THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912-EVENING EDITION. .LIGOMA.HAJS For Spring fear J" The Best $3'; Hats Made New, Stylish Shapes TOf COAST LEAGUE WS.3 BALL SCORES COOS BAY TIDES. ttr Hoi w Is glvon tho time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides aro placod In tho order or occurronco, with their timet on the first lino and holghts on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghta will Indicate whether It is high or low wator. Por nigh wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dalo. Anrll. 8.S6 3.43 8.C9 0.1 6.5 2.1 0.40 4.S3 9.3C 0.5 D.2 2.G 10.27 G.28 10.48 0.G 4.8 3.0 11.10 ft 91 11 nr. Feot .C.7 0.4 4.G 3.G Hra. .2.51 Feet .0.8 Hrs. .3.26 Feot .0.9 Hrs. .4.03 Feot .G.9 Hrs. .4.40 - Woolen .Mill Store .Leading Hatters Matihfield Oregon Ways "The Busy Corner -The'Rexall Store t u Keep Your ijBtollAJtftP J or tomorrow NiaiiT for on This Space TUB WEATHER. (Bv Assnclntnd Prunn OREGON Fair tonight with heavy frost In southwest and onst; light frost In northwest Friday; fair and warmor except along coast; westerly winds. LOOAL TEMPERATURE ItE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ondlnir ;? m.. April 18, by BonJ Ostllnd. snocinl cmvnrnfnunt m. A toorologlcal obsorver: Maximum ci Minimum 30 4 At 4:43 a. m 37 a Precipitation GG winu soutn; rainy. No School TninftrmirTnmnrivin being primary election day and a lognl holiday, thcro will bo no session of the Marshflold public schools. Portland Drops Another Game to San Francisco Other Results. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Ba Tiuios.) PORTLAND, Ore., April 18 Portland lost again yesterday to San Francisco here. Tho scores In tho Const Leaguo yesterday wero as fol lows! At Portland R. If. Portlnnd r. 1 .1 san Francisco 8 12 At San Francisco n. TT. Oakland 4 7 Los Angeles 0 0 At Los Angoles R. H. Sacramento 3 7 Vernon 2 7 f i wj PERSONAL NOTES MAY CHANGE COURSE ItiMirnuco Companies Mny Require Vessel to Snll Southerly. (By Associated PrcBs to Coos Bay Tlmo.) "WASHINGTON, n. n. Anrll 17 Tho rovonuo cuttor officials In Washington tyollovo tho Titanic dis aster will rosujt In Insuranco com panies Insisting on steamships taking a more southorn courso across tho ocoan. J. C. KENDALL has roturnod from a business trip to Rosoburg. F. A. HAINES was a Coqulllo busi ness visitor yostordny. MIKE BOONE Is down from Sumner today on business. W. A. REID returned today from a business trip to Portland. MR8. HARRY FOLSOM loft for Co qulllo yesterday to visit rolatlves. L. D. SMITH of Coos Rlvor was a Marshflold business visitor today. 3, H. P1NKERTON of North Inlot was a Marshflold buslnoss visitor today. W. II. MORGAN, of Daniels Creek, Is a Marshflold buslnoss visitor to day. J. H. PINKERTON of North Inlot was a Marshflold business vUltor today. MI8S GERTRUDE MILLER has re turned from n short visit with rel atives at coqulllo. HENRY HEGDAHL roturnod today from Soattlo whoro ho took LIb wlfo and child for burial. J"t"WU! POR T LAN IS sent or West Our Great Special Saturday " Sale Announcement IT WILL 11R WELL WORTH WATCHING AND WAITINQ FOR Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. i ' .' i PHONE MAIN 298 US Mother 111 Mm. M. A. RvMlmnn left this morning at 3 a. in, by way tho Drain stago for Kansas City, Mo and from thoro to Mound City, Kan., being summonod to .tho olck hod of her mother, who baa bcon sick for tho past four wooks. Mrs. Trogo, Mrs. Bwoetman's raothor, will bo ro- mOmbOrCd bv miinv frlnnrlo wMM, buo mado whllo visiting Mr. and Mrs. awvuiinan iwo yoars ngo. Mrs. Trogo Is past 80 years old and has Hvod In Mound City. Kan., over GO years. Poor SDDStlto Is a sura nlen of In.. 