SOME COOS BAY MEN HAVE BUT ONE GOLDEN f DCT--THAT IS "GET THE COIN" "TTJutISING In Tho TIMES WS rut Your Ileal KsUto "In Cons WANT ADVERTISING la Tlio TIMES Will Keep the Income from tour Furnished Rooms from Lnptlagt YOU can really help tho family idvenuPB by ronting a few furnished rooms and. If you know how and when to use the classified columns, you mny keep that Httlo oxtra Income as "steady as a clock." to the Market" Effectively! -ill put the factt about your own " ' MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS t(nqwMMBwmi Sag a I vvW lihtniiiisiiiHi in jtfvn VOL. AAA n TM. t((1,i Mall mmvmmmMmmmMmm wwi w mtfumti MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1912 EVENING EDITION ( oiisolldiillon of TIiiii'h, Coast .Mall Mn OOE anil Coos May drrtUcr. yu "U ffi ONLY 70S SURVIVORS ARE ON BOARD OARPATHIA ' ' '"' wwsiiiiiiMSMMMMM.M ..Wlll,m..wl na i mi hi mum iMinwummi wwwiwini i a himmibui mu .ismib im ii i in i rrn I REPORT PER 2,01 UT BE LOST NO ADlIitTONAL NEWS DIRECT am cu h v m i kaESfSSS" WIIUIUOO iu Today. LvmiFAfJ PASSENGERS linn' '""'.mi noiwc rc nocw fcAbLUOivt ui uiiuh hays Rescue Ship With Titanic Survivors Will nuaun new York Tomorrow. I(B; AHodatod Press to Tho Coos not YORK. April 17. Wlnflold nMM. of Doston, a passongor on Ui steamer Franconla, In a wlrolosa to tbi Canard company, says: "Steamer Franconla ootabllBhod tiBBdnlcatlon with tho Carpathla. at HO a. m., Now York tlmo. Lnttor f'utten 198 miles oaBt of Ambroso tlsanel and in no noou 01 iibhibiuuuu. Eli tipects to reach Now York nt 3 1,'elock Thursday ovonlng. 8ho baa . ..i.i - tnr. anrvlvnm aboard. Tho frtjconli Is relaying poraonal mos- ura from tue utrpninia wj oumu tow tv. mim)Ar 70R mirvlvorn mnv .... n.ttAncors im dlstlnculshod Ifion the crow. A provlous (llspatch kuitbe number or aurvivors as oia, tilth was bolloved to bo tho pusson btnind crow on tho Carpathla. to iti:rovi:it bodies title Ship Sent to Srcno of Titanic I DNnHtiT. (By Associated Prosa to Coos Day Times.) HALIFAX. N. 8.. April 17. Tho ib! iblp Markay Boiinott hns bud Urltrcd by tho White Star Lino to :i to the scene or tho Titanic dlBnstor alls being loaded today preparatory oijjurturo. In llio hope that some (tie bodies will bo picked up, cof- i vero Included In tho cargo nnd Meal undertakers nnd oinbnlmors 111 jd tlpng, Tho cablo nhlp Mlnln, leb as near tho disaster, has nr- pedbtro lth no survivors, LVGMSII Ii.W DEFECTIVE Xot SK'clfy Number of Llfo IloaU Needed by Llnem. IE; Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) j LONDON, April 17. Tho nppnr pWsctthat tho Tltaulc'a boats woro m sufficient to accommndnto tho -tyi personnol. Is causlnir nine Fsoent hero. although tho nanora It tlsry about discussing tho aub- 1i ue mw does not provltlo tho inter of boata tho lnrgeat ships f tarry, ji applies ouly to ships pacing- up to 10.000 tons, ns Jt u passed boforo tho prosont great ""i were designed. IIS WILL CHANGE SEATS fa Benson of Klamath Falls and Judge Coke Are to Exchange. idtO Henrv t. Tlnntm.. nt lflnm. ir,1'.HI prosldo at tho April a ol circuit court at Coqulllo In ol Judge j. 8. Coko and will Z.P. ,lbe Foot nnl Dostcott '"r trials. J T.,anD,uncoment was made to J following tho receipt by Judge ,, ' a request from Judgo Donson w7;' "Mango 'or thla torm as a hi(.. i. .. .;..--. '1m n v "u W"8 uisquauuea. " toxe ncr.vwl tn ...i '.,.iih " w ,0avo Friday 'Wamath Falls, c: V iarr,s arrived Here from Vhrt?!.1? wr wme Plat B jllfio V juibo uoko was (IU iK1"? to Mr. Coko having JJNh thorn as nn attor- s ; '" eievanon to ino Slam UK0 arrangeu aoino e fnVm? r JlldKo Harris to como rf '.' ln'S PUmoSfl Tim! h lioon 4 hl0n,6r of Judeo Benson's i le .,1,d.1havo hal Ju'lgo Bon- J? H.,,1 .VJU caB03 al saved " narrls te trin in ho , frn and JudKe Harris loft I e TV?. nn aut0 for CP l Mcknight accompanied I'M'eiDepfnl .1... .. . . iw.,1..