THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 8 ill awiii i Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious home baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking a pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ho Alum Ho Unto Phosphates for membership nnd will bo voted up on at tlio next mooting, among thorn Helen Dow, Gladys Dlment, Edith Hendry, Iluth Dungnn, Win. McDon ald nnd Mr. Tlodgon. Present woro Mr. Uncon, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Tlod gen, Mr. Bishop, Misses Elizabeth Cox, Lillian Seaman, Marian Seamnn, Gladys Dlment, Holon Dow, Nellie Warwick, and Ruth Dungnn; Hnlbort Cnrlllo, Charles I.owry, Albert Hain es, Herbert Bradley, Itonald Nichol son, Win. McDonald nnd Fcstus nnd Harvey Walter. Next week tho so cloty will meet again with Mrs. Wal ter. 0 It has been nsked by tho Library Hoard tlint tho paper print tho fol lowing list, of fiction and chlldrcn'3 books with tho request that porsons who have thoso books nnd feel ablo to do so contribute them to tho li brary and thus enlarge Its stock. In spring houso-clcnnlng, books that tho April fool Joko very real and doll rlous refreshments woro sorvod nnd tho party btoko up nfter a very mer ry ovonlng.' Among tho gtiosts woro Misses Ilcatrlro Smith, Mnry Hansen, Edith lllldcnbrnnd, Eliza Ayro and Uesslo Ayro, tho lntter.of whom will bo hostess to tho club Tuesday ov eniug, April 0. - O The Thimblo Club of Nortn Bail mot yesterday at tho homo of Mrs. M. G. Coloman for n qtilot afternoon of sewing and chst. Among thoso present wcro Mrs. I. D' Dartlo, Mrs. II. Simpson, Mrs. B. K. RIggs. Mrs. J. C. Tocllc, Mrs. S. S. Jonnlngs, Mrs. H. O'Mnrn, Mrs. J. G. Horn, Mrs. W. C. Ilnlloy. Mrs. C. II. Broulllard, Mrs. A. 11. Derbyshire, Miss Goldlo HIggs and Mrs. M. O. Colomnn. Mrs. Der byshire will entertain tho uccdlo workors April 10 at her home on Un ion Avenue. Tho Altar Guild of tho North Horn! children have outgrown, or of which Eplscopal church wm moot Thursday - T " vw,..v, ...w ...,.. """' i April 11 with Mrs. i-rou uoiiisior. and these are more ban acceptable A cookci, f00(1 Bno wlll bo hold in as the library fund Is limited and few c,, f Mr8. Holllstor and Miss books find tholr wny to tho shelves p , ,, V'rn qnt,irdav Anrll 13. n-rnnnt ,.. M.n Mn.tno.. nt nnn..ll...- EUltll HOm bnUIHiay April 1.1. (Continued from pngo 2.) on Sovonth street. A btiHlnoss bob elon will occupy tho early part of tho evening. Committees havo boon nppolntod as follows: refreshments: Joan Fitzgerald, chairman; Altn Soulo, Anna Downs, Edduvn Whoulcr, Gonovlovo Gosnoy nnd Howard Mc Laughlin; guinea: Mrs. Clnudo Stuts man, chairman; Hutli McLaughlin, Holcn Gulovsen, Tholmn Hcnthorlng ton nnd Whltford Hnll. Tho Modorn Woodmen of America will glvo tholr monthly dnuco and social Snturdny ovonlng, April IS, nt tho Flnnlah hnll. Tho Royal Nei ghbors will bo guostB of honor. Tho Coos liny Concort nam! will glvo an nftor-Lonton dnuco April 13 nt tho Eagles' Hall. ' o Tho concort that was to hnvo boon glvon tomorrow nt tho Mnsonlo Opern Houso by tho Coos Day Concort Hand hns boon postponed until n lntor (Into bocnuso of the many other happon lags that occur on Enstor Sunday. Tlio Knights Templar aorvlces nro to bo hold at two-thirty. O