COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1912-EVENlNG EDITION THE first Class Auto Servb Special trips to North Ben . . Emplro any tlmo. Train Ja J calls a specialty. phono J?8 Wl and day. After 11 P ji p'8 Rostnurant, Phono D-J.' ' rJ rhono28-J. ,let,dei PECK'S VIEW OF DC IN Bmm - jlflfr-Absolutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar COUNTY COURT as Coqulllo ferryman 120.00 Coqulllo Unrdwnro Co., ono pair oars, Coqulllo Forry 2.00 It. W. Uullurd, operating and maintaining Dullard's forry.120.00 It. V. Dullard, ferry bcow and skiff, Uiillard'a forry 100.00 South Slough Drldgc. Josoph J. Younkor, freight on launch 3.2C W. W. Duggan, services as brldgo toudor CC.CC Wyman Albco, sorvlccs as brldgo tondor 33.31 Honda and Drldgcs. E. N. Harry, cimh advanced and . aorvlccA as H. D. 8upar., II. D. No. 12 010.25 John Fabry, cash advanced and services as It. U. Super., It. D. No. 13 193.05 Labor and Material It. D. No. 8. Pioneer Hardware Co,, nails. . .1.50 Goo. T. Coloman, roda, earnings. 5.50 1 L. Houndtroo, labor COO A. F. Johnson, supervisor. .. .22.50 Prod Muotzol, lumber 42.00 K. Vanburgor, labor 8.00 V. P. Krlck, labor 9.00 It. D. No. 12. E. N. Harry, maintaining and furnishing road camp ....150.70 Coqulllo Hardware Co., splices, wcdgoB, otc 17.95 Hilling. Lundy & Sons, shovels. S.10 Chas, AdnniB, bnrs, drift boltB, plow, etc., It. I). No. 13.... 81.70 Sugar Loaf Lumber Co., luni- bor, It. D. No. 23 7.50 Sam S. Sherwood, driving pile at Dullard's slip 5.00 J. 13. Wnlstram, freight for It. D. No. 19 1.20 Hugh McClnln, boiler, englno nnd equipment, rock crush- or 830.00 Coqulllo Mill ft Mercantile Co., lumbor, rock crnahor S.CI Coos Day, rtosohurg & Eastern It It. & Nav. Co.. frolght. . . .30.00 Socurlty Vault & Metal Works. noatablo culverts 255.23 A. N. Gould, locating and mllo- ogo, road near Dear Creok. .14.00 Bandon South County Lino Head. A. N. Gould, surveying, mllo- ngo, map, profiles, otc 222.80 Elbort Dyer, vlowlng and nillo- ago C1.80 Z. T. Blglln, viewing nnd mllo- ago 57.50 Donzel Kay, chntnmau 33.35 J. C. Hulllvnn, clialumnu ....33.35 Jack HoskliiH, ax man 20.00 A. II. Colgrovo, rodmnn 25.00 Kd Luke, axman 25.00 Two Mllo ltoad. A. N. Gould, surveying, mllo- ogo, maps, profiles, otc. .. .210.75 Elbort Dyer, vlowlng and mllo- ago , . . 54. SO Z. T, 8lglln, viewing and mllo- ago 53.00 J, O. Sullivan, chaluman ....42.00 Donzol Knv. chaluman G2.25 Jack Hosklns, axman 32.50 j A. II, Colgrovo, axman 32.50 .Ed Luke, axman 25,00 I I. V. Hundlo, nxman 7.50 j Wlllott Easement ltoad. , A N Gould, surveying, maps, I profiles, otc 19.70 Elbert Dyor, vlowor and mllu- ago 11.40 , Z, T. Slglln, viewer and mllo- ago 8.20 J. O. Sullivan, chnlnman 3.00 Wlllott. nxman 2.50 Llovd Spires, wltnoss nnd mllo- ogo, Cooper nrlilgo road.... 4. 00 In He Officers' Hills. Clerk' Office. kInos P, llunch, labor I 12R 00 Goo O Loach, labor 39.00 Dorothy Watson, labor ....135.00 PROCEEDINGS Sheriffs Of flea, AHeo Tlokcll, labor 41.25 O. M G.xidmnn. labor S2.50 Goo O l.eaeh. labor 133.00 It, R Pounder, labor 45.00 T 11 Cnrrlo. labor 27.00 Ida Eisner, labor 27.50 Fred H Gardnor. labor ......81.00 A Sullivan, labor 79.50 Btovo Connor, labor 64.50 T. D. Currlo, labor 7S.00 Powdei W. W. Gage, oxponso arrest and roturn of Lambert and Thorn 82.55 County School Superintendent's Of flco. W. II. Bunch, two months' sal ary and oxponao, County Su perintendent 242.90 Minnie M. Hormnnn, assisting, teachers' stnto exams 12.00 Graco Williams, exam, olghth grade MSS 9.00 Mlnnlo McCloskcy, oxnm. olghth grado MSS 9.00 Mlnnlo Hermann, oxnm. olghth grado MSS 9.00 Hollo Gould, exam, olghth grado MSS 9.00 J. T. McCormac, two months' salary and oxponso, school Supervisor 213.30 Incs F. Hunch, recording school library books 35.00 P. M. Hall-Lowla, salary and ox ponso, County Fruit Inspec tor 272.12 Hollo Thrift, labor assessor's of flco 30.00 Dr. Walter Culln, two months' salary as Health Officer. . .41.78 A. N. Gould, copying, binding, etc. government field notcs.127.15 County Court. John F. Hall, two months' sal ary, ensh advanced, County Judgo 184. 