w.. JUpVi.- ..Aft-WWi-..- 1 r- f 4 1 1 FAVE TOOAY WAN i minus THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1912- EVENING EDITION- 1 10 KEEP OREGON BE Movement Started to Retain Government Dredge On Coos Bay Longer. Active arrangements to retain the n...i.. n-,.,.,,,. mi r'nna Ilnv ulld llllVO It contlntio tlio harbor Improvements 'ore aro holng Instituted by Dr. J. T. McCormnc, president of the Clinni lior of Commence. Tlio dredgo will ,i..i..i. n.n nmiini trnvnrntnnnt liro- ca 1 11.1181 u. .;-' ,",v. -,:-,- for the California market. Some o .r j-- nrranBccl for, sho may tho potatoes woro brought hero from " J (o Bomo otU(jr hnrbor tho Slualaw. Dn McCormac tnougnt that po.- Among thoso sailing on tho He- (f B11,,rIcnt fnn(ll, WOro gunran- dondo woro tho following: t . hor to k00p nor uUsy f0r somo V. S. Lakcman, Chns. Doiw, M. g. t t, t tho BOVOrnmont might bo iionon unu w". v.. - --:u" t I induced to promuo 10 iuuvu nui -Armstoad, J. C. Fallcr. Robt Forglo I j',,01wovcr ,'t w,n take moro than Chas. Davison, C. H. Perkins Henry " , 8top8 wlll probably bo . Big Shipment of Potatoes Made to California Good Pas senger List. hi rri, T)n.tmwir nnlloil this morning for San Francisco with a largo llstl of passengers and a good cargo or frolnnt. In tho latter was a ship ment of about 2000 sacks of potatoes m.ll.t Tinrxtn Mlllittrn. S. bWnyZO Jns. King, S. C. Nelson, V. A. Jacob bod, P. L. Rody, P. W. Cook, K h. Walt. Matt Byre, Wm. Otlfi and wife, Hoy Smltii, G. W. Thornoll and Pat rick Wohllngor. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho steamor Homor sails today from San FranclBco for Coos Day. mU. Atllnnnn la llllft Itl OBrlV tO morrow from Eureka and wlll sail at noon for Portland. Tho steamer Washington will sail from San Francisco for Coos Day noxt Saturday ovonlng. Tho tug Columbia Is again tied up, thoro bolng no particular buBlnobU for hor to handlo horo. Charles Rogors, who was acting onglnoor on hor, has returned to uanuon. Wnnt Divorce. Wm. R. Hancock haH Instituted suit for dlvorco from Orlco M. Hancock. Ho doesn't know hor prcnont whereabouts and Is no curlng sorvlco of notlco of his oult on hor by publication. Englnoor Lcofo wlshca tho atten tion of navigators called to tho fact tint tho present location of tho til oil ko Orogon holuw tho Cold Sto, ngo plant Is not In easy view and that thoy should approach It carefully. "VoBtorday tho Nowborg In going down tho Hay had to Bwlng outsldo of tho dredgo to avoid a collision and narrowly escaped bolng hung up on tho mudflats. WIMi GIVE PROGRAM P T HARD FOUGHT UMPQUA COAST EAGUE this and now stops will probably bo taken to havo Sonntor Hotirno ana nnnirrneamnn UnwloV ll'ostcn tllO plan for tho now Burvoy of tho har iinr with n. view of enlarging tho gov ernment's project. Dn McCormac nas jubi iu tho following Bolf-oxplanatory lcttei from Major Marrow: "In reply to your lottor or tho stn Instant rclatlvo to granting permis sion for keeping tho dredgo "Ore con" at work at Coos Day Harbor after completion of tho present pro ject, In caso tho people of Coos Day ralBo $50,000 for tho purpoBO of pay ling operating expenses, I will say that It 1h too Boon to give you a defin ite nnswor on tnai poini. "As you know, the "Oregon" was built for ubo at tho harbors of Oro gon and Washington, and It Is possl- t.1A 1mt tlinrA mnv lift fl flnTTlnntl for tho uso of tho dredgo nt somo other harbor after tho approved project is completed. If thoro should not bo, and tho dredgo should bo ldlo at Coos Day, I would take plcasuro In recom mondlng Its uso on public Improve ment at tho expcnsQ of tho citizens." u NEWS OF COOS BA! GRADE THREE MILES Fuller & Co,, sub-contractors on tho Southern Pacific company's Cooo Ilay line, havo moved their camp, which has been located Just west of tho city Blnco last fall, to a point lartnor wei. i no grnuu iur u mm.- Mnrahflcld Dcinonvit Mcilnl Contest1 nnco 0f nbout thrco miles out of -t ..... A Vn..l. llA.lfl i T. ... 