THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION Clothcraft Clothes Re&dy for Service Q AREFUL examin- ation will plainly show you that Cloth- craft All-Wool Clothes are neatly and skillfully tailored. A "tryW will dem onstrate ,'their, accurate, pleasing fit. Wear, will prove that Clothcraft Clothes hold shape and give, good,- dependable service. fif raw?'1 moSmk ' nHiii SgHpr WW PERSONAL NOTES Besides these important quality points, ,you ,aro also absolutely sure of puro wool cloth see the makers ' signed guarantee in the inside pocket of every garment. The. choicest, fabrics, made up in the season's latest styles, in hmus iv uw iuu, uiuuxuiii, ouuiu ur siuiu, are chow ty our Spring..line. . Clothcraft Guaranteed, Qlothes cost you only $1Q to $25. Some values that will particularly interest you at $15, $18 ad $20. IHNHfWBBBaiMWMMHflllllMHIINMaiMflaHIMMHMII I Yiu will find here the Clothcraft Blue. Serge Special, i Ho. 5130, $15, advertised in the Saturday Evening pk IIIMMMMMMMtllMHIMMMi SHERIFF v. W. GAGE is horo from -oquiuo today on bUBlnosa. T 9' RUSSELL, of Beaver Hill, la In iuursuneiu touay on business. ROY LANDRITH, of Coos Rlvor, s In Marshflold today on business. H. W. PAINTER roturncd yesterday from a business trip to San Fran cisco. , R. E, PINEGQR hns returned from a week's trip to tho various log ging camps around tho Day. H. J.McDIARMID of Oandon passed throughj.horo today on route homo from u,trlp to Florenco and othor northorn points., 0HA8. BENZ, who hds beon em ployed at tho Mannes & Matson store, left today for Albuquorquo, N. M., to tako a position there. COOS BAY TIDES. Hoi w Is given' th time and height of high and low waUr at Marshflold. Th tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their tlmw on tho first line and heights .on the sec ond line of each day; ar comparison of consecuUvo helghU, will Indicate whether It. is high or low water.- For high water, on bar, subtract t hour 34 minutes. Date. MR. COX arrived horo today from Floronco to attend a mooting- of the Marshflold ElkB this ovonlns when ho will bo fitted with tho antlers. Woolen Mill' Store Mill-To-Man Clothiers jt"The Busy Corncr"- Dayton Bicyelcs , Marshheld L,yclery MCVCLES FOR HUNT MSTMGi IY0DRMONEY On every purchases you nule tt iK'u itore. If every &g isn't utiifactory all pi Use to do it to jeik the ing and back comci tho cuh, pi u the princlplo upon tih the jucccjj of this kusaea wai founded Sat iMcfioQ or your monev re- Wed. ItiialjothcRexaU pufialee. WANT ADS. E. J. THOMSEN and family will lenvo tomorrow for Portlands .Mr. Thomson camo horo last fall from Tacoma, near where ho had boon engaged lu construction work on tho Mllwnukeo railway. M. C. HORTON and wlfo left today for Southern California whoro Mrs. Morton will visit for n month or six weeks. Mr. Horton after a short stop thoro will poccod to Kansas City nnil St. Loula. GUARDS CAMPBELL and Potcrson, or tno Oregon Stnto Hospital ar rived horo today from Snlem to take .John Stnlvei, tho lnsnno map who was found nt Sumner tho oth er day, back to Salom. Thoy will icavo in tno morning. BIO CANTATiOUPE CROP. Over 00,000,000 Will Uo Produced In Imperial Vnlley This Year LOS ANOELE8, April 30. Tho growers of cantaloupes In tho Imper ial Valley, California, estimate this Boason's production at HO, 000,000 molons. Approximately G,G00 acres hnvo boon planted this spring, tho yiold, undor normal conditions bolng computod nt 00,000,000 molons. about 1,000,000 crates or 2, COO car loads. At loast 30,000 tons or Ico will