THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION . For Spring Wear SELZ ROYAL BLUE Every Pair Guaranteed $3.50 to $5.00 Woolen Mill Store Men's and Boys' Outfitters JUwiji 'The Bwy Cower' QUICK, SERVICE 7-fj BINUTES F I I COUNT Ah I men W VW UMA V. I. KAITK A. H. HODODW Marshfield Paint, (Sb Decorating Co Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phona 140L Oregon Ancona and Sicilian Buttercups Dost for eggs; tho best strain; beautifully marked. Eggs (or hatch ing. Salmon Favorollea, tho wlntor layers, quick growers. F. E. Glazier, North Bond. Phona 209. you are Wilting formed cktt. That It the time when quick lervice In the drug Hon U appreciated. Soppoje you want a prescription In i Inrrr. Our Prescription Depart nut u organlted and conducted Jong the most advanced lines In pbrmacy. Wholly In charge of Reg istered Pharmacists, who are sup plied lih every facility for the quick tad correct compounding of all pre icrbtlont of all pnyslcians. Our ficilUIcs sre the finest In the city cor prices are the most reasonable, ad wo ntvtr evtrthargt. Superior ertlce and a square deal Is what our prescription natrons receive. Pre Kriptloni from your physician by tele phone receive eitra attention. Sold only by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company 'The Busy Corner" Th fataML Storm Phone Main "08 Us WANTFH ! ! I i liRl'LTiJ llmiArnr..' .m I Ml UUU1HUUBU tLSW "iXOS TO CLEAN, bf the PneuiBE Cleaning Company. Order tor 1 " uttt at GOING & 1TARVS.Y pnoyic loo You Auto Call Footc R.. JR 14,J NIGHT AND DAY "and front of Lloyd Hotel. .,, TWO NEW OARS A"r 11 P. m. Phono 6-J "esidence Phone 28-J gjU make trlpg to CoquJIIc. We Clean and Press Ladies1 and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J A Correct Insurance Policy Is very essential. If It Isn't correctly written -It Isn't lnsur nnco. We wrlto correct policies in tho bost companies. ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. .p9f.E.19P-LDIRECTORY DH. A. J. IIEWDI.X'B Modem Dental Parlors. W are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at the verj lowest prices. Elimination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppc die Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. DR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathia Phystcfaus Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy at KlrksvSlle, Mo. Office la Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to II; 1 o V Phone 161-J; Marshfield; Oregon COOS DAY TIDES. Del w Is given th time and height of high and low water at Marshfield. Th tides are placed in the order of occurrence, with their times on the first Una and k-sights on the sec ond line of each day; a comparison of consecutlvo height will indicate whothor It Is high or low wator. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dntc, April. Hrs. Feet Hrs. Foot Hrs. Foot Hrs. Foet Hrs. Feet Hrs. Foot Hrs. Feet Hrs. Foot .0.6 .3.8 .1.31 .3.9 .3.05 .3.6 .4.24 .2.9" .5.27 .2.0 .6.14 .1.2 .7.00 .0.4 .1.36 .6.6 0.32 5.8 7.45 5.3 9.12 5.0 10.35 5.0 11.12 5.2 12.42 5.4 1.33 6.6 7.44 -0.2 1.20 -0.3 2.28 0.1 3.38 0.4 4.40 0.6 6.06 0.9 6.20 1.0 7.08 1.3 2.21 5.5 8.43 4.3 9.57 4.6 10.0S 5.0 11.40 5.4 12.21 5.9 1.01 6.3 0.00 0.0 7.48 1.7 TUB WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Showore tonight and Wednesday warmor. - LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. m., April 23, by BonJ. Ostllnd, apocial government me toorologlcal observer: Maximum - 58 Minimum 43 At 4:43 n. m 32 Precipitation 34 Wind Bouthwcst; rnlny. After Papon J. A. Heath of North Bond, accompanied' Androw Sandlno and Michael Sandlno of North Ilond and Will Olson .and 'Don Sunbaum of Denver Hill, to Coqulllo yesterday to got their final natural ization papers. Messrs. Sandlno bo cured their first paper