THE COOS BAY TIMES, HABSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION I SCHOOL lOTES i GKNI'.HAL SCHOOL NOTES Myrtle Point schools will closo May 17. Superintendent Tlcdgon of Mnrshfleld will glvo tho commence ment nddrcfls. Effort Is bolng mado to sccuro Prcaldont P. L. Campbell of tho Unl vorslty of Oregon for tho annual ommencomont address at Marah flcld. Marshflold echools closo for tho ummor vacation tho last week in May. County oratorical contost will bo bold at CoquIIlo, April 26. Annual Intcrblgh school track moot nt Marshflold early In May. Exact date will ho announced soon. Tho regular monthly gonoral teachers' meeting was hold at the .high school building, Monday, April 1. A vory interesting program was given. Those on tho program wore: Mr. Orannls, Miss Unldwln and Miss Elrnoro. Tho monthly mooting of tho prl lnnry teachers will bo hold Monday, April 3, nt tho Central building. Tho work for tho romnlndcr of tho year will be planned nnd various tojilcB discussed. Miss Palmer will hnvo cliargo of tho meeting, hioh school notes Tho athletics of tho High School nro progressing nicely. Tho baskot ball team has proven of groat Intor ost to tho Bttidcnts as woll as players. So far tho Freshmen load in tho High School section, whllo Ilrndloy's team loads In tho Grado section. Ono moro sot of games roninlns lb' bo playod nnd thon all oyes will bo turned to tho track toam. It la oxpectod that tho High School Flold Moot will bo hold earlier than nt first docldod as most of tho schools in tho county nro Intending to tako advantngo of tho Invitations sont thorn by tho Stnto University and 0. A. 0. to sond a four mnn team to tholr respective High School moot. Thcso moots como on tho 10th nnd 11th nnd 13 th nnd 14 th of May which former dato would Imvo been tho ono on which tho county moot would hnvo boon hold. Much promising mntorial is turn Ing out for work, which has boon go ing vory slowly, but will bogln to bocomo moro strenuous tho coming wook. Somo who can bo dopondod on to win for Marshflold aro Sldnoy Clarko, Larson, Stutsman, Captain Harrington, togothor with soma who nro now, but show much promise. Among thcso. nro Isaacson, Clark, Stoad, Kruno, Cooloy, Lococq, nnd Jcnson. Tho Junior class in Physics liavo begun tho study of light and It Is proving vory interesting nnd wo hopo to contlnuo tho study In such n wny an to mnko It profltnblo and ploas-nnt. Tho Tlomnn History class has bo-1 gun tholr rovlow but expect to tako up othor work as noon as tho re gular courso is completed, Vocal Solo Mr. Orannls Dobato Resolved, That tho olghth grado should cither bo in tho assem bly room all tho tlmo or out of It all tho tlmo: Affirmative Carl Larson and Herbert Dradley. Negative Mayboll Farley and Evelyn Langwortby. Tho question will bo opon to tho society for discussion. Music society Ronort cards wore glvon out this wcok In the high school nnd in tho olghth grade. Eighth Grade. Tho spelling contost bogun somo tlmo ngo in the olghth grndo closed on Friday. Tho Bldo of which Nollle Warwick was captain won by 1 crodlt over tho eldo of which Isa bel Ferguson was captain, and will bo oxciiBcd 45 minutes early on Fri day. Isabel Ferguson mado tho highest avorago, making an average of 97 per cont and winning tho prize. Thoso making the highest averages woro: Loran Cooley, 95 1-G por cont; Nolllo Warwick, 94 1-G por cent; Marian Seaman, 93 G-7 per cont; William Horsfnll, 