- iiiui inn ernnii uirv Waal !l''"0rt Thursday on tho e , . " ' ' Somo of tho wlt- Hi.,.. ' I'poared boforo the. rsion ,; ,; "at t,loro 3 a" r'tii, H" mat uouiie m. "" 1 ' even ho ln,llnto,i on ry mm.i r charge. 0VAI,. ii..:'"uiN An..,- . - Vux deiivi"! .."'"iV? io aiiHVK. I'pono reporisIll mm 5Mtu Wireless Says That Female Passengers of Titanic Were Rescued. (Dy Associated PrcBs to Coos Day Time.) NEW YORK, April 17. "All tho womon Bavod on tho Carpathln." This wlroless messago was rccolvcd today frpm Mrs. Cnrollno Donncll, ono of tho Tltanlo's rescued paseon gors, now bound for Now York on tho Carpathla. Tho messago camo to II. W. Donncll of Youngstown, her brother, who 1b Btopplng at tho Wal dorf'Astorla, from Mrs. Donnell's undo on the Olympic. ffi F IIT1ICS CREW About 140 Reported Alive and 400 of Steerage Few Developments. (Dy Associated Pross to tno Coos Bay Times.) NI3W YOIIK) April 17. It Is es timated thnt approximately 140 mombors of tho Tltanlc'a crow wcro saved, tliclr prcseiico to man tho llfo boats bolng required to insure tho snfoty of passongorfl. An ostlmnto of 400 Htcorngo pnssongora saved coin plotcs tho total of 8C8 which the Carpathla has mado known thnt she linn on hoard. Ah tho list Indicated, a great majority of thoso saved nro womon, names of only 79 men rescued bolng given In tho lists tclo grnphod from tho Carpathla, where as tho names of 240 women npponr In tho tabulations. Of tho 400 stcor ago pasBengcra thought saved, It bollovod that nearly nil nro women. Tho men among tho passengers for tho most part seamed to hnvo ro in nlned to dlo so thnt tho women and children could bo saved. No now mmos hnvo been nddod to tho list nt saved Blnco yesterday when wire less communication with tho Cn. . uathla ceased bocauso tho Cuuardor (teamed out of nor zono of land com .nunlcntlnn. Tho i.anios of John Jacob Astor, 'sndor t'trnus, Ooorgo U. Wldenor, Major Archibald Butt, Francis D. Mlllot, tno AmeHfn artist, William T. Stoad, tho London Journalist, Bon irmln OucgonhPlm nnd Colonol nnd y. , .' . l.igttn Rocbllng nro among ho promlnont ones whoso names aro iilsslng from tho Hats of thoso saved. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES POHTLAND, Ore., April 17. The first game of tho soason on the Port land grounds resulted yesterday In tho defeat of Manager McCredle s as pirants by San Francisco by a scoro of 2 to 1. Tho results yesterday: At Los Angeles R. H. Sacramento ... , j Vernon , 8 At Portland H: Portland I ?. San Franclbco - At San Francisco It- Jo- Los AngeleB" J - Oukland . . 10 A MARVKLOl'S IIRCOKI) In 1901), also In 1910 and again in 1911 Oregon Llfo sold more pol icies In Oregon than any othor com pany. March. 1912. was t! e blg gost month that this company has over had. and in the flftt quarter of 1912 more policies woro Issmd over bpfore In any three months slnco organization Death losses paid re main Just wheie they were at th close of business, December 81. 