m. " -m-M IX I ,tM r THE 'C.OOS BAY.TIHHeS, MAttlEffijffiifiM. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1912riEVEINGEDITlO I VJ m IT COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONKX Editor and Pb. DAN X. llALONEY Kens Editor Entered at tho postofflco at Marah laid, Oregon, for tranimliato through tho malls aa second olaaa nail matter. f. I -i for foar he lias broken ono of tho Ton Commandmonts. FAMILY TROUBLES 0CI1! WURRAl wurra! but this Booms to bo a troublous yonr for us republicans. What with troops callod out to quiet tho repub lican convention in Mlohigan and Sohlbredo and. Smith going at n hamrnor and typewriter on Coos Day, J wonder whnt tho country's coining tot It lobks as though tho republicans woro adopting democratic tactics, and It It continues It will produco dotuo cratlc results. Qontlomonl Gcntlomcnl Roraom bor you nro republicans and gontlo-mon. PROGRESSIVE IlEPUULIOANS IT IS an Interesting and not... worthy fact that of 177 candidates for tho loglfllaturo In Oregon, all but fifteen haVo slgn6d Statotnont No. 1. Of thoso flftcon, twolvo aro cooking oloctlon to tho IIouso and only throo to tho Son a to. Of tho threo candidate) for tho Sonato who lhavo rofuBOd to sign Statemont N-. 1, permitting tho pooplo to choouo tho United States Sonator by tholr votes, ono Is Fred K. Qettlns, of Coos County, and ono of tho twolvo can didates for Representatives who re fused to sign Statemont No. 1, Is A. J. Marsh, of Curry County. Progressive republicans who b ti ll ovo In popular tuIo and progressive HARRY MUGGINS Mild Izaak Walton lures him on, Tho finny tribo to capturo; Dut best of all tho hungry trout, Given him the koonost rnnturn? republican principles, should mako a For sllvorsldos, and salmon, too, A CHEERFUL SERMON I'd rather mako a baby smllo, I'd rathor play goog6o awhllo Than gain a lot of fatrirf.. I'd rathor help h tot forgot Tho llttlo things that mako it fret Than win a world's acclaim. I'd rather causo a youth to grin Than wrlto somo poems on worldly Bin Wo havo enough of gloom; I'd rathor hoar his shout of gleo Than havo him solvo tho mystory Of our impondlng doom. I'd rathor cuubo a man to laugh Than warn him that his opttapa Must somo day scar a stone. Wo'ro sinners all, but boar In mind Tho chief Is ho who Is unkind Who makes anothor groan. I want a man to laugh and lovo The llttlo whllo that he's abovo Tho holo thoy put you In. I'd rather hoar him sing a song Than nsk forgiveness all day long For Father Adam's sin. TOES nf , 1 I 4- jir li-tfr iffji l "" i " 1 Fashion should not attompt to dlo tato tho longth of tho mourning period. Somo pooplo havo so much nioro to mourn nbout than othors. I. F. Hank Dlors told Potcr Log- glo and Potor Logglo told W. P. Mur phy and W. P. Murphy told CapL O'Kolly and Capt. O'Kolly told tho roportor that work was to commonco on a now railway noxt weok that would bo a railway rumor.' noto of this Important matter nnU cast tholr votes 'accordingly when they go to tho primaries Frod K, Octtlns sayB ho favom progressive republican policies, but ho rofusos to favor direct olcctlon of United States Sonntont by the pooplo. Two yoars ago ho berlovod In tho As eombly, was a supportor of tho As oombly, a dologato to tho Assembly, and n candldato of tho Assombly. RopubllcanB who bollovo in tho As oombly and machine politics should support nnd voto for Mr. Octtlns at the prlinarios. Progressive republi cans who bollovo In tho rulo of tho pooplo should Hiippnrt and voto for I. 8. Smith, who has signed Stnto mont No. 1 nnd favors nil tho prog rosslvo principles and policies of tho party. This Is not n quostlon of men but measures; not persons