. tr? isjtnsKzrcu Z&Z-2Z.-C uzZi&3!&.mji:'.zi-i-e-,B THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1912 -EVENING EDITION 4 Omf Persona! barYiea nm th, Clothes Themsel COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES POWDEJ Absolutely Purerf Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife is 'so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Unto Phomthmfmm n CContlnuod from pace l.) paid cv trlbuto to tho Southern Pacific. Stnrtfl Tilings. Tho council was apparently nbout rondy to adjourn when Tom Donnott who had proscntod tho lottor of tho Tormlnnl Railway aakod for soino expression from tho council on It. Ho oald that In vlow of4tho fact that tho inroo companies waniou irnncniscH on tho Batno Btroota In boiiio placoa, ho thought that all ought to ho glvon a fair show. In tho lull, II. 0. Dlors oald that ho wlahod to call tho council's atten tion to tho fact that tho Sumner poo plo woro, next to tho Simpson com pany, tho largest ownors of proporty In North Ilond. Dr. Dnrtlo rotortod that if thoy woro, thoy should bo nblo to mako soino money out of tho boom that tho construction of tho Southern Pacific would start. This caused a wavo of merriment to sproad ovor tho audlonco. N. C. MacLeod addroBsod tho coun cil and said that ho thought it only right that tho Tormlnal Hallway bo glvon homo answor. lie said that ho didn't know JUHt how to regard ths Tormlnal Hallway and had always conaldorod it a Joko personally. Ilowovor, If tlio Tormlnal Hallway waH a scheme to hold back or block other railways or an effort to mulct them, ho said tho soonor tho request was aiiBwerod tho hotter. Fred Mutilator Intorruplod by do elating that tho pooplo of North llond had auaworod tho Tormlnal Hallway at tho polls lust fall whon thoy voted mi 1ml t t tn twili I as 1 In nunil cnniA vtiutt MiiMViiinwt vi wnwtt ruuivi scathing tonus In an Indirect ro fur unco to tho company and Haid that any company that wan trying to use a nearly bankrupt town to mako cap ital out of should bo condemned. Tom Ilonnott rotortod that tho company was tho only ono that had offurod to back Its promises with' money and said tho company stood ready to poat n 10,000 bond to build tho lino, tho samo as it did in Marsh Hold. Dr. Ilartlo said thoy did not want money, that thoy wanted railroads. Ho said tho council wuntod to treat all fairly. Personally, ho said, ho had always regarded tho Tormlnal Hallway as n local schomo to got money out of tho railroads coming In. Councilman Mandlgo Bald that ho hoard tho Terminal Hallway offered soil nut for $100,000 and If it did, ho didn't think It was right to glvo thorn; ft franchise in North Horn! bo that, thoy could Increase tholr price to i $300,000. Councilman Horn snld that this waa all Idle discussion ami that thore would bo no bottling up of tho water i front. Ho said that threo roads t ould oaslly get right of way along ' It. I Prof. Orubbs said that tho Tor mina! Hallway should know already I what tho answer to their reouost would bo. He said that otm If tho. on in il xrauted tho Terminal Hallway a franchise, the pooplo of North llond i woi 1 1 invoke the referendum on It. The lesult he said had boon indicated nt tho frnnchUo oloctlon. L. F. Fnlkonstuln was called for but wild that he had nothing to say, A. H. Derbyshire said that if tho j Terminal Hallway wanted a frnn- clilso. they should present n draft of i it to the council tho same as any otluT company. Ilowovor, ho said, he , was confident tho people of North Ilond would not stand for tho council granting a franchlso to tho Termlu-' al Hallway. Ho said that soyonty llvo per cent of tho voters of North Ilond would, oppose It. Honry Diors horo interrupted and ' said that ho thought tho council and others woro doing an Injustice to C. A. Smith by making light of tho ap plication and condemning it. Ho said that C. A. Smith did not "soil out" and that as ono of tho, largest Inter- cstfl on tho Hay ho was ontltlod to tho rcspoct of North Dcnd and further more, ho said that if tho