The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Entored at tho postofllco at Marsh
flold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls as socond class
mall matter.
Address all communications to
Mnrshflcld :: :i :: :t Oregon
Dedicated to tho senrlco ot the
people, that no good cruso shall look
a champion, and that ovll shall not
thrive unopposed.
sudscription rates.
One year 16.10
Per month 50
Ono year $1.60
When paid strictly In adranco tho
subscription price ot tho Coos Day
Tlmos Is $6.00 per rear or $2.60 for
six months.
Offlclnl I'niwr of Coos County
An Indopondont Hopubllcan news
paper published ovory evening excopt
Sunday, and Wookly by
Tho Coon liny Tlmos Publishing Co.
Tho Enstor sonnon of tho flowers
Is best of nil to know.
Thoy hoar tbo preaching of tho bIiow-
That spoak tho ono word "Growl"
Thoy waited for that glad command
' Through wintry Btorm nnd strlfo,
And now throughout tho rousing
Thoy stir and wako to llfo.
I, too, havo watchod and waltod long
For I was fain to loarn
Tho word that wakes tho bird to song
Whon llfo and Joy return.
I, too, must grow and fool my heart
O'orflow with prayer nnd pralso;
With birds and llowors must tako my
And hymn tho Eastor days.
Uy Peter McArthur
i spring, Bui our senses are better
tvuiiuBBUH luiiu uie anu astronomer,
! 1 ni'l tny to" "8 that spring began
jvuuur aim iuu. on (joos uay many wcpks ngo. oi
News Editor shall wo bo bold nnd claim St. Vnlnn.
1 tlno's dny ns tho birthday of spring?
In tho Coos Day country ono might
won do so.
Thb eastorn press dispatches to
Tho Times toll of tho coming of
spring in tho mlddlo west with
flood and blizzard. An eastern ex
change tells tho story that "Half a
hundred cities woro shut off from
communication with tho rest of tho
world when miles of telegraph and
telephono poles wolo blown down
or wlre3 aro covored with lco until
broken. It appeara that Mnrch. com
ing In llko a lion, will go out tho
same way.
"Steam and electric railroads, ur
ban and Intcrurbnn, woro brought to
o standstill In tho territory affected
by tho storm. In eovoral Instnnccs
trains wero snowbound. Snow again
Is fnlllng tonight nnd overy effort
win uo tnauo to provont another
blockade. Tho Indications, however,
nro for a heavy nll-nlght Bnow."
In tho Coos Day country tho hills
nro always green nnd tho coming of
spring is only felt by tho lovor's soft
and llngorlng caress that is In tho
nlr. Wild flowers spill their frngllo
fragrance, carpeting earth nnd wood
land In many colors. Tho nil por
vndlng perfume of tho blossom-lad-oncd
orchard Is wnfted by gontlo
winds. Whlstlo of mendow lnrks
nnd molody of robins usher In tho
Jocund season ns tho sun sliowors tho
mils with gold.
Thcro hns been an ampler other
pvorhcad for many weeks. Soft airs
hnvo strayed upon us from onrdnnn
of tho gods In far southorn seas.
Tho honk of tho wild gooao In tho
heavens has clnneoii in ih iiir.ia
understanding that spring was nl
most horo. An occasional swallow
or robin has hornldod tho coming of
,tho shy season and strengthened us
to now measures of patlonco. Dut
tho thing thnt has choorod us most Is
tho triumphant strldo of tho northing
sun through that Invortod urn ot
nzuro that wo call tho sky.
Ilowovor much ono loves tho blltho
and kindly winter of this region,
thoro can bo no denying thnt It palls.
One wearies of choerful fires and
many rnlny dnvs. tin inn.- rnr. tun
sunshlno ovory day and, bettor still,
vuu uiiun buuck in cno rrco woods. Ho
hungon to roam tho woodland ways
English Federation of Miners
Will Order Members Back
to Mines.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
LONDON, April C Tho minors'
Federation accepted today tho rec
ommendations of the oxccutlve com
mittee thnt work should bo resumed
as n result of tho recent ballot and
tho miners be ordered to return to
the pits fortwlth.
