The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 15, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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"Z- " i - ' " " "
-""'TmTiBlNa In Tlio TIMES
tons Sag ims
Will Keep tho Incoino from Yowr
Furnished Hooms from Lnpslagl
YOU can really holp tho family
rovomicB by renting a fow furnlshod
rooms and, If you know how and
when to uso tho classified column,
you may keep that Httlo extra Incomo
na "ptendy as a clock."
nut the ticf about your
It IUrJfore 'lie oyo f l "P0'
'yi town. And It
". of them wno ougui iu
i!.ii .oil U!
i ii. Juu "
. .... I.. 4Uft
uVVU H'StnllllSllCU ill 101a
. AAA . Tlio Const Mnll
A Consolidation or Times, Const .Mall fjp. 233
nnd Coos liny Advertiser.
r..M ?rrfA
, Vpssc tvur riuaiuu
r.i..j Uar Mnirinn
ireCKeu uii "" -
,uAiohia: Ahoard But All
k Safely Transferred
lo Other snips.
(B; Associated Prow.)
3ALIFAX, N. B., April 15.
.Canadian goToriuiiuui, uu
, irtncr rccolrcd a wlrolosa
Hliip. m., suiub "w --
kalailng, Tno mcBBOBocuuiu
the ceoicsaip ituuiu, uu
'. .. If (a nnld tho
M nun - - -
bstn towing tho Titanic nro
EMTOrlns to got her Into
J Titer, near Capo Unco to
Kk vt
J"'" . . . A. A A. A A.
(B; Associated Press. )
lEW YORK, April 15.
rPrettdcnt FrnnKiin o: tno
l!i Stir Lino, Raid at 4
i that bo had dcflnlto In-
Billon that nil tho pnsaon-
i kid been transform! from
Titanic, Ho had rccolvod
I ord, honovor, Indicating
Intent of tho damage to tlio
tt'.m dispatches up to noon to
uted the passongors of tlio
tSur liner THnnlo wlilnli struck
(Vn off tho Nowfoundlnnd
utniiht, woro being trnnaror-
fnrd tho steamer Carpnthoa, n
fcr. Already twonty boat loads
i trtnifcrrod and allowing
i tlity persona na tho capacity
i life boat, soma eight hundrod
tot hundred hnro boon trans-
UtHt reports Indlcnto tho
:r Ii htlng carried on safoly.
i ii smooth and tho wonthor
Mtli probablo that all paason-
i tie TlUnlc nro snfo. Whllo
Ifeaajed tho Tltnnlo Is still
al u reported mnklng way
iHilIfu under her own stoam.
iTitinlc Is tbo largest stoamor
a. She Is 882 foot ong with
I tots displacement. Sho was
launched last May nnd this wns her
maiden trip.
Among tho passongorB aro Colonol
and Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Alfred O.
Vandorbllt, Major Archibald Dutt,
military aldo to President Taft, P.
D. Mlllott, tho artlBt, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Isndoro Straus, and J. Q. Wldoner.
Proaldont Hnys of tho Grnnd Trunk
Rnllway, J. I). Druco, I. 8. Mny, man
aging director of tho Whlto Star
Lino, W. T. Stood and other proml
nont pooplowcro also aboard tbo Ti
tanic. Another llnor, tho Parisian, Is as
sisting In tho work of rescue.
Tho Dnltlc and Virginian aro also
near tho sceno and thn Olvmnlc will
reach tho spot shortly, 'as tho wlro-
looo concerning tno transfer of tbo
passongors comes from Olympic.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Cobb
Day Times)
NEW YORK, April IB A dl-
patch rccolvod horo from Halifax
this morning reports that all tho pas
Bongors of tho Titanic left tho shin
anortiy after 3:30 this morning.
Tlio Titanic hnd on board 1470
passengers nnd a crow of 800 men.
