The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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mnwaH! -evenimg edition.
PERSONAL notlcoa of visitors
in tLo city, or of Cooa Day people
who rlalt in othor cltlos, together
with notices of social affairs, nr
gladly recelirod In tho social do
partmont. Tolephono 133. No
tlces of club meotlnga will bo pub
llshcd and socrotarlea aro kindly
requested to furnish same.
Sho cats no meat;
A bit of toast,
With nothing swceti
Sho'll out, at most,
No chocolates
Sho's soon to munch,
Sonio chooso sho grntos
To servo for lunch.
No roust, no stow,
No pie, no cako;
No puddings now
For her to bnko.
A crust of broad
Servos her to dine;
Whon sho has. fed;
Sho's vow's 'tis fine.
Through all tho day
Sho meditates;
In her calm way
Sho roads nud waits
Savo that hotlines
Sho trudges far
And tolls and climbs
Whoro rough hills are.
Her form grows thin,
Ilor choclcs grow palo,
Ilor onco plump chin
Points llko a unit;
Sho seonitt to boo
Things far away.
You ask Is she
A dovotuo.
Ah, no, kind friend,
Sho does not fast
Till Lout shall end.
Ilor vigils pant,
Her walks, her crust,
Ilor empty plato
Moan she Is Just
Itoduclug weight.
THIS namo of Master Is variously
accounted for, but tho most nat
ural and prohahlo moaning Is
that derived from tho Saxon Ostor,
which slgnldos to rlso. Hut It In
kllOWIl that tho old Tntitnnn hml n
goddess that they callod (Mora or
Eostro and that sho had a fostlval
Just about thlB timo of tho year,
t'l'ho words Paques, l'asch, Pnschon,
Paosko, and Pask, as tho holiday Is
known nmong tho Kroneh, Scotch,
Dutch, llanos and Swodcs, aro deri
ved from tho Hohrow Push, or tho
soason whon tho paschal lamb was
Rationalists I'lnlin Mint Phrlut'u
death was an allegory that had
grown out of this paschal observance
and that as tho lamb took away tliu
sins of tho pooplo ho Christ retires
onted n similar vicarious atonement.
Thoy hold this view partly because
of tho claim that In tho old Hindu
myths tho history of Christ Is fore
told, Krishna, tho incarnation of do.
tv. havlnir beon born In n Inwlvnlnf-...
crowned with light, was anolntod
by a humiliated woman, endowed
with tho power or healing tho sick,
either shot or crucified, sunt Into
boll and lifted to hoavou, A temple
orocted to him at Mathura has tho
form of a cross ami ho Is palutod as
cruclllod, crowned, with holes In his
hands and sides.
Holders of those views Identifying
Christ with Krishna and with the
nun gods of tho oust aro coming
around to tho Christian belief, how
ovor, so far as to acknowledge
'that there was an actual Christ; that
ho was n bravo and powerful reform
er, a man of uliniuonro nud high Id
eals, a magnetic healer and that he
came to his death either because re
formers aro generally (...popular with
tholr own conurutloii or nu it niierl.
flee, tho Jews In their earlier worship
having offered living sacrltlces on the
cross to the suit god. Tho halo,
still represented in the Monkish ton
sure, Is hold to stand for tho rays
of tho sun.
Whatever ho tho beliefs as to tho
personality of tho central llguro lu
tho tragedy that Is commomorated
at this season, there Is no doubt that
soma of tho Easter observances had
tholr origin fur back beforo tho
Christian era. Ostora, tho Saxon
goddess, was but a descendant from
tho Egyptian lsis, and tho coming
of spring was always colobratod with
rejoicings. Tho suu of Eustur was
tho suu that aroso from Its gravo of
wlntor and nscoudod towards tho ion
1th onco more, bringing life and
brightening all nature lu Its course.
Knights Templar Easter Sor-
Mrs. F. E. Hague, at bridge
Sisters of Hothuny, with Mrs.
Otto Schettor,.
W. C. T. U. Domorest contost,
North Uond.
C. I. E. Club. Miss Uosslo
W. S. Nicholson, at
E. F. Morrlssey, at
Cordiality Club with Mrs. J.
W. Hlldonbrand.
A. N. W., with Mrs. II. Jteld.
Ladles' Art Club, with Mrs.
C. P. McQcorgo.
Junior Daptlst Union social.
