"v ropB-W'iim""rA'l ' r "i T?r.lJ223SXvW-M THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, 'APRIL 20, 1 91 2-EVENING EDITION. 4 -ipfi.j.T-' COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONBY Editor and ,iab. PAN K. HAIONK1T New Editor XAKK Al)VANTAGIj"oF PRESENT' OPPORTUNITIES LOCAL REPUBLICAN PRIMARY VOTE (An adapted editorial.) ' 3 BAy pooplo should bestir -','.- themselves td tako advantage .! ot tho bcno'tlts Ltbat" Bhcftild ,'mo wHh the bulIdlng.'dfytho fyf -fannma Canal. Thoy should show ttiiolr faith In tbo future by Investing tliolr money In public and prlvatp,.lm PRECINCT North Marshf Iqld ....... South. Mdrshflo'ld . .y. .' . Central "-Marshfield Eastslde . . . . . . . . t i . Llbby' , ... . Bunker Hill r. . .':. u . t . sin; , . . tif it .(. .-k.k. yA p4Ir money in public ana pwatatm- copstoa , ,-"! . i HBroromqnts. There paould 6f iffcfc IftfidgoSU. . .-., .'. . .a-. . , A . . . .'. hesitancy n"bout It becauso nox6mrNdrth Bend, North ....... .i .... .jf..m. ,v North bend, South ' -munlty was over blessed with bright fy fr'qc prospects for continued growth f -.sad prosperity. L $ StlfJ. Xa a groat extent ,U?o future j' greats-' WJth o.ur people; cjtles" dft.,not, rxrow they must bo built up .by ii Annrcy nm nntornrlsn. Wo cannot I . . n .,- , Vit. o . . 7 . . ., iT . v.; i.i. 1 Tri isn steamer ucroiaio ia no1" dto ji ,Vv8t the full boneflt of tho coniplGtlou 1 33C jj lofl - V-otUiQ canal union we advortUpur ,89e M ', nSpnnfah cruIaor "rnfft.H.hSSS Rogohth foundered In Atlantic and other things that go to make a J ll 1 o i .,. o J? 5 ( -1 . 2. r 16 16 32 12 .3 10 IP IB W2 .23 15K2 , 3 5? 39 62 64 10 H 1 1? 14 n Hi 44 wrecked In Rockall reef In Horth At lantic; nearly GOO lives lost. .ltf9G; January 30 Oornirtn steam er Elbo sunK in collision, "witn urn troal cltr. It is high tlmo to got busy and .tako advantngo pf th passing oppor tunities for advancement; thcro Is danger always In falluro to Act at tho right time. "Los Angeles has made Itself a r-xnctropolls. How? Not merely by commercializing Its climate. Not merely by boosting and advertising Its adyantagos. Uut when thoy had do water supply they subscribed thousands ot dollars and built a sy- torn Into tho hills which Is ono of tho .enRlnoorlug wonders of tho country, flfhoy had no seaport. What did they rdo? They Joined togothor and 'bought .a strip of land to tho Pacific -coast, until San Pedro harbor actu ally bolongs to Los Angolos. Coos Day has this samo spirit, bur U nao lain dormant. 'at ontrnnco to Medlterroan; 400 lives lost. 1898 Klondike gold steamship Clara Nevada, Lynn Canal, AJaska; l'lO drowned. 1898, Fobruary 1C United States battleship Malno blown up in Havana harbor; 260 lives lost. 1898, July 4 French liner La bourgoluo In collision with British sailing vessel Cromnrtshiro; 571 lives lost. 1901, Fobruary 22 Cltyof Rio do Janeiro, Pacific Mall steamship com pany, sank In entrance to'Snn Fran cisco; 122 lives lost. ' '. -J906, January' 1 Brazilian battlo, snip Aquiuioan, dunk near mo uu Janeiro by explosion In powder mag azines; 212 lives lost, Jhin&llfo,' thankful for Jta blessings and Its benefits. Let ono bo grateful nil tho tlmo to a' kindly .heaven that ho Is pormUted to Hvd at-nllitaat It vim his good fortune to be born Into a world with so many opportunities bo many and so manifold blessings. It is a great thing to hnro lived. It Is still a groator thing to have lived well. And to have Jlvod well, moans to havo been honorable In all tho re lations of life, true and convictions, true to friends, holpful to tho nocdy and charltnblo to all. 4G 43 71 1-7 4 ,8 ' M' 44 38. 