Jacookookmadebyacook is better than a cook made by a cook-book TDVEnTIBlNa in Tho TUIK3 win. Put Voar IlcAl IJstet0 ",n U,o Market" Kiiccuveiyi .. -in nut the fact about your .rMtfty bofora Uo oycs of all "pos- "iblo buyers" In town. And It o'i one of them who ought to OInoB $mt trns MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WANT ADVERTISING! In Tho TIMJK Will Keep tho Income from Yow Furnished Rooms from LapalRgt YOU can really holp tho family revenues by ronting a few rurnlsbod rooms and, If you know how nd when to use tho classified columns, you may kcop that little extra Income ns "steady as a clock." yOL XXXV Established In 1878 ni Tim Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912 EVENING EDITION i OREGON MURDERERS ARE SENTENCED TO BE HANGED MB hi piA i am....u i mm. CHANGES FOR METHODISTS A Consolidation of Tlnu'i, Const Mull nntl Coos liny AdxcrtUcr. No. 24B George and Charles Humph reys to Pay Death Penalty. onMllfiTED OF SLAYING MRS. ELIZA GRIFFITH Gov. West Expected Stay Exe cution Until After Election ! Next Novemrjer. at Associated Proaa to Coob Boy ' Times.) C0RVALL18, Ore, May 3. Geo. .. nhnrlea Humphroys, convlctod JJf tbo murdor of MrB. Eliza Qrlfflth ,Mr Plymouth woro Bontoncod by jadw Hamilton today to bo hnngod .t iha State ponltonlary, Juno 14th. xi men rccolrod tho announcomont cl the court with Indlfforonco. Tho eondemnod men woro taken to Salom ihortly after scntenco was pronoun ce. nEI'IHKVH 11Y WEST. ROOSEVELT TO WIN DISTRICT CoTcmor to Pro cut Execution Un til After rtnvcmucr uicciioii. (Br Awoclatod Press to Coos Dn Times ) SALEM. Oro., May 3. fJcorgo and Ctirlcs HumphroyB, Bontoncod at rartallls todny to bo hangod fon tho Border of Mrs. isnzn uriiiuu, roncn td tto ponltontlary this nftornoon. Cosilderablo Interest Is nrousod by tit caso becauso of tho stntomont el 0o7nrnor West Bovornl months ko that ho will not pormlt nn oxo- cation fur murdor during his term if oflce. .Shortly after tho arrest of tie Humphreys, Oovomor West tutftd that If tho mon woro convlctod udicntcncod to death, ho would not commute, tho scntenco but would Tint a rcprlove until nftor tho No Trmbi't eloctlon when It Is oxpocted tie tutors will pass upon tho quos- tlcn nf abolishing cnpltal punlsh- BIBt, Republican Primaries at Spo kane and Eastern Wash ington Give Him Leadv (Dy ABsocfatcd Press to Coob Day Tlmo.) SPOKANE, Wn., Mny 3. Resultfl of Iho republican primaries yestor dny prnctlcally nssuro n solid Rooso volt dolcgntlon of slxty-ono delegates from Spoknno county to tho stnto convontlon at Aboroecn. Tho ro turns rocolvod at tho present tlmo Bhow Roosovolt will havo 304 dolo gatcs to tho county convention to morrow with 21 G noccsBary control. Tho results of tho primaries gavo KoosovoJi n decided lead for two del egates to the national convention to bo soloctod from tho third congress ional uiBinct, embracing nlnotcon counties In eastern Washington. Ac cording to tho results of tho primar ies hold so fur In tho district, Rooso- volt, It 18 cstlmntod will havo 112 delegates to tho district convention, Tnft 31 nnd LaFolIotto ono with nlnotcon contested. Only 121 dele gates nro neodod to control tho con vention nnd twolvo moro votes of n contesting dclogntlou In Chclnn coun ty will glvo tho victory to Roosovolt In this district. Twenty-four Bishops of Church Request That Restriction On Amusements Be Withdrawn. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Mny 3. 