Hoincqcvkcrs (Jain Nothing but Ef
fort at North Yakima.
(Dy Associated Press to tne Coos Day
f vain vigil was that of tho land-
sookora who have remained In lino
nt the North Ynklmn, Wash., land of
fice slnco January, waiting an oppor
tunity to file for Irrigated fruit lauds
In th Tleton project. The reclama
tion service todny announced that no
advantage was gained by early filing.
(Dy Associated Prcjs to Tho Coos
Day Tlmos)
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., April C.
Eighteen men and women- woro
camped nt the door of tho United
States lnnd offico hero when tho
nowa wns received hero todny that
the long vigil wns In vnln. Of this
number, 1C had kept tholr places In
tho line slnco December 2(5.
world, and by missionaries inland whip tho mountain brooks Tho
llinnv liontbon lmwtq. Mm fnntltrnl fimr u.nlla nf !..., ..... i ' .
many hoathon lauds, tho festival four walls of homo, whethor sp'aclou
of Easter will ho colobratod tonior- mansion or nnrrow cot, cramp nin
row. A nappy dny for all, It has
como to Ijo especially Joyous for tho
doalors In eggs and mllllnory, who
have boon reaping tholr richest har
vest of the year. It will bo a gloomy
day for tho wenthor sharp, howovor,
If ho falls to produco tho brand o(
wuiiwiur uohi milieu io milady's
ftlfle tho man who loves tho open
and tho vnst domo of tho Infinite-
iiy.nona nnu mo spicy tnng of broozoa
off tbo fir nnd plno.
Ho for tho crnck of tho bat nnd
tho plug of tho rnckotl Tho Blnvo of
yppwrltor and desk looks forward
with longing to tho goldon, sun
r ooded, eternal days of summor In
tho country. Ah onrth nroimros to
. . r --
iM'fiiiH ,:nuiti( tnirti.wi.
Tho custom of donning "glad f.rnVi"JT,f, '" .vTinl bon,,tr of
rugs" on EnHtor probably dates from , ",7? ,n 'Uc,".f mui tlovrw. now llfo
thn Hnrinr fn..ivnin f .i. .."i" ... wo," I In human framos.
In which thoy colobratod tho resur
rection of vcgotnblo llfo nnd the com
ing of tho grnHs, (lowers and othor
plonsnnt things. Aij old couplet dat
ing back to tho fourteenth century
proves thnt tho Easter bonnot Is nn
anclout Institution: "
"At Eastor lot our clothes bo now,
Or this bo sure you will It ruo."
That Isn't vory good pootry, but It
is BOIind 80I1BO from thn nnlnt
THE TIMES la n progressive ro
publican nowBpnpor. It bo
llovoa In progroaslvo ropubllcnn
principles, u bollevea thnt momhors
or tho republican party should bo
Permitted to solect tholr candidates
oi offico without tho dlctntlon of
"""""p uiuior political
PORTLAND. Ore., April C Robt.
Glenn Smith, mayor of Grants Pass,
a prominent southern Oregon lnwyor,
and rccoptlvc candidate for tho nom
ination for roprosentntlvo from the.
first congressional district, la char,.-
od with the misappropriation of
$482"i of the funds of tho Cleopatra
Development company, In a com
plaint that has been received by tho
Oregon supremo court from Earlo &
Stelnert, of Seattlo, attorneys for the
complainant company.
or iinu-u.
Iiniwtt l i.. it it .,. i . . . .
of vinw nr m... ...ininnn .!. ri"i i "v.::..."r'u,UD'."ow?v',,t"nt it
or in wearing m"" aT. u"?' 1 ,r ". ". ' ' ro co ". "'" l"ty
not! 8lnco all tho world Is bios
soming, nhould not wo bloHHom, too?
Eastor Is tbo Spring poom of old
aiouior isartn, and Uioho who erlt
IcIho tho porBonul adornment thnt
mnrks tho day aro railing against
ono of tho primal InstlnctB of nature.
Evory community has its dlatlnc
tlvo way of observing Eastor, asldo
from tho puroly religious coromnnlos.
