The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 13, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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octal happenings, Intended (or
publication In tho socloty depart
tnont of Tho Times, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not later
than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of
each week. (Exceptions will be
allowed only In cases where
oronU occur later than tho time
Lady Moon, O Lady Moon,
Hero's a llttlo sloopy girllo that must
go to slumbor soonl
Won't you glldo across tho window
on your shining sllvor wings,
Won't you apnro twlxt noon and noon
Just ono tiny tondor mlnuto to this
cot with baby In It?
Thought I know you aro so busy
with a hundred million things
Lady Moon, O Lady Moon,
Lot hor soo tho pollahod buckles on
your gleaming ulltror nbuon
Lot hor touch your diamond rings
and tho star dust on your
And should you bond abovo hor nh!
but that would bo a boonl
And kiss hor llttlo rosy llpn, how
kind, O Lady Moon I
Lady Moon, O Lady Moon,
Toll hor Just ono fairy story that
you'vo gathorod as you go
From tho plno, woods or tho snow.
From tho gayly llghtod cltlos or tho
fltara .abovo thorn atrown;
Tboro'n n sloopy llttlo girllo that
would llko so much to know
Just ono llttlo fairy story, Lady
Lady Moon, O Lady Moon,
It is lato; and you'ro so busy with
so many trysUi to koop,
And our llttlo wldo-oyod babba
It Is tlmo sho wont to Blaop!
With thoBO cheolui that mock Do
comber 'With their rosos picked In Juno;
Though sho's sloopy she'll rcinom
bor, . aiio'll roinombcr, Lady Moon!
IT IS dimcult to dotormlno which
has provon tho most Interesting
during tho past llvoly post 1 om
en wook In local socloty circles, tho
many dollghtful functions or tho dis
play of boautlful gowus that grncod
tho guests. Doth created much fa
vorablo comment. Iloglnnlng with
Mrs. I 12. lingua's dollghtful lunch
eon on Castor Monday at which
many oxqutstto costumes woro shown
for tho llrst tlmo, tho wook bus boon
(lllod with n sorioB of most charm
ing affairs.
Tho many now gowns will add In to tho following lottar which
Marguorlto Marshnll writes from
Now York;
Is tho modorn woman beautifully
If you had gono, an I did, to con
sult Robort Honrl, acknowlodgcd
loador of that goodly body of Now
York artists known no insurgents,
you would havo neon your nnwor
wrltton on tho walls of Mr. Ilonrl'a
studio. Just oppoRlto mo and Bldo by
slilo woro two fiill-longth portraits
of a modorn young womnn. In ono
sho woro n soft whlto house-gown,
showing a trlauglo of white throat
and In ovory fold accentuating tho
long linos of tho slim body.
In tho other study sho woro n
black coat roacliing to her huols, n
coat with tho wldo rovers ami turn
over collar of a 1912 model.
On hor head was a black lint of
graceful slro ami shapo, a pluino ris
ing at ono Bide.
You might seo hor any day In Fifth
nvonuo, and If you hud eyes to sea
you would know alio was dressed
I was not surprised when Mr. Hen
ri added his alllrinatlvo to thoso al
ready recorded by his brother artists
who hnvo declared unhesitatingly
that modern woman Is beautifully
Hut Mr. Henri defines UiIh fact in
his own way:
"Tho dross Is truly boautlful," ho
told mo "which revouls ami iierontun
tos all tho graces of tho Individual.
Ploaso note that 1 say graces and not
grauo. Tho latter Ih merely ono
boauty. 'Graces' Is tho word to usu
for tho combined physical, mental
and spiritual boautloa of each person,
and all of thoso aro brought out by
tho right sort of costume.
"In n lessor degress, dress, llko
architecture, should reflect and ex
press tho general characteristics of
tho ago and tho nation to which It
Coos Day Concert Band, danco
Modorn Woodmon of Amorlca,
I. O. U. Dancing Club, North
Bend, danco.
Jolly Dozen, lunchoon and So-
clal, Mrs. J. W. Langdon.
