nit luos 1AY TIMES, MABSHFlELD OflEQDN,, FRIDAY, APhlUIZmiaEVENINa-EDITION 59S 55K5993 t rOUNG men are clothes enthusiasts; and it's ri jl good thing they are; good for them and good for the oiacr men who like to feel young, and find that clothes help to it. We expect a good deal of enthusiasm this' Spring among Ihe young men for Hart, Schaffner & Iafx clothes. There's reason for it in the styles wo show of this make; and for the exceptional quality by which the style stays stylish. We're going to put the right sort of clpthes on all the men who come to us young or old; the kind that make a man look well dressed. Suits $18 and up Woolen Mill Store CctfTllU lUrt fcUffker tc M.ri II This store Is tho Coos Bay horns ol Hart Schaflnerft Marx clothes Quality ...,.... Honesty f lilt AUVtKIKSfcMbNI MAKES ,US ALL OF ONE SIZE A CAT MAY LOOK AT A KING, ETC. here you Mt Retailer ustenii don't regard tho BICYCLE as a plaything, A list of those who have bought DAYTONS from me would read like "among those present" at a business meeting i-ANDSKILlJ I jWAS STCCIA'l ttf-AND SKILL J J' UhVCANMAKDsJ TIICMV i. I, DAYTON , I Wantto Sell jjrSl to Progressive-Retailers.. BICYCLES You are in business to mako money, Are you getting all the orders you should ItollQve that the way tq get business is to GO AFTER IT. Put a HUSTLER on a DAYTON bicycle and. send ,him out after orders and new business, Doesn't it cost out of all proportion to profits to deliver a few small special or ders by automobile? Marshfield Is Going Ahead! BOOST! Don't sit still and be left behind, BOOST for mo and I'll BOOST for you, I'm a BOOSTER from What? No, sir; from California, You are reading my daily aas, so you must know the advantage of buying Dayton Ladies' $29,00 To $36.00 1 wo Models Bicycles Men's $27.50 To $42.50 Four Models li .. . ri l.. ... L.iim -..- Irnn nlirl elnnnrl fiim ii cqsis us nothing to warrant our oicycius, wu iuivu mi huh-wou,, mid year guarantee from tne manufacturers of DAYTON BICYCLES. Thank you for read- TTTfrw . imiai TIIIMI ADHIIT IT Hb.. mg mis inrougn, ivuw i nirv ' " MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Dayton Agents, Coos County, Phone 1 80-R, ' 07 Front, Promptneaa iLcadski"tI WAS STEEL-- -AND SKILL ) MCANMAKLSjf m' mtM jb Courtesy - ' ''' mm COOS BAY TIDES. el .w fs given th) tlma and height a high and low waUr at Marehfle'ld.' Tb tides are plftcod" Jn the order of occurrbnee, with their tlmsa on tho first lino And heights' on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It la high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Onto. April. 12 lira. .5.00 10.58 Foot .3.4 4.5 13 lire. .5.49 11.60. Feet .2.7 4.8. 6.22 14 Hrs. Foot .0.40 5.4 1.9 5.15 12.04 1.1. 4.9 5.49 0.0 1.1 0.0 1248 C.29 5.1 1.1 - THE WEATUKU. 4 (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight with light frost In tho northwoat and frcozlng tomporaturo In tho southwest nnd onst. Coolor In oast tonight. Saturday fair and lb warmer, oxcept near coast. Westerly winds. ' BORN. QIDNEY To Mr. and Mrs. James Glbnoy or Allogany at tho Hnlla tiny hospital In Mnrshllold n soil, Thursday, April 11. Itclutivc Dead Qcorgo Swoariy, a nophew of Dr. Ira 11. Dartlo, of North Bond, died at International Falls, Minn., April 9. lk'glnR .Suit R. II. Smith la suing L. D. Klnnoy, tho Bolt Lino railway and Its soVoral creditors, Including D. W. Small, to clonr tho UUo to sov- cral lota In Plat B. Apprulno Estate T. M. Collvor, John Mattson and Wm. Bonobrako of Catching Inlet aro in Mnrshllold to day for tho purposo of appraising tho ostato of tho lato B. F. Hobs. Now Pastor -Tho commlttco of tho North Bond and Marahflold Swedish Lutheran churchoB hnvo boon