, APRIL 20, 1912-EVENING EDITION -.3 . ?, "T1l SCHOOL OTE5 Lviy - r. -w. T5Sf J WtviA??vJ HIGH SCHOOIj NEWS Friday morning the high school boyri and Mr. Barker worked on tho school grounds finishing up some work that was begun on tho proceu Jng Friday. Tho regular meeting of tho High School literary society will bo. hold Thursday evening, April 25. ' Tho Seniors havo begun work on their play, "ThoRoso of Plymouth Town," to bo given In May. Tho seniors will bo assisted by Miss Sil verman and Geo. Johnson. At the Churches (Ministers and fathers aro request ed to hand tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) SOUTH MAHSHFIELD SCHOOL Jluth Dungan was absent, on Mon day on account of Ulnoss. A Joint session of tho A. and D divisions was held Monday afternoon In tho eight grado whon Ilov. R. E. Browning gavo a very Interesting and Instructive talk to tho pupils -on China. Rev. Drowning spent about twenty months in China as a mis sionary and being vory familiar with tho life and customs of tho Chlncso gavo Bomo vory vivid doscrlptlvo ac counts of tho pcoplo to tho pupils. Ho brought with hlra pictures of some of tho typical Chlneso students who wont to school to him at St. John's University whoro ho taught. Ho also road oxtracls In tho Chin oso languago and thon translated thorn. Ho wroto somo names in tho Chlncso Characters. In tho Sovcnth grado Irmond Carl son, Huth Cownn, Charles Crulg, Hel en Dow, Zoo Dolnn, Lawronco Hor ton, Karl Sandqulst, and Harvey Waltor havo not boon absent during tho past four months. In tho Sixth grndo Ouy Clausoi., Ituby Cooley, Ted Dow, Myrl Cox, Myrtlo Isaacson, Eliza McKay, Albort Powors, (Jessie Sandqulst and Nottlo 8noddon Imvo not boon nbsont during this mouth. Tho Sovonth grade havo finished tholr work In History mid Agricul ture and nro doing written work In rovlow. Thoso Btandlug nbovo 00 In each spoiling tost this month were Irmond Carlson, Huth Cowan, Zoo Dolnn, Lawronco llortcn, Howard Kolloy, Ray Loo, Myrtlo Nolson, AVosloy Sea man, Carl Sanqulst nud Charles Craig of tho sovcnth. In tho Sixth thoso nbovo 90 In each spoiling tost were Ouy CIuii'boii, Ruby Cooley, Myrl Cox, Myrtlo Isaacson, Ilcssle Sandqulst, Eliza McKay and Ted Dow. Fourth Ormle. Ernest Leo accidentally cut his foot InBt Saturday anil has not been at tending school this wcok. aood work In tho painting of Eftstor lilies was done this wcok by Clara Abol, Stella Haglund, Mar Rtiorlto Lococq, Edward Knox and Esther Holm. High grades nbovo 90 woro won In examinations this week by llcrnlco Mlrrnsoul, Elwln Jojihusou and Stella Magnus of tho I) class, and Lillian Seaman, Ebon Connor, Edward Knox of tho A clnss. Ilov, Ilutlodge, with a friend, visit ed this room Wednesday morning, Supt, Howard of Coqulllo lms ro colvi'd copies of all orations that aro to bo delivered In tho County Contest to ho hold in tho Coqulllo MukoiiIc Opera Houbo, April 2(1, Each of tho high schools will bo ropruHontou. This year tho speeches and subjects aro as follows: Coqulllo "A child of Misfortune," Allco Culln. Myrtlo Point "Abraham Lincoln," Dora Harrison. Rniulon "Tho Pnsslng of tho Queon," Lola Ducklngham. North Hond "An Unwrltton Ilk. tory." Chas. J. Van Zllo, Marshflold "Tho Man of tho Hour," Losllo Isaacson, Tho wluiior of tho contest will re cotvo the beautiful gold mednl offered by U. 8, Knowlton, ns his permanent possession, while tho school ho reprosontB will havo th custody of tho McCormac