If YOU GIVEA WHIPPING YOU MUST ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO TAKE ONE -TKHTISlNa In Tl.o TIMES Will I'ut Vour Ileal UtU "ta WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMKM Will Keep tho Income from Iom Furnished Rooms from Lnpslagt YOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished ..M .t l 1..i.i, tintw anil tttt?2 tbo Market" juiccurciyi will Put the facts about your ;.rt boforo ho eyes of nil "pos- P5P fuyorB" lu town. And If ,b'V ono of them who ought to l"6,! n?,Ml sell It! j when to use tho classified columns, j you may keep that Httlo extra Income as "steady as a clock." own ' MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS BXiWmB&XW2JJJ3IWlXn,vrMSW V2J4I(Ifi mm . WVU KstnlillsiiiMi in Jtn VOL. AAI s The Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1912 EVENING EDITION- 0 SURVEY OF COOS BA IS " ILL REST FOREVER A Consolidation of Times, Count .Mall o. 247 mill Coos Buy Advertiser. PROVIDED III RILL IN SENATE Amendment to Rivors and Har- urcs Provides it. COQUILLE RIVET T0 m ALOU PC oumui uu Lore Money for Improvement of ureuon vvuiuwajfo Is Asked for. (Special to Tho T1moB.) -...mifliYiM. n n.. Mnv 2 , Benito commlttco nmondmoniB TM OiUva ...-i,. 1,111- nrnvil. !S for surveys of Cooa Bay, Coqulllo SL, BluBlair rlvor, Wlllnmotto rlv tfbeWn OroBou City and Eu int, Vaaulna Day and Port Orford Urbors. (B; Atsodatod Press to Coos Bay l I111UQ. .ietitvnTfiM n C. Mnv 2. !-... i)m nnnmtirlntlona most In Ictufdfcy tho Sonnto uro: Colum- Itia river uoiwoon juiho rwu uu Tie Danes HapiUB, ijouu.uuu; auuvu ICcllloTalls. GO.000;Golumbln rlvor B.. n..nn Blniiirh. ICO. 000: Colum- ft!i ttfl lower Wlllnmotte rlvora, tlSO.000; Nohaicm nnr ana naruor, IllM.OOO. more money allowed htc Increased Appropriations if or Ulrnruatllil IllirborS. (3j AiBoclatcd Press to Cooa Bay ii mo. j wiRitiNT.TON. D. C. May 2. Orrlns JS.Or.7,010 In addition to lit ipproprlatloim provided ior by C House, (ho rlvora and lim'ljora impropriation bill oggrogniing j, 11I.S30, 'has been UBrocd to iry tho ite conimittoo on commerce nnu HI te reported In n fow days. Tho mal hIml'Ipi Incroasa to tlio TJoilBO xuiurn in 12.nnn.nnn Tor ihoilH Eulppl rlvor, making hIx million for Hit witorwny. PERWOOD IS IN ALABAMA Southern Democratic Aspirant lor Presidency Victor nn Primaries There. ' IB; Auoclatcd Press to Tho Coos Hay Times) ATLANTA. On.. Mnv 2. Osenr W. tdtrwoofl proved to bo tho wlnnor Tr Wilson yesterday In tho domo- me primaries In thlH state, tho i!ibimlan1i uroat Htrcnath'wnB ?"n ' country, whllo Wilson's hold mej to bo ccnflnod to tho cltlos. l:Jwwood'H lend la nmiroxlmntolv ln. VOTT iv ftiiucl.traiiTci.vivra IB7 Aisoclated Prosu to Tho Cooa liny Tlmos) I WleTrtW ...... a Y.-1 .. " out of tho 1080 products rIvo r ' iicuv, uuu; uonsoveu, Hr I" Taft 71,808; Clark. 19.90:1; wn, 920C IlnW IT CT.IVIIU VftlP i.VEW YOllK" Mo,, o 1M. Vaw Irt Herald publlshoa "tiio followlnp -ww or mo rcintlro strongtli or f e presidential candidates, as tho IV an ""Partial revlow of tht P'i'lOa. nrlnr tn Mm XTnaunnliliCAtin Faarles: I ltopuhllcaus. P't a 1 r. !f(tPU " nun Tcllettn ' "ir. Nffllns , , 10 Pin Y nmlnat0 B4 -VH1UI70U ,. ,,,..,IUU 11....... .... I... "-iimrrjiiH. P' 1 If) 1 n . no' tt ui ... t-tj F sns,i 30 P J6 r-aln. ini FJ(a to noni'nnto 700 lUl' Th0 Il0rnll any thnt r rr,(l-nt 's virtually nssnred of U. '' "V'"" n Chicago nt till 5 L ." A SEARCHING INVESTIGATION British Inquiry Into Titanic Wreck Will Be Most ' Thorough. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, May 2. Lord Mersey, wreck commissioner nnd five HBslst mntfl hold todny tho first session of tho Board of Trade Inquiry Into tho Titanic Investigation which promlsoB to ovorshndow -all provlous tribunals it a nlmllnr character, and Trom tbo 2G nuostlons already nnnonnccd, tbo Inquiry will covor practically tho HOino cround nn tho rnmmtttnn In Wnshlngton, but will bo rnoro in ac- coruanco wiin tno proctsiure or a court of law, and deal definitely wlth n Btutcd case. FINB MOKE HOTMKS Wlftrcn Moro Victims if Titanic llc- f fti7 Hnmuht to JlnllTiiv (By ABBoclatod Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) NEW YORK, May 3. Tho West ern Unlou cnblo ttcanu-r Mlnla, Koarchlng nt tho bcodo of tho Titnnlc wreck, Is returning to llnllfax with fifteen bodies nnd sfll dock Monday. 0. P T W y ' r' '1- Is gaining steadily rs - Il - i in gaining Btonuiiy I'v. mT" v iUon I losing Bomo i. - nun two nnu miL'u f" O' pr DBniocratlc n- Pfr,r iiiiuiiuh uro nir in I Cl11 Till 1) nv ASSIlPl.lTKS moeii f.u,,,, uniisiml Doi.ion- r i.. . " '" "m I to-'-" Pres3 to Coos Bay ESVGT0-V' Ma' 2 An unu- M h8 m.,.u" rc?l0(l unoer- Prei ,-"" luaaer, wnon no Ftiersur ? Houso totW Tho 1 bcc . a uoay ana clieoroil Rtli. .:. ms victory in tho Her fw, 1norlda Primaries, lltajj tho cha,r Iooked Noted Cartoonist and Native Oregonian Succumbs to Pneumonia. (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coob Tlmss.) 'NEW YOKK, May 2. Homer Dnvonport, tho iamous cartoonist, died hero todny of pnoumonla. Tlomor Calvin Davenport wna one of Oregon's most distinguished native hoiib. Ho was born on his fnthor's fnrm near Sllvorton, Oregon, Mnrch 8, 18C7. Ho Bpunt all his enrly yoara on tho farm. Ilo never attended art Hchools but early displayed a de cided talent for drawing. Ho was nlso without much bciiooiidb or any kind hut developed Into a clever writer ns woll as cartoonist. Ho has boon a horso Jockey, railway llroman nnd n flown In a circus, Ho was given I h first omploymont by W. It. Hearst n tho San Francisco Examin er in IKII2. In 189C Mr Honrat trnnsforrod him to Now York whero Ills work on tho Now York Journal attracted national attention. Ho or-lj,l-s..tcd tho ;.iurk Ilnnna $ mark suit of clothoH and tho giant tlgure of the trusts. In 100G ho was grantod permission by tho Sultan of Turkey to oxport 27 Arabian horses from tho dosort of Arabia to America, said to bo the only genulno Arabian horsos in this country. Whllo on this trip he drew tho only picture over made of the Sultan. Whllo thoro ho was made tho dosert brother of Akmut Hagez. tho groat nodouln. In recont yoars. ho has mado Ills homo in Morris Plains. New Jersey nnd hns dono syndlcnto cartoon work. Ho hns malntnlnod an ollUe with the Now York Evonlng Mall. STH1KK IX rillCAfiO I'liiHJis Full to I"""" Ka,y l-,l,i,,,,s TIu'i-o Tolay. (By AsaoclHtwl Prow, to The Coo Day Times) CHICAGO. Ma 2. The early edi tions of the Chicago afternoon papers wore not printed today !"; nuenco of a dispute between tho pressmen of Chicago the newiiJ Webb pressmen's union No. 7, ami tho Oh Uw local of the An.ericon Newspaper PuW'- SS: The difference arose over tl-e spii" tlon of the