Mrs. A, E. Polloxfcn and llttlo son, Jack, nro expected on tho Hay short ly for nn extended vlalt ut tho W, S. Turpon homo nnd with othor roln tlvos nnd friends on tho Hny. Mr. Polloxfon will Join thorn hero in tho early summer for n short stiiy. II. J. McKoowu was host nt n Tur key dinner nt Tho Chandler Grill liiBt ovonlng, tho occubIoii being tho carv lng of tho bird which ho won nt n ro rent shoot of tho Marshflold Gun Club. Tho sproad was nrraugod by Honry Dny, tho popular steward of Tho Chandler who has Just returned tn Ills old position aftor a few Thoso prcsonl woro Miss Evolyn An derson, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. Harry Ilradllold, Mrs. Jus. Cowan, Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mrs. F. A. Saccltl, Mrs. F. A. Hazard, Mrs. Mary F. McKnlght, Mrs. R. E. Drowning, Mrs. Otto Solicitor, Mrs. Jns. M. Upton, Mrs. F. E. Loofo nnd Miss Mnudo Heed. Mrs. E. I). McArthur cntortnlnod tho Ladles' Art Club nt a pleasant afternoon of sowing Thursday. Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Crosthwnlto and Mrs. H. L. Crnwford woro special guests of tho club. Mrs. C. F. McGoorgo will bo hostess next weok, whon tho moot ing will again bo Bot on Thursday, nB Frldny 1b Arbor Day. Present woro Mrs. Job. Cowan, Mrs. W. II. I viuiiin, ,up. tt wumuuii, diid ' .t. Flyo, Mrs. A. L. Ilousoworth, Mrs. J. G. Klnnoy, Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzor, Mrs. Lydin Lang, Mrs. J. W. Mltcholl, Mrs. E. I). McArthur, Mrs. C. F. Mc Goorgo, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd, nnd Mrs. Wm. Schroodor. O Tho Eastsldo Athletic ana Social club is giving n dnuco nt tho club rooms at Eastsldo this ovonlng. Mrs. C. II. Walter was hostoss Wednesday to tho Women's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church at a moot ing devoted largely to business, Com mittees woro nppolntod to draft tho work for tho futuro as follows: Commlttco on Programs for tho next quarter: Mrs, Eva Gammlll, Mrs. I). A. Jnnos, Mrs. A, E. Seaman, Mrs. M. A. Sweotmnn. Embroldory Dopnrtmont: Mrs. A. L. Darker, Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. H. I. Hydo. Mrs. J. L. Lnngdon. Mrs. F. A. Tlodgon, Mrs. . W. 8. Nicholson, Mrs. A. L. Butz,' Mrs. W. F. Squiro. Publicity Cnmmltteo: Mrs. F. S. Dow, Mrs. A. T. Hnlnos, Mrs. M. C. Horton. Mrs. Walter Wll- excopt by tho kindness of contrlbu tors. So If anyone is posscscd of any of tho following list tho library will groatly apprcclato tho gift of thorn: Fiction Doland "Tlio Iron Woman." Smith "Kennedy Squnro" Dnrclny "Tho Following of tho Star" Farnol "Tho Money Moon." "My Lady Caprico." Malot "Adrian Snvago." Johnston "Lewis Rand": "The Long Roll." Formnn "Tho Unknown Lady." Dachelior "Keoplng up with Llzzlo" Ward "Tho Cnso of Richard Moy- noll." Lincoln "Cnp'n Warren's Wards." Abbott "Molly Mnko-Dollovo." "Tho Slck-Abod Lady." Parker "Tho Pomandor Walk." Nicholson "A Ilooslcr Chronclo." Rood "At tho Sign o' tho Jack o Lantern." Cablo "Klnknld's nattory." Stovonson "Travels with a Donkoy" "Merry Men." Morodlth "Tho Ordcnl of Richard Fovorol." Howolls "A Modern InBtnnco." Tnrklngton "Tho Two Vnnrovols". Dulflnch "Ago of Fnblo". Children's Ilnrrlo "Peter nnd Wendy" Scrlb- noit $1.60. Sldnoy "Fivo Llttlo Poppers, nnd How They