The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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for Spring Wear
10 1HELD
"J- .'w'.
v - wrjmssnmmmi
.Aff 'K
Every Pair Guaranteed
$3.50 to $5.00
Woolen Mill Store
Men s and Boys' Outfitter!
are Reliable
Ycu can nlwaya f:cl perfectly enfe In taking any
Bdrxa you net here. They will always be pure and
fresh cr.d contain the exact amount of everything they
thou'J co-.tsln. Vc fill chvaidans prescriptions with
tts grcatc it cro and accuracy. Wc do not know what
k is t3 moic a mi3tnke. Wc have built up tni3
biainew 1 ceiling drugs cf unquestionable quality at
fticts unquestionably fair.
If vau require a Spring tcnlc we can rjlvc you a
ve.7 lUzzzrA cr.J oupcrior cr.:, that h a great Im
prove...:..: ever t'.js old-fashioned, nauseating mess of
nlphur md molasaza or tlie bitter solution of salts.
This tzw r:medy h REXALL SARSAPARILLA.
TOKIC. It ia rJeascnt tasting end especially ndapted
w a Spring r::torative. Good for all conditions of
Rhausticn. It liMni in mnVr 1 AnnA. Rimnlles material
J-the body and brain and gives strength and ncrva
'fee. Sold with the Rsxall rj'-rantcc.
Sold Only By
none- Main 29ft Us
ones-184-X, 228.
Wield. Ore.
u ..
utAl Parlors.
'KtlDMd tn A .lu .1...
tlort mi.. . ..
' uso ai me verj
J" Examination free
"hit. CnV. I...II..I
. uuiiuiub, (iipv
i?r Hotel, nhnno m.i
5l4Ei " ''
tuc Physlda
01 "e Amri-on .,..! .
f ) KlrkBTilte, Mo. Offlc
"?HourilOto 12; 1U
jMarshneld; Oregon
'llUlMn A n i
Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle
Cadillac Auto Service
Good Cars Reasonable Rates
All Night Service
Careful driving assured.
Phone Blanco Pool Room. 231-R
until 11 P. M. After 11 P. M. phone
5-J. Palace Restaurant.
Zince. PI,.. me.T
Eg Turkish Baths.
A Correct
Insurance Policy
Is very essential. If It Isn't
correctly written It Isn't Insur
ance. We wrlto correct policies
In the best companies.
177 Frot St,
Start Work in 60 Days and
Finish by June 1,1915, if
Given Demands.
Dr. C. W. Tower, Hugh McLaln,
C. It. Peck and Alva Doll, mombors
of the Railroad Commltteo of tho
Marshflold Chamber of Commerce,
had a conference with C. J. MIUIb
this morning. As n result, the- pro
posed public muting at tho Mllll
comu Club this afiuiuoon was c.iliod
off. A meeting of the executive com
mittee of tho Chamber of Commorco
wns called to consider tho matter and
tho special committee submitted tho
following report:
To tho Executlvo Commltteo of tho
Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco.
Tho Rnllroad Commltteo, to whlcn
wns referred tho mattor of tho build
ing of a railroad to Marshflold by
Tho Wlllamotto Pacific Railway com
pany, have tho honor to report that
said commltteo today callod upon Mr.
C, J. Mlllls, tho authorized agent on
behalf of said railroad company, and
nftor an extended conference with
nlm makes tho following roport:
Tho Wlllamotto Pacific Railway
Company desires to construct a rail
road from Eugeno, Oregon, or soruo
othor point on tho main lino of tho
Southorn Pnclfic Railroad system to
Coos Ray, Oregon.
Tho snld rnllroad company asks
no bonuses from the City of Marsh
flold, but askB for a'frncblso over,
tho waterfront streets of tlio City of
Mnrshflold from,tho nopth lino of tho
city to tho present properties of tho
C. U. R. & B. Ry. Co.
In this frnnchlBo tho rnllroad com
pany Is willing to liavo Insortod a
provision of common user to any oth
er railroad company, undor such
reasonable regulations and rates aa
may bo prescribed by tho Btato Rail
way Commission.
