The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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OInns lag tes
Will Keep the Incomo from "Sow
Furnished Rooms from Lapbgt
YOU can roally holp tho family
revenues by routing a tow furnished
roomB and, If you know how anil
when to use tho claBslflcd columns,
you may keep that llttlo extra Income
as "steady as a clock."
ffANT a , fouto ..ln
.1.- Market" Effectlrelyt
?. 5J?i th fact, about your
11 w, boforo Uo eye. of all "pos
property b"W , towtl, And ,f
lb,a.. one of thorn who ought to
Usere onu. ii m
n,B it. y " u" "i OK ASSOCIATED PRESS
.established In 1B78
im Thi' Pimm Mnll
. .
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mn OQ"7
mill Coos liny Advertiser. ,,'u, "w'
iam.MKammimmmmt-amarmammmmmMmKm.m-nmmMrmmmmiammmaKmmrmammmMm .wawswB- i
v snot3
. ndP
mm mm maybe i...
ri.-i -. I nocf IRAQ
Knovyn in-i " ..rA '
Were wsi aim -.a w.
vivors Died.
tAruyoiw .., ,.MTU nenn
CULLloi"" """ -
jdentof Damage Not Realized
&t First oiory ui uic
. v
?T,oJ-U1 In Tho TlmoB.)
KBW 'YORK, April 19 So
hundred and forty-five , por-
Som mostly womon, sick In
ffi .ft Lay. wroto Into tho
..7.1. of mnrltlmo history to-
Z ho loss of tho biggest
Ainiblp over built by man.
rv.. wnrn SUrvlVOrB Of tUO
White Star linor Titanic, which
1 lth JD'JU BOUIB "UUll.u.
Her captain on tho brldgo, hor
colon llylug and hor band play
ta"Kwrer, My Qod to Tlioo,"
ell the banks of Now Foundlnnd
it J !0 a. in. ftionuny, April iu.
may in: iii" dead
Dy Associated I'rosB
lotil lived from
tu oflklnlly plnced louny in r
mud hundred and llvo by W.
ft" Jeffries, general pnBsongor
Utof tho Whl to Star lino, ni-
though tlio latest rovlsod' list
d lurrlrors ntcounta for 74fi
penoni. If the report Is nc-
tepted, tho total nuinbor of
ul li increased to iu;m.
Wealthy New Yorker Left Boat
to Let Woman Go Made
Wife Save Herself.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Cons
Bay Times)
NEW YOilK, April -9. Miss Mar
garet HnyB, n survivor, gave nnothor
version of tho mnnncr In which Col.
Alitor mot his donth. "At tho tlmo
thoro woro nt womon waiting to got
Into tho bontH," sntd Miss Hays, "and
tlio ship's ol-Iccr Invited Colonol As-
tor to go Into tho boat with his wife.
Tho Colonol, after looking around
and Being no women got Into tho
bont nnd his wlfo throw her arms
nbout lilni. The boat was about to be
lowered whon a woman canto run
nlng out of tlio companion wny
. . , i. ! IHIIK o'l "I vhu riiiiiiniiniii wiij.
;lntod Press UnlHnB ,,H j,,,,,,, Coi, Aat()r Mtcppoil
, Aplrl iu. -iiio .out nn,j 0t tho womnn get Into tho
mi tho lltatilc ( BQnt ,10 i,mJ ocuplod. Mrs. Astor
rrold out and wanted to get out of
tho boat with her husband but Col.
Astor pnltcd hor on tho bnek and
snld BOinothlng In n low tone of voice.
"Ah tho boat was lowered I henrd
him say, 'Tho Indies will havo to go
Is Bald by sonio to hnvo been ono of
tho first to cot Into tho Ilfo boats, but
ithlH In don od liv iHiuny himsei.. jb
nu:i) like m:itoi:s
"Be British" Was Slogan of Of
ficers and Men in Their Ef
fort to Save Passengers,
Says Survivor.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay
NEW YORK, April 19. But for
tho unparalleled selfsacrlflco nnd
horolBtn of Captain Smith nnd tho
Tltanlc'a officers, tho sea would hnvo
claimed ovon greater toll than It did.