bo required for tho shipping of tniB (ruit to. tno markets of tlio coun try. Tho Southern Pacific, which handles practically all or this crop, Ih alroady beginning to nssomblo .Its rofrlgorntor curs In that soctlon. To got tho moIonB to tholr various destinations In good condition neces sitates coneldornblo skill In packing tho crated cnntnloupcn Inside tho cars. In addition to Booking an nt tractlvo nppoarauco In tho arrange ment of tho fruit In tho car, which npponlB to tho car-lot huyor when ho Inspects It at Its destination, tho ship por must boo to It that tho crates nro Bonuroly fastened to prevent thorn from shifting and to sco that thoy nro loaded and pnekod na to allow freo vontllntlon and refrigeration. Hrs. 12.12 Feot iGi8 Hrs. 1.2.45 Feet .6.9 Hrs. .3.20 Feet .0.8 Hrs. .3.21 Feet ,C.G Hrs. .4.28 Feot .0.2 May. 8.27 0.6 9.06 0.8 9.4G 0.8 10.24 0.7 11.03 0.4 3.0G G.4 3.47 G.l 4.30 4.7 G.12 4.G 6.G8 4.2 8.24 ' 2.1 8.G9 2.1 9.31 3.0 10.07 3.3 10.46 3.7 WHERE TO GO TONIGHT t Elks' meeting In Mnsonlo hall. Eagles nicotine In Eagles' hnll. W. 0. W. mooting nt thoir hall. ' TODAY'S SOCIAL CALENDAR Mrs. F. K. dotting, breakfast for Mra. W. A. Reld. Women's Auxiliary, Presby- torlan. with Mrs. Eva Gammlll. Prlsclllns with Mrs. Henry Olson. Mrs. S. D. Harper nt sewing, Baptist Mission Circle with MIbs Mamie Qulovson. THURSDAY Mra. L. J. SlmpBon dlnnor party In North Bond. A. N, W. Club with Mrs. J. T. McCormnc. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Will Chapman. Mlnnlo-Wls Social Club with Mrs. Mary Thompson, !' ' ' Chllils and othors. Marshal Carter has Just recolvod n lotter from Ger ald Bunker, agency director of tho National Casualty company of De troit, saying that Arnold was form erly ngent for thorn but la no longor connected with tho company and that they havo no knowlcdgo of hla present whereabouts. Will Ilutld Homo. C. O. Go8noy la building a homo on tho lot ho re cently purchnsed In First Addition to .Marshflold from tho Reynolds Do volopmcnt Co. SPRING STORM IS ABOUT OVER Hand Dance Tho band boys will gt.vo another of thclf pleasant danc ing parties at Eagles' hall Saturday evening. Tner will present an entire program of now music. Closed Storo. J. W. UniBtattd, proprietor or tno Anona Cash Gro cery, elbsod tho atoro yesterday to readjust tho business. Ho plans to roopon It -wlthlh a fow days. Wiseman Moves. W. K. Wiseman has movod from South Broadway to North Front Btroot whoro ho recent ly oponed a second-hand storo In tho Nelson building, opposlto tho city hall. Settles Cnsc. August Hoolllng, of North Bond, last ovonlng adjusted tho troubles ho bocamo Involved In with a San Francisco firm and nro- I vented tho threatened closing of his sioro on mo juugmont tnoy socurou ngnlnst him. lloat Recovered. Tho boat stolon from tho R. G. Rooko ranch last Thursday night and ndvortlsod In Thq Times wob discovered tlod nonr tho oil houso yesterday. Tho parlies taking It ovldontly bocamo frlght onod and thought thoy would bo dis covered beforo repainting It. In I'lnwl. Frod Aldo, tho East- sldo mnn who was bound over to tho grand Jury by Justice Ponnock fur wironoatlng, ploadod guilty boforo Judgo Bonson In circuit court yes terday and was fined ?G0 and cost-. Aldo didn't hnvo tho monoy but It Is expected that ho will ml so It soon. ' TUB WEATHER, 4 (By Associated Press.) OREOON Snowor8 tonight 4 nnd Thursday; southwesterly 4 winds. 