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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1912)
HOLESALE MUSE J)TAjp NEVER FORTIFIED OR PROVED A PRINCIPLE ljSrKK3ft& WANT ADVERTISING la Tbo WMM Will Keep the Income from e ( Furnished Itoohur front pi-gt YOU can really help the family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you 'know how and when to use the classified column, you may keep that little extra-Income as "steady a'b a clock.,1 rr. zZ Ik facta about your B 3. ifor-tit- e4 ofll "pc ft. oM of them who ought to tier .. ,t! J iwn.'""- MKMUKIt OP ASSOCIATED PIIESS 0I00JS Sag . jr 'i !; tfVVli Estaulisiicu in -o (fflUyVAM M Tito Coast Mn MABSHFIELD, OREGOH THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. Iff MLLtU UUMU till 01 IN MICHIGAN GDNVENTIQN A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mullin oqi nnd Coo Hay Advertiser. yu' CQl VATICAN OENIES POPE'S DEATH l"l ntmtl nnrl wM?.Dswru Talt rorcua nwuiw 4ii Violence. fcOOfJE SERIOUSLY HUI1I IN inu.Hiuuuu osevelt Delegates Withdraw and Elect uonicsuny Delegation. i.i. Tim nan n P.nna TtnV ,(B, Auoaaicu . - BAYCiry. Mich., April 11. Tho Icllno slato ropuoiicnn oonvcauuu .,. M..liin,i In n rlof that i was ..-.-v. " m b auellcd by stato troops. He clftsn camo over contesting lAiitJons of tho Tart una kooso & force nod hlttor argunionta . 11 in a conornl moloo In which Ln were oxcliangod by tho -excited K-flteJ. Troops nppearoa on mo at beioro anyono was buhuudi IrtMtll. Plto noMCvelt forcos finally wlth- tt ind elected a Roosovolt dolo fitloa to tho national ropubllcnn con- tatlra. immeilatDlv after tho Itoosovolt t'ltptcs bad withdrawn, tho Tatt bkfitM proceeded w.'i uiu regular t-.Ttntlon. W no KNOW B T VOTES). S. Department of Justice to De Itcrmine Membership of Electoral College. ' (Dy Associated PrcBS to Tho Coos I3ay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11. Whether1 tho membership of tho noxt doctoral Collcgo shall bo 400 or C31 is tho question that tho Houso Com mlttco put up to tho Department of Justlco todny. Tho Question wub ral ocd as a result of tho admission of tho now states. Tho Bonnto Commlttoo which hna boon investigating labor and wngo conditions In tho stool districts filed n scorching report today. Rumor of Demise of Pontiff Declared to be Absolutely Without1 Foundation in Rome Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) P"5iItaly. April 11. Tho Vat lean authorities today dcclarod that thoro was not tho slightest founda tion to tho report that Popo Plus had died suddenly and that tho an nouncement of his doralso was bolng kopt accrot. It was stated that Popo Plus had not oven boon critically 111 In many months. Ho hns not boon strong for somo tlmo. Tho ropbrt emanated from Madrid. SMITH'S STATEMENT Writes Open Letter Replying to Charges of C. A. Sehlbrede. Mr. (Progressive I SISTERS IT PROPERTY teport That Elijah Smith Did Not LeavB Any Will Property Scattered. I Tlit Elijah Smith, formor lioad of a Southern Oregon cotnnnnir. wlm W la Portland Its wook, did not utior will Is tho ronort in Mnrsh. !J today. R, K. 8hlno, formor - ninager of tho Southern Oro nwmpanr, waslhero from Coqnillo T ind stated tint It was doubtful xr. smith did loavo n will. Ho lU that Mr. Smith was much in- iti tO Procrastlllntn nlintit muOi frt However, tho ahsenco of a will not affoct tho estate much, ns "lartOnlv turn holm iwrt plnfnra io rttlde at New nodford, Mnf-s. 