cup for tho ensuing year. Visitors nt tho Central School on Arbor liny Included Mrs. V. II. Pain- tor, Mrs. Mnthlson. Mrs. H. H. Patch-! ott, Mrs. F. H. Clarko, Mrs. E. It. Henderson. .Mrs. W. J. Ilobson. Mrs. A. 11. Smith, Mrs. W. C. Deubner, ' Miss J. Nolson. Mrs. W. It. Spade, Mrs. Chas. ICrouholm, Tlinmns Kron holm, Mrs. Susan Housor, Mrs. O. , 0. Going, Mrs. K. II. Lo Mloux, Mrs. Win, Itoss Smith. Mrs. Win. Itlihnrds, I Mrs. A. Lowlands, Mrs. J. Hugqulst, Mrs J. Grant. Mrs. 0. M. Maupln, Mrs, R Crosthwult. K. Croatwnlt, Mrs. T. Lonot, Hoxlo Hall. Mrs. J. W. Flanagan. Mrs. Ulder. Mrs. Fnnvll,1 Mrs O.ui Albrerht, Mrs. J. C. Swlu ford, Mrs. 1). .1. Keen, Mrs. P, Mlrrn soul, Mrs. Pane. Mrs. Slmdhuruo, r II Fourier. Mrs. Putoruon, Mrs Hlllstroin, Adalaldo Itolllnsou. Mrs Fourier. Miss Julia Olson. Mrs. O. O , I i i. Mrs. HaswuUt. Mrs. J. C. Mer chant. Mrs. 0, A. Johnson, Miss Sel mi JohiiHiui, Mrs Elllo Mngnry, Mrs. W 11 LelWHid, Mis J. A. Coleman, Mrs. Fred Gray. Sirs. It. it. Hendry. Laura Hendry, Miss M. Fox, Mrs. Kobt. Graves, Mrs. Will Sullivan. Gortrudo Miller, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. F. A Hulnos, Mrs K. L. Haines, Mrs J W Hlldonbrand. Mrs. Itobt. Fen-i ton, Mrs Tom McOlnnls. A. II. Old-! loy, W C. Lund, Mrs. C. S. Dodge,! C. S. llodgo, Mrs. L. K. Halllngor.j Miss Sylvia Ilalllngor, Mrs. George I Winchester. Mrs. C. F. Ellerbeck, Mrs. John Pitman, Evelyn Flanagan. 4 METHODIST KPISCOPAL M 4 Itev. H. I. Rutlgdge, Pastor. K Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning Borvlco at 11 a. m. Epworth League at 7 p. in. Evening servlco nt 8 p. m. Pruycrmectlug on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock. Strangers welcome. t EPISCOPAL Emmanuel Cliurcti Rov. Robt. E.. Browning, Rector 9:30 A. M. Sifnduy school. 8 A. M. Holy Communion (2nd and 4 th Sundnys. 11 A. M. Morning sorvlco and sorinon. 7:30t P. M. Evening sorvlco and sermon. Sorvlco nt St. Luko's Episcopal rhnrnh. Rmnlro. ovorv Frldar ovon- ing, and in St. Mary's church, North Bend, ovcry Sunday aftornoon at 3:30. V NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock. Bible reading nt 10:45 a. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST8 C. J. Colo, pastor. e Sovcnth Day Adventlst sorvlcos aro conducted ovcry Saturday &b follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlcos at 3 p. ra. Coma and spond an hour with us; we will do you good. $ O CHUltCir OF CHRIST Regular services eT,ry Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prayor meeting Thursday evening each woek 8 o'clock. MARSHFIELI) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fc Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Third and Commerce. Sunday sclonl In English every Sunday at 9:15 a. in. Tho undersigned will hold services In tho homo of Nols Olson, Enstsldo, next Sunday nt 3 p. m. . REV. 11. F. BENOTSON. 4 FIRST- IIAITIST CHURCH. Rov. G. LoRoy Hall, Resldonco C02 Sixth street Phones! Resldonco 250. Study, 289-L. Sunday. 10 A. M. Sundny School. Glftudo Stutsman, superintendent. 11 A. M. Proacning sorvlco. 3 P. M. Boys and girls mooting Mrs. O. L. Hall In charge 3 P. M. Sorvlcos nt Eastsldo. Young People's meeting nt 6:30. 