In Now York the Hpoctncular fenturo
Is tho "mllllnory parado" along Fifth
avonuo, nftor tho church services.
KTnni all ovor tbo United sinfn
and Cunndn tourlstfl Invade Now
York to soo or tako part in tho East
or procession, and. Ill tho mnttnr nf
tomiuino nnory, it Is a sight to bo-
Of II lieWHIinilor tn lnrni.,.i M. -......
? ?.Vn(? m ,i" th0 raols concerning
tllO OUnllflCatioilH mill rnKni-,1. .. ..."
offering thomsolvos for tho suffrages
nnd honors of tholr party.
j iioro nro two candidates for
Stnto Senntor from this district. I. S.
I!!! t I,,,,d , K' Qottlna.' M?
Hinith is n hollovor and supportor of
progressive republican prluclploa thla
jonr, last your nnd tho your boforo
and promises to bo tho years to como.
I-rod K. Gottlns says ho will favor
DUt!!!06 "opubllcan policies
Fred Gottlns wna n ntmmnh n.i
onto and supportor of tho Assembly
two years ago.
Fred Gottlns was a nominee for
offico on tho Assombly ticket.
! re,! Gottlns rofusea to Blgn Stnto-
i'nilL .2; 1 f0o t,, dlrect election of
united States Sonntors by tho peoplo.
h red Gottlns doos not declare- In
fnvor of tho recall and tho initiative
nnd referendum,
f..nm,.0?U,n8' lolll sponsor nnd
fathor-ln-lnw, Judge C. A. Sohlbrodo
,v, ,r,ct nry of tho old school
f.0 I" ngnlnst nil progressive
pnlltlcnl principles.
Every mnn u rlchti ni,i.i .-
his opinion, but ho should stand
square V for hln nrlnxlnlna . .
bo nn ABsombly cnndldnto ono year
nnd a progrcsBlvo republican for of-
mt inu nexi.
Every progroaslvo republican
should VOtO for nn, I i.,nnnl, t a
which tho Moxlcans and Spaniards' s,n!,n: Jvhn ,s n nrogrosslvo without
ROSEDURG. April fi Whllo as-
conning Rico Hill, 2". miles north of
this city, tho helper engine on freight
train, No. 221 blow up, killing En
glnoor M. M. Dartlett, of Grants
Pnas, and fntnlly Injuring Flremnn
A. E. Adertou, of Roacburg, who wns
rui lied In n eaboono to the hospital
nt Eugene, where ho died.
Lugll.sli Miners Rapidly Reiuiiilug
Their Places.
(Dy Associated Prons to tho Coos Day
LONDON, April fl.The numbor
of coal minora returning to work Ih
IncreiiHlng dally 'nnd R Is oxpected
thnt nfter tho Easter holidays there
will almost be a completo resumption
oi worK,
W. P. Murphy Brings Rather
Dismal Report From San
W. P. Murphy returned last even
ing from a business and pleasuro trip
to California. Ho brought back
somo rather dismal railroad nows,
according to pnrtlcs to whom he re
ported It today.
Mr. Murphy had qulto'a conference
with C. J. Mlllls, formerly general
manager of tho Coos Dny properties
of tho Southorn Pacific but now con
nected with tho ofllco of President
Snroulo at San Francisco. Ho Is
quoted ns having been given to un
derstand by Mr. Mlllls thnt tho
Southorn Pacific was not likely to
do any construction on thh end of
the lino this summer. Ono reason
for this. Mr. Murphy understood from
Mr. Mlllls, was tho opposition shown
bv Coos Dny pooplo to tho Southern
Pacific. If tho pooplo of Coos liny
would rescind tho terminal franchise
t.lven to locnl parties and grant It to
tho Southern Pacific nnd Indorse tho
plnn of bridging tho Dny, Mr. Mur
phy understood Mr. Mlllls ns saying
that tho Southern Pacific would ng
reo to begin construction on this end
In less than forty days.
Supt. W. F. Mlllor left on tho
Dteakwater today for Portland to
confer with Mr. Mlllls and othor
Southorn Pacific offlclalB nnd Mr.
Mlllls Is expected to return horo with
film for a short stay.