'Hirtd dlceitlon. A fw rlnnna -nt Chinborliln's Stomach and Ltvpr iiiteu will Birnnethnn vnup .llirna. M nd Improvo your apuotlto. tiwgiinas navo noon DonoHtod by .UUoj theio Tablots.. For salo by u oMieri. WhyNot? Pure Milk , and Cream im!v?re tho on'y tlTm STERI. -.iu our iuiik products, and furnish: MILK AT 23c PER GALLON. CREAM AT 20o PER PINT. hS."1' C,,ISAM AT 28c PKU HlTTPTJMlF 11- .rr. . ...,. OALLON. UC lft" Delirerles 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phono 73. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Col New BUI Tonight at The Royal ' ROGERS mid KOHULE Presenting THE ARRIVAL OF UNCLE HEl.NIE A comedy sketch full of llfo and humor. Nqw Jokes and songs. THREE GOOD PICTURES 10c l.amo back Is usually caused by rhmimutlsm of tho muscles of tho buck, for which you will find nothing bottur than Chnmborlaln's Llnlmont. For salo by all dealers. We Have Been Successful !? kuj,,n& a largo stock of first '" Electrical material and can wtour patrons a very low price house wiring. Got our price - can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-j WANT ADS. WANTED Sulto of two or threo furnished housekefcplng rooms at once. W. F. Harmon, Chandler Hotel. FOR SALE At Breakwater office,' 1 emory wheel; 1 bbl. blackberry cordial; 12 crates blackboards; 1 show case, IOST Pearl - handled, keopsako knife', on Broadway. Return to Times offlco for icwnrd. REPORT OF LIBRARY Attendance During tho Mouth wan crjr IjAI-ko. Miss Adams, librarian of tho Marshflold Public library, has sub mitted hor monthly report to tho Li brary Committee Tho patronago of tho library Is Increasing rapidly. Tho following Is a summary of tho report, showing tho circulation and attond anco: Adults ,003 vol. Children 48 vol. Toachors io vol. Total i.i fin vni Estlmatod attondanco for month 1400 now registrations 26 No. vol. addod a Total numbor In library now 1,932. TWO RATTLES TODAY TurkN IU'JiuIho Nnvul Attack In nimiiuioiies. (By Assoclatod Proas to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. fi.. Anrll 1S.- An official dispatch to tho Turkish Embassy horo says four largo Itallun warships and torpodo bout destroyois attacked tho Turkish fort at tho on truueo of tho Dardonllles, Thu fort roturnod tho flro and one large bat tloshlp'u injuries caused her to leavo the fighting line. After threo and n half hours fighting, tho Italian ves sels wero repulsed. Another floot of Italian vessels bombarded tho bar racks and tho ammunition depots of Samos Island. ALONG THE WATERFRONT 4 Thrt HedOnito Will tint nrrlvn In lin. til about nildnlaltt tnnleht. nrrnrdlnir io a wiroioss irom capt. Mngoo to Agent McGoorgo this morning. '3ho has beon bucking a strong hoad sea all tho way up tho coast. Sho hah about 47G tons of freight this trip, including somo heavy machlnory, NORTH BEND NKWB. Tho launch CooBton will leavo tho Rita's dock, North Bond, nt 7:30, to take to Marshflold all dosirlng to at tend tho Domorost modal contcat. Mr. nnd Mrs. Atiilrnw Hnltn nrn rojolclng ovor tho arrival of a 9V4- pounu nauy gin, porn Tuesday. Tho Mothers and Toacltors' Club had planned to hold a mooting Fri day, April 19, but have had to post pone tho mooting until Friday, April 26. A false flro alarm was turned In early this morning from ono of tho resorts on tho North Bond water front. Thoro wasn't oyen a blazo started. Ilnviutl I will pay $50 rowan for Information leadlnir In thn rntnrn of Goo. Condlo, ngod 7G, to his home. Anv nartv flndlni? hlir. will klmllv notify mo nt once. Mrs. Geo. Condlo. uanaon, urogon. 