7:30 P. M. Evening sorvlcos. Tho pnator will speak Sunday oven Ing on "An Empty Bottlo nud a Dy ing Child." Two nioro Sundnys re main In tho pastorate. A cordial welcome Is oxtonded to nil to worship with us. Strnugors and non-church attendants nro cordnllly wolcomed. -.lUy"'1" J'-0!1!'1-0'8- yi'l0.". will Mrs. E. W. Sullivan, Mrs. S. Peterson, Mrs. Win. Lnwhorn, Mrs. Edith John son, Mrs. J. A. Matson, Mrs. J. B. Mnuzoy, Mrs. II. P. Mnuzoy, Mrs. W. T. Morchant, Mrs. B. Prouss, Mrs. J. Whobroy. Mrs. W. E. Wilson, W. E. Wilson, Mrs. E. II. Squires, Gortrudo Srnlfo, Mrs. T. O. Scalfo. Mrs. John Hnll. Mrs. S. II. Cathcart, Mrs. Hon goll, Mrs. Hlllstroin, Mrs. F. A. Sac rhl, Mrs. A, II. Stustman, Mrs. Ellen Slglln, Mrs. J. II, Mllnor. Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. It. A. Copplo. Mrs. C. W. Evortson, Mrs. W. It. Smith, Mrs. Wm. nohrer, Mrs. John W. But ler and son. Mrs. Grant, Mrs. a, Llljlby, Allco McLaln. Mrs. J. Albort iMIsnn, Mrs. W. U. Douglas. Mrs. B. K. Jones, Mrs. W. A. Hill. Miss May McGary, Ruth McGary, Mrs. C. A. eulii, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. H Mnthlson. Mrs. B. H, Smith, Mrs. J w. Johnson, Coclle Smith, Hugh Chniminn, Mrs. W. II. Porklns, Mrs, II. IT. Davis, Mrs. J. C. Swanson, Mrs. A. E. Llowollyn, Mrs, MiGeorgo, Mrs A. B. Gldloy. Mrs. Dora S. Byorly. Mrs. J. II. Flnnagan, Mrs. E, A. How ntf. Mrs. P. E. Perry. Edith Cartor. Mrs. E. G. Flanagan. Mrs. R. J. Wni rntli, Mrs. Goorgo Aldqn, Mrs. L. Er Ickson, Mrs. Thoa. Coko, Miss Coke, Mrs G. W Roborison, Mrs E. II. Flsl Vrn Rebecca I.uao-Ptump, Mrs D. Ferguson, Catherine Stump, Isa bel Ferguson, Jennie Johnseu, El mer Johnson, Elslo Larson, Miss Alice Douglas. meet at 0:30 with a special loader and a special topic will bo consid ered. rt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. K Christian Sclenco hall, 327 Third street, North, Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a, m. mont." Subject: "Doctrlno of Atono Sunday school 12 M., Wednosduy 8 p. m. MAH8HFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. A. R. Munro. .. . High mass will bo solemnized at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, tho Rov'. Fnthor Munro, colobrnnt. , UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Sunday School At 10 A. M. Preaching sorvlce at 11 A. M. and $ o'clock: Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. NORTH REND PRESBYTERIAN Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Preaching morning and evening. NORTH BEND OATHOLIO CHURCH. Rer. Father Sprinter, Rector. Mass will bo celebrated by tho Rov. Father Sprlngor at 8 o'clock. Dining Room Furniture Great Values New Styles NORTH BEND .METHODIST CHURCH. Tho Borvlcca Sunday will be h fol lows: Sunday school, 10 A. M. ( Preaching services, 11 A. M. Junior Loaguo, 3:30 P. M. Eronlnc sorvlco at 7:30 P. M. MR. INVESTOIHl Whon you nro looking for nn lu vestment you are not looking for fancy prices; ARE YOU? Well, that Is ouo of tho points I pny especial attention to. Whon you look over my lists you will find It n bargain list from be ginning to end. My list includes timber lnnd, farm land, city property, townslto prop erty nnd city lots. Cash and easy payment propositions. Come up nnd havo n chat nnywny. Yon don't know what you can do till you try. E. 8. GEAR, Room 22 Firs National Bank Bldg. Excellent Qualities Low Prices Solid Oak Extension Tables d'A aa for only $9.00 Solid Oak Pedestal Extension C 1 nn Tables for only :.....-.... $ I D.Ul) Dining Tables All Kinds (frn A from $20.00 to 4OU.U0 Hardwood Dining Chair's tl OP at only f i . JJ Great Range Dining Chairs & 4 a a a from $1.50 to .'