Officials of tho Whlto Star line hnd
no word at 8 o'clock this morning
otnor than tho press dispatches of tho
reported accident to tho stcnmshlp
Tho point whom tho Tltnnlc strucK
tho Iceberg Is 1150 miles duo cnBt
of Now York City and 450 mllus
south of tho Capo Ilaco wireless sta
tion. Tho Tltnnlc Is In charge of Captain
Smith, who waH on tho brldgo of tho
Olympic when thnt boat collided with
tho Ilrltlah cruiser Ilawke last September.
(Ily Assoclntod Press to Coos Day
MONTREAL, April 15. Tho
Montronl Star says an unofficial dis
patch from Halifax states that word
was rocolvcd thero that the Titanic
was still afloat nnd mnklng her way
slowly townrd Halifax.
Dlsnblcri Titanic RciMrfnl in Tow of
tlio Virginian.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
MONTREAL, April 15. Tho local
offlco of Horton Dnvldson, ono of tho
Tltnnlo passengorH, rccolved tho fol
lowing wlroless: "All passongors nro
snfo nnd Titanic wns taken In tow
hv tho Virginian."
Slates Notifies Con
wig Factions That Out
Against American?
p Cease.
iREDO. Ter. Anrll 1K 4
Wout of Amorican ongl- 4
iw conductors on tho Na-
'uwioiMoxIco bogan to-
IJl It Wftfl nnnntinADil t)m
'J lOCOOtOtlvn nni'lnnnra A
"h here toulght and bo
. tike tlo Americana' 4
to Mexico tomorrow.
otlited Press to C003 Day
UJWT0N. D. C. April 15.
- varment in a rorcoiul
Ue COntnnilllln fnnln..n In
.l.1?lns ,hom aealnst any
'"'1 Drought relations bo-
Hhi . alaiKa "U flioxico
1 POlnt. This l n fnlr
j 'r,ffl past oxporlonco and
,;; lU0 aiato Dopartmont,
"d recently n the caso of
8iU,i,2ch a wa-mlng aa
lnix.,1 . ui,a"a"-Amoricart
itonpj '"u, conaitionB
"our doorway."
3 hoped and bollovo.1 hv
: ,1 ",clas. howovef,
i;;?:ia. .y
m ik. 1. v i,as'ons 01 iho
S lt Lw' not bo necea-"van. Government to
stops regarding
.J1 'ed to ronnun.l n.onr.
lhBnial ""nrtora that
m no Intervention.
is....!! must b0 taken by
)ro or 1 nro,lgh tno robQl
51 Lom 7n , uent JIn"
' (ha o. . w,m ol nn
ition, J,a!e Departmenfa
.Mat ,: "8iorlllMm'-!
Stye hn . r u,an words,"
' eS .ment8 comment
Jim kMJ rozco. who
1 111 n , " clPCda rather
L. . Promises, Mennwhlln
lnr.x,c? undoubtedly
it ! thn e Inst
I aencles as mado public
Congress Refuses to Concur in
tsiaolishlng $100,000,-
000 Corporation.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 15. -
Upon protests from members that tho
creation of a groat corporations! ono
hundrod million dollars might com
poto with prlvato Interests and end
In controlling tho government, the
House today refused to pass a bill
Incorporating tho Rockofellor foun
dation and struck It from th cal
endar. Tho bill haa been boforo
Congress for two years
shnw hn nrnn of tUrblllonCO nnd Vlo
lonco hna grown to formidable pro
(Dy Associated Press to Coob Day
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 15.
In reaponao to an appeal from tno
American Consul at Guadalajara,
Mexico, Proaldont Taft baa author
ized the exportation of 150 rifles ami
50,000 rounda of ammunition for
arming tho citizens of the United
States In thnt district.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
NEW YORK, April 15. Three
bombs wore exploded in the Itnlian
section today. Whllo of powerful con
struction tho damaco wna not great.
FERRIN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Will
Farrln, at their homo at Sumner,
Sunday. AiirlM'L a daughter.
TAMALES delivered any place In tno
city until 13 O'CLOCK at ntsHi.