44 AMONG THE SICK ..4 F. A. Sncclil Is roportod aulto sick at his homo In South Marshflold. Aloe. Wilson, ivhn miRtnlno.1 n stroko of paralysis tho day boforo yosioraay, is in n ratiior critical con dition. His slstpr, Mrs. Frazor, of Portland, has beon sont for. Frank Sumnor, doputy postmnstor. Is laid up at his homo as a result of Injurlos sustntnod lyoBtorday whllo aiding his wlfo with tho Bprlng houso-cloanlng. Ho was standing on tho roof of tho shod kitchen washing tho exterior of tho windows whon his foot slipped. Ho foil to tho ground mid was badly bruised and shnkon up but no bonos woro broken. Rndorlck O'Connor, tho youngost son of Mrs. J. W. Bonnott, Is now ill of tho menslos nt tho Bonnott homo. This makes four children of tho fam ily nffllclod. Joev Mrlfnnu-n hnvliu- scarlet fovor; Grnclo McKeown nna Hutton O'Connor having tho moasles, tho luttor bolnc confined nt the homo of Mrs. Chrlstlno Kruso In West Mni'shflold. AID FOR FAIR Have your Joo printing none al rhe Times' office. Jnique Pantatorium lODERN nYERS, CLEANERS. "M T.'J"'".1' E, Strauss &,Co. n Salt f ,ng Lot, us mak your gm . : igsiaini. Phnna 2no-X. A. H. HODOINS 'WAira j Marshfield Paint pecorating Co. ! furnlioed MAR8HFIELD, Phone 140L Orioa FOR SAW Proctlcally now ?60 Singer sewing machine; will take $25 If tuken nt once. Phone 287. HOTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE At u reasonublo prlco for cash; good business; pays Its expenses at tho presont time; good prospect for tho season 1912; in good running order; all Improvements; up to uato place; whu noi unu uuu water, lncludod In the building; baths and toilet, etc.. good rea son for salo; good opportunity for the right party. Tro hotel all furnished without any further ex pense required. Price $1500, on easy terms. Inquire or write to E. M. P., proprietor, Box 85, Laim loU, Oregon. FOR RENT First-class dining room, none but responsible parties need apply. Inquire ut Times office. WANTED Capable housekeeper for Ten Mile ranch home; woman of about forty desired. Address II. S. Poppieuaum, i.aKesmo. uitt I Attornoy J. O. Stommlor nnd wlfo returned last Frldny afternoon from n business trip to Mnrshflold. Mi. Stommlor secured subscriptions for $800 worth of stock of tho Coos and Curry county fair association, whllo on thp, Bay. MyrtlQ Point Enter prise. ABSOLUTELY FREE SATURDAY A 10-inch soml-porcolaln SALAD or UTILITY DISH with ouch 91.00 worth of goods you buy at our store, Saturduy only. Como and boq tho thousand nnd one useful articles we linvn iitwl nnHilrifv nva. IRj. Vnnt Nnonay saved. PEOPLE'S fl, 10 mid life STORE. MISS GERTRUDE SCA1FE loft yes terday for n short visit nt tho Rooko ranch on Coon Ulvnr. MATT NEIME, who recently moved io u rancn on mo roau to Tompic tou Is In Marshflold todav. FOR SALE OR TIUDE Good pay ing restaurant. Inqulro 86 Com- morciai nvonuo, Marsiuiold. MISS RICHMOND passod through horo today on routo from Michigan to visit hor brother, Dr. Richmond, nt Coqulllo. MRS. W. HILL nnd family arrivod horo today from Minnesota to Join Mr. Hill who Is employed nt tho Smith mill. FRANK BOUTIN, JR., arrivod horo todny from Bayflold, Wis., to look after his big timber holdings in Coos Countv. W. F. HARMON nn.l wlfn nn.t hnh arrived horo today from Tho Dalles whoro tho latter bayo boon visit ing rolatlves. ABRAHAM VAN ZILE and Cnshtor Grovos of tho First National Bank of North Bond wero business visi tors In tho city yesterday. JUDGE H. L. BENSON arrivod horo today on tho Brcakwntor from Klamath Falls to prcsldo nt tho coming torm of circuit court. F. M. FRIEDBERG nnd wffo nnd son havo roturnod from tholr Bummer homo oh Coos Rlvor. Englnoer Lcofo nnd wife wero tholr gliosis for n few days thcro. E, R. IIOLLINQSWOHTIL of San DIOKO. has nrrlvort nn C.nnn Tlnv i. tako a, position with tho Orocon , Power company as purchasing HBunt nnu, stproKcpper. J. D. McN,EIL has movod from Bunk er HIU to West Mnrshflold. Mr. Stoln, whoso family Just arrivod horo from tho .east,, Is occupying tho McNoll houso nt BunkcrHlll. MR, and MR8. CARLSON of North Bond are todav mnvlntr inin Mm former E. C. Houoor ranch JuBt fiuoyo .mo lorKs or Coos Rlvor which ho tins Just purchased, Thoro aro 320 acres In tho tract. HERBERT LOCKHART, J. Albort Matson and J. II. Flanagan loft for Coos Rlvor todny to try