murch nnd n K. Booth, tho defendants In tho enso. Raro Pcmuits. M. A. Swoctman today lsf distributing soma snmnlcs of n now kind of poanut which might iiiuko uurunnK Bit up nnd tako notlco. Ho rccolvcd tho peanuts from nn old frlond who Is raising thorn In tho "Salt Rlvor section" of Oklahoma. Thoy hnvo a naturally salty flavor and uncooked nro moro dollclous than tho ordlnnry rooatod peanuts. AMONG THE HICK Mrs. Augusta Scott Is reported (julto 111 of tho grip at hor homo on Hall avonuo. Tho Httlo grandchild of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Snydor Is reported somo what Improvod after a sovero Ill ness, nnd Improvod this summon Tho project may also tako In Union from Washington to tho city park and Mc Pherson from Virginia to tho hill. Tho Dodgo Steamship company, of San Francisco, is negotiating with KniBO & Banks for tho construction of n lumbor schooner 210 foot long nnd to cost about $200,000. If tho contract Is awardod, tho vossol Is to bo comploted by January 1, Goo. N. Bolt Is nursing sovernl mi nor bruises on his hands, head and Lody us n result of falling from an clovated walk In tho rear of his storo yesterday Into a hoap of rubbish. WANT ADS. FOR HA LIC Cheap If taken nt onco; four hotol dressors, two cook stoves, two heating stoves, dining room table and chairs, three car pets, tlvo roekors; also other ar ticles. Second street, renr of Chandlor Hotel, HOUSEMAIDS WANTED Good sal aries. Inquire Coos Bay Employ ment Office. Phono 2C9-L. WANTED Room and board for man wlfo and young man; also extra room with plenty of water: must bo reasonablo, Prlvato family pro fered, Home-, care Times, FOR RENT Storo and flxturos; also flat above; both modern. Phono 71. FOR RENT 10-room house In So. Mnrshfleld. Apply A. B. Camp bell. Phono 11 9-L. Frank Mnrhoffor Is laid up with a dislocated wrist as a ronult of a fail from his blcyclo caused by a collision with anothor cyclist. Dr. A. L. HoiiBQWorth was called to Peavor Hill yesterday to attond tho child of Mr. nud Mrs. Mayo, who is seriously 111 of pneumonia. Tho Ht tlo ono was roported bettor this morning. Tho young son of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. Hoffman, of West Marshflold, who has boon qulto 111, Is roported Improving. CURIOUS FACTS Julos Vorno declnres that ho has dono tho most of his work by writing for threo hours boforo breakfast each I day. Paul Schlllorstrom and L. C. Royn olds, who aro oponatlng a sawmill nt Point Torrnco on tho Sluslaw, ro- port that good progross Is bolng mndo on tho Bouthorn Pacific's lino out of Eugene. Thoy nro looking aftor business Intorosts on tho Da. Mrs. L. J, Slmnson yostorday ro- colvod a telegram from Mr. Simpson stating that ho would loavo San Francisco at 10 o'clock yostorday morning on tho A. M. Simpson for Coos Bny. Sho should roach horo early Saturday. Mr. Simpson stated In his messago that on n trial run Wednesday, tho A. M. Simpson showed up flno. DIES AT NORTH REND MISS FAIRY LEACH, who was coran polled to glvo up hor courso at tho University of Orogon on account of troublo with hor oyce, passed through horo yostorday on routo to Wodderburn to Join hor father, who Is managing tho formor Hume proportlca thoro for tho now own ers, tho Macloay ostato of Portland. Tunnol muck, tnkon from a pres sure tunnel In Boston, and used as concroto nggregato, showed greater strength than neat comont. A celebrated Purls physician, Dr. Gabriel Levon, says obesity Is a ner vous dlsordor, caused by a form of dy8popsla. HOTEL FOR RENT Furnished; $250 required, Call at Loader Barber shop. RESTAURANT FOR RENT Or sale, completely furnished. Call 150 Front St.: Loader Bnrbor shop. FOR RENT Flno sunny house-keeping opartmont. Sacchl Bldg. En quire Nusburg Grocery. SCOTCH COLLIES $10. Address B. W. B.. Norton's Gulch, Empire. Or. BARGAIN SALE: 40 horsepower auto for $C00; first-class condi tion; fully equipped: cost now $3000; will sell for $G00 on eab terms. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front street. Phono 180-J. It has boon decided by tho munici pal authorities of Berlin to establlsa public "sun and light baths" 1 which first, second nnd third class fees will bo churged. RAND DANCE SATURDAY even ing, May 4, at 9 o'clock sharp at EAGLES' HALL. All NEW .MUSIC. YOU ARE INVITED. John W. Carlson SurriiinliH to Tuber culoids After Long Illness. John W. Carlson, formorly yard boss at tho North Bond Sash & Door factory, dlod yesterday aftornoon nt tho homo of his paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl J. Carlson, near Morcy hos. pltal, nftor n llngorlng Ulnoss of tu boroulosls. Ho first been mo affllcv od about two years ago nnd wont to Badlands, Call., whoro ho spoilt a yoar or moro without gaining rollof. IIo returned to tho Bny and slnco last July had boon bodfast. Ho Is sur vived by his pnrontB and sovernl brothors and slstors. Tho funeral will bo held from tho North Bond Presbylurlan church Saturday afio noon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Carlson was an active workor In tho North Bond Prcsbytorinn church and Christian Endoavor. Ho enmo horo with his paronts soveral Boys' Fuzzy-Wuzzy years ago from Texas. Ills oldest "its tor sister, Mrs. Annlo Erlckson, Is crlt Ically 111 of tuberculosis in ToxaB. CHARLES LEDWARD, a woll-known business man of Grand Rapids, Mich., arrived on tho Breakwater yostorday to visit his brotbor, Wm. Lodward, of this city, and Investi gate Coos Bay's prospects as a buslnoss location. Mr. Lodward Is mnklng nn oxtendod prospect ing tour. Ho has already covered tho Alborta and British Columbia country nnd also tho Stato of Washington. On his return trip ho will also visit Los Angolos and San Francisco. His two brothors, Tom nnd John, of Grand Rapids, aro also Intorcstod In his visit and their futuro homo will bo docldod nftor ho gots back to Grand Rap Ids. Mr. Lodward has cxprossod himself very favorably over Coos Bay's prospects. SATURDAY SPECIAL 1 BARS TAR SOAP 15c PEOPLE'S B, 10 nnd IB CENT STORE. COOKED FOOD SALE by Slstors of Bothnny 8ATURDAY, .May 1, at Perry-Nicholson storo. DANCING LESSONS Prof. Hoggs' classos In dancing In tho latest dnnces. Saturday at 2 a. in. In Finnish hall. North Bend Monday at 3:30 p, m, Coqulllo Wednesday. Bandon Thursday. Private lessons by appolntmont. Dayton Bicyelcs Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT SEE OUR WINDOW for tho Very Latest Styles and Shapes In Men's and Boys' Hats Thoy nro high In quality and low In prlco. Wo havo tho famous Mon's Fuzzy-Wuzzy Hats In soft nnd stiff shnpos; $2.00 (TO ETA .$1.50 .$3.00 .$1.00 .$2.00 and . Tho Coos lint; ono of tho best hats mado, for Monarch Shirts; for only Cluett-Arrow Shirts; $1.50 and A comploto lino of Furnishing Goods always In stock. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality,- FOR SALE Ono new 20-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlmmer man. 8C2 North Front atret. SAVE 9300 sif.rnom two-story house on Com mercial avonuo. Built threo years. Large lot GO x 140. is a swen norae. Has fine lawn and small garden spot In tho rear. At this price It Is the biggest bargain In town. I'nce $2500. E. S. GEAR, room 22, First National Bank. E. W. KAMMERER SAYS: Men's Everwear Hose SIX PAIR GUARANTEED FOR SIX MONTHS And you don't havo to send back to tho factory to mako them good, olthor, Bring them right to mo and I will roplace ovory pair that goes wrong. IX)S ANGELES COAST LEAGUE OFFICIAL SWEATERS "ROUGH-NECKS" ) CLEVER NECKWEAR SILK HOSIERY THE NEW CREATIONS In ARROW SHIRTS nnd HATS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS PACKARD SHOES "Your Anxious to Pleaso" The Toggery