ir $rmMKffSS9 MfX-. JSLiffrTlSRSWBR m.WltQp " fc THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION WANT 11 USER (Continued from pago 1.) was Justified In dolnc so. Further more, ho said that tho company wad endeavoring to got In horo by tho least expensive ronto nnd honco tho doslro to brldgo tho liny. Ho Bald this would redound to tho bcnoflt of tho citizens of tho Bay no tho charges or rntes wore bnscd on tho cost of construction nnd operation and consequently nny reduction In this would bo for tho boncflt of tbo pobplo. Ho Bald thai tho 'lino would cost about $9,000,000 to construct and that tho Interest cbnrgcs on this alono would bo $300,000 per yenr, or $10.00 per day. Ho said that tho present business horo would not justify It, but that tho company be Moved that tho dovolopmcnt that would follow tho coming of tho rail road would. Ho said that It was not moro than nny ono olso for Marsh flold." Dr. Straw said that ho know so Httlo about railroad matters that ho did not feel that ho was capabio of addressing tho meeting. Howovor, ho said bo was not opposed to tho Southern Pacific and would not op pose- It officially or personally. As to tho bridging, bo said ho was not opposed to that unless It was shown that It would ho damaging to tho harbor. As to tho possible conflict between tho Southern Pacific and tho Terminal Hallway, ho said ho thought that was a matter for thorn to settlo between thcmsolvcs. No Common User Clause. J. Q. Mullen, city attorney oi North Fiend, wns next called upon. Ho Bald thnt the. Southern Pacific'.! application for a frauchiso In North Hend wns nlrcady on fllo with tno city rccordor thoio. ho said th.r. it differed considerably from whnt some of tho spcnkeis had lntltn.ttod Mr. Minis' proposition to Marrfhflold was. Ho said thnt tho tfouthcih IV clflc did not want a coi nton w clauso In Its franchise thcro and mad a section from tho propjv d franchlso snowing thnt It nieroiy piovlded foi tho common carrier sorrlcc tcnulred by law. J. W. Hcnnctt'a View. J. W. Dennett nnd n rather icngtuy taut in wlilcli iic :ointod a tin Intnnflnn nf Mm innnnii In. tnrfnrn wIMi nnv nno nr rlrlvn in nn numbof Of hlfl anOCdolC3 and yanir out. ' w""!As to tho bridging-of tho Dny, bo O. A. Smith's View. "riVLufn iWill,d " IVa 4 C. A. Bmlth when called upon said , 0,fnpH08J ?iBlti1t..R,0 V.f.-'&M that he had very llttlo to say about ?,"" , al fil"! 1 "'' I f tho matter. Ho said that his vlows "."'d, ,wnh,cn , ,h,n pp8n,"?1n &.: c"'"c? ' : ?.aefdf 8 "Ct fforo1! 2K.K oufd iuivuw in iiio nines iubi omurunj- . Wi t li m diil .h..,ij. and that his dbject In attending tl.o ' b 8 ,7," lo k Mr' Sm,th Bnou,d bo mooting last evening wns to hoar 0. 1 c nA8' .L Ht,i .,,!..., u . J. MIIIls gIVo tho details of tho South-1 lnAn8,.( H,t f ""J?,8 rord' &5 cm Pacific's proposition. As to,51lLIdl thnt.,h P, ' ' . ' fCo.8 ?a brldglilg tho Bay bo said that about fXnnmlHni ton days' ago bo met Vlco-rirosldont , k1opt,5p, ?-5y com,mon UB5 c,al Bo Calvin of tho Southern Pacific and ?Va'?PLL!Vu tho latter had told him of tho doslie Pf",5ld. L1 nnt f, , n1"0' to cbnstruct tho bridge from Sand "J?,,d t ' J,1?0 1 lmdu,ncf,; Point to near tho mouth of Pony In- "dIlh?Pl?",lX" J J&Vi??? lot. Ho said this hnd boon' a surprise "1",? mSl rwd t5 to him bocauso ho had previously un- J?L "SmS??0' A0 dorstood tho company Intended to SL'rmiSft & " ?ckf?fI d0?L" ,!! como up tho oast sldo 6f tho Day. I J"ml " "n ',w foit1M,thoraB,0,8 Whon lfo saw thn nlann fop tho I "'"J bound to Kcop faith with tho brid&'ta. Sd tffi tlfo'bVcUon'bo'rt0 '51 "SJSiJ0 nT011 originally had tb it wore overcome " l . th ,c""c" r,,uJaAlnc "i nnd ho told Mr. Calvin ho thought lc"' A0? d thnt rMnly io