. ?TV...,-,Z ;sn js; 'r'yyiig.MaewtflsfeBttigES THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1912-EVENING EDITION WA II 10 IE PART Council Calls Meeting to Con sider Questions for Special . Election. At n mooting of tlio Mnrshfleld city council last ovonlng, Chnlrninn Ferr guson of tho spoclnl committeo of tho council to draft the quostlon to bo Bubmittotl at tho spcctnt oloetlon In Juno, announced that a public moot ing would bo hold at tho council chamber Tuesday ovonlng, April 23, for tho purposo of receiving sugges tions from tho people. Any question relative to tho waterworks or other public mnttora, It Is understood, can bo BUbmlttod nt tho election and If not binding will bo ndvidory to the council. It was first proposed to hod tho meotlng noxt Friday evening, but owing to Friday bolng tho day of the prlmnry olcctlon, It vns deeldrd to postpono It. Tho apodal election lo to bo hold omiy In Juno. For Firo Department. After a lengthy discussion of tho flro protection of tho city, It wob de cided that Mayor Straw and Flro Chlof Keating should appoint a com mittco of flvo to Investigate tho ad visability of purcliaslnn n combined ruto truck and chomlcal nn'no for tho city. Tho mattor wns brought boforo tho council by a commtttub from tho flro dopartmont conflating of Carl Albrecht, Cnlof Keating and Secretary L. W. Travor. Mr. Al brecht said that tho dopartmont had boon considering tho mattor for bov oral months nnd had como to tho con clusion that tho auto chomlcal truck which would also haul tho flro on glno would ho best for tho dopart mont and tho city. Ho Bald that a truck carrying about 2000 foot of hoso could bo bought for $0000 to $8000. It would havo a speed of about 35 miles por hour. Flro Chief Keating also talkod strongly In favor of tho auto chom lcal truck. Ho snld that tho dopart mont did not want tho throo addi tional chemlcnl onglnca that had bcon Buggostod. Ho said that tho tlirco chomlcnls would cost about $2400. Ho said thoy had ono chomlcal engine on hand now that they would ho will ing to turn over to Councilman Fer guson nnd his constituents It they wnntod It. Ho nnld thnt It would bo bottor for tho owners of homes who favored tho chomlcnls to buy a small extinguisher nnd havo It ready. Cnuncllmnn Alton suggested thnt owing to tho oxponso of tho audi truck that It might bo woll to buy n team nnd thnt tho tnnin could bo usod for cleaning tho streets. Mr. Kontlng sold this wouldn't do nt nil. In tho first plnce, tho samo team could not bo usod by tho flro dopartmont nnd for stroot cleaning purposes because when thoy would bo wanted for n flro, they would bo In a distant pnrt ot town, probably. In tho noxt plnce, ho said tho cost of maintaining nn auto truck was prac tically nothing, whoroas a team would cost about $1350 poryoar, bo sldos tho original cost of It, nnd tho cost of rearranging tho city hall to nccommodnto It, about $1400, ho flgurod. Finally, It was doclded that tho mayor and flro chlof should nnmo a committeo or cltlzons outsldo tho do pnrtmont und council to consider tho mnttor. Will Pay Secretary. Carl Albrocht prosonted another request from tho flro department. It wns that tho city pay tho secretary of tho dopartmont and also pay tho back salary for a year. Tho secre tary gots $C per month. Mayor Straw said