THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912-EVEWIHB EDITION .a1 'MJ COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor and Tub. DAN K. MALONKY News Editor Entorod nt tho poatofflco nt Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mail matter. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrshilcld :: :i n :: Oregon Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, nnd that ovll shall not thrivo unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year $6.10 Per month 60 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.60 When paid strictly In adranco tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Times is $5.00 per year or $2.60 for six months. I WITH THE 1 X TOAST AND TEA ! . "I ASK NO MOHE" Ofllclnl Panor of Cooa Connty An Indopondont Republican nows pnpor publlsbod ovory ovenlng excopt Sunday, nnd Weekly by Tho Coo Hay Tlmos Publishing Co. NARROW MARGINS THE thing wo might havo dono Is bo often tantallzlngly noar nc compllsmont wo bogullo our solrcs with tho thought that It la really our own. Yot this soomlngly narrow margin marks a vory practi cal dlfforonco In tho affairs of Ufo. "Yes," said tho astuto landlady, shaking a dubious hoad ovor hor ton nnt's posnlbllltlos that fnllod to ran torlallzo, "but If you can't pay your rent, out you go." Tho dlfforonco In paying your rent nnd nlmoBt paying It In so cloar as to bo roadlly apparont. Hut othor diff oroncos In ninttors loss speclllo nro not so ovldont. Tho mnn who Is forovor nt tho bottom of tho lnddor nnd Instating that ho has tho cnpaclty for groat things Is usually tho on who IiioUk tho oxtrn ounces of nblllly or dutermlnntlon to dotnand tho re ward whlrh ho thlnkn ho morltH. Ho fs nlmoBt n buccohh, but In being this Is thu niOHt tniRlo Rort of a failure Ills drowns of uttalnniont nro nil woll enough but bo nhould novor loso night of tho fact that they nro druaiiiR mid will not rorclvo recogni tion until ho hits somehow forged thorn Into actualities. IIo inny enjoy IiIh droaniR and find real comfort nnd connotation In their promises, but ho can not expect other people to do thin. It In u practical world, aftor nil, nnd yot with n vory nunc and wholesome JiiHtlro In moHt of Its practicality. For Hlandnrds nnd gouts nro of llttlo vnluo If n near ac complishment Is an good as tho real nttalnmont. It Ih by tho couuupats of nnrrow margins that the contented galnn nro offoctod. "I ask no inoro than this, to bo A toller horo awhllo 'Ero I go forth upon tho son That wears oternnl smllo." CAPT. MACQENN I ask no more than Just to boo On Front street a stroot car Until I reach that llttlo street Whore my possessions aro. A. J. MENDEL i i asic no moro tnan to do neb And frco from all concern. Until I reach that bourno from which No travolors roturn. PRANK PARSONS , i I ask no moro than thrco squaro tnoala And health nnd lovo oach day, Till tho fool killer comes nnd stoals My happy soul away. GEO. N. BOLT I ask to soo a good' club hore Whllo still on oarth I roam: Then go I gladly, without foar, To my etornal homo. "MICKEY" McKEOWN I ask no moro than Just to seo A forty-Inning tlo, Boforo I'm called upon to bo An angol In tho sky. ARCHIE JOHNSON I i asic oi nuo uut mis, no moro On nn noroplano to faro To Rosoburg and back again, boforo I climb tho golden stair. ROY LAWHORNE I ask to boo a big "Whlto Hopo" Oct "Lll Artha's" goat Doforo I'm Bwung out on a ropo And don a woodon coat. THE FIGHT FAN I .. . . . MORE BGQUETS mb .. . jt 0. mm k IFA UK HP Tho minors who struck on April 1 aro not oncournglng tliolr wives to buy Eastor bonnets. Although tho old battleship Mnlno Ib btirlod, It might bo woll to con tinue remembering It. Horo's hoping tho Marsh field wom en will not hot ninny Hprlng lints on