91 1-4 por cent; Mario Vuscy, 90 1-5 por cont; Esther Asplund, 90 per cent; Ade lnldo Clnrke, 90 per cent; Rpxlo Hall. 94 2-G nor rent. Tho gonoral nvorago for tho winning sldo .being S4 7-10 por cont. Tho names of those In the contest follow: Isnbcllo Ferguson. Roxlo Hall, Adolaldo Clarko, Dagmar Fllesborg, Mario Vnsoy, Ethol Josophson, William HorBfnll, Eddie Ilolt, Mario Whcolcr, Tons Hanson, Ruth Dungnn, Erlck Storgnrd, Leo La Chapollo, Carl Flack Nolllo Warwick, Grace Williams, Evn Hanson, Marian Scamnn, Esther Asp und, Floronco Powers, Emma Hng gulst, Holla Oldland, Sarah Escntt, Loran Cobley, Qunhlld Lund, Alfrod Jutstrom. A Borlcs of ten tests wero Mnrlan Seaman was absent this week. Fourth Grade. Dr. McCormnc visited this room Thursday morning. George Mlnnlg, a now pupil from tho Seattle schools, entered tho high fourth class Mondny. Thoso absent on nccount of sick ness this week woro: Gladys Ferry, Arthur Hanson nnd Ernest Leo. Tho best story this wcok wnu writ ten by Ebon Connor. Martha Spraguo, Gcnovlovo Gosnoy nnd nor nlco Mlrrnsoul received honornblo montlnn. Some- good sketches In brown woro mado this wcok by Clara Abol. Es ther Holm, Mnrtha Spraguo, Edith Johnson, Rosv Knox nnd Edith Ayro Fimfc Grade. Tho Enstor work dono this wook was Easter cards with n llttlo yol low chicken on nnd some posters with n rabbit in tho moonlight. Evn Hayncs was nbscnt this wcok on nccount of illness. Tho now gamo lenrned this wook was a Swedish folk game, SCHOOL i:HIIMTS English Department. Tho following ropnrts bearing on Ilurko's Hpuuch on tho Conciliation woro glvou by inombors of the uonlor class: Navigation Arts ..Ernest Harrington, Norn Tower Tho EniOUh Constitution Thoro will bo nn exhibit of school work nt tho Central and South Mnrshfleld schools on Friday nftor nonn, April 12. Tho nunlls of tho grndes will glvo n progrnm of drills, recitations nnd songs. Programs be gin nt 2 o clock. Tho exhibit of pupils' work Is mado for tho purpnBo of strengthen ing tho scholarship and tho spirit of scholarship In tho grndes. It Is n buslnoH8 proposition purely. Somo of ovory child's work, whothcr good or nnrt whoro rnn rov rtiflolH not Frldny nftornnon nro nro what tho school does In calisthenics and supervised play. Central School. Tho programs follow: Song "April Showora" Fourth and Sixth grades German Folk Danco "Hansel nnd Grotel" First grado U Flower Cantata First A, and Second Grades Recitation Edna Lando, Sovonth Grndo. "Slcoplng Deauty" First' A, and Second Grndos Six Littlo Grandmas An old fash ioned Pantomime .First D pupils Red Riding Hood Drill .Thirty pupils of the Third Grndo Dramatizing of One Act of Robin Hood Fifth Grado Bobolink Song Eight Girls Fifth Grado Recitation ....Ruby Hendry, Sovonth Grado Red, Whito and Dluo, Scarf Drill Twolvo Seventh Grado Girls Frog Song.. Eight Fifth Grndo Girls .... South Marshflold School Songs (n) Tho Robin, (b) Spring. By First, Second, Third, Fourth and Firth Urndo girls Gorman Folk Danco ....Fourth nnd Fifth Grado Girls Tho Young Musician First nnd Second Grndes Folk Dnnco.Flrst nnd Second Grndes Dutch Chorus Second nnd Third Grades Drill and Qlub Swinging Third, Fourth nnd Fifth grado boyB. Song Tho Gypsy Girl ...Ruth McLaughlin, Fifth Grado Song Six nnd Fifth Grado Girls Farmors' Chorus Second nnd Third Grado Rose Drill Fourth Grado Girls Fnrco ..Sixth nnd Sovonth Grndo Girls Jnpnneso Song ...Sixth nnd Sovonth Grndo Girls