The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 27, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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Mr. Coos Bay Renter
YoiiPsojourn in a favored place, a land of perennial flowers and foliage and pleas
ant weather; in a city of great commercial future, but still so long as you are a renter
you are only a sojourner, a rolling stone, without the full dignity and satisfaction of a
property owner. Why not toll yourself you arc here to stay? Stop paying rent and
own a homo in Marshfiold. paying house rent in a city where real estate values are in
creasing is indefensible anyway, except on account of financial inability to make the
start toward o"vvning a home. )
First Addition to Marshf ield
"We aro selling lots in the most attractive residences addition in Marshfield
for $300 (50-foot lots, mind you). Wo are selling theso lots "for $25 cash and $10
per month. If you cannot seo your way clear to got a homo in FIRST ADDITION
TO MARSHFIELD this summer, wo believe wo can inako the way plain to you. Call
and seo us while choice, level lots remain.
Reynolds Development Co.
, Owners
Coke Building, opposite the Ohaudlor.
(.'001) VX. NIXG
I mil learning that success Is a
matter of liabltual concentration
upon Ideals. Selected.
We savo tho bouIs of tho mon who
And wo turn to shrlvo tho. thlof ;
Wo restoro tho prldo of tho ,man who
I lied;
And Bcrvlco chlof,
Uut for her who fell wo havo fash
ioned a hell . -.
With a faith all stern and just;
Jt was so of old and no. man has told
What our Lord wroto In tho dus..
Wo sigh betimes for bur brothor's
Dut bid them bo of olioor;
For tho flesh Is weak, and tho soul
grown meek
May yet read Its tltlo cloar.
Dut wo turn away from her nstraj,
And say that tho righteous must.
8ho Is cursed Indeed and wo do not
What our Lord wroto In tho dust.
For tho men who kill and thlevo an
Who havo slain tho woman's soul,
Wo havo worked and prayed, and
soon thorn mado
All clean and whlto and whoto.
Dut wo turn hor out with a righteous
In our Pharaslac trust,
Whllo tho men go forth and wo will
not seo
What our Lord wroto In tho dust.
Springtime Is
louse-Cleaning Time
The Coos Bay
Bedding and
Upholstery Co.
Wtnt to Clean Your Carpet.
I fix nU per squaro yard. Satis
faction gunrantood.
I'll So. Broadway Phono 210-L.
The Sign of
Good Candy
f m J 4
Most Coos Dav men havo tho
goods, but somo havo tho knack a
gottlng thom In tho front windows
before tho other follow docs.
Clothes may not mako tho man,
hut wo havo seen cases whoro a
Coos Day man's wlfo's clothes mado
him hump.
When a Coos Day man makes up
his mind tho offlco can't got nlong
without him usually tho offlco hoars
auout it ana decides it can.
Somo Coob Day men havo to got
into Jail to got Into print, whllo oth
ers would got Into jail If tho truth
about them got Into print.
Ever notice that tho woman who Is
most export at painting hor faco m
least successful In drawing suitors?
Every wlfp Is a martyr, and ovory
body In tho world knows It but hor
Sakcs allvo, Dotsyt Just think of
a skirt with a high silt nnd thoso
new linRA with ihn notwnrlr effort.
Shades of tho crlnollnol
PACKARD SHOES appeal especially to tho men -who like to
bo always well dressed and -who appreciate the finer details in style
and workmanship. PACKARDS havo strength and character be
cause tbey are honestly and skillfully made.
The Toggery
ttrte 7-rooin houses, rent for J3C
p month; will soil at a bargain.
HCJI KStntu nn.l Tnaiiwnnin
1 Ontral Avenuo. Marshfiold.
Marshfield Paint
Decorating Co.
I'Jmatoa matibhf'irl.d.
Irtlihed Phone 140L Oregon
Hones ltfl-X, 228.
Marslifield. Ore,
Nue Pantatorium
Tali" ?dward E' Strauss & Co. j
"8uit niaK your,
Zium-i Inl pi1M Qjin.x. I
'All Kinds of Hauling'
Clifford Doane
PHONF, 331-R.
E -ulno a collar fresh, from our
laund y. Notlco Its cloar, whin
color, lta ovon, olaatlo ttlffness, its
8inon"i nnd 1U perfect shape.
Then test tb top odgo by running
your flngor-tlp over it. Notlco tho
unic-th, slick finish Riven It. Noth
ing Uovo, o rub, ills or irritato your
neck. , ,
This tost will prove- tho valuo of
our service Semi ua a trial bundle
nnd apply tho test.
Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry
. .t-.w iiw...s TMinnn 221J.
Our Wagons Go Anywhere Anytime. ;
You Auto Call Foote!
Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. I
After 11 P. M. rhono 5-J '
nn.iiinnrn Phono 2S-J
Will mnko trips to Coqulllc,
We Have Been Successful
In buying a largo stock of first
class Electrical material and can
glvo our patrons a very low price
on house wiring. Got our price
you can't nfford to miss It.
poos Bay Wiring Co.
Phono 237-J
TThiey Are Hera!
Have You Seen 'Em?
For Further Particulars Inquire at
J. LKoontz's Garage
North Front St. Marshfield
Though dondly gormsi In kisses hldo,
E'en nt tho prlco tho cost Is nmnll;
'Tin bettor to havo kissed and (Mod
Than novor to havo klssod nt all I
A bill has boon fntroduccd In Con
gress providing for tho colnagu nf 3
cont pieces. Wo also should havo
somo 30-cont plocoa bo that somo
Coob Hay pooplo couiI rarry what
thoy aro worth.
Every papor brings us news of
somo person who was saved from a
watory gravo by not sailing on tho
Titanic. Every day pooplo nro saved
by not getting In front of automo
biles In Marshfiold etrcots.
In politics thoro Is a groat donl In
"claiming." Aftor It Is over with you
dlscovor that thoro nro n lot of liars.
If a man Isn't honest nnd truth
ful nnd kind It doesn't mnko much
dlfforonco what sort of religion ho
professes to hnvo. IIo'a on tho road
to holt.
Glvo us, doar Lord, ono dny whoso
low descending sun sees tho screens
on nnd all tho cleaning dono,
Oh, well, ovon n clovor girl Is
Isnmotlmes silly enough to bo kiss
, able.
lly Star Koy.
LUtonlng to n young Indy playing
on a plnno latoly, 1 was appoalod to
by tho performer with n roquest to.
glvo my opinion of hor stylo. "Ilonu
tlful," said I. Flattory or baso nduift
tlon (tho torms aro synonymous) I
do not deal In; neither giving ntfr
taking; but I was tied up In a knot In
turn case, nnd liad to cut looso no
smoothly aa nnsslhln.
''Miss," said I, "your nrtlstlo nw-
luiumcniB aro or tlio Mgliost ordor.
I understand but little nbout ttjo
notes In music, but tho luolodloufi
twanging of a Jews-harp strlkos 11
rospoilBlvo chord In my appreciative
"Do you sing or play any?" sho
asked. "Do I?" I replied, "why, Tin
a singer and actor from away back.
My last performance took placo In
Coqulllo City, In aiding somo worthy
young m,on to form a brass bana,
"What woro tho pieces you play
ed?" sho asked.
"I rccltml two Imnnrlnnl ntnnVn
of undoubted merit nnd ondurlntt
famo; thoy woro "Tho Irish Mute
driver" and a charming olio callott
"Tho Nigger Snooks"."
"Did you not sing anything?" ntto
askod. "No;" I said, "tho audlonco
wero not up to tho stylo of tho audi
oncos of tho groat cities; thoy In
dulged In no encores'. Ilolng chiofjy
n, farming pooplo, tho stylo that tlujy
woro most usod to was "Sitting pa
tho Stllo, Mary"."
"Well," aald Bho, "bo kind enough
to favor us with a Bong; but firs
promlt mo to ask what atylo of moh
dy yoU mostly affect?" "My doar."
said I, (tho girls aro oxtromoly par
tial to endearing epithets) "to glvo
effect to my oxporlonco as a do, Ta,
mo, fa, Bol-o-lst, tho stylo which,
affects mo Is that which cmbracis
tho sinful, Boul-stlrrlng molodlen dl
tho plantations In tho South; tho pa
thetic appeals that pormoato ovop
lino tndlcato a longing for BomothlnK
of which thoy aro doprlvod. As ah
Instance tho following bountiful bat
lad will servo as an Illustration of say
leaning In tho direction of nogro
'Now, somo war black and somo war
And somo war do color of a chaw.
o torbackor.
Got out ob do way, olo Dan Tucker,'
You aro too lato to got your sup
per.'." "0, gradouBl" Bho oxclalmcJ,
"thoro Is no stylo In that; It In of no -consoquonco
wbatovor, and uttor.1
"It may bo absurd," I romarkod,.
