THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Boys' Suits V17E want you parents to see the new things we have for your boys to wear. We have made a special feature, this year, of Boy's Double-Breasted Knickerbocker Suits with two pairs of linen lined Pants to each Suit Prices $400 to $7.50 JBoys' Russian Suits 2l2 to 7 Years $3.00 to $6.00 Boys' Confirmation Suits in Dark Blue Serge $5.00 to $7.50 Woolen Mill Store MARSHFIELD MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIERS OREGON 391 mm Fine Summer PERFUMES tw - -i t-rr-in - rwm-m. . , ,. , ..' Wc have a number of delicate, delightful scents that give a perfect finishing touch to the summer toilet The exquisite fragrance of these high-class perfumes cannot be ex celled by any perfumes you may buy elsewhere at double the pnee. These perfumes deli cately conceal the odor of perspiration. Wm, L. Cooko, prop, of tho Deo Illvo Drug Storo, Nolhart, Mont., nays tho Dolt Canon running from Dolt to Nolhart is tho moBt plcturosquo npot In all Montana. Ho writes, "I ro rommond Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound to nil my customors and nra novor dlsappolntod. It glvos tho best results for coughs and colds of anything I soil." Rod Cross Drug Storo. Askfi or "Harmony Perfumes" For Sale Only at l&naJUL Store 77io LOCKH ART-PARSONS DRUG CO. The "Busy Cor ter" Holly Chick Peed The Ideal Food for young chickens. A complete balanced ration that will make chicks grow and keep them healthy. We luivo it ill 25, 50 and 100 pound sacks. Full line of Poultry Foods. The Bazar Plwne 32 The Rouse of Quality. WANT ADS. ")ST Small poarl hrooch, grape "l design. Howard for roturu to "me office. LASTED Splendid opportunity for joung udy i0 ,oarH Ginnery ominesa and earn money while warnaB Address In own hand- ""ub. Millinery," euro Times. w a a A.,.a'; Tea m of work horses, "'v '" and 7 years' harness it.. ?son; also 10-horaopower iith i ller aua engine equlppod j circular and cross-cut saw for ?wng wood; fine, for clearing h,ui I'ulHng stumps; all go at wrgala. pllouo 3UC VKSTMHXT CHAXCK 5 faullil. latent f0F 725: e!l8' torms- n0 ii.A.1 no taxes; several of these sortme ,8 ,mvo been sold wUh left Xe,!Us,ne5 nly a 'ew more room U or wrlto E. S. Gear, hdldln Flr8t Na"onal Dank tract ouqulro Coos Cafo, 150 No. Front street. SEND to K. (). Hull Employment Ag ency for all kinds of help, mule or fomalo. Phono IC9-J. WANTED Messenger boy, must be over 10 years old and have a blcy clo. Apply Western Union Tele graph ofltco. WANTKI) Girl or woman for light housework at once. Phono 239-J.i Royal Theater offers An entire change of pro gram Tonight. THE TWO fOXES In a New Act "The Haunted House" PICTURES "The Hold-up," Cowboy Military Comedy. "Breaking tho Seventh Commandment" Dramatic. ALL FOR 10c. FOR RENT Two bright sunny front rooms. 373 South Fourth st. WANTED Six experienced coal miners two-pump-men; one rope rider. Apply Deavor Hill Coal Co. FOR SALE Ono now 20-foot gaso lino launch. See Max Tlmmer mnn, 862 North Front stret. TWO FUHNISHED llOOMS to rent. 392 Droadway. - fro.n5vXT Two bright, sunny Bridies. rooms. 373 So. Pnnrth at brlai"'K--'TMo r,d,ne saddles and At ono ifn . IJacK saddle with out- Itr Iii . 00t 8C0W. 20 ton capao Van zni I? E00tl order. O. J. ze. North Dend; Phono 490. TEl) Houel. ,!- ,i Wring either by day or by con- Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Heasonablo Hates All Night Service Careful driving assured. rt nl.nnn Tnnl ItaOin. 231-R until 11 P. M. After 11 P. M. phone 5-J. Palace Restaurant. t i GIF Don't forgot the Turkish Datns. PHONE S14J. ftit your 30b printing done at BKBlthtKjn f TOSUUUfcaB Builders of Homes. Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates areBEALMoneyMakers Send for Booklet 604-5 6 CorbottBld$Poriland Ore COOS DAY TIDES. Del -w Is given tho time and height of high and low water at Mnrshtlold. Th tides are placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr times on the first lino and heights on tho sec ond line of each day; n comparison of consecutive heights will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. April. 