. $ IU.UU Fine Styles Buffets All (t CT A AA finishes, 20.00 lo vPJU.UU Don't Forget to See Our Wonderful Assortment of Rugs PERRY & NICHOLSON VAST AND CO.UMODIOUB Steamer Redcmdo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUBMARINE BELL SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. SAN FRANCISCO ISunday, April 2 1 , At. 2:30 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono II. C. V. McGEORGE, Agent. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT 8T. Nell Mr. Ball Player : Don't you want to compnra your play inn and tho record of your team vn'tn tha E laying of men on National and American cogue team, nnd how can you do to if you .do not play with a Cork Center Ball? Your accurate throwing, your perfect (tick work, your long throw, and above all that perfect confidence which all ball player need, all depend upon a itnndard ball and tho real (tandard ball I the tylo uied in the World Serie game. The SPALDING M Olliclal National League " Cork Center Ball 91.2S each IS THE OFFICIAL BAIX OF THE WOULD SERIES AND THE STANDARD BASE BAXX OF TUE WOULD Cony of Spading dulofut. fr on rout to n addrot. bwnplcioi mtterUl lor B Ull Uniform tent (( on rcquctt, A. G. Snaldlmr & Bros. ISO Geary street San Francisco We Carry'a Complete line of Spalding Athletic . Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Marshfield, Ore. 'THE PRIENI) OF COOS IUY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Cocs Bay for Portland Sunday, April 21, at 1:30 P. M. CONNECTING: WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC- STEAMSHIP COMPANY'. Phono 11. O. T. McGEORGE, Agent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is horohy given thit Hi undersigned hna bcon appointed tJ mlnlstrntor of tho cstnto ot Olhtr Landrlth, docensod. Now nil penou hnvlnu clntnis ngnlnat said estate art horohy required to present tho use, proporly vorlflcd, togothcr with tti proper vouchors nt tho office cl Jnnics T. Hnll, nt Mnrshdcld, Orepa. wltliln six mouths from tho dite tt thin notlco. Dnted nt Mnrshfit'id, Oregon, till 23rd dny of Mnrcli, 1912. MILO M. PIERSON', Admlnlstrntor ot tho citato el Ollvor Lnndrlth, deceased. First publication March 23; lut publication May 4. STADDEN All IJnili of photograph wont, bromide oularBliig und kodiiU flulshlno;. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILS FROM! PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON APRIL .1, 10, 17 nnd 21. SAILS FROM COOS HAY APRIL (1, 13, 20 AND 27, AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE. L. A. PARKHURST, AkciU. Phono Main aso. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire I and marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENG8TAC1CEN, BIgr. Coqulllo Offlje Phone 191 MarshHeld Offlce K-J. Varms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agrntt "EABTSIDF," MIWMU ClmHiliorlnln's OoiiKh Remely tins won Its groat roputntinn and oten slvo snlo hv Us romnrknblo cures of coughs, colds and croup. It enn ho doiei'lod upon. Try it, Sold by nil doalors. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY RVY SHOES FROM 81 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfield NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notlco Is horeuy given that sealed bids for tho lustnllnionr nt nlnml.ii.i. In tho Central School building will lo liewhod by the Hoard of Directors of School District Noj 9. at tho offlco of Hall & Hnll. up to tho hour of 3 o'clock P. M., Friday, May 3, 1912. Flvo per com of tho amount of bid to accompany hid. to bo forfeited In ense. coutraot shall bo awarded und bidder fall to enter Into contract within five days from date of award- lug or bid. Contractor to furnish nil material and labor, and work to bo done ac cording to p'uns nud specifications now ill t. O offlco of tho Dlf,trlif CAarh , and to be completed by August 1st, 1912. Tho Hoard reserves tho right to roject any and all bids or to ac cept a bid not the lowest, If It shall doom tho bidder tho most respon sible. Dated this iSth day of April. 1912, JOHN F. HALL, District Clerk. HURRY! IT'S GO.ING FAST Wo lmve a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that wo will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Steamer Washington Will Sail from San Francisco for Coos Bay friday, April 19 F. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. Times Want Ads Bring Results SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. John 8. Coko nnd John K. Kollocl plaintiffs vs. II. A. Mondir. it- fondnnt Summons. To II. A. Monday, defendant abort namod: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON: You aro horohy required to PPir and answer or othorwhso plead totti complaint filed against you la tt nbovo entitled suit In the abore titled Court on or boforo Satardw, tho 4 th day of May, A. D. 19U, If you fall to so oppear and aniftj or othorwlso plead to said compWM for want thorcof, tho plaintiffs ia npply to tho Court for the relief ae ninndod In tholr complaint, a Mcciatt stntomont of which Is as followi; 1st. That you, II. A. Mondtf, M required to porform tho condition!" your ngroemont to purchase enterN Into on tho ICth day of October, i D. 1900. by and between yourw'iui L. D. Kinney for tho benefit or JO" S. Coko nnd John K. Kollock JyttJ tonus of. which agreement you atw and promised to purchato and W for Lots ono (1) nnd two (H Rlock forty-sovon (47) otbeTfl slto of Coos Bay, Plat D. Cow i Owj ty, Oregon, according to w ' W" thereof on fllo and of record" t offlco of tho County Clerk ol W" County, Oregon, nnd that you M re quired to pay to the ptalnUHi i Ug or Into Court for tho usoof the p tiffs abovo named, the wm oi WH Hundred Sevonty-flvo ($375) DoW" now duo under tho protlslom o l ngreomont, togothor with l"j; t&reon at the rate of 6 per eertlj annum from the lfith day of Oct m A. D. 1906, to date, with n tea I days from tho time or..e"'or'ncshVE creo against you or within sucnj na tho Court may deem reason" 2nd. And In enso you fa within tho time designated w Court, thnt you nnd all py claiming any rlgl-t, title or We" to said real property by, throb undor you, bo foreclosed and ior dobarrod of nny and all ,"8" r domptlon or equity In said real r erty. . .1, ,. 3rd. That the piainuu. -- . r awarded Judgment sa,n"f'o(tm t,i. fa on,i .ilsbursements oi suit nnd for such othpr or d'e a rollof as to tho Court may cqultahlo and Just, .ca, This summons Is Vi?r2tIof tW" II. A. Monday, by puhl rra"0Dfo, tie of In the Coos n-v Times for porlod of six consecumc "itntle en insertions), commencing awarded en Insertions), eowra:.. pu Issue of March 23rd. A I) lbI, ouaiii 10 nil iiuu, Tj-n for '" John F. Hnll, County ' J"d.se UroJ. County of Coos, State of duly made on the 22nd day of A. D. 1912. T,r.MnATX. JOHN C KENDAw JOHN D. GOSS. (j Attorneys for PI" 0rt. Postofflce address Mr"'J ,dlDg. gon. First National Bank Miw nJ First publication March last publication May H.