Mr. Murphy was nccoThpnnfed by
John II. Somors who nt ono time wns
promoting n lino from Coos Dny to
Rosoburg. They will return to Cal
ifornia In a week or bo.
NIL 11!
Plans Being Perfected for An
nual Field Contest Here
' May 3. .
Interest Is beginning to contor in
. . . i i i Lwuimi
tho big nnnunl track mootvnich is Coos Day divisions n, "I1J
Capt. Macnenn Phn .
Capt. Mncgonn, comma...
Coos nnv ,itt..i.L mraai"lerrt1.
to bo held In Mnrshflcld this spring. Naval Mllltln la arrnn i "
Heretofore tne uig cvont nns oeon th t,lv.Bi0I1B . '""'la t,
less or an experiment nnu ... - " i annuu t.
of the dlfforont nthlotca I tV,,oh . w1 begin Juno l tv
Bomewhnt crude, but nftor I " r ' lfo have m &
more or
the form
has been
Within a Month lit Miles villi be Com
pleted Thcro
VALE, Ore., April C Tho grading
contract of tho Valo-Dog Mountain
division of the Orcgon-EaHtern rail
road, tho now trans-Oregon lino, will
bo completed In tho fall of 101.1. Op
erations nro progressing rapidly,
grading contractors now making nn
nvorngo of half n mile n dny between
this city nnd tho mouth of Malheur
canyon. Within another month tho
1.1-mllo stretch through tho vnlloy
west of town will have been complet
ed, It Is claimed, nnd Malheur canyon
camps connected with l)oadqunrtcrs
in tlio local railroad yards. Stool
Is to bo laid on tho 1.1-mllo grade
ns soon ns possible In order thnt sup
plies can bo hnndled moro easily for
the men doing tho heavier work In
the canyon.
Tho present operations In tho Mal
heur canyon roadbed to bo used Joint
ly by tho Mill nnd Harrlman roads
show thnt nil tho forces posslblo nrn
being used, the work bolng dolnyed
only by tho 2C00-foot tunnol nt mllo
post 30 nnd which will not bo com
pleted for n year. Outside of this
threo years of experience Coos Coun- ,,'1n',fj0(,.ly?t1' bl" lio Is anxUi.'H
ty nthletca have had a chnnco to ,, 'V , ' , ?lon8 at tlielp fu ,J
John W. Motley nnd P .
who havo been nL? k
appointment as i,lTl
givon tho enllHtiiiont m7v "'
havo gonornl c'.nr . .MJi
Ing. " "' routs!
Karl Hnlnes. who wai m. , I
because ho fnilo.l in .".dl!.M
oxanilnntlnn at 1'nni,,,! "? ..'"fttj
nbly i,o reliiBtntid with V. V!
noiiiennnt of the lunlm. 1,..Y,',H
quest of Capt. Mncwnn. "n
" si'iium nireiiiu' of ti,A ji i . I
will bo held niAt l"r ,l"y lliA
Mill on North Kroi l?$ ?1
CUBS the ltinllor m,, ...,."-tl '0 I
ftyvx; ''' v iui lj
learn somo nf thn tricks and ninth
ods used by tho best trnlnors fti tho
country nnd tho future will see somo
good men developed hero uudor
Couch Grnnuls,
If present nrrnngements prove sat
isfactory, tho local meet will bo hold
on .May 3. Myrtle Point, North Dond,
Hnudon, Coqullle and Mnrshflcld will
lie represented by strong teams.
North Dead nnd Mnrshflehl will nho
send teams to Eugeno nnd Curvnllln
to participate In tho meets tlioro.
llandon nnd Coqullle will hnvo al
most the same teams this year that
took part In Inst year's nicot. North
Dcud hns lost sevornl good men hut
hna developed others to tnko tholr
places. Conch Grnnnls of Mnrshflcld
expects to put out a good team but
hns not given out anything definite
as yet.
Tho events this yenr will ho ns fol
lows: 100 ynrd dnsh.
220 yard dash.
410 yard dnsh.
S80 ynrd dnsli.
220 yard low hurdles.
Mllo rolny.
Shot put.
Running high Jump.
Running broad Jump.