Grow." Alcott "Joo'b Doys": "Undor tho Lilacs"; "Roso In Illoom". Vnllo "Orcutt Girls"; "Suo Orcutt" StovonBon "Tronsuro Island." Pylo "Tlio ChriBtlnn Angel." White "When Molly Was Six"; "Ednnh nnd Her Brothers." Johnston "Llttlo Colonol Stories." Lngorlof "Wonderful Adventures of Nils." Ray "Toddy: Her nook"; "Half n Dozen Girls." Bnrbour "Captain of tho Crow;" "For tho Honor of tho School" Munroo "Derrick Sterling." Davidson "Tho IlUBlnlklns Bun- nlos In Camp;" "Tho IlUBlnlklns Ilunnlcs In Europe" Aldrlch "Story of n Bad Hoy." Dennett "MnBtor Skylark." Spyrl "Heidi." Cox "Ilrownlo DookB." Duncan "Adventures of Hilly Top sail." Sayler "Airship Boys' Ocean Flyer" 0 Tho Cordiality Club will ho enter tained Tliursdny of next weok by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. lllldcnbrnnd. O MIbb BosbIo Flyo cntortnlnod tho 0. I. E. club nt n ronl April Fool's party Monday ovonlng, April 1. Tho Biirprlso enmo with tlio serving of re freshments whon tho guests nttompt od to oat (nB was porfectoly natural) tho dolcctnblo salad mounds covorod with whipped cronm and garnished ovor so prettily which lay at tholr plntes and found them as cotton In tholr mouths. Hut after this llttlo 0 , Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson nro ex pected homo on tho next Rcdondo from tholr prolonged trip through California. O Tho Christian Endeavor of tho Presbyterian church hold li very en joyable social last ovonlng nt tho homo of Miss Elizabeth Cox In South Marshflold. Games nnd music pro vided cntortnlnmont, prizes In tho former going to Miss Dorothy Hor ton, MyrI Cox nnd Cnrl Larson. Miss Mildred Coko assisted tho hoBtoss in serving tho refreshments. Among thoso present woro Misses Ruth nnd Dorothy Horton, Nolllo Warwick. Marian Soamnn, Editn, Lnura ami Ruby Hendry Holon Dow, Glndys Dl ment, Frieda Holms, Gortrudo 8cnlfe, Cntherlno Dyor, .Mildred Coko, Ada laldo Clarke, and Elizabeth Cox; Messrs. Chns. Lowry, Wesley Seaman, Sydnoy Clnrko, Fostus and Hnrvcy Wnltor, Herbert Hradloy, Halbort Carlllo, Albert Haines, Wm. McDon ald, John Motloy, Henry nnd Goorgo Lococq, Cnrl Larson, II, Dlshop, Ha con, Cox nnd WoodB. 0 Miss Pearl Hclgard who has been nttondlng Oregon Stnto University at Eugono 1b expected horo early noxl weok to spend tho Enstor vacation nt tho homo of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Rolgnrd. 0 MIsb Vlolot Hondorson will loavo next weok for six wooks or two months stny In 'Southern Cnllfornln. Sho may also mako nn extended east ern trip beforo hor return to tho liny. O Mrs. Geo. F. Murch and dnughter, Miss Charlotte, and Mrs. Murch's sis tor, Mrs. Tozor, nro expectod horo on tho next Nnnn Smith from Snn Fran cisco whom thoy havo been spending n few weeks. 0 Tho Mlnnlo-WlB Soclnl Club was entertained nt an nftcrnoon of nee dlework Tliursdny nt tho homo of Mrs. F. II. Dresner. A short busi ness meeting preceded tho soclnl hour, during which tho roport of tho Commlttco on Civic Improvement was hoardi At tho conclusion of tho dny, n dainty lunch was sorvod. Mrs. Davis who has recently romo from Wisconsin nnd who Is visiting Mrs. Perkins, nnd Mrs. Pntchot woro guests. Among tho club momborfl presunt woro Mrs. Helen Hnldwln, MrB. Wm. Perkins, Mrs. E. E. Kelly, Mrs. Chns. La Chapollo, Mrs. Mary