'Tg... CV.J 'j!:xrV?ZXFT,MvW&v.yj&JtT,&ri THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON; FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912 EVEWINB EDITIOW- m ' COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor and Phd. DAN K. MALONKY New Editor ailOWTII OF POSTAIj SAVINGS TWENTY million dollars u money, most of which has boon kojit In secret hiding: places, has boon deposited In postal savings banks and the officials at Washing ton In chargo of tho system say they cxpoct tro total to roach $30,000, CQO, or possibly $40,000,000, beforo tho end of this year. Only 8000 out of about 00,000 postofflcos havo boon cpenod for the rocolpt of savings do I'oslts, though tho number is steadily Increasing. VHKV JilflHT vote A vury light voto Is being cast at tho primary election today. Thoro vras fioino confusion In tho central precinct over some of tho voters hav ing roglstorcd ns South Marshflcld, forgetting about tho now precinct division. At 4 o'clock 127 republicans and 30 democrats hnd voted In Central Marshflcld. Tho total registration was 271. In North Mnrnhflold at 4 o'clock only 74 republicans and 19 demo crats had voted. Tho total registra tion was 220. 111r Danco at Stunner, Saturday, April 20th. Launch Sumnor leaves Mnrsflold nt 7 P. M.; launch AIlco II. at 7;30 P. M. IIOWAHD'fl gonulno MEXICAN TASIAIiKS delivered any placo In tho clly until 12 O'CLOCK at nWi. Thoy are HEADY to 8EHVH. Phono JWJ. I1IC DANCE In EOKHOFF HALL, Norm HcimI, HATUIIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20 Rood floor committee. 'rOKLLirfl OltOHHSTHA. JIOWAHD'B gonulno MEXICAN TAMALES dollvorcd any placo In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK nt night. Thoy aro HEADY to SKHVK. Phono OSS. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hart ALWAYS USED. PnONB 79 PaclfK LI vory Trnnfer Co. HOWAHD'S gonuino "MEXICAN TAMALES dollvorcd any placo" In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlglu. Thoy aro HEADY to HEKVE. Phono H33. Don't forgot tho Turkish Datha 1MIONH 214J. Mayor James O. Dnhlman, Omaha, Neb., otton called tho "Cowboy May or", writ oa of tho boned t ho dorlvod .from Foloy KIdnoy Pills and says, "I havo takon Foloy Kidney Pills and they Iihyo 'given mo a coat deal of roller, so I choorf ally rocommend them." nod Cross Drue Store. .How About That Mew HAT? Wo can satisfy you and save niouoy for you, Tho Now Coos Hat Tho tf host mado, for 4) JUU Tho Now Fuzzy Wuzzy &f) r A Hats for men; $2.00 and... $ JU lloya' Fuzzy Wuzzy ( ri Hats for 4) I . DU Spring and Summer stylos in tho Monarch and Cluott-Arrow ) an .Ol.lrlHi $1.00 to $.UU The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Ancona and Sicilian Buttercups lUtft for oggs; tho host strain; Ixskiitlfully marked. Eggs for hatch ing. Salmon Favornllcs. tho winter layorx, quick groworn. V. K. (iln.lcr, North llond. Phono 299. At, The Royal Tonight, 10c KOUKItS and KOUUI.i: in their ox "AHH1VAL OF UNCLE HEINIE." , Now jokes ami good songs, 1MCTUHKH SIXTH THE FIFTH A HOY'S I1EST FHIE.ND IjONt.'STHEET AT SEVEN PINES Historical War Picture. Entire ehango Tomorrow Night. SCHOOL CHILDHKN FHEE TO THE MATINEE AT 2.SO. NOIlTn BEND NEWS. Tho North Dcnd and Sumnor baso ball teams will play hero Sunday nft ornoon. J. A. Allen and J. A. Jacobson have sold property which tho South ern Paclflo desired for right of way to tho, company for $1300 each. U. U, Uaior, WOO urriiisu uuiu u- contly from Spokano, has loasod tho Jack Flanagan- property at Plat B and is residing thoro. Archlo Phillips, foromau of tho Simpson camp