Standing broad Jump.
Pole vault.
give the Bnmo to the pm
country thnt nil ninv vL 15?'
loiiigently?" - UW B.
Submitted by Harry n it. ,.
South Twelfth hIkAi V'J':
(Pnld Ailf
iion. c s. .lAi'Ksox.roitrrJ
"I w II lnip,uil.dly n.forr,
rti.lnt Itiitl Int.. it . .
;' '" '""', """"in fwrorfitul
Imporliiiit to rvm ,. inllte 2
l ,. lit It... . ,., ' ",w fMJI
.. ... ...i .iiiiii.,
- C 8. JACKSON',
(Pnld ml.)
Miss Dorothy nnd MIhs Allco Dylor
of North Dond nro guestB of Mrs. V.
S. Turpen for tho day
A dnnco Is lo bo given Frldny even
ing nt tho E'ugles' hull by u now danc
ing club formed among tho young;
married hoi nnd including many or
tho young peoplo of tho town. Among
tho patronesses for tho Initial dnnco
nre nnmod Mrs. W. S. Turpen, Mrs.
W. T. Merchant, Mrs. E. (I. Porhnm.
.Mrs. wm. Ilorsrnll, Jr., Mrs. J. H.
Flanagan. Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs
John S. Coke, Mrs. II, S. Tower. Mrs.
J. Albert .Mntson nnd Mrs. W. A.
MIbb Nolllo Montgomery Is plnn
ning to loavo about tho llrut of May
for n few vrnk' visit nt iioutnu .....i
iMviuii iui n juiii. uuiDiiiu in mini, t.i . ... ..wo.u.., ii.iu
heavier work the grado can bo enBlly I ,,or, P1'1 homo, Hillsdale. Michigan,
hold, nnd ns tho circus bills says,
"worth trnvollng many ralloa to boo."
It la nothing sort of a trugody, whon
tho old pagan Jupltor Pluvlus turns
on tho water works durlug tho pur
ndo hours.
Strangost of nil the Raster obsor
vnnces In tho United Stutca nro those
of tho Moravian soct at tholr com
munities In Pennsylvania, Indiana
and North Carolina. Tho Moravians
begin tho day nt 2 a. in., parading
nnd singing of tho rosurrectlou of
of Christ. At church services tho mu
bIo Is furnished by trombone quar
tottos. Thou follows tho procosslon
to tho gravoyard, whoro all tho grav
es aro covored with (lowers.
Tho ancient missions In Califor
nia nro scones or quaint rites in
Foreigners Are Refused Inlervlnv by
. . fieneiiil Wii.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Day Tlmos)
orifor i !!n?inii Ji'q i TF'.'m ",nn,,r ' complotoil In the locnl ynrds tho lay.
,1 i ;S"l8,HllrllHll,lulllll,IB of Hteo1 0 lho R,nln "" wnl
Joi'nv 7.?i..ii. '" n,,0n,wl !?". tho canyon will bo undor way.
toC iy Jointly requested mi Interv ew . .
done nnd can bo completed within six
months ns rnr ns Dog Mountain.
Four cnrlondH or railroad tlos hnvo
Just arrived In tho Vnlo ynrds nnd
Chief Osborn Is awaiting orders to bo
gin trnck 'laying In tho wost end or
the ynrds whore sovernl sidetracks
Including one to tho now mntorlnl
wnrohouso, nro to bo Inld. Within n
month from tho tlmo the work Is nil
iiuiiu'iiiiiiu, inu cuimiiiniioii or a
wook's obsorvnuco. In tho Philip
plnos Eastor Is tho groatest day of
vuo year, rrocossions I
cross, tho Christ and tho
in" serines nttnchoil nn.l ...l.n .l
clnrea for nil tho progressive prin
ciples llIC lldlnir thn InlHntlv ...i
) Virgin pass l'n,t0,l St?,cs Sonr by tho poope.
up nnd down tho streets. In aomo
of a brown I SOME .MORE SIX)OA.VS
interior towns an Imnco
Christ In the llkenosa of tho Fillpl-j
..uo, in noun, oiuuu mo it a uvea roiUBO
io nccopt a Savior not fashlonod llko
Romo, of court-o, Is tho groat con
tor of Eastor obsorvance, tons of
thousands Hocking io tho Etornal
uuy rrom all ovor tho world. Lon
don, too, is notod for its celebration
of Eastor, and It Is a bad day Indeed.
wnen St. Paul's and tho other
cnurcnes nro not crowdod to tho ut
termost of their capacity.
