The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 08, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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THIS is not a detective story, but the story
of the best Blue Serge Suit ever sold in
America for $ 5,0(X
Read about it in The Saturday Evening Post.
It is called Clothcraft Blue Serge Special
Guaranteed all-wool and fast color
Just ask us to show it to you.
Woolen Mill Store
ylwyi "The Busy Corncr"-
Drug Store
Iff. .... nnlv thB
. ...i r.tiat Anifn.
p8"""""",!.". ,c: :.;,,
i.......lii Intnlho nrt'
icriptlons you brine to " Wo
Kripilon clerks nro too expert for
Out. And wo don't charrjo I.ic
prices-far from it.
We carry many excellent pro
wfctMy medicines. F col I rig
batettj or jaundl;ed? SuITerlng
tea conitipatlon, torpid liver.
lick headaches? Try Roxail
Liver Salts. O
TMj IJ tho mod cauoiaciory
iver-itemej "
handled, end vo know its
formula. It atimuwca
id regulates tne action
cltlio liver and bow
els without c"PnIJ
1'ieasani uuu ci-
fectlve. Eoia
with tlio
R ex nil
m v bh
m irn. t e e . h
condensed statement
Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay
At the Close of Business February 20th, 10JS.
Loans ntul discount 221,234.34
BoihIb, wnrrnnts and nccurltlcs 73,920.11
U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation 25,000.00
Heal cstntc, furnltiiro ntul fixtures 81,022.34
Cash and sight oxchango 144,549.04
Total -. $3.5,71:1.7:1
Capltnl stock paid In $100,000.00
Surplus and undivided profits 0,235.09
Dlvldonds uupuld G.00
Rosorvo for taxoa 1,000.00
Circulation, outstanding 24,600.00
Doposlts , 410,881.64
Total $.1. 3,721.7:1
In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability ot Stockhold
ers In 1100,000.00.
V. S. CHANDLER, Prcsldont. M. C. IIOItTON, Vico-Prcsldent.
Kt Id only by
Drug Company
'The Busy Corner"
Phone Malu 208 Uh
At the close of business, Feb. 20, 1012.
Loans and Dlscouuts $429,260.69
Banking House 50,000.00
Cash and Evcbanges 105,011.32
Total $044,278.01
Cipltul Stock paid In 52'?22'?2
Surplus and Undivided Profits ,J'H !
Doposlts 536,809.84
Total $644,278.01
tL ',,:XT '' iinilsliiMl liousekeep-
- iuuws, 415 South Fourth St.
Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire
and Marine Insurance
itNiyTI,"' a,)out i0 yea,s o,d
11 The BUSV Hnrnoi. I
Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.
Coquillo Offl.e Phone 191 Marshfleld Office 14-J.
Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty
Genaral Agent "KAmoiuri
"The Busy Corner
0''SA.L,: Chi'api n JIO ncro Ini-j
0 And Ch n ea8y terms Ann,y '
1 .... -" lunur uumuui
W,' Ijlllu, CM. r....i.
COBial.1. .'."w fl,CS" V.UrSO
R..7.b B,Ka" 8UIU or BUvor.
"ra for return to Times office.
'TED i once. Ki.nnn wnrtli
Ko 111 v,and household goods at
J!0' 341 No. Prnnl Q nu- oin T
SuF1 - Address 695
, in tront. near Tllrnli Phnnn
41.jt -
" UJ vi .. ... ..
"rgain If tnVon ,.,i.i.i ... .1
e 0 Commercial Avenue,
,'i.. Six exnerlanonri pnnl
nJer tWo DumP-roen; one rope-
"ytny ueaver Hill Coal Co.
UnMrr0"0 nw 20-foot gaso.
aaa srSx.' 8eo JIa Tlmmer
882 North Front stret.
LE-T0 r,dlng gaddlcs and
bridles, one pack saddle with out
fit, one 50-foot scow, 20 ton capac
ity. All in good order. O. J.
Van Zilo, North Bend; Phone 490.
One span Belgian colts; 1 will bo 2
years old next month; well broke to
bridle and halter and to ride; will be
n'nLCt Sings. 4 years old;
well broke to work or ride; out of
halfbred Belgian horse and good
mares; price $300. .
One span mares, 7 years old:
weigh 1300 each; well broke to all
hlnd of work or to ride: Price $400
A so one vuii ""- .--v..
years old and well broke to drive
Se or to ride; perfectly safe or
women or children to drive; price
i2A of my horses were raised in a
pasture where a logging train ran
through several times a day there
fore they are not afraid of trains or
automobiles. na
I guarantee an HOiDt" l QMiTii
lesented. L. D. SMITH.