'iKoarnea and tho other 1b sin- ud both aro well to do. Mr. -" wm never marrlod. "N U much snomilnllnn no In 'lEonnt nt lilo .i.i. ta - b (Utred by thoao In cIobo il . rB affalre that 't win USlh.,nt0 th0 thwisaiids. it w tiered la various properties nnd iu " . 8a,a t0 "o "ndly cn- iwuutTonR'i."" "r".'1: rr and fren,,ont ,OSB0(J 0n tho 11 if. . i.J0W yo,irs BTontly ro I1? I'e wealth tim h . i "". A 111 nn In Unnl ....... ,.. w ...1'uiuiiu. wmrii lita w .?f Ul0URht t0 b0,o"B LS'.iUti,U I"1.8 ben dlscovored k NM..H . ' " '8 ""d y Now It be?n Woo'l"wuro comp'nny, hmaR,.a,naK'n tho mlno slnco or wujah Smith. at' FlItK IN HUTTI3 Warehoiisn itui.i.i n.... enn. .""'mil vuu a,,,::'"' t. 2.. ross t0 Cos Bay l. Mn' r: ... ... r'asedi ' 'V. " 1U A I,ro p. v.aeq a iosa . .oaa I'irtffi .t " "i uu,- ' Ti lil. " ""nii oi mo h contra f? :va8 Gloved to bo DlUpW 310MnlES 'TrOttll lfi... a. RA L W BUWS C8 Machine Shop and Number of Residences to Be Built This Yean. II. J. Kimball, who arrived hero n row days ago lrom Portland to look after proporty Interests hero, Is figuring ou building a riow machlno shop on North Front stroot, north of Aldor. IIo is now securing ostimntes on tho building. It Is undorstood thnt ho will ho interested in tho busi ness with n Mr. Drndshaw, although ho will not bo nctlvo In It. Mr. Klmbnll owns consldornblo proporty on Coos Day, tho holdings bolng known ns tho Zlmmor ostnt-s IIo Is plnnnlng to movo tils family horo from Portland. Geo. P. Winchester Is having Architect W. S. Turpon preparo akotchos for ft handsomo resldonco which ho plana to erect on his prop erty In West Mnrshflold. Ho will llkoly build this summon Clnudo Nosburg Is also hnvlng Mr. Turpen propnro plans for n hnndsomo rosldonco wnicn no win oroci hub summer north of tho Wlroless Sta- Hnn nnnr whom Harrv Nashurg re cently built a homo. Dr. Straw Is nlso figuring on building on his lots near whoro Mr. Nashurg will build. D. L. Itood Is erecting nnomer house on his proporty on boutn Drondwny, south of Hall avonno. Wm. Grimes has had Mr. Turpen propnro plana for a building to he orocted on IiIb Central avonuo prop erty this year If dovolopmonts wnr rant It. NO GAMES IN COAST LEAGUE C. A. Sehlbredo. Republican) Mnrshlleld, Oregon. Dear Sir: Slnco your lottor of tho Oth lust nddrossed to mo Is composod almost entirely of porsonnl abuse and Is tho most unjustldnblo attack ovor modo on any ono In Coos county and Is plainly tho work of charnctor nssas sln, It cnlls for a plain reply from mo. In tho first plnco I wish to Inform tho public thnt tho artlclo In tho "Times" of tho Cth Inst upon which you baBa your malicious and insult ing ruttor was an editorial. That I was not tho author of It, didn't dlc tato It, nor did I ovon suggest It. Tho nrticlo was originated by tho Editor of tho "Times" who will no doubt father tho statomontfl nindo thoroln and will glvo you whnt is coming to you In tho way of reply when tho propor tlmo comes. Mr. Sonlbrodo (Progressive Repub lican) I understand you nro n mom her and offloor- of tho First Christian Church of Mnrshflold, and by roason of such momborahlp you would bo expected to toll tho truth nt nil times ovon in political controversies, and abovo all to avoid any attompt to (loceivo tno puullo and to load thorn to boliovo n thing Is truo whon you know it is not truo. Dut nccordlng to my understanding of your innllcl ous attack on mo, you hnvo not dono so. In beginning your lottor you flay "my nttentlon hns boon callod to YOUR nttnek upon Frod K. Gottlna nnd myself In tho Times of tho Cth Inst, etc." I tnko tho position that whon you mado thnt ntatomont, YOU know It wns NOT TRUB. You aro not a fool