THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. JnuvffluMnMiBi 717 Mr. I MMflPt 0?u u"r. " nl,llv crow. . .Ht-ltfnriflIl IZmm HIIUH P'.BorThocarSand I P'.T.V w iinV that characters our crk tn,u.r!.,n.rinr syBtom of work- l. niMsca our customers, on lpKt that aBuroa atl. " ? ! nM n scalo or charges rforrreu. mb0 just i .i-iinunvMB - WW.v - os Bay Steam Laundry PllOWifi ! - ' ; ...... ayw nr ffifsTURPEN 171 FRONT BT. X0TICI2 TO CltKDITOItS tones is i"rcbr Rv.on Ul?1 th0, JiUnw . orj0- 0f ?1?. , of tho County (WUDi)- ""', nrnirnn. lina iBt 0 t0OS.r." , V. Wvnn.itnr nf KWre To s. of tho aii 9 Boni",,';,,n '.,;;, no ti WW l "Vr"Aiannn WW ned to ,':; ;; s io present tho same to mo i.woinw- "."r-si ;;, iM, union, . "' "-,-- vv vim wo iu" '",i"i Hln ilx months from dnto horoof. Dited at Marshflold, Orogou, this TihdirofMttrcli. 1912. r...ninr nf ho last Will ntid Tos- iztut of Benjamin P. Hobs, do- : ... .. ...... t. on t .... Dm puDitrnuon imircn ov. num. itllcitlon April 27. 1012. vm-irt' TO OltKDITOHS NOTICE li hereby glvon that tho .i...t..4 hnu boon nunolntod nd- iltlitrator of tho ostnto of Oliver ulrlui, deceased, now nu poruoiiB ....l.lma nimlnftt snli! estate nro iiw. viuim M0 - ..v. MuinlrM in tiresnnt tho namo. Eptrlf verified, together with tho rowr Touchors nt ti'O omco 01 .... t iinll nt Mnrnliflplil. Oroiron. !:l!n six months from tho date of LitBOtlCc. Ttiiti at Mnrshflold. Orogon. this IrJ dijr of March. 1912. milo m. rii:itu.N, IJmlnlitrntor of tho CStnto of lirtf Undrlth, deceased. flrtt oubllcntlon Mnrch 23: last eSIfmtlon Mav 4 SL'M.MONS ;tiie circuit court op tub STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OP COOS. loin S. Coko and John 1C. Kolloch, fUlatlffi vs. II. A. Monday, de fendant Summons. h I!. A. Monday, defendant nbovo timed: THE NAME OP TUG STATU OP OREGON: Tea are hereby required to nipoar :lier or otherwise pload to tho spalat filed ngaaiat you In tho fwenrLI J nu i u l e nb-jvi r:i- court on or l fore Saturday. pirnaayof .M.iy A U. 1012, and if 3 tan to to cin.m and answor -tx nw o ii'cn ti said complaint tm then f. th li.nlnttffa will .'Jtjtbo C ., nr t!.a relief ilo- aiti lu i "v c .l.iint. succinct Wjf- ,T, I I-, .1H follOWH! I" T so'i. II A Monday. Vo !) ' d yjii , , ho condItlon or "age t ti , iirdiusa entorcd I' . I - 1 ', I , ,.f Ontnhnr A ' ' mi yourtelf and " ld'ijeflt of John K iMiiek by the 1 it you any eel ' ul uh uiid ia Inl tWO (2) III ! " ' f tho Town- 1 ' It. Coup C'mn '' '-, to the piut, ui record In the Clerk of Coo l t you he ro ' i imtlffs herein 1 ( . . . .Ka nliiln. f f i i i. .1 ,'f.aboirt in ,t aUm Qf hree 'tared S r i t?Rt nniini-9 Jduourdvrt t ,. villous of said Tfvl 1 ' with Intar.wt ' 0 ' i I (i nr nrnt unr I ,1 -... .!.. ... -! " ' " t , vi It iln ta I im lnf'itn' , i,f niitariiitf n ila. ' ! sin t . . .. ii.i- .. .. i the Cor. ' . r'" "'" ?""" hW? ta Ami i .... .1.. Ilu,i. .i ' ' l ' ' J "'I ii o i "" f'Jrt that r i ntlil nil iiirinni uirincr nin. ri .in " .' .' ' . Cr:..? . by. tnrough or Nsnonn ' nnVnl ''! rlsht or ro- "M'oa or rq-aty In said real prop. "i Thit nn ..i, ....,.. , ... .. r yntq liitlmmt did .. , kflf .fte . PStMlltl JWII till Fit i. . np ' dlsbusomonts of this itenrt f. '..:. ' """"." "" teller it.. "' Mini ntnfiii fimim Urt my ECom Wi Tlih .. M I! If In ii "v P'Ui'lcotlon thero .. ""iai" In- mihllpntlnn thorn. tiadJ,,C n-v Times