that ho thought that it should bo understood that tho council would pny nny hill Incurred by tho flro dopnrtment If It was O. K.'d by tho officials of tho dopartmont. Ho said thnt no ono thought that tho firo boys wore trying to boat, tho city nnd t' nt ho did not think It right for thorn to hnvo to benr any oxpenso connoctod with It. Tho dopnrtment. howovor. wished an official record made of tho ngreomont and a reso lution wns adopted stating that tho council would pay all legltlmato bills of tho dopartmont. Other ItuslnosH. Itobort Krugor apponrod before tho council and protested bocauso tho drodglngs wero flowing In on his lots nt tho corner of Fourth and Conjmorclnl. Engineer Oldley snld that Mr. Krugor had decided to build Ills own bulkhond and bo responsible for U and consequently tho city workiuon had not touched It. Mr. Krugor claimed thnt tho city om ployos wero responsible, for tho water backing up Into his lots. Ho snui thnt ho hnd engaged a lawyor to rep resont htm nt last night's council meeting hut ho guossod "his lawyer must bo drunk," bocniiso ho didn't show up. No nctlon was taken b tho council, tho matter bolng left u tho i amis or Engineer Oldley. The council mot ns a board of equalization on the- paving of An derson nvouuo from llrondway to inlrd street. Tho assessment was fixed nt $i.GI por front foot, o.. elusive of tho Intersections, tho totnl cost of whloh will be about $130 rhe uiuurKencv roaniniinn fr.- , paving could not bo passed last night, only four coiincllimm being prosont, Messrs. Powers nnd Copplo being nb-t-cnt. Tim total of the hill against tho city for the month of Mnroh, nllowod nt the previous meeting, wns $20S0. This Included salaries. Mayor Straw drew $1 1 for the first throe months. Powers $lfi nnd each or tno uthor counollmen $20. Tho contractor of tro Donnolly nvouuo Improvement was ordered paid $5 IN that had been paid In to IIIHI lUIKI Tho street committeo wns Instruct ed to investigate tho complaint of D AIR CAN IS FIRST ACROSS LIST OF THOSE E Miss Harriet Quimby Flies Across English Channel Alone Today. (Dy Associated Press to tno Coos Day Times.) BOULOGNE SUR MBit, France, April IB. Miss Harriot Quimby, tho Amerlcnn nlr woman, crossed tho English chnnnol from Dovor todny. Slio wns tho first woman to fly across tho chnnncl nlone. Slio undo tho trip In two hours. NORTH BEND NEWS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hood and son, Leonard, visited relatives horo Sun day. Tho Esthor Buhno camo In from Coqulllo with Bpruco for tho box fac tory today. Tho Mlzpnh Blblo class will hold a business meotlng and social Friday ovonlng at tho Presbyterian church. The Ladles Aid of tho United Drothron church nro planning to hold a salo at tho Ladlca' Exchnngo Satur day afternoon. Dr. Bird B. Clarko Btiporlntond ent of tho medal contest of tho W. O. T. U., will tnko her class over to Cooston, Tuesday night, tho 23rd of this month, to deliver their orations. Tho Mothers' and Teachers' Club will hoi a mdcotlng nt tho Contrnl school building Thursdny aftornoon at 3 o'clock. Thoro will bo an elec tion of offlcors and all are roquostod to bo present. A OAItl) OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sonttlo, Wash., April C, 1912. To whom It may concern of tho citizens of Mnrshflold, Ore., and es pecially