In enso bucIi a franchise Is grnntod
tho railroad company Is willing to
agree that tho same shall bo mado
upon tho condition nd ln,;consldori
tlon of actuul construction woflc on
tho Coos Bay end or snld lino within
sixty (GO) days from tho tlmo snld
frnnchlso Is granted, and that there
shall bo a continuous construction of
said line, with tho guaranteed com
pletion thoreof and oporatlon of
traltiB thereover between tho main
lino or tho Southorn Pacific system
nnd Mnrshflold, Oregon, on or beforo
Juno 1, 1915, oxcopt such delays as
may bo cnuscd by strikes, tho acts of
God, or a country-wldo financial dw
prcsslon nnd panic similar to tho
condition or 1893 or 1007. And In
enso said construction work Is not
commenced within sixty days from
tho granting of said frnnchlso, or
said rnllroad should not bo completed
and In oporatlon as aforesaid by
Juno 1. 1915. tho said frnnchlso lu to.
The Sign of
Good Candy
We Have Been Successful
In buying a large stock of first
class Electrical material and can
give our patrons a very low price
on house wiring. Get our price
you can't afford to miss It.
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
Phone 237-J
FOR RUNT First-class dining room,
none but rosponslblo parties need
apply. Inquire at Times otflco.
WANTED Capable housokoopor for
Ton "Mllo ranch home; woman oi
about forty desired. Address H.
S. Popplobaum, Lakeside, Oro,
FOR HUNT. Modem flat of four
largo rooms, spacious hall and
porch, socond floor No. 5G2 Socond
Stroot North. Phono 232J or 81-J.
FOR HALE Cheap; one second
hand buggy and gasolluo launch
Charon. Mrs. Jettlo Kondle,
bo void and without ofrect.
Tho railroad company further
agrees that in case said franchise la
granted that they will relmburso th
ttoekholdors of tho Terminal Itall
way Company for all legitimate ex
pense which they may havo beon put
to to date, by reason of any con
structive work or organization ex
pense under their present franchise
taking over tho materials of tho Ter
minal Company now oh tho ground.
Tho rnllroad company also re
quests the co-operation or tho poopiu
of Mnrshflold In tho securing of m
permit from tho War Department for
n brldgo from tho Sand Point nt tho
mouth of North Slough to tho high
lands on the east of Pony Inlot.
The plans of tho proposed brldgo
were- exhibited to your committee,,
fiom which It appears that It is pr
posed to drive piles only on tho ttdo
flats nbovo low water mark on either
side of the channel, nnd that at tho
point of crossing there nro stepl
spans on piers 1G0 to 180 feet apart
for a distance of 1770 root, boing tho
dlBtanco between low wntor lines;
that the draw-brldgo furnishes
clear paBsago 150 root wide on oltbor
sldo or Rb central pier. Mr. MIUIb
Bald that Buch wcro tho plans which
tho railroad company proposed to
submit to the War Department In re
questing n permit, i but In caso that
tho same should not como up to tho
requirements or tho Department in
any respect, that tho samo would bo
modified to meet tho wish ot tho De
partment, and that as futuro naviga
tion nnd commorco might demand
tho brldgo would bo changed to com
ply with such requirements- ns tho
War Department might mako Id tho
Wo submit to your committee tho
nbovo roport and recommend that
tho samo bo re for rod to tho Chambor
of Commerce nnd tho community of
Marshflold for dlsousslon nnd consid
eration. Respectfully submitted,
April, lGth, 1912,
Marshflcld, Oregon,
Bel w Is given thi time and
height ot high and low water at
Th tides aro placod In the order
ot occurronco, with tholr times on
tho first line and holghts on tho sec
ond lino of each day; a comparison
of consccutivo holghts will Indicate
whether It is high or low water. For
high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours
34 minutes.
Onto. April.