corn It would bo acceptable to him. HoEr.hv' h ,nlftcof,n & bald that whllo a brldgo would not "?rl,ll'r "' " 1 ?m ,t.h" bo beneficial to tho harbor, still un- c "c, nwbo J?'" 8Ldon,t8 .?' j1",? dor tho safeguards of tho War Do- f?"'fr.iAn3Ty' ho do,? ar,od' ,f partmont It would not do much harm ''V "E iV,rg ? ttjll' P0"""' tuf and that ho thought this would bo' n ' 8nou'd tr to ,mpoB? '"; orrBot by tho advantngo or getting n. JM" '"-" "" "'" -ijr '" u railroad. As to tho franchise, hoi "course to tho courts, said thnt was entirely now to him ,. MrlilRo Itwolutlon. nnd that ho couldn't give nn bplnlon' ,","" tho concIiiBlon of Mr. Dpu on it until ho thought It over. As,?"11- romark8. ' McCormno called to tho common user clnuso so far nn J" B?mo4J?no onkp n notion ox tho brldgo wns concerned, ho snld 'J0881 o sent monts of tho meo.. that it was his undorBlmulliiK that , l?S "I"0, to bridging (tho Day. Mr. tho govornmont required all bridges Donnott of forod a motion that It bo constructed across navlgnblo watorslj10 8,onUmot of tho mooting that to bo BUbJoet' to tho cauitr-on nger l"u ". " ." ouuiuora x-acuio io BANDON LOST TALLY SHEET Judges in Precinct Fail to Make Proper Return Canvass of Vote. COQUILFiK, Ore. April 23. Ow ing to tho judges of tho West Dnndon precinct failing to cncloso their tally tthcots with tho primary election re turns, tho official canvass of last Friday's voto Is being delayed. Ono of tho judges had a copy of tho tally sheet nnd this will bo sent up this afternoon. In conBonuonco of this, no addi tional figures on tho primary oloctlon Will bo obtnlnablo for a day or so yot. EGaS FOIt HATCHING T1HZA1I TIlAfcH CLAIMANT I'OH UMl'QUA IUVI3K LAND clauso. Oilier TnlkH. Hugh McLaln told brlofly of tho construct a brldgo from Sand Point to nonr tho mouth of Pony Slough, subject to tho restrictions of tho War proposition nB Mr. MIllls had outlined I ?opnrmo.n.t' l, fftvord bythp cltl- it to tho railroad comtnittoo of tho Chnmber.of Comniorco. Ho said thnt Mr. MIllls hnd promised to start work horo within GO days after thi terms had boon compiled with and thnt tho lino Bhould bo couiplotod within nbout two years, or before Juno 1, 1915, at tho latest. Supt. V. K. Mlllor said that of tho benefits which tbo community would dorlvo from tho construction of tho railroad nnd which hv.l been zona of this community. Tom Don nett moved nn nmondmont that the li rid go should bo subjoct to a com mon usor regulation and tho nmond cd motion cnrrlcd. II. A. Sumner Talks. II. A. Sumnor wan called upon by Dr. McCormnc. Mr. Sumnor said that ho represented two lines, tho Pnclflo Groat Western nnd tho Pa cific Coast Hue. Ho sntd thnt thoy had nlrcady oxpondod nbout $225,- 711 I AAA . ' . . . . '- ' nvnPini,n.i ,,,. ,i, , in.,,.. I. uuu in HurvovH, DuyinK riciitor wnv would mean In tho nmount of taxnblo,nnd bind, etc., nnd hopod to got nr proporty. Furthormoro ho saM Uw.liV"1,,?n "ndor ,wny. ,n" nn oxnnilnntlon of tho Coos cou.ityi "Bnld tlmt h,8c,?n,p.nn,p8 dld !,ot records would Bhow thnt It wno no ntcPn nny difficulty In gaining promotion Bchemo, thnt tho compai. "CiC?8f. ot tho townn on tho Dny. Ho had bought nnd paid for nearly Ml ,d l lnt ,u ,t'10 f,oluinon or clauso of tho right of way required andlu,fl0,)J.