Sicilian Buttercups
Best for oggs; tho host strain;
beautifully markod. Eggs for hatch
ing. Salmon Faverolles, tho winter
layers, quick growers. F. E. Glazier,
North Bend. Phone 299.
W.K.: Wiseman
The Old Reliable Now car
ries a complete stock of
Housefuriiishings. Every
thing from Kitchen to Bed
room. New Goods.
Reasonable Prices,
323 South Broadway.
Phone No. 210-J.
Try Tho Times Want Ads.
Del -w Is given tho time and
height of high and low water at
Mm 8h field.
Th tides are placed In the ordor
of occurrence, with their times on
the first line and heights on tho sec
ond lino of each day; n comparison
of consecutive heights will Indlcato
whetl or it Is high or low water. For
high water on bar, subtract 2 hours
34 minutes.
Date. April.
Hrs. .6.20 1.08 S.17 0.0
Foot .5.4 0.0 3.3 0.0
Hrs. .0.50 7.20 2.07 9.35
Feet .4.1 4.9 0.9 4.8
lOllIrs. .2.23 S.29 3.11 10.42
Feet .4.1 4.5 1.0 4.1
11 Mrs. . ;i.5U IMS 4.12 11.2(1
Feet .4.0 4.3 1.1 4.5
12 Hrs. .5.00 10.58 5.15 12.04
Foot .3.4 4.5 1.1 4.9
13 lire. .5.49 11.50 5.49 0.0
iFeot .2.7 4.S 1.1 0.0
Mlllra. .0.40 0.22 12.48 6.29
Feet .5.4 1.9 5.1 1.1
cldonco wns that hor (loath occurrod
Just twenty years to a day aftor tho
death of her husband.
Kkblnd Won. In a shooting con
test hotweon W. N. Ekblnd and A. O.
Rogers, Jr., at tho Marshfleld Gun
Club grounds yestorday, Ekblad won
by a scoro of 19 to 15 out ot a possl
bio twenty-nvo. Tho Bhootlng yos
tcrdny was abruptly ending by tho
now trap breaking.
Fuvor Port Work. Dr. E. Mlngus
rocolvod lettors todny from sovoral
Portland pnrtlos who own proporty
on tho Bay Btatlng that thoy wish
waivers bo sent thorn so that tholr tnx
money can bo usod in Improving tho
harbor. Thoy stntod that It would
bo a sorlous blow to tho Bay to hnvo
tho harbor Improvement stoppod.
(By Associated Pross.)
OUEGON Fair tonight nnd
Tuesdny except showers tonight
In Bouthwcst. Westerly winds.
1'OHT. 0
For twenty-four hours ending
at 4:43 a. m., April 8. by DonJ.
OBtllnd, special government mo-
teorologlcnl obsorvor:
Maximum CC
Minimum 34
At 4:43 n. m 34
Proclpltntlon nono 4
Wind northwest; pnrty cloudy.
NOAH To Mr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Noah
at their homo In La Urnmto, Ore
gon, nn eight nnd ono half pound
son. -Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah formerly
lived In Mnrshflold.
DEAN To Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Dean
at their homo on North Broadway,
Saturday, April 10, a daughtor.
Mother and child nro doing nlcoly.
SCOIT To Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark M.
Scott nt their homo in South
Marshfleld, April 0, a daughter.
ICnlarKo llumlon Partlos roturn
from Bnndon roport that a special
oloctton will bo hold thoro Mny 3
for tho purposo of annoxlng coiibIiI
orablo outlaying territory. Tho coun
cil there Ih also preparing to adopt
a now charter.
Tomorrow ImhI Day Tuesday Is
tho last day to roglstor for tho pri
maries which will bo hold April 19.
If you want to voto and haven't re
gistered, you had hotter hurry. It
Is ostlmatod that less thnn seventy
jlvo por cont of tho total voto In tho
county will bo registered for tho primaries.
Sought More Tho Coos county of
dors hnvo not yet succooded in locat
ing Goorgo Morrow, nrcusoil of lar
ceny of a rlllo from B. Bntos, a Mol
roso farmor. It was roportod that ho
wns soon In Myrtlo Point, bonding
for tho conBt, but Shorlff Qnlno In
clines to tho bollof that Morrow did
not go to Coos county nt all, Itoso
burg Review.
Accept IMniis At a meeting Sat
urday night, tho Eastsldo school
board accopted .tho plans of B. II. Ost
II ml for tho new school building
thoro. Tho plan will bo submittod
to tho county superintendent nnd
Just ns soon as ho approves thorn,
bids for tho construction of the build
ing will bo nskod.
llnhy Christened Yestorday about
1 o'clock, tho young son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Plnegor wns christened
by tho Rov. It. E. Browning at tho
Episcopal church. Itobort Emmott
was tho namo conforred upon him,
bolng tho samo as tho father's. Tho
sponsers wero tho grandparonts, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Elckworth. Tho only
other witnesses wero Mrs. Fred Hnus
chlldt and Mrs. Ml Id run Jamison.