11.11.. flnluliml f HCM.'llli)U lib llllll" .... , l-jllgono IB liiuvuvuiif mumiwu. u- rplm rtnmnrfHt merinl COtltOSt TO- contly hold In Mnrshflold will bo ro poatod at tho North Ilond Methodist church Friday ovonlng. It will bo undor tho direction of Mrs. Robocca JUuso-Stump, The following Is tho program: Bcrlpturo Reading and Prnyor.. . , ; Rov. Albert Hlsoy golo Ornco WIlllamB sono Guard. DOYLE LINE PLANS Northern Promoters of Lino to Coos liny at Hoseburg. Tho Rosoburg Rovlow sayB: Officers of tho Oregon & Southern railway, "tho olectrlc way." arrived HOIO... , , , , .iiriiuu iii.i.i.... nero irom rwriinuu nuiuiiiy inhii (Accompanied Mrs. C. II. Worrell.) jnml nnu0unro thrt Rosoburg will Recitation. "Why Womon Want henceforth bo tholr headquarters. ii. llnllol" llrnpn Kollcy rri. nnrl.. Inr.tn.1na l'roslr!niit J. A. Rocltatlon, "Tho Nocosslty for u jnovlo and wlfo; II. M. Farron and Purlflod nallot" Alta Soulo wjf0. Trcn8uror Geo. Godfrey and Song-North Dcnd High School wfPf nll(i C,0f Knglneor J. R. novH (Quartot) (Mitchell. Gonoral Manager C. R. nocltatlon, "A Now Year's Story". Akors. of Spnknno, Is expected bore- Agnos Samiulst this week, and E. l. C. Parrln, of Recitation, "Thg Llqnor Traffic". MnrflhfloId. Is to nrrlvo tomorrow. May Myrc.t othor attorneys for tho company aro Solo Miss J)olla llroulllnril Geo. N. Fnrrln and J. M. Upton, of (Arcom. by Mrs. Goo. (loUendnrfor.) . .Vnrshflold, nnd Judge W. II. Loot, Recitation, "Hon Hazard's Guest.. 'with office In tho Chnmbor of Com- llosalo FlnnaKiin moreo building. Portland. Thoy Recitation. "Conscloneo and Pro- , hnvo taken offices hore In tho Per- hlbltlon" livoiyn i.angworiiiy-inR building rooms 20!) ami 10. jmarks Dy Mrs. A. Hlsey on V. I the lensn kiiIiI to bo for one yenr a. m Tt ...n-1 I ...l.i. A ..llni.n t llifnn All itftrn Tlonmrlts C, T. U. work. HOWARD'S genuine MEXICAN TAMA LI'S delivered nny place In tho xltv until M (l,Ul IV III IIIKlli. Thoy nro HEDY to SERVE, JW.1. with n nrlvllpuo of threw. All were busy today seeking houses for thorn selves and families, but say that Im portant announcements regarding a nll.wti.t lit Mm nnna( 11111 lln fnrtll. l.M...t llllll.'llll lu lliu .. ..... ... .... Plume coming as soon as their offlcos aro oponcHl. two or inreo aays nonce. ROYAL JAK!N6POWOt Absolutely Pure EWES m E&SY r w Light Biscuit Delicious Cal Daiuty Pasfaics Fine Puddlegs Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Hot Campaign Waged Over Proposed Plan for Improv ing Gardiner Harbor. Tho Roscburg Review Bays: Strongly opposed by the taxpayers of Oakland and Yoncalla, if tho nt tltudo of tho nowspapors of thoso towns is lndlcatlvo of tho com in una! sentiments, and with tho Southern Pacific company, through Its land department, waging a vigorous cam paign against it, tho outcomo of tho plnu to create tho Port of Umpqua, which will bo submitted to a voto of tho people whoso proporty Is direct ly Involved, Is vory much In doubt. Tho olcctlon will bo held noxt Satur- Anv Mnv A. North of Yoncalla, within tho xinniii liniimlnrv fpnm rtrnln tn thn coast and especially along tho route of tho Umpqua rivor, mo property owners aro reported to bo practically a unit for tho estaoiisnment 01 tno port. Tho boundaries ot tlio pro posed port extend as rar souui as mo corporate limits of Oakland and cm braco a total area of 14G0 squaro miles, containing taxablo proporty of tho assessed valuo of 10,897,00u. North Against South End. Tho movement for tho creation of tho port was Initiated by tho City of Gardiner, headed by two of Its wealthiest nnd most influential resi dents, Wnrron P. Reed and ox-County Judgo Joseph Lyons. Tho lmm. dlato purposo is. tho Improvement of tho harbor at tho mouth of tho Umpqua, by tho flotation of bonds to Incrcaso local maritimo commerce, through which it is hoped to ulti mately invito the construction of a railroad. Approximately 1100 citi zens will voto on tho proposition, which appears to havo resolved Itself Into tho question of whothor tho ter ritory north of Yoncalla will yield enough affirmative votes to over come tho ncgatlvo votes that will bo polled In tho section south of it nnd Including Yoncnlln. fl. P. Co. Would Defeat Plnu. Tho campaign of opposition to tho projoct Is being waged from tho of fices of E. O. Young & Company, of Oakland, chiefly in tho form of a circular letter drafted, It Is not do nlod. by tho land department of tho Southern Pacific railroad, which owns mnny thousand acres of land In tho area affected. This lottcr . adoqiiata numbor of copies has boon sent to all of tho voters of tho pro posed port district and wns reprinted In full In tho Yoncalla Times of last Friday. It occasioned a big maim mnnllnn