for the J toertin,,;, "'ivp weoks (fov. hit,,.,. ' luiiienping wun tne Ki J"" Ph "l. v n 1912. pur- fib, P r,V'1,r of ,ne Honorable Hat, ip p",nv Judete Mr he D ui, n ' p -nd dny of March iohv n nopt? Postnt..tto.r?e's for Plaintiff's. E. PlrVt v .7aress Marshfleld. Ore Mm n..!,a.tlonai Rai" building. twhCM,cntJon Ma 23. and nHBHsiiBk siiiiiiiBiliK The one markedly distinc tive style of the season. Arrow CoriARS f. 2 for 25c. KAMMERER SAYS: "YOU WILL LIKE TDM." The New "Texas Tommy" The hat that everybody is raving over. You can wear them any old way and look like a comer. (And then another stunner.) A Line of Packard Shoes That will make you want a pair Any style you want. Low Cut High Cut Tan or black, in button, lace or bluchcr Just as you choose Price $-1.00 and $5.00. LOOK 'EM OVER. "Your's Anxious to Please." The Toggery rZ5 t FEED STORE i - i i i .- , jjr-p: 7j "Portland's Largest Northwest's Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely Fireproof 723 Rooms 300 Rooms With Bath 100 Sample Rooms rumiBlM an entire Mle ia th heart ( buaiaata aad financial dUtiicU. The raoit. nuenifl. SiffKbbv "lfetuSt. IUlliti. Basquet HalUnd PuMle Roomi iia the Wait. Theutmoit jTcUaid oiviilea7 Hja.iartirtB.P.O.. OradU4w Cwv.bU, WrtUDd, 1911 E0R0PBAN PLAN-RAT8S $.M TO tS.M PK8 DAY DuacM MHt L'veiy Tiiln aad Stwratr n. C. B0WBRS. Manaw J- M BttOWIfBIL, Aulitant Manajer "irrtTrw-TgT-'"" coos emr. 1 i ., ,U li I ,1 (y3) w sw? Ci'av Mir l a mure wy , .va .or & SAFE ANDiy W&r ' orir. ff "-"v s rtr xo J The past bus pruveu that Investment!) cities are the ract profltablo. The O Oruschke, ilumhUold, Oru. t.j. $$ a h HODoiN8jjjnjqle pantatoriuiTi MqKfiekl Paint "K mk" vi:rs- citxEiw, Si. TiOnrai-lIICf CO Agent for Edward B. Strauss & Co. .Hb JJeCOraUll yu. Tailoring Let us make your Estimates MARSHFIELD, mu Furnished Phone 140L Oregon 235 Commercial. PhoBe250-X A Heavy Load leiiulres woll fed horses to pull it. Of courco yon Icnow that already. Hut maybo you don't know that our hay, feed nml grain aio tho kind thnt make tho strongest as woll ns tho most willing worKcri. Woll, try tli i' m for your ovwi satisfaction and that of tho homes. The oxpenso will be no mure, the lmjiooniont gront. A. T. Haines lMioud 11)0 J Wiilvrfront, Mfld. 'TitnT'm'r'mam WHEN IN Portland, Oregon STOP AT THE mil iTraniiTiTT ' ""'"IHB mi rrTITiTrTlTrllTTTT f emsvit. 3 Mil l'ft'IM-1 "CM BAY REALTY SYNDtGATZ. DEALERS Jf AGENTS COAL COLONIZATION J)AltiV farm rauir, ciimMb, avi 77A5rn ifJfhC i Organizing or mdustriai COMPANIES A SPUlWYsn tn small acre tracts near growlnH H, It. S has such to offer, Cbas. J. Noted Rupture Expert Here Soclcy, Who Pitted tho Cznr of Itns- slu, Will Ilo nt the McCullum Hotel, ItoMcburg. P. H. Soclcy of Chicago and Phila delphia, tho noted truss expert, will bo at the McCullum this Tuesday and Wednesday only, April 9 and 10. Mr. Secley snyB: "Tho Spermatic Shield Truss ns now used and ap proved by tho United 8tatcB govern ment will not only retain any caso of rupturo perfectly, affording lmmo dlato relief, but closes tho opening In 10 days on tho avorago caso." This Instrument received tho only nwnrd In England and Spain, producing ro suits without surgery or harmful In jections. Mr. Secley has document ary references' from tho United States government, Washington, D. C, for your Inspection. All charity cases without charge, or If any