'Tho American pcoplo nro too far ad danced to longer bo restricted by church rules ns to whnt their amusements shall bo. Tho rules pro hibiting dancing, card playing, gam bling and golnir to theaters, circuses nnd horso rncos thcroforo should bo port presented today to tho gouorul conference of tho Methodist Episco pal church by nn order of tho bishops. In rocommondlng tho radical change tho 2 1 nctlvo bishops stipulated tho church should not bo Indifferent on these subjects, but that tho peoplu should bo loft to Judgo for thom solvos whnt nro right or wrong nmusomonta. Doforo thorn tho only Injunction Is that of John Wcsloy for- iiinuiB ui ouuu inversions bids FDOTE JURY UNABLE TO AGREE: IS DISCHARGED THIS AFTERNOON COMPENSATION UOOSEVElT MAS CONTROL 1PR0VEMENTS AT SMITH MILL (Contract for Electric Plant Practically Closed Figure On Suction Dredge. The 0. A. Smith coinimnv will closo ue contract today or tomorrow with tt C. 0. Mooro company, of San Francisco, for tho machinery and equipment for tho now oloctrlcnl Wer plant which thoy will Instnl ttre. Tho mnchlnorv will ho fur- tlibcd mostly by tho Gonornl Eloctrlc company through tho San Francisco Arm. The plans cnll for two turbines. 200O klllomatss nnd ono COO lowatts. Tho smallor turblno Is to w ready for servlco In throo months "d t .6 tthnl.i nlniit In In li nnm. Pitted within six months. It will lenerato upwards of 3500 horsepow er and will furnish powor for olectrl- JIDE tho Illlll tlm ,ul mill ...wl Mm electric logging opoiutlons. figuro On Now Dredge. Hie 0. A. HmlH. n.,innn., I nl.n .i . - "" M....V.4 l.Uilll.illl,jr ,a ft.ou "Urini: Oil hni'lllf. n a.intlnti .li-mliut 1 limit. . .... 44 HllbllUH U.Mt)V ( 'ar 10 tiiu govornmont drodgo Oregon, built for uso horo. Thoy nan on getting a 10 or 12-lnch OittlKe tn lninrin 11. l...il..,. .,.! jork around tho booms. Tho orit of this clasB planned would P auch a drodgo busy for two or e years. While tho contract has Ot )et tlppn n..,...l.l 4 ., l,l.l "l be soon. Huh Moro Thiui JOO Over Necessary Number at SM)l(unc. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coot Day Times.. 8POKANE. Wash., Mny 3. Com- ploto returns from tho precincts glvo Itoosovolt 301 Vi dolegntos, Tnft 4(5 and Ln Kollotto 3. Tho county precincts whoro tho primaries woro hold Inst Saturday solcctod 29 Vj Itoosovolt dolegatcs, assuring tho Itoosovolt forces of 331 votes In tho county convention with 21C ncccssnry to control. ASK RECOUNT IN BAI STATE Politics in Massachusetts Bad" ly Muddled As Result ' of Contests. BILL ATTACKED Senator Reed Scores Proposed Workmen's Legislation In Senate. (Dy Associated PrcsB to Coob Day Tlmo.l WASHINGTON, May 3. Sonntor Rood of Missouri on rosumlntr his speech on tho workmen's compensa tion bill In tho Sonnto today do nouncod tho mcasuro as tho most re volutionary legislation undertaken for twenty years. Ho said It would wlpo out all common laws nnd rights as well as tho statutos and acts of congress. Hcod nssortod that labor organi zations as such had had no opportun ity to pass on tho morlts of tho pond ing bill nnd took tho pbsltion that no frlond, of organization labor such ns hlmsolf could afford to voto for It In absonco of tholr approval, Sonn tor Overman said tho railroad mon who had como to Washington to pro tost when tho bill was' boforo tho Judiciary commltteo fnilod to oven enter tho room. Ho stntod that ono of tho men said to him that if ho mado a protost ho would loso his In suranco and bo oxpollod by othors from his order. Hcod ropliod that this was ovldonco tho mon had boon corruptod by othors which ho said would bo saved many millions by tho onaotment of tho proposod law. TR! TO ENO M W as. cannot bo taken In tho namo of mo i.oru, jesus," gambling Is con demned and tho lino not drawn im. twecn tho raco track gambler nnd tho - - w w rrwvvv PAPERS TIED UP BY STRIKE Leading Dailies Have Difficulty Printing and Distributing Publications Today. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, May 3 Tho differ ences botwoen tho pressmen nnd tho publishers of tho principal Chicago dallies today assumed tho nspoct of a determined contest, nlthough tho prospects of sottlomcnt nro bolloved by soma not far distant. Limited edi tions of tho nftornoon pnporn woro printed nnd cnrrlcd from tho nows papor offices by wagons under guard. (Dy AEHoclatcd Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, May 3. Tho differ ences between tho prcssmon's union and the principal nowspnpor pub lishers hero which Interfered with tho regular publication of tho nftor noon papers yesterday and thq morn ing papers Coday aro still unsottlcd. Preparations lavo boon mndo to print and tho bono Is oxnrcsscd that tho difficulty will speedily bo adjusted. Wagonmon and nowsboys havo com plicated tho situation by siding with tho pressmen nnd few stands con tained tho rogulnr morning papers. Papers from nonrby cities wero dis tributed In tho suburbs. SHOOTING AT SOUTH SLOUGH LEVEE GONE, T W Two Shots Fired at William Joiner and Tom Talbot Near Scene of Evans Murder. According to reports, from 8outh Slough, n second nssasslnatlon nearly occurred thero tho other night. Ow ing to tho recent mystorlous murdor of Jacob Evans, near tho scono of tho second attempted Bhootlng, tho af fair has caused qulto n stir. Tho storv In that Wllllnm Jolnnr. who first discovered tho Evans mur dor, and Tom Talbot, who was visit ing m mo joiner rnnclt, hoard a noiso about tho promises lata In tho ovonlng. Thoy wont outsldo to boo wnnt tno troublo wob. Tholr appoar nnco was quickly followed by two ririo Bhots, tho ballots imboddlng thomsolvcs in a building nonrby. Who could hnvo flrod tho bullets or what their motlvo was Is a mystory. This will probably result In hasten ing tho investigation of tho Evans murdor. Nothing now has dovolopod In tho nffnlr nsldo from tho Investi gation of tho story of tho half-breed woman wIiobo forecast of tho Evans murdor rccontly enmo to llcht. It Is also understood thnt an offort Is bolng mndo to locato a young man whom Evans had omployod on his rnnch last wlntor nnd to whom P. A.' Gratfort, n nophow of Jacob Evans, toforrcd In ono of his rccont lottors. I3ut llttlo Is known of tho youth's Identity. For somo tlmo nnst. thero havo boon a number of hard characters In tho South Slough ucctlon nnd thoro has been much 'turmoil thero. Onco or twlco tho officers hnvo considered tho advisability of starting a crusndo to drlvo thorn out of thnt country, but nothing has ovor been done. Peace Commission Named to Rush of Mississippi Flood (Dy "EI'OltT IS DENIED. I'allai, Government Says Wnrtdiln Is I IR Nt r'(,st' : "7 Associated Press to Coos Day imwn Times.) "UJlL. Itnlv Mntr rrl, Ilnlln Jorernnipiit .i..i- .' 4 ,.. .... ' v. "cuil-"orto" was drivon on tho rc "a and cut.!, .i. m..i I..... coast. near Zuara. Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) D08TON, May 3. The tiling to dny of potitlons foi primary recounts mny delay until Juno tho Issuing of certificates of election of tho doio gatos to tho Chicago and nnltlmoro national covontlons. Petitions for recounts woro filed by tho Tnft mnn agors In nearly all tho cltltos nnd Inrgo towns. Recounts nlso woro askod In mnny congrosslonnl districts and by tho Itoosovolt dologntes In tho eight nnd 10 districts whoro press returns gavo Tnft tho delogatos by narrow margins. TllEATV CALLED OFF Treat Direct With Revo lutionists There. (Dy Associated Pvss to Tho Coos Dn rim