THE COOS BAY' TIMES, IWARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1912-EVENING EDITION- COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKr Editor and I'nb. DAN E. MALONE1T News Editor Entorod at tho postofflco at Marsh Held, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls as second class mall matur. Address all communications to COOS 11AY DAILY TIMES. MnnOiilcld :! :: :t :: Oregon Dedicated to tho sorvlco of the pooplo, that no good cause- shall lack a champion, and that orll shall not thrlvo unopposod. BUnSOItll'TION RATES. DAILY. Ono year 16.10 Per month SO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 Whon paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. NEWS OF NEARBlY TOWNS NOKT1I INLET NEWS (Special to Tho Times.) Dr. Howard has arrived from Ev orltt, Wash., to spend somo tlmo on tho ranch that ho has bought from tho Hopo Brothors. Cornollus Lungron has returned from Kansas whoro ho has been for six or eight months. School oponed In District No. 53 on Monday wlUTMlss Clark as teacher. Ofllclnl I'nnor of Coos County An Independent Hopubllcan nows papcr published ovory ovonlng except Sunday, nnd Wookly by Tho Coon liny Times Publishing Co. THEY MOVE VEKY SLOWLY RCACTIONAIUES nro unduly nfrald of tho "passing whims" of tho pooplo. Thoy appear to think tho pcoplo nro easily moved io hnsty action nud so cannot bo trusted. Thoro Is no dnngor on this score Tho pcoplo nro not hasty enough. Tho pooplo ns a wholo aro oxccsslv. ly slow and tomporato minded. Thoy tolorato Injustices much longer than thoy should. History Is full of Illustrations fibowlng that tho greatest obstaclo to progress has always been tho lndlf foronco of thoso who would bo most bonofltcd by roform. Pcoplo aro too prone to bo contont and to lot well enough nlono. Thoy nro vory pntlont and will seldom rovolt no matter how badly they may bo used. When tho mob doos rise It is not becnuso It has bcon glvon powor but because powor Iiuh boon too long do nlml. It is wl en tho natural outlets aro nil closed that tho volcano breaks forth. Thoro would have boon no Pronch rovolutlou If tho peasantry could huvo ndvnnccd irrndunlly. In America thoro Is now groat pro tost against tho control of affairs by tho aristocracy of wealth. Thoro has bcon too much for tl.o rich nnd not enough for tho poor. At I.awronco tho rich pcoplo who huvo not worked hard hnvo ronpod profit by tho mil lions. Poor pooplo who hnvo worked hard nil tho whllo got wages rang ing from $0 to $10 per wook sums upon which white pcoplo cannot llvo In doconcy. It won't Biifflco nny longer to toll tho pooplo to work hnrd nnd to bo frugnl, Tlio mill owners need that ndvlco woruo tlinu do tho workors. Thoro Ih dlscontont In this country bocnuso cortnln forces of wealth hnvo co-operntod with tho politicians to provont n propor nnd grndiml nd JuBtmont of nffnlrs. Tho pooplo hnvo loHt coiifidouco In professional or practical politicians nnd they nro turning for support to tho initiative nnd referendum, tho direct primary ami tho recall. Hlnco tho politicians won't do what thoy should tho pooplo nro going to net for thomsolvos. It Is vory nnturnl tho nuotiln nlmnM Inko this course nud tlioso nro unwlso who opposo tho movo. Thoy nro ob jecting to tho Hufoty vnlvo, LAIIll) IH VICTIM Mr. Church is building a barn on tho ranch ho rccontly purchased from John Boar. Ghcstor and Albort Boar aro Bond ing a scow land of ship knees to Kruso and Danks of North Bond. dairy herd has been growing this spring,1, thoy would soon double, yes trlblo tho numbor of dairy cows of tho valley. Among Mr. Fisher's spring calves nro