tho "Going & Hnrvoy" fnm lllos, who through tholr assistance, nld nnd sympathy, contributed no ef ficiently to tho comfort of our dnugh tor nnd dnughtor-ln-law, Mrs. Honry Hoghndl, during her brief, but fatal, Illness in your city, nnd for tholr vorltnblo holpfulncss, lovo nnd conso lations' ns ovldenccd In bchnlf of hor husbnnd, our son nnd son-ln-law, Henry, wo most heartily thank yon ono nnd nil. Wo realize thnt you did all that wob posslblo for human hoarto and hands to do, and ns you did It for thorn, our children, you hnvo ilono It for us nlso, and our wish nnd prn er is thnt tho "Master," whoso spirit you exemplified, may reward and bless ovoryono of you nhiiudnntly. Youre very truly, O. OFFEItDAHL, MRS. O. OFFERDAHL, THOS. HEODAHL. MRS. THOS. HEODAHL. PIUMAIIV ELECTION TO HE HELD FRIDAY Tho nrlmnrv nlnctlnn In nro. gon will bo hold Friday. Jiiugo nnd clorkn of election nro kindly requested to forward to The Tlnios tlm romilla In their precincts Frldny night or onrly Snturdav. Vaughan and othors that somo ono had fenced In pnrt of Cedar avenue botweon llrondway and Second Btroot for n poultry yard nnd thereby shut off a plnyground that tho children hnd previously enjoyed. The council adjourned to meot tho llrst Monday In May. Trlbbey to Resign. Ooo. W. Trlbbey last evening pro sonted his vorbnl resignation a.s oiec trlcal Inspector to become offectlvo tho first of next month. Ho snld ho hod gotten tired of tho Job. Ho snld that In three years ho had Issued 287 pormlts and thnt tho Job only pnld on nn nverngo of 25 cents per day. Ho said thnt as n result of having tho buildings rowlred, ho hnd secured a mntorlal reduction In tho insurance rnto on Front street. Ho wns told to put his resignation In writing so thnt tho council coula properly tnko It up. NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS OF COOS. CURRY nnd DOUOLAS COUNTIES Tho pocullnr provisions of tho law governing tho soloctlon of delegates to tho Nntlonnl Convention allows you to vote for but ono, although ten aro to bo oloctod. Multnomah Coun ty has eight cnndldntes for this offlco and unlosa onch district votes solidly for Its local candldato, Multnomah County will absolutely control the delegation. You nro thoroforo urgod to voto for tho dolegnto from this dls. trlct- John D. (loss of Mnrshflold. (Pnld Ad.) Coos County Central Committeo E. S. OEAR OFFERS Fine ll-nore HOME farm, near .MllllllKtoil! G nerea mulm. khWI.m. tlon: 5 acres iinRturn? oii nn strawhorrlos; gasoline launch, row boat, boathouso, team, now harness, wagon, cow, chlckons, pigs; good mini', wt'ii nnu running water. Prlco $fi00n; terms. You will lmvo ia im quick. Room 22 Firs' National Dank Dldg. There novor was a tlmo when peo ple appreciated tho real merits of Chnmborlnln s Cough Homedy more than now. This Js shown by tho In croHso In salim nud voluntary testi monials from persons who have ueon cured by tt. If you or your children aro troubled with a cough or cold givo It n trial and become acquainted with Its good qualities. For salo by nil dealers. (Continued from pago l.) Googht, n Jnpnncso. Holverson, Mrs. A. O. Homor, Henry It. Mnmy, Miss Huberts. Mlllcard, Madamo. Lavory, Miss Bertha. Lcsncur, Gustnvo J. Pnnhart, MIbs Nnnotta. Renngo, Mrs. Mamman J. Rcnnjt, Miss Apple. Scoropccn, Miss Augusta. Stcffnnson, II. B. Scgesscr, Miss Emma. Smith, Mrs. P. H. Slayton, Miss Hilda. Spadoll, Robert Douglas. Smith, Mrs. Luclon P. Ward, Miss Emmn. Por, Miss Ella. Tucker, Mrs. and maid. Andrews, Miss K. T. (probably Miss Cornelia J.). Chieblnnnco, Mrs. B. (or Mrs, N. B. Chlbnall). Douglas, Robort D. Mr. or Mrs. W. O. DouglaBs, or Mrs. F. C. Douglass. Ellis, Miss (Miss Eustls). Konohla, Miss Emtio ( possibly Mrs. F. M. Denyon). Klmberly. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. (pob- slbly Mr. nnd Mrs. E. N. Kimball). Kennlmnn, F. A. (probably Mr. or Mrs. F. R. Konyon). , Llndstrom, Surgrld (probably Mrs, J. Lyndstrom). Dodgo, Miss Sarah Dnnlols, Mrs. II. Hnren. Fantlnl, Mrs. Mark. Hayes, Mlsa Margaret. Newoll, Mrs. Washington. Roslbeo, Miss II. Stophcnson, Mrs. Wnltor. Cabin PnsNcngcra Saved. Tho names of tho rescued cabin passengers so far as thoy chock up with tho Tltanlo's published list of passengers nro: Anglo, Win. Abolson, Hnnnn. Ball, Ada R. Blss, Miss Kate. Bonthnm, Miss Lillian, toon, Edwnrd. Bonn, Miss Ethol. Brown, Edith. Brown, T. S. W. Bryhl, Miss Dngmar. Bystrom, Miss Knrollna. Collycr, Mrs. Charlotte. Caprlcs, William E. Carmacclon, Ronardo M. Collycr, Marjory. Christy, Miss AllccChrlsty, MIbs Julia Clark, Mrs. Ada. Cnmoron, MIbs Collett, Mrs. Stunrt. Caldwell, Albort F. Caldwell, Aldon O. Cnrtor, Mrs. W. 13. Ofltbey, Mrs. Drlscoll, Miss B. Drew, Mrs. Lulu. Duran, Florentine Duran, AscunpclonDnvls, Miss Agnes. Davis, Miss Mary. Doling, Mrs. Ada. Doling, Miss E'slaFaunthropo, E. Formerly. MIsb Ellin. Gnrsldo, Miss Ethel. (iorron, Mrs. Margy. Iicaloy, Miss Nornh. Hanson, Mrs. Jonnlo. Ilosnsons, Mnssofnmo. Hawlett, Miss Mary D. Harris, Gcorgo. Herninn, Miss Knto. Herman, Mrs. Jnno. Herman, MIbs Alice. Hold, Miss Annie. Hart, Mrs. Esthor. Harper, Miss Nina. Hnmnlnlnor, Mrs. Annlo, nnd son. Horklng, Mrs. Ellznboth. Hocking, Miss Nelllo. Jncobson, Mrs. Mary. Kolloy, Miss Fannlo. Kenne, Miss Nora. Larecho, Miss Louise. Loltch, Miss Jesslo W. Lehman, Miss Dortha. Lamoro, Mrs. Louch, Mrs. Allco. McGownn, MIbs Annlo. McDormott, Miss Lctltln. Mare, Mrs. Florence. Molllnger. Mrs. Ellznbeth, nnd child. Mnllot, Mrs. A. Mallet, Mastor Andrco. Mllo (probably Frank D. Mlllot). Nye. Mrs. Ellznboth. Phillips, Miss Allco. Pensky. Miss Rossi. Pallas, Emlllo. Pndro, Julian. Parish, Mrs. L. Portnluppl, Mrs. Emlllo. Quick, Mrs. Jnno O. Quick. Miss Phylly O. Quick, Miss Jonnlo O. Robouf, Mrs. Lllllo. Ruggs. Miss Emily. Richard, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emllo and son. uiuitii.-K, iiis .tiauue. Smith, Mrs. Mnrlon. Trout, Miss Ednn. Trout, Mrs. Jesslo. Welsz, Mrs. Mntllda. Webber, Miss Susan. Wright, Miss Mnrlon. Watt, MIbs Desslo.Wntt. Miss Bertha "cf. Mrs. and two children. We s. Mrs. Adlo. Wells, Miss J. Wolls, Ralph. Williams. Chas. Rogarson. J. N. Mrs, Arthur. Mrs. Emily D. Miss Susnn P. Master Allison and maid, of Phlla delphlo. Practlcnlly certain this 1b tho Ry erson fnmlly. Shutter. Miss D. (probably Mrs. E. W. Schuotes). Jpedden, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. (prob- nbly Mr. nnd Mrs. Fredorlck O. i'u(inen), Vm!1?18' R,cn N- (Probnbly P. M. Williams, Jr.). O'Connoll. Mrs. Robort (probably Mrs. R. o. Cornell). Following Is n list of survivors I10 do not nnnwir In th m.in.1 sailing list as thoy probably took tho