Dancing Club, danco, Eaglo's
Altar Guild, North Bond,
with .Mrs. P. Holllstor.
Modern Woodmen of Amor
Ica. danco, Finnish hall.
Coos Day Concort Band,
danco, Englo's hall.
P. Q. Sowlnc Club.
social happenings, lntonded for
publication In tho society depart
ment of Tho Times, must be sub
mitted to tho editor not fetor
than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of
each week. (Excopttons will bo
allowed only in cases where
ovonts occur later than tho tlmo
Tho commlttoos of the soverul wo
men's clubs met at tho home of Mrs.
M. O. Hortou Tuesday April i and
completed tho organization of tho
Mnrshtlold Improvomont Club, adopt
ing mo ronowing constitution:
Artlclo 1 Namo. Tho namo of
this organization shall bo tho Marsh
Hold Improvomout Club,
Artlclo 2. Purpose A cleaner,
moro attractive, more beautiful
Marshflold, through mutual opera
tion of all hor resldonts. Motto
Deods, not words; boost,
Artlclo 3. Meuiborshlp. Any ad
ult resident of Marshflold of good
moral chnractor, may becomo a mom
bor of this club by paying $1,00 en
trance foo and enrolling his namo
with tho socrotary,
Artlclo 4. Ofllcors. The officers
shall bo a president, vlco-presldont,
a rocordlng socrotary, a corrcsDond
lng secretary, a troasuror. Thoy
shall bo oloctod by ballot at tho an
nual nicotine. Thov Hlinll tinlil tl.nlr
olllco for ouo year. A vacancy In
any olllco shall bo llllod by tho re
maining ollleors nnd such nppolntoo
shall hold nlllm fnr Mm iin,ivuli-i.t
term of tho former Incumbent.
Artlclo C. Dutlos of Ollleors. Tho
oiucorB snail perform tholr duties as
outllnod and prescribed In Rob
erts' Rules of Order.
Tho corresponding secretary shall
bo tho publicity olllco of tho club nnd
nhnll eucourago tho work of tho club
by Judicious publicity of Its work.
Artlclo 0. The tronsuror shall bo
required to furnish bonds to tho
amount of $IiOO. Monoy shnll bo
paid out by him only upon warrant
signed by the socrotary and countor
slgnod by tho president.
Artlclo 7. Annual Meeting. Tho
annual meeting of tho club shall bo
iiuiii iu mo can or tiio president lu
tho month of Oatobor. Duo notlco
of tho tlmo and placo of tho mooting
shall bo given In tho local papors. '
Artlclo 8. Special meetings. Spo
clal meetings shnll bo callod at any
tlmo by the prosldont.
Artlclo 1). Amendments. This
constitution mny bo amondod at any
mooting by a two thirds voto of tho
moniliors presout.
Officers oloctod llllilnr this rnimll.
tutlon woro: Mrs. M. C. Horton, pros
ldont; Mrs. E. Mlngus. vlco-presl-dent;
Mrs. P. A. Tlodgon, record
ing socrotary; Mrs. C. P. McGoorgu.
correspoudlnK secretary: Mrs. Drn.
sor, troasuror.
Mrs. I. Landn was chooson to con
fer with President J. T. McCormnc of
tho Chamber of Cnnimorrn in nrrnni...
for a public mooting to bo held noxt
WOOK ni 11IO (Jlinllllinr nf nnmninivn
for tho purpose of socurlng all thoso
Interested In tho movomont as mom
bora nnd planning dollnlto future
wui-K. various comnutteos for
furthering tho work will then bo
solectod by tho president. Evory
ono Is urged to tako part In this
work an It Is a matter of the highest
civic Importance
Thoso of tho commttteo who visit
ed the schools roport that tho child
ren are very enthusiastic and much
Interested In tho planting and cul-
tlvatlUK Of floworn mill v.ipntnhl,..
The contributors toward tho fund
Dr. J. T. McCormnc $10.00
M. C. Horton 5.00
Supt. P. A. Tlodgon n.oo
Dr. E. MIiikub r.nn
. . P. McGoorgo 5.00
Many othors havo expressed tholr
willingness to contribute,
Mrs. W. S. Turpen was hostess to
several of hor friends nnd neighbors
Friday nfternnon, March 29, at sow
ing, numborlng nmong hor guosts
Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs. Wilson Knuf
man, Mrs. J. Albert Matson, Mrs. J. S.