tho rosult of tho primary election. Amolla was loved by twin Dros. They complotoly cut out nil tho Os. Hut Amelia wan loatho To marry thorn boatho So bIio still hangs around nt hor Mos. It Ih not too Boon for John Gobs to begin collating a lint of things to bo "vlowod with iilnrm" at tho Bnltl moro convention. Tho gontlcmnn who threatened to forco tho nomination of Colonol RoobovoR Ih finding It moro of n tnslc than ho bad anticipated. Prominent Men Praise Special Railway Number of The Times. Tho Times continues to recelvo many compliments from men In var ious parts of tho country for tho spe cial edition. Tho Chamber of Com merce Is also rccolvlng many congrat ulatory lettors on It as an adver tisement for this section. Horo are a fow of tho lntest lettors received: GOOD WORDS KHOM GE.VEUAIi FREIGHT AGKXT OF SOUTH- KHN PACIFIC. Portland, Ore., March 23, 1312. Mr, M. C. Mnloncy, Editor and Publisher, Coos Day Times. Denr Sir: I am In receipt of a copy of tho Hallway Edition of tho "Coos Day Timos." which I havo read with con siderable Interest nnd wish to compll mont you on tho thorough nnd com plete dntn covorlng tho resources of the County which Is contained there in. You will note from the attached cupping from the "Orogonlnn" of March 21, that tho railroad from Eugene Ib being rushed, nnd I hopo It will not bo very long until wo nro ablo to haul to market tho surplus nogs or coos county. Yours truly, H. E. LOUNSnURY. Gonornl Freight Agent Southern Tnclflc Lines In Orogon. (Tho clipping enclosed tolls of ac tive, work on the Eugene lino nnd hns boon published In The Times). REST I.V THE STATE (From tho Gold Bench Globo) Tho Railroad Edition of tho Coos uny mnos or March 10, Betting forth tlie various resources of Coos County nnd particularly Coos Ilnv. fills the bill hotter to our way of thinking, thnn nn tiling' over at tempted boforo In this state. The cdltkn contains lo pngos printed on um iiiiem or uonic paper, giving bonu tlful picture with descriptive mnt ter of till tho Industries of Coob loiiu.y. Every citizen of Coos Coun ty should, and doubtless does, appre ciate the efforts of Ilro. Malonoy boosting the county In such n force ful way. nnd expects to look nt it moro care fully Inter. Yours truly, Tho Portland Flouring Mill Co. F. L. SHULL,. Socrotnry. SE.YATOR CHAMDKRLAIN CON GRATULATES Washington, D. C. March 2C. M. C. Maloney, My Denr Sir: ..,.,. I havo received the Special Rail way Edition of "Tho Coos Bay Dally Times." I wnnt to congrntulato you upon llio excellence of tho paper, both In mechanical and artistic ar rangement nnd In tho ability dis played In all that Is printed therein. I am always glad to seo such crcdlt nb'e publications from Orogon nnd from your section of tho state In particular; It shows Hint your good peoplo aro thoroughly aroused and aro determined to mnko tho Coos nay country second to none in the West. Agnln congratulating you, 1 have tho honor to remain, Yours very sincerely, GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. CONGRESSMAN' HAWLEV SHOWS IT TO CALLERS HotiBo of Representatives, U. S., Washington, D. C Mnrch 27, 1912. M. C. Malonoy, MarBhflold, Oregon. My Dear Sir: t rave received a copy of the Spe cial Railway Edition of tho Coos Day Times. I am very glad to havo tho Infor mation contained In tho splendid edi tion you send mo. I nm grcntly In terested In Coos Day nnd especially the development of your waterway and am glad to know that yon will booh havo rail connection which will moan much to tho development of your rich soctlon. Much nttontlon lins been nttractod In tho cnBt to Coos Hny nnd I nm glnd to bnvo tho edi tion you send mo to Bhow tho persons who call at my offlco from tlmo to tlmo' ns It will give them n fund of nliinhlo