v-rvjmxieiifa: .eUJRMWFOWSmUMflSWa.KiJian- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 30; 1912-EVENING EDITION- COOS BAY TIMES H. C. MALONEk Editor and Tub. DAN K. MALONEY New Editor Entored at tbo postofflco at Marsh Cold, Oregon, for tranamltolna through tbo malls as second claw mail natter. Addrtss all oommunlcaUona to COOS DAY DAILY TIJIES. IMCanibilold :: : tt it Oregon 'Dedicated to the lerrlco of the rpeoplo, that no good causo shall lack champion, and that erll shall not 4&rlr unoppoood. SUBSCRIPTION RATB8. DAILY. 0o year M0 Per month 10 WEEKLY. One year ?1.B0 When paid strictly In adraneo the subscription price of the Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or f 2.50 (or six months. i , Official Paper of Coos County An Indopendont Republican news paper published ovory ovenlng except Hunday, and Woekly by Tho Coos Uny Tlmoa Publishing Co. DEVOTED WOMEN. GUEATEIl than tho chlvnlrlc story of tlio men who wont down with tho ship In ordor that tho life boats might bo filled with womon and children Ih tho talo. of devotion ofjthoso womon who refused to leavo tholr hiiBbands and gave up tliolr chances of oscnpo In order to stay with tliolr loved onoa. Many nowspapcra throughout tho world aro commenting upon tho wlfo ly dovotlon nhown by Mrs. lHadoro Htrnus and other womon who refused to cntor tho boats though they had opportunities to do so. In Do Morgan's host story tho ell innx Is attained nt tho crisis when, In a stoamshlp disaster llko that of tho Titanic tho young wlfo1 refuses to go in tho boats, declaring that she will i llvo or die with her husband, says tho l'ltlflliurg Dispatch. To most men tho natural law that tholr wlvos and daughturs should bo saved from dan ger at tho cost of fiction seems ' Almost beyond reality. Hut tho sink ing of tho Tltanlo presents not one, but Hovernl cases of this heroic choice of. wlveu to die with their husbands rnlhor than loavo thorn. Tho ciiHO of Mr, and Mrs. Isadoro StraiiH was tho most notable. When Mrs. Rtraua found that her husband would not bo allowed In the boat she stopped nut of It, preferring to dlo with him rnthor than llvo without lit in. A Mr. Allison Is reported to liavo been nccompanlod by his wlfo -and daughtor, and thoy refused to bo roficuod rathor than lot him dlo nlono. Thoro nro lndollnlte renorts of a dozon similar cases, all of them ropruHenttng a brlllant example or lovo and nolf-nucrlflco that Is a bright contrast to tho matrimonial fulthlcHH noHH that furnishes commonplaco .sensations. While wo prize thoso shining ex hibitions of lovo as an offset to the social dlRcrodlt or disregard for the marrlago tlo, It Is necessary (o add that a cold, dlspasslonato Judgment wjll rerognlzo that It Is wiser for the wlfo to accept her chances of life though tho husband can not. She Ih not bound to dlo because the husband Is. Iloyond that, however romoto tho husband's chance for escape, tt Is more If ho has only himself to tight for than If his wife ho with him. In Mitch u situation, however, women may easily Ignoro tho calculations of reason, and those who elected to go to death presented a lofty Ideal of lovo and dovotlon, tho loftier for Its t "omparatlvo rarity. TODAY RAISIN DAY. KllESNO. April 30. Today, Tues day. April 30, Is California rualn day and the Italsln Day committee In this city feola that It has completed Its campaign with honors. Tho mom bora of tho committee have worked InceHsantly for morn than a month mid they aro certain that thero will not be a city In tho United States where raisins will not ho eaten to morrow. California Italsln Day had ItH inception In the spring of 1909. Tim Southern Pad lie and other rail roads of tho west Inaugurated a cam lialgu to make California raisins fa mous the world over and the last day of April was set aside as "Raisin t Day " Every railroad In the country ser ved raisins In their dining cars and tho hotels throughout the United States offered on that day some temp ting dish, one of the IngredieutH be ing raisins. This year the committee here has had printed and distributed thousands of stickers and posters and the event promises to he tho greatest of Its klud since Its Inaugur ation. HAT RAISINS TODAY." Llbby COAL. The Kind YOU. havf ALWAYS USED. I'HONE 72 Pacific Uverv Transfer 0!o Lamo hack Is usually causod by rheumatism of the muscles of tho back, for which you will find nothing hotter than Chamborlaln's I.lnlmont. Far salo by all dealers. GET JURY IH FOOTE TRIAL Twelfth Juror Secured Just Be fore Noon Today Grand Jury Adjourned. COQUILLE, Ore., April 30. Tho jury to try W. R. Footo on the- chargo of slaying Chas. Wilcox, noro a fow months ago was socured Just before noon today. Tho securing of tho Jury took considerable moro time than was anticipated. Tho stato'B witnesses woro still on tho