r.. v. "l unornourg: Skellery, Mrs, w. Stephenson, Mrs. P. Bnsslnl, Miss A. Burns, Mrs. G. M. Cnsobore. Miss D. D. Chamdnsen, Miss Victoria Daniel. Miss Sarah. Dosotto, Miss. Draurhenstod. Alfred Enooh, Phlla dolphla. FollKoim. Miss Antonette. Duckness. Mrs. William. ..... Middle. Olivia. Barrett, Karl. Sheddell, Robort Douglas.. Hausslgnot, Taussig Mllo. a mna n.tV PI.TIPLK PLAN TITANIC TRIP August Frlzeon Is ngont on Coos Bay for tho stcamors Olyp- lo nnd Titanic, nnd had mndo- partial arrangements for a ntira- her hero to mako a trans-At- lantic trip on tho Titanic In May. Among thoso who had practically arranged to go on her were Ernst Ornndell nud D. Fred Edlund, of Bunker Hill. So far as Mr. Frlzeon hns bcon able to ascertain, thoro was no ono aboard tro Titanic this trip frnm thin BCCtiOll. Wilson, MIbs Helen A. Hnmalanlan, W. Hamtlnnlnn, R. Davidson, MIsb Mory. Molncioft, Mrs. Mllllo. Alullecse, J. N. Nazral, Mrs. Adella. Oxoham, Percy J. Rogers, Miss Ellzt. Sllwnnn, Miss Sylvia. Sllwann, Miss Sylvia (Probably should bo Walcroft) ' Mollors, William. Nlsser, Mrs. Nicholas. Oxoham, Thomas. Rogers, Solmn. Sylvln, Lllllo. Mrs. Allen Bcckor Miss Ruth Bockor Miss Mary Becker Master Rlchnrd Bockor Jullot, Mr. La Rocho Lo Rocho, Simons Link Lanci( Miss Ann A Marshall, Miss Kato Mange, Mr. (Probably should road La Roguo.) La Rocho, Simons Lahllgcn, Mrs. William Marshwoll, Mrs. Anglo, Mrs. William '"S; a a - Ma HOUSE TAKES ACTION (By Associated ProBS to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, April 16. Tho Houso of Roprosontntlvcs unanimous ly ndopted n resolution today extend ing Bympnthy to tho relatives of thoso who mot death In tho dlsastor of tho Titanic. MAY SAVE OTHERS Still IIopo .Second vexnel Has Some of HurvlvorH. (ny Associated Press to the Coos Bay (By Associated Press.) MONTRABL, April 1C Notwith standing reports to tho contrary, tho Allen Lino odlclnls bollovo tho Par isian may bo carrying somo of tho survivors of tho Tltnnlc. This prob ability Is Biipportod by tho fact that tho Parisian Is bonded for Halifax although sho was orlglnnlly bound for Philadelphia. Tho scout crulsor Clicstor. also. lniB bcon dlspntchod to meot stonmorB unit might hnvo news of tho dlsnstor. DEMOCRATS ATTENTION! ! Friday, April 19, Is tho dnto of tho Primary Eloctlon. All roglstorod Domocrats aro oarnostly urgod to voio. bucccss was novor more na surod than for 1012. Romombor that, whllo 10 delegates to tho Natlonnl Convention nro to bo oloctod, YOU CAN VOTE FOR ON LY ONE. Tho samo rulo appllos to tho Pros Idontlnl Eloctors. No names nppoar on tho ballot for Bomo of tho olllcos, but you should wrlto In tho namo nnd address of your choice Tho following good mon hnvo con sented to mnko actlvo campaigns If nomlnntod In this mnnnor: For Roprosontntlvo In Congress, Rob ort G. Smith of Grants Pass. For Sonator, Eighth Sonatorlnl Dis trict, Hugh McLaln. of Marshflold. For Roprosontntlvo, J. O. 8tommlor of Myrtlo Point. For Coroner, Dr. C. C. Tnggart of Marshflold. (Pnld Adv.) Democratic County Control Committeo FOR ASSESSOR I hcrobv nnnounrn mvnnlf no re publican candldnto for assessor for Coos County before tho primaries, April 19, 1911. (Paid Adv.l LLOYD SPIRES. You are in the company of the best drefcsed men the world over when you wear a Stetson Hat "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, MARSHFIEIiD DAXMll Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay maay, Aprn iy V. S. DOW, Agent. . OcwaDaL "VAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUIIMARLNE IJKLL SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO Tuesday, April 1 6, At 3 P. M. INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 11. C. F. McOEOIlGE, il 'THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANC1 EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Cocs Bay From Portland at 6:00 P. M., Monday, April IJ CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH I1ANIC ROAD AT rOltTL NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 41. O. F. McGEORGE, A(l EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S?5? Breakwatei ALWAYS ON TLME. SAII FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON APRIL 3, 10, IT iJ BArLS FROM COOS HAY APIUL O, IS, 20 AND 27, ATBEHWWf THE TIDE. Ju A. PARKHUnST, At. Phone W USE ALLEN'S F00T.FASF Tho nntlsoptlc powder to bo ahakon IIIIU 1110 SI10C8. If vnn mnl -., I and comfort for tired, tender, aching,' swollen, sweating feet, uso Allon'a Foot-Ease. Rollovcs corns and hnn-l Ions of all pain and prevents bllstors, I Bore and callous spots. Just tho thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes, and for Dreaklng In Now Shoes. If la ha ,..,.. fort discovery of tho ago. Try It to., lay. Sold evo y where, 25 cts. Don't' trial packago, address Allen S. Olra-'1 niu. ie iioy. jv. y. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENG8TACKKN, Mgr. CoqullU Offl; Phono 191 Marahfleld Offlc 14-J. Frm Timber Col and Platting Landa a specials General AgaU "BABTBiur. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, nuvSiliU8 and HAT RENOVATORS ' Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co. fine Tailoring Let us makn your next Suit. j Uncommercial. pilnB(, MII.T. T. 3. BOAIFE 4jJi n? A. H. HODQINB HURRY! IT'S GOING FAST Ve lmvo a limited quantity of W WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable r fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per IM while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co' Phono 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Marshfield Paint I i Decorating Co. BlancharcPs Livery Estimates MARSHFIELD, FnrnWhod Phnn 140L Orgor I Modern Brick Building. Eleo.trli Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantli- Furnished Roomt. with Hot and Cold Water. UOTEl.COOfl C. A. METLIN. Prop. 'Utes: BO cents a Day and Upward Cor. II road way and Market Maishfleld. Oregon, Try Tho Times Want Ads. Wo have secure . the livery mal iob8 of L. II. Helscer and are pre pared to render excellent service u tbo people of Cue Bay. Careful ilvors, bjoq rJjs ud everything hat will mean atlfactory servtwi tr the public. Phonr us for a drlvln; horse, u rig or an thing needed In the llrery line. 'Ye also do truck s' business ot ad kinds. BLANCH ARI RROTnERS Phone 13 8-J Livery, Fed und Sales Servicu. HI First and Alder StreeU I XI.. Cl,t ChrtP Si me LiKunt "Vol IX W11IUIO i.- , ,. tin IT- I FROM 91 VKU !- I THE ELECTRIC SHOE IBM DU. muwn"- r.nnn IXVESTJISS ... ,mII Three 7-room hou6e'' '& per month; will Ml tJJn . m . i t w h. nnii , AUO. iau.fi .. ..., mt la'-Xrt neai mauiiw J1""H 68 uenirai Ave