notlflod by tho Rov. Mr. Flskw of Seattlo that ho cannot accept tho call to tho Coos Bay charges. Thoy WANT ADS. rOK BUNT. Slodern flnt of four largo rooms, spacious hall and porch, socond floor No. 5G2 Second Stroot North. Phono 232J or 81-J. LOST Lady's sunburst dross-plu on Shormou or Virginia avonuo, North Bond, betweon McQulro's barber . shop, and residence Hoturu to barber shop nnd rocolvo reward. Mrs. J. T. McOulro. WANTED Carrier boy to dollvor Times. Must bo 12 yoars old anu In fourth or higher grade. In school. Inquire Tlmos office. SMALL HOTEL I-'OIt HUNT Fur nished. Jnqulro at barbor sho, , 150 Front street. WANTKI) Qlrl for general Uouso- work. Phono 140-J. roil SALE Mullen Steel GawMno boat 3 II. P. Choap It taken at onco. Kiiquiro K. J. Thompson or Times ofllco. WANTKI) Fomulo help. Coos Bay Employment Agency, Market ana Wntorfront. FOR SALK Cheap; ono second hand buggy and gasqllne launcu Charon. Mrs. Jottlo Kondlo, Marshfield. WANTKI) Waitress, at Chandler Hotel. FOR .HUNT Furnlshod housekeep ing rooms, at C95 First at., near Birch. Phono 239-J. FOR BALK 2 lots, 50 x 120, five room modern houso in tornunio. Inquire B. O. Hall, phono 1C9-J. WANTKI) TO RKNT Modern house, six or more rooms; wm ioko term leaso If desired; no children; must bo reasonably close-In nnd good locution. H. J. Kimball, Jr., Chandlor hotel. WANTKI) $1000 loan for 2 years, 8 per cent, real estate security. Address 22. caro Times. W Auto Sai-viaa lCr. Careful Drlyers and ... cuarrA ftuM maHai &E"" " an7 " IfRtB. "et ana uianeo 'Won. Day Phones .78 and 46. r .a00, 16 1 OOODALE, Proprietors. F BriflV ..,!.. ,... . 8team Heat, Hlegantlr """d Itoomr wlfh Hvt fiOdTWLW- ' Hl lhni .. . . . . .." i JX4.1 "T lurKisn uatn M. D. Boardman, 573 W. Main St., Helena, Mont., gives an interesting account of his improved health through the use of Foley's Kidney Pills. After giving a detallod ac count of hla caso. ho says, "I am al most 79 years old and have spent hundreds of dollars for medicines, but find that I have received more benflt from Foley's K dney Pills than from all other medicines. Fur ther .particulars sent on request. Red Cros8 Drug Store. Unique Pantatorium TUB 3IODERN DYERS, CLKANER8, rilESSERa and IIAT RENOVATOR Agent for Edward B. Strausa & Co. fine Tailoring Lat us maka your next Suit. ,, M6.X. MB OoBuaartlal. roe TltV TnK EDGE WITH YOUR FINGER. Examine a collar freah from our laundry. Notice Its clear, whlta col or, Ita even, elaatlo atlffneas, U smooth and Us perfect shap. Then test the top edge by running your flnger-tlp over It, Notlca the smooth, slick finish given It, Noth ing there to rub, dig or irrltata your neck. This test will prove the value of our service. Send us a trial bnndU and apply the test Manhfield Hand & Steam Laundry Manser Bros. Prop Phew SsW-J. Our Wagons Oo Anywhere Anytlaaa. 'FOR 8ALK Tenm of work horses, 1400 lba., G nnd 7 years; Harness and wagon; nlso J 0-horsopower steam holler and onglno equipped witji circular and cross-cut saw for sawing wood; flno for clearing land and pulling stumps; all go at bargain. Phono 3110. WANTED Six oxperioncod coal miners; two pump-mon; ono rope rider. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. HORSES FOR SALE Ono span Belgian colts; will be 2 years old next month; well broke to brldlo nnd halter and to ride; will bo large; price $300. Also one Warrior Gordon mnro. 3 years old and well broke to drive plnglo or to ride; perfectly safe for women or children to drive;' price $200. All of my horsea wore raised In a pasture where a logging train ran through several tlmos a day, there fore they are not afraid of trains or automoblloB. I guarantee all horses to be as rep resented. L. D. SMITH. lavnUro bll!t FOR BALE Ono new SMJ-foot gaso line launch. See Max Tlmmer man, 862 North Front stret. have extended a call to tho IIct. H. E. Oslund 6f Spokano who now has 1L untior consideration. Gcta Now Auto D. L. Footo to day' received n now 1912 Cadillac on tho Brcakwator. Ho will uso, It In thti local sorvlcq until tho roads per mit Us use on tho stago service be tween hero and Drain. Has Measles HUtton O'Connor, tho young son of Mrs. J. W, Bouuett who makes hla homo with Mir. Chris tino Kruso In Wat MnishMcId, is 111 of the moaslav Ho his been j inr antlnecl in his .oom In the Kruso homo. Deal Is Closed. A. J,. Shotwood roturnod to Coquillo this aftornoon, While hero, ho and Right of Way Agent Marah closed negotiations with J. II. Plnkorton for right of way for tho Cooa Bny-Eugeno lino of tho Southern Pacific through his ranch. It was feared at first that It might bo necessary to strt condemnation proceodlngs. Aprovcs Plan. County Sunorin- tondent nccompanlod by Dr. J. T Mc- .Cormnc conferred with tho Enstsldo school directors this morning and wont over tho plans for tho now school building In Eastsldo. Aftor n thorough examination tho plans woro approved by 8upt. Bunch and tho dlrcqtdrs will proceed at onco to tho erection of tho building. lllanchard Given Position Arthur Blanchurd, who has bcon with the Oregon Power company hero, hnB boon promoted by Mnnngor Green, of tho Oregon Powt.r Co., to tho head of tho now business department to fill tho vncancy caused by tho depar ture of J. H. Lovers for Hverptt, Wash. Mr. Green has also arrangod for every craployo of tho company to secure now patrons, offering a spcclul inducement to thorn for it. Ilulkhofld Troubltr W. J. Rust, tniRtco of tho Klnnoy properties, has boon requested by C. S. Wlnsor, Eft gar Blmpsou and Henry Kern, a spe cial rnm tuition from Wnrtli rion.l tri build tho bulkhead In front of tho Klnnoy pint B property so tljat tho dredgo Oregon will not bo dolayod In maxing mo nil along tne wntorfront Which la to bo utlltzod in tho now road botween North Bond nnd Marsh Held. Mr. Rust Is doubtful about his right to mako each an oxpond. ttiro, but 11 may possibly bo arranged. HoUttxI Red Flag Kvldontly somo wag in tho Brcakwator crow thought tb play a Joko on CapU Macgonn this trip. In tho Breakwater's signal flags Is a taporlng red ono. Tho tanorlnw portion was cut off and tho flag noisicu among tuo othors. Whon Capt. Macgenn saw It, his Indignation was great and calling out tho crew, no ucciarcd that tno first man ho ovor pauglit trying to hoist a rod fU on mo urcnKwator, no would Bhoot on sight. Tho red flag was promptly taken down nnd It Is n ton to ono shot that tho omblom of anarchy will nov or bo unfurled on tho boat again. PERSONAL NOTES I or yesterday vjdt to Coqnlflo on j mattore connected with tho Coos Vounty Tax Association. "" " T. C. RUSSELL and wifo nnd Miss Sneddon returned la their homo at Beaver Hill. yesterday affor a short visit with Marahflold friends,' . MISS EDNA WEIDER was in Marah flold today on .routo homo at Ten Mllo from a visit with her sister at Bandoni MRS. E. N. FAIRCHILD and sonr, Robort and Roy, arrived hero U day from Portland to Join Mr. Fairchlld, who is manager of the ltoynl theater. TOM KELLY, who formorly played In tho Coog County loaguo, writes friends horo that ho la still in the gamo and will manago a team at Eugeno this )ear. MRS. EUGENE O'CONNELL plans to lonvo tomorrow for Portland to spond a fow weeks with hor daugh ters, Mrs. Boyd, M, Richardson and Mrs. Wm. Ford thero. O. O. LUND returngd today from a nlno daya' tour In tho Coaullle Valloy country In thq Intorost of his candidacy for