and thoroforo know thnt I had not mado an attnek on Fred IC. Gottlns nnd yoursolf. You know boyond tho shadow of a doubt, that tho artlclo was an editorial nnd thnt I was In no wny resnonslblo for it. I hnvo snld ARSOLUTKLY NOTHING against Mr. Gottlns personally. I hnvo said NOTHING against him pol itically, except to Bay that ho was nn As8onibly nomlnoo for Wnter Commlslonor two yoarn ago, nnd that ho Is at this tlmo opposed to tho el GURRY COUNTY COURT ENDED Port Orford Port Litigation May Be Settled at Novem ber Election. Judgo John S. Coko nnd 0. R. Peck and J. D. Gobb roturnod todny noon from Curry county whoro tho semi-annual session of circuit court was completed tho day boforo yostor day. Tho term was brlof, thoro bo lng littlo business on tho dockot ready for trlnj. Sovoral ponding ac tions wcro'contlnuod until tho Aug ust session of court. Tho principal caso was tho Port Orford Port litigation nnd this wns not tried out but by agroomont was loft over until tho noxt term of court through n temporary injunction re straining tho county olllcora from collecting tho port tax bolng ngrood to. Tho matter was up on injunction proceedings ngalnBt tho Sheriff and Clork to rcHtrnin thorn from collect ing tho port tax and us Gov. West had ordered quo warrnnto proceed ings In which nil tho questions in volved In tho Injunction proceedings will hnvo to bo threshed out,, it- was agrood by tho attornoya to handlo it in ono suit. However there la a possibility that it may not bo trlod out na tho attor noya aro now .negotiating to lot tho November election bottlo it. At tho November election, two commission ers will bo oloctod. If tho oppononta of tho port Buccood in oloctlng ono of thoso, it will glvo thorn n majority1 of tho commission and onablo thorn to provont anything bolng dono to wards raising funds for lmprovong tho Port Orford harbor. Slnco tho Port Orford port was organized, it hna bcon dlscovored that tho $1C0,000 that was thought to havo been appropriated by Con gress for tho improvomont of Port Orford harbor had l ovor tod Into tho United Statoa treasury and la not nvallnblo. Without foderal aid, It is practically imposslblo to accomplish nnythlng. Tho opponents of tho port any that tho pooplo now roallzo this and will glvo a majority against tho port in Novombor. Tho supporters of tho port say that this is all tho more reason why tho port should bo maintained. However, only tho election of com missioners will dotormlno this and BITUMINOUS MINERS VOTE TO RETURN TQ WORK AT EARLY DATE SMALLPOX AND 1 FEVER PREVAIL Disease Breaks Out Among Refugees of Mississippi River Flood. (Dy ABBodntod Prosa to Tho Coos Dny Timos) MEMPHIS, Tonn,, April 11. Smallpox and fovor havo brokon out among tho flood rofugocs In Tonnes sco nnd it is foarod that tho epidemic may reach Btartllflg proportions bo foro it can bo curbod. Tho stnto .authorities havo taken prompt ac tion to prevent a Bprcad of tho dls oaso, A largo nroa on both sides of tho Mississippi Is still Inundatod but It Is thought thnt tho worst of tho flood Is over. W T BAND TO GO WITH THEM Union in Central States Rati fies New Two-Year 1 Agreement. BIG MAJORITY GIVEN AQA1NST SHUT-DOWN Few Developments in Negotia tions Over Anthracite Mine Trouble. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 11, Returns from tli6 referendum voto of tho bituminous coal minors of tho contra states shows, that tho now two-year contract wna approved by a big majority. This will result In tho Immediate termination of tho suspension that hns tied Up tho soft coal mines of n dozen states slnco April 1, Bomo of tho mines will rcsumo al most Immediately and practically all of tho shafts will bo in oporatloiv next week, it is bollovcd. Rain for Second Time Stops Contests in California Yesterday. PORTLAND. Oro April 11. No games were played In tho Const League yestorduy as a result of rain nnd wot grounds. -nrown Pro,,, Schooner pimi ' No Emoa woro 1,,ayml Tue8wy on .L' Mnic llm EEiI,cka I account of rain. It has boon a long tlmo slnco all tho games In tho leaguo hnd to bo icalled off on account of wet weather. .u: r : nfrin. i. U..C;.'.'"6 u3n l - vvu 'ruction Islnnd. "eon adrift for 7- lie iL8.;:ntaln"'R mensABa 'hleh u- . CUooner BortIa ?tlevr.o?a.8 t08ae(l overboard "Rlrer T J"nury 24, off Co iirer was n ekon i.,.' a.m HTHHL TRUST WINS El$&?3 DitfSio: W I4l"-" 'or Destruction i lcr uraiixu j u.. " to i "d Ught atntlon. ac- M'tbaPnJ ri recolved from Ebonite rtI?nd. hranob yro- "Wadlsi,- uo",e "ad been u, fl'ancoof 3io miio 1 l?Mlnnir '"' f'rt officer of tho Sooner rtn. i ,B follows: ! Wh uS MJnor- n a south- Jlbstav , Goqulllo J,os,ay and cathead carried LB?rVe Minor l .m.i. ... h'llle Tr. P3n Francisco and --- f 'lyssrs. (Dy Associated Press to Coos uay Times.) WASHINGTON, April 11. Tho foderal grand Jury in Now York whinh (nvpRtlcatcd tho alleged de struction of certain papqra desired by the government In the anti-trust suit against tho United States Steel Corporation fplled to find any one kuIHv of n violation of law, it was learned at the Department of Jus tice today. Chna. n Me(UX)Y la of Shake sporlan fame now in VAUDEVIIiLK At -tha-JMMTAL. ?Ie '! a-Ur FUN- lm-Hf w I ' I I'll ' " t: 2.alitiJfr& tfAWW octlon by the loglslnturo of tho poo-' J1 ' lko'y that a HtlBatlon will bo plo's cliolco for united States Bonn-' "v"' "' " iuuuh Inp I linvn ii!i1 NOTFIINn nirnlnHt i '" " you personally during tills campaign and havo said NOTHING politically oxcont that you hnvo nald publlcal- ly that you boliovo In mnchlno polt- tics, and that you stood In with tho "Assembly" two yonrs ago, and an far as as any ono knows you still favor nominating by nn assombly or convention. You sny I told Mr. Lll Joqvlst that you woro opposing him In his aspirations for tho nomination for District Attorney. I say to you thnt stntoment la not truo. In tho first plnce Mr. Llljoqvlst la not nnd hns not been n candldnto for District Attornoy; and furthermore, as you say, I hnvo nevor talked with you re garding that matter. Dut I will plainly say nt this tlmo for your bone flt nnd satisfaction, that in view of tho fact that you havo qulto freely; STOP RAILWAY AID f REBELS i'Hyin J 'tK BSSikW. '"wwkjfiSJK Mexican Government Ties Up 1 Mexican Central As Blow at Revolutionists. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ,.,... .Mr iv ml ki i'ahu, tox., April 11. In or orltfclxod Mr Llljevqlst ns an offlcer. dor provont tho revolutionists utl nnd thnt you belonged at least unt zlng tll0 Moxcnn gontrnl rallwny In quite recently to tho "Stand Pat their campaign against tho fedornls. faction of tho same party, and as you th0 Moxlcan government has called ndyocato Mnchlno Politics, I fully bo-out nl) tho employees. Tho Mexican llovo you would oppose tho nomlna- central Is ownod by tho Mexican gov tlon of Mr. Llljoqvlst or uny other ernment, All of tho omployeos of progress vo candldnto for tho offlco thp rond Jn junrez quit work today, of District Attornoy. ou boast of oiashes between tho robols nnd tho multitude of friends you havo In.federfl troopa rQ ropor(ed n several thlrt