Coko, Mrs. E. 0. Porhnm, Mrs. Claudo
Nasburg, Mrs. H. S. Tower and Mrs.
W. T. Merchant.
The C. W. . M. hold open moot
ing Tuosdny. April 2, at tho homo of
Mrs. R, A. Copplo, which was prettily
decorated with fern and whlto lilies
and potted plants. Tho nuxlllarlos
of tho various churches woro Invited
to attond and ropresontatlvos from
the Baptist, Mothodlst and Presbyter
Ian woro nrosoiit. A roiminp mr.
grnm employed sovoral hours of tho
aftornoon and was followod by a soc
ial hour and refreshments. Tho
hostess was nsslstod in receiving
and sorvlng by Mrs. Edwin Bus
by. Mrs. E. C. Drews. Mm. fl Pnlo-
man and Mrs. Chas. Powers. Tho In
itial talk was given by tho president
and hostess, Mrs. R. A. Copplo, fol
lowod by a Scrlpturo roadlng by the
vlco-presldont, Mrs. W. B. Cox, and
prayor by Mrs. J. W. Carter. In or
dor camo papors on tho "Work of
tho C. W. B. M." by Mrs. Copplo;
"Conditions In India" by Mrs. Cox;
"Tho Rearlnir nf filillrfrnn" hv Mm
Sohlbrodo; and short readings by
Mrs. Busby and Airs. R. n. n-nu-a
Musical selections woro glvon at times
In tho lirocraill bv two nnnrlnltin!
and llttlo Dorothy and Lnrlna Paint
er played a piano solo. Tho meeting
wus largo and onthustasttc and tho
afternoon was greatly enjoyod by nil
who participated. Among thoso pre
sont woro Mrs. Colvln, Mrs. A. 55.
Downs, Mrs, M. Hose, Mrs. E. Furrln
gor, Mrs. E. C. Drews, Mrs. T. Law
horno, .Mrs. Q. Colomnu, .Mrs. M. R.
Smith, .Mrs. J. W Carter, Mrs. J O.
Langworthy, .Mrs. G. Sohlbrodo, Mrs.
M. R. Brown, Mrs. Alva Doll, Mrs.
cjuaries rowers, Mrs. A. R. McComb,
Mrs. P. Holland, Mrs. II. Noble, Mrs.
S. E. Painter, Mrs. N. G. Ross, Mrs.
Dora S. Besorloy, Mrs. J. A. Ward,
Mrs. H. I. Hydo, Mrs. Langdou, Mrs.
M. A. Ross, Mrs. D. C. McCarty, Mrs.
0. 11. Marsh, Miss Mamie Gulovson,
Mrs. Edwin Busby, Mrs. C. O. Qos-
noy, airs. j. urown, Mrs. Doll
Cnthcnrt, Mrs. John P. Hall, Mrs.
0. N. Bolt, Mrs. V. Pettyjohn, Mrs.
P. K. Gottlns, .Mrs. Emmett Plorco,
Mrs. II. W. Pnlntor, .Mrs. Hobson,
wrs. isnacs, Mrs. D. Anderson, Mrs.
W. B. Cox and Mrs. R. A. Copplo.
Mrs. Henry Songstatken and .Miss
es Gcnovlovo and Doris Songstacken
aro still enjoying tholr visits lu Cal
ifornia. Today thoy leavo Los An
geles where thoy havo beon spending
tho last fow weeks to go to San Die
go, thence homo.
Mrs. E. P. Morrlssoy entertains at
cards Wednesday, April 10.
The Progress Club hold a woll-at-
tnlllloil flllfl ttlftn lift tit tTln.itln.- Mi..lnit
,-" v ....w...lf, ..ftUMKUJ
at tho homo or Mrs. A. E. Adolspor
ger. A paper on "Enstor Customs",
uio uipic or mo uny, and a rending,
"Sicilian Tale" from Longfellow's
"Tales of. n Wnvuliln Inn" whf,. ..,.,.. I
by Mrs. Adelsporgor, nnd woro sup
ported by Mrs. Ward Blako's paper
on "Easter Customs In Itnly." After
uio program, a roport wus heard from
tho committee on civic Improvement
to tho olTort that Instead of forward
ing tho movement by a federations of
women's clubs It would bo bottor for
the work to proceed unfettered by
club supervision and oven tho slight
el.iiuo spirit that would bo bo ind lo
follow: and that for this purpose n
Civic Improvement League, mado jp
Of Unofficial IllOlnllom from tlin vnr.
