THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOFf, FRIDAY, APftlL 19, 1912- EVENING EDITION j Honesty DAYTON BICYCLES Not "Idle lhoughts of an idle fellow," (Apologies to J. K. J.) : LJ Quality l 4 r yv ,- -AHDSKILL-a M,CAN MAKIVM el M m W Spring is here and a jaunt in the country on a bicycle will refresh both body and mind. TEACHER, may I speak, please? I wish to call your attention to a few of the benefits to be derived from Bicycle riding, Was it yesterday that the particularly obstinate pupil in your class nearly drove you distracted? Did you wisj yourself a man for just five minutes, so that you might give vent to your feelings? Did you leave the school-house at outs with yourself and with the world? Medicine would not help you but, believe me, half an hour on a bicycto would make everything look rosy again, Have you gone home after a hard day and felt like crying? A gooo cry is helpful in Its way, but half an hour on a wheel is better for the eyes, nose and complexion, (Dlcyclo complexions aro wnrrnntod to wash.) xTsbt " ibbbbbekbbbbbiBBBBBBBBHbbbbbbb7 7 bbbbbbbbbbbv HfllKiHIHflflr i3 Bicycles Dayton p I have ladies' bicycles for sale the very best bicycles, If you buy a Dayton Bicycle from me, the service of the Marshfield Cyclery is yours, . Will oil your wheel, Inflate the tires and adjust the bear ings free of charge, at any time, Teachers, as a rule, do not take exercise enough, and I am not selling bicycles enough So There We Are On Common Ground Buy a Dayton Bicycle and We'll Both Be Happy Marshfield Cyclery ..Dayton Agents, Coos County. Phono 180-R, , 607 Front, ASSTCtlV -AND3KILb-fl KCAHMAKCM -.TRUCk -AND SKILL mCAN MAKCtf Promptness Courtesy WANT ADS.l roil IIE.NT Newly furnished rooms Hi South Uroadway. LEAD TITANIC roniJEXT Modem l-roitm tint fur- ""M. Apply R. F. WilllaniB. TASTED To rent or to buy roller wppea aesK. w. F. Harmon, Ho- m handler. OR RENT Smnll limmn fnrn(nlfil r unfurnished. Apply 905 Sov- "ta itreet. ifiXTED Hoard and room In prl JUe home. n. A. Reltz, Ulanco ''A.NTED Fire! f1nn riiilrv linnil bo can milk ahout 20 cows; will ! o per month and bbard. Ad- J" r, j, Wnde, Ash, Oro. f n 8.LK oit TRADE Good pay- -j twiaurant. inquire 8C Com- nlal avenue, Marshflold. TfTiKv8ult0 0( tw or three finned housekeeping rooms at TW. V. F llni-mnn nknnillui. Hotel, ' "" , fiR.!A,,l': At Breakwater office; .,.' wnee'! UD. blackberry ,v0 - """.-a uiuuKuuuruu; case, ItoJjV'Kl'rnctlcaUy now ?00 i, ,, 40W,"B maenmo; will take '"taken at once. Phoue 287. 'i-Flrst-class dining room. inni.. , resPuie parties need pi-lSatllrl).aLTIme8offlce. Ten iii apab,e housekeeper for about rancn nomQ5 woman of lpni .' ,les'i"eu. Address II. ORsaTT '- r-rr Ub iTT1'"0 I,evr -"-root gaso- UUch. Sea Mm Tlmmr- " Korth Front atret. Prn .pays lts exlense8 at tho tie ,en m,: B00(1 Prospect for ; Utr- , Yli' In Bood running date ! lmIrovements; up to' r Tn.i . Iin not and coldi bthl .?ul,e.? ,n tne bulWlns: I 0 for ?.i t0l,0t' etc- Bod rea ripk? ; g00d opportunity for tei,.."1 without any further ex-' Hlr term ed Pr,ca ?1500, on cm p 7 'muii or wrne 10 Oregon? DQX 85' LanK NEW POTATOES First of the Crop of 1912 In tit tlu head of the list of fine fieli vt'getnfoles Junt received. READ THIS LIST: New 1012 I-ott Angvlra Cabbage. Xew Cuciiinbers. Fresh Cauliflower. Fancy Head Lettuce. Hothouse lttuce. Coos Hlver Anpuragus. Cream SquiUih Nice Crisp Celery. Hliiibnrb. Xew llcriiiudn Onions I''ivjth Itliio Touuitoes. Hpliuich itiidlNlictf Fiuicy Red Apples Grapefruit Orange Fresh FlueappleH lliinnniis. ICverythhig to satisfy your apix-tlte. Phone your orders OLLIVANT & WEAVER THE PURE FOOD GROCERS. ' A GOOD FLACK TO TRADH Corner Central Ave. and Third Street. Phone 275J dlothrmft (Duurntttc? LMvymnnrfy ufAirmmu: tMji erty jwot .crtifsi.'