Mr. and Mrs. Plnegor ontertnlned
tholr relatives at dinner In honor of
tho event.
Ittinuway Sunday A livery toam
belonging to tho Blnnchard's llvory
got frightened yesterday. Thoy wore
loft standing untied. They ran
straight for the barn. As thoy pass
ed tho postofllco E. K. Jones saw
them aud thinking that thoro might
bo bo mo ono In the rig ho mado a
horolo offort to stop them. Ho suc
ceeded In checking their speed but
lost his footing and fell under tho
buggy, ThlB forced him to rellnqush
bis hold. The team proceeded to
the barn slowly. Mr. Jones was
more or loss bruised by tho fall. Had
bo known that tho rig was empty he
would not have made tho attempt.
Coquillo Girl Dead Word was ro
colvod horo today of tho doath of
Miss Roy Collier of Coquillo at Napa,
Calif. Sho had been thoro for tho
last bIx months for tho benefit of her
health, having boon a sufferer, from
tuborculosls. Hor father, Henry
coiner, or Coquillo was with hor
during tho last week. For Bovoral
years, sho was connected with tho
olllces of tho Coos County Clork and
the Assessor. Sho was n nloco of
Mrs. A. G. Aiken and a cousin of Mrs.
Otto Schottcr ot Marshllold. Tho
body will bo brought to Coquillo for
WM. E. HOMME of Cooston was a
Mnrshflold business visitor today.
L. H. HAZARD of Coquillo was a
Marshfleld visitor yesterday.
LLOYD CUTLIP roturnod today from
a trip to California points.
S. LANDO arrived homo today from
a business trip to San Francisco.
Bond wns a Mnrshflold shoppor today.
MRS. P. M. TULLY and baby arrived
hero from Man Francisco today to
Join Mr. Tully. ,
Close Postolllco Wednesday. On
account of romodellng tho flxturos
of tho Marshfleld postofllco tho ofllco
Postmaster Curtis nnnounccs It will
bo closod on Wednesday, April 10.
Patrons having boxes enn got tholr
mnll by calling boforo 8 A. M. The
outsldo door will bo locked nt 8 A.
M. nnd no ono will bo admitted un
til tho chnngo is mado which will bo
toward evening.
May lio Suicide. Mrs. Goo. Condlo
of Bnndon wns in Mnrshflold yostor
day trying to trnco her hiiBband who
dropped out of sight horo oarly last
wcok. She stated that ho sont hor
n postofllco ordor for $60, nil tho
money ho had with him, but did not
write any mossngo. Sho and Marsh
al Carter hnvo practically mado up
tholr minds that Mr. Condlo commit
ted sulcldo cither by drowning him
self In tho Bay or ending his ltfo In
un obscuro plnco In tho woods.
Ncav Mi'inliciH At n mooting of
tho Mnrshflold Tennis Club, Saturday
night, committees wero appointed to
get tho courts In condition for VI ay.
It wns d,oclded to arrange a tournoy
with tho Bnndon club Homotlmo In
tho summer. It was also docldod to
Issuo two courtesy cards to each
member who may glvo thorn to lady
friends desiring to uso tho court.
Flvo now mumbors, tanking n total
of twenty, wore ndmtted. Thoy woro
C. F. McKnlght, G. H. Rodd, F. A.
Tledgen, Vornon Smith nnd Wcsloy
Now GIiixnch Wo havo Just rocolv
od a comploto lino of glnsswaro, com
prising full dtnnor nets, Including
wntor goblots, clnrots, nlmonds, wlno,
chnmpagne, shorbots, fruits, shorbot
poitRco enfo, flngor bowls. Both In
tho etched and cutglass. Tho only
comploto lino over shown In Mnrsh
Mis. .J. II. Price of Allegany Receive
Word of Parent's Death
Mrs. J. II, Prlco of Allogany has
word that hor father, J, S. Daniels,
of Colna, California, passod away
Thursday, April 4th. Interment will
probably take plnco at Bollovlllo,
Kas., whore his wlfo was laid to rent
about two years ago,
Mr. Daniels nnd Miss Pearl, his
daughter, spoilt two months last sum
mer with Mrs. Prlco and ho mado
many frlnnds horo.
Mr ,D.Milols was born In Ohio In
184 4. At thrco yonrs of ago. his par
ents niovo'l to Jonosvllle, Wisconsin,
where ho grow to manhood. Ho sor
vod In tho 33rd Wisconsin for throo
yonrs during tho Civil Wnr. In I860
ho married Aurora Dlbblo. Thoy
aro survived by flvo children, Mrs.