Thompson nnd Mrs. F. II. Dresser. Mrs. Porkins will bo hostoss to tho club Thursday, April 18. Tho Mlzpah Dlblo Class of North llend gavo a moonlight picnic to Jor dan's Covo Thursday ovonlng. All wont well until tho lunch myster iously disappeared and twenty hun gry pooplo hnd to onduro a long rldo cSlL ?vJ vJJL fJ- o. 1 i kJL.VIliZ Ufr iVbM A V t MJUfiW' fir4ll .1 O ing three new StylJfStetson ttats. UR business has grown to its present size because of the values we have given. . Every bit of merchandise we sell is the best obtainable at its price. That is why we feature "Stetson" hats. Let your; new hat be a "Stetson" Let Your New Suit be a Benjamin Let Your New Shoes be Stetson Shoes "MONEY TALKS" Huh Clothing & Shoe Co. MAItSHFIKI.I) I1AXD0X home. Among thoso going woro Mr. mid Mrs. Clarcnco Covey, Mrs. Hovonor, Mr. Vnn Zllo, Misses ICsth or Imhoff, Mildred Hood, Vostn Mc Cullough, Holon Mooro, Mnrtha Ross, Norma Chnso, Juno Young and' Vorn Wilson; Mcssors. Hnrry Conro, Glen Grout, Clyde Smith, Martin Sholloy, Fred Reynolds, Harold Simpson, Marlon Reynolds, Ralph Cllnkrii board and J. Hrown, I', M. Hall-Lowis, district fruit in spector, Is giving n sorles of locturcs on "Horticulture" nt tho North llend High School. 0 MIhhcb Elmoro nnd Palmor woro hostesses at an Easter Breakfast ut tho homo of Mrs. Mnry Thompson In South Marshtlold last Sunday. Their guests woro the; Misses AdaniB nnd Mrs. Spnnnor. months' stay In Ilolso. Ida., nnd thn son, Mrs. Honry Illshop. tnblo was decorated In n novel Wnv. An ogg suppor, ns approprinto to typifying tho nlmrod. Clay-pigeons ' tlu Knstor season, was planned for. sorvod as plattors.oto. Among thoso Thursday night, April 11, nt tho' enjoying Mr. McKoowh'h hospitality Swedish Lutheran hnll on Coinmor i woro Dr. Geo, E. Dlx, Dr. A. L ' l,,nl nvonuo. This will bo opon to tho Ilousoworth, G. A, Drown. J. Albort lulu'. In ciinrgo are Mrs. F. a. Mat nnd son, Frank Lnlso, Jninos Dallies Tlodgen, Mrs. F. G. Horton, Mrs. W. W. N. Ekblnd. , S. Nicholson. Mrs. A. L. Hnrkor, Mrs. 0 Word has boon received by Coos Day friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lnfon who loft horo reiontly thnt In stead of going back to North Caro lina that thoy will go to Vancouver. 11. C , whoro Mr. Lnfon has secured n. most excellent petition. Whon thev left hero. Mr. Lifon plnnuod to resume his old position In govern meent forestry work nonr Ashvlllo, N 0., but when he reached Ssn Fran, is.o he was offered tho posi tion of supervising tlio salo or nil the Canadian govornmant land in Hritlsh Columbia. Ills many frleii'ls on Coos Day nro olntod ovor Mr. Ln fon ndvnncemont. o Mrs. A. 11. nidloy will slug the solos. "Whore havo they laid him." from "The Light of the World." by Sullivan, and -,I kuow tht my Re deemer llvoth" from I'lm i-iui.- M. V. Horton, nnd Mrs, A. E. Soamnn Tho menu for tho supper is given ns follows: Kicks cooked to ordor. Pcallopod potatoes. Cold moats. Ilrond and buttor. Hot rolls nnd Jolly. Egg salad. Ploklod ogg. Devilled okks. Ollvos Coffee and Cake. Tho Auxiliary will meet Wednes day, April 17. for an afternoon of rouifnrt-iimkliiK with Mrs. M. C. Hor ton. Present this week woro Mrs. Honry Illshop, Mrs. Esthor I). Con verse. Mrs. F. S. Dow, Mrs. A. K, Dl ment. Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. M. C. Morton. Mis. Eva Gnminlll, Mrs. II. I. Hyde. Mm. F. O. Horton, Mrs. J. KettrliiK. Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. M. A. Swttetiuun, Mrs. A. IS. Seaniau, Mrs. D. A. .loiieu. Mrs. F. A. Tiedaon. WE CARRY A BIG LINE OF Hamilton Watches From $12 to tho progrnm nB many dolcctnblj good Iob hnd been brought by tho mm; picnickers. Among tho sandhill pir. ty woro Mrs. Archlo Phillips, oflclil chuporon, Mlssos Edith Horn, Ei ther Imhoff, Nolllo Trlbboy, Ellen An dorson, Inoz Anderson, Maude Cm by, Loin Ritchie and Lenora Tope; Messrs. Wm. Rood, Fred Kruie, Put Welling, Floyd Huntley, Frank Mail ns, Wnrron Murphy, John Shcppud, Wm. Davis, Arthur Chaso, Jac if nold, Porcy Phillips, Harold Slmpwa and Win. Johnson. 0 Mrs. Howard Snvago returned th!i weok from a short visit with her ali tor, Mrs. N. J. Hutchlns, at Culrtr, Oregon. Mrs. Hutchlns returns! with hor for a short vlalt with rtli tives on tli'o Hay. 0 Tlio I. O. U. dancing clots of North llend Is planning to glvo a daneo tt Tho Wesloyan Illblo class of tho Kck hoff hall turUr mtm Mcthodlst-Eplscopal church gave n Fred Roynolds, Will Dovli, Clea basket social Frldny evening ot Tay- Gr"ut ft,nl l,wo othors rrom lh WB.' lor Hall In North Bond, nt which tho ""co " charge following program was carrlod out: ' O Plnno and mnndolln duet I Mrs. W. N. Ekblnd rocovoredmB Mlssos L. and Mary Gurnon otnntiv tmm tm recent ooeratlon ivuviiuiiuu iMios i.ciiora lopo Quartot Mr. Halslgor, A. L. aubsor, Arns, L. McKay. Rocltatinn A. L. Gubsor Recitation Lola Ritchie After tho progrnm, baskets wrfro auctioned off by tho ablo auctioneer, Mr. Joo Slinnnon. Among thoso pre sent wcro Dr. nnd Mrs. Mooro. Mr, to return to hor homo yesterdir. That hIio will rnpidly recuperate li tho ardont wish of hor many frlenu. O Mrs. W. S, Nicholson will enter tnln nt enrds noxt Tuesday. rSEi QAIJLRflAPjTlfjIEKEEPa OFAJrtKRtCA. IAHCSTI, PA. Also Have a Big Stock of Howard Watches from $35 to o Tho Sncrod Cantnta, "The ST l.nut nt fUll-lst." W8S tlfH und Mrs. L. lJnlslgor, Mr. McLcod, inst night nt tho Emmanuel EplKO Mrs. Gurnon. Mrs. Woodbury. Mrs. ni ,i,.,..m, i,v thn xhnrrh 'rholrundtr J. Klnnoy, Misses Mnrjorlo 8woar- the dlroctlon of Mrs. Wm. IlortW. ingen; Allco Wnttors, Nnoml Smith, Jr., boforo nn nudlonco that filled tbt Etta Taylor. .Marjorlo Smith. Ruth church nnd ndjacont grounds. Com- Van .llo, Ruth Gurnon, Clnrn Mooro, piimcntR nnd prnlso havo coma from ...uuiv, niiiiiu, mini nun uur ea Hago, Norma Chaso, and Vera Wilson; Glon Grout. Earl Hrown. John Hago. HelmonX Goodwin, noyd nil qunrtors to Mrs. Horsfnll for kw wonderful work In training the cnoir in Its support of tho soloists. NH. A. II. Gldloy nnd Mr. L. K. Dalllnj Arnot. Wm. Pord, Clydo Smith, Hnr- 0r. Tho cantata is ono which, bold old Moore, Paul Wolllng and Chas. i J.irh .lrnmntlo nosslbllltles, Ut . lolorBon- been nttomptod by no other city on 0 tho const, with tho possible eicep- Mr. and Mrs. John Hear entertain. on ,of Port,nndSBn.lSiaP murW od Friday ovonlng complimentary to on horo WM .TiSSSit K rlllnr fin,l Hf TlnlllntTAr. whom woro In splendid vo ce m night nnd did full Justice to t" non, Mr. and C. a. m sront soleotlon. .Mrs. u'',,. L. Holsnor. Mrs. A. D. Trnnr. Mr l,o rompllmentod on ner if- i - ... .. ' -""" lrt. lin. nnntntn nilfl Oil lilt? ''.