nt South Inlot, has about 40 at work thoro and expects to bogln taking out logs next Mon day. W. E. Thorp has rccolvod word of tho death of nn old comrade and closo friend, L. It. Lewis, which oc curred at Cosmopolls, Wash., last week. Mr. Lewis had an onvlablo war record nnd served considerable tlmo at Andorsonvlllo. Walter Russell hns secured Ivy Condron's boat, tho Shamrock, and will put It on tho North Bend-Marsh-flold run as soon as It Is ovorhnulod. Sho will run through to tho Marsh field depot dock to connect with trains. Word hns boon received horo that Capt. Vorzon, mnstor of tho Arngo, of tho Simpson flcot, nnd Miss Eva Jacobson, of Empire, wero married at Portlnnd last week. Tho Arago Is now loading at Abordccn for Hono lulu. SPECIAL CANDY SALE nt STAF FORD'S Saturday nnd Stuiriny. Win. L. Cooko, prop, of tho Boo HIvo Drug Storo, Nolhart, Mont., says tho Bolt Canon running from Bolt to Nolhart Is tho most plcturosnuo spot In all Montana. Ho writes, "I ro commond Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound to nil my customers nnd am novor disappointed. It gives tho host rosults for coughs and colds of anything I sell." Rod Cross Drug Storo. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MARSHFIELD. ORE. E. 8. GEAR OFFERS Fine 11-ncro HOME farm, near Mllllngton; C acres undor cultiva tion; 5 ncros pasturo; 2V4 acres strawberries; gasoline launch,' row boat, boat'.iouso, team, now harness, wagon, cow, chlckonB, pigs; good house, well nnd running water. Prlco $0000; torms. You will havo to bo quick. Room 22 First Natlonnl Bank Bldg. A Correct Insurance Policy Is vory essontinl. If It Isn't corroctly wrltton It Isn't Insur ance. Wo wrlto corroct policios in tho host companloa. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front BU wM MEN The Sign of Good Candy Always of Mm 1. who havo wuna Inventive ability nhuM 1 write UltKCLf.V X M.IMTIHt!, Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, PHESSERS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward B. Strauss & Co. flno Tailoring Let ui maka your next Suit. S.tn Commercial. Plume CflO-X. l J. SOAIFB Rj A. H. HODCHNi Marshfield Paint (8b Decorating Co estimates MAR8HFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon NOTICE FOR PUHL1CATION Department of tlwj Interior, U. S. Land Offlco. ROSEBURQ, Ore., Feb. 13, 1912. Notice Is heroby given that David Talbot, of Emplro, Ore., who, on April 20, 1908., made timber appli cation No. 0675, for W NEW, Soctlou 33, Township 26 South, Rango 14 W. Willamette meridian, litis filed notice of Intention to make final timber and stone proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, beforo Reglstor and Recolv or United States Land Office, at Rosoburg. Ore., on tho 10th day of May, 1912. I Claimant names as witnesses: 1 Franklin Elliott, of Emplro, Ore.; Tom Talbot, of Empire, Ore.; WII-I Ham Gall, of Marshfield, Ore.; James: wages, of Emplro. oro. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. SO"''' ""-' un una a lis ii. .' jaw? Snow Drift Flour pMS Highest Quality tr Greait Specia I Safaraay sale OF HAND 'PAINTED CHINA AT "THE BUSY CORNER" TOMORROW For Saturday, and for Saturday ONLY, wc aro offering the LADIES OF COOS BAY Some of the best values in Beautiful Hand-Painted China ever of forcd on Coos J Bay. Wo carry one oi the nicest lines of Imported Ji'ancy uiuna m uiu iy. Every piece is an exquisite bit of Art. It will be an excellent opportunity to secure some choice additions to the family China and there are many that make FINE PARTY FRIZES RE ADTHI S LIST: Regular $3.25 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.00 Regular $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday .only $1.50 Regular $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only , 1.50 Regular $3.