Prom tho brldgo, Smith called
through a megaphone, "Bo British!
no uritiBii!" and that becamo tho rnl
lying cry of tho officers and crow.
Such wns tho graphic description
of the conduct of the mon responsible
for tho saving of human bouIs on tho
Titanic as told by John Johnson, u
mombor of tho crow who took nu oar
ln n llfo boat.
John Uruco lsmay, president of
tho International Mercantile Marino
company, stepped Into tho last boat,
Johnson said. Thoro wcro no women
left on deck snvo thoso who refused
to leavo their husbandb. lsmay was
forced into tho boat by tho offlcors
and this was dono Just as tho boat
was being lowered.
Managing .Director of Titanic Wireless Man Remained at
Company Before Investi
gating Committee.
Post Until Last Graphic
Story of Survivor.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay (By
JNEW YORK, April 19. Tho story
of how tho Titanic mot hor fnto was
(old today to the United States Son
nto Investigating cnminlttco that Is
looking Into tho Titanic dlBnstor.
John Bruce lsmay, managing direc
tor of tho Wlilto Star lino, when
asked tho circumstances uudor which
ho loft tho boat, ropllod In almost a
whlspor: "Ono of tho boats was be
ing filled. Tho officers called out
to know If any moro womon woro to
Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos)
NEW YOIUC, April 19. J. A.
Phillips, tho first Marconi oporntor on
tho Tltnnlc, stuck to Ills post until
he at Inst jumped from tho Blnklng
ship nnd was taken aboard n llfo raft.
Ho died boforo roscuors roachod tho
rnft according to tho story of Thomas
Whltoly, a waltor ln tho saloon, who
is In the hospital with n fractured log
and bruises. Thoro woro four burials
at sea, one sailor, two llromon and
Phillips. Phillips wnh formorly tho
NEW YORK, April 19 Wit h iBoImto C(immlttoo which will Invcstl
utolto all tho Tltnnlo Biirvl- nfo . .iiun.tor.
ion told of the splendid horo-
tea of thoso who remnluod bo
tod to find a watory grnvo that
ittr might llvo. Cant. Smith
M they said as a gallant snllor
Ami after having first placed
ul the women who would go
tloird tho llfo boats. Thoro
tro many who romnlnod bo-
In rflA In tltnlt Imulintifl'u
Dy Associated Press
NEW YORK . April 19. It
wieloped today that undor ln
kUTictlons of lsmay, mombors
M the crow Tltnnlc arc bolng
pell In communication with tho
M Star Steamer Lapland. Tho
iwiurvlrlng ofllrors havo boon
pitructed to rofuso any quos-
m except thoso nronounded
K Uo committee of inquiry.
rttt V
trnln tlio disaster.
Tho voyage up to the time of tho
crash was a pleasant one. All ngrco
Hint apparently tho ship wns going
HI to 23 knots por hour.
Quartermaster Mopdy, w.ho was nt
tho holm Hald tho ship wns mnklng 21
knots nnd Hint tho officers were un
dor orders nt tho tlmo to keep up tho
8peod In hope of making n record
passage Thoso orders were being
cnrrlod out In the fnro of knowledgo
that tho Btenmer wns ln the vicinity
of grent lco bergs, warning of which
nnd been received from other vessels,
"But It wns a clear nnd star-light
night," ns nil tho survivors described
tho wenthor and tho officers appar
ently woro confident thnt even
though Icebergs should bo .con tno
vessel could bo controlled In ample
Even after the crnsh rnme. people
In tho snloons nnd pnrlo's continued
their amusements for a long time,
not knowing of tho impending danger
unmet into cxcn
Thorn wnH no
Auoclated Press to Cooa Bay ment. Thoso who went on deck re-
Times.) ' turned to report inni wiu "!'