pressmen's contrac s with the Hearst newspapers and the lau liro !o aUa on terms for renewals The hope la exited that It H I" adjusted In time for the late op tions. DAXCIXG LESSONS Prof. Boggs' rlasses Indanc ng In the latest dances. Saturday at 2 a. m. In Finnish hall. North Bend Monday at 3:30 p. ro-t Coqulllo Wednesday. Bnndon Thursday. .nimt.nt Private legsons by appointment. Don't forget the Turkish Batha rnoNE 214J. Unidentified Dead of the Ti tanic Disaster Will Be Buried In Halifax Cemetery Over looking Ocean. (By Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) HALIFAX, May 2 The last of tho Identified dead recovered from tho lost Titanic will probably loavo hero today. Tomorrow nftornoon thoso bodies that romnln anldontlflod will lo burled In n cemetery here, overlooking tho sea. Probably somo seventy or eighty burtals will b mado tomorrow, Including a consid erable number of tho identified! whoso friends doslro Interment in this city. HELD BACK NEWS CVinjrtvsslonnl Comtriltteo Goes to Now York to Msikc Inquiry. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Time.) NEW YOKK, Way 2. Sonntor William Aldon Smith, chairman of tho Sonnto commlttco Investigating tho Tltunlc wreck, announced todny that ho would hold no public hear ing during tno two days tho aommit tco wfll spend horo. Ho oxnects to Invcstlgnto chiefly tho report that tho nowB of tno Titanic disaster readied New York Mondny mornlnc. A 1C, wlille tho company gave out tho first nows of tho wreck Monday evening. SEATKANDS0RVEMR01ES B I S S P I B 000 ItEMEDY 18 PLANNED New Laws Governing Navigation Is Proiwsetl. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmo.) "WASHINGTON, D. O., May 2 From n multltudo of bills Introduced to remedy conditions nt son dis closed by tho Titanic disaster, tho Department of Commorco nnd Labor will preparo a gone ml mcasuro to bo acted on nt this session. 18MAY SAIL8 FOIt ENGLAND BANKER HELD FOR MISDEED In Mnnnglnp Director of Titnnlc Com pany Leaves New York. (By Assoclntod Proas to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, May 2. J. Bruce Ismay, managing dlroctor of tho company that owned tho Titanic, Ballod today in tho stoamcr Adriatic for Great Britain. Ho declined to mnko any statomout. "I Iiavo given tho Sonnto commlt tco nil tho Information nt my com mand," said iBmay. "Thoro cortaln ly Is nothing moro to Bay. I hnvo no lll-fcollng against tho Amorlcnn pub lic and think tho Sonnto investigation thorough. I am feeling tlrod and i wish to rest." OB fflNE KILLS MANY Turkish Tugboat Accidentally Fouls Fortification and Is Blown to Pieces. By Associated Prosu to Coos Bay Tlmoj CONSTANTINOPLE, May 2. A email tugboat engaged In .an Inspec tion of tho chnnuol buoya In tho Dnr donolles last night fouled a xnlno nnd was blown to plocos. iFour offi cers, 12 soldiers nnd all the mombors if tho crow porlshod. WAItSIIIl' 1H SUNK IRE TROUBLE FOR RAILROADS Italian Niut" Loses Battleship In Htonii Off Afrlcnn Cormt. I By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Tlmos. I CONSTANTINOPLE, Mny 2. A dispatch lecolvcd from Tunis snys tho Itallnn battleship Ro Umborto was driven by n storm on tho rocks nnd sunk nt n point on tho coaat noar Qunrn. Locomotive Firemen and Host lers of Middle West De mand Increased Wages. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) NEW YORK, May 2. Locomotlvo XlTomen nnd hostlom employed by tho railroads cast of Chicago and north of tho Ohio and Potomno rlveru sub mitted to tho conlorcnco commlttco of rnllroad managers today a schod nlo of rates for pay which calls for a Bcnonil Increase for nil classes. J. C. Suart, chairman of tho col . forenco committee of managers, stat-.-cd tho commlttco of mnnngors would 1) cnllod together ns soon ns possible, ilt was said tho railroads uso about 1 14,000 locomotives nnd that a hasty examination of tho new wngo scale Uhowod that tho nddltlonnl oxponso of tho railroads of between twenty. fWo nnd thirty million dollnni nnnu- nlly would be cniiHcd If tho doiuauNrf uro granted. If onu of tho dotnnnds Is complied with, It moans Mm om ploymont of fourteen thousand nddl tlonnl men. NEW BLUE IN EVANS 1 DER Forecast South Slough Crime May Lead to Arrests in Case Soon. Although no Indlctmonts woro re turned lu tho Jacob Evniis murder cnf.0 on South Inlet, n now cluo has boon dUcovorod which will probably result lu somo arrosts being mado shortly. Tho officers havo boon working qulotiy on mo case ovu slnco the murdor. Tho latest cluo and tno ono which promises big developments Is a story of the discovery of persons who woro familiar with n plot to kiii uvun.. i, ia aniii ihnt n week hoforo tho crime occurred, parties at Empire were told tnat isvans was going uU killed soon. They paid llttlo ntton timi tn ir then. tlilnklnK that It was simply mqi-e of the talk about the South Slougli irouiJie mai nuu umu rife for some time. v..u- ttd nartv who Imnarted tho direful lorecast which came true will li,. required to explain wny it made. ... , The matter would have been brought to a wore definite stage be fore this had not Prosecuting Attor ...... n,., H.I. unit Danuty Prosecuting Attorney Ltljeqvist bron busy on tho minder trials at uoquuie in i ten days. CIIVI.I.UVGUS FOK DFU1 C, t Zi'l'l""" SeeKs IJcdress On I'lcM or Honor. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) npm.iv Mnv 7. The Gonnanla todav prints a 'fetory of how Count Zeppelin, the airship builder, some time 1.80 challenged Theodoro Lor- ...i... u-.ia eopi-etarv of the Zeppe lin 'arctic expedition, to a duel, but tho matter nas noi ueen ucmou, pending the outcome of several laws suits between tho principals. BREAKWATER IN EARLY TODAV Steamer Arrives From Portland With Large Number of Passengers. Tho Bronkwatcr arrived in this mornlnc from Portland with a largo ! passongor Ust. Sho had a good enrgo Jot freight. Among thoso urrlvlng on tho Bronkwator woro tho following: W. S. Chandler, E. McArron, Miss Syblo Broke, Wm. Leaton, C. Loa- hnn n T.Mtnn. Mrs. It. I.'oss. W. V. McDowoll, Miss Alice Cox, D. E. Con logue, J. A. Frltzo, Mrs. M. C. nnvrlo. Mrs. w. C. Laird. E. S. Oil man. Mrs. M. A. Gilbert, C. E. Cu Iwood, Mrs. Cawood, Chas. Lodwood, J. Hogll. F. II. Kirk, J. Hosington, W. J. Hatflold, C. N. Ellonburg, E. R. Davis, Mrs. W. W. Bonnott, J. D. Bennett. W. W. Bonnet, A. B. Roed, It. N, Hornbu"le, J. L. Tlhbots, E. O, Rust, Pansy Proyor, M, N. Wado, C. W V Vlstor, F. Tausohor, Mrs. Tausohor. W. S. Marshal, Ada Mc Connel, L. 11. Downing. E. E. Mc ijluray, M. I). Nlol-ols, Mrs. NIcholL, II. L. Kelly. II. Ellersten. Mrs. N. JiiHterseu, B. II. Grant, F. II. Do Harde. J, II. Webber, MIbb Fairy Leach. .1. A. White, J. K. Halnllne. E. Wlla, V.. S. Poarson, C, M. Cour