but principles. Personally, Mr. Oettlns Is n young man of clean chnrnctor nnd cstlmablo to a degroo, but ho In opposod to tho things that stand for political ad vnncomont nnd progress. Of tho two candldatos for Joint loprcscntatlvo from Curry County, A. J. Marsh and S. P. Pierce, M.. Marsh has refused to sign Statemont No. 1, nnd hero again It devolves upon progressive republicans to sup port S. P. Plorco. Mr. Plorco has fllgnod Stntomont No. 1, and his rec ord in tho Inst legislature warrants Ills bolng given another term, Progressive republicans should fayor and voto for I. S. Smith and S. r. Plorco. In his full creel oft oulvor: And with his polo nnd fly In hand, Ho lovos to whip tho rlvor, Man named Qol says ho has nl wayo mohdod his own clothes. Girls, marry that man. Then Instead of your mondlng his socks, you can Just lot Gol darn It. AMONG THE SICK - Milton Elliott is horo from South Inlet to rccolvo treatment for a so vore nttnclc of rheumatism. Ross McDonald, an omployo of tho Smlth-Powors company, yostordny und6rwoht nn oporatlon on his hand nt Mercy hospital. Ho was ablo to roturn to his homo In Marshflold today. Mrs. Thomas A. Juza Is ill at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mtb. Shepherd In North Ilond. A. Snndqulst Ih suffering from a sovoro attack of nouralagla at his homo In South Mnrshflold. George M. Brown, Republican Candidate for Prosecuting Attorney Approved. The following is taken from a lec tor printed in tho state pamphlut and signed by Hon. Ulnger Hermann,, JUdgo J, 'C. Fullorton, ox-C6uhty Judgo Harlocker, It. C. Dement, Stove Galllor and many other proml nont citizens of Coos and Douglas Counties: Mr. Urown Is In the prime of Ilfo, nnd for 21 years has continuously practiced In tho law courts of Oregon, and for much of thnt period has sorvocj, as prosecuting attorney. Ho has shown tho courago to administer tho law without foar or favor -to protect tho Innocont as well as to punish tho guilty the truo moasuto of n Just, honost, and fearless prose cutor. Tho taxpayer has a right to domand tho protection of his prop erty, and all citizens who valuo life, liberty, and tho pursuit of happiness apply first to this offlcor of tho lax asTthclr best guarantee. To risk an untried official in such n service Is to Incur a serious responsibility. Thbro nro thoso who aro rivals to him and opposo his cnndldncy be causo thoy Bay ho has sorvod long enough. Do fnrmors, merchants, me chanics, or nny business man transact their affairs in that way? Do they uismiss nn honest nnd careful om ployoo from their sorvlco becnuso of his long contlnunnco with them? Do thoy not rather oncourngo him to re main, so long ns ho continues effi cient and faithful? Now then, wo hnve Prosecuting Attorney DroWn, who has long mnde evil-doers rospect tho law arid tho proporty rlghtB and snfoty of all our pooplo. Ho Is now become more of flclont than over In tho public ser vice. Shnll an untried man be em ployed? paid Adv. - MAY AMEND RULES SPECIAL CANDY SALE ovory Saturday and Sunday nt Stafford's. t WITH THE : t TOASTANDTEAJ GOOD EVENING ' Four things a mini must learn to do If ho would mako Ills record truo; To think without coufuslpu clearly; To lovo his follow-moii slncoroly; To net from honest motives purely; To trust In God and Hoavou secure),,. HENRY VAN DYKE. Wbou n young man bocomes ,t problom It ought to bo up to him to find tho solution. 