interested call, he will be glnd to show tho truss without chargo or fit them If deslrod. Anyono ruptured should remember the date and tnko advantage of this uniiBunl opportunity. TheCORKCENTERBall Has beca Adopted as OFFICIAL by Itio National League for Twenty Years All World Scries camei are played with Cork Center balls and will be for Twenty Years more, as only Cork Ceatcr balls can be used. NoreaUycnterprlatnKLeagucplayswIth anything but a Cork Center Hull. When you pay to see game of Bate Sail you are entitled to see a game oa ncarllkeftWorldSerlesgatnensposilble, and such a game can be played only with a Cork Center Ball. Spalding "Official National League" CORK CENTER Ball. $1.25 Each TBfl OrnCUL BALL OP TBS WOULD SCRIES Cop of Spttillnt CtUlCftic free on rcijueit to njr adutcu fteiidfor Miaplcn eflliK lull Matcrltla Miaplcn of Bite 1UII J for Uniform!. Prcc. A. a. SPALDINO & BROS. IM 0HARY STRUCT SAN FRANCISCO We Carry u Complete line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY Front Street Mnrshficld, Ore. irr a VACUUM 1 or bnliiK Iloui.i'tli'iiiilnx A.W CHII.II f.W OPKIIATIC THIWI No Dust or Dirt Satisfaction Guaranteed LIGHT TO IIAXDLH AND -AVILL LAST VOW YEAHS TItY ONE IMUCE ONLY $10.00 C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furniture Store on Coot Hay Union Oils JAHOLINK maTILLATB HEN2INE KEHOSENr BAMSO.V GAS ENGINES anfi OCNTHIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. llarwlidelcl, Ore. PHONE 802-J Mail Orders Solicited. STADDEN All Mnds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodjik flnlshlBg. CLEANER WITH TOAST AND TEA I'AHODV ON TlllC VILIiAGE HLACKSuriH. (The mun sub nittod this Is ntrald to sign his namo.) Within his comer storo-room bright Tho village druggist Btands, With thread bared coat, rccoded pants, And thin and bony hnnds. And tho bottles on his Bhclf nro 'rayed With gilt and golden bnuds. With hungered eyo and famished look, Ho gazed toward tho door, Looking for a liberal customer Who will Increase tho storo Of nickels In hlo money drawer, At least ono nlckol more. Ills hair Is thin nnd grey and short, His faco Is pinched and wan, Thought sits enthroned upon his brow, Ho sells whato'er ho can. And stares tho wholo world In tho faco, For ho Is n hard-up man. Week In, week out, from morn till night, You can sco him Btnndlng there, You can henr him sigh his heavy sighs, Tho measure of despair. Lack lustre eycB and sunken form To tell of want and care. Tho children coming homo from school Drop In at tho open door, They lovo to beg for almnnncs And plcturo cards galoro, And make llfo for thnt pill poundor. Ono long, continual bore. On Sunday ho never goes to church, His storo ho must attend, Ho never hears a sormon Or thinks of his lnttor end. From storo to meals from meals to storo His footsteps always tond. Tolling, rejoicing, sorrowing, niium..! t !.... ...t. tlf fin irnnfl . uunu.u IMIUUBM ,.V ..V bwuu, Each morning sees mo samo oiu friend, Each ovo Increasing woes. Till finally ho tumbles off his porch And finds thnt last roposo. Fit K P-It-O-S. THE "DOUHLK CHOSSEIt" "There nro always a lot of follows boforo olectlon who try to ranko ov cry cnudldnto think thnt ho has their undivided support," snld ono of tho cnndtdntc8 today. "Tho slang phraso which Illustrates the class of Indi viduals Is 'doublo crotiscrs.' fTho doublo crossor Is not ns cuto ns ho