ter. W. II. Best, T. L. Johnson, P. Calvns. P. Palvlas. C. Palvlas, J. i. , Kinney. Blanch Rock. Mrs. W. II. Best, M. E. Long. D. II. Evans, F. L. Emmelo, Mrs. H. Lutsoy, E. M. Rosonthnl, Mrs. W. T. Harvey. Jo sephine Roga'ls, Oh. Wheoler, W. W. Strntton. J. F. Cross, A. W. Shuhnn, W. G. Chandler. I. S. Towor, H. Vlry- Ihow, E. limiine, u. Anaorson, u. u. Brown and H. Kanas. Tho Breakwater will sail at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon for Portland. Former President of Cincinnati Institution Placed Under Arrest. (By ABBoclatod Press to Cooa Bay Times.) CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 2. E. E. Galbratth, prcsldont of tho Second Natlonnl Bank, was arrcstod today by n United States Marshal on n chnrgo of misapplying tho funds of tho bnnk. Tho bank rocontly was discovered to bo In nn ombarasood condition and Is now being operated by mombors of tho Clncinnntl Clear ing Houbo Association. Tho warrant chnrgod that Gal bralth had misappropriated funds of tho bank to tho amount of 133,000 DEA TH TOWEL" W Roller Towel Is Barred From Public Places In San Francisco. (By Assoclntod Proas to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. Tho roller towel, known to tho modlcal profession an tho "Death towel," Is barred In cafes, saloons, bnrbor shops, hotels nnd public places by an edict of tho Board of Supervisors. FAIL TO END MINE TROUBLE FREES Bpat tickets free with every HAT bought at the VOGUE MILLIXKKY, NORTH BEND. Anthracite Operators and Min ers Unable to Agree On New Schedule. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, May 2. A full com mltteo of nnthrnclto operators and minors today voted down tho agreo mont submitted to thorn by tho sub committee of operators and miners to sottlo tho controversy ovor the iiuostioii of Increased wages and oth er questions In tho nnthrnclto region. Tho mooting adjourned to tho call of tho chairman. A suspension of work In tho nnthrnclto fields will follow. Unable to Repair Break Torras Crevasse in Louis iana Today. DAM AGE TO PROPERTY WILL REACH MILLIONS Residents of Threatened Dis trict Warned By Phone to Flee to the Hills. (By ABBoclatod Press to Coos Djaj Times.) TORRAS, La., May 2. Tho nora that tho onglncorB havo nbnndonon all hopo of closing Torrna Crovasao linn been Unshed to every twn On tho west sldo of tho rlvor within tk radius of CO mllos. It monna ttio abandonment of thousands of homtfi nnd tho territory south of horo aim tho property damago will run lnft tho millions. On tho opponlto fllite of tho rvor, thousands of ncroo woro flooded through tho breaking of ttj lovco nt Angola. Tho ntnto rocontly completed a half-million dollar eugitr roflnory nt this point and It will bo flooded. .MOKE AID VOTED Houso ItnlscA $700,000 for Mlsl- slpnl Klooil Victims. (By Associated Pross to Cooa Bay Tim oa.