1M)NT LET tho CHILDREN mlBS tho Hhow nnd nnrtv nf tha llfiVAr. TOMORROW. Show Btnrts nt 3:30. A now LINE of tho VERY LATEST HATS Just arrlvod. North Front street, MH8. ELROD. Special CANDY SALE ovory Sntur- uny nnu aunany at STAFFORD'S. Important Change in Committee Re gulations of Scnnto (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, April 12. Tho Sonate will probnbly amond tho rules Boon so ns to permit less thnnir'n.n. Jorlty of commltteo members to cou stltuton qnorhm. Tho contention for bucji a rulo grow out of th6 Inability of tho Intorstnto Commorco Commit, too to act on ponding anti-trust bills bocauso tho presonco of a majority of members Is rare. Senator Clark or Arkansas Introduced a resolution to pormlt ono third of Its members to net but Sonator Curtis objoctod to such conferences nnd it rosultod in an ngreomont to modify tho Clark resolution so as to nuthorlzo fowor than n majority of tho mombors of a rommittoo to do business provided no bll shnll bo reported without the approval of n majority. It Is bo lloved tho effect of this will bo to produco n larger attendance. Double Show Tonight No liar bclloves his own lies at first. Uut familiarity with tho false often makes him hnvo contempt for yuo iriitu. at I Many a man parts with his ducnts bocauso ho persists In playing an other man's gumo when ho is ex pected to bo "it." Whllo tho grouch Is hunting fcr outrages to scream about tho fool Is busy committing them. And tho fool usually is ahead. Tho attention given by tho press to unhappy marriages shows that n man ever gets his nanio In tho news papers by Hitting up nights worrying Store TEe Royal Two Extrn Acts Besides tho McCLOV COMEDY SKETCH Goraldlno McCloy will sing Illus trated Songs. 3000 Foot Now Pictures. A RIG SHOW FOR ONLY lOo .MATINEE TOMORROW AT 3:110 And a party to tho youngsters. I1IO RAND DANCE Saturday ov onlng. Don't mim it. A TURKISH RATH GOOD. Phnne 21 4J will do you Wm. L. Cooko, prop, of the Dee HIvo Drug Storo, Nolhart, Mont., Bays tho Dolt Canon running from Bolt to Nelhnrt is tho most' picturosquu apot in all Montana. Ho writes, "I re commend Foloy's Honey and Tar compound to nu my customers and nra novor disappointed. It gives tho best results for coughs and colds of anything I Bell." Rod Cross Drug pJtEaWEMCO. m IFtflffR j w awsy Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. nKNRY SKNGSTAOKKN, Mgrv ConullU Oflltf Phone m Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Afat "BAST8IDH" Men of Cobs Bay Now Is tho time to secure your Spring mm oiiiiiiiitT Qiiiris, wniio our line- or now patterns of tho famous 'Monarch and Cluett-Arrow Shirts Is unbroken. Wo nro showing one of tho largest and llnest lines In many seasons. Prices $1 to $2 Drop In and seo them. The Bazar Phone 32 The Hquse of Quality, GOOD INVESTMENT Threo 7-room houses, ront for S3C por mouth; will sell at a bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN. Renl Estato and Insuranco. 68 Contra! Avonuo. Marshfleld. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry I'lIONK MAIN B7-J Ancona and Sicilian Buttercups Best for eggs; tho best strain; beautifully marked. Egga for hatch ing. Salmon PavApnllon ti !.. North Bend. Phnnn qq layers, quick growers. F. E. Glazier. "- fm -&s KamniererSays: Thebe'5 Real Comfort in By and amooiWy fitiinjj ehoos. Thoro ie no pinchinjl and jam ming tho foot into shoe; AXV? MEN Thoro is a fino, enujl, hut comfortable fit tho first timo hocauao tho lasta aro mado with a proper regard for tho anatomy of tho foot. YourN AiuIouk to l'lenc TSi Toggery i i Great Stock of Shoes To Select From And live ones too. Tans the proper thing for Spring and Summer wear. . This will be the big sea son for Tan Shoes re ports from all tljc. met ropolitan cities, predict their great popularity and we have prepared to supply your wants. Low Cuts High Outs Button or Lace in tan black or patent leather. See big window display. Yours