four pairs of twins, all holfors, and nro all doing well nnd glvo very promise of being good milk ors. Mr. Fisher Is n believer in rais ing nil tho holfor calves pnsslblo to roplaco tho oldor cows and Increase, tho dairy output of tho Coqulllo Vnl loy. Dr. K. A. Lccp nnd family, who wcro formorly residents of this city, nro this week moving up from Co qulllo, whoro they liavo bcon making tholr homo for sovernl months. Soth Johnson has returned to his ranch aftor spending a fow days In! North Bond. Tho launch North Stnr took out fifty sacks of spuds this morning and bcow Turtlo took eighty sacks. CULLINGS OK COQUILLK Coos County Sent News iw Told by Tho Sentinel Tho gnsollno bont "Norma," 30 horsopowor, which was rccontly built by Hormnn brothers ship yards flvo miles nbovo Bandon, was launchod Inst wook. Sho Is n trim llttlo crnft "May" and has a spoed of about 13 miles. Sho Is 50 foot long with a 0 foot bonm and Is painted whlto. Sho is ownod and oporatod by Frank Wll Inrd and will ply botwoon horo and Bandon. Tho total fees collected by County Clerk James Watson for tho month of March 1912 nnd turnod ovor to tho County TroaBiiror now nggrogato $705.00. At nino o'clock on Mondny morn ing, nt tho brldo's homo on Summit strot, Mary, tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Troutmnn, was unltod In marriage to Mr. Percy Brewer, of Arngo, Orogon. Residents below Norway aro on tho lookout for sneak thtovos that have boon operating In that section recent-1 ly. Wcok before Inst tho tool houso nt tho rock quarry was entorod nnd r. number of tools belonging to tho county nnd to J. D. Clinton wore tak en. Tools were nlso recently missed from tho work shed nt Hnughton's plnco. Looks llko somo folks nro getting protty hard up for somothlng to do whon thoy will resort to steal ing tho Implements to work with. Don't forgot tho Turkish Baths. PHONE BMJ. Try Tho Times Want Ads. iwnnioM - -- ' Noted Rupture Expert Here Secley, Who Fitted the of Bus- slu, Will lie nt the McCullum- Hotel, lto-H'luirg. An oratorical try-out was hold nt tho High School last Frldny to select Wcdnosduy an orator for tho county contest to bo hold April 30. Tho contcsants Mr. seoloy F. II. Secley of Chicago and Phila delphia, tho noted truss export, will bo at tho McCullum this Tuesday nud only, April 9 nnd 10. says: "Tho Spermatic woro Mao Lund, Geneva Dither and Allco Culln. Miss Culln took first plnco with an orntlon on Mnry, Quoon of Scots. Tho Judges woro Mrs. II. O. Andorson, J. J. Stnnloy nud C. II. Cleaves. Bon F. Lnwronco, now 25 yenrs old, son of City Uouordor Lnwrcnco, who was for sovoral years proprietor of tho Coqulllo Bulletin and wns ono of tho most popular nowspapor mon ovor In Coqulllo, Is now in Indian apolis, Indiana, whoro ho is busJnoss mnnagor of tho Star Longuo which is publishing tho Indianapolis Star, tho Torro llauto Stnr and tho Munsoy Stnr. MVUTLK POINT POINTKH8 ni Ciihhes Worthier Check for Hose burg Fugitive Tho Itosoburg Itovlow nttyn: "Dop my niiomi unipu quino roturnod this morning from Marshtlold with L. F. Thorn, Bolf-confcssod burglar in I'-roti winsions' nomo nt Wlnstons about n wcok ago. Thorn will bo nr rnlgnod boforo Justlco Mnrstors Into this nftornoon. Tho Cooa county otllcorH found no trneo of Morrow, wuntod horo for tho nllodgod thoft of a rlflo from II. Bntos nt Melroso. Knroutu to Mnrshllold, Morrow forg ed a $3 chock on Jnmoa Laird, koop. or of tho Btngo station nt Browstor Vnlloy." Nuwr of Upper Coqulllo Valley Told by tho Enterprise Tho Myrtlo Point Clilb hold its ro- gulnr monthly business mooting nt tho club rooms Inst ovonlng. Aftor tho