Iouh clubs mid loading business men I
ami scuooi supporters, would bo boHt
in mi iner mo nini'oinniit nu utm-tn.i
by tho temporary federation of clubs.
This Is tho sontlment or the Progress
Clcb only and has yet to bo appro
ved by tho other commlttoos. A.nong
those present Monday woro Mrs. P.
G. Horton, Mrs. Rout. E. Browning.
Mrs. P. A. Tlodgon, Mrs. Ward M.
Blnko. Mrs. McEliliiiviiitv. Mn v c
Nicholson, Mrs. A. L. llutz. Mrs. 1.
Lando, Mrs. A. L. Barkor, Mrs. J. M.
Upton. Mrs. C. W. Tower, and Mrs.
M. C. Horton. Tho club will meet
Monday, April 15. with Mrs. Earlo
M. Barry, when tlm tnni um i...
".Modern Dramatists."
'I he l.tHlos Aid of tho Norwegian
church will moot Thursday uftemoou
at tho homo of .Mrs. John Pitman for
a i.hort session and social hour.
A mooting of tho Industrial Cor
poration of North Bond waa hold
Tuesday evening at tho homo of Mrs.
Chas. Murr. Tho Corporation is fod-
Oratod With the Wnmnn'u T oo....
und both nro working for tho Ex-
i-uiiiib'o tunc oporatos in North Bond.
It Is plannod to enlargo tho Ex
chango, which hns rocoutly raovod
down town and Is In a much better
situation, by uddlng supplies of ranny
kinds from tho bond of tho Exchango
In St. Louis. To this end catalogues
havo boon sent for and upon tholr
appoaranco soloctlons will bo mudo
and products ordorod.
Mrs. P. E. Haguo entertains at
Urldgo, Monday April 8.
Mathlson, Miss Slgna Larson, tin.
B. Mathlson, Mrs. Chas. Thorwnld,
.and Miss Gcnovlovo TollofBon. Mrs.
o, Mcintosh will bo hostess to tho
club nt her homo nt Bay City April
A Domorest Silver Modal Contost
is being plannod by tho W. C. T. U.
of North Bend for April 9. This Is
to bo a boys' contest, tho winner to
taKO pari in mo gum iiiuuui wuibbi
that will como off In tho near future '
A numuor oi norm uenu wsu ocuuui
boys nro to tako part:
Tho Missionary Clrclo of the Bap
tist church was entertained Wednes
day aftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs.
Chns. H. Marsh. Tho mooting wob op-
nm1 if I Mi Snrltitiirn rrmrtlne and
I prayed by Mrs. A. 55. Downs. Tho
topic of tho day, "Wcstom Women
In Eastern Lanus," oy iioion uarren
Montgomory, was discussed In a
short tnlk by Mrs. G. LoRoy Hall,
followed by a reading by Mrs. C. O.
Gosnoy on "Tho Jewish Walling
Place," and a reading by Mrs. E. E.
Kolly. MIbsosb Alpha Mouzey ami
Eddova Whcolor sang solos, nnd
Mrs. Henry Black closed tho meeting
ti-IMi nrnvill- A Itirllt llllirll WHS
,..w.. i.t.t.. .-n-.v -
Borved tho guests, nmong whom were
.Mrs. Ellon Slglln, Mrs. J. II. Mills,
Mrs. G. LoRoy Hall, Mrs, Goo. Ayre,
Mrs. Alva Doll, .Mrs. M. J. Anderson,
MIrsoss Alpha Mouzoy, Frances
Franco, Anna Dawns, Heloa Gulov
son, Bornlco Pntchet, nnd Eddova
Wheeler, Mrs. A. .1. Carlson, Mrs. M.
L. Stromborg, Mrs. Henry BInck,
Mrs. C. 0. Gosnoy, Mrs. J. J. Colvln,
Mra M T. rirnnf Afra A O IlnilH.
Mis. Mary Nlcols, Mrs. Ora McCarty,
Miss Matnlo Gulovson, Mrs. A. 'A.
