-'-ft ". XSgSJMRsS&i s.., j:.;v.wi 3hS555-I?!!!!!5H5? THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912 EVEWING EDITIOH- COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV Editor and Pub. DAN B. MALONEV Ncwa Editor Entered at tbo postofflce at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmlsatoB through the malls as leoond data mall matttr. Address all communications to 0008 DAY DAILY TIMES. Mwshflold tt tt :t It Oregon Dedicated to tho senrlco of the people, that no Rood cause shall lack champion, and that evil shall not Ujrlro unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. One ; oar 16.10 Per month .BO WEEKLY. One rear $1.60 Whon paid strictly In adrance the subscription price of the Coos Bar Times Is $C.OO per rear or $2.50 for six months. Official Paper of Coo CoaBty An Independent Republican news paper published every evoning except Sunday, and Weeklr br The Coos Day Times Publlsalag Oo. THE RAILWAY SITUATION' THE TIME8 falls to see any occa fllon for panic or passion In tho present railway situation. With Coos Day It would cortalnly bo good policy to Bccuro tho corporation and actlvo Immodlato construction of tho Southorn Pacific. It can bo secured and wo aro assured may bo obtained on a business basis. That Is the only condition on which It should bo nought. Thoro should bo a comity of tntorost botwecn Coos Day and tho Southern Pacific and any other rail way Booking ontrnnco hero on all oc casions, for that which Is of benefit to tho ono equally bolps tho other. If both sides aro broad enough to ob orro this there will bo mutual ad vnntago to bo galnod and gonoral prosperity will result. Let Coos I)ay moot tho Southern Pacific half way In ovory matter that comes up and tho result will bo beneficial all around. Tho Southern Pacific has Bliown a dcslro to bu not only friendly but of real service to this community and It would bo foollah and nbBurd to moot these overtures In u spirit of recalcitrancy and repul sion, Thoro Is no occasion to roiih.s passions "and prejudice over n plnln lHiBlneiiB proposition. Coos liny must retain control of "Us waterfront and If this is to bo .1 great commercial city our harbor must bo developed. This Ih obboi. tlal to tho progress and prosperity of tho community mid must bo rju ognlr.ed by tho railway compuny us wpll aB tho pooplo It will servo. "THE TITANIC CATASTROPHE. THE horror of tho mighty trag edy of the Hen comes with pe culiar and unusual force to tho pooplo of Coos liny, who have ex perienced Its heart-touring terror at tlmon. It Is difficult oven yet to obtain -tho wholo truth of tlio traglo event, nnd tho wholo truth, free from panic and pasalon Ih necessary to puts Judgment on tho cniiHo of tho awful Jiccldout. Out of tho pit-black darkness and lurid terror of the tragedy, howover, flhlnert tho Rtar of tho dlvincuoss of man. Tho chivalry, heroism and Holf sacrifice of Anierlcaim and English men In dofoiiBo of hojpless wonit.t And children shed tho glory of noble 'manhood upon the pall that shrouds their grnvo under the Icy surges of tho Atlantic. More than two thousand pooplo on tho finest ship over built, believing 11 uuslnknblo, were Joyous In their surroundings In anticipation of a speedy landing. Soma wero In uvon lug dress attending a reception tin dor the glory of a myriad of lights and amid palatial surroundings. In a moment they wore wrapped in darkness, which, t, two-thirds of nil on board was the shadow of iloath. Distinguished men wero there, maBterful men In many of tho higher walks of llfo. Men who had wrought out for thomsolves distinct names In life's llghor callings. Thoy Hhowod their lnnor selves, every one of them died, but all the women and children wore saved. The contrast, became more worthy of honor whon It Is noted that many of tho saved men aro members of the Titanic crow whose services 'were ludlBpenslblo to the rescuing of the survivors from tie dangors of tho deep. This nlfio holds of the medical men who wero consigned to tho boats, Men will speculate, nnd will ask "why was this so?" Hut till that will avail little, Tho result may bo that a llttlo more care will be taken to provide safety dovlces, but that will be about all. The world will plunge on reckless of what hos boon, eager only for what Is to he. Man's nature Is to waste llttlo time on what has been or "Is inevitable." The sorrow of it will linger in tho momorles of thoso directly bereft, for the othors It will be an