0C W. T. Domont, County Commis sioner oxnm. roads nnd Drldgos, otc C0.C0 Geo. J. Armstrong, county Com missioner, oxnm. ronda and bridges, otc .49.40 In Ho Hills Continued or Not Al lowed. Stnto vs. Lngorstrom, C. L. Ponnock, J. P. claim $3.00. Not allowed. C. L. Ponnock, trnnscrlpt of cost nnd disbursements, $3, Not allowed. ninghnm vs. Deck, C. L. Ponnock, claim 18.00. Not allowed. W. II. Cox. claim 10.50. Not nllowoil. Coqulllo Hornld, pub. notices to tax-' payors, claim 5. Continued. I Coos Day Harbor, pub. notices to! taxpayers, claim $0.50. Continued. Stato of Oregon, County of Coos. BH. I. James Wntson. County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, cx-offlclo Clerk of tho County Court for snld County and Stnto, rustodlnn of tho records, nrchlvos nnd files of Bnld Conntv do hereby cortlfy thnt tho foregoing la n truo and rorrect state ment of tho amount of bills allowed, continued or not nllowod, on tho various funds of tho County na aud ited by tho County Court of Bnld County nnd Stnto nt tho regular March, 1912, term thereof, as tho same appear In the Journals of Bald Court now In my offlco nnd custody. Witness my hnnd nnd Bonl of tho County Court nfflxod this 9th day of March, A. D. 1912. JAMES WATSON. County Clork. NEW SERVICE TO FLORENCE Plan to Put on Auto Scngo From flnttllner Thctv. Tho Florence West saya: Parties' aro making nrrangornonts to run an ' auto stago betweon Glennda and1 Gardiner. i They hit otul to lonvo Glennda In tho morning and roturn In tho aftor-, noon. This la to bo accomplished by building two scows, putting ono on ' Tslltcoos Lake and one an Flvo Mllo Lake, and building n rond about ono- nuir or a mllo in length botweou tho two lakes. Passengers will bo taken by nuto moblle to the first lnko and on to n scow wlilch will bo propollod ncross by the power of tho auto; go to tho noAt and In tho same mnnnor cross It. This shortens th route greatly am) makes It possible to make the trips Iu .much less time than by the losd around V o lnkos. POUT TAX NOTICE All tax payers who doslro to havo tholr port tax used for the Improve ment of tho harbor aro roquostcd to ImmodlHtoly sign n relinquishment directing tho snmo to bo paid to Dr. B. Mlngus, Trusteo. This can bo dono at either Flanagan & nonnott Dank, tho First National Dank or tho Chamber of Commerco. J. T. McCORMAC, Pres. Chamber of Commorco j Continued from page l.) first mistake was matlo In tlio Insor finn nf thnt klml of a notlco provis ion In tho 1'ort Law; tlio second mis- ( tnkn wna mnilo In not complying with such provision after tlio snmo timl linnn Itinnrtnil. Am preparing a potltlon for re-, t I fu .I.IIiIhi I . t n1rt .. i. it uoaniig ami iu uuumuu iu uonmi, .. chnngo In tho decision, shnll ask for a ruling on othor questions Involved, to tho end that tho futuro Port may not havo to lltlgato thoso questions boforo a bond Issue and salo. Shnll also ask that tho Supromo Court do lay tho taking effect of Its doclslon for a fow weeks to onnblo tho Port to completo Its unfinished buslnoss and wind up Its affairs. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Tho Times will bo pleased to pub lish letters from Its rcadors on all questions of public Intoroat. Each letter must D0 fll8ncd by tD0 wrltor, and so far as posslblo bo limited to 200 words. In publishing theso lot tors It must bo undorstood that Tho Times docs not lndorso tho vlows ex pressed therein It 13 almply affording a means for tho voicing of dlffcront opinions on all questions affecting tho public wolfaro. Editor TlmoB: Lot ub "How to tho line," nnd lot tho lomons fall whoro thoy rany. I can't understand why tho Tnft folks