IEWY0UK, April 19. Tho Tl- only struck ""Iceberg. ,,
coiuiier was wrltton Into His- it nppeuruo io u. u """
Wiy by mauy of tho 745 sur- and nt first thoro woro no Indications
'persona at sea off tho Now , men j'tyli-g cards continued ttioir
ellind banks oarlv Monday game i 'd tho atoppago of eni;'"
tsand tho subsoquont donth of I wns ne' od more tBan the comw o
lohad been roscuod. bringing, Passengers were not hrmight to i ho
oui loss of llfo to 15D5. slightest rcnllratlon that a coll s on
mj facta which canio to tho,n.i- -n Mriona ' ; " L"
nil passongors on tho decks "With
llfo bolts on." , , . .
Captain Smith. It Is Bald, was not
on tho bridge when tho collision oc
curred, but when summoned by t-
flrs off cer tOOK cunrKu .u
go. Tliero wns none. No pnssongora opcrnlor on Jnmos Cordon BonnotfB
woro 6n deck and as tho boat was be- yncilt.
Ing lowered. I got into It." Wbltely gavo somo dotnllB of tho
Ismny gaVe tlio particulars of tho .con.H ,m,i f hB own rescuo from tho
trip up to tho tlmo of tho nccldent wnl(!ri continuing ho snld, "Thoro
nnu men was usitea -wns inoro nny wr,8,n bit of nanlc whon It first nap-
nttompt to lower tho bonts of tlio Car- ,)cni,i tj,o olllcors hnd to uso their
pathla to tnko on passongors uttor
you wer.t aboard hor?" by Senntor
"There wero no pnssongors to tnko
on," replied Ismny,
"How long wero you In a llfo-boat?"
About four hours."
revolvers. Tho chlof otllcor Bhot
ono mnn. I did not seo this but threo
others did nnd thon shot hlmBolt.
But ovcrybody pretty much bohaved
splendidly, eBpeclnlly tho llromon.
"It wnB a black borg wo struck and
nltlrough tho night wns porfoctly
' clear, It was Imposslblo to seo that
"How many llfo boats woro thoro rolor j Bnw nnothor lllco It when
on tho Tltnnlc!" .,,,.. wc were drifting on tho ovorturnod
i woniy niiogoiiiur i iuini(.
Woro they all accountod forr"
1 boat."
I"; In tho flood of narratives of
' wo 1595 met death show that
r hardly a shnil..w nf linnn tliaf
IJJJU will bo curtailed by a slnglo
r- mrvivor.
If of the richost men ln tho
. ,i owa on th0 ship
so ns
Wly the onw u-nmnn n..f seemed a hopoless situation In n
pr ,!.. .. . ' . . .,'.. ..i. ii. iii nnRRnncors nrai
' m iii-iiua uiiin niinnon w n n n 1 1 n r viiii.ii .aiir i.h"h -
band's embrace. I calm, resolute and efficient to the
"n an tho ..,!..-. ,... 4t.iinif. 'inoro wuiu " .. - -
- .u mil in m mi w iiiu . ihi
IU ! . --.. . ..
" "UK. heanl fhn linnl nlnv
K' aod to Too," and thj
V. W those whom thn son
u the vessel sank In 2000
:' Titanic . i .-.
L ? ,ef hleh Umt 'IP"ed open
"' ms and mado tho wator
MBpartments usoloss.
"" tile VeSSOl wna irnllv
X. r reached tho boilers and
KSton, Uowcd thatl EOnt Uor
Uit nuntl,,eds on the deck
u ' v.ui jonn jncoD as-
QlL Cbllm,a Uutt' President
e.h ",'' ", .Millionaire iienj.
tt. ?.?f De,'cr. Jacques Itur-
hullarrl8 and score's of other
i.f. .wio.
u Strn'i.
ntk. . "
K '. '"
"I think so. I hnvo boon told so' B Assoclntod Press to Cooa Bay
but do not know from my own know-j ' Times.)