oa) WASHINGTON, May 3 Tho ap polntment by tho Mexican congress of a poaco commission to treat dir ectly with tho revolutionists is con bldercd by tho Stnto Dopnrtmont olllclals to bo significant. It Is bo lloved to Indicate that tho Mexican congress Is determined to act on Its own Initiative In endeavoring to tor mlunto tho war. No Indication has ronched horo whether President Mn doro has given his approval. Conditions nt Sallna Cruz nro be coming serious, according to reports Tho Drltlsh cruiser, Algorlno, will roach Mnzatlan on tho west coast of Mexico In a weok to tako aboard tho Drltlsh refugees who deslro to de part, Similar sorvlco Is being per formed on tho east coast by tho cruis er Melpomeno. Waters Over Louisiana Lowlands Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da; Tlmo.) NEW ORLEANS, La., May 3. Eight aro roportod to hnvo bocn drowned this afternoon whon tbo Mississippi lovco, nonr Morgansca, La., broke, flooding tho surrounding country. Later. It is donlcd thnt lovco nt Morgansoa has gono out or thnt thcta was any loss of llfo, Tho situation, however, is desperate. 1 RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS BAY Interest Centers In Terminal Meeting and Council Meet ing Tonight. to l:t'AAAAAA..A.AA II.ll(iIlTOVKn A GAME OF CARDS ! ' ' SSflrlnfn.l TIrnaa Jk Camilla Objects to Amendments Fisheries agieemeni. (Dy Assoclntod Pross to Tho Coos Tlmos.) OTTAWA, Ont., May .1. Tho Can adian govornmont Is expectod to withdraw Its approval of tho propos ed International fisheries tronty In n fow days. Tho falluro of the United States senato to ratify tho proposod arrangement I tho cause. The troaty was ratified by the Canadian House but not tho United States sen nto which mado certnln amendments objectionable to Canada. PIIOIJK IS CONTLNTKD English Investigation or 'ninnie Disaster nesunieu unii. Associated Prow to Coos Day Tlmos.) ,'DOV. May 3. Sir minis i?io o..,ii.. ...., ,Toooa aimrnnv general, continued P.I - . '..'"! . """ "-. .-'.".!.. I tn,lm. h. trr,-r,t ' ll ne" I'otts. his op- with tno wie.-K coiuimiii . - ed "1" dangerously wound- .hear testimony In connection wltn l - ' IWn mnii mmrraloil Allhn .rclf nf tile lllBUIU. IUI u ' OVPl. " " 'hii -r ... u ...- - - AT. ..;. Ul'"1011 lr0SS , English rntT' N1 X' Ga- Mny 3. Two I) ' J f- j ,ullv08 hero t0. (Dy As ut u ji p, mci,nrd unrpor, 4. hX-n , ' 1nK t0 ft prominent LONI kV,i .' r,n family, was Isaacs. CONDITION IN MEXICO In (Dy Little Proiiicct of Improvement Conditions There. Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) HOI'STON, Tox May 3. U. S. Marshal Drewster has Just returned from the Mexican bordor nnd Is of tl e opinion that little poaco or bet terment In the conditions in Mexico will result In the nonr future and that other than intervention thero Is TO CONTINUE WORK ON LINE TERMINAL RAILWAY DIRECTORS POSTPONE FINAL ACTION ON NUMI1EH OF MATTERS UNTIL L. J. SIMPSON RETURNS. At tho conclusion of tho meeting of tho dlroctora of tho Terminal Rail way this afternoon, It wns statod that tho only buslnoss transactod wits mnklnu arrancomonts for fully corn- little to be done on the part of tho I plying with tho company's franoblso .NORTH IIEND'S OFFER C. J. Mlllls, who Is horo ropro- sontliig tho Southern Pacific, stated this nftornoon that North Dond had offored tho Southern Pacific two hundred ncres ol land freo If tho compnny 4 would ngrco to locato Its shops 4 nnd terminals thoro. Ho did not spoclfy tho locntlon of tho tract, but it Is supposed to bo near Pony Slough. WILL REMAIN HERE Owing to MrB. 0. J. Mlllls bo lng too 111 to trnvol, Mr. .Mlllls will not lonvo tomorrow as ho had planned. Ho will romaln horo for another week, probably. Fail to Convict Aged Slayer of Charles Wilcox at Co- quille Today. ONLY ONE JUROR WAS FOR ACQUITTAL Balance Unable to Unite On De gree of Guilt Court 1 Adjourns. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore, May 3. -Tno Jury in tho caso of W. R Footo, In dicted on tho clmrgo of murdor fn tho second d,ogroo for the killing.. Chas, Wilcox on tho stioots of Cjo qulllo n fow months 00, reported flbagroomont a. 3 o clock tlilsnftar rxon nnd woro ordered dischargoVl by Judgo Donson. The ensu went i tho.Jury at ton o'clock last night. Tho falluro to ngrco wns not un expected, In fact mnny who had fol lowed tho trial throughout had pov pnosiod it. AccorJlng to nn unofllclnl report, tho Jurora stood six for nn Insanity verdict, ono for acquittal, two for manslaughter and throo for second dogroo murdor whon tho last ballot was takon. As n result of tbo disagreement, now trial will bo roqulrcd. Just whon It will bo brought up again, 1m not known. Judgo Donson gavo written In structions to tho Jury, tho gist df thorn bolng that Footo should ha found guilty unless tho Jury cqnsliN orod that tho dofonso had provod Ji&t yond a roasonnblo doubt thnt Footo was Insane whon ho klllod Wilcox. Fqur formp of vordlct woro furn ished to tho Jury. Ono wns not guilty becnuso Footo was lnsanw,, ono of .second dogrco murder nrul ono of manslaughter. Tho Jurors In tho Footo caso wore:: C. O. Curtor, J. W. Offlold, F. I Lowq, Goorgo Cox, F. A. Goldon, M. M. Young, 11. D. Wolgard, T. D. KM, D. Moyors, J. W Hlldobrnnd, 0. IV. Kaufman nnd A. E. Dettys. a Immediately nfloi- tho roport Qf tho Jury, Judgo Donson ndjourno'd court until .Mny 13 whon Judgo Cok will ronvono It ugaln. Judgo Ron has to loavo tomorrow nn tho Rronk wator for his home at Klamnth Falls. United States Americans nro sub jected to constant pott' Insults from Mexlcaus. pver a B no of cards. gran- 4 A. ' '444 JSK'' ?IAL-.10c CESt-ctWWS'S B, i Mvm aaKGEIi KORD' lost ,'?., JIny NEW THINGS 10 nnd 15 0UQAT f000 and KONEY rORn-a T?.-POUW at STAF- I It n nnTIlIIIIMMIIIII. soj'. who nesus i" . granted permission to the Seamen s Union and the Imperial Mercantile Guild to be represented nt the hear ing. Pnrticular attention was direct ed to the equlpmont of vessel and her speed ns si o entered tho Icebearg sea. FREES-Doat 'r?0l7F .. hat hnutrht at the VOGUIi NL'W POL1TIOAL HILL. Prohibits All fiovtiiniiiont Employes from Special Acthlty. (Dy Associated Press toCoos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, May 3. Repre sentative Hull of Toxas, a domocrat, today Introduced a bill Intondod to prevont government employes from participating In presidential cam paigns or halng ofllclal connection with any organization or movoment looking to such election. The bill would Impose a flno of five hundred dollars and summary dismissal. 8 SATURDAY and SUNDAY. MILLINERY, NORTH nEtVD WHEAT $2 PER CWT. SATUR DAY AT HAINES. In Mnrshfleld so that tho construc tion work will go steadily on. It wns stated that action on otlior matters that came up was postpouod until the arrival of L. J. Simpson, tho only director who was nbsont at today's mooting. This is prosumod to havo boon mntter relating to tho Southorn Pacific's proposition to gain entrnnco to Marshflold. It is stated that another mooting of tho Terminal Railway directors will bo hold Just as soon ns Mr. Simpson roturns. ALL LOCAL ELKS Aro requested to call on tho see- retary, Goo. II. Rotnor, at once, havo their measurements takon for uniforms. Orders must bo given Immediately to bo In tlmo for the convention. i Intorcst In tho