---j?-----',;. TOhV7 ib " " wi - COOS BAY TIMES M. a MALONKX Editor ud Pab. DAN K. MAIONK Now Editor Entered at tha postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for tranamisaloa through the tnalln aa second elaas Mall matter. UK GKNIALt BE DENIAL. A pleasant smllo, .1 hearty handshako, a kind word, costs you nothing and adds to tho happiness of mnny, Lot this gonlallty como from the heart. To havo tho good will of tho pooplo, w know they are glad whon you enter .uioir presence, win do your rowara. Nobody Jn a right framo of mind can tako ploasuro In knowing that (lis coming casta a cloud ovor a com- puny, joy in mo is not so abundant that ono can afford to quench an Of It. A gonial "good morning" has tuoro lnfluonco than cold perfunctory groottng. Lot heart talk to hoart. Do not fear losing respect by bolng gonial. If your character la worthy of respect, you will desorvo It, and If you aro alncoroly genial, you will win good will, and oven lovo. Havo thought for tho llttlo flnmo of glad ness mat may do in tiio breast or ono noar you. Bo gonial and fan It to groator warmth and brightness. , This llttlo bit of ndvlco haB been trlod and proven. If our city folic will road, hoed and practlco Its les sons of good will thoy will do moro than by any othor moans to holp 'build up tho beautiful city wo havo, beautiful by naturo Cllraato unsur passed resources unozcollcd. WITH THE X TOAST AND TEA 1 COMK TO COOS HAY Como to tho country of Coos Bay! Como whoro tho cllmato Is fine. Como moot mo In Coos Itlvor valloy And drink of tho air that's llko wino. Como whoro the hearts of tho people Aro as nmplo as old Mother Earth. Whoro Fortuno will amllo If you think It worth while To huatlo a bit for Its worth. And snoftklncr nf nntlmlata ttinra'j Loo Matson who roccntly lost a foot iu a Bionm Bnovci accident at Klam ath. Whon his fathor atartod In to' nympathlzo with him ho qulotly ro- tnarkod, "Choor up, dad. I hnd two iornH on mui loot ana tnat'B mo only way I could over1 got, rid .of tltom." Homo Optimist, bollovo mo. ! Annnfl rtnc'nra iirniinimrlml tMn nnn tho othor day: If you can jnnko n Coos Klvor boatman Russoll -whyl can't you koop a Marshfleld furnlturol ijoingr uon't Know Anson, but It may bo for tho same reason that you can't mako ntmrbor a Huntor. And spooking of that Coos Rlvor accident tho other night would n floating log that would upset a boat makq a Ilo.rnfnll? A young married woman In Marsh flofd ntll calls her husband "Kid." IIo'b tho only ono alio has yot. 10 PLAY FOB CHARITY'S SAKE HK.VI.ITT CO.NOKItT TO I IK OIVK.V IIY COOS IIAY HANI) AT MASONIC- OPKRA HOUSE TOMOR- noji aftkrnoo.v. Tomorrow afternoon nt 2:30, tho Coob II (iv Concert Ilntnl will ilv n bonoflt coucort ut tho Masonto Oporn IIoubo. Tho procoods of tho ontor talnmont will go towards defraying tho oxponsos of modlcal treatmont which tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3uX Mills Is receiving In San Frau ciaco and which, It la hoped, will Hrevont nor bolng a Jlfo-long Invalid. Dlroctor Fontou hna announced tho fOlIOWlllir nrocrnill fnr Hin onnnnrt. Dlroctor Fonton of tho Coos Buy vuueur. iinnu una afternoon nn Bouncod tho following program for tho concort to bo glvon Sunday: March, ''Tho Glory of tho Yankeo Navy" Sousn Ovorturo, "Norma" ......, Uolllnl Soronnta, "Amlnn" , Llncko Oporatla 8oloctlou, "Huguonots" . . Meyerboor Amorlcau Patrol Moacham Tho Rosary Novln (By Request) Soloctlon, "Tho Burgomastor" I.udora March. "Qlllmorft's Triumphal" . . ' ' .,!.' Brooko "Star Spangled Bannor . . .4 --' . SPKCIATj KASTElt BKltVICES TJjo spoclal Eaator services that were, hold In tho Marshfleld churches Inflf. Htmritiv wnn tuitnlt tirntftrt frntn tho largo congregations which woro in attendance. Spoclal decoration, spoclal musical programs and othor features In keeping with tho Easter Bpint mauo tno services unusuauy Impressive. Tn thn Nnrwnrrlnn Luthnrnn ntirl Swedish Luthoran churches, no spe cial music was arranged. Tho regu lar Easter nhurch nervines wern hold and drow largo congrcguiiouu, A most oxcollont musical program was n fnnttirn nf thn nnrvlrna nt Jhn Episcopal churches, an oloquont uasior Rermnn wns nniiveroii nv itnv. R. E. Browning. In tho Marshflold Methodist church special numborB woro rou rinrrwl hv thn Minlr. Pnv. TI T TJn lodgo preached nn cxcollont sormon. UiVlJJWJilU C11UKUJI Thn TCflfltnr anrvlnna nf Of TirnnlMnf.. Catholic church" Inst Sunday woro most beautiful and Impressive Un dor direction of Rov. Fathor Munro tho church was beautifully decorated with croon fnllnno. flnwnra nml TCnm- or lilies and tho altar ablazo with cloctrlc lights and holy candles mado a lirllllnntlv onlnrfltl nlnttirn evmttnlN 01 mo gina nna glorious isnstor day. Tho music was oxcollont, Stearns' mass In F bolng aung. Tho congro- cntlnn crnwrfnil Mm nlmrnh tn lt i.f. most capacity. Ono of tho most elo quent KaBior sormons ovor beard In Marshfleld was dollvercd by Roy. Munro. Tho musical nrocram wnn nn fnl. tows: "Vldl Aqunm, Alleluia" Rtonrn'n "Mnm In E Offertory, Solo, "Christ has opened Paradise". . . . . , . Hawloy MrJTi. irl Balilngor Post Communion l Anthomv . . ... ."The Purpling Dawn" "0, Salutnrls" Bordcso "Tantum Jrgo" , Mooro TIlA nhnlr mnmlinr. nrn. fta fff- flo Fftrrlniror. 'nrn-nnlAt. T tr Finn. nagan, director: Mrs. Mooks, Miss Aiamio Aianonoy, aiiss Laura Duuay, Mra. Qeo. Flanagan, Mra. 0. H. Wnl tor. Mrs. Hugh McLnln, W. Murphy and E. N. McDonnld. AT BAPTIST CTIUItCII Tho norvlcos nt tho Baptist church woro well nttondod. Tho pastor, Rov. 0. Lo Roy Hall, extondod tho hand of fellowship to two now mom- iiurs nt tno communion sorvico In thd morning and dollvored short nddrees Oil "Thn ItoRlirrnrtlnn. n Ilnvnlnllnn of Cod'H Love." At tho ovonlng sor vico a inrgo crowd nssombiod to 11b- icn to tno music and tho sormon Which wnn nn "Rnnin VnMMn. nml VngarloH of the Resurrection," Ed dova Whoolor rondorlng tho solo. Tho pulpit nnd platform woro docor ntod lu grcon nnd whlto. Tho sar lces were attended by many strnng- vra who are in our etiy. Tho pastor, who will with ithla month closo his pnstorato In, Mnrah fleld, Is announcing some unlquo topIcH to ho discussed during tho re maining Sundnya. Ono which will bo used next Sundny ovonlng Is on "Addition by Subtraction." Tho music was in chargo of Prof. Ooorgo Ayro nnd wnH pronounced by nil to bo most oxcollont. Tho largo chorus choir hnd been In speclnl training for wooks nnd ahowod tho good leadership of Mr. Ayro. A solo by Mrs. Slmdburn In tho ovonlng wna limy up io nor standard or oxcolloncy und wnB greatly appreciated. Tho Juniors woro prcsont and snug ono Holectlon. LEAVE TDDSY 4V- ON BREAKWATER ATTORNEY IS Steamer Leaves This Morning for Portland witn Large ' List Passengers. Tho Bronkwatcr sailed at 7:30 this mornlnc for Portland with n cnnacltv 'passenger list and a big cargo of I frolght. It Is expected that sho will I leave Portland on her regulnr achod- uio noxt wounesuny morning. Among thoso sailing on her wore tho following: W. A. Hold. Joe. Pasco. J. Ii. Fropher, L. S. Martin, Mrs. E. A.I uuonnoii. wm. Doylo, A. P. Ingram., Mrs. A. P. Ingrnm, HarVoy Dunham1, Mra. W. C. Lnird nnd child, Mrs. Mc- Tlnvrlo nml child. Minn M. K Ttnvnnr Mllfo flpnlilnn. Tlnlinrf Wllnnn Pnrl Slajoo, C. D. Lnsh, TInn Sneddon, n TInrlnti If tl Dttluni. TUm tr.H. . ..w.aw., ... if, a UMUl, UUUU XlUllh" lor, Pat Konncdy, Alex. Potorson, It. A. Rlchnrdson, A. W. Pyburn, Micky Colomnn, C. Paybiirn, Ous Swnnson, S. R. 'Klgcr, Frank Johnson, C. W. Guygmnu, Show Leo, Hnttlo Odaru, Jnnot Trollngor, A. R. Campbell, Wrs. A. It. Campbell, F. W. Shult. Mrs. Cutter nnd child, Mr. Cutto., Mario ConnOr. TInmnr Ilrvnnf P Domlnlck. M. f!iirlnnn. n. tf Wnil. J. II. Channoy, J. W. KImhal, H. F.' urnuunaw, Airs, uianuor, k. J. van Donhcrg, Geo. Ronno, Frank Blron, Mrs. H. Holcnknn, Mrs. Yost, Mr. It. Yoat. II. P. Howard, T. E. Englnna. Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Thomns, II. W. Lomcko, Oscnr Erlckson, E. West. North Bend News Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. JacobBon nt j movlllK from Union nvnniin tn rnnl- donco opposlto Lincoln squnro. WELL KNM George M. Brown, Republican uanamaie, oom ivuur Roseburg. When men of promlnonco and standing In a community havo known nn imiivlilnnl for nractically his en- tiro llfotlmo nnd then are willing to give mm oucn a spienaia uhuuibu ment aa frlonds and neighbors acord ... n..m.n 9 TLnlUtl tt till 111 I n t. flfllla didato for prosecuting attorney It means something. Hore's tho way Hon. Blnger Hor- .mh T n Tiillnrlnn t) f nmilnfll and Stovo Unltler, nil woll-known citizens of Coos and Douglas Coun ties, wrlto of Mr. Brown In tho stnte pamphlet of candidates: "Ooorgo B. Brown as a man Is well known to us. He was born near Rosehurg on his father's farm. We have seen him as a boy, when ho sorved his apprenticeship at tho plow. Wfst finvn anAii him In nut arlinfiln. Wo hnvo followed him in tho law profession, whoro ho has becomo an ninlnmit snrrpRfl. r.nil when olnctnd by the people as their trusted prose cutor, ho has never failed them. Ho is nn honorable moral, and upright citizen In our midst, nnd reaches the Jofforsonlnn standard of honesty and capacity In tho highest degree. According to tho old mnxlm, wt. nover mistake whon wo "always put tho saddlo on tho right horse." (Paid Adv.) ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS REGAINS OSE , Photo Supplies, dovoloplng and printing. Wnlkor Studio. DKMOCItATH ATTKXTIONM Frldny, April 19, is tho dato of tho Primary Election. All roglatorod Democrats nro onrnostly urgod to vote. Success was novor moro as. sured than for 1012. Romombor that, whllo 10 dologatos to tho National Convention nro to bo oloctod. YOU CAN VOTE FOR ON LY ONE. Tho snmo rule nppllos to tho Pres idential EloctorH, No nnmoB appear on tho bnllot for some of tho otllcos, but you should wruo in tno namo nnd nddross of your cholco. Tho following good men havo con- Hentod to mnko active campaigns U nomlnntod in this mannor; For Representative In CongrqBs, Rob ort U. Smith of Grants Pass. For Sonntor. Eighth Senatorial Dis trict. Hllcll Mcl.nln nt XfnrahflnM For Repre8ontntlvo, J. O. Stemmlor of Myrtlo Point. For Coronor, Dr. O. C. Tnggart of Marshflold. (Paid Adv.) Domocratlo County Contra! Commlttco ROSCO Hnzor. whn'nnnnl n nhnrt time visiting his pnronts, Mr. and,. .in o. vicu. unzur, oi Aorin uonu, nan ion ror ins Home In Spoknuo. Mrs. Bert Potorson nnd chldron of mo nro-saving station nt Gardiner nro in town na mo guests of Mrs, Pet orson'u sister, Mrs. John Freolnnd. Mnik Cutllp of Kontuck Inlet U a business visitor horo today. Mrs. Karl O'Kolloy of MarahUeld visited here yestordny. Mlsa Annlu Peterson of North In let is visiting relatives horo for a fow days. Dr. .Mooro loft yostorday for Co qulllo wh'uro ho will look after Dr. Ingrnm'H practice whllo tho lattor BponiiH n week or bo In Portland. ALONd THE WATERFRONT Tho Btonmor Washington which wont to San Pedro this trip tn. wlied. ulod to wall noxt Frliny from San Francisco for Coos Bny. JETER TEARS Olieratlir MOit nf Min MnruhMnM wlroless Mtntlon this morning picked u(, ii iiii-naiinu niiuillK llini IIIO Oil I inne AriFvln Im.l lnil.i.. Ii ..it f...,i ...... ...n.u ,it,u u.wituii n;- tnil Plllllt' off Cape SobiiBtlnn about 2 o'clock I 1 thlir mnKiiliin. Ol.n n... ,.. . ...n in... ..iuH. ollu Bum in n pun mi- i n tug to como up from San FninclHco1 and uet her. Tho Men u-nn mini nnd Bhij wnt not In' any danger. Tiio Tlienk water crossed out at 9:40 this morning ror Portland. Tho Nairn Smith Is duo In Into this afternoon from 8nn Francisco. Tho tug aionnor sailed this morn ing for tho Umpqua with a cargo of gonornl morchnndlso. Tho Ospoy sailed this morning for Roguo Rlvor with n cargo of general merchandise. nianuiitnit tho quatkimiars STUDIO for FINK PHOTOS. A Correct Insurance Policy Is vory essential. If It Isn't correctly wrltton it Isn't insur ant. Wo writo correct policies in tho best companies. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. Tho Eliznboth, Onkland and Brook lyn anlled this morning from Bnndon for Son Francisco. NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS OF COOS. CURRY and DOWLAS COUNTIES Tho peculiar provisions of tho law governing tho selection of dologatos to tho National Convnntfnn nllnwa you to vote for but ono, although ten nro to bo oloctod. Multnomah Coun ty has eight candidates for this oftlce and unless each district votes solidly for Its local candidate, Multnomah County will nhsolutoly control ho delegation. You aro thorofore urgod to voto for tho delogato from this dis trictJohn D. Gobs of Marshfleld. (Paid Ad.) Coos County Central Committee Well. Known North Bend Busi ness Man Makes a Re I markable Statement. Tho following communication is self-explanatory: Toiwhom it may concern:. la Octobor I hnd a uovero attack of rheumatism and could get no rest night or day, until I began to take treatments from Dr. Bird it rinrkn n specialist on tho splrio. nerves and rheumatism, und In one week It was eradicated. Six weeks ago I bogna to lakn trnnttnnnt nirnln nt n. rin.b.. fbi my right nrm and shouldor was. buflly crippled rt jiumbur of yeura ago mid I havo not been' able to use- my riaui nnnu lor wruing for elsht yjiara. 1 have been examined and attend. ed by some of tho riioaf eminent spc- I'liilista In 8nn Francisco who ysore unable td dlagnpsewuy case or glvn imr any rollof; l Dr. Clarko located the trouble at once nnd I am regaining tho upo ot ni shoulder and right arm nnd hand uiidor her skillful treatment. 1 recommend hor to those nmictod. Geo. Geliendorfur. pr. Bird 11. Clarke, of North Bend, lina boon doing soiiie excellent work In trontlllir stubborn mmm thnt Imv.. prqvod troublesome to hor patients. Tho' ubovo Is only one of the ninny raaoa In which her treatmont has boon successful. Cnll ut hor b-iiiI-turlum on Shormnu nvenue, North Bond, or write or phono nn appoint' ment. Consultation free. At tholr home In Bunkor Hill, Sat urday ovonlng, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Kondlo cntortnlnod a number of l.lnHJ.. nt (i.tnniM nml itnnnlnir Hlm lliuuuo ui nuiiu. ....v. .. " ovonlng was mado most enjoyable to IUO gUOSIB uuiuiiK wiiuiu niiiu mr and Mrs. Rny Chnpln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred GrlnoldB, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Gnlo, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Crnlg, Mr. ited Mra. W. Moboly, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Schroedor, MIbbcs Slgnn Larson, Es- flint. Mntann tlhnt Nolnnn ' T.11fV Thorwnld, Lily Thorwald, Clara Love- laco, Aiia uiawson, ucssio Aiouoiy, Vivian Craig, and Mabol Craig, and Mossrs. u. rvnsuurg, Aicuonaiu, unas. Knox, Clias. Skorrott, Wlnegnr. Otto Edluud, Chas. Ross, Chas. Frodcllus, Erick Edlund, Ed. Andorson, Gub Atidorson, Abel Engntrom, Clnrenco l.mntid Rrmnl niinri'hlll. Wlltlmn King nnd Guy Churchill. O Fred Roynolds wob declared victor it flii. flnfnnriinl fodill nnnfiml ttrkll in North Bond Tuesdny ovenlng, Mrs. Frank Frnmo, Mrs. A. II. Im,hoft"nnd Hfra T. .T .Qltnnaiin nnllni, ilia lllitcrna The program wns well rendorud nnd the wholo ovonlng was a decided suc cess Tiio hall been decorated In pv orgreon nnd pennants by sovernruf the High School pupils nnd friends of tho contestants. Some tlmo next month It la planned to hold a gold medal contest, in which nil thoso who have won sllvor modala may partici pate. The program given Tuesday night follows: "The Widow and Her Only Child" Clyde Smith "The Modorn Pilot" . . Hnrold Hunt "Prohibition" Harry Conro "A Compromlfio with Sntnn" ..'. . Glon Grout "Parting of tho Ways" ......... 1 Fred Reynolds "The Way of tho World" 1 Clarence Klbblor "Rectpo for a Wretch" I . . f . . Fremont Hddson Mrs. Mottle Illaln of South Fifth street, who has been spending tho winter with relatives at Orrick, Mo has written friends thnt ho will re turn hero soon. O Robert Emmott PInegor. tho llttlo Bon of Mr. nnd Mnt. R. K. PInegor, wns christened Inst Sundny nt the Marshlleld Eptsi'oput cVurrh by tho Rv. It. E. Browning. Tho sponsora were the grandparents.' Mr. nnd Mra. E. A. Elckworth nnd tho only wit nesses bcaldos the Immediate rola tlves were MrB Fred Hnuschtldt and Mra, Mildred JambT85 nna wra. PInegor Gntor.i y, bor of rolativoB at dffifi homo la honor of the ' ft Mr. nnd - "m. j Mrs. n. Floronco nro spending Mo.hner with -Mr. Mahonuy"8 Za 'e C zaboth Adams i ,s.'?lor?. Mn iff honoy. Thoy woho caiiln ? aal 2l doath of Mra. M ahonJ? .h,eI C Kay Colllor. whose bSrlnl " ! ntCoqulllo. urln tookf Mrs. P. M. TuTl?7nd liui. rlvod horo this week fmi I.le 8au. whoro thoy haC.P5t?,,,,t with relatives, to Join 8r ft,,1" nrccedod Mmm i.l. r. TuIIt v. Mra Tully has not been laV of hoalth recently. In th H Tho many frIon,iB of M Carpontor, tho Mnrshnn ? A"" BohooltoachorwhounaSSi. oration at Morcy hosnltm flUnP dlcltiB this week, nro wKr -rapid recovery. It H i,n.gal alio will bo nbio to rcWlJ homo In South Mnrshnol.l , "Jf dny, nt Stafford's' y and s- Don't forgot tho TurkUh n u PHONE 2 14 J. "n D,IU KLY Swnttcra 10caTorw,. Cwth Store. l t00 ty COME ON IN! THE .SODA WATER'S FINE SARTER'S Opposite Blanco Hotel Front Street. If you haven't been to Bar- ter's, you don't know what you have missed. FITS . w Jf you have anything to oll, trade, or rent, or want help, try a Want Ad. njnmfi Ars, " T, rr r,An r, t Fits and Misfits WK-AIfti SPECIALISTS ON FITS. Suits, Readj-to-Wear Prom $8.50 to $25.00 Royal Tailored. From $18.00 to $35.00 iMarshfield FIXUP North Bend Get your pictures framed right nt Wnlker Studio. t QOTNO SOIE FOn A RETIRTNQ PROSECUTING 'ATTORNEY. SOUPS FLAKKD PEAS A8mall hnndful of Flnkod Poasadded to any soup, fifteen minutes boforo It Is roady l" biw, win groauy uiiprovo us navor and wholesomenos9. PURKU OF FLAICKD PKAS 3 cups of boot stock H oup cold water IK tnblespoonfuls catsup Tiny ploce of garlic 1 cup Sperry Flaked Peas .... M modlum onion tablespoon Worcestershire Sairco Salt to taste. n 51! on.lon, An Btock unt,J t0.n.dor' add uPf Worcostorahlre, gar- M wholo cloves w """ UfOUlon8- BE onion witn E. S. GEAR. Offers Monday 3 Lots, Millington $500 3 Lots, North Bend . . .$600 1 Lot in Portlnnrl tn nv. change for lot in Marshfield. Oregon townsito property. Easy payments. Insurance that insures. Room 22 First Nat'l Bank Building. Investment Securities. .(PftidA.dvQ , TUB ELEPHANT: "Not this time, George."