ssaRJeS5K"'5.S''Bi-,,?;s"''0uv"'' " ' mlnr?'A""" ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 J912-EVENING EDITION UdHEKaHWIIII WWWMS3 i t. i iii - " aM COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONEY Editor ana Pub. .BAN K. MALONEY New Editor Entered at the postofflce t Marah ffeldt Oregon, for tranamlaaloii through, the malls ai second olais mall matter. Address all oommunlcatlong to COOS DAY DAILY TIMGS. Mfenbfleld -tt t if li OrefoB liedlcatfid'1 to the lorrlce of 'tie people, that no Rood cause ih'all lack champion, and that erll ehall 'rfot tfcrlv unopposed. . I WITH THE Z t toastandtea; , r SUBSCRIPTION RATHS. DAILY. --" Onoyear '..V..". J....VM.I0 Pr month J. 10 'i WEBKLT. Ondvyaf-;v.'. fl.5 When paid strictly Irf Advanca tbo subscription price of the Cooa Bay TJnios la $6.00 per year or J1.60 for alt montha. Ofuclia Paper of Cooa Ooanty An Independent Republican now papor published erory evonlng except Sunday, and Woekly by " The, Cooa Hay Time Publishing Co. s? NEEDLESS WOIlKYt SOME pcoplo worry over tho pos Blblo dopletlon of forests and mines, an exhaustion so absol ute! that theoy foar that tho world ila AvD. 2212 will hnvo nolthor coal, -Raid. Iron nor wood. Dut coal camo Cor fuel ngoB ago before tho expectod 41sanpcaranco of tho forest, and coment and otool came to tho sorvlco of bulldorn. Asiflax has largoly glvon way to cottoni tno- rlco nnd othor coriyxls conld roplaco whoat. ' Ot 'A, Smith han solved tho prob lam .at (rotting turpontlno, alcohol, roeln and pnpor as woll as lurabor out of Cooa Hay tltnhor. Othor prob-lonisv-vYlU 'bo solved as thoy dovolop. Whon coal and Iron begin to fall non).wJII long hnvo boon employing tho hoat of tho nun for warming tholr tiomijs and water far generating lMwcr and oloctrlctty for manufac turing and propulsion. WHY? (Tho Titanic had ndt boats enough to tnko off half tho pas ' scugars and crow.) "Wotnon and children first," they crlod. And bfavo men quietly stood aside "While the boats were dropped to tho heaving tide, Whoro tho IcetlooH rise nnd fall, And the great flhlp Bank in the gloomy deep To tho lay floor where tho bHnd things creep, For bravo mon'fl lives nro very cheap And 'thoro woro not boats for all I ' '. ' ' ' Thoro was' plenty of glitter and glaro and show, I'lonly of gilt and lights aglow, Hut when hIio crnslied on the hidden floo, Whoro. the nlglit hung like n pall, Half tho Hoiila In tho murk and gloom Woro soutonccd to dlo In an ocean tomb, With uover a chanro to fleo their doom, Since thoro woro not boats for nil I In tho namo of Ulght why was th.j truo? Why wero the- boats and rafts bo fow? That death was certain for men and prow. Wlillo their loved ones vululy cnll? OH, YOU M;Cy DAY"! What Is thoro fresh a poet can Bay OnMhyi l HoW warblolzo some novol way Today? It's rather early to got gay With "hay"! That chlmoth In with "sunlit bay," June lay. HUt'lUt! Sings now a Maytlmo fay? 1 " Ah, nay, TIs but tho umplro yelling "Play I" Hoorayl THK TEN LITTLE LODQEMEN i Ton Httlo lodgomon went out to dlno, A bocktall killed a Mason, thon thoro word nlnb. J v Nino little- lodgomon tholr fato, Down wont an Odd thoro woro eight. drinking to Follow, thon Eight Httlo lodgomon .thinking of . hcavon, A Small bottle flxod ft. Forostor, thon thoro woro sovon, Sovcn llttlb lodgomon playing funny tricks Anothor cork, n Hod Man, thon thoro were six. Six Httlo lodgomon trying to boozo and thrive, Tho noxt round fixed a Workman, thon thoro woro five, Five Httlo lodgomon, tho othors on tho floor, Woodmnn gnve up tho