ovor 18 yours ago. Meet Tonight Tho Marshflold Improvement Lcaguo wltl moot to night to completo nrrangotnents for Clean-up Day next Saturday and also to forward tho city beautiful cam paign. It Is expected that all tho plans for tho campaign of beautifying the city will bo complotod by tonight so that thoy can bo adopted by tho organization. Trial Thursday Witnesses In tho W. It. Footo murder trlnl huvo boen sttbpoonaed to appear In tho circuit court at Coqulllo Thursday, Indicat ing that It Is tho expectancy of tho court that tho Dostcott caso will be complotod by that tlmo. It Is said that Foote's nttornoys lmvo nrrnngod an addltlonnl defonuo besides tho "Unwritten law." Will Wed. Georgo Deatty, a har bor at Curry's shop, loft this aftor noon for Coqulllo to socuro a miirrl- WANT ADS. FOR BALE Flno rostaurnnt for $175 If taken within throe days. Inquire Times office. FOR KENT A newly furnished and sunny room. Williams' Dldg., Apt. 2. age license Ho will wod Mlsa Joan Noel, a waitress at Tho Chaudlor. Havo Trouble A Greek laboror appeared in Justice Pennock's court this morning nnd displayed a very blnck oyo ub exhibit A In assauu charges which ho proforrcd against nnothor Greok. When Constnblo Cox sought the offender, ho found ho had drawn his pay and Jumpod .tho country. PERSONAL NOTES Logger Fined Goorgo Smith, a logger, was lined $16 by Pollco Judgo Dutlor today on tho chnrgo of assault ing Frank Carson, nnothcr logger, In tho Dell Cdrd saloon last night. Ho claimed ho only hit Carson onco but from tho looks of Carson's oyo, ho would bo a strong candidate for a now "white hopo." Smith didn't havo any money nnd will sorvo out tho tlmo In Jail. Cyclono nt Old Homo R. O. Graves 1b considerably worrlod today over his Inability to hoar from hri old homo at Morocco, Ind. YosUr day's Associated Press dispatches to Tho Times told of a cyclono striking Morocco and killing nino pooplo, no sides doing consldorablo proporty damage. Mr. Gravos' parents and Bister rcsldo In Morocco besides other relatives and ho Is fearful lest thoy havo suffered. Ilnxobnll Meetings About n dozen of tho local basebnll fans met Inst ovcnlng at C. A. Langworthy's offlco nnd discussed plans for tho season. Tho organization of tho Coos county six-team lcaguo Is being dofcrrod un til Enstsldo decides whether It will join. Lnst evening nrrnngomonts woro porfected to boost tho bonofit dance which will bo given at tho Eagles hall next Saturday night for the ball team. Channel Shoaling Tho channot of North Inot is roportcd to bo shoaling badly and H. A. Church and othor residents aro endeavoring to havo It ropnlrcd. It was planned by tho Port Commission to do somo cw tonslvo work on tho North InlCt channel this summer but now that tho Port Commission Is out of busi ness It will bo up to tho rosldonts along tho chnnnol to havo tho work dono. Tho County Commissioners will probably aid thorn. CATCHING INLET 1TE.MS Mrs: D. F. Itosa Is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. nnd Mrs, Sarah Done-brake. Iter. J. E. Connor spoke on torn poranco Sunday at Hobs Slougn schoolhouso and will hold dlvlno 8o vlces thoro on tho 5th of May. W. J. AVallaco nnd sonBj aro ditch ing land for G. A. Donobrake. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holleubeck woro guests Sunday of tho W. J. Wal laco family. --Mr. Clifford Donne- was nt- II, -D. Wallace's Monday on business. J W. BENNBTT, Lawyer, IflUe over Flanagan & Bennett Ban! farahfleld Oregon DU. J. T. McCOUMAO, Phvaiclan and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. )fflce: Lockhart Building, Opposite post offlro. Phone 105-J 1 1. - Urtu Brtck Bunain. Electrit lw:Atem "e1- Elegantly mished Itoonu with Hot nd Cold Wtr. hotel .00 as ktH-utr MBTI-1N. Prop fiJ Venu T Upwards, w. l Voj4wy KM U&rkftt -ald. Orate. GOOD INVESTMENT mi T .nim hnllRAH. TtiTit tOT $36 per month: will sell &t a bargain. AUG. FBIZEEN. Real Estate and Inau.rranc?. 