MR BORROW ANYTHING THAT YOU CANT RETURN-NOT EVEN TROUBLE -TJTlSlNa In Tlio TIMES Glnns lay tm0 WANT ADVERTISING In Tbo TIMB8 Will Keep tho Income from Yow Furnished Rooms from LnpalHgt YOU can really help tho family tovenucs by renting a fow furnished rooms nnd, If you know how, and when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra Income as ''steady a8 a clock." he Market" Effectively! . hi nut the facta about your 11 It before Mio oycf of all "p dtlt Buyw oucht to tK! .n ,.n bcII It! on ' MEMRER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ifOLXXXV rrtSM Mnn" M ARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES." A Consolidation of Times, Consl Mull Qm 232 nnd Coos liny AtHcrtlscr. EPOnT Til JAS. J. HILL IS 10 RETIRE FROM RAILROADING MJSSISSIPPI FLOOD HITS Lan Railroad Magnate Re. uses wHiiii -j the Rumor. buiSJ.HILLTOonnemnM NLL nio ruomun LCago Statement of Plans Brings Non-t-uiiiiiiiun Answer. I, AHodalcd Press to Cooa Day ' TImo.) CHICAGO, HI.. April 13. James Hill, chairman of tho board of dl- . .. m nrnni Northern nall- I Md one of tho country's roll- i leaders, will rouro in a iuv At, according io n nuuuiuwufc fuw- la tho unicago ivuuihk u ft Auoclated Tress to Tho Coos Day TImos) ST PAUL. Minn., April 13. una J. Hill today rofusod to cpn- ra or deny tlio roport omnnnung on Chicago that ho Boon will rotlro on the Ward or uircciors ur. uic rt Northern and thnt no was io . .iMAtA l,v IiIh son. Louis J. l,i u& nidi. "Thov could start nil I. nnnn lhl Sort tllOV llkO. but tire no llmo to run them down." II RAH! RAH I STANFORD! i Cardinal Floats Above the Blue and Purple and Gold. Ir Auoclated Press to Coos Day Times. I OAKLAND, April 13. Stanford iwiiit was wlnnor todny of both ! Vinltr three mllua bout rnca i the Freshmen contest an tho ob it htro today. Tho Vnrsltv was ItaUJ by Stanford, California nnd un-ton. Stanford gradually Kl ahead and crossod tho lino t 1 Ifneth nlinml nt Wnal.lnr-tnn h California limping n full throo ui io iuo roar. TImo 10:10. ii Freihrncn wn rontrwitml hv Ptforola and Stilfnr,l tlin niiHi. pi of tho Unlvorslty of Wnshlng- i awing declined to permit tho SBtn Of thnt Inslltiillnn In Inlin M la the rnrn. rtuford won tho freshman rnco Uood length. TImo 12:43. TO I'ORTIFY CANAL ' Department Wunls Immcdlato l AHoclated Press to Coos" Day Ttmo PASHINOTON, April 13. Tho V apartment Is urging Congress llft in Immnflln.n nnn.nn-.n.... pOO.OOO for tho oroctlon of por- r- wrracKs and omcor8' qunr- the Panama cnnnl. WD F1BK IN OMAHA 1 Todajr CaiiHrw $.1.10,000 Loss 111 Itatnt. ,W. .-- - Mi, iuiirici. 'Moclated Press to Coos Day ).. , Time.) 'WHA, April 13. Fire early to- ,i, i r. " uuo mo principal ",'",'"6 retail section with n - TUV,VUU. PfS LIARIL1TY niLTi "or Culbertanii of Texas Makes jlllWlllF I A 1 Eclated Ppmr n rn,1A nn 'ttBwn5SiT'B?f tor c. uvr"' "'.. "VT" '- kn;i u" Ul lexas una pre i'1. ,he Senato his minority ro- 'iBen' prapioi,or8 liability nnd tlr. Y""'i'usauon Act ro r WTorably reported to tho Son- "v wuienus that tho bill would IS 3pn0r?er act of Congress and i .,-7' t0 employers advantages uV.. . wn "P un(ler i"0 'aws rest. n u woum uuuui iur dld l"?.p,oye8 ,n many ways- i liL !ho renort "re resolu BZleiby tho nrotherhood of WiSe biii r8 ana F,romon ONE DEAD IN OREGON FIRE Aged Rancher Cremated m Small Hotel Blaze at Canby Last Night. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CANDY, Ore., April 13. Flro de stroyed tho City hotel early today nnd B. Rosoncrnns, a wealthy farme., ngod 80, was overcomo by smoke- and burned to death. A dozon other BUC8tB wero arouRcd by II. M, Mosc loy, nn omployc, nnd got out of the building without mishap. The fl nnnclnl loss will not exceed $4000. SELMA BANKER IS A SUICIDE President of Two California Institutions Shoots Himself lcar Fresrjo Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Duy Times.) FRESNO, Call., April 13 D. 8. SnoijgrnHH, president of tho First Na tional Dank of Selma and of tho First National Dnnk of Fowlor, committed Biilcldo nt his homo todny In Sclma by shooting himself with a revolver. No cause Is nflcrlbcd. It Is snld ho hnd been 111 nil winter. Ho wns very wealthy. Over 800 Square Miles Inun dated as Result of Levee Breaking Early Today Many May Be Lost. r (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Da Times.) NEW OIILKANS, April 13. Great property dnmago was wrought In Northern LoulHlnnn nn n man It nt the bronklng Inst night of tho west "" ui i"u Mississippi noar Aisnun, Fears aro cntortnlncd thnt mnny Hvos wero lost. It is estimated that eight hundrod aquaro mllos aro now flood ed and tho prospects aro that twice that amount of torrltory will bp In undntod by night. Thousands of inmuios win uo nomoioss. LOUISIANA CANDIDATES PUT FDRIR CLAIMS I ... IjI STRENGTH N CONVENTION MANY TOWNS FLOODED I 'cur lois of Llfo In Louisiana Wius Heavy. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TImo.) MONROE, La., April 13. It Is foarcd that thcro wns n consldorablo loss of llfo In tho flood that Bwcpt through northwest Louisiana. Tho breaks In tho river dyko wero so un expected that thousands woro caught unprcparod. Koosovolt, Lynchvlllc, Hospor, Enokn, Omega, Tallabona, Mnnsford and Mason wero flooded. South of Tallulah, La., a dozon or more towns will bo flooded within 24 hours WILL PETITION TOP BRIDGE COOS BAY L W Immigration Laws Suspended to Let Workmen in From Unitecl States. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SPOKANE, WubIi., April 13. Rallrond officials horo havo been no tified that tho Canadian Immigration laws aro suspended owing to shortage of railroad laborers In wostern Cnn- nAn Tho mnnnv niinllflcatloiis and continuous journey requirement were Buspondod nnttl septomoor i in case of Scandinavians, Poles, Finns nnd AiiHirimiR nrovlded thov can nrodutj ovidonco that they aro nssured of em ployment on Canadian raiiroaos. DIES IX PORTLAND TlWok--LaBt rlnB tne m 1.7m'. ucin' 'awn in tnis other" m l 8 work bo well that !l, ,: " eaned Into sorvlco ibi e a well-kept lawn. te'-WI'''t kind of n Lawn en " n'! i1)tl how It works 8elf.Lau,,rt'.r yu t Clm-liulu. CScnlns,.Ea8,,rAdjute1 i easiest runnlnc Lawn Mmm fEEn iM,., For sa, only by SUIAIIDWAB CO., Marsh- Former Well Kuotm Mnrcliflelil Woman Succuniba nt Rose City. Tho following Horn from tho Ore gonlnn will bo of Intorest to many of tho older residents of tly Hay, both Mrs, Oborendor and her daugh ter, hnvlng formerly resided In Mnrshfleld: Mrs. LouIbo M. Oboronder, promi nent member of tho Portland lodges of tho Lndles of tho Maccabees and tho Sons of Hormnn and the Gorman Aid Society, died yesterday nt the homo of hor daughter, Mrs. J It. Rochon, 0G0 East Sixteenth street. North. Mrs. Oberondor was born in Illinois, August 19, 1850. She came to Oregon In 1873 with her husband, tho Into John Oberender, a well known, contractor of this city. She was past president of the TusniilAa Lodge, Sons of Herman, and past commander of Golden Rulo Lodge. Ladles of the Maccabees, and was-'ac-tlve In nil movements In which these organizations were Interested. She le survived by n daughter, Mrs. J. R. Rochon, nnd n son. J. W. Oberen dor, both of this city. Tho funeral sorvlces will bo hold Saturday. AGREEMENTS TO LEAVE MATTER ENTIRELY IN HANDS OF WAR DEPARTMENT TO RE C1RCO. LATED RAILROAD NEWS. There wero fow developments in tho Coos Day railroad situation al though thorowna much discussion of tho Southern Pacific's proposition ns announced yostcrdny by C. J. Mlllls. H is likely that a mooting of tho business men will bo nrrnnged to dis cuss the matter In dotnll with Mr. Mlllls. W'hcthor any action will be tnken on tho frandhlso or right of wny matter through tho city Imme diately Is not certain. It will pro bably bo ascertained dodnltoly what will bo done about thin