ghost, then Micro woro four. Four Httlo lodgomon on a lonely spreo, An Eaglo gbfc his habit on, then thoro wero throo. Throo Httlo lodgomon loft In a stow, A highball rollod a Pythian, thon thoro woro two. i Two Httlo lodgomon protty nearly done, A Shrlnor couldn't stand tho paco, then thoro was ono. Ono Ho Httlo lodgomnn drinking all alono, was an Elk, and ho took whole bunch homo. E. D. McARTHUR. tiki HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF 3 J T ol -1 U V It iC- I I o It ROCKEFELLERS AND HILLS DON'T WAIT TOR PRICES TO BE AT THE TOP OfTHE MARKfeT BEfORE THEY IUY t t t ' 1 M '1 . I ' I ' Tho world wasn't going wild about buying oil lands when John D. nnJefellor began to get his grip upon, them. Jim Hill didn't faato aay torrid clteeHHoS whn ho" bought In ho stubby Httlo flule of. . r il road that grow Into tho Great Northern system., Tbo won who woro old dothos to save money so they could opoVtho lpdges of tho 1h Rol nd I orculcs rarely found U noccpsqry to s.tahd guard ov9r tho stock to keep b rangora from T swapping doubeIo, . WhOAJne 0ovqrtw,ent ouUo So brush to Wunt for a'uatter arid trade Mm .out of a rocky natch of loncsomo pine land hq dIdnfrhnvo to run to keep ahead of any damoroh's crowd of capitalists whd woro rrantjo Jo buy tho bUo of th,o fu- tUf nScfoSllSrtSSht for himself, iilll thought for himself. Try It. Spokesman Rovlow. i Iu Miirslifiold, just us in Spokane, there are a few courageous ones who are stak- , i..l ! i.l.J -U t,51 flinl.t fnllMira 'linlfl Jlitinlr 'liVlrl fn-' tnciraiiontnc iuuu-u oi una uit.y miiiu mw". wi. ".v . u tu this reludtauco' that'ttisoualifies them for- Tho vaudovlllo commlttod of tl' Elks hold a star chamber session In E. D. McArthur's Salt Rhoum last ulght, but a plpc-droam roportor of Tho Times secrotod In a gas-plpo so c u red tho following report of tho prl vato rohoarBal: ' They woro sneaking of tho fino scenery on 'tho Coos Rlvor when Ford raintor remarked: "Soma rlvors nro beautiful." "Yes," said Harry Winkler, "Isn't tho Rio Grando?" "That rlvor lo guilty," said Dan Koatlng. "How so?" askod GUy Chambors. "Didn't tho 8chuyl kill?" nald Dan and ovorybody olso Bald, Walla Wallal" "Uva Is In Europo," ronmrkod 'Geno Crostwnlto. "What Evn?" quickly askod Georgo Good rum, who Is always In terested when a lady's nauio Is inon- tloucd. This ranch Is on navlgablo water, "Oen-Hva." ropllod 'Gono. nuout forty mlnutos rldo from Marsh- "Coarno work," romarkod Hllden-J n0i(j, u consists of sovonty-throo iiriiuu, winio rainier niuu, nvn ni-jnr.rriH nt mrr enn anmnfllinir llnnnnil fh'sf ' " Tt. 18 IllSt ever from the Ilill and Rockefeller class. In order to invest and make largo profit, it is more necessary that a man foresee than that he see. )No wis -the time when1 the far-sighted ones are buying lots in Marshficld. And now is the tim6 when you should be making the investment you have planned to, make "just before the railroads are an established fact." FjbBst Addition to Marsh&ld We are selling lots today in this new addition that in a fow months will bo worth two or three times what we now ask for them. And we urc selling them on such torms that you can' buy them. These lots in FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD are the best value your money can buy anywhere on Coos Bay. Reynolds Development j Co. n "' J , ' ' Owners Coke Building, opposite the Chandler. i ' i U'l $3,000 Will Boy One of the Best Ranches Near Coos Bay wnys dlsnppenrrfl. "Evn who?" nBkod George. "Kva-poratol" said Palntor, nnd marked up tho prlco l& cont on