Piano Solo Ruth Horton Mnypolo Danco ...Fourth nnd Fifth Grado Girls CENTRAL SCHOOL Tho Primary pupils aro making chickens and Easter lilies. Mrs. Painter visited tho Primary room Inst wcok. Second Grndo Eugcno Jonos has bcon nbsont on account of sickness. Dlnncho Thomas Is back nftor bo ing out of school for six wcoks. Tho pupils nro much intorostod in tho study of knights. Gornld Edg Ington hns holpod to Incroaso tho In terest with his Btorles of King Arthur nnd his noblo knights. Third nnd Fourth Grades Alton Hnll of tho Third grado was absont ono day this wcok on account of Blckncs. Rosslo Thomas of tho Fourth has returned to school. Fifth Grndo Among tho sick nro Amos Coloman and Edward Fish. Thoso doing good work for exhib ition aro Virginia Clarko, Ruth Gold en, Clnrn Ferguson, Annn Storgnrd, Rny Pilchard, Alton Grant and Jnmos Knox. All of tho pupils nro doing ospo dally well In writing. Sixth Grado Jnmos Downer Ih tho only ono who hns boon nbsont this wcok. Tho pupils pnsscd in aomo vory , will ho placed In his room , I10"11,?, ' '"strnted Physiology pnpors pnrouts, frlonds nnd visitors' Inst Wednesday, .low It. All who como lo tho1 1,,0,8 ,lnlnB K0011 work ' drawing Ilonry ChrlBtenson. Lloyd Lot nskftil In vial Mio riuonn InnV nvn- .MIOUX, WllfrOll .MrLnlll. EI.IO LlhCO. Ralnll KnilM) Ihn work. nn,l nunvllll wIMi lonnlinn Gllbort JollUKOIl, ClltllllO Post. IMlllO . . ..... " . " - " " tAI.-.-l .. .... ..' .. wagim i-iiRriH .-union unrwoii j about It. This pnrt of tho exhibit Is '""htk, wiiuor icoiiiioiu, zona Tho Conquoit of Ireland our mind, tho vnlunlilo pnrt. Swlnford nnd Mnrguorlto WUemnn. .. ; i-. '.,' .": .',' a,H8 Iro"Mi Tlo proKrnin of oxorrlaea Is rnthor - - Patrick HBiiry's AddtiMs nn incident of tho xhlllt, It, too. I , Sovonth Grndo Iluth Allen -Imply lllimt niton another fld of the ' arl I'orUlim. Thelmn Dodge nnd Situation In County Pollution, mi I nrliool life o"nltlng of folk whim JIonr(e Upton hnve roturned to f" "ior Lee llyerly hhiI drill, enllathonle drill, pliysloal on001 Kor uel'B nbnent on acrount HMiirv of Wale Edna 1 1 mi eon ' exerdaa iIi-MIm with imllnn nini.a of I line. m. , ... , -... .. . . . - - . i mi ji'iuur nana nro Miuyinii uoi , miirrlilna; mid Minna. Seme xtrna lull '. i tillipoeii Him Boutllty. mis.hlivo been wnrha.1 in. fnr I .. ..rn. ' I 111 a bnclc la nmmllv ..i.i.a.l l.v Iiik given to the atutly of the crania but In tho iiihIii lhav lllnatrnta rheumatism of the naiade nf th .. 1 I - - . j ..... ..,. - .- .-. .IV V . iui. ...I iKiirlner, Kubla Khan and1 Clul t ,1.. I. I 1 1 1 tout n grado nave taken up: Mown rill MV offrr On ll' ItolUr lt- rJ for !!. s ii.!i nf '1'liik UamIibh, tt Vii.-e" ' In prepamUoii the Life of . Tutrrf-aVirr"'? "nlb1 """"" " ,"r", by Pli.i ...!. was studied and Irv- r.J.riiRrfxYAi'o. ru.i...o. Iiik s iN.ity on St i at ford read. Wv, tit uiulr.iiiiti. hvi . n r j.-rne T i- ninth arnde have been lr- ; ' er. ni i-u. w him int. In v.., time to the atudy of hu,ffl,K&ff&.r- ...I nki -- .1. ...t.. i. t... . " " -. i ...