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.2u Regular $3.75 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.2o Regular $3.75 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.2o Regular $2.50 ITand-Paiiited Plates; Saturday only $1.50 "Rnmilnv &2.50 TTniirl-Phinfnfl Plates: Saturday onlv $1.50 Rccrular $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only Regular 3.2o Hand-Painted Plates ; Saturday ; only .$2.00 Regular $3.25 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.00 Regular $4.00 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.75 Regular $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only ,. . .$1.50 Regular' $2.50 HamKPainted Plates; Saturday only .$1.75 Regular $3.50 Hand-Painted Plates: Saturday only ' 2.25 'Regular $2.50" Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $1.65 Regular $2.50 Hand-Pointed Plates; Saturday only $1.65 Regular $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $1.65 Regular $2,50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $1.60 Regular $3.00 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.00 Regular 3.25 Hand-tainted Plates; Saturday only $2.55 Regular $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $1.80 Kcgular $3.J .Jiand-Pmntcd Plates; Saturday only ifsi.yo Regular $3.25 Hand-Painted Plates; S Rcgu Regu Kcgu Rcgu Regu Saturday only 7. . .$2.05 ar $3.25 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday wnly $2.25 ar $3.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.60 ar $4.25 Haud-'paMntcd Plates; Saturday only $3.15 ar $4.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $3.25 ar $2.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only :....-.'.. .$2.00 Regular $4.00 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only .$3.Q0, Regular $4.25 Hand-Tainted Plates; Saturday; only $3.00 R?gular 5.00 Hand-Tainted Plates; Saturday only $3.65 Regular $4.50 Hand-Tainted Plates; Saturday only $3.25 Regular $4.00 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $2.75 Regular $5.00 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $3.00 Regular $5.50 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $3.75 Regular $3.00 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only 2.00 Regular $2.25 Hand-Painted Plates; Saturday only $1.90 Regular $4.00 Hand-fainted Plates; Saturday only $3.00 Regular $5.00 Hand-Painted Olive Dishes; Saturday only .. ; - $3.25 Regular $5.00 Hand-Painted Olive Dishes; Saturday' only $3.25 Regular $1.50 ITand-Painted Olive Dishes; Saturday only 1.00 ix'eguiar quiu iiand-i'ainted Ulive Uislies; Saturday only $1.25 Kogular $1.2u Tland-Painted IJonhon Dishes; Saturday only 90c Regular $4.50 Hand-Painted Bonbon Dishes; Saturday only $2.65 Regular $1.50 ITand-Painted Bonbon Dishes; Saturday only $2.75 Regular $3.00 TIand-Painted Bonbon Dishes; Saturday only . $2.45 Regular $1.50 ITand-Painted Bonbon Dishes; Saturday only ...... . . . .$1.35 Kogular .o.5U 1 and-Painted Cake Plates; Saturday onlv $3.75 Regular $5.50 ITand-Painted Cake Plates; Saturday onlv $3.0;5 Regular $6.75 Hand-Painted Cake Plates; Saturday only $-1.25 Regular 9.00 Iland-Pajnted Fruit Bowls; Saturday onlv $5.50 Regular -$11.50 ITand-Painted Fruit Bowls; Saturday onlv &7 05 h'egular ?S.au Hand-Painted Fruit Bowls; Saturday onlv $4.7.) Kegular ."j.oo Hand-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only $3.00 nrgtuiir Tt.uu jiaim-raiiueti t'ups and saucers; Saturday onlv $75 Regular $4.00 Hand-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only 375 Regular $3.00 Ilaud-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only ....'