J. II. Prlco of Allogany, Oro., Mrs. II.
II. Tucker, of Hardy, Nob., L. O. Dan
iels, of Covlnn, Calif., Br. E. A. Dan
iels of Whlttlor, Calif., and Mlos
Ponii Dunlols,
Thoy moved to Cnllfornln about
six yoars ago from Bollovlllo, Kas.,
whoro thoy had resided slnco 1870.
GEO. E. PEOPLES and wlfo of Co
quillo woro Sunday visitors In
Bpont Sunday with frlonds In
Wat. BONEBRAKE of Catching Inlet
Is In Mnrshflold today on business
and ploasuro.
C. S. WINSOR and dnughtor, Miss
llolon, ot North Bond woro Mnrsh
flold visitors today.
W. A. LUSE roturnod todny from a
thrco wooks' Btny in San Francisco
nnd othor California points.
SENATOR JAS. BA1NES expects to
lonvo Wednesday for his homo in
Cnllfornln nfter n short stay on tho
MRS. J. P. MORRIS and ohlldron aro
oxpoctod horo noxt wook from San
Joso, Calif., whoro thoy havo spont
tho wlntor.
TOM HALL roturnod today from Ton
Mtlo whoro ho trlod tho oarly
fishing yostorday. Ho only got
passod through horo today en
routo homo from nn ovor Sunday
visit with frlonds nt Bnndon.
L. A. ROBERTS nnd wlfo and a pnr
ty of Myrtlo Point frlonds came
ovor yostorday to attond tho
Knights Tomplnr Eastor sorvlcos.
STEVE OALLIER of Bandon was a
Marshllold visitor Saturday. Ho
Is n candldnto for tho Ropubllcnn
nomination for shorlfT nnd snys ho
has mot with much oncourngomont
In vnrlous parts of tho county.
JUDGE HALL wont to Coquillo thin
morning to hold n spoclnl sosslon
ot county court. Tho pint ot Mil
nor Crest, tho now.nddltlon which
J. II. Mllnor laid out on tho Hill
back of Forndnlo waB fllod.
A. F. ESTABROOK nnd wlfo who
hnvo boon spondlng tho pnat wook
horo whllo Mr. Estabroolc has boon
looking nttor tho construction of
tho Estnbrook Stonmshlp com
pany's now voHsol nt North Bond
will roturn to San Francisco on tho
Boforo lonvlng tho Bay, Rov. A. O.
LI ml yestordny hold nn Enstor sor
vlco at tho sohool liouso on Eastsldo
for a largo nudlouco, Rov. Llnd
proachod In tho Norwegian language
In tho foronoon nnd In tho English
lnngungo In tho nftornoon. Ho was
vory plonsod to soo so many ot his
frlonds prosont nt his last mooting
A TURKISH BATH will dd you
GOOD. Phone 21 4 J.
Tho Wllholmlna Is duo In todny
from Floronco and other northern
points. '
Aftor the show try a Turkish Bntt
Phono 2H-1
.Mother Dead E. S. Bargolt today
rocolved word ot the death of his
mother, Mrs. E. S. Bargolt. at tho
homo of his sister, Mrs. C. S. Hayes,
In Norfolk, Nebr. Doath was duo to
complications duo to old ago, Sho
was about eighty-seven and had boon
falling for some time. Ho visited
her last summer. A strange coin-
Dayton Bicycles
for rent to responsible persons
Marshfield Cyclery
Phono 180-R
007 Front street,
Wm. L. Cooko, prop, of tho Boo
Hlvo Drug Storo, Nolhart, Mont., nays
the Bolt Canon running from Bolt to
Nolhart is the most picturesque spot
in all Montana. Ho wrltos, "I re
commend Foley's Honoy and Tar
Compound to all my customers and
am novor disappointed. It gives tho
host results for coughs and colds of
anything I soil." Red Cross Drug
Fresh From
California Gardens
Just arrived on tho Rodondo,
Ihe Bazar
Phorie 32
The House of Quality.
A small handful ot Flaked Peas added to
any soup, fifteen minutes before It Is roady
to servo, will greatly Improve Its flavor and
3 cups ot beef stock
i cup cold water
IVi tablespoontuls catsup
Tiny piece of garlic
Boll onion In stock until tonder, add catsup, Wtrsestershlre, gar
lic, dash of white pepper and salt; then add the fluked peas. Cook
slowly 20 minutes, strnln and servo with croutons. Stick onion wltn
whole cloves. ,
1 cup Sperry Flaked Peas ....
i medium onion
tablespoon Worcestershire
Salt to tasto.