They are READY to SERVE. Phono
ANEW evolution confronta this community today. Coos Day has
reached tho period of Its history when tho transition must bo mado
from a groat aggregation of tlndlvldunls and thplr enterprises to an
organized community In which nn unselfish Intelligent that can look to
tho future shall govern. Dut It Is appalling how Httlo tho public acorn to
reallzo tho nood of this organization. A city Is Just n great civic cor
poration, organized for tho bonoflt of Its citizens In tholr homes and bUBl
noss enterprises. And a groat city that properly serves tho wolfaro of its
homes and tho prosperity of Its citizens can no moro bo croatod with
out Intelligent civic co-oporatlon that takes Into account in ndvanco tho
things that must bo than a grent building can bo constructed with
out a plan or a groat business organized without systom.
Yet thnt is exactly what Coos Day has been trying to do and what Is
worse, oome men who havo shown' tholr conBtructlvo ability by what the
have dono with their prlvato enterprises havo placed thomsolves out of
harmony with communal co-opcrntlon, a condition of affairs of moro
than vital Importance
It la tlrao to turn ovor a now leaf. It is tlmo for tho people of Coos
Day, regardless of past differences, to got together. It has boon said that
the history of any Nation can be road in tho biographies of its groat
men, and equally Is this truo of our great cities. Such questions as har
bor Improvements, parks, public boulevards and tho complox nnd In
volved rnllway nltuntlon thnt Is now perplexing tho community aro
questions to bo settled by appoal to vox popull, but thoy nro probloma to
bo worked out by our bualncaa mon of Integrity nnd ability and then
bdqueathed to Its citizens as an Inheritance from tho mon who will
mako tho Cooa Day of tho future. Tho ono great problom pressing for
prompt consideration Is the railway proposition.
Thero Is much that Is commendable and some statements that aro
BUbJoct to criticism In tho semi-official announcement of Gonornl Man-
hvr . j. .Minis as puousnod in Tno Times last Friday evening.
His assertion that ho didn't come to Coos Day with any club or with
a chip on his shoulder, but to find out whether tho people wanted a rnll
way and If they woro willing to extend td tho Southern Pacific tho samo
co-operation thnt thoy woro willing to extend to any railroad, manlfosts a
spirit of fairness that warranto, according to his statement, an Impartial
and unprejudiced hearing.
The Times Is certain thnt Mr. Mlllls will fln'd no genoral opposition
ir projudlco against tho Southern Pnclflc In this community. Thero may
bo Individual Instances of resontmont nt what Is allegod to bo tho dila
tory tactics of his corporation, but tho gonornl feeling on Cooa Day Is
ono of cordlnl welcomo to any man or set of men who aro In a position
to aid In the development of Its great resources.
Rcsentmont and rovongo hnvo no plrtcc In a commercial conference.
Business s buslnoss. Coos Dny neods a railway Coos Day needs tho
Southern Pacific and tho Southern Pnclflco needs Coos Day. Tho South
ern Pacific Is not a philanthropic corporation. It la not mnklng prepara
tions to expend tho 19,000,000 that Mr. Mlllls mentions, morely for tho
bonoflt of tho pooplo of this community. Tho railway company Is plan
ning this entorprlso of tho extension of Its lino on a buslnoss basis. Thoy
fchould bo met In a spirit of fairness nnd cordial co-oporatlon. Thero is
nothing In tho exigencies of tho sltuntlon thnt should occasion excite
mont. It is a innttcr to bo sottled oqultnbly ami without bludgoons or
Coos Day should bo nnd Tho Times thinks Is willing to oxtend tho
snmo Inducomonts nnd co-oporntton to tho Southorn Pnclflc that It would
to any other railway Booking ontranco horo or to any big buslnoss cor
poration whoso coming would wnrrant granting of concessions. This
(loos not mean that Cooa Dny Is willing to deliver to tlio Southern Pa
cific a quit claim deed to its harbor or to permit tho railway to brldgo
tho Day If It will bo detrimental to our development nnd our commerce.