. "" &wxx&tZ&Mictdot"&bC&irtjfo4tcw nvat"xu&tfi&MiiSiictiry'dcrtfcet SfU CLtVClANO.OMlO. mmism mm . ..i r . ,S.'i..'.. .u P mi'TI . J&ffiM S X7 ' gf Kil rz&iA tlJi m jvHrfvXcilttii S5SWyiy3ylSS5pswpJW, Look for the Clothcraft Guarantee T TERES a reproduction of the Clothcraft Guarantee. You will find it on the inside pocket of every Clothcraft coat. It's your protection against the chance of defect, imperfection or dissat isfaction in material or workmanship. It means clothes insurance. It stands for a qunlity standard that tlio makors' reputation compels thom to inaintain. Becauso thoy cannot afford to risk tho dissatisfaction of a singlo consumer, thoy back up .their guarantee absolutely. To it wo add our own be cause of our confidence that these Clothes will make good. 1 Clothcraft Is the Only Guarauteed All-Wool Line af $10 to $25 IIIHIWWIHUIIimmMIIIIWMHHIHUHIMIIMIIII Sure, we've got it -the Clothcraft I Blue Serge Special, No. 5130, $15. ilHIIIIHllHHIHHIIHIIIimiHHIWMIMIIiWIMli Woolen Mill Store ftULL-TO-MAN CLOTHES t t 1 ty TUB WBATIIKB. (Bv Angoclated Press.) OREGON Heavy frost in eaBt and light frost In west to- nlRht and Saturday; fnlr west- erly winds. LOCAL TRMPnitATUHB RK- I'ORT. For twenty-four hours ending 4 at 4:43 a. in., April 19, by DonJ. a natilnd. sDeclal covommont me- teorologlcal observer: Maximum .,..,.., 62 Minimum 32 At 4:43 a. m.,... 34 4 Pieclpltutlon 23 Wind northwest: showors. Prices ChaiiKe. F. 8. Dow today received word of a rlso of eighty cents a barrel on flour, $5 a ton on wheat, ?D a ton on oats and decllno of flvo cents per pound on butter on TC f T -un.ilnM Lniifa fVi ttrrirtri of comfort able, easy fittind and durable shoes io empha Bizod. PACKARD SHOES are built to wear arid they do. You can dive them the hardest possible service and their wear-reBiatind qualities will surprise you. They retain their shape until discarded. YOURS ANXIOUS TO FLBASIJ The Toggery E. V. KA5I5IBRER 3 tho southorn market. The prlco of okkh has gono up flvo cents per dor en. Plan limo The Mnrshflold baso ball Club Is arranging to glvo a bono llt ilunco at the Eagles' hall a weok from tomorrow night to raise funds to Blurt tho BOfiHon with. Wonwwi Injured. Mrs. Bugeno Torroy sustained a sovoro wound In her arm yostorday. In somo way sho caught hor arm on n protruding splko and toro a bad flesh wound which ne cessitated Hovorul stitches. llfconif AuloUt B. A. Anderson. It is announced, has finally doclded to glvo up his horse and buggy and get un electric runabout. Mr. An derson bus always bcon n keen lover of hornes mid has boun loath to re pluco his driver with a machine, Air Tnnk Kxplodex A cumprossod air tunk In Ooorge Qoodrum's garaj,, exploded the night boforo last und caused oulte a stir In that vicinity. i Some thought thnt someono was In- jjurcd by tho explosion, although slight dumngo