30 34 57 1 B ,V9 20 22 38T44 32 bh 3 8 ii 16 20 34 Gl 77 2 rt 3 13 49 40 TUB lUVKIt OF LIFK 1906. August 4 Stoamshlp Val encia sunk off Capo Boalc, Valonclal Coos Uny'lms I island: 117 lives loot. even groatcr opportunities. Coos 1906, AugtiBt 4 Italian emigrant Day will bo Just what Its cltlzona ship 8lrlo struck a rock off Capo Ha wlll mako It. It Is not tho tlmo to job; 3G0 lives IobU diddle .our thumbs and wonder If . 1907, July 20 Amorlcnn stenm oomo ono dlso won't do tho work for Bh,lp Columbia and San Pedro collld us. Somebody else won't. It Is our 0j on California coast, 860 lives lost, gorden chance. It Is Coos Bay's op-j ioo8, March 23 Jap stoamer portunlty. Tho time Is uow. Mntsu Mnru Bunk In collision near .r.,..,. .,......., ...,..,.,.... Hakodoo; 300 lives lost. OltHAT MA1HNK 1MHAOTKIIH.- I 1908, April 30 Jap training crul- Amqng importnnt marine dUasters r Mu,B" shl"m sunk ,n U' 1??ca rccoreded nro: 1866, January It Stoamer Lon- ' don on hor way to Melbourne, foun- doixvl in Day of Biscay, 220 lives lost. 1867., Qctobor 29 Itoyal Mall uteamrr Rhone and Wye and about SO other vobhoIs driven ashore and dorcs owing to explosion; 200 lives lost. 1909, August 1 British stenmor Wnratah from Sydnoy via Port Natal for London, last hoard from leaving Port Natal on July 26; 300 lives lost 1911, Soptembor 2S French bat wracked nt St. Homas-. AWnt Indies, "whip Wborto sunk by explosion In byajiurrlcane, nboht 100l)"llves lost. IOU,on nnruor, zjj uvea lost. 1873, January 22 British steam- r North Fleet sunken collision off iDungcncss; 300 lht-sMost. 1873, November 2.1 Whlto Star i llnor". Atlantic wrockod off count of ICoVa' Scotia, C 19 lives loat., 1874, Docombor 26 Emigrant ve-' ' uol', Cobpatrlcu, took flro and Bank off I vucKianu; 470 uvos lost. 1678. March 24 British training - ship ''Blirydlco, frlgato; foundered faonr Islo of Wright; 300 lives lost. J 878, 8optomber 3 British steam- or mucosa Allco sunk in collision ' in Thomas rlvor; 700 llvos lost. 1878, 'Docombor 18 Tho French utoamor Jlyanltln sunk In collision In Dardanelles with British steamer III- ualdo; 210 lives ost. 1880, January 31 British train ing ship Atlantic loft Bormuda with , 390 men nnd novor heard from. 1881, January 29 Stoamor ICap- unda In collision with bark Ada Pel- ors off coast of Brazil; 300, lives lost. 1887, November 15 Tho British vtoainor Wah Young caught flro no- twoen Canton and Hongkong; 400 lives lost. 1890, Fobruary 17 Tho British BtoamorDuburg wrockod in China wa; 400 llvos lost. 1890, Soptembor 19 Turkish frl 'gato Krtogrul foundorod off Japan; MG40 llvos lost. 189-, March 17 Anchor liner Utopia sank In collision with British stoamor Anson off (llbraltnr; 57 1 llvos lost. 1892, January 13 K team or Name how wrecked In China son; 114 lives -tttlqst, 1894, Juno 2f "teamer.Norgo 1 ' &atur&tnj Euritlui GJIjmtyi)lB HEARD of u man In Mnrshllold the other day who drouds to irrfWL ntfl If wnrrNtu film It f'ro'ts him nnd ho would ilko to wnrd off tho ravages of tlmo. Ho wants to remain young, porha'ps forever. But byo and bye ho will chango his mind. In other wordB ho will bo compelled to glvo up. Ho will bocomo recon ciled, as othors havo had to bocomo reconciled. Lift Is a groat boon nnd tho world Is, n pjoasant placo In wlilch to tarry. I am not surprised that tho thought that ono must loavji It, Hometlmu may worry somo men. But It Is not worth worrying ovor for tho simple reason that worries will do no good, 8lmo will contlnuo to slip away nnd ovory tlmotho sun Hots every being llvlug Is twenty-four hours nenrer tho ond of his Jnurooy. And tho day's Journeys nro limited, limited for ovoryono. Somo of uu think that wo can prolong thorn, and some of us bollovo tho end will come whon It Is dostinod to como. For ovory mono tlioro must bo a fixed tlmo for dopartlng this life. But wo should not worry ovor that. Wo should not oven think of it. Tako each day aH It comes, mako tho most of It and havo no concern about tho