Eastsldo Athlotlo and Social
Club, danco. 4
4 Coos Bay Concert Band, bono- 4
4 fit concort, Masonic Tomplo. 4
4 Christian Endeavor, Mrs. C. II. 4
4 Walter. 4
4 Progress Club with Mrs. E. M. 4
4 Barry. 4
4 Coos Bay Motor Boat Club, 4
4 cards. 4
4 C. I. E. club, progroaslvo lunch 4
4 8lstors of Bethany with Mrs. 4
4 Harry Bradflold. 4
4 Miss Agnos Hutchison at 4
4 Bridge 4
4 Mnrshflold Improvement Club. 4
4 Parents' Club, North Bond, for 4
4 organization. 4
4 Prlsclllao with Mrs. J. Mcln- 4
4 tosh at Bay .City. 4
4 Brldgo Club with Mrs. H. K. 4
4 Jonos. 4
4 Women's Auxiliary, Prosbytor- 4
4 Ian, with Mrs. M. C. Horton. 4
4 A. N. W. Club with Mrs. F. 4
4 E. Allon. 4
4 Mlnnlo-Wls Social Club with 4
4 Mrs. Perkins. 4
4 Mrs. W. A. Toyo, rocoptlon. 4
4 Thimblo Club, North Bond, 4
4 with Mrs. A. H. Derbyshire. 4
4 Ladlos' Art Club with Mrs. L. 4
4 Helsnor. 4
4 Domorost Modal Contost, at 4
4 Marahflold. 4
4 Norwegian Luthoran Nocktlo 4
4 Social. 4
4 P. Q. Sowing Club 4
4 Toollo's Orchostrn, North Bond 4
4 danco. 4
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In tho city, or of Coos Bay people
who visit In other cltlos, together
with notices of social affairs, ar
gladly received In tho social do
partmont. Tolephono 133. No
tices of club mcotlngs will bo pub
lished and secretaries aro kindly
requested to furnish same.
ing of nil parents of North Bond
who aro interested In tho porinanont
organization of a club there along tho
lines of tho Portland Social nnd
Moral Hygleno Socloty. Professor
Raab Is to bo chalrmnn nnd n pro
gram prcpnrod by tho committee, Mr.
Qrubbs, Mrs. 8holley, nnd Rov. Al
bert Hlsey, will be given. Dr. Mc
Cormac of Marshfleld, Mrs. Horbort
Armstrong and Dr. Bnrtlc of North
Bond nro to speak on various phases
of tho work anticipated. Tho work
of organization Is to bo started, offi
cers nro to bo choson, nnd by-lnws
nindo. All who aro interested In tho
movement aro urged to bo present.
M. Bylor, Mrs. Job. Allon, Mrs. Goo.
Hotllstcr, Mrs. u, E. Dabcock, Mlsa
Gertrude Mnndlgo nnd Mra. Fred
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. C. Bailoy Wed
nesday entertained n number of tholr
North Bond neighbors nt n vory
pleasant and Informal evening of
Bridge, including among their guests
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. 0. Coleman, Dr.
nnd Mrs. I. II. llarllo nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. G. Horn.
tho momont which do not holp to dis
play hor individual graces, and which
mny oven Impodo thoso, sho Is not
drossod boautlfully.
"And n woman should study her
solf an a painter studios tho scono
or flguro which ho Is nbout to trans
fer to canvas. Sho should noto tho
color of hor hair and eyes, tho tex
ture of hor akin, tho linos of hor flg
uro. And thon sho should chooso
thoso fabrics, ahadoa and forms of
dross, which I cannot ropoat tho
phrnsa foo afton rovoal and orapha
plzo nil hor graces.
"Tho nvorago woman drossos tho
bottor for tho nsslstanco of profes
sional artlstB in dross nnd alio should
make It hor business to consult thorn
whonovor possible I havo much
pralso for tho groat modorn doslgnors
of costumes for women. , Thoy hnvo
lonrnod tho secret of studying tho In
dividual nnd tholr productions aro
not dupllcntod because thoy know
that tho dross which Is boautlful on
ono woman will not bo boautlful on
"I bollovo that in tho future there
will bo muny more of thoso groat es
tablishments, whoro a woman can go
and buy tho drossos which naturally
belong to hor, which hnrmonlzo with
hor personality. Thon, of course
wo shall hnvo n gront many more
.kinds of dross than wo havo now.
Instoad of llkonoss, tho quality of
dlfforonco will bo obsorvablo In tho
gowns, nut oven now uniformity of
stylo Is loss apparent than formorly."
"Do you wnnt to comment on tho
hobblo skirt?" I asked. "It soetns
to bo a bote noir of tho othor artists."