Hrs. .1.44 7.39 2.17 7.48
Feet .G.2 0.4 5.7 1.3
Hrs. .2.17 8.1G 3.01 8.23
Foot .G.G 0.2 G.7 1.7
Hrs. .2.51 8.GG 3.43 8.G9
Feet .0.8 0.1 G.G 2.1
Hrs. .3,20 9.40 4.33 9.35
Feet .6.9 O.G 5.2 2.G
Hrs. .4.03 10.27 5.28 10.48
Foot .G.9 O.G 4.8 3.0
Hrs. .4.4G 11.19 G.21 11.05
Foot .G.7 0.4 4.G 3.G
Prominent Business Man llonorcd by
MJlllconm Association.
At tho annual mooting ot tho MIUI
comn Association yesterday, tho fol
lowing offlcors wero elected for the
ensuing year:
President J. Albort MaUon.
Vlco President J. H. Flanagan.
Bocrotar and Treasurer G. W.
Kaufman. ,
Tho annunl report ot tho associa
tion was most satisfactory.
Tho Alllanco Is duo in early to
morrow from Portland and will will
Inter in the day for Eureka.
Tho Rodondo sailed this aftornoon
from San Francisco for Coos Uay.
Tho Wilhclmlnn londcd at tho Al
liance dock yesterday with a cargo of
gonoral merchandise for tho Sluslaw,
Dclnyrd Grand Jury.- Gcorgo Wit
to ot Coos River, a member of tho
Coos' county grand Jury, forgot that
ho was to report nt Coqulllo yester
day and did not show up. An officer
wns sdf)t after him and ho wont ovor
this rnornlng. Ho thought ho was to
report next Monday, In consuquonco
tiio grand jury oculd not tako up tho
RostHcott-Murray murder caso until
this morning.
Arrive Here F. D. Wnlto nrrlvod
horo last nlghb. via Drain to look af
tor business tnnttors on tho Uay. Ho
Is figuring on taking property in tho
Kinney holdings, nt tho vnluatlon
fixed by the nppralsors of- 1'rustoo
rVist, for his claims against Major
Ifltiiiiiv. Tin la niitlmlatlo ovor tlio
rallr'oad outlook, Judgo Durham of
Grants PaBa, an attorney or uio
Southern Pacific, accompanied him
Coos Comity Hrnt Events As Told Hy
Tito Jierniu.
I.. Mm nlmnnrn nf Mnvor Olllck to
the Socialist convention nt Portland,
J. H. Oordlng wll bo tho offlclnl
bond of our city government.
In digging tho sower on First
street clny hns been eucountored that
would, oxports nssort, mnko most ex
cellent brick.
(Dy Associated Press.) 4
OREGON Fair tonight and
coolor In southwest portion;
4 light frost In west nnd heavy In
4 cast. Wednesday fair with 4
westerly winds,
For twenty-four hours ending
at 4:43 a. m April 1G, by Don,
Ostllnd, special government me-
toorologlcal ohsorvor:
Maximum Gl
Minimum 30
At 4:43 a. m 43
4 Preclpttatlon none 4
Wind northwest; clear.
RnvartI I will pay $G0 reward
for information leading to the return
of Geo. Coddle, aged 7G, to his homo.
Any party finding him will kindly
notify mo at once. Mrs. Geo. Condlo,
Unndon, Oregon.
Wrestling Mntcli Frank Laubo
and Enos Koskl, two mlddlo weight
wrestlers, are scheduled to meet In n
cntch-aB-catcli-cnn contest at tho
Marshflold Skating Rink next Sat
urday night. ,
Not. Found No traco has yet boon
found of Goorgo Condlo tho aged
Uandon man who droppod out of
sight lu Marshflold a few weeks ago.
His wife has offered a reward ot G0
for Information leading to his return
Mod Wednesday Tho Marshflold
lodgo ot Elks will meet tomorrow
night to take up various mnttors. It
was proposed to inltluto a candldnto
or two, but It Is likely that tho Initia
tions will bo postponed until next
W. Thomas and wlfo ot Portland,
Ore., nro todrlng this section by au
tomobile They arrived In Coqulllo
from Mnrshflold Friday last with
their car and 'found the roads vory
good ror thlB tllno or tho year, no
chnliiR upon tho wheels boing re
quired. H. W. Lemekq Is the chaf
feur. Mr. and MrB. Thomas aro not
upon n trip or pleasure, but havo In
view n location for a pormnnent abid
ing place. '
FOR SALE 2 lots, 50 x 120, five
room modern house lu Femdale.
