r-f w w"V"Tw- u,-.-t ,- J.9iM- 4MjSefUrv1Bt.'-. " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912 EVENING EDITION- COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONEx" Editor iind Pub. DAN B. MALONEIf News Editor ii . . Entored at tbo postofflco ftt Marsh Mid, Oregon, for transmUalon through the malls as aocond olass nail matter. DOS T FEB MEET KK8ENTMENT. TO GIVE) way to tho Impulse for roTongo la both wrong and fool lah. "Two wrongs novor mado a rfcht." In avenging a wrong you dicing yourself down to tho level of ano who wronged you. You still further incite animosity. You cannot i-brlng any good result, and tho ro vongo you tnko may robound ou yfluraolf. "Heat not a furnaco for ypur foo so hot that It may singe yjpurBolf." It often costs moro to nivongo Injuries than to bear thorn. For many wrongs Bllont contompt s ITio boat rovengo. In nasslntt over a wrong you show y.ouroolf superior to It. Bo moro ready to forglvo others than to foi glvo yourself. Many a thing which Kpu lmnglno as somo "awful" wrong ypu nnd a moro nothing or simply a inlBtako when you come to under stand It. Do not bo ready to think ctfery accidental Blight an Intentional wtong. Sleep on It boforo rosontlng a.sllght. It may happon that tho ono wibm you think nn onomy will bo your host friend after an understand ing. Do not bo hnBty In accusation and you will havo tho loss to rogrot. A MAN WITHOUT A COUNTKV TlHE futuro of J. Druco Ismay ' whoso sailing for England was told In tho Associated Press dls tmtchon of yestorday's Times may bo much akin to that of Philip Nolan In Kdward Everett Hale's "A Man With out a Country." Whocpvor tho story of tho Titanic horraplB rend thoro must bo connect ed with tho namo of J. Druco Ismny Uib talo of tho managing director, wJio, knowing that his boat carried only lifeboats enough for one-third ol tho men nnd women on board, aavod hlniBclf nnd let tho mon whoso tnonoy -was alrondy In the coltorn of tiln company go to tholr death In tho And, thnt, too, on a night whon, ehouldor to ahouldor, mon as wealthy va ho, mon whoso personal resources offored them ns much of tho world'B 4iapplucBS ns thnt world could ottor fCflmay, mon wIiobo opportunities to do good with that wonlth woro fully dual, to his, faced their doom wltn Via resolution that makes m-e.i rrpaltyxspoll "mon". t WITH THE X t toastandtea: GOOD EVENING ' Solf-lntorost Is tho most In- Ronlous nnd porsuaslvo of nil tho ngonta thnt deceive our con- nclonces bv monnH of It our , unhappy nnd Btuhhnm proju- dlcos opornto In tholr groatest forco. W. 0. nilYANT. THE OllHOUUK HEHOES Homo comes the dreadful tnle Of tho horoCH who sank to death; Loud Is tho widow's wall As alio thinks of tho wavo-hushed breath; An tho unmos of olgnt or ton Are mentioned with words of prldo, Lot us honor tho OTHEIt mon, Who with SIMILAR courago died. Solid tho Ico, llko rock; No warning wordn woro said; Cnuto tho torrifla shock; Fallen woro scores of dead; rLovor nnd swoothenrt arrived; Also husbnud and bride; Swoothearts nnd widows survived, nut husbands nnd lovers died. Tow woro tho faint hearts there In tho torrlhlo parting hour; Forvont tho uttered prayer For wisdom anil courage and pow er; Gnbla aud steernge nnd crew Walt tho Judgment side by side; Let us honor the well-known few, Hut also the OTHERS who died. Frank I.nlso Rays: "Oh, so often, so often when tl o bobber sinks wo only pull In n bit of driftwood." If I should ever have a bee I would not let him roam unless ho had tho courtesy To leave his stinger homo. W. N. EKRI.AD. ANfiKI FOOD and 1IONEV NOUGAT !Wo POUND at ST.VF 1'OltD'S S.VTl'ltD.W and Sl'NDAY. . AIONG TUB WATERFRONT Tho Flflcld sailed from Bandon for San Francisco today. Tho Rustler will sail tomorrow for Gold Roach nnd Port Orford. Tho