was donu to tho build ing Roud Imiiroved The old Coos Hay wagon road Is reported to be In fairly good shape now and Contractor Dar nard expects to have the stagos go clear through tho latter part of this woek. Thoy havo been using pack horses over a considerable portion of It during tho winter months, Nuiiii Smith T,ato Tho Nann Smith will not arrive In until late to night or early In tho morning, ac cording to a wireless received today bv Operator Moo. Sho was expected yesterday to bo In about noon today. It Is underptood that O. A. Smith and Am" Vsieen are aboard. Cut PuvIiil' Tom Coko In chareo of tho Terminal Railway's construe-1 tlon has a force of men cutting tho. paving up on North Front street pro-! wiratory to putting In the track there. Tho track will be laid on the ; west side of the conter of tho street so as to leave room for a second lino f lator. Additional steel Is oxpectod on tho noxt Redondo. Improve Service Manager Drews, j of tho Coos Ray Homo Telephone company, announces tnat ien auui tlonal trunk lines will bo put In be tween Mar&nneiu anu (Norm Menu within a few weoKs. Tno new lines Will have automatic drops so tliat connections will bo severed just as soon as tho recolver Is hung up and the lino will bo ready for another call, ("aso Remanded O. R. Pock has boon ndvlsod that tho Orogon su promo court has refused a rohoarlng In tho Port of Coos Ray caso which was nuked In ordor to get a decision on bo mo of tho mooted points In tho controversy which have not boon hlthorto passed on by tho nuprom, court. Tho supromo court romaua ed tho caso for furthor bearing In tho lower court. It Is oxpectod that Judgo Harris will noxt week name a rocolvor to wind up tho affairs of tho dofunct port commission. It now loqka as though n now suit would havo to bo startod to got a de cision on thc points stilly undecided. f AMONG TUB SICK F, A. Saccht Is still qutto 111 at bin homo In South Marshfield, Aloe Wilson who suffored a stroke of paralysis tho othor day Is still In a critical condition. Milton Elliott, of South Slough, who has been 111 hero for a fow weoks, Is slowly recuperating. Roy Rozolle, of Bmplro, who It In chargo of the government snag boat on the Coqutllo, was slightly Injured whllo at work there this woek. AIJNO THE WATERFRONT The Washington sails today from San Francisco for Coos Ray. Tho nreakwator will sail at 1 o'clock tomorrow for Portland. The Elizabeth and Brooklyn ar rived In at Randon this morning from San Francisco. M. J, Savage, who bought tho steamer Grace Dollar which Is to bo put on tho San Francisco-Coos Day run, Is a brother-in-law of Mrs. T. J, Macgenu of Bmplro. Kruso & Ranks havo started tho construction of a 135-foot sternwhool steamer for A. Fahy & Company of San Francisco. 8ho will have a 28 foot beam and C-foot depth of hold mid will ply In the freight and pas tengor business on tho Sacramento River. Tho stcamor Coqulllo, which has been rebuilt for the Coqulllo-Randon run, had an nccldont on her Initial trip this week, A fire broke out on deck and damaged ft smalUboat on her. Tho Coqulllo Is not able to make the spoed expected of her but probably will be when a now pro filer Is put on. RPKOIAli SAIiB of CARAMELS at SWo Per Pound at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday. .1 JfcV, . ta. tai&LJtMj&fc .JLt-