within n few days. In reference to this, nomo nro Inclined to think that tho Southern Pacific's proposition Is mado for tho purpose of making It easy for tlio holders of tho Terminal Railway franchlso to turn that proposition ov er to thorn but this 1b moroly gossip, nnd Is ridiculed by representatives of tho parties intorcstod. Even In enso tho Southern racltlo from Sand Point to near tho mouth In wholo or In part, It Is undorstood thnt thoy would wnnt tho city coun cil to chango tho franchlso- so that tho regulation of tho road would not bo vested In tho council or city auth or ltlus. It Is understood thnt a mooting will bo hold In North Dond Mondny nftornoon of buslnoBs raon nnd pro portl ownore thcro for tho purposo of dtricusslng with Mr, Mlllls Just what tho company wants and what effect tlio propositions to bo voted on nt tho special election thoro April 10 would hnvo on tho railroad situation. For IlrldgiiiK tho Ray It Is announced horo that peti tions will bo shortly clrculatod urg ing that tho question of bridging tho Day bo loft to tho United Stntes War Dopnrtmont nnd expressing tho con sent of tho pooplo horo. PlnhB for tho brldgo which Ih to cross tho nny from Sandy Point to nenr tho mouth of Pony Inlot at right nnglos to tho nhnnnol nro now hero nnd copies of thorn will bo mado for oxhlblt on tho Day, REBELS FAIL Tho text of tho petition concornlng tho bridging of tho Day Is as follows: Hon. Secretary of War, Washington, D. C. Sir: In tbo matter of tho petition of tho Wlllnmotto Pacific Railroad com pany to construct a draw brldgo across the channel of Coos Day, Ore gon, -we tho undorslgncd citizens and taxpayers of Coos County, Oregon, respectfully represent to tho Dopmt ment thnt tho commercial progress nnd further dovcl6pmont of this part of tho Stnto will bo materially nfclod by the canrttructlon of a railroad which will connect this district with thCf Interior of tho Stnto and It doit appear on account of economical imkI engineering problems associated with I the construction of such a railroad lover tho routo survoyod and ndoptud I by the Wlllamotto Pacific Railroad , company thnt tho construction of n '.draw brldgo across tho chnnncl of Coos Day, is necessary. Wo further roprcBont to tho Do f partment that wo nro willing to trust i tho fair nnd cnpablo Judgment of tho ! United States Engineers to mako prffper nnd Htifflclont rosorvntlons in (thc location, plans and specifications for tho construction of a draw brlna, across tho channel of Coos Day 'that I will guarantco tho unlntorruptod and snfo navigation of vessola in tho har bor, tho conditions nocossary for the improvement and mnlntonnnco of tho ship chnnncl, tho frco nnd unimpeded flow of the tldnl watorn and such other safeguards as tho sltuatlci Justifies. , Wo especially nsk that such grant or privilege, If glvon, carry with It tho following conditions; It will bo tho duty of tho Wlllnmotto Pacific Rnllroad company, Its successors or assigns, to conflno nnd mnlntnln tho ship chnnnol within tho draw of tho bridge by necessary drodglng and to romovo nny shonls caused by tho con struction of plors or othor structure nnd to provont nny diversion of tho natural currents of tho wntors of Coos Day which may bo caused by tho construction of piers, piling or othftr structures. IN NEW I T IN DISTILLERY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR MEETING On account of tho fill nbout tho church not bolng completed, tho Christian Endeavor Society of tho Presbyterian church will hold Its prayer meeting tomorrow evening (April 14) at tho homo of Miss bllza Ayro. C3B South Ninth street. Come promptly r.t C:30. Prayer Meeting Committee. A now LINE of the VERY LATEST HATS just arrived. North Front street, MRS. ELROD. .Floor Collapses at Peoria Un der Weight of 75 in In- speotion Party. IDy Associated Proas to CoosDay Times.) PEORIA, III., April 13. Twonty flvo