Anxious to Please The Toggery The Best Electric Lamps Are Now Strong and Durable At first tungsten (Mazda) electric lamps were somewhat fragile and were injured by shocks and vibrations. i . . i , , The wire drawn lamps made today aro rug ged and reliable. They are now being used in street cars and railway service. The new (Mazda) tungsten Jumps give nearly three times as much light for the same con sumption of current, as do the carhon incan descent lamps. Tungsten lamps mako possible all the light you want without increasing the cost of operation. Good lamps and fixtures must be used in order to have good lighting and prevent high bills. Our experts will help you if you will give them a chance. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. YOU'LL FIND OUll MEAT O. K. In everv rnctnnnt nM.T. t.n. .... right, tho tendorness unusual, the weight absolutely corroct and tho price- very low for this grado of meat. The way to know this for ';" "--" iu bivu us a trial order. Wo know you'll ropeaft It alright. MARSnPIELD OASII MAIUCOT. FOURIER BROS. Two Market TELEPHONES, Marshfleld NoHh Bend 221-J ki HURRY! IPS GOING FAST wnn-A0 f .M fmtli7 of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. ' C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. r . !..- ufiuguuie is House-Cleaning The Coos Bay Bedding and Upholstery fc0 Want to Clenn Your Carpo,, faction cnarnnt..; "J 733 So. Droadway.Phone ... We .Have Been Success In buvlncr n in..,,,. .. . class BloctrlcalmaUrirtiS glvo our patrons a very idwl? on h6uM. wiring. Zt you can't afford to ml., Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J L.jnn.L.amuoth . .. Cadillac Auto Serin Mill MP M J,?0'. W BJJ: Palnco nestimmn WM. S. TURPEN Arcwiect 171 FIIONT BT. First Class Auto Service opeciai trips to North Bttj m Empire any Umo. Train mi Wjt. calls a spoclalty. Phono H nhW and day. Aftor U P. m., Pi! Restaurant, Phono C-J. IImWhm Fhone 28-J. D.L.FOOTE.Propritlcr. WANTED!!!! JASWEM UPHOLSTERINC, M PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tb Vih tlo Cleaning Company. Orders k work taken at GOING ft HAlim rilONE IM ai 'ii t. J. MAITH g A. II. HODODi Marshfleld Paint (2b Decorating Co, Estimates MAR8HFIELU, Furnished rhone 140L Ottpt Blanchard Livery Wo hae swsnru. th llwr lobs ot L. H. Helscer anil an pit pared to render excellent nk the' people oj Cot- Dy. Cw4 ilvora, gjoa rlss Jd twpXH k.. ...i.i ..i.n.o. i-rflMtl the public. Phoni us for , MM uorso, a rig or bdjuuui . -Uie llTery line. We alio do UK g buslnesa of all kinds. flLANCHAIlD BROTHERS Phone 1S8-J LlTery. Pewl and Sales 8mk 141 First and Alder 8UeU A Correct Insurance Policy la very essontlal. If It correctly written It Isn't lu. nnco. o wrlto correct poltcte In tho best companies. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i-rrx - f-N. It. A. J. HENDRY'S D Modern Dental Parlor. We are equipped to do Blb " work on short notice at the tw lowosi prices. Examination r .. .n.nj.ni rnirA hulIdlnSi PT .-K4U7 ttliouuauii www - site Chandler nntel. nhona 1 WILSON AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Pliones--a84-X', 22S. Marskfield, Ore. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WIIERK THEY DUT SIIOE8 FROM $i PER PAIR UP. ' " i i . , -Ti1E ELEornic shoe shop ISO So. Broadway Marshfleld DR. G. W. LESLIE, Oateonathle Pbyilclaa ... . .i.. .M,l-iin KDOOlW Osteopathy at Klrksrllle, Mo. o In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to H, 4; Phone 161-J; Uarsbfleia". JW. BENNBTT, Iwyer. Jfflie oyer Flanagan t BennelJ lAiiauciu DR. J. T. McOORMAC, Phv.lrl.n and Burf" Marshfleld, Oro 3tDce: Lockbart BulldlBf, Opposite post office. Pnone 10SJ