routlno buslnoss wns dlsposod of 17 applications woro nctod upon nnd tho applicants woro oloctod to mom bornhlp. Saturday, April 13th, was doclilod upon ns tho dnto for tho "houso wnrmlng", for which exton slvo propnrntlons nro bolng made. Tho nffnlr will bo for tho mombors of tho club and tholr wives or swoot- honrts. Shiold Truss ns now used and ap proved by tho United Stntos govern ment will not only retain nny caso of rupturo perfectly, affording Immo dlato relief, but closes tho opening in 10 days on tho nvorngo caso." This Instrument received tho only award In England nnd Spain, producing re sults without stirgory or hurmful In jections. Mr. Seoloy has document ary references from tro United States government, Washington, D. C, for your Inspection. All charity cases without chnrgo, or If nny Interested call, ho will bo glad to show tho truss without chnrgo or fit thorn If desired. Anyono ruptured should remember tho date nud tnko ad van t a go of this unusual opportunity. Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU have ALWAYS UtJKD, PHONE 72 Paclfh Livery & Transfer Co. M. D. Boardman, C73 V. Main St., Ilolona, Mont., glvoa nu iutorostlng account of his Improvod health through tho ubo of Foloy'a Kldnoy i-uin. Ar giving n uotaiieu nc- count of his caso, ho says, "I nm nl most 7U yoars old and hnvo spent hundrods of dollars for medicines, but find that I hnvo rocolvod moro nontu rrom Foloy's Kldnoy Pills than from all othor modlclnos, Fur ther particulars sent on request." Rod Cross Drug Storo. At tho rato that II. W. Fisher's TONiailT AT First Class Auto Service Special trips to North Bond and Empire any time. Train and party calls a spociolty. Phono 14 4 J nlghta and day. Aftor 11 P. M., Palaco Rostaurant, Phono 6-J. Resldonco Phono 2 8-J, D. L. FOOTE. Proprietor. The Royal The TWO FOXES will enp tho ell max In tholr fun making, talking, singing sketches. Pictures: "QUARTER AFTER TWO" "CHASINa THE RAINBOW" Also tho most lnughnblo stunt ov er pullod off on tho stage "LOCAL CONTEST" A decided scream. Tomorrow night tho McCIoya will opon for n week's ongqgomont. High class In vory respect. ALWAYS 10 Cents. STADMN All 'Jnds of photograph work, linmilde minting and kodak HiilNiilriK. Launch Tioga's Time Table AFTER APRIL IB, 10113 Leaves North Bend 7 A. M. Lenves Mnrshfleld 8 A. SI. Leaves Camp No. J, South River, nt 3 P. M. Allco If. on run Sundays. Coos We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Ehoctrlcnl material and can glvo our patrons a vory low price on houso wiring. Got our prlco you can't nfford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J WANTED!!! ;ARPET8 UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by th Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders foi work taken at GOING A HARVEY PHONK IDA We Can Save Money for You On a New Suit Don't buy your Spring and Summer Suit until you come to the Big Store and get our prices. We have some broken lots on which we are naming prices that will Save JDlg Money v. " . for you and at the same time give you service and satisfaction You Should Get Your New Hat Here, Also It will be just what you want and the price will be right C"L See that your feet are comfortably shod. It Is essential that your Shoes be well-fitting as we! as up-to-date in styles. We have the Spring and surrimer lasts for men and women, boys and girls, in both high Shoes and Oxfords. Come in and get our prices before you buy, MERCHANT & SON The Big Store Announcement ! Having rented a purl of llic Rclificld Hros.' store on Front street, formerly Prentiss', I will on Mon day, April 8th, open a