nnd nrcurnte Information. With best wishes and desiring lo Rorvp the Lest Interests of your lo cality nt nny tlnw, I nm. Yours truly. W. C. HAWLEY. Well Lighted Houses Are Possible to Every0nc An atmosphere o comfort and cheer able in every well lighted home. is notice. Good lighting costs no more than poor ligHtin Tungsten (Mazda) lamps give nearly i)lrci times as much light for the same current sumption as do carbon lanqht. The first cost of tungsten lamps and pr0pe shades is repaid many times in .w,v.,,. without mcreasinc: the bills lighting TIMIIUTK FROM COLORADO GET I1USV IF YOU havon't registered yot, resistor. Tho person who falls to qualify for voting In nu oloe tlon fnlln to obsorvo tho fuudnmont- ul duty or good citizenship. Having reglstorod study tho var ious candidates, particularly thoso for local olllco. Upon tho proper Holoctlon doponds propor government In Coos County. Tho prima requisite Is ofllcluncy. Pnrtlzan politics havo no pluco. Cna this man mnko good 7 Is ho tho ono boat quallilod by training, capability and charactod for tho Job? Tho votor should oxorclse tho samo study and enro upon tho selection of public o Ulcers that ho would uao In tho soloctlon of mon In his private UUHlnOBS. Tboro Is no olllco which Is not Im portant. Tho nsHOHsor, shorlff, coun ty clork, coronor, county Judgo, coun ty commissioners, an luoniclont or dlshonost man lu any of thoso posi tion would cost tho taxpayors of tho county Indefinitely moro thnn tlmo and energy necessary for a careful study of their records. There aro only u fow weeks moro. Got busy. Upon tho Judgmout nnd discretion of tho votor depends tho growth and prosperity of Cooa County. run uuiHT OUSKIIYKK SAYS: "Sand, spunk nnd stlck-nt-lt- lvones8 nnk tho doalor for two cardH to that mitt nnd fill. Whllo oxamlntng n rovolvor tho othor dny, a Chlcngo man nccldcntly Bhot n wisdom tooth out tho mouth friend feel qulto foolish for a fow friends fool qulto foolish for a fow minutes. An Indiana mnn dlod Inst wool aftor having smoked habitually for sovonty yonrB. Wo almost mmnnpt Hint Bomo of his holrs sat down nnd flgurod out how much moro of nn es tnto ho might hnvo loft had ho novor contracted tho tobacco habit. Horo's to mo, Mamma's prldo and rops uonst And my boIob nt night which thoy roast. Horo's my llttlo chub noso And my ton curly tose How's tbnt for a llttlo "Milk Toast"? MARK TWAIN ON' PROHIBITION. DO YOU HEMKMHEH THEM? Whoro aro tho songs of yoatorday? Where aro tho tunes wo used to play? Whoro aro tho hits of other days? Whoro aro tho girls wo used to pralso? i "Kwoot Hollo Mahono" and "Dear Loulso" Woro wont to crowd tho niunmor . broozo; Old "Annlo Roonoy," alto was truo, So woro "Two Llttlo Girls In Dluo." "Down wont McQInty" mndo us roar, "Slide, Kelly, Slldo" got an oucoro "Whlto Wings" wo loved among tho airs, Aud "Climbing up tho Golden Stairs" Mark Twain said: "I am n frlon.i of prohibition nnd I wnnt It to suc ceed, but I don't think prohibition Js practical, Tho Germans, you soo, prevent It. Look at thorn. Thoy havo Just invented n wny of making uranuy our. or sawdust. Now what chance will prohibition havo whon a man can take a rip saw and go out and get a drink with n fouco rail? What Is tho good of prohibition if a man Is ablo to mnko brandy out of tho shingles of his roof, or If ho can get delirium tromens by dribklng tho logs off his kitchen table?" If you hive anything to tell, trade, rent, or want help, try a want ti. iiowh ring V offer One Hundred DnlUn nu-rH ..