4 LOCAL TKMPrttTATURi: UK- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. m.i May 1, by BonJ. Ostlind, special government mo- 4 toorologlcal obserror: Maximum 48 Minimum .., 43 At 4:43 a. m 44 Precipitation 27 Wind southwest: rainy. For City UiiU.Mnyor C. E. Jordnn of Eastsldo was a Marshflold visitor today. Ho roports that tho city of Eastsldo bought tho old sohool houso nt auction thoro tho othor drij' for I27G hhd'wlli moVo It onto tho city's proporty and convert In Into a city hall. FOR KENT Small house, furnished or unfurulshod. Apply DUG 7th St. I-'Olt RENT Storo r.Uo flat above; I'houo 71. nnd fixtures; both modem. lockhart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" oone -Main "08 Us fofaxaJUL Xftvw FOR SALE Furniture; houso rear Chnndlor hotol. WANTED Good tenant for a largo r.tncli mid long loaso. Tho rauch Is miltnblo for stock, dairy and Gar den truck. Renter with loss than $2,600.00 lieoJ not apply. Sao Title Guurnnteo and AbBtract Co. WANTED TO RENT Threo fur bished roouiB for light housekeep ing or small furnished houso. In quire R. W. Edglngton, 177 Front Stroet. HOTEL FOR RENT Furnlshod; $2G0 required. Call nt Leader Harbor shop. RESTAURANT FOR RENT Or sale, completely furnished. Call 100 Front St.; Loader Harbor shop. ELKS FOR RENT Fine sunny li(use-kce lne nnartmont. Sacchl llldg. Ell- qtilro Nasburg Grocery. .SCOTCH COLLIES -110. Address B, W. B.. Norton's Gulch, Empire. Or. F S. TURPEN 1Architect, W FRONT JP, at Roof Fixed HOW 8ee COliTHELL Pno gun BARGAIN SALE; 40 horsepower nuto for ?600; first-class condi tion; fully equipped; cost new J3000; will sell for ?600 on eut terms. John L. Koontz Machine shop, North Front street. Phono 1 80-J. FOR SALE One new Stl-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlmmer mnn. 862 North Front stret. SAVE $."500 Six-room two-Btory houso on Com mercial avenue. Built three years. Largo lot 60 x 140. Is a swell homo. Has fine lawn and small garden spot In tho rear. At this price It la tho biggest bargain In town. Price $2600. E. S. GEAR, room 22, First National Bank Henry Ferris. Hadar, Neb.. Is tho father of ton children and for tne past 20 years has used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with the best of lesults. Ho tells us; "I think Foley's Honey and Tor Compound Is the best cough medicine in the world for I have used It for tho past 20 yoara and can recommend It to any one needing a cough medicine. For sale by Red Cross Drug Co. Goinsr to e a E Nig JIOIUL Big ht o M ght D)n9t Miss It Huttor Prlco Lower. Announce ment was mndo today that the prlco of butter hns been reduced to 4Gc for Vj pound squares. Moves HmnIiickh. -II, H. Wilson is moylng his monumont business from South Broadway to tho Dornitt build ing on Brondway, near Curtis nvo-nuo. PoHlMtue Meeting. Owing to tho Inclement wenthor, tho mooting of tho Marshflold Improvomont Club planned for last ovonlng wns postponed, Still Missing. No traco has yet boon' found of R. H. Arnold, tho In surnnco agont, who cashed worthloss checks on Cliaa. Hlckox, Goorfce Loroy Thackor, Wntortown, S. D., .Bays: "I suffered with rhoumntism for over eight years, nnd It Beomed , nt times I would go crary with pnlu. Throe bottles of Foley Pills cured my rheumatism and I gladly recommond them. Sold by Red Cross Drug Co. I At, TEe Royal Tonight IIALTON and TIJAVELLE keep tho houso In a continual round of laugh ter with their funny dlaloguou. Thoy havo splendid couttimus nnd mnko quick changes. DON'T MISS THEIR ACT as It la not ofton a troupe of this character comes to the Bay. New Factory. O. II. Rood, who for somo time has boon connected with tho Nolson Iron Works, hnB