Tho bridging of tho Dny Is tho most Important mutter roforrod to
In Mr. Mlllls' statement. This Is a subject that will rcqulro vory care
ful and thorough Invostlgntlon. It should not nnd ennnot bo determined
nnd docldcd without careful consideration. It will rcqulro Bclontlflc
knowledgo of conditions nnd oxport Information to roach a satisfactory
conclusion. Thoro should bo no hasty decision. Thero should bo no
hnsty action oltlier way. Tho spirit of fairness which Mr. Mlllls rcqucM
for tho rnllway should bo cqunlly nppllcablo to tho pcoplo of Coos Day.
Largo Interests aro Involved. Tho engineers of tho United Stntos War
Department must bo consulted. Tho big Interests of tho C. A. Smith
Lumber & Manufacturing Comrmn. nro to bo considered. Tho C. A.
Smith corporation Is nt present tho largest slnglo factor in tho do
ovlopmcnt of tho resources of this section. Thoy havo Ihvcstod mllllona
hbro and theso Investments and their grent Industry should not bo Jeop
ardized by hnsty action of any kind. It Is, ns Mr. Mlllls hna said, "a plain
bualncaa proposition for both aides." Let us accept It as such nnd net
Wo should not permit our pressing need of a rnllway to load us to
a sacrifice that wo will regrot later. Nelthor should thoro. bo opposition
that Is without rhymo or roason and with moro sontlment than senso.
Tho samo law and logic appllos to any franchises thnt may bo
asked. Tho Southorn Pacific should bo granted Just what would bo
glvon any other railway bo given what Is fair no moro, no less.
Thoro Is only ono course to tako and that Is to ropoat locally what
has boon tho early history of ovory groat nation. A century and a third
ago, whon tho struggling Amorican colonies woro confronted with prob
lems that throatonod their very exlstonco, a hundrod men volunteered
to nssumo tho responsibilities ol mnklng a now nation. Tbo result of
this volunteer sorvlco of ability, Integrity, nnd splondld purposo was tho
foundation of tho Amorican nation,
Looking back to theso mon today, wo seo them In their npothoosls.
Thon they woro Just rudo farmers, country lawyors and unknown bus
nesa mon mon who wore mado by what they dared to do. Wo hoar It
said overywhero that a dozen yoara henco Coos Day will havo a population
of 40,000 or 50,000. Is this to como about through somo unknown law
of social evolution that has novor h Intelligence elsewboro? Or is It to
como about through tho efforts and intolllfonce of civic patriotism and
co-operation? It can nover como otberwlso than b tho latter, and this
Is tho hour for tho rovolllo call which shall assemble tho mon of Cooa
Day who aro willing to tako upon themselves tho responsibility of meet
ing tho Issues today; tho men who aro willing to load this city forward
to Its future greatness. Thla aort of effort may not bo appreciated to
day, but It will bo canonlzod horenfter. And aftor all tho highest typo
of citizenship, and that which ia distinctively American Is that which Is
willing to forego tho honors of tho present day for tho wolfaro of tho
coming generation.
MARSHFIELD pcoplo snouia arouse lueuiBuiven io mu luipuriuiicu mm
large and lasting benoflta to bo obtained through tho newly organ
io,i Mnrshfleld Imnrovoment Club.
n. -j n-mnn, r .tin nt fnlfl nlllK fa rhn fnnf Hlflf It
rirsi aim luiwumi ui mw .""." . - ....... .u ..- .....v ....... .-
...mi ...,.. i. in r, m'sinmntii liinn and without a nlan effective work for
tho beautifying of an ontlro city Is Impossible. Tho fact la that thla com
munity will not move lorwaru uu u uuumu m mu uuuko wi. iuh i
real civic beauty until a city plan committee or somothlng that Is Its
.......... .. ,..... i...,.i..,i.f niiniit Tlio Mnrtitiflnlil Tmnrnvnmnnt Chili
equivalent uuo ucou ihi" -.... .-- .-- ----. --- , " , :
makea such a committee and auch a plan possible When tlila plan la ob-
. . .. . ... .! hntrairai. llrtln I mnv tin mnv vflt pnn.
talned an impruvuinm "",A- "";, " - "" ' -v
trlbuto Ita quota toward Us fullflilment.