county, and try to loavo tho im- different lnrnim, i,.,f nmm wr ,io. presslon that I havo but fow. In re-1 csjVo. ply to tnat rimrgo win say, inai oner tho Primary E'ectln on April 10th "GAO HUriE" ENDED my strength will bo n matter of re- cord, and If you wish to show your Government Kmploycs Permitted to Uoastrui poiiuiaruy, i suggem, mm. I'efitlon Concrcss you run for some offlco either, in (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Marahfield or Cooa county. If you Times.) will do so I feol quite sura you will, WASHINGTON, April 11. Presl bo greatly surprlsod when tho votes dent Tnft through tho civil Borvlco are counion io una ibbi your uooui- commission nna rescinded tho so-call- Marshfield Lodge of Elks Plan Novel Advertising Stunt for Coos Bay. Tho Mnrshflold Lodge of Elks is ondenvorlug to mnlto nrrangomoius to hnvo tho Mnrshflold Concert Dand accompany tho dologntlon of Elks from horo to tho graud lodgo moot ing In Portland in July. Director Fonton, Mnnnger Wilson nnd tho mombors of tho band nro In favor of It and It Is hoped tho matter can bo arranged soon. Tho talcing of tho bnnd to Port land would bo a big ndvortlsomont for tho Coos Dny section. Tho Elks grnnd lodgo will bring thousands of people from nil ovor tho country U Portlnnd and tho bnnd would attract tholr attontlon to tho Coos Dny sec tion. , It Is expected thnt botweon CO and 100 members of tho local lodgo and tholr families will nttond. Tho Elks will hnvo special costumes. At Inst night's mooting, C. F. Mo Knight, M. C. Mnlonoy nnd. Dr. Housoworth woro appointed n anoclnl coinmiuco io iniio mo mnttor un with tho Mnrshflold Chnmbor of Commerces Tho oxponso of taking tho bnnd there, ovon though tho mombors donnto tholr sorvlces, ns they hnvo genorously offered to do, would bo consldornblo. At last night's meeting, tho ap pointment of C. F. McKnlght, W. H Kennedy nnd E. 8. nnrgolt ns tho permanent flnnnco commlttco wns niinounced. AItt STILL NEGOTIATING (Dy AsBocIntcd Proas to Coos Dny Tlmo.) NEW YORK, April 11 Thoro hna been littlo development In tho nogo tlntldns botweon tho representative! of tho anth rncl to minors nnd oppro tors slnco yestprdny. Tho tnlk of reconvening tho Anthracite Coal Commission thnt settled tho strike n. fow yearn ago is strong ngnln today. TO TRUl MUDfirn piorp jlluRll-n uflato MAKE .MONEY SMALLER Government to finvo .Money by Ile (lnrliit: Rlc nf HIMh. WASHINGTON. D. C, Anrll 11 Socrotnry of tho Treasury MneVoagh will recommend to Congress soon thnt tho paper monoy of tho United 8tnto8 bo suhstantlnJIy reduced In slzo nnd every denomination mndo uniform In design. District Attorney Brown Com ing Here New Phaso of Bestcott Case. District Attornoy Goo. M. Drown; of Rosoburg, is oxpectod horo today or tomorrow to nrrnngo for tho pros ecution of tho two murdor cases that aro scheduled to como up for trial at tho April term of circuit court which will bo convened at Coqulllo n weok from next Monday. H Is ox poctod thnt Indictments In both case will bo roturnod by tho grand Jury noxt week. Tho Qoldlo Dcstcott case has as sumed a pliuso that will innko tho prosecution difficult. She Is charged with murdering Chns. Munrrny, hav ing shot him on North Front fltreot In Mnrshflcld n few ilnvn finfnr, in.. Chrlstmns. Sho was mistress of ro Bort on North Front strcot. Shorltf Gngo. who was In Mnrshflold today, auuKii umi biiu is now in a dellcato condition mid It lu expoctod thut tho unborn child will probnbly flguro Inrgoly In hor dofenso, nt uny rnto In tho nppeal to tho Jury In hor bohnh. Tho caso