ovap- .orated pouches. "Im n fall guy," said Qeorgo, as A thousand gront-souled took a tumble drowned I Ah the ship sank to her burying ground, -ud this Is tho only "reason" found, "There woro not boats for all." I1EUTON llRALEY. are windy," said "WOMEN AM) OIHf.DUEX I'lHST" SO. fl. -"Savo Our Ship!" From tho ton million dollar Tltanlu largest of all vessels and last word In Atlantic liner con struction, on bur maiden voyage to Now York, went thin International wlrolesH call for holp on tho high turns, Wounded to death by rolllslon with mi Iceberg, hIio waH sinking off tho Grand Hunks of Newfoundland with two thousand two hundred pas nuugers and crew. luHtuutly every steamship that hoard the call bonded for the Titanic at top speed under forced draught. Hut none una nenr enough. Tho Ti tanic, bollevcd to bo uuslukublo, was sorely wounded. The biggest vessel built by man had but four hours of life When the Cnrpathtn, first of the ronculng fleet, arrived at daybreak, tho great altlp had plunged to her grave In ocean's depths. All that was left of hor was hor lifeboats with loss than nine hundred of her twen ty two hundred passongerH and crew. Nearly all of tho saved nro women and children. In that fact Is tho consolation and tho prldo of the worst disaster to a single ship, In point of loss of life, that history has yet recorded. Tho old and proud tradition of seafaring inou of tho Engllsh-sDenklng races was not forgotten on tho sinking Ti tanic. "Women nnd chlldreu flrstl" Evory sea has heard that command to stand fast and dlo that the weak er and tho helpless might be saved. On every sea has it been obeyed by strong men of our race. The lesser broods "without the law" may do oth erwise. Hut this Is our law. "Women nnd chlldreu flrstl" That is our patent of nobility as a r.u-o. And whatever nnd whoever may have been to blame for tho tragedy of tho Titanic, lot us not for set that In tho hour of death her men proved thomBolves men, nnd soni across mo uarK waves mighty word of honor: "Women nnd children first!" "S01110 months Will Ekblad. "How so?" HBked Davo Stafford. "Woll, Isn't Janu-nry?" ropllod Will. "Some months nro provnrlcators," said Dave. "How's that?" asked Will. "Ever hear Ju-ly?" sold Davo. "Do you think that Fobruary can March?" asked Dave. "No." said Will, "but April May." "IT t'o auto'Mobllo Is responsible for tho death of many pedestrians?" said Dr. Dlx. glaring at Will Ekblad, "how many did tho motor cy-clo?'" "Somo sens nro on tho level," re marked Frank Parsons. "Go on." said Dr. Housoworth. "Isn't llorlng Strnlt?" said Frank. "I could sloop on ono son," said Frank. "What sea?" asked Doc. "Adriatic A-dry-attlc," roplloa Frank. j acres, of which 35 acres Is Improvod bottom land and six acres Is improv I od hill land. Ten cohh will go with land. Tho totnl cost Is $11, 000. Will ac cept $:t,00() down and tho bnlanco In pnymoutB two yonrs apart, to suit buyor, at six por cont intorest. Tho net Income from this property Is nbout J?:200O n year. This Is tho best ranch buy that has boon offered on tho Day In a long tlino. Address or Inquire of Geo- Wo Airtis, Agouti North lteuil Oregou THK WISE OltSKUYEIl SAYS The man who talked through tho ftiHt toloplumo got a shock that nearly killed him. Nowadays tho shock don't come 'till tho end of tho month when they sond you tho telephone bill. San Francisco burns more than 2000 tons of coal dally. E. C. Pad dock says that Is why visitors refer to It as "Some hot town, believe mo I" Roy HIeecker soys: "A man pays $5 for n pair of shoes and pays $15 for having thorn polished ovory day for five months. Why not walk bare footed nnd become a millionaire, or have your feet varnished black?" Considering the continued wot weather, E. D. McArthur suggests that Davo Stafford W crowned uueen of tho mermaids Instead of "Queen of tho May" nt tho Elks' mooting. PRIZE RIDDLE TODAY "If Hnndon points the way to a wot town which way does Myrtlo Point?" f lIi1alH-S WWW LIlii The Sign of Good Candy Always We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits , U ! Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHOXK MAIN 07-J 'The Time Is Coming When the Electric Motor Will Move the World" Said Thomas A. Edison recently: Certain types of engines have more than 200 reciprocating parts. t The electric motor has but one moving or revolving part. Many of the prosperous factories of the state aro operated today with electricity served from central generating stations. Central station electric power increases output and saves cost. Our power solicitor will make careful investi gations of power problems and render depend able, scientific reports, without charge. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 City Auto Service J Oood Cars, Caroful Driven itl roasonablo chargos. Our motto: "Will go nnywhero at any tint" Stands Illnnco Hotel and Bluu Clgnr Storo. Day Phones 78 tod (I. Night Phono 4C. liAHKEU & GOODATjE, proprltton. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Strctt, MAHSHFIEM). OltE. PROFESSIONAL Q1RECT0RL IT-V IV. A. if. IlUni'lblO (JL Modern Dental Farlon. Wo are equipped to do nfjh dm work on short notice at th iJ lowest prices. Examination tnt. Lady attendant, Coke balldlnf, o lto Chandler hotel, phone 1H-J- J. W. nENNKTO, Lawyer. )ffle over Flanagan & Bennttt B rnrahflelil OW Du. J. T. ftUCOHMAO, PhyBlclan and flunwa Marahfleld, Oreioo. Jfflce: Lockbart Dutldlnr, nrinnnltn nnat offlpfl. Phbne W Unique Pantatorium THK MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRICSSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co. fine Tailoring Lot us make your next Suit. 35 Commercial. Phos 2BO-X For All Kinds of Hauling SEE RANI) DANCE SATURDAY oven. the lug. May 4, at 9 o'clock sharp at KAOLKS' HALL. All NEW .MUSIC. 1 OU ARE INVITED. Clifford Doane PHONE 331.R. II C II ? Uc," ho luva hma InventlTe ability l plA&M Write UHKELKY X M.ISTIH CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loaus and discounts , 2o8 201. C3 Bonds, warrants and securities "ts'sUT.'uiJ U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,00000 Real estate, furniture and fixtures ,' ,' 81,01 1.34 Cash and sight exchange 193 268!o8 Total $501, 128.' 1 LIABILITIES. Pnnllnl otnntr nnLI Ih r.. 'SuS h . ...h:; .: ?ioo,ooo.oo nnn'0"' ut8tand,n ::::::: zlfolol 8,815.49 5,000.00 457,613.22 Totnl. ors $501,428.71 IsIVdoToOnOtO.CaPltalStOCktlle ,ndlv,dua' ,,ab'ty of Stockhold- INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS.' W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HOUTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. Lynn Lnmhoth Ne,B" Cadillac Auto Service Oo6d Cars Reasonable BW All Night Service Careful driving assured, rhono Ulanco Pool Room. , lJ until UP. M. Af ter 11 P. . fMM 6-J. Palace Restaurant. You Auto Call foote 1 PHONE 144 NIGHT AND Di j S,tand front of Lloyd Hotel ! TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Phone W Will inako trlpstoi; A Correct Insurance Policy Is very essential. If ' correctly wrltten-It Isn't wj anco. Wo write correct pow in tho best companies. I. S. KAUFMAN & 177 Frot Bw