- linok. for hlrh you will find nothing iMKter timn unnmberlaln a Liniment For mile bv all denlera. ,..,, -..,., mm iu knr piunjr vi uun- ( (nn nimm litll ahl )ors i'mi lelliondenoe. Thla pammi aa lioiia uiadv bt (.U fl n "' of Interim between the dlifer-1 .t'.1","' 5 '' MyiN. Hull'" t'trrli fuir . tHkcti l.ii. rnnU. at t- I!' MiuU of work dune during the OP 't . tl..,. I I. on i i ii't Mu ill", ii 1 li'viillirt'll) i.t Hit- lli..l n. ! mu, mire ninth II nultllH ni' yiiulvln '" i ! m Trlliii'.lnl m-ui Ir.i iiiiiiii II iilliM nie HIIKIMIU' j., ,. t..,-. ills .,t I.."Ih hoiil l.t Hll.lriimiNi iiiulli.n of the abort alnry. Ink. Ilull cmm lit Hill-In iiilnllou. following progr nn will ho glv-t!u- Illgli Mohuul Lltorury So Vprl! 11: 8 u-K'ty 'on Vlbi-rt llnlnok . . . Clo'titfr Ia-inotiin The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE TIIKV IUV SIIOICS FROM $1 PER PAIR Up. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 180 8o. HrotolwHv MarahflfM '' -- - us.'j.moi3egr t.tbby COAL. Tho Kind VOl) tiuvt ILWAV8 LrilCI). IMIOMw 72 Pacini t.lvwry Trnnafar Co. Have That Roof Fixed -VOW See COUTH ELL Phone mat Well Lighted Houses Are Possible to Everyone An atmosphere of comfort and cheer is notice able in every well lighted home. Good lighting costs no more than poor lighting. Tungsten (Mazda) lamps give nearly three times as much light for tho same current con- mmpiion as do carbon lamps. The first cost of tungsten lamps and proper shades is repaid many times in satisfactory lighting without increasing tho bills. Let our experts assist you in getting full value out of the electric current you pay for. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co CONDENSED STATESU3NT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the Close of Ilualnewi February 20th, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $221,234.34 Donds, warrants and securities 73,020.11 U. S. bonds to sccuro circulation 20,000.00 Ileal cstato, furnlturo and fixtures 81,022.34 Cash and sight exchange 144,649.94 Total 9515,721.73 LIAI1IL1TIES. Capital stock paid In 1100,000.00 Surplus and undlvidod profits 9,235.09 Dividends unpaid 6.00 Rosorve for taxoa 1,000.00 Circulation, outstanding 24,600.00 Deposits 410,881.64 Total 9515,721.7.1 In addition to Capital Stock tho individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cnshlor. WhyNot? Pure Milk and Cream wo furnish: Prducta, m MILK AT 25c PER GALl0, CREAM AT 20c PKR PlNT ' WHIP CREAM AT 2iv tL PINT. k PBB BUTTERMILK AT lo . GALLON. I0 pOl DollTorlos 8 A. M. and a p v Phono 73. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co. We Have Been Successfu In buvlnir a Inrrn .I..1. -. . class Eloctrlcal matorlal and c glvo our pntrons a very low prfc, on houso wiring. Got our prici you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J Ancona Sicilian Buttercups Host for eggs; tho beat ilrila boajitl fully markod. Eggs for hilcl. Ing. Snliiioa Favorollcs, tho lo!r layorB, quick growors. P. n. Gluto North Uond. Phono 299. Jl heavy tenm harness A express harness It light dollvory harncti N light doublo harness E slnglo harness 8 light ronj harness S If It's a harness wo havo It IIOPSON Cor. Central Avo. and Wait; Sti, Marshfiold. Everything for tho horu ht shoes nnd food. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSIIIMKLl), OREOON. At the closo of hiiHlnoKK, I'cb. 20, 1012. ' RESOURCES. Lonns nnd Discounts J429.2C0.69 Ilnnklng Houso 60,000.00 Cash and Evchangos 105,01 1.32 Total J044.278.01 LIAIUL1THSS. CuplUI Stock paid In .'