Inquire E. O. Hall, phono 169'J.
WANTED TO RENT Modern house,
six or more roomB; will take term
lea8o If desired; no children; must
bo reasonably close-In and good
location. H. J. Kimball, Jr.,
Chandlor hotel.
FOR SALE One new 211-foot gn0"
line launch. See Max Tlmnior
mnn. 862 North Front stret
One span Belgian colts; will bo 2
years old next month; well broke to
bridle nnd haltor nnd to rldo; will be
large; prlco ISO".
Also one Warrior Gordou mnro. 3
vears old and well broke to drlvo
single or to ride; perfectly safe for
women or children to drive; prise
$200. , , ,
All of my horses wero rnlsed In a
iastnre w ere a logging train ran
through several times a day, there
fore they are not nrruld or trains or
I guarantee all horses to be as rep
rpaonlod t, D SMITH
Supreme Courj Pmsoos On Rlglitu of
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10
Shutting off wator or delinquent con
sumers to mnko them pay tholr bills
's a niactlco or wator companies dis
approved today by tho supreme
court. That the companies cannot
cause an onforcod drouth by such
means to make customers pay up
old debts was declared by the court.
Tho decision wns handed dwii In
tho milt of Albert Hatch, of Coour
d'Aleno City, Idaho, against the Mu
nicipal Water Company. Idaho, su
nroino rourt ordered the wafer com
pany to connect llntcna pipea nnu
furnish his water although his rent
al was lu arrears. t
It was also stipulated that water
companies must bear tho expense of
tapping tneir pipes to inrnisu con
nection with all city residences.
. .- .
AH.tfiO CHAPTER No. 22, It. A. M.
Regular convoca
tion this (Tuesday)
evening at 7:30 p. in.
work and refresh
ments. Also some
business ot Import
ance. All membors
aro expected to bo
present and visiting
companions made welcome.
F. E. ALLEN, Secretary.
Jlft'l Tonight Another mooting or
tho Marshflold Improvement Club
will bo held nt tho Ghnmbor or Com
morco this ovonlng tor tho purposo
of ndvnnclng tho campaign for a city
beautiful. All interested In tho
beautifying and Improving of Marsh
flold nro invited to bo present.
PoMttMMin Trip Tho Mnrshflold
Oun Club has docldcd to postpono Its
proposed trip to Coqulllo noxt Sun
day tor n fow weeks or until tho
roads aro In hotter condition tor tho
nutos. Socrotnry Ekblad has beon
Informed tl at tho roads are In baa
shape at n n imbor of places and that
a bridge ia tut, which might delay
Jack Lapp has transferred tho en
gines from his launch, Kid No. 1, to
tho lnunch Kid No. 2.
Two vossols recently nrrlvod from
Honolulu ono, tho Stanford, Cnpt.
Rob Peterson, nt Abordoon, lu 16
days, and tho othor, n schooner, nt
Astoria In 12 days. This Is pretty
good Bteamor tlmo.
Dnn Roberts, onglnoor ot tho
stonmor Alort who recently under
went an oporatlon for nppondlcltls kt
Mercy hospital, was ablo to leavo the
hospital Sunday. Ho Is rocurtoratlns,
"Shiver my tlmbors," crlod a-shipwrecked
tar. "Wo'U starve, thoro Is
no doubt)"
"Not," crlod another, "while this
wind blows fouls nnd chops about."
The Naw York Chambor of Com
morco hns adopted a resolution that
tho tolls on American coastwise ves
sels Bhould not bo more than oae
thlrd of thoso chnrgod on vossols en
gaged in tho doop-soa trado, or whol
ly remitted In tho Interests of our
morchant marine.