sov erod his relations with tho company nnd Is now In Portland arranging to opon n now Ironworks on Coos Bny. Ho expects to return horo shortly and start tho Installation of tho now plnnt. Ih Nominee. C. A. Ponnock la tho republican nomlnoo for Justlco of tho ponco in this district, and O. S. Tor roy Is tho democratic nomlnoo. Somo got confused by tho fact that tho two tlod for tho domocrntlo nomination nnd Torroy won. This moanB that thoy will again bo opposing candi dates at tho Novombor election. Rainfall Since Saturday. 3.1 1 Inches Interesting Weather Data. Ono of tho severest spring Btorma that Coos' Bay has experienced' Tn a long tlmo has boon prevailing for tho last few days and tho Indications to day nro that It will soon coaso.. Th baromotbr Is rising, going up to 29.90 this morning nnd tho ylnd veered from tho southwost to nbrth wost. Although the storm has mttdo.ttit. weather most dlsagreoabjo, no dam ns has resulted 'from it aoldo trom' tho Interruption of outdoor opera tions. Tho total rainfall slnco Soptomber 1, 1911, up to today Is 64,62 inches. Tho total' precipitation for tho samo porlod a year ago was 64.88 lnfchoa. Tho precipitation during tho month of April this yoar was 6.38 Inches, whllo It was 4.01 Inchea dur ing tho month n year ago. Ih 1907, tho precipitation during tho month of April was tho heaviest for that month In tho history of tho local woathor offlco, tho rainfall totalling 7.66 Inches. " fllnrn lnnf Rntnnlnv nlirht 1 11 Inches of rain has fallon, according 10 uio oiuciai records or B. B. Ost lind, local woathor observer. Itlvcr Rising. T. M. Walkor, of Coaulllo. who camo over this morning, statod that tho Coqulllo rlVor was bank full and Btlll rising when ho loft thoro. If It overflows Ita banks, considerable dnmngo will result. A. O. RogorbJr., of Cdoo Rlvor, who wna In Mnrshfiold today, roporU ed that a consldornblo rlso was nd tlceablo on tho uppor rlvor and many logs woro doming out. NEPHEW WRIT'ES AGAIN Injured by Fall. A. R. O'Brien whllo nsslstlng somo workmen In placing Ronio now machinery last ovonlng slipped nnd foil from n scaf folding about flvo foot high. Ho struck on his back and wns painfully bruised nnd Jnrrod but no bonoa woro broken. Although ho sufforod con sldornbly last night and this morn Ing, ho Is roportod getting alone nlcoly this nrtornnon, Noliue In Trouble. Frod Nolmo, who operates n local auto lino, wns halod boforo Justlco Ponnock this morning on chnrgoa proforrod by Dr. Goo. E. Dlx. Nolmo wna accused or taking a contact spring from DIx'b mnchlno. Nolmo claimed that ho had merely borrowed tho part. Justlco Ponnock round him guilty nnd Im posed a flno of $26. Tho pnymont of tho fjno was suspended, Nolmo only being required to pay tho coats. a GOOD PICTURES 10 CENTS Boat Ruined.- Jamoa Wasson's fishing launch was ruined by tho storm at Big Creek. Ho had It anchored nonr tho mouth of tho crook at a point that ho thought was porfoctly Bnro. Tho Btorm nnd high tides reached nnd toro It nwny from Ita moorings nnd drove It up on tho rocks. Tho hull wna hattorod to plocea nnd about nil ho will bo ublo to nave will bo tho onglnes. The loss Is considerable. Rogue River Fishing. Warron P. Reed, of Gnrdlner, announces that ho and others will put In a small plant on Rnguo rlvor this year to caro for f'o salmon caught thoro. Whllo un der tho law, salmon can only bo cniight by hook nnd lino on Roguo rlvor, still tho big runs of tho flsn thcro onablo good flshormon to make big catches and Mr. Rcod plans to tako caro of thorn. Tho saltod fish will bo Bhlpped from thoro to Gard iner and cared for nt tho cannory thoro. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho close of business, April IS, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $432,792.66 Banking House r?22?'2 Cash and Exchanges 261,981.96 Total $734,774.62 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in ? 52'22222 Surplus and Undivided Profits .- "'"H? Deposits C29'210'95 Total $734,774.62 AMONG THE SICK Jo. mi llerron la laid up soyoro attack of lu grippe. with a P. A. Graf fort, of 1oh Angeles, Arw Mrcr Criticism of Him. Editor Times: I am In recolpt or a copy of' your pnpor of April 20, which contained an account of tho horriblo doath of my undo, Jacob Evans. Thoro nro several statement which nro misleading, but not on your part, I nssuro you. Not Until my last visit to my unolo's last D combor, wns I awaro of tho fact thht ho was what was tormod n "Bquaw man" of tho onrllor days, nor did I know ho had any chlldron from this modo of living, nor did this caul. mo to think any tho less of my uncle, who rovcalod tho groator anaro of nia pant llfo nnd experiences to rn.. Thoso, howovor, lib considered a bit tor romombranco. I lonrnod of undo years ago through his stBtor, Mrs. Martha Graffort, my grandmother, whom ho had not scon slnco '63 whon ho loft Indiana and locntod In tho wont. Prior to her death sho ofton on pressed n wish that I might visit him nnd nbout four years ngo I bogan corrospondonco with him, ho urging mo to como nt that tlmo. My first visit was last July, slnco which tlmo thoro wns continued corrospondonco betwoon us. Whllo visiting htm tho second tlmo In December In reaponso to bo lng notified of his lllnoss, ho placed explicit confldonco lu mo nnd entire ly unsolicited rovcalod his entire. business nffnlrs to mo, roatlzlng ho was bocomlng ngod nnd living, as ho told mo, with n constnnt fear on his mind, tho full dotnlls of which I nm familiar but doom It unwlso to ox plolt nt this tlmo. Contrary to rumor, wo partod In January tho best of frlonds, which Btntomont I can vorlty If tho young mnn who spout, tho winter with undo Is still In thoso parts. It was through unclo's suggestion that I ramo to California, ho paying my fare to this city, to mako arrange ments for treatments for him, his ayatom bolng filled with quicksilver, as his frlonds know. In roferenco to Mrs. O'Mnlloy claiming mo to bo nn "Impostor," I enn produce tho noceBsary creden tials nnd also unclo's loiters, whlcn show ho waa satisfied of our rela tionship, Only Ttiosdny wo recolvod tho last lotter, dictated by undo and written by n neighbor, bearing tho Initials, por "B. W. B" stating ho would bo down somo of theso days and trusted wo would not bo dla appolntod In hla not bolng nblo to como Just now. The lottor wna signed and havo alwaya been signed "Your undo" Jacob Evana. My vUlta woro most onjoynblo and ray thoughts far from that of grasping his Interests, as Inforrod. My repu tation for honosty and uprightness honrs Inspection, having held public offices for tho past six yonrs in my homo town, Buchanan, Mich., nnd I can refor anyono to tho banks of that city or any county official of Bor rlon county, Wo sincerely trust that tho shorlff with his deputies will put forth ovory effort In bringing tho cowardly as sassin to Justice. P. A. UIIAFFUHT. NOTICE EAGLES! uusinosa mooting weanesuay VAUDEVILLE, Musonlr, THREE I night. By order of NIGHTS beginning WEDNESDAY. WORTHY PRE3lDRNT. rJtrCTimiaco. Snow Drift Flour r Highest Quality , t