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. Nearly 1700,000 moro for tho roltef. of MIsslsBlsslppl flood BUfforars wan voted by tho Houso commlttoo on appropriations. W. S. CHANDLER S HER B DOE CONTRACT LET Major Morrow Says It Will Be Completed By July 1, 1913, Probably.' The Marshfleld Chambor of Com morco Is in receipt of tho following self-explanatory lottor from Major Jay J. Morrow, of tho United States engineers: "TIia pnntrapl tap tho construction of the drodge to ho operated on the coos nay nnr was signou uy mu con tractor and myself at Washington, April 19, 1912. nnd was probably ap proved by the Chief of Engineers a few das thereafter. It Is expected that the dredgf will he completed and ready , to begin operations at Coos Bay about July 1, 1913." Nowspapw dispatches -announce that the contract was awarded to tho Ronltld rVinntriictloii & Drv Dock company for f 317, 430. Additional oxpomos In equipping mo ureugo will cost. It Is estimated, about $25, rin nmro Thn nniirntirrntlon for tho construction of tho dredgo was $3110,000, so tnat it win como insiuo tho limit, rnnicrcn FOOD SALE by Slstors of Bethany SATURDAY, Muy 1, at Perry-Nicholson store. Developments in Railroad Situ ation Expected to Follow Railway News. Tho nrrlvnl of W. 8. Chandler to day from San Francisco la oipocted to moan oarly dovolopmonts In th Coos Bay railroad situation. Mr. Chnndlor stated that ho did not carer to mnko any statement nbout the mnttor todny until ho had conferred with tho vnrlouu ones Interested. A mooting of tho Terminal Rail way stockholders Is to bo hold at tho ofllro of J. II, Flanhgnn tomorrow nf tornoon nt 2 o'clock and It Is oxpoct od that tho Southorn Pacific's propo sition rolatlvo to ontrnnco to Mnrsh- flold will ho tho principal mattur un dor discussion. Track on Broadway. Work on tho Tormlnnl Is going ahead. This morning, Tom Coko, In chnrgo of tho construction, startod a forco of men nt work on South Broad way preparatory to laying track north from El rod.. Thn street Is being torn up In tho center nnd ovldontly the trnck Is to bo laid thoro, Whother It Is to bo a double or single track has not been announced. C. F. Mp Knlght nt tho council mooting the othor night Intimated that tho South ern Paclllo would ondouvor to hbo that If n double track was laid on South Broadway that It would bo BO' located that It would not shut out itiiuthcr lino. KiiiipNon is Coining, I,. J. Simpson Is oxpoctod to reach hero Mondny or Tuosday. It Is un derstood that ha and W. 8, Chandler went ovor tho mnttor thoroughly ho foro Mr. Chandler loft Snn Francisco nnd nro In perfect necord. When tho Terminal Railway was organized, Mr. Chnndlor announced Hint his purpose In nldlntf It was to insuro tho '"common nsr" right on the lino along the wutorfrnnt. In view of this, it Is not unlikely that ho will tnko tho stand that If tho South orn Pacific will tnko a franchise with n common user cluuso In It that ha will not oppose It. Ho hns oxprcssed himself on his previous trips horo as being very anxious to hasten tho coming of any and all railroads to hurry tho development of this com munity. Mr. Chandler was much Improved In hoalth. He Is anompiinlod by his son, Will. Whether Mr. Chnnd lor will start the large buildlnga that he contemplated on his property hero will depend on whether things st rt going ahead rupldly ouough to insuro a" demand for them. He is ready to start Just as soon an the situation warrants mid that Is the reason he brought his boh, Will, who is an archltoct hero with him this time. Mrs. Chandler will not roturn to tho Bay until about June Mrs. Will Chandler will not come hero for tho prosont as Will expects to roturn to Snn Francisco soon for at least short stuy. Gets County Franchise, The Southern JPaclflo yearduor bo ( Continued on page 4.) V