should complnln becnuso Dourno followed tho lend of Aldrlch I in tariff legislation. Has not Mr. I Tnft pronounced Aldrlch n "pntrl- I ot?" Slnco when Is It treason to j follow In tho footsteps of a "patri ot?" And why should thoy com plain of tho Aldrlch bill? Is not I Mr. Taft Bntlsflcd with It? Has ho not said It was tho best that could jbo dono? Does It not bear Taft's O. K.7 Thon why Inmbast Dourno for following tho Aldrlch load? I Yes, Taft did ndvocato tho gov ernment of Alaska by a commission. Tho commission to bo nppolntcd by Tnft, thus depriving tho peoplo of Alaska of tho right to goyern thorn solves, tho right of 'autonomy. Is that Idea American, or Is It mon archical? Is that something to hoi lor about? Mr. Taft at first opposed tho crea tion of n bonrd to adjust tariff rates. Later ho approved. Now really I wonder why? Did ho seo In this a clinnco to delay action on tho tariff? Is this n part of tho groat schomo of "how not to do It?" Mr. Tnft hns prosecuted tho trusts, but to what purpose? Has anybody gotten nnywhoro by thoso proceed ings? Has It rolcnscd tho hold of tho trusts on any commodities In tho slightest dogrco? Hnvo any prices boon reduced? If thoso prosecutions hnmpor, then why aro tho stocks of somo of theso chnstonod violators of tho law on tho rlso? Why aro theso snmo trusts shouting for Tnft? 8lnco when hns tho ox ceased to "Know hla ownor and the nss his master's crib?" I onco know threo thugs to go Into n grocery store and whllo ono ontortnlnod tho proprietor with a song nnd dnnco tho othor two robbed his till. GEO. WATKINS. GEO. P. LAIRD of Dnndon enmo ov or today to bo initiated by tho Marohflold Lodgo of Elks tonight. NOTICE TO ELKS All members of tho Mnrshllold Lodgo of Elks and all visiting Elks aro urged to bo prosont nt session Wednesday night, April 3. Installa tion of ofllcors, initiation and big doings nftorwardB. GEO. GOODRUM, Soc. AVOID HARSH DRUGS Many Carthnrtlcs Tend to Cause In Jury to the Don els. If you are subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs nnd cathartics. Thoy only glvo tempor ary relief nnd their reaction la harm ful and sometimes more annoying than constipation. Thoy in no way effect a euro and tholr tendency is to wonkeu iho nlready weak organs with wlilch they como In contact. Wo honestly bellovo thnt wo havo tho best conatlpntlou treatment ovor devised. Our faith In It Is so strong that wo sell It on tho posltlvo guar antee that it slsall not cost tho usor n cent If It does not glvo ontlro satis faction nud completely romedy con btlpntlou, This preparation Is called Itexall Orderlies. Thoso aro prompt, soothlug, nnd most effective In ac tion. .They nre mnde of a recent chemical dlscovory. Tholr principal Ingrodlent Is odorloss, tasteless, ami colorless. Combined with other well known Ingredients, long established for their usefulness In tho treatment of constipation, It forms n tablet which is oaton Just llko candy. Thoy may be taken nt any time, eltl or day j or night, without fear of their onus-, lug any lueonveulence whatever. They do not gripe, purge, nor enuso ' nausen. They net without causing nay pain or excessive looseness of 1 the bowels. They are lilonl for chll-' droit, weak, delicate persons, and aged people, as well as for the most honrty person. Thoy come in throe slzo paekagos, 12 tablets, 10 oents; 30 tablets. 25 conta; SO tablots. 50 cents. Uoniom ber, you can obtain thorn only at our fctoro Tho Roxnll Storo. Lookhnrt Pnrsons Drug Co., "Tlio Dusy Corner." WWMM ' Ir"' .J TQUAWtY a stHl bctterl W H ALL, three combine to l. boost our sales of STETSON hats. The new Spring "Stetson" hats possess a style and dis tinction not found in any other hats. . "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshficld. STR. WASHINGTON WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO, FROM COOS BAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3. STEAMER HOMER SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM ' CO OS BAY THURSDAY, APRIL 4, AT NOON. F. S. Dow, Agent Ocean Dock VAST AND Steamer Redondo KQUIPPKD WITH WHIELKHS AND SUDMAIUNI3 HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOSBAY Saturday, April 6, At 3 P. M. INTKR-OCEAN TItANHPOUTATION COMPANY. Phono 14. O. P. McGEOHGK, Agent. 