IcdgO." x' vnnif Anrll in Mr. J. V.
Ismny said thnt ho did not boo tho j0jmBoni BnVo his vorBlon of how tho
Tltnnlc go down, hnvlng turned his ,. Btnick tho Icoborg nnd went
bend nwny so Hint ho could not Bee u0-vn; how her officers nnd tho mnlo
tho end. Ho said thoro woro two ,mgscnRers stood unntrnld on dock
wlroleBS operators, ono of whom sur- watlns tho lnovltnblo hour; how
vlvod. laiiiny said thoro was no ox- ul0 jifebnntB woro lowered; how hus
ploslon on tho Tltnnlc. Ho ostlmntod 'i,a,j, nnd wives said tholr last faro
tho speod at twenty-ono knots. Son- wejB, wiien tho crash camo, ho said
ntor Smith asked tho witness If ho, ,,. Tltnnlc wns colng 23 knots. Sho
nnytlilng to do with selecting tho ripped herself clonr npart. Thoro
crow of his llfo boat. I Wns no pnnlc. It wns vory quiet.
"I did not," wob tho snappy reply. when the boats woro loworod thoro
"Did you attempt to Inturforo with were mnny who rofusod to go. "Ono
tho working of tho wlrolosB on tho 0f tjie most pathetic sconos wns tho
Carpathla!" refusal of Mrs. Jsador Strauss to
"Tho Captain will probably toll you jeavo hor husband. Sho remained
that I was not out of my room from ' Wtn him to tho last."
tho tlmo I got Into It until Inst. "When tho first signal was given
night," to lower the boats somo of tho crew
Tho witness said ho know somo lco pressed forward. It was then tho
had been reported. Turning to thojrnlly cry enmo through tho moga-
Biibject of llfo boats lsmay said ho' phone from tho bridge, "Bo British,
heard the Captain glvo orders to low- no British, My mon." It was tho
or the boats and then ho left tho voice of Captain Smith.
brldgo. I "Every man obeyed tho command
Ho said threo boats ho saw low- nnd faced death calmly. Thoy know
ered and tilled. In his bout wero four there wns no hopo as tho big,
mombors of the crow and forty llvo strong English seamen assisted tho
Albert Young Killed in Smith
Powers Camp on Coos
River Yesterday.
Albert Young, n hooktendor nt tho
Smith-Powers logging camp on South
C6ob Ulver, was almost instantly
killed late yesterday aftornoon by bo
lng caught undornonth n log. Ho
lived loss than, 10 minutes nttor tho
log wns removed.
Tho slack lino was ncing nnuicu
back and ln somo way, tho hookB
caught tho end of n log nnd unex
pectedly Jerked It against Young,
knocking him down nnd undornonth
tho timber. Sovornl witnessed tho
nccldont nnd rushed to Young's aid.
Ho was horribly crushed and sur
vived but n few minutes.
Foromnn Pliolnn brought tho body
down Into last ovonlng. Ho wns do
pressed by tho distressing accident.
Young had been nt tho enmp only a
short tlmo but wns extremely woll
liked by tho men.
Former Morchnnt Pntrolmnn Buttz
bollovos thnt he formorly know
Young nt Klnmnth Falls. Ho says
that Young wns about 30 years old
nnd nt ono tlmo was ongnged In tho
rcnl estnto IiubIiiobb nnd was woll to
,1n I. nl Inat If nil.
A. II. Powers Is today trying to lo
cato relatives of tho deceased.
Coroner Wilson, nftor honing tho
dotnllB of tho tragedy, decided It wob
purely nccldontnl nnd that nn inquest
wns not nocessnry.