191 1, namely n total qt only $88,000 sine, organisation of Oregon Life. r John F Hoc e. the well known ex pert on life insurance, sajs Ore gon Llfo Iusuranco Company s an Instlutlon of which the people oT tho state, tho directors and lta pollcj holders may well bo proua. Indirect Message From Titanic Disaster Intimates That Number of Victims Is Greater. (By Associated Press to Coog Bay Times.) NEW YORK, April 17. Tho Cnmpordown wlroIcs3 Btntlon nt Hall fux today sunt tho Associated Pross tho following dispatch: "Wo nro now In communication with tho Ca'rpathla and nro In a position to nnnounco un officially that tho Titanic struck an cnormouB berg and Bank. Qvor 2000 were lost nnd 700 Htirvlvore, moBtly womon, nro on tho Carpathla." Tho attention of Cnmpordown was at onco called to tho obvious error In tho flguro8 which glvo tho total lost ana survived at 2700. whoroaa tho to tal number of tho passengers and crow waB about 2200. In a reply to this Inquiry, tho following further explanation was rccolvcd from Hali fax: "Tho Marconi station reports that nothing authentic regarding tho lost Is known on board tho Carpathla, but tho steamer Frnnconlan, In relaying tho messages from tho Carpathla, Bays tho total number savod la only 710." "Thcro Is no list of tho missing on tho Cunnrder and only n rough ostl mnto of her total passenger list. Thcro probably woro moro than 2200 on the ship as qulto a numbor board ed her at Cherbourg." Tho estimates of 2200 on tho Ti tanic havo embraced Uiobo sailing from all ports, Including Chorbourg, as far as tho company's officials havo uoon aolo to learn IS TO QUIT MB Conductors and Engineers on Mexican National Railway Strike Today. (By ABSoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Times.) EL PASO, Tex., April 17. Every American conductor and engineer on the Mexican National linos will walk out this afternoon. Tho Americans claim that thoy hayo boon discrimi nated against In favor of tho Mexi cans SIOP GAMING M U IS House Committee Reports Fa vorably Bill to Stop Trad ing in Futures. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmoa.) WASHINGTON, D. 0., April 17. Desplto tho opposition of tho vari ous Boards of Trado, tho Houso com mlttco on agriculture votod today to mnko favorable roporta on a bill do slcned to end gambling In futuroa on cotton and grain. ATTACK ON .MANX Illinois Ropn'sciitmlvc Scores Mi nority lA'nui'r in noiiHo. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) wAsiiiNnTON. n. c. Anrll 17. To make tho direct chargo that Mr. xinnn minnrliv loador. "KnowinKly" had uttered a dollborato falsohood, In effort to discredit him, uoprcsomu tivo Graham of Illinois, chairman of tho Houso Interior Department ex penditures commlttoo, delivered a hitter nssault ou his colloaguo. Tho nttack grow out of Mann's allegations n few days ago that Chairman Gra ham had bofrlended and udvlsod Mrs. Helen Pierce, nllogeu hy Him to uo u woman lobbyist active In Indian leg islation Y DIE IN ALABAMA FEUD Two Dead and Two Others Probably Fatally Wounded In Gun Fight. (By Associated Prosa to Coos Bay Times.) ELM A, Ala.. April 17. J. T. Brad ford nnd W. H. Brndford, promlnont residents of Dallas County, nro dend, Gcorgo Haines Is dying nnd hla nephew, named Hammond, la porhnps fatally Injured, ns tho result of a foud fight nt Roacho'a Landing ou tho Alnbnmii River, nenr horo. MINERS VOTE ON WACE PACT Seventy-Five Per Cent of Soft Coal Miners Are 'Against 1 the Strike. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 17.- -Sovonty-flvo por cont of tho soft coal miners votod In favor of tho proposed now wngo ngrcoment, It wns stated today, at tho offices of tho United Mlno Workers of America. STORMS IN LOUISIANA .Several Koitortrd Killed By ElemoiitH Thcro Luht Night. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) NEW ORLEANS, April 17. Sev eral woro killed and largo proporty damngo done in sovornl South Louis iana towns last night by oloctric, rain nnd wind storms. Alec Wilson Stricken Alec Wil son, a well known Marshflold engi neer, suffered a paralytic stroko yes terday nfternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Vlrglnln Ward in Eastsldo. Ills right side Is paralyzed and his con dition Is rnther critical. Tho attnek was very sudden ns ho was Just ar ranging to go to work In a logging camp and had gono to tho Ward homo to get ono of tho Ward boys to work for him. TRIRD CLASS NAMES CUMING First and Second Class Pas senger Survivors Already Sent From Carpathla. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Tlmoa) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 17. Tho following telegram was rccolvod today at tho Navy Dopartmont froui Commander Dockor of tho scout crulsor Chester, via. Portland, Mo.: "Carpathla states that tho list of first nnd Bccond class passongoro nnd crow has been sent to shore. Chostor will relay list of third class passen gers when convonlont to Carpathla." Thla messago Is taken to moan tho list transmitted by wireless from tho Carpathla to tho station nt Capo Race, N. P., through tho Olympic, contained tho names of nil tho first nnd second clnss pnsscngors rescued. m BOARD VESSEL Carpathia Will Not Permit Newspaper Men to See Sur vivors Until They Land. (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay Timos.) WASHINGTON, D. C. April 17. No rovonuo cutters will bo ordorod to meet tho Carpathla. Two scout cruisers will moot tho roscuo ship. Socrotary of tho Treasury MaoVcagh stated tho Treasury Dopartmont had boon Informed by tho officials of tho Canard company, which owns tho Carpathla, that no nowspnpor men will bo pormltted to bonrd tho Ca, pathln. President Taft nnd Mnc Voagh both bollovo, It Is said, tho rescued, hysterical as most of thorn undoubtedly, should bo un dlBturbod nt lenst until thoy reached land. All tho rescued will bo allowed to land In Now York without tho customs formalities. MILLIS' DFFER IS D SCUSSED DANGER AHEAD. UU Louis Globe-Democrat, March 'i&, 1012. Public Hearing on Question of Bridging Bay Likely to ' Be Held. At tho meeting of tho, oxocutlvo committee of tho Marshflold Cham ber of Commerce yesterday, tho ro port of tho special railroad commit tee oh tho proposition of O. J. Mlllla for tho Southern Pacific was adopt ed. After a general discussion of tho report, which wns printed In full in The Times yesioruay, it wua uo clded to rofor tho proposition of bridging tho Bay and nlso of tho pos sibility of offoctlng nn agroomont bo twoen tho Southorn Paclflo and Ter minal Railway back to tho railroad committee for furthor Investigation. Win. Grimes presided as chairman of tho meeting and there was a good attendance. VarlouB oneq discussed tho dlfforent phases of tho situation. Most of tho speakers, it is said, ox irncuoii tlimnnnlv(H tiR favorlnc tho suggestion that tho regulation of rates bo left whoro It Is fixed by law now, In tho hands of tho Stato Rail way Commission and Interstate Com merce Commission, lnstoad of trying to lmvo tho city council rogulato thorn. As to bridging tho Bay. many ex pressed tho sentiment that O, A. Smith should bo glvon n hearing on tho matter and also that tho railroad committeo should hold a public hear ing at which tlioso opposed and thoso favoring the Southorn Pacific's attltudo should bo allowod to present i heir nrguinonts ami a stonogrnphlc report of some should bo taken and this forwarded to the Wur Depart ment. Jtiiiviml I will pay ?50 roward for Information lending to tho roturu of Goo. Coudlo, nged 75, to his homo. Any party finding him will kindly notify mo at once, Mrs. Geo, Condlo, Bandon, Oregon. Vessel With Survivors of Ti tanic Within 600 Miles of New York. DUE TO REACH PORT TOMORROW AFTERNOON Brief Wireless Message From Her Fails to Give Addi tional Names. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa Bay Times) NEW YORK, April 17. Tho Cuu ardor Carpathla, bearing 80S Biirvlr ora of tho 'aunkon Whlto Star liner Tltnnlo was less than COO miles from Now York nt noon today and word ! engorly awaited that would shod light on tho catastropho Sunday night which cost 1312 llvoo. Sable Island wns In orlof communication with tho roscuo ship for n tlmo thla morning but no additional names of survivors woro obtnlnod. The Car pathla will reach Now York late Thursday. I'ltOBK IS PLANNED Scnnto Resolution Provides for In- vcNtlgiitlon of Tltnnlo Wreck. (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C. April JL7. A resolution will bo offered in the Sonnto probably today by tho Com morro Court sub-commlttoo to make n thorough probo of tho Tltnnlo tragedy and ompowor tho committee to Biimmon wltnoBson nnd tnko any nccossnry Btops. Tho Sonnto rosolutlon for n com prehensive Investigation of tho Tl tnnlo disaster was ordered favorably roportod by tho Sonnto committeo on commorco this nfternoon nnd lmmo dlntoly was brought up In tho Sonnto, Tho resolution wns adopted without discussion. VIEWS ON I'ORTO RICO Oa President Taft Gives Attltudo Cltlroiihliiii for Inlanders. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 17. President Taft gave his views on tho granting of American cltlzonshlp to Porto Rlcnns, In a letter to Santiago Inglcslns, president of tho Froo Fed eration of Worklngmeu of Porto Rico, In which ho said, "As fast as tho Instinct nnd habit of solf govern ment Is ncq'ilrod by tho pooplo at lnrgo and no fnstor, tho fullost pos slblo measure of local and fiscal solf government should bo grunted." BY BIO VOTE North Bend Franchise Amend ments Carry About Ten to One Yesterday. By nn overwhelming voto of about ten to ono, tho charter aroondmouta In North Bond woro ndoptod at the spoclal olectlou there yostorday. Tho amondmonts for tho most part ro torred to franchises and tho granting of thorn by tho council, Tho gist of tho amendments and tho voto on thorn woro ns follows; Decreasing tlmo of considering franchlso ordinances from CO to 30 days, requiring only two Instead of threo reads. Yes 2G2 and no 20. Repealing compulsory common usor provision In franchises. Yob 240 and no 2G. Ropoallng provision for ascertain ing gross earnings of corporations. Yes 238 nnd no 28, Increasing llfo of franchises from 25 to 35 years, eliminating ono por cont gross earning tax, ollmlnatlng option of city to buy nt oxplratlon of frnnchlso nnd reducing aroa to bo paved by company from olghtcon inches to twolvo Inches outsldo tho rails. Yes 247 and no 24. Increasing warrant Indebtedness llli . ft r At ... t .. a I mini uuiii f.i,uuu iu live iur cmn of nssossod valuation. Yea 210 and 'no 23. To Act on I'Ynuclilse. I It Is oxpected that Just ns soon as jtho results of tho olectlou aro offl- i dally canvassed, application will bo , mado by tho Southorn Paclflo for a , franchlso covering tho waterfront I streets In North Bond. ; Whothor tho Terminal Railway will also mako application for tho , franchisor on thoso streets Is not known, but It Is expected that thoy will unless some agreement Is moan- whllo offectod botweon thorn and tho Southern Pacific Petitions for bridging the Bay aro bolng circulated In North Bond and it Is stated that everybody is signing In favor of lenving tho matter entirely to the Southorn Paclflo and tho War i Dopartmont A number of rotltlont. aro bolng circulated, R J Coko, N C, McLeoil and Potor Loggia being (some of tho circulators. 1- I