local railway situa tion today contorod In tho mooting of tho directors of tho Terminal Railway to bo hold this nftornoon nnd tho mooting of tho Marshflold city council tonight to consider tho Southern Pacific's application foi u frnnchlso, Tho mooting of tho Tormina! Rail way directors Is private but It Is not unlikely thnt a now stntomont will bo Issued by thorn relntlvo to their attltudo on thq Southorn Puclflc's proposition. u, H. winsor enmo down from North Dond to attend tho meeting, The council mooting tonight pro mises to bo a rather lively ono. It Is understood that 0. J. Mlllls will present tho drnft of his ro vised franchise. fng up tho North Front street pare mont for tho trnck and nnothor force Is nt work on South Droadwny north from El rod. I'nrtlos from North Dond today who nro closo In touch with tho sit uation thoro declared positively to day that tho council thoro would grant tho Southorn Pacific's fran chise. A. 0. Rnnb, C. S. Winsor and sovornl others voiced this opinion. Nothing now tins boon rocolvod from II. A. Sumner rolntlto to devel opments In tho Pacific Groat Wcstorn nnd tho North Const lino projects. It Is oxpocted thnt moro doflnlto In formation will bo obtained from hint In a week or ton days. Nothing hns boon given out reln tlvo to tho developments on tho Coos liny nnd llolso, Englncor Hnlnos and n force nro at work op tho survey and E. G. Flanagan and Potor Loggia nro still busy on right of wny nogo. tlatlons. 0. II. Marsh who has boon handling right of way matters for tho South orn Pnclflo on this oud stated this nf tornoon that his work was practlc- nlly completed. Ho snld thero woro only a fow plocos to closo up for nnd ho now bollovos thnt all of It will bo seen rod without condemnation lit igation except in possibly ono In stanco In North Rond. Atiton Lino Progress. Somo mnrked developments In tbo Coos Day and Eastern Railway for which Taggart Aston made tho sur voy Inst yonr to Rosoburg nro ox pocted within tho noxt fow weeks. General Manager Hoopor now has tho mnttor up with tho London syn dicate which Is financing tho project nnd doflnlto steps mny bo tnkon soon. It Is snld that tho work on this project has boon dolnyod somewhat by tho construction of 350 miles ot railway south from Rockport, Texas, by tho syndicate which Is behind tho Coos Day and Eastern Parties who nro in closo touch with 0. A. Smith aro said to bo giv ing him ns authority for tho stito mont thnt tho prosper ts nro bright for tho construction to Coos Daf by N7r innrt?n.l linn(no an tut act nu1l bo nscortalnod today, have boon mado, another lino from the northeast or In tho franchise. However, tho ills-,00"' wuoiiior mis memm mo un cusslon tonight muy result In somo. ' Jlnes or not ,fJ R mnttor of spooula- It Is expectod that City Engineer! "on. Gldley will make a spotlal report on'AAAA4..AAAAAAAA(kAA tho offset the changes In tho Droad- ( 41UU, 1IU1U11 uj tllU OMUU1UIII Pacific, would have on intersecting streets, i Many woro of tho opinion today that tho Terminal Railway and Boumorn raciuo woum goi logoinor 4 wnereoy uom lines wouiu uso lvront 4 street, in caso tnoy none, it is in timated thero may bo a bitter legal fight ovor tho location of tracks. Construction on tbo Terminal Railway Is being pushod ahead. To day somo men resumed work on tear- . ONE-HALF CENT PIECES ARE PROPOSED WASHINGTON, D. C, May 3. Tho Tronsury Dopartmont has wltl'drawn Its opposition to tho colnago of additional de nominations of money and I not opposing tho bill Introduced by Ropresentntlvo Hulkloy, of Ohio, providing for throo cent and one-half cent plocos, .- 1 ,m PRICE HAINES' FLOUR.