Brcakwator will Ball nt 1 o'clock tomorrow for Portland. Tho Tillamook, Dortlo Minor and Oakland arrived In at Dandon yestor-day. Tbo Nann Smith sailed at noon to day for Bay Point with & cargo of lumber from the Smith mill. Tho Alliance was dolayod by tho storm off tho const and will not cross In. from Eureka until tonight. She wlil sail at noon tomorrow for Portland. Tho Alert Is back on tho Allogany run and will remain on It until Copt. Edwards' new boat, the Rainbow which Is rapidly noarlng complotlon, Is ready for tho run. Tho Osprey, which has been under going ropalrs at tho North Bond shipyards, will leavo next Wodnosday for Hoguo Illvcr. Capt. Gus John son, who 1ms chargo of hor, wns robbed of his pocketbook ut North Bend the other night Tho Larson Dredgo company Is no gotlnttng with Warren Ilccd to solid ono of tholr dredges to Qardlnor to do Boine dredging thoro. They also plan to tako tholr buckot dredgo Ore gon to tho Sluslaw on an lS-mouths' contract for a boom company thorv. ANGEL FOOD and HONEY NOUGAT 35c POUND at STAF FORD'S SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY. ROY LETTER WRITER PLANS FOR ATHLETIC CONTESTS HERE BETWEEN SEVERAL HIGH SCHOOLS PRACTICALLY COMPLETED. Plnns for tho high school track meet aro being rapidly porfoctod and It Is expected that this year's field day will bo tho biggest and best, as woll as tho most Joyous ono over hold hero. Business will bo suspend ed; thoro will bo good music and tho ovont will bo sort of a big celobra tlon to which pooplo will como from nil parts of tho county. Tho athletic association of tho Marsh flold high school will glvo a gold modal to tho best all-around nthloto In tho county, a sllvor medal to tho second best nnd ribbons for tho first, Bocond and third places In each event. A banner will bo given to tho school taking first placo. Tho school children havo Btartod a ticket selling campaign, and oxpect to sell a thousand tlckots boforo Friday, May 10, which Is to bo a half holiday. During tho wot woathor training has been Indoor, but good progress has been mado nevertheless. Re ports from tho otlior schools In tho county nro vory encouraging nnd to tho offect thnt nil nro confldont of winning. Competition will bo lively nnd no school will havo a walk-ovor. From eight to 12 athletes will bo pitted against each other In overy ovont. Tho judgos hnvo bcon prnctlcnlly all chosen nnd caro lins boon taken to securo mon' who understand nth totlcs and will run off tho ovonts quickly. Preparations nro now bolng mado for n social tlmo to bo given after tho meet. ADVERTISED LETTERS List of unclaimed lottors remain ing In tho Marshflold postofflco, May 1, 1912. Porsons calling for samo will plcaao say advertised and pay ono cont for onch lettor called for: John II. Anderson, Thurmuii Au kliiH, Morgnn Adktns, H. H. Allen, Claud Akors, Miss Ethol Anderson, Clins. A. Aknrd, 0. L. Browning, T. W. T. Brunott, W. It. Blnlr, Ivor Brudotlc, Carl Rohon, C. H. Brant, Mrs. Thomas Bennett, J. Hnrrlson Bonnott, Ivan Bqrry (2), B. 13. Be llou, J. Clonry, Frank Carson (2, Ed Crolghton, Jnmos N. Carina, A. P. Campbell, II. E. Cooly, Thomas Cot toll, John Conloy, Nolson Davis, John II. Davis, Dan Donnhuo, C. II. Dun noil, Nnrclpo Dupono, Oeo, Engcl mnn, Wm. Esty, Edw.'S. Erls, Honry Fryo, John Foster, J. A. Hnnson, Oi to Harry, Hnrvlg & Nlckolson, John Harris, Thos. Hyland, John Honly, E. L. Hoppor, Honry Hlnz, J. T. Hlll mnn, J. S. Jackson, Geo. W. Jncobs, M, Jnrvis, C. L. Johnson, Tracy John son, Owen Jonos, Theodore Julsoth, Lawrence L. Knlb. Tony Kllnlk, S. L. Knight (2), D. It. Konnody, F. F. ICollogg, Frank Kovnoy, Horman Lar son, J. W. Llnnohnn, Mr. McKonzIo, Geo. McDougnll, Joo McCahoy, II. C. Mclnuls, Ed McCnrson, Mrs. Rosn Moral, William Marsdon, Bird