Simpaon company wont to Marshflold and mado such a roqucst, tho C. A. Smith company would boo that it was treat od respectfully. A. II. Dorbyshiro said that ho was not making light of tho Smith com pany but wob moroly giving n candid expression of tho situation. Fred Holllstor said that ha did not rofor to C. A. Smith but was talking about tho company and furthormoro, ho declared that ho know that L. J. Simpson was now vory glad that North Ilond had turnod down tho Terminal Railway a year ago. Dob Emory interrupted with tho remark that less than n year ngo tho Tormlnal Railway wanted threo yoars In which to build a rullo or two of track. Peck Gives Views Horo bo mo ono callod on C. H. lTcck, who was assisting II. A. Sum nor In presenting tho latter's appli cation. Mr. P.cck said that a year or so ago Mr. Sumner had boon assured by citizens of North Ilond, Including mombora of tho council, that ho would bo treated fairly whon ho enmo to North llond. Ho said that nil thoy wnntod was a common uaor clauso so that thoy would bo ablo to handlo business to and from tho factories on tho North Ilond wator front. Krod Holllstor Bald that ho wished to call tho attontlon of tho council to tho' fact that Mr. Sumner did not stato in his frnnchlBo tho dnto on which ho would begin construction In North llond. Ho said that ho and ovoryono olso wanted to seo things doing In North Ilond. Horo C. R. Pock enmo hnck In rath er sharp tonus at Holllstor. Ho said that Mr. Sumner was not thoro trying to hold hack any thing or block any thing. Ho said all that ho wanted was n chanco to do business on tho siiunro. To show them that ho was, ho said that If tho Southern Pnclllc would Insort tho common user clause In Its franchlso on waterfront streets, they would withdraw tholr applica tion. Ho said It didn't mako any dif ferent whothor tho Sumnor lino camo or not. If it did not, ho said tho Southorn Pacific would not bo bothorod by any ono taking advan tage of tho common user clauso and If It did and other linos camo, It was essontlal to tho pooplo of North llond and tho railroads to have ac cess to tho watorfront through tho common user privilege As to tho dnto of beginning work In North Ilond, Mr. Pock said that ho didn't think that was mntorlal, In fact ho thought that tho pooplo thoro should not pormlt tho occupancy of Its watorfront by tho rails of any ono until guaranteed of outsldo railroad connections. As to this, ho snld, that tho Southern Pacllln's franchlso did not guarantee any dato of comple tion whereas tho Sumnor franchlso did. Mr. Millls nroso and said that It c'ioiild not be forgotton that the Southern Pacific now lias 2,000 mon nt work completing tho first section of twonty-sovon mlloa towards Coos Hay. Mr. Pock said that tho llttlo payroll Involved In building tho lines in North Hond would not benotlt North llond much bocnuso fow of tho eltl iieus would want to get out and work with the Greeks and foreigners on It. And besides, lie declared, It would hu twenty-two months hoforo the South ern ParlHc would havo to finish it. N. C. Mcl.ood again Interrupted and wanted to know If Marshflold was again trying to Impodo progress on the Day. Ho said that llvo years ago a mooting in Marshflqld opposing the bridging of tho Hay had held tho liny back. Ho snld ho had thou trie I to tell them what tho offect would bo and was put out of tho mooting. Henry Dlors camo back and sail that Mr. McLood was nilstakon ns Dr. Mlugus had oxplainod that tho dolay was duo to tho fact that tho Southorn Pnclllc had not boon nblo to soil Its bonds nt a good prlco. The discussion was enlivened by various romarks from tho crowd. Onco when Dr. nnrtlo was asking that tho Sumnor people show tholr financial ability, he said that If It was to be kept secret It could Ue confldod to tho North Ilond bankers who Portland-Oakland Game Called In Third Inning on Ac count of Rain. PORTLAND, Ore., April 24 Tho rortlaiid-Oaklund gamo hero yester day was called In tho third Inning on account of rain. Tho. other games In tho Const Leaguo resulted ns fol lows: At Los Angoles R. II. E. Los Angeoa ..1 3 7 1 Cncrnmento 1 10 3 At Snn Francisco R. II. B. San Frnnclsco . . . v 3 7 0 Vornon 0 2 2 NKW HAMPSHIRE TAFT Curries State by flood Majority Ovor Roosevelt. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Da Times. J CONCORD, N. II., April 24 Re vision of tho figures of yesterday b republican primary for tho election of delegates to tho stato and district conventions April 30 only sorvo to omphnslzo tho victory of President Taft. Rooaovelt loaders havo admit ted that thoy did not expect to havo a Now Hampshire dologato to tho Chi cago convention. Tho presidential profcronco voto ns tabulated at tho Roosevelt hcadquartoro gives Taft a load of 3000 in tho 30,000 votes counted. RAISE MINERS' WAGE (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) NEW YORK, April 24. Tho sub committee which Is arranging tho terms of Bottlomcnt in tho anthracite situation has raised tho wago In crease, it Is reported, from 5 to 5.2 C per cent and may further lncroaso It. would assure tho council It was all right. Ho said that tha North Dond bankers could not bo hoodwinked. "How nbout Major Kinney nnd tho bnnkorB horo n fow years ago?" inter rupted Homo ono in tho crowd. Finally tho mooting ndjournod. Wm. L. Cooko, prop, of tho Deo Hlvo Drug Store, Nolhart, Mont., cays tho Dolt Canon running from Dolt to Nolhart is tho most picturosquo spot in all Montana. Ho writes, "I ro commorid Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound to nil my customors and nm novor disappointed. It given tho best results for coughs and colds of anything 1 soil." Red Cross Drug Store. v NOT ONLY IN THE RECEPTION YOU GET WHEN YOU COME IN, AND TIIR APPOINT; AND CONVENIENCES THAT ARE ON EVERY HANI), HUT IN THE CLOTHES TllimSELVPe'm YOU GET THIS SERVICE FROM VS. Suits . o . - $1000 to '$40.00 STETSON SHOESSTETSON HATS OLUI2TT-ARROW SHIRTS. "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clofliing and Shoe C Marshfield. Bandon. WILSON AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Phones 184-X, 228. Marshfield, Ore. TRY THK EDGB Willi TOUR FINGER. Examine a collar fresh from ear laundry. Notice lta clear, whit col or, Its ten, lastle stiffness, U smooth and its perfect bap. Then tost tha top edge by runnlaa; your flnior-tlp ovor It. Notice the smooth, slick finish siren It, Noth ing them to rub, dig or irritate your neck. This teat will prove tho value of our icrrlce. Bend ui a trial bonds and apply tho test. Marshfield" Hand & Steam Laundry Mauzey Bros. Props Phone JaW-J. Our Wacom Go Anywhere A ay time. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance in North Front Street WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. bVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf-.BE 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl aVflaVflaVflaVflaVHHpx VaVflaVflaVflaVflBBBBflaVHBBeiBVflBaVfll eeeJsssBMflirfv9lKSHeM7ijBiii aHkC SBHava? vHaQawRLVarHar SBBott" '' aafaVLVBal R,rvsa'"fiEst BVjl fVSr " S jJKiA akSHaf JI .iV Jt Aneesav ' 'JL. w i 'TaBBBBBflaiBHr m m.9 isr aBaawawBaf IB V'ifitLlKu HBaTel HaBaBaVaBH. " BaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBT A X 3P V f jLlaBBal BaaaaaaaBBBa Wm' I Baaf BBaaal eBaBaBaBaBaUalamBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaf 1 YaP7l f 'bBBbT ( ' BaBaBaBBBK t jVaBaBaBaBBai aBaBaBBaH JaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaBBal k !) 