stand at 4 o'clock and It Is doubtful if tho dofonso gots any of Its wltnessos on tho stand boforo lato tomorrow. Tho grand Jury has adjournod for tho torm. D 16 NEWS OV COQUILLE Coos County Seat News As Told, by Tlio Hcnunci. C. M. Maupln was In town Thurs day en routo to McDonald and Vaughan's camp on Daniel's Crcok; whore ho has accepted a position as engineer. Ills wlfo and family will tako up tholr rcsldonco on tho Mootv ranch on tho North Fork. Mrs. Al Matthows, who lives near Portland, arrlvod laBt wook and Is still In attondanco upon her inothor, Mrs. 55. Qrogory, who has beon very 111 nt her rcsldonco nonr Johnson's mill. Mrs. Matthows will not return to Portland for soma tlmo. J. L. Knight and C. A. CJour loy have purchased tho City Market and will tako possession May 1. Mr. Knight Is n woll known rancher from Myrtlo Point and Mr. Oourloy wnB formorly in Klamath Falls but has boon In tho hutch or business In Myr tlo Point, for nbout a year. Mr. Lomanskl. proprietor of tho Dlmo thoatro was In town Thursday. Ho says ho is Intending to enlargo tho capacity of tho Dlmo by building n forty foot addition to the rear of tho present building. Tho building now has a seating capacity of 200 and tho now Improvomont will admit of at least 350 pooplo bcln comfort ably soatcd. Tho stago will also be enlarged so that It will be ablo to proporly accomodate traveling shows nnd roportolro companies. Dressing rooms will also bo built on onch side of tho stago. Mr. Lomanskl says work will be commenced qn tho Im provement not later than May 1st. IlRIEKH OF DANDON News of Clty-bytlie-Scii ns Told by The Recorder. A petition Is bolng slgnod by prop erty owuors along First stroot for paving tho street from tho bank of Ilnudon to tho city hall, and will probably go through. Tho conditions of the petition nro to tho offect that permanent wntor nnd Bower mains aro to bo put down before tho paving is done. Newly Elected County Centrar Committee Chooses Offi cers for Year. At tk meeting of tho nowly elected Coos County Republican Central Commfttoo nt Coqulllo yesterday, tho following otllcors were olocted: Chatrmnn P. M. Hall-Lewis of Marshficld. Sec. W. C. Chaso of Coqulllo. Troa. L. A. Roborts of Myrtlo Point. Congressional Committeeman C. A. Sohlbrode of Marshfleld. ' Stat'1 Cotnmittoman W. C. Chaso of Coqulllo. Only nbout n dozen woro prcsont at tho mooting. A fow ties In tho oloctlon of now members woro do cldod by lot nnd a fow vacancies Qllod. Plans woro also dlscussod nbout raising a campaign fund and gotttng in readiness for a hard campaign for tho November olcctlon. CUTtKY PIONEER DEAD Mrs. Cunnlir, Oldest Resident of Gold ncnch. Succumbs. , GOLD DEACH, Or. April 30. On April 10, Mrs. Margnrot Cunnlff, tho oldost resident of Gold Doach, and a pioneer hero for ovor 55 yoars, passed away nt tho homo of hor daughtor, Mrs. A. S. Miller. Mrs. Margarot Cun nlff was born In Iroland In 1828 nnd camo to this country whllo qulto a young woman. Sho was married In Snn Francisco In 1855 to Donnls Cun nlff and thoy settled nt oQold Doach two years lator. Dy hor kindly char acter, tho decoasod endeared llorsolf to art nnd was unlvorsally loved and rospoctod. Ilurlnl sorvlcos woro hold at tho Gold Reach Comotory, Rov. Father Kovnoy officiating. Many friends nnd relatives woro gatharcd to offor tho last loving tributes to tho dopartcd mothor nnd frlond. Sho Is survived by n son, Donnls Cunnlff, presont county surveyor, and two dnughtors, Mrs. John M. Hovoll and Mrs. A. S. Miller of this place. A TURKISH MATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214J. If you have nnythlng to soil, trado or ront, or want holp. try a Want Ad, An unfilled wnnt causes uuhappl- ness Times wnnt Ads bring results. A qulot wedding took place at tho I homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Fox, of this city, whon tholr son, Robert F. l.kv u'no niiltoil In tnnrrln in in WA nun (vi rju Sarah Ellzaboth Monson, of Temple-ton. Tho Uandon Ico nnd Rottllng works, J. C. Slnglo proprietor, stnrt ed operation this morning, and will cnntluuo from this tlmo on. Mr. Slnglo will ho ablo to turn out about two tons of Ico per day and wll) also run a bottling works In connection. NORTH REND NEWS. Joo Sullivan of Hnynes Inlet was down from his ranch yostorday, bringing a load of potatoes for ship ment on tho Rcdondo. Royal Tailored Suits $18.00 to $35.00 Made to Fit You FIXUP Mnrshfield North Bend. The Modern Woodmen of Amorlca nnd the Itoynl Neighbors of North Rend are to bo tho guests of tho Mnrshtlold M. W. A. and Royal Neigh bors this ovoulng. HOWARD'S genutno MEXICAN TAMALKS dollvorod any placo In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlglu. Thoy ore READY to SERVE. Phone ::ia. HOWH THIS We offer Ono l(ii.itlrel lMUr llvvc ri for tiyrkiMil Catarrh tlut