Guy Chambers Rescued by Ole
Johnson at Alliance uock
tho millionaire
sri '. was among t..o
7ehehniLStrus rofusod
; to d Jk :.: ',.. uo u,m wuui
b i, ;, i '""
foes n( i. ''"' tu" ils " ui
. or tho disaster, with an
too i .. -i"11"1- l; ls snl'l t.i
t lI e Meeraco nassaco
Irom L I1 wor"on nnd chll
:r nf .k fpar-strlcken men in
art a"8 '"
brA!,1 ,s 8a,d t0 ,,Rvo mot
.' WAVely AftOn ,!-
,,"' hip bnaf Im fin...,. oi,i.
'uthi,eJJ'ome 8tP t0 safet'
Rt, r:r-. .. .
WhltR oT i ,7iUiasing uirector
hBrrfir Un0, who was one
prmluent men to escape,
passengers, together with suff ciont
mombors of the crew to man them,
ho big life boats in tho Procession
which loft tho doomed vessel. Uie
rnft3 nlso were rcsponslblo for the
safoty of a largo number of Persons.
Then camo the flnalo nnd not very
long nfterwnrd out of the horlron
appeared tho good ahlp Carpathla.
.,., - imiind. which turned
nbout In her course to respond to the
Titnnlc's calls for holp.
By 7 o'clock Mondny morning, ail
tho Titnnlc's 16 boats had been
picked up and the chilled, hungry
occupants weicuiuuu - ... -
'"Tho'retu0;.! were all in conditions
of dreBs nnd undress and tho women
on tho Carpnthin vied with one nn-otl-er
In supplying missing gnrmonts.
Everything possible wns done for the
comfort of the shipwrecked voyagors.
VIEWS OV "",'.M ' pi, t
The Times Is In receipt of
sovornl communications relative y
to bridging tho Bay. Owlm to-
sn unexpected rusn oi i r T
vertlsin? nnd news matter s-
poclaily details ot ,,""' 1
'..".. !... nnmnmnlcatlons
women nnd children Into tho boats,
they gave no sign thnt thoy roniizeu
Cnpt. Smith's words "Bo British"
had sealed tholr fate. Thoy re
mained at their posts nnd dlod llko
New York Women Vnlto in Relieving
Dihtrefia of Survivors.
(By Associated Pross to Coos Bay
NEW YORK, April 19. Mrs.
Abram S. Hewitt, assisted by a hun
dred or moro women, ls caring for
the destltuto steerngo passengers,
chiefly womon and children, ln tho
Junior League Houso, tho Swiss Be
nevolent Homo. Margaret Louisa
Homo, Municipal lodging houso nnd
St. Vlncont Do Paul's Homo. All are
being provided with clothing and will
be cared for as long as necessary.
i- ,Vii-. rnmniii-iicu"
cnnnoJ bo printed today, but
will appear In Tho Times to-
Saturday evening at n v""""
pnssengers. He sum ne saw no josi
llng and that the women and children
"wore picked as thoy stood nenrest
tho mil." Ismny said he was on tho
Titnnlc's deck almost till sho sank
Captain Rostron of tho Carpathla
followed lsmay. He said ho got a
wireless call from tho Titanic at
12:35 Monday morning and ho lm
mmilfltelv ordered his bont around
nnd bended for the scene putting on
additional stokers and going full
speed. In the meantime llfo bonts
wero got ready and othor prepara
tions made to handle the emergency.
Ho picked up tho first Titanic boat
nt 4:10 A. M. Monday and nt 8:30
nil tho Tltanlc'a survivors wore
nbonrd. Iceborgs wero till around
somo twenty of which wero 150 to
200 foet high. Then his fears bpgan
to rise nnd Rostron said ho Instructed
tho purser to hoiii a service oi prujer
ns u ThnnKsgiviiig ior mo nuns
funornl son Ices for the dead." Ib
mny told him to tuko full charge.