68 Centrol Aventie. Marshfield Have That Roof Fixed JfOW See CORTHELL FOIl RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms nt 696 First St., near Birch. Phono 239-J. FOUND Porslnn hund bag. contain ing calling card with utldross 207 East 46th strcot nnd namo; ulso small articles. Owner call at Times office. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, S12. D. 11. Smith, Socond and Highland sts.; phone 319-X. WANTED TO RENT About May 1, a small furnished houso or flat, by a family of three adults. Phono 275-L. WANTED Ladles' and misses dress es to mako at 876 So. Fifth St. iiAiiriAiv HALE: 40 horsepower nuto for $600; first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost new S3000; will soil for 600 on eab rnrniH. John L. Koontz Machino shop. North Front street. Phone 180-J. FOR SALE One- 6-room modern bungalow nnd two. good lota on nnrrt'Paved street, South Fifth st. Price $2360, for six doya only. J. C. Doane. Reasojiablotern.B. FOR SALE Flno piano: a bargain. Phono 415, North Dond. WANTED To rent or to buy roller topped desk. W. F. Harmon, Ho tel Chandler. WANTED First class dairy hand who can milk about 20 cows; will pay $45 per month nud board. Ad dress V. J. Wado. Ash. Ore. WANTED Sulto of two or three furnished housekeeping rooms at once. W. F. Harmon, Chandler Hotel. FOR SALE Practically now $60 Singer sewing macniuo; win min $25 If taken at once. Phono 287. Mrs. Chnrlos Jackson was ablo to Bit up for an hour Monday. Mrs. Dyron Ilodson visited with Mrs. Chnrlos Jackson and her moth er, Mrs. Simmons, Monday. TALKING POLITICS Today I wont to Beoswnck'B storo to buy somo hinges for my door that door Is sagging now llko sin, an agent having kicked It In. Old Dcos wack took tho hinges down, and wrapped thorn up in pnpor brown, and tlod tho packago with a string, and n8 ho tolled he snld: "Dy jlng, tho way thoy run this government Is causing widespread discontent. Lot mo explain this Schedulo K, whlcn donls with setting hens and hay; Just hearken to my clarion notes con cornlnir geeso and billy goats, and how tho robber tariff grinds, tho poor man's faro until ho finds himself up to his ears In soup " I Interrupted with n whoop. "I camo for hinges!" I exclaimed, "and horo you're, hand ing out your blamed wormeaton theories which wore stnlo when Jonah tooled his pacing whale. It's always thus throughout tho land: tho grocor cannot soil mo sand without discussing candidates and also rnns nnd kindred skates. Tho laund.y man who bolls my shirts discusses Issues till It hurts. I simply cannot buy a thing but I must Ilstm, to the string of punk reflections, nil ,n vaU that bear upon this year's camnalfn It'H vain to mako oxcuso and fringe: I will not buy your hanged old hlnrre I'll novor blow another cent wltl men who roast tho government and chasten me with ancient nuvs and boro mo with their tiresome vpw." WALT MAHIr' C. S. WINSOR of North Dend was Marshfield visitor today. .MRS. DAVE WALLACE fo Catching Inlet Is a Marshfield shopper. W. II. MORGAN and wlfo of Danlols Crook aro Marshflold visitors today. JACK McDONALD and wlfo aro down from Danlols Crcok for a short Btay. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT W. H, Dunch camo ovor from Coqulllo to day on school mattors. JUSTICE PENNOCIC wont to Co qulllo today as a witness In tho Dcstscott murder caso. MRS. D. M. MARLOW loft yesterday for Hyndraan, Pa., whoro sho Will visit relatives. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE and son, Goorgo, of Catching Inlet woro Marahuold visitors today. EDGAR McDANIEL of North Bond was In Marshflold last ovonlng to attend tho railroad mooting. II. W. PAINTER Is spending tho week In San Francisco on business connoctod with his Jobbing trado. JAY LAWYER Is expected horo from Spokano shortly to look after mat ters connected with tho Reynolds Dovolopmont company, MARSHAL CARTER loft today noon for Coqulllo ns wltnoss In tho Dost scott murdor caso. Guy Chambors Is acting marshal during "his absence. L. W. TRAVER roturnod today from a trip to Myrtlo Point. Ho roports that thoy havo noarly complotod tho grading of tho new racotrack thoro. REV. FRED ZEHE, mlnlstor of tho Gorman Evangelical 'Lutheran Church la Btaylng a fow dnya hero In town trying to organlzo a congregation. REV. F. O. W. PARKER, Stato Gon oral missionary for tho Baptist church In Oregon, Is oxpectod horo Thursday from Portland to look ovor the work In this flold. W. S. CHANDLER Is oxpoctod to ro turn to tho Bay within a short tlmo. Ho Is rapidly rocuporating from tho effects of his rocont 111- ncB8. Mrs. Chandler will return with him. GEORGE LAIRD was hero from tho Valloy yostorday on business. Ho reports that a numbor of mombers of tho Dnndon Gun Club partici pated In a shoot at Coqulllo Sun day and wcro worsted by tho Co qulllo gunnora. CAPT. EDOAR SIMPSON of North Dend is a Marshflold buslnosa vis itor todny. Ho roports that tho A. M. Simpson, tholr now vessol which has been nt San Francisco for Bovornl wooks bolng fitted with mnplilnnrv will t-nnpli flwi Tlnv Hm 1 last of this wcok or tho first of 1 next. A TOAST TO LAUGHTER I Hero's to laughtorl Tho sunshlno of tho soul, tho hnpplness of tho 1 heart, tho heaven of youth, tho prlv ' (logo of purity, tho echo of Innoconco, j tho troasuro oX. tho humble, tho ' wealth of tho poor, tho heap on tho cup of ploaBiiro; It dispols dejection, banishes blues and manglos molan oholy, for It's tho foo of woo, tho do stroyor of depression, tho enemy of grlof; it Is why kings envy peasants, plutocrats tho poor, tho guilty tho Innooont; It Is tho shcon on tho silver of smiles, tho ripplo on tho wators of delight, tho glint on tho gold of glad nosB. Without It humor would bo dumb, wit would wither, dimples would disappear, and smiles would shrlvol, for It's tho glow of a clean conscience, tho voice of a puro soul, tho birth cry of mirth, tho swan song of sadness. Laughter! Tho Colonol may bo losing h a fight for n third term, but ho suro ts storing up somo warm emotions that will need nu outlet In tho Outlook. North Bend News Rov. G. Lo Roy Hall of tho Marsh field baptist church will glvo his celebrated "Rlloy" program Tuesday night, April 30, at tho Mothodlst Episcopal church In North Dond. Frederick Jensen, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Jonson, who foil Into boiling water last wook and was se verely scalded, Is much bettor now. Tho Prosbytorlan Laidlca' Aid wlU moet Thursday at 2 o'clock with Mrs. N. C. McLood at hor homo on North Dond Heights. Tho Domorcst modal contost to havo been glvon tonight at Cooston. has boon postponod on account ot tho storm. . AMONG THE SICK V. A. Dlmmlck of tho Magnos St Matson storo Is conflnod to his room today by Illness. i F. A. Sacohl Is still sorlously 111 nt his homo In South Marshfield and It mny bo necossary for him to un dergo an operation. Mrs. Flo Johnson of West Marsh field, who has boen taking enro of .Mrai Coko, underwent an opomtlon at Mercy hospital this morning for appondlcttls. Wm. Fothorlngh'am, of tho Reyn olds Development Company who .has boon confined at Morcy hospital for a couplo ot wcoks oa a result of In juries sustained by falling off onb ot tho O'IColly boats, 1b now nblo to be up and around. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Rustlor sailed yoBtorday for Gold Doach. Tho Tillamook sailed yesterday from DandOn for Portland. f Tho Flflold sallod from Bandoa this morning for San Francisco. Tho Omoga and Advent which load ed at tho Simpson mills, sailed yes terday for southorn ports. Tho Mayflower nnd Hugh Hogaa arrived at Dandon yostorday to load with lumbor at Coqulllo mills. Tho Rodondo sallod yostorday' nt tornoon for San Francisco, having boon detained In tho lowor Bay by rough woathor. Tho Wllholmlna arrivod In today from tho Sluslaw with a. big, ship ment of potatoes which will go to tho San Francisco markot. Tho Osproy, which was recently dnmagod by striking tho Rogue River bar, Is back on tho Bay. Sho will go on tho ways for ropalrs horo, Tho Mlrono, tho, now gasoline schooner for tho Barnes Packing Co., will bo lnunchod nt tho North Bond shipyards today. Sho Is n fifty hotso powor boat and has a codar framo. Sho will bo chrlstonod by Knthorlne Wornlch, tho llttlo dnughtor ot Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wornlch, Capt. J. J. Roynolds Is oxpoctod horo on tho Broakwator to ttiko chargo of her and tako hor to Soattlo whoro she will tako on a cargo for Lako Bay, nonr Wrangol, Alaska. Sho will bo usod as a cannory toudor In Alaska. MENACE of RODENTS Dr, Rupert Dluo, Surgeon-General of tho Public Health and Mnrlno Hos pital Sorvlco Bald In an Interview: "My greatest ambition Is to clean up tho United States. Woro every building rat-nroof, thoro would bo no plagues and much less disease, I look forward to tho day when the good housekeepers will feol that It Is as much a disgrace to havo mosquit oes and files In tho house ns It Is to have bedbugs. When that time romos, disease In tho United States will be reduced one third, I should llko to feel that soon tho whole country will know that tho greatest mrents of disease In the world aro rata, mice and rodonta of all descrip tion, ns woll oh files and mosqultos nnd other similar Insocts. My war will be upon this tribe and It will bo unrelenting." DUY NOW 9 Inla ,iti QntiHi Tlrnnilwfiv. trnrifl i location, 26 x 00; prlco $2000: 4 Iota noar Euglea nail, on ueconu strcot, 25 x 140; prlco $4200. These lots will doublo In value within the next few months. Thoy can bo had on good tonus. Lot mo show thorn to you. E. S. GEAR, Room 22, First National Dank build in u. "How's your InsurancoT" PLFNTV of HALIIJUT at tho WARSOV MARKET. FOR SAIJ3 One new 2fl-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlramer man, 862 North Front stret. Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RE.NT You can say goodbye to constipa tion with a clear consclenco If you use Chamborlaln's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For Bale by all dealers. Why He Was Lata. "What mado you so lato?" "I mot Smlthson." "Woll, that Ib no roason why you should be an hour lato getting homo to suppor." "I know, but I askod him how ho was fooling, and ho Inslstod on tell ing mo about his stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to tako Cham borlaln's Tablots?" "Suro, that ts what ho noods." Sold by all dealors. At The Royal Tonight THREE FULL REELS OF MOVING PICTURES "DIVORCE," Dramatlo "THE GENTLEMAN FIREMAN" Intensely Interesting and dramatic. Anothor good ono TOMORROW NIGHT FARMING WITH DYNAMITE" will be run again In addition to tho rogu lor ohnngo 10 CENTS. , fi SOUPS FLAKED PEAS A small handful of Flakod Peas added to any soup, fifteen minutes berore it is renoy to sorvo, will greatly Improve Its flavor and wholesomeness. PUREE OF FLAKED PEAS 3 cups of beet stock y, cup cold water 1 tablespoonf uls catsup Tiny piece of garlic 1 cup Sperry Flake1 Pes .... Vi medium onion Vt tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce Salt to taste, , ,'' Boll onion In atock until tender, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar lic, dash of whlto popper and salt; then add the flaked pe. Cook slowly 20 minutes, strain and servo with croutons. Stick- onion with whole cloves.