"1 hesitate to speak of It," return
ed Mr. Honrl, "becauso my opinion of
It Is subject to so ninny qualifications.
I don't llko It whon it Impedes the
movomont of n person trying to walk
or go up stairs as sometimes happons.
I do llko It whon it reveals tho form."
"Generally speaking, a dress Is not
beautiful If It in nny way hinders tho
free movements of tho human body.
Gesture must not bo chocked, for It
is tho physical presentation of montal
beauty. Abovo all things, a woman
ought to bo ablo to assume ono easy,
graceful poso nftor another, and this
1b Impossible If her bnlnnco Is de
stroyed by hor garmonts."
"But surely tho modern woman U
Impoded by hor tight shoos and cor
sots." said.
"That dopond on whothor thoy nro
tight," ropllod tho p.rtlst.
"Corsots mny be usod or thoy maj
.on tho religious folks might show'
more respect for tho crontlons of tho
God thoy worship.
"When tho body or pnrta of It aro
exposod, tho gonoral effect of beauty
,1b Increasod for two reasons. Ono
Is, that whnt is visible must bo taken
cara of, nnd tho othor is tho gain In
consciousness of tho bqdy. Thnt Is,
It gnlnB tho powor or oxpresslon
which continual exposure has al
ready given tho face. How entirely
boautlful Is tho modorn ovonlng
gown with Its oxDrsuro of shoulrfnrn
and back and tho train which makes
a harmonious relation botwoon past
and present movemontsi
"And thora Is anothor typo of mod
orn dress which has Ha own boauty,"
concluded Mr. Honrl. "It Is tho
dress which tho individual has adapt
ed to soma spoclnl occupation, such
as tho four-year-old shooting suit,
tho owner having long sluco thrown
nwny Its unnocosBnry buttons and
chains. Such n dross may not bo
'smart' but It's right nnd therefore
Mrs. F. 1. Hague was hoatosB Mon
day aftornoon at Brldgo at hor beau
tiful homo In Kitty vlllo. Tho snacl-
ous houso had boon nrtlsticnlly decor
ntcd with greens nnd rod carnations
winch fairly bnnked tho wnlls nnd
cornors. Greens hung from door
ways nnd chandeliers, knottod with
bundles of vivid rod carnations and
tho wholo was llghtod with Innumer
able rod-shaded candlos. Tho favors
woro of Easter dor-Jgn. Tho dainty
reireanmontH ccliooi' tho rod nnd
grcon color schemp In sorvlng, Mrs,
Haguo wiib nsslBt-Ml by Mrs. F. K.
Loofo, Mrs. E. K. Jonos, Mrs. W. T.
Morchnnt, Miss Mnudo Reed nnd Mrs.
E. C. Paddock. Mrs. J. Flanagan
wan wlnnor of tho first prize, Mrs.
Claude Nanburg or tho socond, nnd
Mm. W. S. Nicholson of tho consola
tion prtzo. Among thoso Invited were
Mosdnmes E. W. Kammoror, D. Y.
Stafford. F. M. Pnrsons, W. S. Tur
pen. J. W. Flnnngnn. W. II. Kennody,
J. M. Upton. W. F. Miller, C. R.
Pock, C. K. Perry. II. 8. Towor, J.
T. Hnrrlgnn, Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., Wnrd
M. Blnke, W. E. Mlngus, J. H. Flnnn
gnn, F. E .Loofo, A. H. Powers, Dor
soy Kreltzor, J. 8. Coko. A. T. Unities,
F. K. Gottlns, W. A. Toyo, E. C. Pad
dock, J. Albort Matson, A. E. NefT,
M. C. Horton. E. E. Straw, Frod
Barhman, R. K. Booth, C. M. Bylor,
A. L. Housuworth, W. T. Merchant.
L. J. Simpson, E. a. Porhnm. E. F.
Moirlsdoy. W. E. Dungnn, J. II. Mil
nor, Clnudo Nnsburg, Wnrren Pnlnt
or, C. F. McCullom. C. W. Tower.
D. C. Greene, 8. C. Small, Win.
Scott, Jr., A. Rnlpho O'llrion, C. F.
M( Knight, W. 8. NIcIioIboii, W. F.