Downs, Mrs. Ilolon Baldwin, Mrs. E.
E. Kolly, .Mrs. J. C. Donno, Mrs. D.
A. rnienoi, .Mrs. urnco iNiigei, Airs.
J. II. Huser, Mrs. Emmett Pierce,
Mrs. A. Rose, and Mrs. It. J. Wul
rnth. 0
Invitations to n danco which was
tr Itnt'fi Itrtnti illn onnti nfrnf T.ntlf liv
Mr. and Mrs. J, V. Bonnott nud Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur MoKoown hnvo been
Indollnltely postponed on account of
the lllncsB of llttlo Joey McKcown.
W. P. Murphy Is making n flying
trip to Coos Bay for nfow days. Ho
got In Friday ovonlng nnd plans to
leavo Monday or Tuesday to Join
Mm. Miirnhv In Anpnlnn wlmrn
she remained visiting friends.
nwi'iBifinniiMij-J """
mnny protty gifts and at which tho
nnnouncomont of hor coming marrl
ago was made Friends unlto In ex
tending congratulations.
Tho W. C. T. U. of North Bond
hold a very Interesting) motlng Tues
day at the homo of Mrs. Robt. Mc
Cnnn, at which tho program for tho
Domorest Medal contest to bo given
noxt Tuesday ovonlng nt Eckhoff hall
was plnnnod. Tho program, comple
ted, Is as follows:
Snrlntnrn read I nc nnd Invocation
Rov. 8mlth.
Selection High School Orchestra.
Oration Clydo Smith
Oration Harold Hunt
Oration Harry Conro
Oration Glen Grout.
Oration Clarence Klbblor
Oration Frod Reynolds
Oration Fremont Hodson
Presentation of Medal Dr. Bird
B. Clark.
Selection High School Orchestra
Mrs. A. II. ImhofT nnd Mrs. E. R.
Hudson woro guosts of tho day.
Among thoso present woro Mrs. Goo.
Hnzor, Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Mrs. Albort
Hlsoy, Mrs. L. Ritchie, Mrs. A. Footo,
Mrs. Chas. Cavnnugh, and Mrs.
fl..1.t Afi.r,..ti A linlf limit- nf nnp.
iiuui. iiivuiiiiiii ...... ... ... ,,...-
Ilmentnry drill made a pleasant
break In tho aftornoon.
Mrs. Goo. W. Langford of Sacra
mento, Calif., Is expected horo short
ly to visit at tho W. S. Turpon unci
C. M. Ilylor homes for u few weeks.
Mrs. Langford was formerly Miss Deo
Mrs. G. 0. Austin entertained n fow
friends Saturday afternoon at tho
homo of her daughter, Mrs. P. E.
Lcefe, boforc her coming departure
for hor homo In Michigan. Thoso
present wore Mm u f
f H.Allo,Trra'i!-R.S
J. O. Lnugworthv. x." 8,Jrer
rs. Bakor. ' Uah;("
Mr. and Mr.,. "! '
Pocted on thoYon'.
SftS-Uayslai,: ;,t
M"i- will1 'a! &
vnrlouB friends oMh0Dhi!
. nt her homKte!!
n-T " 1H
Tho A. N. W wn7
ADrll 11, wltliVrl "S'V.ftin
moot ni? tiiia mi..' : " Hoftt ,
0 '
The North UCnd TPnn.
Plnnnlng to glvo l?8 n 1 'J 01
lirilnv ( ' .."'llll dlrifi
Tlln Mnrol. n..TTQr"
.. "i milium W. (1 T If .
lng today at tn0 homo it VlH
Io Wheelor In Marshn N
nnni nrnngeinunts for elih.
orest Modal w,lP8j ""
nay oven Ilir. li u ..,.' .'. l
only girls take part ami , to
will soon In. .' J.Jr "nulti,
tho required number of ,uJj"
contests have boon Ku nj4
nr tiinun will .. . "' ik
.: lu,lluwraMu
-- u,n
Tlln Hint. C....1..I i.
lor innti; . ii?'"2?.'W
Saturday ovonlng, April iM
of Friday as nrovtil".1?!1
It will bo at tho homo of Z"c
Jones, in tho 0, A. IlonebraK
(Continued on paw !.)