- ny c of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ull'i Catarrh Cure. V J OIIKNRV CO., Toledo, O. Wo. the umlcrnlutitsl. hvp Innun ir i ni.. tiejr fortlie lai I4jear, anil bollevo him per "Aftor tho nail" and "Sweet Mario" I fwllv honorable In all,.,,. iraiia"toii Onco tlllod tho world with harmony J fiou.miVie by Viu nrm'"crry ou,""y ob"gl1 And old "Ta-ra-ra-boom-do-ay" wummi.'kinnam 4 Mauvin. Whoro aro tho songs of yesterday? ammm Tho Timos' Want Ads bring rosultt The Times' office. ... .. . JV10'"! UruKKliti, Toledo, O. liiKllrecilriiiaatbe blooj ami muiijui tiue fcieei of the ajrilfm TeHlmontaU ent free. l'rlce75oenmerbott e. 8iJ byaUitruKft. Tak Hall'a 'family I'llU for coiutli'itfon. WILL DO A LOT OF GOOD Portland. Oro., Mnrch 20, 1012. M. C. Maloney, Dear Sir: It was only yesterdny wo got the copies of tiie Coos liny Timos Mont ns by tho MarBhflold Chnmbor of Commerce, and alrondy three- poople havo volunteered most compliment ary remarks concerning It. and we iiiivu nu a cotipio or special requests as woll. 1 wnnt to add my own congrntiiln- llfltlH ,,, .... Iduii. .1 & ...... m , " " "iu inai win uo a lot r good to your section. Truly yours. C CI CHAPMAN'. GEXERAL .MA.VAGER O'llRIE.V HAYS IT IH SOMETHING TO HE PROUD OF. Portland. Oro.. Mnrnl. oi into My Denr .Mr. .Malonoy: 1 wish to oxtoud to you my hoart Icbi congriitulatlons on tho magnlfl cent spoc al Ihsiiu r.r vn. ..?..' copy of which tins Just reached my iu i, i "" "iwiiiniy say that this js tho best nnd most complete, special ssuo of any paper I havo soon In the .Northwest aud the citizens of Corn Hay should feel proud of It. lt kindest rognids, Yours very truly, J. P. O'llRIE.V. STT.'i, SL'PERINTEXDEXT OF Pl'HLIO IXSTRUCTIO.V IS A COOS 11.1V ROOSTER. fr m n .,Sn.,ow' 0ro- March 20. Mr. M. C. Malonoy, Marshflold, Orogon. Mr. Denr Mr. Malonoy: in1 nss"ro l wa vory glnd to got tho lllustratod number of tho always Rood Coos Day Tlmos, nnd I assure JOU I hono tn tnWn H,o n..i. sleopor many tlmos to Coos Day. bo causo I enjoy golnir In Rn m..M.' t shall probably go in by boat or stago n tlmo or two. iim t m ,!.. old tlmos. DUtt0 ol you, Indeed, havo a great country, a progressiva nnnnin nH . yjj Jul future. I tako groat pleasure In tolling pooplo In all parts of tho stato about your flno harbor, your rich mines, your wonderful timber, and jour Incompnrablo cllmato. f toll e" yo-:s Is a land of big apples, of brave boys, and of protty girls where tho clouds drop fatness.ajd the crops never fall. I never t re of telling them of tho trip I had there SnVT' l to11 them Cos Day Is a -- "v, um or a Bmne mat can ?.nl com,e ,"' l t0 tnon yo Jmvo (,".? 8ch00,2 nnd th0 ne"t school houses In tho land. Wishing you contlnuod success, K ?5fi'i5?, l wm b0 ,n on Yours very sincerely, Li. It. aT.runr iv State SuDorlntemlonf n,.i.u.' t structlon. lul In n lcttor to tho Mnrshflold Chnm- hpr of Commerce. A. J. McClellnnd of Pueblo, Colo., nnyn: "Plonso Bond to Uoymnr, Rocky Ford, Colo., ono of tho special edi tion of the Coos Day Times. Tboro nro Bovornl families nt Rocky Ford who nro looking for nn Investment In Orogon. "That Bpoclal edition Is n credit to any town or oven city of 100,000 Inhabitants." HAVI1 YOU REGISTERED? Tho InBt day on which voters may reglBtor In ordor tbnt thoy mny enst tholr bnllot nt tho prl- mnry oloctlon April 19th Ib April Cth. Got busy nnd rogls- tor nil yon who hnvo not dono BO. Lot our oxpcrls assist you in getting full vn,le out of the electric current you pay f0v. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co, BAN FLANAGAN & BENNETT MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of ItiiHlncKN, l-'ch, o, ipj RESOURCES. llnnklng Houso '" ' J- " J Cash and Evcbanges ics'iJijil 1U"" " iciuiirJ LIAUILITIES. Capital Stock paid lu , r901i Surplus und Undivldod Prollta ' 67 4tlr """ UMIHil 1011,1 1811,11111 It would surprlno you to know of tho groat good tbnt Is bolng dono by Chnmborlnln's Tablets. Darius Dow noy, of Nowborg Junction, N. U., writes, "My wlfo has been using Chnmborlaln'a Tablots and finds thorn vory offoctual and doing hor lots of good." If you havo any troublo with your stomach or bowols glvo thorn a trial. For salo by nil doalora. Ask to See Our Specials at $12.50 The to $15 Suit Every Garment Guaranteed FIXUP Marshfield & North Bend CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bar t ,1... r.1...,.