end of thorn. Somo mon hnvo wor ried somo yoars off tho ond ot llfo, ovor Just such matters. Tho only thing that is worth while Is to llvo woyy, to llvo cloanly and nobly. Loving tho world and chor- U You Will Be Right When You Do What Other Discriminating People Do The sworn statements on file with Oregon's State Insurance Comission at Salem prove that in 1909, 1910 and again in 1911 t QrCgOIl iJfC Insurance fompany sold more policies in Oregon than any other company In 1912 OlCgfflUfe b day by day surpassing its own marvelous record. Best for Oregonians Home Office, Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon Tho mor.o wo llvo, more brief appear Our' 'life's sucqccdlng Btagos. A day to childhood seems a year And years Ilko passing ages. Tho gladsomo current of our youth Ero passion yot disorders Steals lingering Jlko a, river smooth Along Its grassy borders'. But as tho careworn check grows' wan And sorrow's shafts fly thicker , Vo stars that mcasuro llfo of man, Why scorn your courses quIckcrT Whon Joys havo lost their bloom, nnd breath And llfo Itself Is-vapld Why as wo roach tho falls of death Feel wo Its tldo moro rapid? It mny bo strange, yet who would chango Tlmo'n courso to slower speeding Whon ono by one our friends have gono And left our blosoms bleeding? Heaven glvoB our years of fading strength Indemnifying llcetnoss And thoso of youth n scorning length Proportional to their Bwootncss. Thomas Campbell. "Billy" Cox said that IiIb former frlond, Will Hondryx, hnB had sever al now "no trespassing" signs orcct od on his Hnynes Inlot ranch. Ono of thorn rends: "Trespassers will bo pcrsckutod to tho full extent of 2 mean muuKrel dogs which nln;t novor been ovorly soshlblo with strnngers and ono 'dub bol bnrl shot gun which ain't) loaded with no sofy plllors dam It I ain't geotlng tired of this hclralsln on my property." TJ10 mngazlncti of merry May Como out on April 10; Oh why, oh why, 61j4 why are they So Into as oven thonj , It's not too soon to road of Juiie, And really, It mlgn't cheor ' " lis now If we cfluld o'uly readj , .uiiHuziuvs uuo uuxi year; WARNER OQREN. Tho Oregon voter Is Kottlni: plenty of opportunities to work at It this year. . Tho following may not bo classic. hut It Is Interesting: The buds of spring nro bursting forth. j The lambs nre In a frolic. The BOOSTERS nil nro smiling. And tho knockers havo tho colic. SEpOTIVE l!J EVANS CASE t (Continued from pais 1.) Mrs O'Mnlloy, ono of tho daughters, claims that tho nephew from Mich igan who appeared hero a year or so ago was an "Impostor" who had learncdl of Evans through .tho lat ter's ulster arid came horo for tho purpose of trying to got somo of his proporty. Evnns Is said to have giv en the lattor somo mdneyl" Yestot' day during tho examination of his home, a lottor dated April 10 was fouiiil. It urged Evans to como to Los Angeles to sccuro modlcnt treat ment nnd stated thut all arrange ments hnd been made for his visit. Dora Goodman, n grand dnughtor of 'Evans', was marrlod Thursday at CoauUfo to O cor go Lambert, a log ger, against whom she had preferred charges. Evnns' body was brought hero last night and n post mortem examina tion wilt be conducted by Coronor Wilson. No arrangements for tho funcrnr have been made. C. A. SMITH ON BRIDGING BAIf (Continued troa up l.j Dr. McCormoc,. J10" authorized Tho Times to mako public. Tho follow ing Is a copy of tho lptter: J. T. McCormocRrsaldont, i; Chamber of Commerce; Marshfield, Oregon. ( My Dear Sir: In reply to your Inquiry for an ex pression from mp regarding tho plans of tho Willamette ' Pacific Railroad for bVIdglng Coos Bay, and building, a main lino tnrdugh Marahftoldr I,wiU state I am heartily In accord With this proposition Is proper safeguards can bo arranged In both Instance. By proper safeguards, 