. .'$1.95 Regular $3.50 ITand-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only $275 Regular $3.00 ITand-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only ".""sMo Retrular $3.50 TTnnd-Pninhfl Puns iiiwl fiminnra. Q,.f..,l. 1.. ..nW JI1LII1IIH 1 tllllV ' i It Saturday onlv !3.75 Regular $4.25 Hand-Painted Cups and Saucers; f Regular 3.00 Iland-Paintqd Cups and Saucers; Saturday only $2.25 iiuKuuii .j-.uu iiuim-riiiiiuHi vups and saucers; Saturday only $1 95 Regular $3.75 nand-Painted Cups and Saucors; Saturday only $'l5 hegulai- 60c Hand-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only 50c ni'Kiuar w.ro tuuui-fainted I'ups and Saucers Saturday onlv mo.-; Wegular $3.00 TTand-Paintod Cups and Saucers; Saturday only 1775 Regular $2.50 ITana-Painted Cups and Saucers; Saturday only Il75 hegular $7.00 nand-Painted Cracker Bowls; Saturday only . . jL'95 Regular $6.25 ITand-Painted Cracker Bowls; Saturday only $400 Kogular $8.00 nand-Painted Sugar and Creamers; Saturday only $fiV) ! SnfnvlMTf. i-i1 . rt- ., K.n.iw,V tJV jj;0 v0 DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY SATURDAYS-ONE DAV ONLY -SATURDAYS-SEE OUR WINDOW Lockearll-FairsoBis uru C . rsons Droj TITR BUSY CORNER"-The Rexall Store. -' You Auto Call f ui.uuu troni of UnvA 1, . . XWO NKW ouf Aftor 1,1 p. m ., WIU make Mwto City Auto Servir (rood Can. Careful DrlT. uouuhuio entries. nn. "Will bo anywhere at nT ! 8tandB Dlanco Hot, ." $' Cljar Store. Day Ph0n.n,VB Night Phone 40. ,,MU HAnKRHGOODAp We Have Been Successful Itl IlllVlntr n 1.. . . . "'" 'rBo Block Of Jm clnaa Eloctrlcnl material aad 8vo our patron, a very low J on houao wiring n.. "q you can't afford to mlM Coos Bay Wiring Co, Phono 237-J WANTED!!! JARPETS UPHOLSTKniNa Uf) Uo Cleaning Company. Ordtri h worx MKen Rl GOING ft HAIITBI PHONE 1M Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's SuKs Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 074 WILSON AUTO DAY AND NIGHT Phones 184-X, 228. Marshfield, Ore. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR) WWAlArfWSAAAAiWVWywl DR. A. J. HKNUnrg Modem DenUl Parin. W aro equipped to do htfi 1 work an ihort notice it tbt nfjl Iowmi price. Kxamlsitloi tml Lady attendant, Cokt bulldlof . et I It Chaadler note, phoni UU. ryx. a. w. leslir, Oeteopathle PhyricUa Oraduato of the Amerlun Kboel 1 Oeteopathy at Klrktrllle, Uo In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 toll; 1 4 Phone 161-J; Hanhflild; Oriftil J W. UENNWT1, Jjxwjox, )ffle orer Flanagtn A DMaettl larahflold OrH 'T-vK. J. T. McOOIWIAO, i-J Phvalrtan and Sar2M Marahfleld, Ortfon. Jfflce: Lockhart Butldlnf, Onnoalto nost offloe. Phot! IJ THY THE EWJK WITH IOH FINQER. Kzamlna a collar freik troa I laundry. Notice IU cloar, wUW or, Ita even, elaiUe iUHm mooth and Ita perfect inJ Than Im( (ha tOD dl0 tT n your flnger-tlp over It. Hoti mooth, slick flnUh Htm " Ing there to rub, dig or IrrlUUI n aaV Tht. tt will nrore tb ! ' ...... .v- ,-- . our aenrlce. Bend u a irw i and apply the test. Marshfield ,Hand & Steiia 1 HuT nroa. Prop Paa Our Vagona Oo Anyya" Por All Kinds of Haul SEE Clifford Doane 1'iioNE aai'IL R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurai JU North Front Sin Have Tharioof B MOW See GORTBELL Pbom HI511 WM.S.TURPW Architect 171 FRONT W-