Thero aro unlimited opportunltlea for development of the city beau
tiful In Marshfleld. Parka, playgrounds, public boulevarda, al those aro
necessary to be secured and some plan la necessary In their acquirement.
These will mean expenditure of money, but tho plan must bo evolved
The most Important feature of tho work of making a beautiful city,
... .. .n tnlrn nn nt nn en Thnt In rlonnlnrr tin
however, is ono inac .muiomihhu v.... ... ..,. ,... ......... ...,. . - .....,.
tho street and vacant Iota and Individual promlsea. and In beautifying
with liowors auu sumus n 4ito hi....- .....- ... ....-..,.
Pvorv person In tho city should be a member of tho Marshfleld Im
nrovoment Club. If It accomplishes nothing else tins year, man an
l"""".. ....... . ..,. i- i,oo..,lf,,l 1-iTuno nnrl lipniillful irn rrlf tin tn varl-
arouseir puwic ihiwi i uvuun.u. ........ ...... o---- .. .
oils sections of the city, It will be time nnd money well spent.
rnnin out to tho meeting at the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow
evening and "Talk It over."
Cook County Democratic Con
vention Splits After a
Small Riot.
(Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day
CHICAGO, 111., April 15. Throa
hours' delay was experienced today
In calling tho democratic county con
vention and a disturbance which for
a tlmo threatened to ond In bloodshod
finally rosultod In two conventions,
ono of tho factions known as tho
Hcnrat-Harrison forces and tho othor
of the followers of Roger C. Sullivan,
national domocratlo committeeman.
Tho victory, If thoro was a victory,
wont to tho Hoarst-Harrlson crowd,
Former President Has Over
whelming Victory in
Senator Penrose Will Loso
Control Wilson Also
Carries State.
(Spoclal to Tho Times)
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 15.
Tho latest returns from Saturday's
prlmnrlca indlcato that Roosovolt
will havo 63 of Pennsylvania's 70
delogatos to tho republican national
convention with n possibility of 07.'
Col. Roosovolt won 51 district dole
gates and his Bupportors captured
tho convention which will mean
twolvo dologatos at largo. Tho state
convention has tho powor to elect a'
now stato chairman to succood Unl-.
tod States Sonator Ponroso and tbo
nntlonnl dologntos can olect a now
national committeeman from Ponn-
forced by direct o,iera of County' "vanla to succeed Penrose,
Judgo Owens, unttercd down tno
doors of tho armory and took tho
President Tuft Wants 9788,000 for
Mississippi Emergency.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
WASHINGTON, D. 0., April 15.
Prcsldont Taft sent a special mosBago
to Congress today urging tho Immo
dlato appropriation of amounts ag
gregating nenrly $788,000, for uso
In controlling tho floods of tho Mis
sissippi River nnd to aid tho flood
No Verdict Yet la Caso of St. Louis
(Dy Assoclntod Prosa to Cooa Day
.ST. LOUIS, April 15. Tho Jury In
tho caso of E. G. Lewis, charged with
using tho malls to dofraud, which ro
tired at G o'clock Friday, had not
roachod a vordlct whon court oponod
Woodrow Wilson, according to flg-
urea nt hand, will havo 74 of tho 70
Pennsylvania dologatos In tho dom
ocratlo convontlon. Tho othor two
dologntos aro favorable to Champ -Clark
but aro not plodgod.
Tho regular republican organiza
tion bended by Unltod Stntos Sonator
Ponroso w,hlch haa withstood tho
fury of many political storms ro
colvcd n crushing dofoat In tho loss
of control of tho stato convontlon.
It Is tho first tlmo In tho prosont gen
eration that It has lost control or
thnt boi)y.
In addition to tho nnmlng of tho
twolvo dologntcs nt largo to Chicago,
tho convention will olect thlrty-olght
presidential doctors, four candidates
for roproaont,atitvos nt lnrgo and can
didates for stato troasuror and audi
tor gonornl, nil to bo votod for nt
tho Novombor election. Tho dolo
gntcs In control of tho stato convon
tlon havo tho powor to oloct tho stato
chnlrmnn and under tho pnrty, rules
tho delegation to tho national con
vontlon elects tho national com
mitteeman. At prosont Senator Ponroso holdu
both positions.