- Mini MV, J. W. L nitttnri. AIIbq VaIIIa wi mu lmii..v. - -- - - "--..- , ftUM 1UltU nro sponuing n fow weeks on tho nay. Among tholr guosts wero Mr. nild Mrs. Vnnnv. 1f nn. I M..o n !. 1 Johnson, Mr. and c! S. Dodco. Mm! olsnor, Mrs. A. D. Trner. Mr. u. j. v. umsiaci. aiiss NAiiin "" v,,u v""" : :. k Montgomery. Miss Sn.nnr Mr n . which resulted In tlio excii -- . --.-..v.t ( vu(- by IlanUd. at tho Easter services of i,r"- Wslter Wilson and Mrs. C. H. tho Knights Templar ut the Masonic Wn,tor- Tomple. Mr. L. K. Ilalilngar will O rrt.V'iV.'..r , '""" "ranlsr. The Christian Endoavor held T-1.. n.,i .,... .1 I , . . .' ...... niu uiiiiniinu miiuuitvur ileal ii nihJ . .. .' ' lr '" ,0 furnlBl' ,,,e very Intorostlng nnd instructive moot-i ouicr music. i,, Him,i.. ,.i . ,i, ..... - ...n w........ uiw..,. iiv niu iiuiiiv I'll Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Wnltor. Sevoral l talks were given tho young peoplo, among tnem "Hnekwardneas of Nn- rl,..,.i. i)..... , 1. ' "'" " iiiKwunia, n.v nnnr v , i , " lltt nGr- Mr. Tlodgon. and "Suporstltlon In , ...iV "",0,r vwA n nlor on i- Mr. Henry Illshop, illus- ir " ' nil8lonnry work, which trativo of tho day'a missionary topic vas followed by general discussion. A number of namos woro prosontod A combined meeting of the Wom en s Auxiliary nnd the 3lbteis of llethaiiy was held at tho Kniconnl If You Desire An Elgin or Waltham Movement Call in and See Our Stock The Red Cross Jewelry Department Watch Repairing Guaranteed i inior. Mrs. llnron, Mrs. Hodglns, Mr. lirusciiKo and Hny Prltchard. 0 Tuel'.e's orcr.ostrn will glvo au otl'or of their dollghtful dances lu liicunoir nan. North nend. Satur day ulsht. April 20. Tho oroliestra v'll be strengthened by the addition of Mr. Hayes Howard and a good floor committee wUl ndd to the soolnl 'ft at ures of the occasion. J -0- !, ,?,!lw.IAena Kruso ot Noi,t nond loft last Saturday on tho Breakwater for n two or three weeks' stay in Portland with her sister, Mrs. Horthn O On moonlight Tuesday ovonlng n lollV CrOWll of Nnrlli rio.l .... I - ". .im j uuiig jieu- i nlo boardod n barge and woro towed ; by the launch Ramblor down to Jor ! dnn's Cove at tho nntuHim. !.. thoy spont several delightful hours with gomos and dancing on the scow. The night was lovely, and the young poople enjoyod it to tho fullest ex-, tent about the big bon-flro they built on the beach. The "spread" that followed was-by no means least on port of tho choir last evening. Tho High School !f North Ben gnvo n picnic party at the sandti last Saturday ovonlng, nuuJ l;," ty-flvo attending. Mr. nnd " Grubbs nnd Mrs. AVooi'bury 11 as cliaporons of tho party. Mrs. E. K. Jones will be bostes' to tho Drldgo club Wednesday Apr" 17. Miss Esther Silverman n M's' Agnes Carponter are entertaining P. Q. Sewing Club this afternoon . tho homo of Mrs. Mary ' .. a mom: v" Nora in South Mnrshflold. guosts nre Misses amy ' "",T,,i Tower, Frances Williams. "e Powers. Ruth Allon, Adnee Pane . Lilian Elmoro, Ruth Strlfller and i oz Baldwin. Wo are the EXCLUSIVE AOEVg for tho Saturday Evening r""K. tho Ladles' Homo Journal. BV year each, nt Norton llansens. 12 PIECE cola GOLD CM. oT 87 "S nt rM Hnv Cash Store. .' ' 1