Mead, I). H. Major, J. T. Mnsey, Harry Marks (2), L. M. MagniiB, Matlock Investment Co., John Moll, Claud Morgan, F. II. Monnghan, Sam Miu n or. John Murroll (2), J. Nelson, J. Kay Nodlno, F. M. Potorson, Clayton Pierce, John Hands, Chns. V. Rnms doll, A. II. Hoynolds, Mrs. Perry lleinnls, Mrs. Geo. Hoynolds, Alfred Holmes (2), C. W. Rloluuo, Oconto. M. Unas, JaniOR Hobortson, John Husklln. Thos. E. Hussoll (3), Paul Slllllinr. .Tnhn M Rnnili'rnHd A Rnmla (2). William Stowart. B. F. Smith, TRiimj- Oirnf nWF frlhrt F. L. Smith, Geo. Sims. South Cross JQlUy VmUS Oil U.mifc2 plo't'on. Arthur Turnor,' P. Valentino" IBOSifc IR.(3lin.hl(BS Mr. Van Huston. Donofrlo Vlnconzo, - . Patrick Vizard, K. D. Wnmer. Hans lMrfaSnW0 ttVhTh iRsnuv Whlto, Jnmes Whlto (2), nobort a -"---- n-"- uj Wills, Jack Williams. Mrs. Anna WIi. son. W. B. CURTIS, P. M. Sorcn-ycnr-old Lad's Mcssngo to Ills Young Cousin Hero Harry Bradflold Is oxhlbltlng a lot tor that his llttlo son, Pasquln, has Just rocolved from a sovon-year-old couBln at Nowata, Okla, Tho lettor Is as follows: Nowata, Okla., Mar. 28, '12, Dear Cousin Pasquln: I havo not heard from you for a fow days. How aro you gottlng along? I am loarnlng to wrlght on tho typowrlghtor, and I find It hard work. Why dont you ovor como down? Wo nro going to como up somo tlmo, wo aro going to bring tho dog up and Robort to, Yestordny ovonlng while I was on my way homo I pushed old Shop In tho creek nnd It was pretty dcop but ho was p.'otty durty. How Is undo Woss? And how aro you today? Whon Is Earl going to como up? I would like to tnko a rldo In a boat. And I would llko to go a hunting, and whllo wo woro out In thq boat, nnd If a whalo would como up and stick bis noeo up Into tho boat, nnd wo had a gun wo would shoot him. From your cousin, Edmond Brndllold. Jns. C. Dahlmann, sorvlng his third term as mnyor, Omaha, Nebr., again wns successful In receiving tho overwhelming support of tho votors In tho primnry election. Ho also successfully rid hlinsolf of a bad cnbe of kidney troublo by tho aid of Foloy Kidney Pills, nnd writes: "I hnvo taken Foloy Kldnoy Pills and thoy hnvo given mo n groat deal of rollof, bo I cheerfully recommend them." What Foloy Kldnoy Pills hnvo done for Mnyor Dahlmnn thoy. itIH fin trtt nnv nflini nnrann tintlinrml : with backache, rheumatism, or any other form of kldnoy or blnddor troublo. Just try thorn for quick and pormnncnt results. For sale by Red Cross Drug Co. $3,000 wail Don't forget the Turkish PHONE 2MJ. Baths I.oroy Thncker, Wntertown, S. D., .siivh: "I suffered with rhoumatlsm for over olght years, and It seemed nt times I would go crazy with pain. Threo bottles of Foloy Pills cured my ihoiimntlsm nnd I gladly roenmmond thorn. Sold by Red Cross Drug Co. HOWARD'S gonutno MEXICAN TAMALKS dollvered any plnco In tho city until 1U O'CLOCK nt nlglu. Thoy aro READY to SERVE. Phono Henry Forrls, Hadar, Neb., Is tho father of ten chlldrou and for the past 20 years has used Foley's Honey aud Tar Compound with the best of results. Ho tells us: "I think Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound Is tho best cough medicine In the world for I havo used It for the past 20 years aud can recommend It to any one needing n cough modlclno." For sale by Red Cross Drug Co. At, The Royal Tonight. THE OLYMPIC PLAYERS FOUR PEOPLE Will Present n Comedy Sketch COMIC SINGLES AND GOOD SONGS An nil around good evening's enter tainment for only 10 Cents. Don't fall to seo this whllo you havo tho chanco, GOOD MOVING PICTURES This ranch Is on nnvlgnblo wator, about forty minutes rldo from Marsh flold. It consists of sovonty-tlirco acres, of which 35 acres is Improved bottom land and six acres Is Improv ed hill land. Ten cows will go with land. Tho total cost Is St 1,000. Will ac