Rostron praised tho behavior of tho
survivors highly. Ho said he saw
one llfo boat In tho wreckage. Sever
al of the life boats that woro brought
on tho Carpathla to Now York, ho
..i,i woro lowered laat night and
I haulod away by tondor ho know not
WASHINGTON. Aprli 19.-Sena-ll.oB Angoles 4
tor Itayner In the senate iuio muuj
bltterly attacked Bruce lsmay. He
said tho Captain of tho Titanic had
undoubtedly acted under tho order
of I-rvay who he de.-lared, "risked
.i.-. iir. nt Mm antlro Bhln to make
.. ...oo.a anvnaa thn sea." n.iln fdr STiOO:
navner asserted lsmay should bo held tlon: fully equipped; c
?nmilhla for the disaster and de- $3000; will Boll for 000
clared all civilized nations would np- terms. John L.
Sud criminal prosecution of the shop North Front
' '" t . ,. Iln .1S0-J.
manageuwuv. i
Ouy W. Chambers, In chnrgo of tho
Alllnnco dock for Agont McQeorgo,
hnd n narrow oscnpo from drowning
Inst night nnd hnd It not boon for
tho prompt responso of OIo JohnBon
of tho Smith lumbor yards, might
havo had difficulty In saving his llfo.
Ho and others wcro gottlng Bomo
barges away from tho dock so that
tho Redondo could got In. Owing to
tho dnrknesB, ho slopped off tho
bnrgo nnd Into tho deop wntor. Mr.
Johnson wltnessod tho nccldont and
promptly camo to Chambers' assist
ance whon ho enmo to the surface.
Tho Redondo bad n good passen
ger list nnd a big cargo of freight.
in tho frelKht was a stoamshovel
for tho Smlth-Powora Logging com
pany which will ho utllUod In tho
construction of Its logging ronds.
Tho Redondo will sail from horo
Sunday. Among thoso nrrlvlng on
her wero tho following:
D. A. Reitzi Alice Q. Hogt, I. U.
i.-niinr n. li. Hunt. C. J. Splnwn,
M. Qurtle. O. H. Bnkor, T. B. Klook,
Mrs. C. A. Langworthy, I. Brndloy,
G. D. Howard, Mrs. 0. D. Howard,
E. Clonls. E. J. Wlobor, O. Cool
baugh, H. E. Loo, Miss Cora Mno
Montgomery, Mrs. M. King. J. L.
Brottrlll, L. Ilangsoth, Mrs. J. P.
Morris nnd child, Fred Morris, C.
Morris. R. Morris, T. Morris, U.
HondrlckBon, II. Estathcs, R. Qoldon.
Associated Press
PORTLAND. Ore., April 19.--Rain
provented tho gnmo between
Portland and San Francisco hore
yosterdny. Tho scores iu tho other
Const Lenguo games were;
At Oakland R
H. E.
4 4
C 12
At Los Angelos R. II.
Sncrumonto 8 13
Vornon 14 11
South Slough Man Discovered
Lying Dead on Floor of
' Home Today.
Sheriff Gage, Coroner Wilson
and Prosecuting Attorney
FIND UUIilil-T 1IOLT.8 9
Coroner Wilson telophono
this nfternoon thnt Evans hnd
boon murdered. At lcnst four It
4 bullets hnd been fired into hta
Jncob Evnns, a resident of the
South Slough section for nbout half a
century, was found dond In his uome
ncar tho mouth of South Inlot tblr.
Coronor Wilson, Shorlff Qngo and
ProBOCiitlng Attorney Brown loft for
tho bcciio about noon nnd will care
fully invostlgnto. It Is belloved that
Evnns was mitrdorod.
Tho discovery waa mado by Bill
Joiner, a rnnchor, living botwoon the
Evniif. place nnd Tarheel Point.
McBsrs. Evana and Jolnor had ar
ranged to coino to town today nnd
whon Evnns did nut show up nt the
stated hour, Jolnor wont to tho Evnns
homo to hurry him along. Whon ho
reached thoro ho Baw no signs ot
EvaiiB. Tho door wns cIoboi! but uu
locked and ho opened It nnd wont ln
sldo. On tho floor of tho room, ho Bnjy
Evans lying dead. Ho was shocked
by tlio dtBcovory and only stopped n ,
mlnuto boforo going out to find nu
slstnnco. Ho noticed thnt Evnns wan .
lying face upward.