nnd Jnnd n fow of 'thp big trout that arorroported to bo thoro waiting for tho hook. PROF. J. N. BEOas, who was form erly located horo but who hns spent tho .wlntor at Portland, nr . rlyed horo today on tho Brcak wntor and will res u mo his clnBsos In dancing horo, II. A. WELLS roturnod Onst ovcnlng from Coqulllo whoro ho was sum monod ns a wltnoss boforo tho grand Jury In tho Bollon caso which was taken up Immodlatoly nftor till tho witnesses had been uearu in tno iiostcott enso. Wi E. HOMME, of Cooston, wns n Mnrshflold visitor todny. Ho ro- Cnllt'U that nine vnnrk nun Im mnil.i tho trip from Llvorpool to New .York on tho Carpathla, tho ship that rescued tho survivors of tho Titanic, then making hor second trip. IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES at Pioneer Hardware Co. Union Oils JASOLINE DISTiLLATS BENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUUAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. tfanlilleld. Ore. PIIONK S04M Mail Orders Bollcltxl. BIG DANCE in KCKIIOFF HALL, North Bond, SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20; good floor committee. TOELLK'S ORCHESTRA. HOWARD'S gonulne MEXICAN TAMALKS delivorod any place in the city until 12 O'CLOCK at night. They are READY to SERVE. Phono .l:tn. E. 8. GEAR " OFFERS Fine 11-ncro HOME farm, nenr Mllllngton; C acres under cultiva tion; 5 acres pasture; 2 acres strawberries; gasoline launch, row boat, boathouse, team, new harness, wagon, cow, chlckons, pigs; good house, well nnd runulne water. Prlco $0000; terms. You will havo to bo quick. Room 22 First National Bank Bldg. DEMOCRATS ATTENTION! ! Friday, April 19, is tho dato of tho Primary Eloctlon. All rogistored Democrats aro earnestly urgod to voto. Success was novor moro as surod than for 1912. Romombor that, whllo 10 dolegatos to tho National Convontlon aro to bo elected, YOU CAN VOTE FOR ON LY ONE. Tho same ruin nnnllnn tn Mm tirm. (dentin! Electors. No names nnnonr nn Mm linllnf tnr some of the offlces, but you should Write In tho nnmn nrwl niMrnna nt your choice Tho following good men havo con sented to make actlvo campaigns if nominated in this manner: For Representative in Congress, Rob ert G. Smith of Grants Pass, For Sonntor, Eighth Senatorial Dis trict, Hugh McLaln, of Mnrshflold. For Representative, J. O. Stemmlor of Myrtlp Point. For Coroner, Dr. C. O. Tnggart of Marshflold, (Paid Adv.) Democratic County Contral Committee Governor Announces Details of Polioy for Port of Coos Bay. Dr. J. T. McCorniac has Just ro colvod from Gov. Wost tho dotails of tho plan that tho Govornor has do cldod upon for handling tho nppolnt mont of tho commissioners for tho Port of Coos Bay whon tho Port Is reorganized. Tho plan wns first an nounced In Tho Times a fow wooka ago. It will bo takon up nt tho noxt mooting of tho Chamber of Com morco nnd approved ns it has met with tho hearty npprovnl of almost ovory ono. Horo is tho dotalied plan submit ted by Gov. West: 1. At tho snmo tlmo of oloctlon for tho Incorporation of tho Port of Coos Bay, thoro Bhall bn conduotod In onch precinct an election of com missioners of said Port. 2. Any porson qualified to bo ap pointed ob a Commissioner of said Port! may submit to tho Socrotnry of tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco potltlon that his narao bo placod up on a "Commlnnlnnnrn' rtnltnt" tn hn votod at thb snmo tlmo no tho oloc tlon for tho Incorporation of tho Port of Coob Bay; and It it appoars that Bald potltlon Is slgnod by at lout fifty qunllflod electors of said pro posed Fort district, said porson shall bo consldorod an a cndldato for ap pointment ns Commissioner of Port of Coos Bay nnd shall tin nniltimi n havo his namo placod upon said "CnmmlnHlnnw'n TlnllnM1' na Vmraln- Bftor nrovldfld. Enrh nt mM nnll. tlons shall bo fllod with said Secre tary at loast ton (10) days prior to tho day Of said oloctlon. 