('c,edto that thoro was room that now there Is not a slnglo con-1 ' V i ""." ,' " nu " "u-oum domiintlon milt ponding. Uint u B,n?,,,d l) -r thnn two North IIimhI'h Altitude. J?"1"8 '.,nd '"'Oir11.1 ,th0 rond.8 wou,d Dr. Iru II. Unrtlo, prcsldont of tho'f0"0" "nd 1l,'nt.lho rortnlly had Noith Ilond Commercial Club nnd' " ,,"nHC' wl,' tho oxproaslon ot mouibor of tho North Dond council. un""u,,,u"? .. .V10 meoung ami Nntlvo Doiiglhq County Survivor of Onco Powerful Indian Trlbo Asks Allotment Tho Sunday Portland Journal con tains a familiar plcturo, that ot Tlr zah Trash at 18 years of ago, onco known ns tho most bonutlful Indian girl In Amerlcn. Sho is tho daught er of cassliis Trash, woil known in uosoburg, waB born nt Mt. Scott, Dotlglas County, and .Ib ono of tho fow survivors of tho Umpqua trlbo of Indians, Public attention is drawn to hor again through hor attompt to socuro recognition from n tardy gov ornmont. Hor pooplo gono, for years sho mado hor homo with other trlbos in tho Northwest, first at ono reserva tion, nnd then nt anothdr, whoro tho bureau at Washington saw fit to shift hor, but nov6r was sho allotted a plcco of land ns hor own, ns was dono to hor cousins of other trlbos. Now from tho homo of hor whlto hiiBbnnd In Portland sho Is demanding" hor birthright, n small plcco of land in Douglas county "whoroon hor ancos tors onco roamod ns undisputed own ers. Hon. Dinger Ilormann has boon rotalned by hor, nnd ho Is tryfnc to' Bocuro tho allotment long duo hor. Tirznn wns cnoson as a model for tho Btntuo of Sacajnwoa at tho Lowis and Clnrk Exposition. Docuuso of' this solcctlon, tho comely Indian" girl wan given tho namo of tho courngo oui. llttlo woman of hor own rnco who guldod tho Intropld whlto cxplorors thjough tbo wilds of tho Northwost moro than a contury ago and sho Is known by It utmost ns much usjjy hor roal namo. Asldo from" tho dis tinction Tlrznh Trash secured thru hor plcturo, alio has won much admir ation by tho boauty of hor arm, which Io said by artUts to bo almost porfoct. Kkln In Fair No Longer Though at olghteon sho was as fair skinned ns many whlto girls, In ro cent years sho has bocomo much darkor, and hor present nppoaranco tofutoH tho claims thnt have some tlmOB boon mndo thnt sho Is not an Indian. Sho Is not a full-blood, but only ono pnrt In four Is whlto, though this ono part In hor youth wns much moro dlBcernlblo than tho reu. nor grandfnthor was ono of tho Umpqua wnrrlorB who took part in mo general uprising of tho North Caro should bo takon In tho sol cctlon of eggs for Incubntlng. Thoy should weigh 24 ouncos to tho doz en. Tho shell should bo smooth and free from lumps and ridges. aenomlly Bpeaklng, tho nowor tho egg tho better It Is for hatching. Kggs will often hatch whon thoy nro iiiron weeks old. but tho chicks nro novor as strong as thoso irom rresn eggs, Uggs Intended for hatching should bo kept In a cool plneo at n tempornturo of about GO degrees. Thoy should bo turnod over dnlly until rondy for tho Incubator or broody hen. Ovor-lnrgo eggs soldom hatch, says Farm and Homo. Tho small ogg is usunlly from a pullot that has not fully matured and should bo ro jocted. Thln-Bholled eggs nro un safo to ubo, ns thoy aro llablo to bo broken. Tho pointed egg nnd tho round ogg should go In tho egg has kot. All oggs that vary greatly from normal shapo should bo rojoctod. NO REASON FOR DOUBT A Statement of Fnctfl Hacked by n Strom: Guarantee. Wo guornntco comploto rollof to nil BuffcrcrB from constipation, or, in evory cnBO whore wo foil, wo will supply tho mcdlclno free. Itexall Oruorlies aro a gonno, oi fcctlvo, dopondablo, and safo bowol regulator, strongtboncr, nnd tonic. They aim to ro-ostabllsh naturoV functions' in a quiet, easy way. Thoy do not causo' Inconvonlenco, griping, or nausea. Thoy nro so pleasant to tako and work so easily' thnt thoy may bo taken by nny ono nt any tlmb. Thoy thoroughly tdno up tho wholo Bystom to healthy activity. Iloxall Orderlies aro unsurpnBsablo and Ideal for (ho uso of children, old folkB, and dcllcato persons. Wo can not too highly recommend thorn lo all siifforors from nny form of con stlpntlon and Its attondnnt oVIIb. Throe sizes, 10c, 2Cc nnd KOc. Ito membor, you enn obtain Iloxnll Rem edies In this community only nt our storo Tho Roxall Store Lockhart Parsons Drug Co., "Tho Dusy Co. nor." on natural lines without being conspicuous' That's tlio spirit nnd tlio letter of som. th e le iste -BENJAMIN- Smart Clothes for $18 to $40 Tho fabrics Uils season nro unusually attractive Eni. llsli, Scotcli nnd Irish Mixture and domestic worsteds with grays, browns and blues in iopulnr favor. "Money Talks" Stetson Shoes HubClothing&ShoeCo. Sl MAItSIIFIKIil) Hats DA.D0!