'THE FRIEND S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Portland for Cocs Bay at, 6:00 P. M., Friday, April 5 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 41. O. l McGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SLP Breakwater ALWAYS SAILS PROM PORTLAND AT O SAILS PROM COOS DAY APRIL rrm.' mini.' THE TIDE. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENG8TACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offlco Phono 191 Marehfleld Offlco 14-J. Farmi Timber Coal and Platting Lands a peclalty. Qenaral Agents "EASTSIDP." HURRY! IT'S GOING FAST We have n limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foo.t lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load while it lasts. ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co.,, Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Bandon. COMMODIOUS OP COOS DAY' ON TIME. A. M. ON APRIL .1, 10. 17 nnd 21. O, la, JIO AND 27, AT SERVICE OP ' ""niwu jv L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Phono Main 3."50. WM. S. TURPEn ttrcnitecti 171 FRONT RT IftlUIIIWIIIWI !! IIM1L- Coos Bay Naturopath College CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATrnn HYDROTHERAPY and all branches or Natural Thin. pontics taught. Terras reaion For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Ilcnd, Oregon. We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of lint cIubs Electrical material nnd cm glvo our patrons n very low price on houso wiring, act our price you enn't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J THY TUB EDGH WITH TOUB FINGER. Examlno a collar frcah tram eu laundry. Notice Its clsar, whlu col or, Its ron, elaatlo stlffntH, b smooth nnd Its perfect snap. Thon tost tho top edis by rnnnlij your flngor-tlp over It. Notice U smooth, slick finish cWtm It. NoU Ing there to rub, dig or Irritate jmt neck. This test trill prove the nine et our service. Send us a trial bnnlle and apply the test Marshficld, Hand & Steam Laundry Manxey Hros. Props Phone MM, Our Wagons Qo Anywhere Airuae, Unique Pantatorium TnK MODERN DYERS, CLKANKRi, PRKS9URS and nAT RENOVAXOM Agent for Edward E. Strauu ft Co. flno Tailoring Let us make yoor next Suit. 2.1ft Gommrcclnl. Phone 2S0-X. Have That Roof Fixed HOW Seo CORTIIELL Phone 8191 The Electric Shoe Shop IS ATIERn THEY IIUY BII0E9 FROM 91 PER PAIR UP. THE WiEOTRIO SHOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway MariMWd PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlor. We are equipped to do high elm work on short notice at the wj lowest prices. Examination fr Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone lll'J. . put. G. W. LESLIE, - Osteopathic Physician Oraduate of tho American school ot Osteopathy at Ktrksvllle, Mo. Offlc In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 1 4 Phone 161-J; Marshflold; Orttoa. J W. BENNBT1, Lawyer. )fflse over Flanagan & Bennett Bo larshflold Or0B DR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marehfleld, Oregon. Mce: Lockhart Building, Opposite post ofllco. Phone lOjj City Auto Service rood Cars, Careful Drivers reasonable charges. Our mW";, "Will go anywhere at any time. Stands Dlanco Hotel and B'D?' Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 na Night Phone 46. j-. BARKER & OOODALE. Propi1on. T. J. BCAIFE $J A. H. HODQlNi Marshfield Paints (Sh Decorating Co. Furnished Phono KOL OreK A TURinHH HATH will do Ta GOOD. Phone 214J. """""" ,.-. it Have your Job printing o- I The Times' office.