cannot bo cured bj llall' ('alarm Curr. F. J. C'HKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tlie iituWidKiu'il, hve known F J. Che any for the lt l.1)t'r, hiu! bolUun Mm per jeclly honorable In ill tnulneta irainactlon tin) ilium-lull able to ctrry oat any obllg tloin. nimle b hit linn, Waiuim), Kinnan .1 Marvin, U holrtalc DruKitMf, Toledo, O. Hall'a Catarrh Cure W laken Internally, act., Iiixdirrell) upon the blood ami mucoiu aure fao n( the )ltm Testimonials sent free Trie ?Seent per bottle, hold bruit dnincM. Tak. Hair Family I'llU for constipation. City Auto Service Oood Cars, Careful Drlvors nnd reasonable ohargos, Our motto: Will go anywhere at any time," Stands -lllanco Hotel and Rlnuco Cigar Store. Day Phones 7S ivnd 46. Night Phono 4G. HAHKIK .V GOODALE. proprietors. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nomlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates AH Night Servlco Careful driving assurod. Phono Dlanco Pool Room. 231-R until 11 P. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phono 5-J. Palace Rostaurant. TRY THE EDGE AVITII YOUR FINGER. Examine a collar fresh from our laundry. Notlco Its clear, whlv color, Its oven, elastic stiffness, Its smooth nnd Its perfect shape. Then test tht "p edgo by running your flngor-tlp over It. Notice the smooth, slick finish given It. Noth ing thero to rub, dig or irritate your neck. This test will prove tho value of our servlco. Send us a trial bundle and apply tho test, Mnrshfield Hand & Steam Lnnndrv Mnuzey Rros. Props. Phono 220-J, Onr Wagons Go Anywhere Anytime. WJDES!j floor Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality t, You Auto Call Foote PIIOXE M l-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Phono 28-J Will make trips to Coqulllo. A Correct Insurance Policy Is very essential. If It Isn't correctly written It Isn't Insur ance. Wo write correct policies In the best companies. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. 1 Give Your Home a Spring Tonic A new Rug will brighten up the room and make your old furniture look like new We Have Them in Any 01d She Fromthe Smallest Up t 0ur Prices Are Always Right As You Can See Below Granite Ingrain Rugs; room size' $-1.50 to $5.50 Ingrain Wool Rugs; room size $8.00 to $12,50 English Art Rugs; room size .; $7.75 to $15.00 Tapstry Brussels Rugs; room size .' $11.00 to $22.50 Axminster Rugs; room size . $25.00 to $50.00 Body Brussels Rugs ; room size $2G.OO to $32$ Wilton Rugs; room size $32.50 to $15.00 Small Rugs $1.40 to $15.00 Linoleums; all grades; from 40o per yard to $155 GOING & HARVEY CO, Complete House Furnishers "The Time Is Coming When the Electric Motor Will Move the World" Said Thomas A. Edison recently: Certain types of engines have more than 200 reciprocating parts. The electric motor has but one moving or revolving part. Many of the prosperous factories of the state are operated today with electricity served from central generating stations. Central station electric power increases output and saves cost. Our power solicitor will make careful investi gations of power problems and render depend able, scientific reports, without charge. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 PROFESSIONAL DIRECT!! ws Pi it. a. j. iiiuumrs -J Modem DtaUl Pufo We aro equipped to do ktyc work on short notlci it tli lowest prlcoj. Eximlaititt Lady attondant.' Cole bnlitoj i site Chandler Hotel, phont UN pR. G. W. LESLIE, -' OitcopAthle rbfricUi Qraduate of the Amerku kW Osteopathy at KlrkuUlt, Vs. In Eldorado Bile. Houn 10 la 11.1 Phone 18 l-J; WarihMi; 0 CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business April 18, 1012. RESOUKCF.S. Loans and discounts $208,201.63 Houds, warrants and securities 78.947.0tJ U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchange 198,208.08 To,al $801,428.1 1 UA1ULITIES. Capital stork paid lu $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 8,815.49 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.00 deposits - 457,013.22 Total '. $801,128.71 ,In.aliL0nAoCaP,ul stock tne individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00, INTEREST l'AID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. m, c. HORTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. J. W. IIBNNBTT, I wye. )ffla over Fltnagtn A Beuri) Iamh field U. J. i'. McUilUMC, Physician tod Sarpci Manhfleld, Ortioi Jfflca: Lockhurt SuildlOJ. Onnnaltn nnat office. PkOtllJl D' W.K.Wisei mi. r1A "Pnlinlilfi NoffC ries a complete stock IJouselurnisninKs. thing from Kitchen w room. New Goods. RpnKonablePritf 323 South BroadvrtJ. Phonc-yoJS WhyNot' Pure Milk and Cream We are the only jwfj LIZING our milk Pa wo lurniau; MILKAT25cPER CREAM AT 200 PEBn-j WHIP CRE.WI AT 10c '' lIUTTERMIIiK A . nil1' Deliveries A. , Cms Bav Ice Qfnfflore Co.