male and fomalo students of Rradley Polytechnic Instltuto wero injured today when tho second floor of the big Woolnor distillery which thoy wore Inspecting gave way be neath tho weight of 75 mombors of the party, Several wero seriously Injured. CHINA IS CONGRATULATED Senate Pays Tribute to New Republic In Far ICuxt, (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Day TImo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 13. Acting on tho recommendation of tho committee on foreign relations, the Senate today adopted tho Houtro resolution congratulating tho people of China on tholr assumption of power. Mexican Revolutionists Blows at United States Injure Their Cause. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TImo.) WASHINGTON, April 13. Tho Mexican reheU aTO rapidly rousing tho Ire of this government nnd while no stops nt retaliation are discusseo, It Is almost coriain mai me ruvim. .i..i. ,vin imi'or obtain sympathy or recognition. Interference of tho lebols with otticiai man oi auii -...o..i, nn.i tim miinniarv execution of Thomas Fountnln, nn American gunner, In defiance oi mo proi . this country, have caused a feeling or aggravation. The vjow of official Washington is thnt If tho rebels ai a Irving to force Intervention, they deliberate Intentions aro doomed to failure. $10.00 for 10c Get a lly swatter, kill a million files and Dr. Mlngus will pay tho re ward. Get your swatter at the COOS RAY CASH STORE Waffles and hard candles, JJS cents ; Pound. Saturday and Sunday at -IMOXfl THE SICK STAFFORD'S. PRIMARY TODAY PENNSYLVANIA Voters Express Preference on Nominees for National Tickets. J - (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) - . PHILADELPHIA', April 13, Tho voters qf Pennsylvania ,wliq took p'art tqdny In tho most Important prl ninry election slnco tho uniform prl mnry law wns enacted In 100C, woro disappointed when thoy found rain falling. Wet wenthor was roportod In all parts of tho stnto. Tho pri mary calls for nn election by all. parties having nattonnl tickets for candldntcs for delegates, Tho dole-, gates win uo oicctou uy congrcssion nl districts. LIE PASSED IN DY Representative Graham. of Illi nois Scores Minority Leader Mann. Dy Associated Press to Cops Day TImos.) ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Aprl 13 Tho Ho was passed on tho floor of tho HotiBo today whon Representative Graham of Illinois, chairman of tho commltteo on tho Intorlor Depart ment expenditures, brnndod as "Ab solutely nnd unqualifiedly fatso," tho statement yesterday by Mttnn, mi nority lontlor, that Graham told Mrs, Helen Plorco-Gray, termed a woman lobbjlst, not to return n feo protest ed by nn Indlnn client. Tho ensuing dobnto was Intense nnd blttor. Mann flnnlly domnnded thnt Graham ex plain tho connection of Mrs. Grny with tho commltteo or that tho com mltteo should bo mado a subject of Investigation. WILL ACT ON STRIKE VOTE General Managers of Eastern Railroads to Meet April 17 About It. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, April 13. J. C. Stuart, chairman of the General Man ager's Association of fifty eastern railroads Issued n call today for a mooting of tho conforonco commjttoo to bo held horo April 11 to discuss tho recont strlko vote of tho engin eers and dotormlno whotbor the rail roads should mako a counter propos ition to tho demands for Incroasod pay. HOMER IS IN 1 RIG RAND DANCE Saturday ev ening. Don't miss It. REMEMDER the QUATERMASS STUDIO for FIXE PHOTOS. PEOPLE'S 5, 10 nnd IS CENT STORE. Phono 233;J. Special CANDY SALE every Satur day and Sunday at STAFFORD'S. Little Grade MrKeown, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Arthur McKeown, la 111 of tho measles at tho J "W. Ronnott house vhl-h Is now n very much niniftel household. Joey McKeown is 111 there of scarlot fovor and Mrs. J. W. Dennett's son. Hutton O'Con nor, is 111 of tho measles at tho homo