tho republican nomination for shorlff, WALTER CONDRON roturnod' to Myrtlo Point this aftornoon to look after his livery business thore and also to dlroct sqmo grading that he Is doing for a now sidetrack for the local railway in Myrtlo Point, LEO MATSON, who recently suffered tho Iobs of a foot in an accident nonr Eugono, arrived horo today to visit with his parents, Captain and Mrs. Matson, In Bputh Marsh field, while ho is rccuporatlng. He Is rapidly recovering. NELS EKDLAD and family ar.rivqd on tho Breakwater today to Join hla Bon, W. N, Ekblad,, and daugh ter, Mrs. Goorgo GUbertson, as Coos Bay rosldotjla. Thoy will probably rcsdo on, tho Ekblad ranch, near Milllngton. A. 3K STEPIIEN, soorotnty of, tho so cialists', Is rocovorlng from some sovoro bruise ropolvpd w,hllo as sisting In bddlng tho last cargo of tho Nnnn Smith, Ho had a nar row oscapd from what might have bcon a serious acctdont, hla log be ing" caught botwoon two large slings of lumbor. REA8E WRIGHT, wh.o has boon Bail ing on Bomo of tho' big vessels out of San Francisco for tho. past year or so, Is In tho city to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Wright Ho has recently received his pa'pera us a full-fledged United State ma rlno on'glnocr, Ho is now on a. leavo of absence from tho 10,00,0. ton steamer Alaskan, GEO. W. LOGGIE nrrlvod horo today from Uolllnghnm, Wash,, where he has largo lumber Interests,, to look nttdr property on, thq Bay. Ho ,1s a brothor-ln-lav of C. F, MoKnlght of Marahflold and a brotnor of Pe ter Logglo of. North Bont and was warmly wolqomod by old friends whom ho inado during his real donco on tho Bay a numbor of years ago. L. II. PRICE of Sumner is looking aftor buslnosa horo todny, WM. OANDLIN of Coquillo was In Mnrshflold today on bualnoss', W. A. CONKLIN of Catching Iniot Is In Marahflold today on bualnos. GEORGE GOODRUM returned" today from a short business trip to Port land. GEORGE ROSS was down from hla Catching Inlet ranch today on bus iness. F. 8. DQW la looking aftor business Intorfdta at Coquillo und Myrtlo . Point. W. J. CONRAD nnd A. E. Adolsporg- Waffles nnd hard candles, OS ceata Pound, Saturday and Sunday at STAFFORD'S. LADIES aro cordially INVITED to Inspect a NEW LINE 6f tho very IiATKST creations In SPUING and RUMMER MILLINERY Just arrived. MRS. KLHOD, North Front Street. CJKHALDINE McGLOY as hostess to the chlldron after tho MATINEE IQMORROW at 2; 30. DONT FORGET tho BAND nOYS' DANCE Saturday ovonlng. PEOPLE'S B. iO nntl 15 CENT" STORK. Phono SfflJ-J. Always "The Busy Corner "The Rexall Store 1 OTH SATURDAY SALE Special on Handbags Here are some ( ACTUAL BARGAINS $ H.OO HandbRtf, spccinl $1.45 $ (5,00 TInmlbiiff, special $3.35 $ 7.00 Ilandbng, special $3.G0 11.50 Handbag, special $6.25 12.50 Handbag, special . $6.85 $15.00 Handbag, special ; $7.75 $20.00 Handbag, special 11.85 Seo our window for many otbors at equally attrac tive prices. Most of these are genuine sealskin. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US SOUPS FLAKED PEAS a nmnlt linmlfnl nf Flakod Peas added to any soup, fifteen minutes before it Is ready to servo, will greatly Improve its flavor and whoIosomencBS. PUIIEE OF FLAKED PEAS 3 cups of beef stock cup cold water Wt tablespoonfuls catsup Tiny piece of garlic 1 cup Sperry Flaked Peas .... i medium onion tablespoon Worcestershire Sauco Salt to taste. Boil onion In stock until tender, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar lic, dash of white pepper and salt; then add tho flaked peas. Cook slowly 20 minutes, strain and servo with croutons. Stick onion with whole cloves. a of Umj, who tv aooM lnv pUm writ UlUUUJtV A PmmI AtUrmcji, Wfc ufcteclta, Bta