"and also lacking In stylo, but Ibj
sentiment and consoquonco nro para
mount. Consldor tho effect It must
hnvo had on old Dan Tuckor to los
his suppor; a moment's thought d
voted to tho htinarv nhlnct will rtnu.
vlnco you of tho sorlous nspoct of tho
caso, ami arouso your syinpatliy.
"Tho consideration that loads ju
to bestow n molntv of nur Intmirn
and moans to tho rollof of sufforlnK
humnnlty transconda all tho glosn
and vanity of tho absurdity called
nqycity Tstli nnia Tn1ct.
T would rnthor thoy would brlnK
thorn out In my woary and trnublod
hours, nnd opon thom, that I may be
rofrcshod and choorod by thom whlro
I need thom. I would rnthor havo n
plnln roftln without a llowor, nnd n
funornl without nn oulogy, than lira
without tho BweotnosH of lovo and
sympathy. Lot us loarn to aunolnt our
friends beforehand for tholr burial;
post mortom kindness doos not cheor
tho departed spirit. Klowors on thti
collln shod np frngranco backward ov
er tho weary way by which loved onea
havo traveled.
. A llttlo girl's mind Is nlways moro
1 i i .11..- i i. ..... ....
Iirucucious iiiiiii a uuio uu h; uiic. uy
tho time ho gets big enough to bully
hor, ho soon manages to convince, her
that she Is his "montnl Inforlor."
jiv ciiki:i.
DO NOT keop tho nlabastor boxes
of your lovo and tondornoss soalod
up until your friends nro doad, but
fill tholr llvos with Hweotnoss NOW.
Speak approving and ohoorlng words
whllo tholr oars pan hear them, nnd
whllo their hoarts can bo thrlllod and
mado happier by thom. Tho kind
things you moan to sny aftor thoy nro
flowers you moan to sond for tholr
conins IUCSTOW NOW, and so bright
en nnd swooton tholr oarthly homos
beforn thoy loavo thom. If my
friends havo nlababtor boxes laid
away, full of fragrant perfumes of
sympathy nnd nffeitlon, which thoy
Intend to break over my dead body.
Tho poor downtrodden toller en mo
nnd asked mo for n Job; tho mnrka
of want on his frnnio, he hoavod u
mournful sob. "My rhlldron nnd ny
Bnd-oyed wives aro hungry na a Turk;
It Is to snvo tholr precious Ihtjo that
I am scoklng work," "Poor mnn!"
I cried, "work you nsk I'll suroly put
your wayl Saw up bohio wood got
nt your task, and onru n bono n dny!"
"Your words," ho said, with mnnnor
grnnd, "my blood mnkoa fairly boll!
You do not scorn to understand tho
dignity of toll t If for that price ;ny
hands I laid on nxos nnd on snws, I
would eternally dogrndo groat Lab
or's sacred causo! Two bonoa n dny
to do that rhoro that Is my humblo
tuno; to stnrt at 8 and quit at 4 -nnd
rest threo hours nt noon! Far
bettor that my wlvos should croak,
my kids throw up tholr hands, than
seo mo llvo to mnko n Joko of Labor'n
Just domands!" I pushod him gent
ly with my feet nnd drovo him from
my door; nnd now ho stands upon
tho streets nnd tnlks forovormoro.
Ho cries; "Tho toller's nnmo Is
Panco! On earth ho hns no placot
Ho hns no holp; no hopo, .;o chnneot
Tlio Tyrnnt grlnda his faco!"
Liidlos' AI1 Oiitlnj! -Tho Ladlos'
Aid Socloty of tho Swedish Lutheran
church linve plannod an outing ui
Coos Itlvor to tho home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Chnrles Rnogren. Tho ou'lng
will ho hold on Wednesday, May 1.
Arthur Matson's boat bus boen rhnr
lorod for the occasion nnd will loavo
bllli at foot of Commercial sir'" at
10 n. in slinrn.
It would surprise you to know of
tho groat good that Is being done by
Chamberlain's Tablets. Oarlu. .Dow.
nov. of Newborg Junction. N. u..
writes. "My wife has been u.lng
Cbamborlaln's Tablets and finds
them very effectual and doing ner
its of good." If you have any
?oube with your stomach or bowe la
give them a trial. For Bale by all
Parties Desiring Monuments Erected
Would do well to cull nt
The Pacific monumental Works
South Broadway and iihik' selec
tion from tlio largo Mock now on
hand. Mr. Wilson has in Ills employ
the only practical marble and granite
cutter In Coos county. And none
' but the best work Is turned out.
I i " " wt jyi Pii'-fBV
Snow Drift Flour
iltOuH 1CLU CO.
Highest Quality