nt flnnllnor InRf TlllimilnV. at which stops woro taken to combat tho offocts of it. Aftor tho adjourn ment of tho meeting. Wnrren Reed, In a tologram to the Drain Nonparoll, which Is a strong champion of tho port project, announcod that n com mltteo would visit all of tho settle ments botweon Gardiner nnd Drain and "show up tho misleading and malicious statement" of tho circular. NtVHMiiern Reflect Sentiment. To Biimmarlzo tho argument of tho circular, It says that tho taxpay ers havo been misled In tho estimate as to t! o full amount of Indebtedness with which they would bo called up on to encumber tholr holdings and that tho port, If created, would bon oflt only tho extromo coast end of tho county, nt tho expense, oven unto tho next gonorntlon, of tho remain ing territory. Tho nppearanco of tho circular In full In tho Yoncnlln Times Is accepted bh evlilonco that tho pa por opposes tho port project, and it doubtless reflects tho Bontlmonts ot that community. Tho Oakland A'l vuro Is outspoken editorial.' ngnlnst tho proposition. Tho Drai piiini,l lias made nn elaborate Journalistic battlo for tho port from the eiy inception of the project anil Its campaign hns been taking on In creased vigor as tho day of election nns drawn nearer. Short Jetty Now, Long Ono Later. In tholr campaign propaganda, tho publicity agents of tho port project say that tho Immediate plans call for the construction of a portion of n north Jotty "short north Jetty" thoy call It to protect tho bar channel at tho mouth of tho Umpqua. from Gar diner to the sea, from tho sands that nre washod Into It from across tho north spit. Theta shifting sands oft en reduco tho dopth of tho cliaiinol to n minimum of seven font, nnd dur ing thogo periods vessels nro bar bound. Hy checking such sands with n Jetty. It Is polntod out, tho bar channel will have n minimum depth of 1 feet the- yo'ir around and thus permit of iiiilnterruptod mnrlttnio truffle. Hut n partial Jetty g not the final ohleet of t'io promoters. Ultimate'', liev dIie th Jetty extended to n dlstanco a mllo it Is estimated i.i provldo for a pormanont deop wator hiirh r nt Gimllner. The expense of building a lonit Jetty to save- tlio In o..UMI. ,)lgl construction ot tho short ono is tho particular phaso of the whole matter nround whloh the fight U he'nw made: lNilumtcs of Cost. The ennsrictlon f short Jetty. """'"' f e ontlmn'p of U lilted States engineers In 1903, would eost 12 s oon Of that sum. the govern ment would pay one-half In 'U event ' lnilM'tv' nnd the port district tho of or hn'f. The d''rW would me't Itg shaio of the sum. It Is st forth, hv issuing 20-year bd hearing C per cent inhere - li paid hv an nnutial tax levy uff'n"t to meet the Interest li-o ' i a sinking fund, wMf-a nt pn" iinl liili.pt wnnlil moot Hin ;rnp).i 8i maturity. For the first vo-i", n rmo mm nx nn the assessable nronortv of tho district would ralso $10.Sfi. I" the succeeding years. It flKurd tho levy required would bo loss by renon of Increased vnliih Mons, 'nitjer population and develop ment of new Industries. As to tvo probable cost of con- L BULL SCORES Portland Drops First Game of New Series to Vernon 7 to 5. ' X STANDING OTBAMS :$Sd.:::::::5i " :K8 1 San FrnncIsco...l2 12 .500 Sacramonto H 1 '42 1 Portland C 10 -273 PORTLAND, Ore., May 1. Port land continues its loosing stroak and yesterday dropped tho first game or tho now sorics to Vernon by a scoro of 7 to 5. Tho Coast League Bcorcs u'nrn on fnllnwfl! At Port and " Portlnnd P -I . Vernon 7 10 4 At San Francisco It. II. E. San Francisco 1 Sacramonto ,3 Oakland will open a now Bonos ni Los Angeles today. striicting n long Jotty to provldo for a deep wator haroor mo nguren ui tho opposing Tactions umor. i-ro-noncnts of tho port plan clto n gov ernment engineer's estimate or $G03,000. Tho opponents piaco in argument n contradictory flguro of IC21.400, with a posslblo addition of $271,000. To pay Its Bolf-cstlmatod Bharo of the first flguro, which would bo $251,570, tho port pronators ad vocate tho samo procoduro as that for tho short Jotty project. They cstlmato that tho first yonr's tax lovy would bo 2.16 mills, raising $23,542, with smaller lovles in after yoarB. reckoning on towngo, dockago nnu wnrfago falls to relievo tho district taxpayers of a largo Bharo of tho burden of tholr Indebtedness. SNAP Thrco