9.22 0.3 10.03 0.4 10.45 0.3 11.27 0.1 12.14 0.3 Date. Ilrs. .3.20 Foot .0.8 Ilrs. .3.53 Feet .0.8 Ilrs. .4.28 Feet .0.7 Ilrs. .5.03 Feet .0.3 Ilrs. .5.42 Feet .6.0 3.57 C.8 4.39 D.2 C.23 5.7 0.12 4.1 7.09 3.8 9.29 1.4 10.01 1.9 10.33 2.G 11.10 3.1 11.53 3.G TUB WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Showors tonight and Thursday. South to west winds. Point Sundny morning to accompany tho special train from there to the Day for tho Easter sorvlco of tho or dor. Tito committee will also nc compnny tho excursionists back In tho evening. Tho program for tho services Is about completed. New Storo II. Hnrkcnsco 1ms n now storo building under construc tion on Elrod nonr Tonth street. Ho recently bought tho lot for ?1250. Lands Open Arthur K. Peck, United States Land Commissioner, has. received word thnt tho land be tween Loon Lake and Allegnny, which Is to bo thrown open April 10 Is not for general entry. Tho or dor for tho opening of Sections 1 to 5, 8 to 17, 20 to 29 and 32 to 3G, In Township 23, Itnugo 11, provides only for entry by people who resided on tho land prior to Its withdrawal for forest reservo purposes. Nearly Drowned "Dllly" Mon itoring, an old resident of this sec tion, was almost drowned Monday. Ho was planning n trip to tho clam bods In tho lower Day In his towboat nnd hnd tho launch Express tnko him In tow. Somehow his Hklff enp bIwmI, throwing him Into tho river. Cnpt. Rogors turned tuo Express hack and picked him up out nono too soon as tho old mnn was ex hausted and bnrely nblo to kcop hlm belt nfloat. bucccssIvo times nnd tho natno of oach, winner lo to bo engraved on It. Two Dnndon Divorces Two form or Dandon couples woro dlvorcod to dny, desortton bolng tho cnuso of oach. Tho docrcoa woro grantod by Judgo Coko nftor a hearing In ehnmbors, F. J. Foonoy representing each of tho plaintiffs. Ono was Mrs. Carrlo V. Mayor vs. J. O. Mayor. Mayer's whereabouts nro unknown nnd Mrs. Mayor llvos In Myrtlo Point Tho othor was Oluf FlsTcaa, whoso wlfo, Kta Flskaa, loft him and re turned to Norway. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. m., April 3, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont mo- tcorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 58 Minimum 39 At 4:43 a. m 40 Precipitation nono Wind southwest; partly cloudy. BORN. KOSKI To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kos kl, at tholr homo at Eastsldo, Wednesday, April 3, n daughter. This Is tholr second daughter. Mother nnd child are doing well. Services Friday Sorvlces will ho held nt tho Marsh field Swedish Luthornn church at S o'clock Friday livening. .Meet Tliut-Mlny Tho Lndlon' Aid Society of tho Mnrshtlold Norwegian Lutheran church will meet Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Pitt iiuin In South Marshflold. .Special Service Arrangomonts have been mndo for Dlblo reading services In the Mnrshtlcld Norwegian Luthornn church next Sunday morn ing at 10:45. Tho regular Sunday school sorvlco will bo hold at 10 o'clock. Undergoes Oitcrntlon Mrs. Rosco Dlnsca of Coos River undorwent an oporntlon for cancer of tho breast yesterday at Mercy hospital.. Sho Is reported doing as well as could bo expected, although her condition Is rathor critical. Itnv Kllliwt .It ban boon learned that tho boy who was killed near Dandon the otnor clay oy tno acci dental discharge of n shotgun was Vemle Dutlor, a 13-year-old lad and tho sou of a rancher In tho Four Mllo country. Tho boy died almost In stantly, tho chargo or buckshot dls piubowellng 111 in. (Srnutfl Dlvort-c Judgo J. S. Coko, following n hoarlng In Chiunliora to day granted Mrs, Elizabeth Eddy a dlvorco from Ernost E. Eddy. Sho was uluo grunted tho custody of tholr 10-yonr-old son. Desortlon was tho cause, given. Eddy has not boon on tho Day for some Umo. Argue Cat. Roforo Judgo Coko In chambers this afternoon, tho caso or Euphomln Dyor vs. tho City of Dandon Is bolng argued, mo caso arises from nn assessment for n street Improvement, uu Injunction bolng sought to prevent tho city from soiling tho proporty to collect tho as-sossmont. For fliiina Prwrvc Honry Seng stackon Is planning to havo a Ilttlo gamo preserve of his own. Ho has a largo ranch on South Slough which ho has named "Tho Aldors," and ho Ib planning to put In a numbor or joung trout In tho various brooks on the ploco nnd will also liberate a number ot Dolglnn hares there-. Will Do larger According to word Just received hero, tho now ves sol which tho C. A. Smith Company Is having constructed nt Newport News, Vu., will bo considerably lnrg or than tho Nairn Smith, nlthough tho snmo typo ot vessel. Sho will bo about 40 toot longer nnd havo sov ornl root moro bonm nnd will bo nblo to carry a cargo ot about 2,000,000 feet without Btowlng tho lumbor. A numbor of Improvements will be mndo In her for quick loading and unlondtng by means of tho crauo and sling system. Port Orford Port Cane J. D. