THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION 3 . . ...-. fc Spring" -House-Cleaning Time The Coos Bay Bedding and tery Lo. Upholste u;nt to Clean Your Cnrncts. . cents per aa'inro yard. Satls Slx 'faction gtmrantood. jjj So. BroadwayPhono 21C-L. W.K.iWiseman The Old Reliable Now car ries a complete stock of Houscfurnishrngs. Every thing from Kitchon to Bed room. . JNCW UUUUB. Reasonable Prices. 323 South Broadway. Phono No. 210-J. We Have Been Successful Ja buying a largo stock of first dm Electrical nintorlal and can jite our patrons a vory low prlco on bouie wiring. Got our prlco jcm can't afford to miss It Coos Bay Wiring Co. Thono 237-J Lynn Lamboth Prod Nomlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Ronsonnblo Rnlcs All Night Sorvlco Careful driving nsaurod. rhonc Blanco Pool Iloom. 231-R Htll 11 P. M. After IIP. M. phono t-J. Palace Rostntirnnt. WM. S. TURPEN Architects 171 FRONT ST. Ancona and Sicilian Buttercups Ccit for oggs; tho host strnln; beautifully markod. Eggs for hatch In;. Salmon Favorolloa, tho wlntor North Bond. Phono 290. Ujeri, quick growors. V. K. Glnzlcr. WANTED ! ! ! UHPCT8 UPHOLSTERING AND PIAXOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING HARVEY PHONE 1(MI T. ;. BCAIFE $ A. II. HODOmi Marshfieid Paint (& Decorating Co Eitlm&tea MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140LOregot Blanchard's Livery Wt bare aecuro tlie livery b'l im of l. H. Helacer and aro pra Pred to render exchnt senrloo to the people o! Coi Hay. Cvef'! iWeri, g90Q rlja ud everything bit win mean aatWfaotory service to we public. Phonr us for a. driving fe, a rig or anything needed In " llrery line. Wo alao do truck 'I buiineea of ll -kind. flLANOHARD BROTHERS Phone 1S8-J "wry. Peed and Bale Serric. 141 First and Alder Streets 1ss0NAL DIRECTORY T K. A. J. HENDRY'S - Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high clas wk on short notice at the vor lowest prices. Examination fret way attendant, Coke building, oppo L!" 'nanllor hotel, phone 112-J. JrS J Mm 14. li t THEfiE'SREALCOMFOin: in easy and omoothly fitting shoos. Thoro is no pinching and jam ming tho foot into SHOE ran MEAT Thoro is a fine, onuj, hut comfortablo fit tho first timo hocauso tho lasts aro mado "with-a propor regard for tho anatomy of tho foot. KammererSays: Great Stock of BBS Your Anxious to Please The Toggery Shoes To Select From And live ones too. Tuns the propor thing for Spring and Summer wear. This will be the big sea son for Tan Shoes re ports from all tho met ropolitan cities predict their great popularity and we have prepared to supply your wants. Low Cuts High Cuts Button or Lace in tan black or patent leather. See big window display. Yours Anxious to Please The Toggery The Ware That Wears Guaranteed 15 Years It doesn't pay to buy cheap ware that soon peels, cracks, leaks, tarnishes, rusts or wears out. Even atalowcr cost such ware is the most expensive because it is dan gerous to health and unreliable in service doesn't last. "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is guaranteed for IS years. There is practically nowcar out to it and scientific investigation proves it the most sanitary cooking ware made. Particles can't chip off and cause chronic troubles nor spoil the food. Germs do not breed on its smooth surface and odors can not be absorbed by it. You'll have belter food and live trouble, time and fuel by utlng only "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware. Look for uade mark on every piece. FOR SALE DY EKBLAD & SON Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY BE.NOSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllu Offlje Phone 101 Marsbfleld Office H-J. Parms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "BABTSIDBV ) 0. W. LESLIE. Osteopathic Phvdiclan Qraduato of the American school 01 1 Oiteopathy at Klrkavllle, Mo. Offlc I a Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 tc i ' Phone 1G1-J; Marshdold; Oregon HURRY! IPS GOING FAST "We have a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-.T. 182 So. Broadway, J W. nEXXBTT, Lawyer. 'Ote over Flanngajo A Bennett UnrU I IrhHeld Oregon Jju J T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfieid, Oregon. j ff I-ockhart Dulldlng. I opposite i)0St ofnra phono 105-J ri.HaJe your Job printing done at ne Tlmim' m WW! E E SCHOOL MoB' .wi--.i V SECURES SOUTHERN OREGON j CHAMPIONSHIP IN ORATORIC AL CONTEST AT NORTH 11EXD LAST NIGHT. The Albany High School dobatbrs Inst evening won tho Southern Oro gon Championship nt North Ucml by n unanimous decision of tho Judges. Tho uebnte was nttcndod by tho larg est audience that over gnthored for an nffnlr of tho kind In North Ilonrt. Tho Judges wcro II. I. Hutlcdgo and D. C. Greene of Mnrshflold and Prof. J. Loltoy Johnson of Oregon Stnto UnlvurBlty nt Eugcno. In de livery nnd nrgumont, many of tho nudlonco thought North Do ml bud considerably the better of It, but tho rebuttal of Albany was n most mas terly one and Is believed to have won them tho unnnlmous victory. Goorgoi Uowcy lod for North IJond with Chns. Van Zllo as socond spoak cr. Chas. Ohllng led for Albany nnd Irvine Alchcson was thoir second speaker. North Dend had tho nogatlvo of tho question which was: "Resolved, that tho systom of government in Oregon would be improved by tho adoption of tho national cabinet plan of tho executive department, allowing tho governor and cabinet mombors to In- i troduco nnd debato measures in the I legislature." I Tho North Bond High School or ! chestra rendered n numbor of ploas- lng selections nnd numboro by tho North Dond High School Quartette! composed of Carl Goldor, Fremont HodBon, Harry Conro and Lylo Chap olle, won much npplause. The Albany tonm loft for homo on the Ilrcnkwntor today. In tho county oratorical contest to bo held In Coaullle two weeks from last Friday tho speakers represent ing tho various schools are hb fol lows: Coiiullle, Alko Culln, subject "Alary Queen of Scotts", IJandon, Lo in Ihu'klughnni, subjert "Tho Passing SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONMENT LIST OF COOS, COUNTY SCHOOLS AND TUB AMOUNTS THEY DRAW FROM STATU SCHOOL; TAX. The apportionment of S40.570.C0, of tho Quuito"; Myrtle Point, Dora the levy for tlio puuiic scnooi sysiom Harrison, subject, "Abraham Lln-I of tho county for tho year 1912, Is as coin"; North IJond, Chnrlcs J. Van follows: fcllo, subject "An Unwrllton History" I Dlst. No. i .Mynio ltnnK . . iiu-ov 2 llcrmnnn 252.2"0 3 Arngo 390.40 and Leslie Isaacson will represent the Marshtleld High School. 4 Lnmpa 409. !o G IJrowns 309.80 0 Emplro . . . , 457. 0t) 3 Coquillo 3270,20 9 Mnrshflold G504.60 10 Cunninghnro 233.00 11 Prirkcrsburg 437.8 A general clean up of tho grounds about tho building was mado by tho High School pupils and teachers yes terday. Lunch was served nt noon by tho High School girls under tho sup ervision of Miss Silverman. During nvinn.i..,! i.n t,nt.i..,in t ri i ...i, 1 13 North Dond . 3704.40 furnished tho grcator part of tho u U,lvoE.ton, Vkl'Jh lunch. Tho logs woro clonred off.l" Dig Creek 207.40 brush chopped down, knolls cut down 2 Catching Inlet sSI'JS nnd other work dono to lmprovo tho Cooston 380. on general nppenranco of tho groundB. j pg "staff '. '. '.!!!!!!'. 3Gl!oO a ...., x7ZZZZ J rib Strnnes ...' .'.!!'.!.'!.. 201.00 .V uj lutcic.liuh iiii'titl'iu ui ,. .iL. drills, folk dnnccB, club swinging may polo dnncoB, etc., was given Fri day afternoon at the South Mnrnh fleld building, Tho Btago was decora tod with Oregon grape, huckleberry, 20 Fish Trap . , 361.00 21 Randolph 604,20 22 Moons . , 1G7.G0 23 Lee ' 42G.0O 24 Rnckleff 207.4B nr l .V OT.J AH nnd ferns nnd tho poles nnd balcony i J", f,X ' Hinnek ". 36981) railings woro wrapped with Ivy. Many ; U"SP'!,0"8h 4 " " . Soo bonutlful llowers woro nlso used. Work dono by tho pupils of tho differ ent grades was on exhibition Jn tho rooms 28 Grnvcl Ford . . 470.20 29 Two Mllo 489.00 30 Sumner, 239.4U Among thoso visitors registering ,A !" 104'cD 33 Hald Hill , . , 354.0.0, 34 Catching Crook 233.0p 3G Dnnlols Creek . ' aui.iw POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS my platform; I nm a progresBlvo republican. I believe In economizing public money. I bollovo that cvory American cit izen has n right to his own political opinion nnd that ho is entitled to a square deal. I bollovo that all mon, rich or poor, should bo troatod allko. I believe In tho enforcement of tho law but not in prosecution under the pi I so of tho law. If nomlnnlod and oloctcd t) tho o(TVo of shoilff of Coos comu, I will do my duty under tho oath of oinco, will bo economical In tho ox jensu, of my olllco nnd will endeavor to Kivo nil mon a squnro deal. (Paid ndv.) O. O. LUND. I refer voters to tho taxpayers of Coos County from 189G to 1898 for ray record. I nm willing to bo Judged by that record, K. H. HANSEN, Candidate for tho republican nom ination for tho offlco of assessor. . , Don't bo surprlsod It you hnvo nn attack of rhoumatlsm this spring. Just rub tho aftectod parts freely with Chamborlaln's Liniment nnd it will soon disappear. Sold by nil dealers. I How to Fertilize I Out urn 24.p. .tool. I JiffiS wn'ltMi br nt. who Laow. cooutni muh uku1 Infor nulioo on (rrtliina weficm all. MukillMOOi)Uft. Tlio Chai. H. Ully Co Seattle, Watli. GET A VACUUM CLEANER For Thnt Sfwlng Housecleiuilnjj ANY CHILD CAN OPERATE TnEM No Dust or Dirt Satisfaction Guaranteed LIGHT TO HANDLE AND WILL LAST FQR YEARS TRY ONE PRICE ONLY 10.00 C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furniture Stor-o on Coos Day WILSON AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Phones 384-X, 228. "Mnrshfield. Ore. HMWHMaWMlMMa.MMJMMkU Parties Desiring Monuments Erected f Would do well to mil nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Hronihvny and iiiukp M'lcr Hon from the Inrse Mock "' "' hand. Mr. Wilson Jin In hi employ tho unly practical marble and granite cutter In Coos county. And none but tlio best work Is turned out. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY nUY SHOES FROM 91, PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 So. Rrondwnv Marshfieid GOOD INVESTMENT T! ree 7-rooin houses, rent for $30 per month; will coll' at a bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN. Real Estate and Insurance. 68 Central Avenue. Marsbfleld. nt tho South Mnrshflold building yes- tcrday, afternoon Woro: i Ursula Fnrrlnger, Irene Holm, Mrs. jounson, jmibs jouhhoii, mr. una mra. .., Tn,inrn OTr, in Colgan, Mrs. John Mirrasoul, Milton ,, or i 24B so Johnson, Mrs. A. 0. Dye. Mrs. J. T. " Sl.C'.'.' WW"" list Kinney, Mrs. Mccarty, Mrs McOul- n9 Co08j Vcr'. 336,40 lough, Mrs. A. Isaacson. Mra, , George u Myrtlo Point 2328.8D Ayre, Mrs. Holon McLaughlin, Mrs. 40 jj,,ucy G08.20 O. N. Bolt, Mrs. J. Leo Drown, Mrs. 42 Ilock-crcck 188.2J) Joohnk. George Wllllnms, Mrs. O.O. 43 Norwny , . . 457.00, uuouuj, mm. w, ji, uuii;, ,um, u. n, 44 Rby .... 380.00 Doono, Mrs. E. L. Robinson, Mrs. 4n Allogn'ny 442. a0 Morso.MlsBlIolon Adams, Mrs. F.S. 4(i New u'ho 343i2o Dow, Mrs. B. A. Dltnont. Miss Mabel 47 now)nnt, 2UM Lang. Mrs. B. D. McArthur, Mrs. J 48 shlloh 181.80 A. Ulntt, Mra. Cownn, Mrs. Jonos, 4n lnstsldo 9G4.80 iurs. nans, jura. Aiion, .myb. imuk- 50 Homoto 181. 8u worthy, Mrs. V. M. Clossen, Mrs. C. 51 utter 348.2,0 M. Connor, Phylls Hull, Mrs. T. O. j-,2 Ilnncrof t . '. !!..!!.... 220.00 Soule, Mra. Dorsoy Kroltior. Mrs. n3 North 81olIgh 2fH.Z(t Dolnn, Inez Johnson, Esthor Johnson, 54 nnndon G02G.0O Mrs. C. G. Magnus, Mrs. Hnnscn, r,r, nenvor Slough 109.00 Mrs. O. M. Johnson, Myrtlo Johnson, r,r, Kstcrbcck 233.01 Vlolot Johnson, Mrs. J. Hnll, Mrs. r7 Sniltn si0Bh ;. 348.20 C. B. Johnson, Miss Preston, Miss 13. r,8 Sunnysldo v 329.01 Ogron, Mrs. H. Illnok. Mrs. Frank on Hnlls Creek 200.0(1 Illack, Miss LoIbo IUack, Mr, Snod- (jo Prospor , 114.80 don, Mrs. Snoddon. Mra. Hnworth. 62 Hoar Crook 277.80 Mr. Hnworth, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. J. C3 Johnsons Mill 303.40 B. Cooloy, Mra. J. II. Rnhskopf, Mrs. 54 pour ,mij0 271, 0 O. W. Miller, Mrs. Gruloy, Mrs. J, CR sitkum 240.80 S. nnkor, Mr. II. II. Wilson, Ignatius pn Lako Sldo 335.40 Chapman, Marian Sonmnn, Mrs. G. S. 1 07 Excelsior 2G8.C0 Floyd, Mr. nnrkor, Mrs. C. W. Towor, 68 Larson Slough 220.0.0 Mrs. Holon Baldwin, Mrs. Carlson, fin noavor Hill . ....' 205.0.0 Mra. John Naglo, Mra. Nollloi Whoro- 70 Eden Vnlloy 143.40 nt, Mra. Jnmos Cox, Mra. Goo. W. 71 nucll 1B0.20 Lnkln, Mrs. Honthorlngton Mra. A. 72 Junction : 102,00 Doll. Mra. M. McLnln, Mra. R. Harris- 73 pjonnant Vlow 4G0.C0 on, Mra. A. II. Powors, Mra. K. B. 74 pionflnnt Hill 2G2.20 Mnrcoy. Mrs. Hugh Snoddon, Mr. '75 locust Orovo 290.60 Hugh Snoddon, Mrs Drows. Mr. 7(j nienn Junction 104.6.O Drows,.Mr8. B. M. Johnson, Mra. Wm. 77 Bridge 041.10 Knrdoll, Mra. Clms. Ourtlss, Mra. 8. 7s -yt p. Domont 181.80 D. Harpor, Mra. L. O, Lang, Mrs. W. 79 T,nttln 380.20 D. Curtis, Mra. Clms. Lapp, Mrs. go West Norwny 341.80 o. W. Gnrdnor. Mra. Conklln, Mrs. n t ,.,.! i.i,n 303.40 BImoro, Mra. Honglnnd, Mra, Ilrlggs, R2 Coo c)ty ,.,.. 40G.80 Mrs. Olln, Mra. Q. K. Ferry, Mrs. g3 1nl(0 vlow ,. 271.40 Goorgo Ferry, Mrs. Able, Mrs. P. II. R4 Ranford . 213.80 Drossor, Mra, II. Smlthgnll, Mra. G. sc nm,ior im '. . . G04.40 L. Hnll, Francis Hall, Mra. A. I). Bar- goant. Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. waiters, Mra. J. L, Koontz, Mrs. La Chnpollo, Mra. M, Chnpollo, E. D. McArthur, Mrs. Abbott, F. A. Sncchl, Mra. S. Ii)naP,i , ho last onumorntlon. ThlH Hondryx. Mra. J. 13. EdmunilH, Mra. wm cnnj,0 boards of dl Tlnilcnn. lTr. I.. K. KnillHOn. AIT. U .......'U.., .'.. - . " "". . motto. Mrs. ouimoHo. imiiy ihuko, May ninko, Mra. A. Hansen, Mra. A. B. Neff, Mrs. A, E. Soamnn, Miss Gul ovson. Dr. McCormnc, Mrs. DownB. Mra. Olson, Mra. Horton, Mrs. D. W. Knox, Mra. W. Ogron, Mrs. Wm. Gregg, Mrs. C. II. Waltor, Mlsa Em ily Hear, Mra. Darkor, Mra. Stpno, Peter Johnson, John Olson nnd Jack Pctorson. MARRIAGE LICENSES Tho followlnc mnrrlngo licenses woro Issued by County Clerk Watson during tho past week: Alfred Anson and rveiuo wiimier, both from Emplro, R. P. Hompol and Ellon rincn, both of Randon. ,. . Nell RankB and Rhoda u. 'uiiuor, both of South Slough. Coquilio Sentinel. SPECIAL CANDY HALE every Snturdnv and Sunday at Stnffnnl'H. Joint District No. 1. North Lako 2G8.60 Tho stntfl annortlonmont In Au gust will bo nbout I1.7B per capita, rauon. nun directors to plnn Ititclllgontly for tho full year's public school. W. II. nUNCII, ,. County Superintendent l DR. MrCOHMAO QUALIFIED In view of tho fact that corislder nblo comment Is going the rounds to the effect thnt Dr. J. T. McCormax, supervisor of Coos Day suporvlsw district, Is not logally quallflod to hold said position, I doem It impera tive to Inform tho public thnt Dr, McCormnc now holds a regularly Is sued school cortlflcato valid from February 10, 1911, to Fobrunry 10. 1914, Issued by tho County Hoard or Examiners nnd signed by Supt. W, II. Hunch nnd A. G, Rnab, assistant ex nmlnor, nnd thnt Dr. McCormac Is otherwise eminently qualified to fill said position Slgnod April 11, 1912i (Paid Adv.) W II. nUNOH, Countv Rnlinol Sunerlntonilp" FREE TO YOU MY SISTEB HEHIt Free to You and Every Sister Sut erlng from Woman's Ailments. I am woman. 1 knorr woman's io(frtnc. t) 1 toTo found thu euro. J T.lil J" u ' ,,.W 'nr charge, sot Urn but. B4twlth (all lnitructlonitoany Dlferer troia woraBU' allmbuts. 1 want to tell ill women about tbU euro-mi, my rwuler, tor yourntU, jojir iljmrfhlur, your mother, or youmtater. 1 w out to ifii you now to euro ourHiTr ut nomemilr out tho hull) of a doctor. Men ciawl unclirstiiinj womcn'n sutlerlnt,'. Whatwowoiutii know lie iptrltac. wo know Latter tlian any doctor 1 kuow thnt iny'homi lr atnnmt 1m fil anil nr euro for lincerihici et Wbllitk (lichitm, jlitirtliu, B11 tlictrml cc Rni ol tki Wcnb, f iln, Jutli ti lift J rtilcJl, Ulul.ii H Qrili lunuii. i fitatki, tl0 rilm w fuJ, tltk' i4 boujli, Hilt in lit! rn cjnctinm. tr(i(lnjtn,lf iia hi ljr,, iltriKl. ti.M tH. U VMM, wuiifiii, I Ji mi lltUti litntlo m ciimt tf iakoiit CHbUl Im v .r k x t lm' lui o'l j o'l i cei plili tin 'tfij'i Ifotnul ftlrtly Ini to ,'',, to y "t that J(u crncuro jiiui.,t ut Iv " in-tly. uujtVly nnj iinrely fiuim mi., i liiuMI tl (Oil toy OilUm to cItb tha tr.ui in.: n o.iapu t. uml iliyon wHa to continue, It will coityouonly anont 12o-nti w. it " l '"!"r'. ,'I wittn t intorforu y. 1th your w U k or cocuiMt"' ' "4 '' u:"' te!' i . you uir It you wUh, awl I will a uU tou tU t ftitmnn- for ) 'tmr'i.i nw u-bipm toi stii'' with t.r l,y rotnri inntl ImIIoUo -i.l ouMottst, my syfJ'.HJ 0W H50ICAI loriKK wun IMIMO ,,..J. J ...M. Mfc."..T - ' . ,.,.' ,T.,M.V. . T ! - " - , - . btho.iiv R "ou muit th iuo'Ivih kiiuple homo trtatiui Painful or Irrtetwr ltjltUtt. Yvhererer you Uye, ntheiloctorfuyi tn iiav ourtu Will fipUUlltt Jyryivo, unshou.ii i.uvo It, nudlrnru to Ukukr hirwll. Tt nwh.ntlii lmvi on m NTHlinn," tou cun lf lUu for yourif i h usii w r o wlthiiyltmirfnily.' It ilur ill w ir iuag. i miiiii j BJ0iniir. i !.". 'iTi',',? Wit wuiett fM.iiy i8uicu)uiivcurt wwirw., i.,. ..- ..-..- Mvntjualvu Jn youu LuilU, l'luiuiiw4 ana Mdtli always rnultruut !ve. I can refer too to ladles of Tour own locality who know and will glaillr tell any aufferer tliat thif Hum Initmiilrcnllr tiunall womtn'adtnaueH.andmaktwomonwiui, etrpnir. plump and rohut. Jul ttAd at tw liilwit, and tba t roo ten day's trwtinentu yours, nue tha book WrttdtoMlliy,M yoU may not at thu jffer again. "AddriMi m mrs. m. summers, Bonti - " Notra Damo, ind., u. .. ' Times' office.