first-class watch and jewelry repair shop. I will do all work myself and guarantee satisfac tion. Watches aro a necessity and it is hard to get along without them. My aim is to do all work tho same day received, but most watches have to bo left a few days for regu lating. I solicit a share of your work and will give it care ful and prompt attention. E. C. BARKER, Jeweler IflEU Sf Uea'-vf,I0hv'nlnventlTOblll. nlCllr.l,uj.w.ri(ouEK-Kv mJiStiij? ; JlOCJJBiSC JL - Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT BT. Unique Pantatorium 1TIE MODERN IVXIta, CLKANKIUL PRESSER8 and IIAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward K, Strauu Co. fine Tailoring Lot ui make your next 8nlt. ggg Commercial. phi mh.t t. jr. lOAirs A. II. HODOINI fc Marshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Well Lighted Houses Are Possible to Everyone An atmosphere of comfort and cheer is notice able in every well lighted home. Good lighting costs no more than poor lighting. Tungsten (Mazda) lamps give nearly three times as much light for the same current con sumption as do carbon lamps. The first cost of tungsten lamps and proper shades is repaid many times in satisfactory lighting without increasing the bills. Let our experts assist you in getting full value oufrof the electric current you pay for. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co, ci'Mmvo IN TUB CIRCl'IT COURT OFTS 8TATK UK UKKUIW, IK AM) I T1IH COUNTY OK COOS. John 8. Colco nnd John K. KYI plnlntirra vs. Ella Bullion, dant. Summons. To 10 1 In Sullivan, defeadaot nnmnil! IN THE NAME OP THESTATEC OHEOON. Ynu nro horobv ronutrel totw nnd nnawor or othon.Iopletltoll compinint tiled ngainsi joo nlmvn nntltlnil Kiilt In thelbTl illlml Pnurf nn nr linfnre MoadljS nth ilnv or Mnv. A. D.. 191i M you fall, to bo nppoar and swJ otliorwiHo ploail to saw coropii" want tlioroor, tlio pinimmjwmi to tho Court for tlio relief " ml In Minlr cnninlnlnt. a ltd Btatomont of which Is ai follow: J 1st. That you, Ella SoUlnM roqulrod to perform tho conditio your ngroomont to purcawt Into on tho 19th day of Nous a rt ion iv nml Lettrwa I ao'lf and L. 'd. Kinney for 'Mi Coko and John K. kouoc torniB of which agreement yo M" .. .1 .....l.l In niirrhlKA III I for Lotfl 17 unil 18 in Block Townslto of Coos Hay, rial v County, Orogon, according W thoreof on HIo and of record ' m .!. HnnlllV P.lMl 01 U County, Orogon, nnd hat y.B!' qulrod to pay to me pibiu.-- . i nrt.,r fnr the UM CI "' "" VIWM.V . ,, plaintiffs auovo nameu "'.,, Throo Hundred Soventy-Flt 1 1 J Dollnrs now duo unaer ine pr. of snld agroomont together w nrnaf flmronn nt tllO fat W ' J cent per annum from the ' of November, A. u., '"'... , ........ .. rin ,inva from W ' of entering a decree B,,j:i, within such tlmo ns i .- doom reasonnuio. .(,, 2nd. And in case you if"' . do within tho tlmo a?"""" Court, tlmt you nnu ,. , - '"?"?"' :"Hhrh or ' you, bo foreclosed nnd '0r"U rod of any ana ", ,"6", :;oMrtj. tlon or equity in said rea I prog J o.i mho )in nlalntlBct'. ,J awarded judgment 8BJrfii i,ni nnH nnd d sbursemenw" vmw.. ww- .. u .nlfl.-f' .a a Diinh ntner .- .. HUH UUU 1UI ouv "' ".ujlll relief aa to the uoun w taWeanajuBi. .,,, THIS flumraoi,:.,ina tt TTilln Rnlllvnn. by puui"'".. In the Coos Day Times for , of bIx consecutive "". ;ltb aertlons) upon Monday of J5A thereof, commencing a"Lud,rcl D.. 1912, pursuani w r-.t Hon. John F. Hall. Coft tho County of Coos. Staje u j, duly made on the z&m u. JOHN C. KE! Attornoys forpi Postofflco address MarsDB pi Motional Dank uuuf M Phone 140L Oregon 6 Pint publication Ma publication May 6, ui3 t Furnished