awful page In momory, but It will be as n page that has boon rend and closed, even as tho waves closed over tho ship. Its living and Its dead, its treas ure Its splendor and power. In n llttlo whllo tho spring's blooms will bo out, tho Joyous birds did not ovon stop their songs at tho fearful news nor did tho procession of tho seasons, Whon death leaped from tho lco borg to tho Bhlp ho mot with mon who refused to quail In tho faco of tho grisly king of terrors. Whothor tho man wero a mllllonnlro in tho luxurious cabin, or tho shovoler of coal In tho hold ho was a man among mon nnd n king robed and crowned with tho InBlgnla of royalty. Through tho long hours whon they drank deop of that blttornoss which Is worso thnn tho blttornoss of death, tho anguish of parting forever from thoso whom thoy lovod, thoy stood stoadfast and unnfrald. Thoy greeted tho unBeon wlth a chocr, porhnps of tho heart, porhaps of tho lips also, and went to their doom llko sons of tho gods. It is well that parliament and; con Kress allko should sympathize and mourn with tho boroft and that Eng land, nna Ainoricn saouia succor thoso who havo lost their broadwln nors on tho Titanic. Less than this would bo unworthy of great peoples. Tho world cons again tho lesson over now that So closo Is glory to our dust, So near Is Qod to man, When duty whlspors low, "Thou must," The youth ropllcs, "I can!" God reet thoso who wont down with the mighty Bhlp: God comfort tho sorrowing ones who aro loft to contomplnto tho disaster nnd to boar tholr grief. TITANIC Titanic, as man's work, was sho, Yet but a plaything for tho sea, "Unslnknblo," hor builders said, lint look yo at tho roll of deadl Tho "Monarch of tho Ocean's Wavo" Now lies within tho deop sea grave Titanic? Yea, but pygmy whon Giant uaturo's forco mot forco of mon, TOM W. JACKSON. t WITH THE t j toastandtea: GOOD EVENING t Pay as llttlo attention to dls courngdments as possible Plow ahead aB a steamer docs, rough or smooth, rain or shine. To carry your cargo nnd to mnko your port Is tho point. Dab cock. ECHO ANSWERS "WHERE?" Whore, O. whoro, Is tho old grnndmn who used to love and sit Around tho (lrosldo nil day long qnd knit, nnd knit, and knit? Whoro, O, whoro Is tho good old man who usod to light his plpo With a coal of flro from tho kltchon Htovo of tho old cast-iron typo? Whoro, O, whoro aro tho good old songn our mothor usod to sing? Whoro, 0, whoro is tho sulphur ddpo sho gnvo us In tho spring? Whoro nro tho pumpkin plos, and tho gnmos wo usod to play: "Old Spat-'om-Out," "PoHtoIllco," too "Hunt Colo" nnd "Pull-away"? Whero Is tho trunk strap fathor had saved up out in tho shod? Whero Ih tho good old scrubbing brush mn usod on our hoads? Whoro Is tho good old kltchon pump that frozo up ovory night? Whoro Ih tho good old buskin' bco that waH our chlof delight? Whoro nro tho JoyH that onco wo know, Joys of n day so raro? Whero nro tho years that havo flown so fast? And echo answers: "Whoro?" Speaking of daffydtllH, Harry Winklor says: "If O. P. ates at nlno; whon docs Annn dlno?" Thnt'H somojlaffy, bollovo mo. And Dob Snrtor says tho father of Ico cream may bo (load, but the moth er of vinegar Is still with us? Wouldn't that pickle you I mean tlcklo you? a HTOHV OF THE DAY: Tho teacher naked: "Whon did Mosos llvo?" After tho silence beenmo painful, sho ordered: "Open your Old Testa ments. What docs It say thoro?" A boy answorod: "Moses, 4000." "Now," said tho teachor, "why didn't you know when Moses lived?" "Well." snld tho boy, "I thought It was his tolophono number." April appears to bo sufforlng from cold feet, Ingrowing grouch and ono or two more distressing allmonts. "Already," walls tho St, Joseph Gazette, "It seems most women havo tired of their Enstor bonnets." Well It's a good bet also that tholr hus bands havo tired of trying to figuro out a way of dodging tho bills for thb lids. Surgeon puts brains of genius in skull of idiot nnd makes a wlso man, so wo rend. Dut thoro nro somo Coos Bay skulls so solid that ouch an operation would require blasting. IT'S TIME TO GO A-FISmN' D. Y. Stafford's favorlto poem. Get out your rod and tacklo And preparo tho luring files, For it's tlmo to go a-flshln' In tho anglers' paradise; Drop somo oil upon tho bearings Of your last yoar'8 patent reol, And bo sure thero's nothln' mlssln' Whon you pnek tho wicker crool. Test tho lines for woakonod places So the fish can't got away, For you know how thnt would vex you ' . And tho