'Uaaaal . VLaBaBaBaBall B BaBaBaBaBaBaBai aBaBaBBaaBal BBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaf ' "Z MK fl 9 JfWtl SftaaBaBaBaBaaBaml I aBaBaBaBaBBBal aBBHJaaaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBal BBaBaBattl itl'T Ml HJHB MH "' i ! ii mi .,iiii. ,m. teamer Washington Will Sail from San francisco for Coos Bay Friday, April 19 ; P. S. DOW, Agent. OcouDo&V 'THE FRIEND OP COOS HAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUirriSD WITH WIRELESS Sails From Portland for Cocs Bay Thursday, April 25, at 6:00 P.R CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT ronHi NORTH PACIFIC- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 14. O. P. McQEORGB, lint VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH W1RELK3S AND SUnMARI.VE Bllt SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Friday, April 26, At 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. O. P. McGE0rtGE,Al Prof. IlegKS will begin n dancltiK clnsa for children, Buturilay nt 2 p. in. In the Finnish bull, .Marshflold, Ho wi.l open clnssea In Co qulllo on Wednosdny nt 4 o'clock nnd Randon n fow dnya Inter EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TI.ME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON APRIL 3. 10. 17tt4M HAILS FROM COOS HAY APRIL (I, 111, 0 AND 27, ATSERVICECfl THK TIDE. L. A. PAHKIIUItST, Atf. Thone Wfl REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE EIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS BAY At Murxliflcld, In the State of Oi'ckoii, nt tho close of business, April 18, RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts ,' 0Qg 0qi C3 U. S. Ronds to socuro circulation '.'.',',' "5'oOO 00 Othor llonda to securo U. S. Deposits " on'fiftc'nB IIoiiiIr, Securltioa, otc ' !!!!"" B8"78 OS RnnkhiR 1 oiibo, furniture, and Fixtures '.'.',', 8101 1 34 Duo from National Ranks (not rostrvo agonta) " ' a'a-iiM Duo from Stato and Prlvato Ranks and Hankers, Trust Com panies, nnd Savings Ranks '. 3 904 08 Duo from npprnve'd Rosorvo ARontB Checks nnd othor Cash Horns. ....'..,,, " " " i'o? j'no Notes of other National Hanks ?.....'..... ..!!!! ! C fllOOO Fractional Pnpor Currency, NlokoU and Conts 115 13 Specie ?Bfi, 015,50 Lngal-tniuler note 1.Q7Q.00 57 085 50 Rodomptlon fund with U. S. Trwmirgr (5 jier cent of olr- elon) , . -.". 1.250.00 To,Bl ' I501.I2S.71 LIARILITIRS. SSfiKS nr!l!.,:V: :::::.:: ::::::::::: ?l0Kos-5o Undivided Profits, lost KxpnB and Tnxos paid. .'.'.',', "'"iik'4 0 National Hank Notes ouUtnndlug. . , " k'ciu eu Due to other Nailmml llanka 57590 Due to Stnto and Prlvato Ranks and Hankers o 04 t 7 Individual deposits subject to ohecK " "iiJonKKr. Domand cf rrtficates of io . . . , n o?nqo Time certtf.'catea of dewnit ftfi'Jnn 4ft Cortifle.l check onir Cnsbler's ohecka outetnndUii , nra j 1 Uitjtod Slote deposits ' !.'.!'.'.'. lo!c23!s State of Oraisou 'county oV linos,' aat 601, 128. i I. Dnrv KrelUar. Caahiir of t o above-named bank, do solomnlv swnr that the above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge nnd beUora , -,, , , .' . DOnSBY KREITZER. Cashfer. SulaoWbod and sworn to bsforo me this 24th day of Anrll l9i- WAhTER K. RUTLRR, Attest: ' ' ' Notary Public. m. C. HORTON WILLIAM GRIMES. W, U. DOUGLAS. Directors. Abstracts, Real Estate, and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.! HENRY SENG8TAOICEN, Mgr. CoqullU Offlje Phone 191 Marshfield Office H-l-Vanns Timber Coal and Plattln Lands a ipeehUtr. Qeneral AgenU "EASTBIDF" Get Busy .. .111 rtl AND OCT AI-TEIl THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COMfc 1 " I OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPLH. SHINGLES 81.150 AND UP. lmi.MVn iiuimi avij mf.V CI S AVI) UP. nuui'l.vi I ill J'.IV, KJ.Mi n v ji C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. O RETAIL DEPARTMENT. The Electric Shoe Shop j IS WHERE THEY RUY SHOES I FROM SI PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Rroadway Marshfield Blancharcfs Livery J We hao seci-re ue livery liusi , leos of L. H. Heiscer and are prn 1 pared to render excdPnt serTleo it jtbe peoplo o' Co Bay. Cireful I livers, gjoo rSjs ua ovoryth'.nB uov wjii mean t3iidiactory service tc " puunc. rnont us ror a driyln; horse, a rig or pnytnlng- needed In tbe lUery line. We also do truck S business of ll kinds. fiLANCTIARD BROTHERS Phone 13 8-J Livery. Feed and Sales Service. 141 First aad Alder StreeU for All Kinds of Ha snn Clifford Doane PHOXK 3 We Have Been Sucees in buying a 'J, class Electrical " j give our patrons a vej . on house wiring. youcantafferdtoml,, Coos Bay Wiring J phone 237-J