McEldownoy, F. A. Cohan, F. G. Hor
ton, E. K. Jones. Eugono O'Connoll,
E. G. Flanagan, II. J. MeKeown, Guy
Warner, M. C. Mnlonoy, J. llon
nott, Morton Tower of Empire, J. T.
MCormnc. C. E. Nicholson, G. W.
Kaufman, Otto Schottor, I. S. Kauf
ninn, Unrry Nnsburg, W. U. Douglas,
hiuo fnrringor, Enrl Downing, W. 8.
Chandler, II. Loekhnrt. II. Rood and
Arthur MeKeown; MIbsos O'Brien,
Agnes Hutchison, Evelyn Andorson,
Allco Butlor, Maudo Reed and Mario
Malonoy. o"f six, mo.
bolougs. Ab n matter of fact. It Is bo abused. I cortnlnly should not
aiwuys nnocieu oy uieso inuuoncos.
"Thon nro tho numerous nnd swift
changes of tho modern fashion duo
to tho restlessness and hurry of tho
modorn world?" I asked.
"Of courso tho doslro for frequout
change which booiiib an Insopnrnblo
part of tho modorn spirit is nt lonst
In n measure responsible for tho
quick nccoptnnco of tho various fnsh-
lonnblo oxporlmonts," concoded Mr.
Honrl. "But I think tho most lm
portnut cnuso for tho making of
thoso oxporlmonts Is an economic
ono. To put it bluntly, tho pooplo
who soil tho clothos want tho monoy
nnd thoy roallzo thnt frequont chang
es of stylo moan now outfits, even
from women whoso pockotbooks or
whoso huabnnds' pockotbooks aro too
ompty to afford tho oxpendlturo."
"But ennnot a womnn dross boautl
fully without following nil tho chang
es or rashlonr" I asked,
ngreo with tho porsons who want nil
women to tnko off tholr corsots at
onco. Thon wo would hnvo tho re
sult without tho preparation for It.
A womnn's body must first bo so ex
orcised nud strengthened thnt sho
can dlsponBO with tho aid of whnlo
bono and othor supports. Sho must
not try to do without thorn boforo
sho has acquired strength of hor own.
"Ab for shoos, I fancy thnt some
future doslguor will mnke n gront
change in them. Ho will design
some model which will nt once give
tno root more room and more sup
port. Tho foot will be allowed a
chanco to broatho. I havo no dofln
Ito design In mind.
"Thoro Is a gradual, If more or less
unconscious, tendoncy In modorn
dross townrd less concealment of tho
form," contlnuod Mr. Henri. "This
movomont ought to be encouraged.
Wo have got to got over the Idea that
"8ho went crazy over Brldgo."
"Snd, vory sad."
"Oh, no grent hnrm done. Hor
fnmlly plncod hor In n fnshlonnblo
snnltorlum nnd now sho's playing a
bottor game than ever."
Mrs. E. F. MorrJssoy wns hostoss
Wednesday nftornoon at ono of tho
prettiest luncheons of tho after-Lon-
ten sonson. Hor decorations woro
miscellaneous, chiefly greon and
whlto and of Eastor doalgn. Tho
Bovon tables at which sho entortnlnod
were vory pretty with controplocos
of rabbits' nests and eggs nnd sml
lax nnd dnlsles. Mrs. A. T. Halnos
wnB nsslBtnnt-hostess. Plnco cards
woro shaped and colored llko Enstor
linos. At tho Flvo-IIundred thnt fol
lowed tho lunchoon, tho bunny-Bhnp-od
Bcoro-cnrds of Mrs. W. F. Mc
Eldownoy nnd Mrs. L. W. Trnver
showed the highest counts, and their
ownors were accordingly nwnrded the
dainty prizes of cut glass and silver.
Among thoso Invited woro Mra. J. S.
Coke. Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. Mrs. Es
thor B. Converse, Mra. F. E. Haguo,
Mrs. J. W. Bennett. Mrs. A. Ralnho
rnMin , rv .. . ..
- ut mil, .iin, u. i. oianora, Airs, u.
K. Perry, Mrs. F. E. Loefo, Mrs. S.
O, Small, Mrs. L. W Trnver, Mrs. W.
A. Reld. Mrs. A. B. Gldloy. Mrs. P.
A. Snndborg, Mrs. W. E. Warwick,
Mrs. F. A. Haines, Mrs. R. T. Street,
Mrs. T. 0. Russell, Mrs. Wm. Grimes.
Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. A. T.
Hnlnes. Mrs. W. F. Miller. Mra. flhaa
Q. Van Duyn, Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan,
airs, f, u. tiorton. Mrs. A. L. House
worth, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Mrs.
Dorsoy Kreltzor. Mrs. Eugeno Crosth
walt, Mrs, F. K. Gettlns, Mrs. A. E.
Noff, Mrs. A. H. Powers, Mrs. G. F.
Murch. Mrs. Earl Downing, Mrs. D.
0. Greene, Mrs. A. E. Adelsporger,
and Mrs. W. F. McEldowney.
"Cortnlnly," ho replied, "In fact, the ontlro body Is something to be
so far as sho follows tho modes of l.ashamod of. It seems to me that ev-
Hobbs This bolng leap year, 1
suppose It Is proper to say "sho led
him to tho nltnr."
Dobbs It's alwnys proper. It Is
tho bride who does tho steering; tho
mnn gonornlly hns the blind stnggors.
Tho Marshflold Improvement Club
startod oft with a rush nt its first
meeting at tho Chamber of Com
morco Tuesday ovcnlng. Altho' tho
nttondanco wna not ns lnrgo ns could
havo bcon wished nnd ns Mnrshflold
should offer, thoso who did attend
mndo up In onthualasni nnd progres
sive spirit tho lack In numbcrB. Mr.
Tlodgon and tho High 8chool Facul
ty Innugurntod nctlvo movement by
giving nil hands a holiday yestordny
nnd sotting tho boys to work "wld do
shubbol an' do hoo" to mako a, start
toward making tho High School
grounds tho thing of bonuty thnt
thoy could bo mndo with just such
tlmo nnd offort. Among 'prlvnto
families tho llttlo Whorcat boys aro
first In tho Hold, having spndod tholr
garden and prepared It for flower
seeds. If ovoryono would make as
good a start ns thoso llttlo lads tho
town would bo almost unrecogniza
ble in a fow months.
A second mooting Is to bo held
Tuesday ovcnlng at tho Chamber of
Commorco to continue tho work
startod . Botwoon fifteen nnd twenty
ntombors are so far enrolled with
tho secretary.
Tho Marshflold W. C. T. U., having
boon so successful in their boys' Dom-'
orost medal contest, nro arranging a'
program for tho girls of tho High'
School to glvo April 19. Tho girls
taking part aro Alta Soulc, Evelyn,
Langworthy, May Myrcn, Bosslo,
Flanagan, Agnes Snndqulst, Harriet
Hanson, of tho Mnrshflold High'
school, nnd Miss Lund, dnughtor of
W. W. Lund of Forndnlo.
Tho Altar Guild of St. Mnry'H Ep
iscopal church mot Thursday nt tho
homo of Mrs. Frod Holllster In North1
Bond for a fow pleasant hours of
sowing. Election of officers had bocn
schodulod for thnt dny but owing to
tho smnll nttondanco tho business
wns postponed until tho next moot
ing, April 24, whon Mrs. L. J. Simp
son will bo hostess. Present Thurs
dny were Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo, Mrs. C.
Mrs. L. F. Fnlkenstolu Is spoil
ing n fow dnys' vncntlon nt Ton MIlo.
Miss Jessie Armstrong, aged savon,
gave a children's Easter-egg party
and hunt Saturday at tho homo of
her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Horbort
Armstrong, of North Bond. Tho var
ious children of tho nolghborhodd
woro Invited nnd spent n merry nftor
noon In tho quest for hidden egga
nnd were served n delightful" llttlo
lunch by tho small hostess' mothor.
Among tho llttlo guests were Miss
Mnrgnret Best, MIbs Ruth Wnttora,
MIbb Catherine Swonringon, MIsb Slg
na ChristenBon nnd brother nnd sis
tor, Misses Mnbol and Gladys Clock
ott, Miss Sigrld Andorson, MIsb Vera
ArmstrougMastorB Hobnrt nnd Har
old McDanlols, Guunurd Anderson,
Burton nnd Vlvlnii Clockett nnd Hnr
ry Kern.
Miss Edna LcwIb of Portland ar
rived on tho Brcnkwntcr yestorday
morning to visit for some tlmo nt the
homo or Dr. and Mrs. E. Mlngus.