of Mrs. Christine Kruso In Wost Mnrshfleld. None of the children are In a critical condition. Steamer Arrives This Morning From South Will Sail Monday. ' Tho Homer arlvcd In this morn ing from San Frnnt Isco with a cargo of mlscollaneouH freight and a num ber of passengers. She will take a full cargo from tho North Rend box factory, sailing from there for San Frnnclsuo nt 10 o'clock Mondny morning. Among those arriving on tho Hom er today wero tho following: II. Hall. J. W. Clark, Georgo Het on( Mrs. Heton, N. Hoton, L. Agatow, D. Hoton, G. Ilargos, Jas. Harges, N, Harges, Arthur Slator, II. J. Sav age, and wife, D. II. Damoso, R, A. Qulnn., Ansco Films at Walkor Studio. Wide Difference in Statements of Taft and Roosevelt Leaders. OVER 0NE-HaL7cH0SEN; CLAIMS MADE BY EACH Roosevelt Forces Put Large ' Number in Contested Column Now. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 13. Moro than ono-hnlf of tho 107G dele gates to tho republican national con vention will bo soloctcd nt tho con clusion of tho Pennsylvania pri maries today. Statomonta Issued from tho Tnft and Rbosovelt hctid quartors horo show a wldo dlffcronco In tho claims to dologatcs. Lato last night Taft IcadorsA claimed Taft had 339, Roosovolt 113, La Follotto 30, Cummins 4 and unln structod 2. UoobovcU lcntlorB claim Rooso volt haa 151, Taft 40, La Follotto 30, Cummins 4, contoBtod 1C4 nnd unlu Btructod 100. At tho Clnrk democratic hoaa quarters the following Btatomorjt of domocrntlc dolcgntca was Issued: For Clark 143, Mnrshnl 30, Wilson 27, Ilurko 10, unlnstructod 12. At tho Wilson hondqiiartorB an os tlmuto of 72 dologntes Is glvon ns tho Wilson strongth. Clnlms woro not mado public from othor headquarters, PURLICITY IN CAMPAIGNS ( nudltUitCN fur President and Vlcc- ProsloVnt Must File Account". (Dy Associated Press to tno Cooa Day TImos.) .WASHINGTON, D. C, April 13. Tho Houbo commltteo on oloctlon of President nnd Vlco-Proaldont favor ably reported today tho Honry bill which provide for publicity of all contribution! to campaign funds to gother with tholr dlsburoomonts, In tended to advnnco tho candidacies of .aspirants for tho two highest fodora) offices. Tho voto was unanimous. ARE FOUND IN VANCOUVER Mother nut 'Sou Thought Dromictl nt Long Itcnrh Located (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) LONG DEACH, April 13. Mrs. Stolla Wcllfnr and hor young son nro In Vancouver, D. C, nnd not at tho bottom of tho Pnclflo as a note wrltton boforo tholr dopnrturo Indic ated. Word has been received from tho Chler of Pollco of that city that Mrs. Wollfaro and hor son havo boon locatod thero. SAW SPLITS WORKMAN FROM HEAD TO KNEES UNION, Or., April 13. Polom Mc Rhnln, of Elgin, Or., was accidentally killed In n sawmill oporatcd and throo miles from Tolocnsot, Orogon. thrco miles from Tolocnsot, Ore. Mr, McShaln, 25 years of ago and slnglo, was working at a ratchet set ter, when ho came In contact with tho saw. Ho was split in two by tho saw, which started In at tho top of his head, going clear through to tho knoes, where the saw camo out and loft him lying In tho sawdust. Mr. McShaln loaves sovoral broth ers and n mothor nt Elgin, and one brother Is a railroad frolght conduc tor, running between Huntington and Umatilla. RIO DANCE In EOKHOFF HALL, North Rond, SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20; good floor commltteo. TOELLE'S ORCHESTRA. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Loses Eleven Inning ContestFifteen Innings at Vernon. PORTLAND, Ore, April 13. Portland dropped an oloven-lunlng contest to Oakland nt Oakland yes terday by a scoro of three to two, At Vernon, Los Angoles won n 1& Inning contest from Vornon by a scoro of three to two. Tl'O results yesterday: At Vornon R. II. Los An gel oe ...3 11 Vornon 2 10 At Snn Frnnclbco K. H- Portland.'. . .. 2 8 Oakland . . 3 It At Sacramento Sacramento San Francisco , . , . f A