I know that spring Is horo, for I've
hoard tho robin slug,
And I've aeon the Jowolod flashing of
tho swallow on tho wing.
I kuow thnt spring Is horo for the
inugning loaves appoar,
And thoro'a a choory, fairy foellng
In tho Coos Ray atmosphoro.
ACCORDINO to tho nstronomer
the crossing or an Imaginary
mathematical lino by the sun
on March 21 marks tho beginning or
with uouernl Wu, who landed here
at the : end or 3000 Canton troops
yo-teidny. The Interview ws re
fused. Tho foreign commanders sub-
foqiienuy sent marines ashore to
guard tho foreign consulates mid of
New Scheme for Rcttlliiir Claims
against It Is Considered
(Tho North Dond Harbor says:
A movo Is woll under way which
ir ngrood to by all creditors of tho
Kinnoy properties will aottlo tho on
tnnglomont and Indobtodnoss stand
ing against that largo acroago of tho
host Coos Dar nrnnnrtv in oi,n.. -
der. ' k "'"
This nlnn Is nnn ivnrbn,t m.. i...
Frod Holllstor, who ns nttornoy for
n largo numbor of claims, has signed
an ngreomont to tnko proporty at
Its appraised vnluo In full ottlomont
of his clnlma at tholr faco value.
Ho nns Interested ntimra nn.t o .
hns secured tho slgnntures of L. C.
Reynolds, F. W. Stovons, Peter Log
? V- ,T M.cau'ro, Fourlor Rros., nnd
M, E. Lvorltt nnd has tho promise of
tho nccoptnneo of tho Simpson Lum
her Co.. F. R. Wnlto. John K. Kol
lock nnd numerous othors.
This plnn is ono thnt rollaves the
trustee of tho formality of going
abend nnd selling tho proporty, tho
nnd In various eastern points.
FOR STATE snY.irnn
I hereby nnnounrn mmii .. ...
dldnto for the republican nornlm-h
for tho office of stnto nntn.f...i.
eighth "Mitatorlnl district. I tail
on tho rollowlng platllrm:
If I am uonilnatcd nnd elected I
will, during my term of office, U!:V iiuiiuimu ma (iimci oi tnyoSn
nnd tniBl to tho best of m; ilia
1 stand lor tho Initiative and nic
ondum. prlmnry election hw, p
plo'a cholco lor United States mi,
tor, corrupt practices net, rec&I', W
Islallon exempting personal proftfj
to the vnluo of four hundred iOa
rrom taxation, good roadi krliliia
rnvornblo to runners, Icglilatloi hi
orablo to laborers, tho reguHUotd
iircarms, opposition to tho riulttd
snlnrlcn of stnto and count; olflcea
and greater economy In apprcprU
tlons. I stand for Statement No. 0:i
Words to bo printed after mnen
bnllot: "Statement No. One, ks
only In appropriations, le;li'i:!
moro favornblo to laborers."
(Pnld Adv.) I.8.SSIin
I horoby annnunre myself uruD-l
dato ror tho republican notrltvJoil
ror Assessor ror Coos Countr ttii
primary to bo hold April 19, ' H
(Paid ml v. OHO. E. I'EIPLB
Aftor tho Bhow try a Turkic Hi'il
Easter Snaps
Missouri "Thov rnltn mill i,ii. credltnm ln.fon.1 vii .'""' .:"
l my dog around:''"'" ' Major Klnner has TZUZ
. . ;,1""cniiBoii8 "Thoy gotta
klddln' my Sncred Cod."
California "Thov i.nn ..i.
ronstln' my Orlrzly Roar."
New Jorsey "Thoy gotta quit
chnsln' my Octopus."
Kontucky "Thoy gotta quit
splnshln' my Llkker nroun'."