( IIOWAItD'S gonulno MRXICAN TAMALMS dollvorod any place In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK nt night They nro HEADY to SKItVE. Phono 338. WILSON AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Phones 184-X, 228. Marshficld, Ore. TRY TUB EDOB WITH YOUR FINGER. Examine a collar frcah from onr laundry. Notlco Its elar, whit col or, 1U tron, IssUo tlffaM, lit smooth and its porfoct snap. Then test tho top dg by running your tlngor-tlp over It. Notice ta smooth, slick finish then It, Noth ing therQ to rub, dig or Irritate your neck. This test will prove the value of Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Friday, April 19 P. 8. DOW, Agent. OcroDock. THE PRDiND OP COOS BAY' & S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Portland for Cocs Bay Thursday, April 25, at 6:00 P.M.' CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLUD NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. O. P. SIcOEORGE, ipst wna called upon to toll of tho flltun lion there. Ho said thnt Mr. MIllls' proposition to North Dond was about that ho would toll his noonlo so. Just boforo tho closo of tho meet ing Dr. McCormnc stated that ho cor- Ihn .nniA II .,. In Mn..hlln1,l ir'tulllly WOllUI dlSlilCO to BOO ntlV nil said thnt tho roquest' was for fran-if'r"5?nAfltVl.linythi.nK.).hnt wo,1,rt chleos along n fow blocks of Btroot,,m,;?nt io Sftuthern Pacific starting .....,. ......,,,. ,.,. ...,9 uitu Ui VIIU IIIIU "with ho strings n Vichcd,' and ho said that he felt confident ho could promise that North Rond would com ply tU1i tho demand. Ho said thoy woro t Irk led beeaiiBo tho company did not nsk for oven moro. Ho said (hnt thoro wns no danger of them be ing bottled up nnil thnt thoy Httii had moro streets, tho uso nf whlrli thoy would bo glad to give to any' ,, , , othor rnllronds tint would cAmo In. i Owors of nutomoblles nro ro. Ho declarod thnt Marshflold nnd nosted nnd notlflod not to tnho their North Rond could not pull npart. , ru,18 " tno rnc trncl r tho prosont that their InleroHts were too nearly "B ,l Bontly Intorforos with tho work Identical In matters of this kind. I ?f ropnlrlng tho track for tho com- Ho said that he thoiiKht It was tlmo '" lournnnioni this siimmor. Mbby COAW The Kind YOU have W.WAYS IriKD. PHONE 73 Pacldo livery & Trnusfer Co. AUTO.MOIUia: OWNERS. for tho two towns to got toxotlun nnd have n real love fesst Mayor Stniu's View. Mnvrr Straw wns lntnidued by Dr MePoiiniic ns 'tbo in.ui wl o did i"rf irmrriri ttmmmn MMMmi P. P, NORTON. Munngor. Don't forget l ' i 1S 2M.I. tho Turkish nnths. our scnrlce. Bend us a trial bnndle west Indians In 185G. nnd ho foueht and a"P,Jr tho teBt ?oi.SS,,wC'Bhyo0nv;nVhho,r JJshfield, Hand & Steam Laundry peoplo hnd bo dwindled away and tho R"UI7 Una. Propt Phone 220-J. roinntints woro so scnttorcd that no, uf Vagona Oo Anywhere Anytime. pnrtlculnr reservation was nsslgnod - to them. Tlrznh Trash tlnm M. -. " ' juncou on mo umntllla reservation, whoro sho mado hor homo for yonrs. Hor Intolllgonco brought"hor to tho notico of tho whlto authorities, nnd sho wns sont to tho Carllslo Indlnn Bunooi, from which Institution sho was graduatod. AftorwardB