nlco high dry lotB In Dank addition to North nond. All clonr and level. Dcst lots In tho addition; can bo had now for $000. K. 8. GI3AR, room 22, First National bank. Llbby COAL. The lnd YOU har ALWAYS USED. FHONH 73 Puclfli Llverr ft Transfer Co. Jas. C. Dahlmann, sorvlng Ins third term as mayor, Omaha, Ncbr., again was successful In rocolvlng tho overwhelming support ot tho votors In Hut nrlmnri' nloptlnn. lTn nlnn successfully rid hlmsolf of a bad cahc of kidney troublo by tho aid of Foley Kldnoy Pills, and writes: "I uavo tnlton loicy Kiunoy fins ami thoy havo given mo n great deal of lollef. bo I cheerfully rccommona them." What Foloy Kldnoy Pills hnvo dono fqr Mnyor Dahlman thoy U'llt rln fnr mil ntlinr tinrnnn lintlinrnil with backnehe. rheumatism, or am other form of kidney or bladdor trouble. Just trv tlieni for nulck and permanent results. For salo by It cd Cross Drug Co. GOOD INVKSTMKNT Threo 7-room houses, rent for $30 per month; will soil at a bargain. AUG. FJttZEEN. Real Estato nnd Insurance 08 Control Avonuo. Marshflold T. J. 8CAIFE $ A. II. HODQINP Marshfield Paint (h Decoratang Co. Bstlmates MARS11F1BLD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregor Blanchard's Livery Wa linvn Roeureil tho llvorv liusl- ress of L. U. Ilelsnor, ami nro pro- paroa lo reiuior oxcuiieui. surviuu 10 tho pooplo ot Coos Day. Careful ilr-lvoru fdnil rua niul nvnrvthlntr that wlll moan satisfactory sorvlco to tno piiunc. mono us tor a unving horse, a rig or anything noodod In tho livery line, Wo also do truck ing husluoss ot all kinds. HLANCIIARI) HROTUKRS Plume i:tS-.T Livery, lVed niul Sales Service. I II First niitl Alder Streets. on natural lines without being conspicuous That's tlio spirit nnd tho letter of asidsome Comfortable Clothes for Men of Taste -BENJAMIN Smart Clothes for $18 to $40 The fnbrlca this season nro tnusually nttrnctlre Eng. llsli, Scotch nnd Irish Mixtures nnd domestic worsteds wltii grays, bromis nnd blues In nnlnr favor. "Money Talks" HubClothing&ShoeCo. s't Stetson Shoes MARSHFIELD ion HaU BANDO! Steamer Washington i Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday Evening, May 4th F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ' ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILS KRON AIN8WOIITH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., MAT 1st, 8th, llltli, 18th, 2!lnl nnd 28th. FROM MARHIIFIELI) AT THE HICRVIOE OF THE TIDE MAY Ith, 10th, 15th, 20th, 23th and 80th. L. A. PARKHURST, Aficnt, Phono Mala &, THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Cocs Bay for Portland Thursday, May 2, at 12:00 Noon CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH UANIC ROAD AT PORTLAND XOItTII PAC1FIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. O. F. McGEOHUK. ASu Phono -I I. VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUDMARINE lIFJiL SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS DAY Wednesday, May 1, At 10:30 A. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone II. C. F. MrflKOnOE, Agnt. We Have Been Successful In buying n largo stock of first class Eloctrlcal material and can glvo our patrons a vory low price on houso wiring. Get our price you can't afford to iaUo It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J Abstracts, Real Estate, Five and Marine insurance . Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mr. Coqullle Offl o Phone 101 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Platting Landa speciaUy. Qenaral Agent "EAST3ID1A" R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance in North Front Stwt A Modern Rrlck nulldlng. Electric Light, Steam Hoat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL O O O S C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Droadway and Market. Marshfleld, Oregon. , Get Busy AND OUT AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COME IN AND Ol'R PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPLR. SHINGLES 91.no AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND IT. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. - RETAIL DEPARTMENT. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho lneu matlc Cleaning Company. Ordci's tor work taken nt GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHRRB TIIBT 1 6jf FROM $1 PER l'A,I U THE ELECTRIC SHOBSnOP 180 So. Broadway