Miss Vlolot Ilendorson loft this
wook for Onkland, Calif., whoro sho
will spend part of a two months' va
cation. Sho will visit at othor Cal
ifornia points during hor nbselico nnd
may mako a trip east.
Tho Sister of Bothany hold no
meeting this wcok, but will bo onter-
talnod Tuesday, April 10, by Mrs
Harry Bradflold.
Tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club
will hold lto last meeting Monday
ovonlng nt tho club rooms In North
Bond whon tho gentlemen of tho club
will bo in solo chnrgo of tho ontor
tnlnmcnt and rofrcshmenta, giving
tho lndlos n well-earned rest. On
this night tho llnnl counts will bo
mndo nnd tho year's prizes awarded.
R. J. Coko camo In by way of Ban
don Inst wcok from California whoro
ho reports tho wonthor lino. Mrs.
Coko Is In Los Angeles nnd Intends
to prolong her visit for three or four
months more boforo returning to tho
Mrs. W. 8. Turpon was hostess to
n numbor of North Bond nnd Mnrsh
flold Indies Wednesday ovonlng at
Bridge. Among thoso making up
the two tables woro Mrs, Goo. Gols
ondorfor, Mrs. T. W. Rennlo, Mrs.
C. M. Bylor, nnd Mrs. L. J. Simpson
of North Bond, nnd Mrs. J. W. Bon-
Tlnlt Ht .
Claude Nnsburgof'aPl
"At first I would not l"'6, '
Ho squeezed ? I
.lJ:..J' NmpmiT retard i
uruuKwnior Fr day ,n"r li.
of Portland, lirj
Air. nnd Mrs. Thos rw
Orfonl. fni-i..-i..-.0?: wer
.imj iiillll lfifn ... 'st
fall. -"'raeror
. r-o i
iuoivin jncousoh Is .n.nj, '
Enstor vacation will f "n,dlnl
North Bond. Hn u ,i5L,,,B.l,
In Oakland. "cuu'M!i
Mra. W. F. Miller Is m,,., '
loayo May 4 for the Vfe
go direct to Now York, do IS?1
in various cities on tho reffifl
Til ii Wnmrm'. i...iw
Presbyterian church It to nat!
Horton. "
onlne nt thn hnm. .i i"I"
Ayro In South Marshfleld. Ta
ovonlntr. Mlnsoa n..i. ' .
,. v- -, ---" -y"'u '.
uiiuuuuruuu, UCairiCC BBltk
Hanaon nnd Eliza Ayre wer it
xoo ciud ib io glvo a nromii
lunch Monday ovcnlnn beituhTi
tho homo of MU n.i. .. '"
-. .in
Mrs. T. C. RUMI1 ami VI.. ,
Sneddon of Roavnr tun .., -,
ncsday night ns tho gueiu ol fal
W. T. Mlllor, nttondlng Mn. Ho
avj a iuuuuuuu in IDO aitemOOI.
Mra. F. M. Parsom nlri.i..ik
formnlly nt Bridge WedneidiJ i
iuk oiris, i. u, uubbcii ana aiTl
Sneddon of Beaver Hill, Mn. ff, f
Mlllor, Mrs. Eugeno Croitluli
jvirs. uorsoy Krcitzer ana
Tho Ladles' Aid of the North I
MothodlBt Episcopal church ntti
Mrs. J. a. Nowklrk of North I
Heights Thursday afternoon. 8r
and conversation wero the itttnoei
diversions. Present vera Mn i
bort IIlBoy, Mrs. 8. 8. Rltchlt.lfil
S. W. Topo, Mrs. Chai. VanZII,X.-d
McLood, Mrs. Elmer Wood, MnCll
Wilson. Mrs. R. I). Frejr. Mn. r II
(Continued on pue I)
TTO go about your work or your play or
your social engagements well dressed,
but economically.
That is the ambition of every man
on Coos Bay. Ho may not express
the desire, or way not even think it
out loud, but he has it. I have
lived in Marshfield for a good
many years, and I know the ins
and outs of everyday life here.
Because I understand the difficul
ties of dressing right at compara
tively small expense, I have laid be
fore you all the skill and high
workmanship of the St&in-JRloch
These clothes are at your disposal, to be tried
before our mirrors at any time. The earlier, however,
the better.
TF'' w. XWfj&'i.' yy. J . A
fl I mum
nil iMslF
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