3. All nnmos of candidates shall bo nrrangod upon said' "Commission or's Ballot" In alphabetical ordor ac cording to tho first lottor of tho last namo of each candldato. Said ballot shall contain tho heading: "COMMISSIONER'S BALLOT" Vot,o for flvo candldatcn for tho of fires of commissioners of tho Port of COOB Bay. To voto for a rnmlMntn mako a cross (X)) In tho squaro in ironi oi mo nnmo or oacn candidate vptoa tor. do not voto for moro than .ftvo candidates." Said ballot shall contain no othdr matter thereon oxcopt tho names of tho candidates and, a box squaro In front of each namo, Such ballot Bhall bo prepared by thp Bocrotary of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco and prlntod copies thoroof, sufficient Jo supply tho vptqra pf each, precinct, shall bo sent or dollvorod by said, Seprotary, to H vdtlng placo In each proclnct, Said ballots shall bo in chnrgo of (ho Judges nnd clerks of oloctlon in oach proclnct, and as each votor appears to voto upon tho ques tion of tho Incorporation of tho Port, ho shall bo glvon ono of said ballots. Aftor marking said ballot tho Judges and clorkB of oloctlon, by ono of tholr .number shall rocolvo said ballot and doposlt thb Barao In a separata ballot box to bo known ns "Commissioners' Ballot Box." No doctor Bhall return nnd voto moro than ono of said bal lots, At tho conclusion of tho oloc tlon said ballots shall bo canvassod by tho said Judgos and dorks nnd re turn mado of tho result thoroof. Bald returns shnll lin nlirnml liv nt loast threo Judges and clerks of oach precinct ami, togotnor w'h snld bal lots, dollvorod In porson or by mall to tho said Socrotary of Marshflold Chambor of Commerce. 4, Tho said Socrotary of Marsh flold Chambor of Comnmrrn nhll canvass said returns from nach nr. etnet. nnd sond to tho Govornor of thn Stnto of Orogon, nn abstract of such canvass showing tho voto In oach precinct for each candldato, tho total voto for oach candldato, nnd to such abstract shall attach tho original cor tlflcatos as roturnod by tho Judges and clorks of oaoh precinct. G, Tho ilvo candidates rocolving tho highest numbor of votoa at such oloctlon, and who may bo qunllflod In all roBpocts, will bo nppolntod by tho Govornor of tho Stnto of Oregon as Commlsslonora of the Port of Coos Bay, in case snld Port Is Incorporated. Tho aboyo regulations approved this 15th day of April, 1912. (Signed) OSWALD WEST. YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE. Pain along tho back, dlzzlnoss, head' nchn nnd ennnral Innpiinr- net n packago of Mother Gray's AROMAT-IO-LEAFt tho nloasant root and, horo euro for all Kidney, Bladder and Ur Inay troubles. When you fool all run down, tired, weak and without onorgy uso this, remarkable combin ation of nature's liorbs and roots. As a regulator It has no equal. Mo. ther Gray's AROMATICLEAF Is sold by Druggists or sont by mall for GO cts. Sample sent FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co.. Le Roy. N. Y. FJR SAW3 Ono new 20-foot gaso line launch. Sea Max Timmer man, 862 North Front stret, -AS STEEL-' -AHD SKILL CANMAKbw myTHEMVJF Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery Thono 180-R Agents 007 Front st. (Day ton Bicycles for rent) SOUPS FfiA'KED PEAS A small handful of Flaked Peas added to any soup, fifteen minutes boforo It Is ready to serve, win greatly improvo its navor ana wholesomeness. PUREE OF FLAKED PEAS 3 cups of beet stock cup cold wntor 1 Mi tablespoonfuls cutsup Tiny ploco of garlic 1 cup Sperry Flaked Pens .... M medium onion V4 tablespoon Worcestershire Banco Salt to taste. Boll onion In stock until tender, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar lic, dash of white peppor and salt; then add the finked peas. Cook slowly 20 minutes, strain and serve with croutons. Stick onion with wholo cloves.