Imagines himself to bo, for his Insin cerity goncrnlly sticks out In u pro digious bunch, laying baro his truo naturo so that ho only fools him self." NOAH. Whon Nonh was" a skipper A-sailtng on tho soa Thoro wns not a moro chlppor Or qulckor mnn than ho. For instance In his hurry, Ho took no oil along, And whon dark sottlod worry And droad assallod tho throng. Hut Noah thus did show off Ills Judgment sound and bright: "Tho olophant wo'll throw olt And mnko tho first ark light." THE Gl'Y WH KNOW I wont to a moving plcturo show to soo some- Injuns full of woo, and 23 klndB of fighting boose, wearing no lint, no shirt, no shoos nothing, In fact, but u llttlo paint nnd somo flondlah grins, but they wero faint. I say 1 went to sco 'em strive- to soalp n dozon folk alive. As the cara van touched Mlaukety-hlnuk they hid behind a water tank and fought like mad till their guns were hot, and their tempers too, as like as not. So I lot tho thrills ohaso over me and I worried some, for I aouldn't see how the white folk's arowd could stand the strain, with the Injuns rid ing with might and main, and shoot ing and yelling to beat the baud, white the raruvnn rould only stand and wait for death .to grab 'em In and then, by heck. I had to grin, for one of the Injuns turned to swear, uml I lecoxnlzed his tawny hair "I'was old Bill Smith, whom I used to know. A clerk he was In Kok mo. And then 1 looked at the cara van, and I reoofcnited his sister Ann, and Charley Jonoe and Tommy Trout so I grabbed my hat and umblcd out. The show had lost 1U oharm tn mo. It mado me weary to sit mikI soo tho folk I know playing Injun wild, for none of them would hurt a child, nnd besides, I knew that every one would ruu like mad from a load ed gun. And that Is the way with you and I A friend of ours Is n no-icond guy. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL. To all knowing mfferara of rurouutlmi. fcrtb er miucular or of tue JolDtn. Mlatlia, luibi, liackuLf, pallia la the LMiirja in- nruralU '.alu, to write to i'r fur a hoiuv trvatweut w.ikli liaa reifutnllr cum all of Hum luriurrs. Htie fH'N II her duty to H-oU It to ajl tunvrt-ra FlllltC ou cure ourlf at boms an tluiukamU Mill ttlr no rliaruK nf cllmttf IaIiik im-r-t.ary IliU ilmplp illifpry UoWwa url acM from th blwul, IwiMfia the tturnuxl joluta, pur Mil tli blol. ami lirlifhtma Hit- rvw trtvlmf doHlcltj- iul tone to tLp hole lyaleni. If tb atove Intereati ro", for proof aililrviui Mrs. M. Burnracni, lloz II, .Wr Dauw, lad. f-"V! fitoraioisco. 'kffi&k&L ym PinuB i ' evaa t4Jf-r , It takes a Btrnngor to do the act that wo applaud with grace and tact, but n guy -wo know must chnngo tho scones If ho'd got away with tho pork and beans. Miles Ovorholt. THE HOG (Ily Star Koy) Mark you, this glutton's seldom dull; In circumspection deep; Ho knows enough when ho Is full. To hldo and go to slcop. Tho biped being ncqulsltlvo, With wealth onough In storo, FlndB llttlo rest that slcop can giro. While reaching out for more TIs part of tho primordial plan, This solflsh search for self, And being so, why blnmo tho man That looks out for himself? Tho reason sought will show (la brier) It springs from tho first cause That It Is duo being born a thlcC To prlmogcnlnl laws. While gazing on tho passing show Uso circumspection, too. A stream of "crooks" go to nnd fro; Still, watch yoursolf; and do Quoll fruitless thoughts