. . . J B0.000.00 SurplUH mid Undlvldwl Profit 67 408 17 D9"118 BScisGoiM Total $044, 278.01 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEMtV SKN0TA;KKN, Mgr. Coqullla Offl.s Pbon 191 MarsbflId Otfloe U-J. Vrm Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Aawta "EAST8IDK" Launch Tioga's Time Table AFTER APRIL 15, 1012 leaves North Rend 7 A.M. Lcnvi'H MnrHhflold H A. M. fxavoN Cnmp No. 1, South C Itlvcr, nt .1 P. M. Alice II. on run Sundays. WANTED!!! ;arpets uphoiatkiuxo axd PIANOS TO CLEAN, by th ?ma tic Cleaning Company. Ordtri l work takon at OOINtl HAIIVFA PHONE ID0 Blanchard's Livery Wo have soci rt the llrerr M inkR t i.. ii. iiniKiiir and are ( parod to ronder eiw.lfQt snl tho peonlo o' Co unj. v,v' Ivors, eioa rlje -d ererjuxj hut whl moan tatUfactory senlci llin nnl.ll. fllinn. nn fnr 1 dUTltl horse, u rig or an thing nteded U tlio lUory lino. e also do trod g buslutiEs of Mil kinds. RLANCIIARD llllOTIIEUS Phout. 138-J Llvory, Ferd and Snlea Serrlf 141 First and Alder hipw jt Afib!li&&ttUN& ,lU '"'r8n 'ubjt to Dllloiianeai. Sour Stomach. Indl- ' M ImlSamBm fatlon. Cuiutlp-Mion. lIeodali-. Dikiiiiss. Ktartburn. i B hLIVUIuHk9L VrtiKo blind utautfern). rnl Prcitli, Sallow Com- I ii WV3ti9pppCI i'x on or a count ant tired, auoourujjcd fccllns should ft I- of Una i. wh bnuiM writ' i'i f. I uivmI Vlfw'Mi... a "'"IS Ths Groat Liver Tonic and Regulator That Hai uono so Much for the Vorking People. A It Is a marveloui remedy Hh atlmul Ulnar i-ffect on a. Torpid r..vtr la nm inn iimn mirnn,,in.a It wis InaUnliy The llil do.e l.rlius lun.rovpmein. a f.w .lSyi ugo cures it m J nm ?S "S Tired. ak. dinluarii-iiod vi,ilm r u Torpid l.iver Vir." r. 7-.r i nlmoat Vn f lay fler ttHi" in ffi Kvory hftniu tfhould have a lltle of thla jrroat rcKulatlPtr medlclno It sinmls fnr i,0iti. . ,i, lrlc 50c per Bottle. JAMtlS I'. 1I.M.I.AKU I'ltofititcitm ST. I.OUIS, JtO.,, , MAmfmms&&&us&M a,,0 Rt:0oKNOa$nMW!nBmmiBAimixtu& LOCKHART-PARSONS DRUO C0.-T1IE UUSV CORNER" THE R1LVALL STORE. P HURRY ! IT'S GOING FAST We have a limited quantity of ALDER "WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to cull nt The Pacific Monumental Works South Uronduny and ninKo selci Hon from tho largo stook now on hand. Mr. Wilson has In his employ the only prnrtlenl murblo and granite cutter in Coos county! And nono but tho best work is turned out. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING 00NE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE IN THE COUNTY t'Ol HT OF TI.B STATE OF OUKUON ' JOil THE COUNT! OF COOS. Ill the nmttor of the c-tateoi Je- illllbnlcn, doconrad- titaion. , To Dorthn Rodus. S fla rertoa ; j" Anunllsn Tuf nnd all l'?" '? t j OBtod in tho otitate of sM decent grootlng: , . . o In tho immo of tho State olO Bon, you nro liercbv cited a r quired to nppear in tlio County M of tho Stnto of Orogou, for Imww ty of Coos, nt tho Court Room tn j of. nt Coqulllo. in the CowlJ Coos, on Mondny, tlio 6tn,.re. May. 1912. at 10 o'clock , noon of that tiny, then and were show cnuso. if any, why oQ ?X should not bo granted to said I aom istrntor to sell tho real proP horonftor doscrlhed, to-wlt; . West half nnd Southeast Q"r.i Northeast nuartor of Section' Township 2C South of a.f" i, West of tho Willamette MerWM Coos County, Oregon; and 'V Block 25 In tho town of Marsw ns por plat of a portion of saio . prepared by R. D. Clement on and of record In tho office 01 ' County Clork of Cooa Count), gon. Htll Witness, tho Hon. John . Judge of County Court of tne a of Orogon for tho County M". with the seal of said Court ain thls 25th day of March, 191- Atlnst. ' (County Court Seal) JAMES WATSON. Clert First publication, March publication April 27, 1912-