of W. It. Footo Is not at tracting ns much Interest ns it was first thought would conter on it. "Tho unwrltton Inw" will bo Footo'fl solo dofenso nnd It Is undorstood that Doputy District Attornoy Llljeqvlsr, who has boon looking nftor tho proH ecutlon of tho caso, Is confldont that ho enn bronk down this plen of Justl flcatioii of tho shooting of tho nl Joged botrnyer of Footo'B daughter. "SCOTTY" ALLAN WINS vtm.t ., ,AI'r'ALA8KA HACK AiiWM.B,A,a8ka' Apr" A. A Allan, bettor known ns Scotty, won tho All-Alaskan Bweonatnkoq hum It is contemplated to mako all S1- ?" ,0 f tea C by 2. Inches, n reduction ;" "".l" I, V' .N"T.,,0oftnd., Bnd notes StZMhV JET-V55 3H if. J- fi-fts nrlty is mosjtly In your imagination. You try to mako, political capital for Mr. Gettlns at tar expense by referr ing to my defeat for Mayor of Marsh flold. Yes, I will admit that I lost out by 24 votes out pt a total of ed "Gag-Rules" imposed on govern ment .ompjoyes and' army nnd navy ofncerj and men wjjlch, forbade thorn to petition congress except whon authorized by suporior officers. Dy the new order, iho superior officers about 750A,against.a verjr stj-opg corn-j aj-o compelled to transmit 'all pstj. . ,t T maJhIiIam ttint n fiVAAll. tlitH ItkltAdnunn ( DJTJftHUU 'UKfQtUf'l (fc v-vvoi- uvua iu wajiob k ent Bbowinff onaer xne circumsiancea. You worked wltk kb at f,M??5 t at ma iuk cx.r etecuoti 'ow nejo (C im4 jtf f.) ..iraltt) To r rr rr . "mtmMtmmi,r'Wm.AMMW" '-, I t rmntmAX xkwt. monslons boliiK 7.28, by 3.04 Inches. Tho proposed plan would reduco tho number of defllgns for Unltod Stntqs notes nnd gold and silver certificates from 10 to 0, MacVengh estimated that tho changes Would result In a saving of more than $000,000 nnnunlly. ' Tho Secretary of tho Tronsury could mako tho Innovations with to spect to the United States notes nnd certificates without congressional as cent, hut It requires legislative au thority to chango tho design of tho Nntlonnl bank note. A uniform National bank nnto, Instead of tho multiplicity of designs now in use by tho 7000 hanks will bo proposed. Tho name Or n numlier designating each individual bank. It Is Bald, could be printed on the notes by a process separate from tho engraving' of tho Plato. GlnRHirnroJ Glassware!! Glassware!!! 10c 10c lOe SATURDAY onlv SATURDAY only, Our entlro OLAHSWAltE Hno goes dn SPrcriATj BALK for one day only without restriction 10c. Some un heard of values; 9-lnch deep wla,d tjOrtlB, covered sugar oowisc ,over 8AYe4." PBOPLK'fl 6, 19 IS CKNTeTOME. nwirly six houm Blowor than it took him last year to win tho raco with tho snmo tonm. Allan, who was tho favorlto in tho contest, drovo tho Mnlnmiito dogs belonging to Mrs. Chnrlos E. Darling, of Dorkoloy, Cai. Aloxnndor Holmson finished ono hour later, driving John Johnson'H tonm of Siberian wolfhounds. Cl-nrllo Johnson finlsbod n half-hour later, driving Fox Ilumoy'a dogs. Tho purso was for $5000, and consider able monoy ehnnged hands on tho ro-sult. fllussivnro! Glnsswaroil Glusswnrolt! SATURDAY SATURDAY PEOPLE'S 10c 10c 10c GEILLI)INE McOLOV is of pleruj ing personnllty and hor party to tho children SATURDAY afternoon at the ROYAL nftor tho MATINEE promises to bo a memorable succesa. SPECIAL SERMON "Addition by Subtraction," will be the subject for .a special sermon at tho -Uaptlsti church next Sunday even ing. Pastor G. h. Hall announced ths theme several soaths age, but the etraeB.wasMON-e-iout fcw oth er Aerno-e at-tfcftt tine. Mr Hall Tf411,be kt jfcla BirieK M'.p-tofj,thrio joore Sus-aya. 7 ' J '' ! WMDtr n '