things which you would say; Try tho polo boforo you pack It And bo s nro it's good and strong, For tho season soon will open And you'll want to Join the throng. Seo what tlmo tho boats arc leaving For your fav'rlto nnglln' haunts, Havo'your boots well oiled and renay 'Ero you start your Summer's Jaunts; Pack somo luncheon In tho baskot Whero you know it can't fall out, For romember you'll bo hungry After whlppln' hours for trout. Tho Portland Orcgonlaiu "IRISH AS IT'S SPOKIN' In every lnnd bonoath tho sun the Irish raco Is known, From Greenland's Icy mountains to Africa's torrid zono; And though 'tis sold on English soil tho sun ne'er turns Its faco, 'TIs cortaln that ho never yot sot on tho Irish raco. Tho mother tonguo you no'or forgot, no matter whoro you roam, Just closo your ears nnd hoar thorn , Bpeak, yo'd think you wero at homo; And If to Ireland for n whllo a visit you will pay, If frlonds you havo to moot you thoro , tho first words they will say; Chorus: Arrah, how' tho dlvll aro yo; tired I'm suro yo aro, Tommy, quick como nnd tnko this boy and Martin call a car; You'ro wolcomo hoartlly welcome, to Erin's emerald shore." That's Irish as It's spoken, tho wide world o'or. Whon Amorlcn's In dnngor nnd tho cry Is to your guns, ' That cry Ih nobly answorod by hor loyal-hartcd sons. Whon nwny to distant countries hor gallant army Bonds, Why Paddy ho's amongst tho first hor honor to dofond. Tho buttlo llorco Ih raging nnd vic tory Is nonr, Whon a colonol's honrd exclaiming, "Boys, who'll voluntcor? Thnt big gun yondor must bo spiked or olso wo'll loso tho day!" Just thon somo bravo young Irish lad will, touch his hat and say: Chorus: "Oh, I will go your honor, you know I havo no fear, It docs not matter much to me when Victory Ih nonr; Good-by, my darling comrades, I may novor soo you moro." That's Irish as It's spoken tho wldo world o'or. Unldontlllod. hows mis V offer Ono llumlrnl IMUr Kew-rl (or uy iMil('Urrli tlut cannot bo enrol bj llll'C'Urrn Cure. V J.OIIKSKV A CO., Toltilo, O. Wi, the miaVrnlKtiol, luvo Vww n K J. Clie4 nuy (or Hie Ut 15 )er. ami helievu him per jectly luii'oralila in all butliieo iratiKactlon and lluanilalh able tuctrr' out any o llga ttoua made b hit Mr III, Waimmi, K'innan A Makvin, Mtinloalt' DrUKnUU.TokHlo, o, IW1I' Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, act-, limillteoll)- upon the blooil mid mneoiu Hire (bits of tin) ajatttn TfatttunnUU lent free I'rlOH 75 cents per bottle. Sold byall driiKR(t. Tak. llall' Family 1'IIU (or coliitinattoti. V '' Pmm ifiiojHvcusca i -ujls& yore M ifMBR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality More Fits Ewry week brings In Fits, but no MISFITS its yet. Royal Tailors DON'T HAVE THEM Suits Made to Fit You From $18 to $35 Ready-to-Wear From $8.50. to $25 FIXUP Marshfield North Bend. AND IT DOESN'T COST AaVXTJHNG ' i A good word ovory Now nnd thon Is relished by tho Wisest men. A word of pralso will Mako you feel As though you'd had a Good, squaro deal. It's funny thnt a Kindly word BeatB all tho music Ever henrd. They may not moan it, Dut thoy would If thoy know of Its Power of good. So try tho boost and Kill the knock, And watch tho old world Doost Its stock. A Chicago womon's club hold an olcctlon tho othor day and tho voto cost was In excess of tho total mem bership. Evidently somo of tho ladles havo beon suffrngottcs long onough to learn n thing or two about politics. You can novor bo suro of sticking to your faith unless you aro tied up to It bo thnt you can't got nway fiom It. A woman Is awfully stupid to know nothing nt all about tho valuo of monoy nnd yot bo nblo to mnko it do ten times what hor husband can. Chlldron arb much moro llkoly to contact tho contagious diseases whon thoy havo colds. Whooping cough, dlpthorln, scarlot favor nnd con sumption nro dlsoasos that nro often contracted when tho child has a cold. That Is why all medical au thorities say bowaro of colds. For tho quick euro of colds you will find nothing bottor thnn Chamborlaln'a Cough Romody. It can always bo do pondod upon nnd Is pleasant and safo to tnko. Kor salo by nil doalon. WnlP WfMtf IVER JOHNSON 13I0Y0LES nt Pioneer Hardware Co. Springtime Is House-Cleaning Time The Coos Bay Bedding and Upholstery Co. Want to Clean Your Carpets. Six cents por squaro yard. Satis faction guaranteed. 733 So. Drondway Phono 21C-L. We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical matorlal and can glvo our patrons a very low price on Iioubo wiring. Got our prlco you enn't afford to miss U. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J City Auto Service ood Cars, Careful Driven and easonable charges. Our motto: SV1I1 go anywhere at any time." Stands niauco Hotel and Dlanco 'lgar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 Vtehi Phone 46 DARKER & GOODALK. Proprietor Lynn Lambeth Fred Kemle Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night Sorvlco Caroful driving assured. Phono Dlanco Pool Room. 231-R until 11 P. M. After 11 P. M. phono 5-J. Palaco Restaurant. MEN of Me. l. who ha .om- Inventive ability I'.oawwrltoUUKKLKV A MalNTIKK, Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANER), I'RKSSEIUi and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauw & Co. fine Tailoring Let us make your next Suit. 05 Commercial. Pboaa B50-X. J BkQrUF The Sign of Good Candy Always NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notleo Is heroby clvon thnt thn board of dfroctors of school district No. 49, In Coos County, Oregon, will recelvo sealol bids up to tho hour of 6 o'clock. P. M on tho 6th day of May, 1912, for the erection of a school building in said district ac cording to plans and spoclllcntlons thereof on file with C. E. Jordan, dis trict clerk. All bids must be accom panied by a certified check equal to five por cent of the amount of the bid. The board reservos tho right to reject any and all bids. This notice is given by order of said board. All communications must be ad dressed to said clerk. CHAS. E. JORDAN, Clerk of the Doard of Directors of School District No. 49, Eastslde, Coos County. Oregon. Dated this 22 day of April, 1912. Electric Servants Expect No Days Out Electric wttsbiug machines' and vacuum dean ors aro ready to perform their work cmiovZ and well all the time. In many small households there is too much work for the housowif o a large part of it can be performed bettor electrically and leave much time, free for more important things and recreation. Any servant problem is easily solved in tho electric home. If your home is not wired, a telephone call to 178 will bring an expert to explain our prop, osition. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 CONDENSED STATEAIENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho Closo of DusIbom February 20th, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts T JJl,lllll Donds, warrants and occurltios 71,ll 11 U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation UMIti Real ostato, furniture and fixtures 81.01) l Cash and sight. ozchango. .. .' 144,111 1 Total '. 5U,T21.n LIAniLITIES. Capital stock paid la (100.0IIH Surplus and undivided profits ,t.H Dividends unpaid . ,. IH Rcsorvo for taxes; 1,4)1 M Circulation, outstanding '. ,, 11,1(1 H Deposits -. , 410,11111 Total 1543,721.11 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of 8'octttM- era Is 1100,000)00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, Prosldont. M. O. HORTON, Vlce-Pre-toft DORSEY KRE1TZER, Coahlor. FLANAGAN & BENNETT MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of buslncsi, Feb. SO. 1012. TiwoniinnPR. Loans and Discounts ''I!1'1!.! Ranking Houbq " Cash and Evchanges "M"-" Total IMN LtADILlTIES. Capital Stock paid lu I jJJS Surplus and Undlvidod Profits .!I' iul Denoalta 5JI,!'"1! Total I"."1" aSBSS J9r r Yy-rJ L fcwf llllllllll III! SVsf x illHIIUI THE HIGHEST IN THE CHI In quality and the lowertU I' what wo claim to oii - M poultry. Make us m "' both bo bonof Itcd by the tru MARSHFIELD CABH MAR FOURIER BROS. Two MsrkeU m.'i t-iinnVEfli i num - . JIW' L Marahfleld 221-J Parties Desiring Monuments Erecte Would do well to rail at The Pacific Monumental W Kke n .. n ..-.. nn,l MlKf wouui uroau'vuy -- tf a tlon from the large stocK no Imud. Mr. Wilson 'V,n. the only practical marble no V but the best work is turnrd o Blanchard Livery We have secure the livery usl. lets of L. H. Helicer and ar pr- pared to render exedent Mrtlc to the people o' Cot Buy. C"reful lers, uooa rljs ua everything nat will mean natUfactory service to the public. Phon us for a drlvlnf horse, r rig or anything needed In the livery line. We also do truck. K business of ail kinds. flLANCHARD BROTHERS Phono 138-J Livery. Feed and Sales SotIm. 141 First aad Aider BtrU W.K.Wisei The Old EeliabMr rips a coiupn-. tt --e-..iiclnnfTS rXOUbOi.uiu'"7r i ICltClieii Et thing from room. Now Goods. Reasonable P 323 South BiowW Phone-No. $&