Jolnor went lmlnodlntoly to Ta
hool camp nnd Foromnn Archlo PM1
lips nccompnnlod him back. Mr.
Phillips noticed Hint tho window ot
tho back door ot tho houso hnd beon
broken out and nt a glanco docldod
It wns munlor. ConMcquontly ho
placed n guard nt tho plnco nnd In
structed him not to lot nnyono ontor
nnd Immediately Bent word to tho
Mr, Phillips stated that tho broken
glass nnd tho curtnln limbic boro
mnrks of powdor burns. Indicating.
Hint Bomeono had fired through it
and killed Evans.
Evans lived alono. Ho wns over 70
years old nnd quite well to do. ID)
formorly owned n big ranch which ho
sold to L. J. Simpson, who converted
It Into his bountiful Soasldo homo
known ns "Shoro Acres." Ab a con
ditiou of tl'ls deal, Mr. Simpson gnv
Evans n llfo loaso on what ls known
ns tho "old (Jetty place," near the
mouth of South Inlet, whoro ho had
slnco resided.
Evans was formerly n miner. Ho
had tho reputation ot keeping con
siderable inonoy In his homo and car
rying It on hlu pei'sou. This lends to
tho supposition that tho crlmo might
havo bcon prompted by robbory.
Howovor, Evans had roccntly had
troublo with several and It Is under
stood that as tho outgrowth of thoso
quarrels Evans and his opponontn
had cncli mado threats to kill tho
othor, Most of tho troublo stnrtod
over contentions about tho paymont
of money, Evans being of quarrol
some disposition, It Is clajmoil.
Evans was known as "Squaw
man." Three children woro born to
him and his Indian wlfo. Ono, Mm.
Dorn O'Mnlley, lives ln Marshtlold,.
nnd another, Alec. Wilson, Is em
ployed nt Shoro Acres.
A few months ago, a nophow or
EvniiB camo horo from Michigan to
visit him. Evnns promised him that
ho would go to California with him
any try nnd securo a euro for raQtal
poisoning from which ho had Buf
fered sliico ho followed mining. How
over, ho did not go. Tho nonhow
wont to California sovorul months
The nppenranco of tho plnco Indi
cated Hint Evans had cared for hl
stock, last ovonlng, uo thut tho crlmo,
It It was mil r dor ns Mr. Phillips and'
others bellovo, must havo occurred
luto In the ovenlng,
BAROAIV SALE; 40 horsepower
flrst-ciass conm-
cost new
on easy
Koontz Machine
street. Phono
Threaten to Walk Out on Fifty
Eastern Lines to Get Wage
(By Associated Pross to Coos Bay
NEW YORK. April 19. Wnrron
S. Stono. grand chlof of tho BrQthflr
liood of Locomotive Englnoers, has
notified the managers of 50 eastern
railroads to wait horo until 8 o'clock
tonight for n further reply to tho
demands for Increaso pay. Unless . U
Is forthcoming by that hour, a walk
out of the engineers may bo expect
ed any tlmo
nt iWc Per Pound nt STAFFORD'S
Suturday and Sunday,
NEW YORK, April 19. Mra. John
Jncob Astor is being cared for by tho
family physician nt tho Astor home.
A bulletin early today says sho Is not
In a critical or dangerous condition
at this tlmo. Mrs. Astor hold up
bravoly until sho reached homo whon
sho Ib said to havo broken down but
sho quickly ralllod.
BOSTON. April 19. Tho Loyland
llnor. Callforlun. nrrlvel today from
London with no Hiirvlvom or bodlon
abroad. "Wo arrived at the scono
of tho disaster," Captalu Lord VJnst
In tlmo to see tho last boat filled wltfr
tho survivors being haulod aboaraT
tho Carpathla."
FORD'S Saturday wad Sunday.