1 mean Jtbut In grautlug tho franchise tdS an rood, through any street of thololty,,; Buch road should agree to a "common user" clause, which, would enable any 01; all ronds th.e ju'lvllogo of using this samo line. Tlio great menace to Coos Bay's progress will bo allowing bridges to be built In such n manner ns((oob- htruct Its commerce. It tho bridge, which is nov? ilroposed can be 80 re stricted thut K will take en re of not only the present petitioners, but all other roads that mny como In, this would bo an ldcul nrrangomeut. Yours very truly, C. A. SMITH. Other Mnttore. "Tho genernt condition of busi ness Is Improving," Mr. Smith Bald In answer to n question na to tub nltu ntlon. "It Is very good considering tho political situation. "I am not surprised at tho result In Oregon. It was oxpected that Roosevelt would carry this Btate, but notwithstanding that I expect Mr. Tnft to bo' renominated nnd ro-elected." ""ALSOm i&thgrn1( was an Informal0 12 iieroort Lockhart to . tlr friends nt th t ,a m tfi l c Locks... Twr ureet," un rl'i ook. PhlloBoph7aSw. muu ifivn. rtitnit.. - iuiir soul was no greater ,v tt1oi ?f refroshmcnS P ? C present woro: , JudTP; t Coko.P. B. WftJAl! Th0 saffl?sgJ Clerk-Watson I.....T.!4": I TWjSS arry HatnDtoti ..;." V-H ,n. "uo" M Don man. LEAVE T E D ii AKWATE "I delivered a little after dinner Hpeech nt tho banquet, at the Chand ler tho other ovenlni:." romnikud Senntor Balnes, "and everyone shout ed 'Fine'." "Did anyone mention whnt tho amount of tho flno Bhould have boon?" said John (loss. It A. L. MILLS, President. 1. SAMl'KIi, CtMieral Manager. . 1). WALRATH, District Manager, Mun.lificHI. Ore. HEARD BY THE SHUPrrXT Adam seoms that our life's to bo one round of bliss, And now, to commence, I will give you a kiss. Eve Since no one can see, and alone nro wo two. Kiss on, for I don't euro, Adam, If you do. V.VDKH TREATMENT . , If Dorsoy Kreltzer had iudlgeslo 1 With his wealth, n great amount, Doc. Hnuseworth would cure' It quickly Ho'd cut out his btuik account. U Harry McKebwn was having trouble, And with the gout was very 111, Ho'd find the pain was moro than double, Whon ho came to foot tho bill. A poor man waked up once bent double, And tho pain quite mada him qunke, , But his doctor said the trouble Was old-fash Ion el stomachache THE WAY OF IT Somo day whon I'm a millionaire, Without n thing to do But study how to pass the time And bid this town adieu And travel all nround tho world In spoclnl Pullman trains Until I run across a place In which It never rains. No doubt I'll like the place at first Because thero'll be no mud. And streets and walks won't be the bods Of waterspout or flood; And then I'll bet within a week I'll feel a deep disgust, And hie myself to other towns To dodge tho clouds of dust. Mew Propeller is Big Fuel Saver as Weir as Increasing Vessel's Speed. Tho Breakwater sailed at I o'clock today for;-PorUimd with a Inrgo pav songec'llst and1.' a fair. cargo of freight. . ; CapU MucgoniV' reports thut the now iWhool Is proving a great suc cess, 'being a' fuel saver as well as Increasing, ttyo speed of tho Break- vwuer. uu mo,- nrsi trip no nas figured that' tho new wheel requlrud 10,700 less revolutions than tho old one, although tho Breakwater re duced, jts ordinary time- by almost an hourundSVtlirce-aunrters. Besides tills about 20 fomi less coal was re quired. 'It was al his Instlimtlon that tho now wheel was put on and he Is elated over tho success It Is making. Among thoso sailing on tho Break water were the following: Roy Bontley, Dun nennett. MrH. Bennett, Jbo LowIb, Frank Jean, B. F. James, W. If. Mixer. Ed Sehwnrk, a. r-. tteison, u. a. Hiiuruer, L. J, Lenk. If. F. Miller. Richard John, Paul Blnglhhover, Jessie Arnold, 11. Beck. P. St Mitchell, P. S. Mitchell. ir. j. a. uoKe.. sirs. J. S. Coke. F. II. WultcCII .Durham. Ja. Pntron. 