Texns-Thoy gotta quit bootln'
my Donkey nroun'."
Now York "Thev wnf ......
llinnlrl..' Wnll n. . '.. . " ...
.... """ ol,uuv nroun'."
Illinois "TllOV enitn n..l. t
morln my Whltownsh Drush."
ciuiB, vnnia--"moy gotta oult
shakln my Plum Tree down."
Kansas "Thoy gotta quit Jaugh
lu' at my Dllnd Pig." sn
J,' -''They gotta quit handln
my PIo Sholf nroun'." ""
,, Orogon "Thoy gotta quit aayln'
that I rain all the tlmo." r
V8 nay "They enttn .t
sort of Bottlomont nnd Is anxious to
dk u so nrnngeu.
Thoro nro secured nnd unsecured
nbout J510.000 In claims ngnlnst tho
proporty nnd undor this plan, will
mean of course that much property
must bo transferred Into tho hands of
now ownors. Tho appraised value of
Aa K'n,ny holdings Is about $700.
000 which nftor satlsrylng tho credi
tors would loavA MnW winn
nlnn nnn..i. . .
.... miiuuui oi property absolutely
clear. Another toaturo of this move
Is that taxes delinquent for years
would bo paid Into tho treasury
nud In that Item alono our city, school
and genoral fund would bo material
ly benoflted.
0 llllos, puro nnd splendid;
0 llllos, holy and white,
1 greet with a Christian's groetlng
Your lossou of lovo nnd light.
1 am a progroaslvo republican.
I believe In economizing nubile
I bollovo that ovory American cit
izen has a right to his own politlrnl
opinion and that ho Is entitled to a
suunro deal.
I beliovo that all men, rich
poor, should bo treated aliko.
I believe In tho onforcamont of
tho law but not Jn prosecution undor
the mlso of tl.o law.
If nominated and oloctod t tho
oll're of shoilff of Cooa oiiniy, I
will do my uuty undor tho oath vt
olflco, will ho economical In tho ex
reuses of my olllce nnd will endeavor
to fclvo all men n squaro doal.
(Paid adv.) o. O. LUND.
Eldtor Times:
The following editorial appearing Phono 214-.T
In the April 2 Ihhiio of the Oold
iioacii liiohe contalua mutter thnt
should bo or Intercut to overy repub-1
llciiu voter In this prosocutlmr nttor-l
io district, it Is not Intendod us a Comer on Central. GOxIO
I'uiiwii.i uuvuiimuiiit'lll, DUt US Clay-
iiu-Biiuie ior ino poiuicnlly blind.
I don't prnctlco paying ror political
iidvortlBoniontH ror other cnndldntes,
bUt I dO lllUIIIU IllVSulr llnnn luilmr
public-spirited enough to pay to havo
thla niessago published. Tho Olobo
After a Democratic Judge bus sut
pn tho Circuit bench nearly pno
hair of a llfo tlmo, and whoso run
ning mato has nlwny8 been Ropub
ican Prosecuting Attorney, ua hns
n0inr.tho U8. of J,,dK0 "anillton
rSSiJHi0' ' I,r.?w" '" tl,ls Judicial
District, naturally enough their ac
ua ntanco, after bo many yoars of
alt nations together, would ripen In
to lovo, but should they becomo bucIi
Insoparnblo frloiwU ' ........ "c"
.iii,ii n.n. ."". " lu WUITUIU
-..ou ..nimon io interest h mseir
to such an iwtom ,.u ... i..... ,
ll..i.l.ll" ..:."". "" " U"H "
lVnir? A?.- """,anU8 ' Brown's bv
Hail? OlIO or OOP tmvnu...n.. ...
Rub" C?J ,8.. ' Pt or a1.
with 7-room 2-story mod
ern houso nnd unobstruct
nhlo Day view which li
rented lor JIG per month.
TorniH ?100 cash and 125
por month; Interest 6 per
cent, on deferred rat-
monts WW
Horo la a chnngo to jet i &
homo by paying tho price of rtstea
purchnso price nnd In a snort tlsj
tho homo will bo yours lnitead
tho landlords.