Mrs. G. O. Austin, who hns been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. E
Leefo, loft Tuesday for southorn Cal
ifornia. She expects to spend sev
eral months lu Pnsadunn before re
turning to her homo In Michigan.
Tho engagement of Miss Mno Ma
gary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Magary, to James D. Roberts has
been lately announced. The wed
ding will tako place tho first of May.
Miss Magary was tho recipient of a
linen shower April 2, plnnni. by hor
sister. Ruth, at which sho received
Announcement !
Having rented a part of the J?olifit'ld Bros.' store
on Front street, formerly Prentiss', I will on 3Ion
day, April 8th, open a first-class watch and jewelry
repair shop.
T will do all work mysoli: and guarantee satisfac
tion. "Watches are a necessity and it is hard lo get along
without them.
My aim is to do all work the same day received,
hut most watches have to be left a few days for regu
lating. ,
I solicit a share of your work and will give it care
ful and prompt attention.
E. C. BARKER, Jeweler
The Last W
Of the great closing out sale at Til ID 130STOX is at hand Your last opportunity I
take advantage of these hed-rock prices. Our stocks havo been diminishing rapil
during these last four weeks of rapid selling. We do not have so large an iissortaffi
to select from as you found at the beginning of this sale, hut for that very reason tM
last week may hold greater saving possibilities for youJor tho broken lots must
cleaned up, tho odd sizes must be soldeverything in the stor.e MUST BE moved w
during the coming week. To do this we havo gone ovor our entire stock and g
prices. Cut them so deep you simply can't. afford not to como in and investigate
Among the hundreds, of dollars worth of merchandise offered at a more fiietjonofw
Tho Young Peoplo's Socloty of tho
Norwegian Lutheran church mot
oduesday ovonlng at tho church for
tho usual business and social hour.
Plans wero complotcd for a nocktlo
party for April 13, Mlssess Elslo Lar
son, Mabol Mathlson and Dlua HJollo
being namod tho commltteo In chnrgo
u mi, ous, Aiurunsen auctioneer
for tho evening. Music by sovoral of
tho young peoplo people mndo a vory
pleasant addition and refreshments
wero sorvod by Miss Elslo Larson and
Jus. Martinson. Among thoso pros
ent wero Misses Edna Johnson, Jen
nie Johnson. Dlua UJello, Thora
Lund. Ilorghlld Olson, Lena LUlobo,
Mabol Mathlson. Pnrn Mnthlenn in.
geborg Larson, ami Riain iL,.
Messrs. Andrew Anderson, Albort
"bi uuvor Larson, unrls Leo, Chris
Potorson, Harry Johanson, Emll Gab
rlelson. Arthur Kolstnd, I. Mellun
and Alfrod Jnro. Tho society will
conveno for Its regular motlng Wed
nesday ovontnir. Anrll !j n .i,ii.
tlmo Miss Dlancho Tollefson and Har
ry jouanson wui entertain.
Tho Prlscllla Club wnn nnnrnlna
ednosday by Mrs. George Rourko
who substituted during tho 111.
ness of Mrs. Henrv Olson. Th of.
ternoon was spent at needlework and
uio nosiess servea a dainty lunch
Present woro Mrs. Frost, Miss Mabel i
value will be some, if not many things you need.
. The following items will give you a hint of the prices that will be in effect througbj
out the stock for the final week :
b'Oc Men's Work
Shirts for
$1.50 Boys' Hats,
each ,
35c Dress Susncn-
ders for
25c Table Oil
Cloth for . . . .
Arrow Collars, late ir
styles, 3 for 63C
All .$3 and $3.50 (M M
Men's Hats, for.... 4" n
$1.00 Grade Men's
Puro Silk Hose, for. . .
3. for... 45c
50e Men's Suspen
ders, for
"Women's Shoes.
Box Calf and Vici, r
$2 to $3 values, for. -P 3
Calico, per m
yard, at Ht
Val. Lace, worth 5 to
10e yard, at
r;0 ATmi'o mi! T?nvs'
Cotton Fleeced rn(ler-j
wear, xor . . ,
1 Oe feu's Ilandker-
ehiofs, for
25c Men's Wool
Sox, for
50c Worsted Dress
Goods, for
1.G5 Full Size Bed ()j
ttpreaas, lor
35c Men's and Boys' j(
Uaps, tor
$1.25 Men's Wool 7!
' I
underwear, tor
The Boston Stor