thnt nil are blind Who sllontly do pass Itocp nil you may, but keep In mind Cupidity Is glass. I attempted writing an essay latojjr that would Interest tho farming pop ulation, nnd tnko them by surprise, also. I got woll under way but caught n snng, nnd fortunately, ton. If I had succeeded In wading through tho Intricacy of the subject Involved, 1 would not only havo surprised tho fnrmorfl but utterly nBtonlBhod thoro. Tho Idea to which I clung tona clouBly (ns a suckor to n shark) when elaborated, I ln'ondod nnmlng "Tho practical uso of tho plow;" but as I nover plowed anything but tho sen, I went to son on tho Btbjoct and got lost In n labyrinth of conjoc turo. In proceeding further with my ef forts, I studied n varioty of farm products, and finally sottlod on hogs. In dealing with tho qundrupod I will also touch tho ldlosyncracy of tho bi ped hog. Tho Hog is a good aubjoct whon fat, picklod nnd packed In n barrel. Alive, ho Is a busy nnlmnl, thoro la nothing lazy about him. In hunger ho resembles tho bipod: but, whon his Intornal longing la sai Isflod ho becomes quloscont and his rosomblnnco to tho bipod (tho two legged hog) coasos. Tho groat troublo with tho hog lit that having no aristocratic notions, bolng always mcok and lowly In hltv disposition, ho Is still tncllnod to en ter tho point of his proboscis whoro ho hns received no Invitation. Tie a lamontoblo fact; nevertheless, ov en In that case, ho Is but nn Imitator of tho suporlor animal. Thus far, I havo but touched tho amlablo disposition of tho porclno qundrupod and his exalted alllnlty As n labor-saving machlno tho hog would bo n success but his utility In doubtful. Whllo it Is necessary to procuro food ho will romnln faithful at his post; but, hero ngaln, his Idio syncrasy mm puron fnvornbly with tho biped, thoro mny bo a dMslon ot tho labor but not of tho profit. Thoro nro varieties of hogs; but tho baso of nil hogs Is tho blpnl hog. Ilo Ih tho procursor tho ndvnnco ng ent of nil hogs. 'TIs he thnt oponn tho gnto and loaves it so that tho boasts nf the Hold may run riot In tho garden of tho husbandman Malh-o Is lmboildod In his heart, ami grood In his chlof attribute. Watth him, glvo him no opportunity to Insert Ills noso In your reertn: Hon. ho may bo unnblo to rovel lu the Siitnulc delight which ho tnkoe In tho mis fortune of others. The political Held teems wlih hu man vultures. They aneuk Into p Itlons frequently for which tiny nro totally unqualified. No inti'rtxi i,f our progress or our aim for Im provement will be subserved by foll owing in the wake of a gang of non producing aelf-seekors It Is nlsurd eveu to thluk of reforming pilm lniis or beoeflcli I Mean etnsnatlim fr tn such 'utteily snlflwh material Bay City. STAlt KKY Send For This Seed Mnual-Free iMamm 1 JLy'iiMtli tit U AoJfof purily nnd eitiiiit,.jjj, oKnliliiH1'1 tl.tvrfyihlMfonlKl. Olully .,... I I.I ..... ...,!. tl m dii.iluH, nf a to tut and en it Bui lr' itmi. bi gucu . II I I.- I. ......I w bucmoI ciitt. (mm! Im t.i.'"V TUCU. II Uljr Co, Sul first Class Auto Service Special trips to North Horn nnd Empire any tlmo. Train and party calls a specialty. Phone 141 J nights and day. After 11 P. M Palaco Restaurant, Phone G-J, Rotldenco Thono 28-J. ;. L. FOOT IS. Proprietor. i I i V mtost VM1IBK.. ,- mm1' wmwM i Xmi;, I p Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality "v""o way li.