for many yonrs sho had no flxod homo, being sent fron) tho local reservation to thnt of tho mack foot, nnd from tho lattor to that oc cupied by tho Bllotz trlbo. Sho has beon married twice, tho first tlmo to ono of hor own raco, and tho sec ond tlmo to n whlto man, nnd with hor lattor husband sho Ih now living In Portland. In making her plea for an nllotmont of lnnd, she calls at tention to tho fact that thor Is still much vacant land along tho Umpqua River. I KmA jJ (VtH t .jsHuiiHr fissr AMssOmAJH B WIDOW. HI YEARS OI,l), TAKES I'P HOMESTEAD EUGENE, Oro., April i Mrs. Margnrot J. Mathows, Lnno County pioneer of 1852. widow of the Into Alexander Mathews. left Eugeno for Fossil, In oast- ! ern Orogon, noar which place , 4 she will tako un n linnnutnnii a i adjoining ono fllod on by her dnughtor some time ngh. Mrs. , ! Mnthowg Is SI yoarg old, Is halo ' nnd hearty and hag no other thought thnn that s' o will live ' . to move un on the claim In flv, a I iara nud then enjoy her new I homo for many years there- nfter. a UOWMtD'S genuliio MEXICAN l'MI,KS de'lvered auy plaoe In the I'v nutll ia tvci.WK at nU. Tbe are UK DY to SERVE. Plume R.'J. MONTGOMERY Real Estateand Insurance lt North IVont Street VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELE'JB AND BURMARINK BELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Friday, April 26, At. 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. O. P. McGEOnGE, fljwt. Union Oils JAHOUNE DI8TILLATK I1ENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES -anfi. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Marhneld, Ore. PIIOVK SOSW Mall Orders BollclUnl. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILS PROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON APRIL 3, 10, H J SAIIS PROM COOS RAY APRIL O, 13, 20 AND 27, AT SERVICE W THE TIDE. L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Phone Mla &30, Trof llegKs will bosln n dnudin? elns, for children. Saturday at 2 p. m. In the Plnn'sh hall. Mnishfleld. Uo will opou clnsses In Co qulllo on Wednosdny at 4 o'clock and Dnndon n fow days later. IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSI TIVE Vbont tlt s ? o your shoes, it's son o Bnt'fa -tion to know tlat msnj '"I''1 f" 'f.r shoe a gljia ninalle I by nlMik ne Allen'. Koot-Eoase, the 'Mitlseiitto powder into thorn. Just' !,th th'ng lor nsnelng Pnrtlos. Pat-! em. .eampr shoes, and fo.- nroaklng In Now Shoes. When r.ubbers or overshoes become noressa -y and your shoes pinch. Allen's Foot-Ease gives Instant relief. Sold everywhere. 25 cts Snmp'e FREE. Adress, Alle.i S. Olmsted. Lo Roy, N. Y. Don't ac cept any substitute. WhyNot? Pure Milk and Cream We are the only firm STERl. LIKING our milk products, and we furnish; MILK AT SMc PER GALLON. CREAM AT 20c PER PINT. CRICAM AT 2;c Will I PINT. m'TTERMILK GALLON. PER AT 10c PER Dellverlea S A. M and Phono 73. P. M. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance, Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY BENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phono 191 Marshfleld Offlco U-J. Farms Ttmbor Coal and Platting Lands a spwlaltr. Oonarnl Agents "EAST8IDF." , : WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOP. RUT FIRST COME IN Ol'R PRICES ON SRINGliKS AND ROOFING IMl'I-R. SHINGLES $1.50 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND IT. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg RETAIL DEPARTMENT. AJfD 0 Co. nairsrwisMUsmassssiBiiisfrsiiiM' The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY RUY SHOES PROM $1 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOH HTTOP For All Kinds of HaulinS SEE Clifford Doane PHONE Ml-B. 1180 So. Broadway Marshfleld