Business Men and C. J. Millis
Meet This Afternoon Will
Meet Here Tomorrow C. A.
Smith Coming.
At tho North Dcnd mooting,
C. J, Mlllls roltorntod his
statements mado In nn Inter-
vlow In Tho Tlmos Inst Friday,
laying special stress on tho fact
that they wanted n franchise
for right of way thoro that did
not havo any strings attached 4
concerning municipal rogula- 4
tlon. Tho membors of tho
North Dond council woro pros-
ont nnd thoy gavo him to undor-
Btnnd that thoy woro willing to
grant tho franchlso providing
work would bo started on this
end of tho lino within sixty
About tho only development In tho
local railroad situation today was tho
calling of a mooting of North Dond
business men to bo hold at tho Com
mercial Club thoro thla afternoon at
3 o'clock for tho purposo of having
C. J. Mlllls outllno definitely what
tho Southern Pacific wlahea. Tho
meeting promlsea to bo largely at
tended. Edgar Slmpaon who waa In Marsh
flold just prior to tho mooting stnted
that almost ovoryono thero was In
favor of granting tho Southorn Pa
cific ovory roaaonablo concession. It
la generally bollovod that North Dond
will gonorally conceod to tho do
manda for a brldgo ncrooa tho Day
and also for a franchlso on tho streets
A meeting will bo hold at tho Mil
llcoma Club in Marshtlold tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 and a genoral In
vitation bus been oxtended to tho
public to bo present nnd hear Mr.
Mlllls' presentation of the Southern
Pacific's wishes.
It Is understood that a meeting
of somo of tho Marahnold buslnoss
mon and C. J. Mlllls will bo hold hero
tomorrow morning nt 10:30 for dis
cussing tho situation.
C. A. Smith, head of tho C. A.
Smith company and Arno Meroon aro
expected hero tho latter part of tho
week and a numbor of prominent;
Marshfleld mon aro oppoaod to any
thing definite being dono until ho la
given nn opportunity to bo heard
about tho matter.
Report at Roseburg of Floating
of $50,000,000 for
Aston Road.
ROSEUURO, Ore, April 15. Tho
news that a $50,000,000 bond Isauo
has boou placed In Kuropo to build
tho Coos Day-Rosoburg-Dolso Rail
load, waa received by Rosoburg poo
plo wlthNgreat satisfaction, aB thla ap
pears to bo tho brightest prospect
for a railroad between Rosoburg and
Coos Day ovor seen horo. Tho Hoao-burg-Coos
Hay uurvoy was mado last
summer nnd fall by Euglnoor Tag
gart Aston and associates. Tbo
crows started nt Camas Valloy, 2f
mlloa Bouthwest of Rosoburg, and
worked both ways, ono to Myrtle
Point, Marshfleld and Dnndon, tbo
othor crew worked this wny, going
through Looking Glass and Garden
Valloy and crossing tho Southern Pa
cific near Suthorlln,
It Is said tho survey shows a splen
did route for a railroad, with easy
grades and no great difficulties of
construction, Engineer Aston Is Bald
to bo prominent in engineering cir
cles. Chief Engineer Cattell visited
this city last Novombor, Officials
aro expectod to come to Orogon about
May 1. Mon who havo been In close
touch with tho doings of this com
pany think It means business. Tho
men have worked on tho qulot and
havo asked for no bonuses, as has
been tho caso with would-bo rallroaa
People Tlieru Not Awnro of nig Homl
Isniio lleiMii-t.
Tho Roseburg News Bays: ' Al
though every effort ha8 been m'aao
to substantiate tho contents of tho
above Item, appearing In last night's
issuo of tho Portland Journal, The
Nows la unable to find any grounds
tor ua publication, noitnor can Its nil-
(Continued on page I.)