10 lotH In Ens! Mnrsllfleld
for W
innyinn imRinnsa porner In
Sengstncken addition for ..I'W
House nnd lot In West Marsh
Held ror "w
S-acro, block nt Enstsldo, Just
oast of EaBtsldo mill: good
soil; easy terms, for.......
tn.nrra frnlf fnrnt near
mouth or Cooa River I5
Hlinlnn fnaltnuiA nn RhtTtHiQ
wfvu I vivu wt " ajAAA I
nnd Maryland, 1 00x100.. 't
I will be a caudldato for the repub
Ilcnn nomination for tho offico of As
sessor of Coos county, at tho primary
election to bo hold April 19th, 1912.
I served as assessor of this county
from 1S9B to 1898, Inclusive. My
motto: "Juatico to all." 1 respect
rully solicit your support.
.. . K. II. HANSEN.
"'" ) Myrtle Point, Or. rnfs0(i
fioiii r..,i., if i . 'Vl 0I a 'otter nnd Mary and, 100x100..-";
5fl n".""1".'!1' soliciting huu.. TITLE GUARANTEE it AUSXIUIT
fm, . ,Ui.0W,n ,n tho I'rlmary olec- COMP.W.
:. "u "D "r oi sun ar letters
throughout tho country, is t not
enough for Judge Hnm.lto,, to stand
by nud see ono Democratic .7.i.."
nfrn.. ...!. ." w iiuiuiueo
...... uuuiiivr go down
uKuiiiBi urown,
to dofeni.
ho himself
ll'ntl n... 1... I . . "W
i. r y ..rK0 ninjorltles? Or Is
p. Jhf0e , F&AVPRS ICE CTtEAM,
P no npplo Sherbert for your Easter
klckln' my Port Commiin - ..l.t "L"le. "OT?'. CHANDLER Easter
M ,. iikmjav. Music from B.30 to 8.30.
I horoby announce myself ns ro
publlcnn candidate for assessor ror
Coos County berore the primaries,
April 19. 1911.
Tommy McParland, or San Fran
cisco, was given tho decision over
ooooy uvnns. or Portland, at the end
or a fast ton-round bout nt Medford
Monday night.
Je going feddy Roosove one be tor
by dictating to tho Repub I cans of
this district who thoy shall i oml-
.. - --. .w w.uuutrv iiinii
1,1 (la ...n...l. "" "
... imu ivuuuei.
Henry Seiii.tnckcn Mgr.
evidently thoro
SPECIAL DINNER will h .p.i
.v.V,tiIOI!5L cl"NDIiKn Easter
.M.. Music from B:.w .in
20 CENTS pound at STAFFORD'S
-- ..u uu.i.vX.
. i 7""'y inero is somothln
"bout the Hnmllton-Rrown combU
tTons0n,ltk,'a!,1t,he ,,001,I? ta oto"Set
lions uko this aro not ramlllar with
or Judge Hamilton would not butt
into - Kyublican politics as ho has"11"
the Ren ,MfJInfnllton haa wnfiirleU
ino Republican Hag, we would llko
to know It: nnd if V i...'u..a Uk0
sonal renRn,,a i,' '.T:'""10 Vr I'or-
elected wouk e8 C-gIUardWro
know of It: and If his reason Ib
valid ono. win uladiv !,;.",.."
cause and help U alone Tho nin,
kk srmrffnc"0. ?i"d ,m2s
JttdBo HB.mllS-kIi? cAttn- "
why Mr. Drown shouTd hang oTtS
the public tent nnnth.. f.."ne0n. .t0
40 nnrps ilmhflr fand cheap!
nnfi-lmlf n.nsh. hnlanCO W
vfinrR. Pnll onrlv. F. S. 6ear(
First National Bank building
Store building on Elrod and Ttffl
Streets; 9 rooms; all modern, "
nn,1 flvHirna' nil fnr 135 per BO11'1
sevoral dwellings lor rent.
A Tin 1?PT7.T?,RN.
m Central Ave.. Mnrshg
Lots on Installments
Bay View, Bay Park
Bunker Hill
Eaitsideand Other Locati
, ,V,IU W1U ne
177 Froat 6L