11, u. Tumpie. k C. Sweeny. Mrs. W. A. Shiino, J. L McCllno. J. W. Clnrk, J. W. Coffey. K. Marsh, G. M. Starr, W. It. Hunt, H. M. Ongne, J. T. Gard ner, Mrs. J. T. Gardner, 8ld Smith, Jno. Hnynes, Mrs. M. E. Harrison, Miss Jesslo Miller, Samuel Cooper, Helen Adams, Tolt. B. Carl. T. R. Towor. Matt Krontqulst, L. II. Inds, Peter Schmidt, Thomas Brock. N'lek Carious, Jno. Korkala, Thomns Kot- Kofu, jno. Hancock. WOSIK.V USE FAKE BAIIIKS Itnso I'scd In Fight of I. W. W. Btrikoro. HOQUIAM, Wash., April ?. ,In Abordccii n largo numbor of womon sympathizers of tho strlkors wont to tho woods and cut G00 switches which they threatened to lay on the backs of tho men who go to work In the sawmills, Evory morning tho women appear nt tho mills with baby buggies and whon- the hoso Is turned on them sefs up tho cry that tho babies lives are endangered. Invest igation by a local newspaper. It Is Ktatcd. has disclosed that tho buggies contain dummies mndo of rugs. HOWARD'S genulno MEXICAN TAMALES delivered any placo In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlglu. They are READY to SERVE. Phono a.tn. TKe Best Suits for ydutnibiiey, tnc i5uy. , ( Rcndy to wcaMroni $8.50 to'$25;0Q Royal Tailore From $18.00 to $35,00 Made for you. FIXUP Marsh field North Ben BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanklag dot , sal curt tblMrrn ot twJ wfttlof. Tbfr U rtailltmlouil ciux far UiU trutttie. Mr. U. Siuiinrra, Uo W, Notrt Dimr, Ind., will trni tn to mother hrr uccful hoait trrtlmtnt, Kith fall lutlrucllon. Hni 00 otoof. Imt writ hrr U'fir If jor cbllilmi trouble In Ibis . Duo't tU th cblkl, lb eb.Dcr r II tn't btlp It. Tbl trrtlawat iIm nn fluid ma u4 oU IrwUrU with srlat diatcultlr bf iU; or aUbU At The Roy; fKS " 1 j. 1 onienL ' iU An .jEspcclally Iiiughabtt j Sketch "THE ASSISTANT ' K by 1. Rogers & KokA INTERIWTINri 1'ICTlTti Entire Change Tomorrow XII 10c MC.fr FILE STATE.MEXT t'ttmlldalos Mutt Toll AVIint Cam. imlgiiK Cost Them. SALEM, Ore.. April 20.--Replyliig to Inquiries made as to whether dele gates to tho National conventions must fllo nn expense, statement the Secretary of Stnto has answered In the nmrniatlve. For somo reasons the Impression has been gained by somo that tho delegutes do not como under the general law requiring expemo accounts to bo filed with the Secre tary of State. Others seem to have gnlued tho Impression thut as long as the expenses do not exceed 50 no statement Is required. Doth are er roneous, ns tho general law requiring nil candldntes to fllo expense ac counts applies also to delegates, says 1 iic ot'cruiury 01 mate. SPECIAL SALE of TAMALES nt SAItTEHH today and tomorrow, two for .1e; Phone 2ii:i-.I, Don't forget riiovrc 2M.T. the Turkish Baths. jeiidf For This Seed Annual-Free URjltetdt in eej f 01 purity uul Ecmusttua. NoMtdtiitpMlcd Ut uolru thnc two qutliU'ct fccw UfirhiaV.oJud. Out lull quipped Utoittonr uod.t tht wrrtiow oi (a'jitU tad jprt Kd ttjef ttroovn Q tvtM W bra (Hiring Lflly iMd4,youtuy uacwcdCKct. Sccdloicula. TU Ou. H. LBy Co., Sottl Motorcycles and Bicycles Iiook over our lino before you buy. Our newstort of Hifyt'lcs just arrived. Tbo Motorcycles wosw uif? witli us, as you will notice on tlie strew i1 (lavs. ' - llariey-Davidsoii and Indians bave now later iw provouients than any other machine in tho vorj Place vour order now if you want one in tnv days, lactory uniiing behind on orders cvei day. . i . tt&&$$r ' SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY HENDEEWWOlfcl I aluxurvthatWVS . . . i.orv nlumblof- IS IllUUOril DUU..MW " .y 1.. ,.. puiovment ot " In bettor health and tberefl urn are trl tor appearance. ,.- equipping houses . proved plumbing. D' us about your place? Willftv & Schrc 303 Norib IW-lf PHOXK 77-J