- .., . l ,i tnu viuic ui DuaiucHs rcoruary -uui, iui, RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts III,lll!( Honds, warrants nnd securities 7S.SXI1 U. S. bonds to socuro circulation SS.OOt.H Real ostato, furnlturo and fixtures '. siidlll Cash and sight exchange 111,5011 Total ' MJ.Wia 'VJJP'J- J i ' LIAmHTIES. Capital stock paid In flOMIIH Surplus nnd undivided profits ,, t,lllll Dividends unpaid H Reserve for taxes mm Circulation, outstanding H,(H Doposlts 410.SI1H Total 35,nin In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of StockieU- era is J1UO.OQ0.00. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Glvo ua a domnrlptlon of your property and we will obtain orr amount of taxes on wme. Sheriff does not notify you. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Parle Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. 1 Snow Drift Flour 1 Highest Qualify f! THINKS IT A REMARKABLE EDrriov 1 1 m l1"' 80cretary of tho Port- to H. w. Painter on business, men tions receipt of a copy of The Times in tho following complimentary man ner; Wo received the Coos Day Tlmoa. It has been examined with much In- IhiSl1 uy. Soveral of ua and w think It is a remarkable edition for a tpwn of he size pf yours. Mr.' PnnS -was particularly Interested' In the development that It shown!" 8 u h0..wa8 'n Coos Bay. The writer still has the papr on his desk NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, Notice Is hereby glvon that the undersigned has filed her final ac count In tho matter of the estate of Byron F. Savage, deceased, and the County Court of Coos County, Ore gon, baa sot Monday, tho 1st day of April, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at CoqulIIe City, Coos County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of objections to earn, nnai account and the settlement nf said estate. Now all persons having objections to said final account are hereby noti fied to nie the same with the clerk of the above named court on or be fore said date. Dated this 29th day of February. 1912. EMMA R. SAVAGE, Executrix of the estate of Byron F. Savage, deceased. (First publication Feb. 89, 1912; last puoucauon March 28, 1912.) Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods'Called for andDelivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J 4 T?.S?.ern,.Br,ok Bunt, Electric !?" ataam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Roonu with Hot ana uoid Water. H O T E L .O O OS Rt. m A- MBTUN. Prop. pjt?ent8 a Day and Upwards Cor. Broadwmy and Market Marahfleld. Orejron. Union Oils JAHOLINK DI8TILL4IB I1ENZINE KKRWI SAMSON GAS EN'fJWBi and CENTRIFUGAL FUW Coos Bay Oil SSupplyCf fwhfleI(L Ore. PHOI" JIall Orders BolleJte. Blanchard's Liyej ten of L. H. Helsrsr an4 "J pared to render exceiifni hi-" the poople of Cot-' uay. " h ni mMn ntiafactorr if. the public. Phone ui for J" horse, a rig or anything nN tha IlTrarr line. We alio i g buslneu of ll iUZmvin BLANcnARD nnoTBa Phone U-J t. Llrery, Feed aaflM 141 First ana aij -- R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 1 f . lt 'HoKihJFrtmt Street iMENgJ REAL ESTATE 7?;o;, mtuandOm side Property. AUG. FRIZEBN. 68 Central Ave(1MaT bhavMutavmfe..vt- 1 t mv r'imr 1 tm mm M WANTED jU rtr" rrr;rh. p riArttW TO UliJU&Jii til - 1 Ue CImvJi v3iBpfty. v" work Uktarttf ' u M ooinu ,f IWHf waijn, aCS raoKK 1 u