Jlrothrr Driul E, A. Andorson hns
received word of tho death of his
brother. G. L. Andorson, nt Santa
Cruz. Call. Tho deceased would
have beon 76 years old and his death
wns unexpected as ho had beon In
excellent honlth. Ho was tho first of
a family of 10 children to pass to tho
great boyond, threo othors bolnfi
older than ho.
For rheumatism you will find
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Liniment. Try It and see how quick
ly It gives relief. For sale by all
lealers. .
T. MALES delivered any place In tho
city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlKi,
They are READY to SERVE. Phono
After ti-r show try a Turkish Batb
nhnnw 214-J.
Dayton Bicycles
Marshfield Cyclery
Thone 180-R Agents 607 Front at,
(Dayton Bicycles for rent)
JAMES RAINES expocts to leavo on
tho Redondo tho last of tho week
Mr California.
MRS. DADE HAINES and family
plnn to leave on the Alliance to
morrow for Eureka, whore they
will make, their future homo.
C. J. MAHONEY. who had planned to
leavo today for his home at Flor
ence has postponed his trip until
tomorrow, owing to tho Florence
stage not leaving Gardiner until
XLXT RTORE On sale for oue
weok only, OO SILK Foulard, Messa
lino and serge one-plcco GOWNS. H.
Within tho yoar of 1911 tho Gun
ardor Lusltnnla crossed tho Atlantic
thirty-two tlmon breaking tho world's
rocord for continuous voyages. In
this time sho stoamod ovor 100,000
mllos, maintaining an average spood
westward of 24.67 knots nnd east
ward 24.05 knots, a remarkable con
sistency in running through summer
nnd wlntor woathor. Her highest
day's run was 6G4 inllca westward
and 608 eastward nnd hor fastest
voyago wob westward In four days,
13 hours, 3,6 minutes, at an average'
upcod ot 2G.37 knots. Eastward hor
quickest trip was mado In 4 days, 15
hours and 50 minutes at an average
of 21.1 knots. On theso voyngos the
Lusltanln carrlod 78,294 bags of
mnll, spoclo to tho valuo of $6,'820,
000, and ovor 400,000 passengers.
Tho big guns uaod by tho(navy aro
destructive not nlond to a posslblo
enemy, but to tho man bohlnd the
gun, so far as his hoarlng Js concern
ed. To protect tho gunnor'ji oars, an
lugolnuns dovlco is UBod which per
mits ordinary vibrations, as lu speech
to pass, but Impedes tho largo sound
wnvos which result from tho Bring of
hoavy projoctllos,
And now thoy are arranging to
havo n dally transatlantic sorvlco bo
twoon Now York nnd Europe
Molasses la boing brought to tho
Stntos tram Hllo in tanks and vossols
nro boing built with largo containers
In which tho molnssos Is poiirod, and
then pumped out, tho samo as oil Is
now hnndlod, whon tho vessol ar
rives nt Its discharging port.
W. R. Fontnlno nnd C. A. Pollo
tlor camo In this morning rrom tho
tunnol on tho Coos Bay lino. M.
Pollotlor oxpectB to havo tho contract
tnr imtHnir In tho tnnsonrv 111 tho
! tunnol. Mr. Fontnlno enya that work
Is progressing satisfactorily aiong mo
lino. Eugono Guard.
TiTe Royal
An original comedy sketch ot morlt
that will ploaso you all tho way
A small 1-andful or Flaked Peas added to
any soup, tirteen minutes betore It Is ready
to serve, will greatly improvo us navor nnu
3 cups of beef stock
V cup cold water
1 Vt tablespoonfuls catuup
Tiny piece ot garlic
1 oup Sperry Flaked Pes ....
hi medium onion
VS tablespoon Worcestershire
8alt to taste.
Boll onjon In stock until tender, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar
lic, dash ot wfilte pepper and salt; then add tho naked peas. Cook
slowly 20 minutes, strain nnd servo with croutons. Stick onion with
whole cloves.
' .1