cept $:t,ooo down and tho bnlanco In payments two years apart, to suit buyer, ot six per cent Intorost. Tho net Income from this proporty Is about $2000 a year. This Is the best ranch buy that has been offered on tho nay In n long time. Address or inqulro of Geo. Wo Autism North Rood, Agent, Oregon ?JII UMIil kihi bvuM The Sign of Good Candy Always For All Kinds of Hauling SEE fnmcoacfl. s Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Clifford Doane phone aai.n. UIIiM?fIJw,w,,3hae "O"19 Inventive ability ftlE.ll ,.!"a:W.w.rlt,,u"KE:V 'l MiI.NTIItK Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTHELL Phone S1U Give Your Home a Spring Tonic A new Rug will brighten up the room and make your old furniture look like new We Have Them in Any Old Size From the Smallest Up Our Prices Arc Always Right As You Can Sec Below Granite Iugrain Rugs; room size $4.50 to $5.50 Ingrain Wool Rugs; room size $8.00 to $12.50 English Art Rugs; room size $7.75 to $15.00 Taplstry Brussels Rugs; room size ; $11.00 to $22.50 Axminstcr Rugs; room size $25.00 to $50.00 Body Brussels Rugs; room size $20.00 to $32.50 Wilton Rugs; room size $32.50 to $15.00 Small Rugs .' $1.40 to $15.00 Linoleums ; all grades ; from 40c per yard to $1.65 GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers Wc Make Home Lighting Effective and Economical When the lighting solicitor of tho Oregon Pow er Company plans a lighting installation he aims at scientific results and low operulitiy cost. Their. object is to please the customer so that he will desire to continue using clccfric lUjhl. Household lighting bills depend much, on the character of the wiring and equipment of lamps, fixtures, shades and reflectors. tiloctric lighting means no watches, dirt, odors or danger. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 City Auto Service Good Cnro, Careful Drlrtrt i:i roiifiounblo charges. Our com; "Will bo nnywhero at tny tint" Stands Hlnnco Hotel tnd BUtrt Clar Storo. I)ny Phones 78 uJ 11 Night Phono 40. HAKKKIt Jt fiOODAIiK. pwprltltw Unique Pantatorium tiiw Mnnirnv nvitiM. rLKAXEKJ. I'llRSyEItS and HAT ItK.VOWTOM Agont for Edward E. Blr8H flno Tailoring Lt ui nili JW next Suit. &5H Commercial. Ph)MM. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho close of business April 18, 1012. RESOimCES. Loans and discounts .20g 201. C3 Bonds, wnrrauts and securities !!!!.'!! "78947!oo U. S. bonds to securo circulation '.'.'.'.', 2s!oOooO Real estate, furnlturoand fixtures 81,'oil.'a4 Cash and sight exchange 198'2G8!cS T0tal 501,428.' 1 LIAIHLITIES. Capital stock paid In ,.... Surplus and undivided profits 2ib 40 ZXm 0Ut8tand,nR ::::::::::::::::: sI:SoS:oS uei UBUS 457,013.22 Total ' 9501,428.71 ers lsInia00dy0O0n0t0O.CaPltal StCk tb ludlvldul "ability of StocUhold- INTEHEST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER. President. M. O. HORTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. rro.meni. r-fA9.F.s!0.NAL- -D-'-R-IS Dll. A. J. IIENDHX'H Modem Dental Ptriort. Wo are oqulpped to do bltf & work on ihort notice t tti ! lowest prices. Extmlnitlw tH Lndr attendant, Coke bulldlnf. site Chandlnr hotel, phon l W. BENNHTT, J. UWyPr JffUe oror Flanann t DenDttu DU. J. T. McCOUJIAO, Physician and Suriw Marshdeld, Orejon. Jfflce: Lockhart DulldlM, nr.nnoltn nnt nfTlrn. VlOl W ...... FrtdN Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars llcnsonnmc -AU Night Service Careful driving u'v ,,..! Phone Blanco J'ooi - until 11 P.M. After 11 P.' 6-J. Paiaca uesiuui". You Auto Call W PHONE WXf;S Stand front of Lloyd Hot TWO NEW CAIlS After 11 P. M. PhoJ Residence '""",. Will make tripstoCoqnm A Correct Insurance Policy . Ia very essential. M ' correctly written It l anco. Wo write correct v In tho best companies. I. S. KAUFMAN & H. 177 riw -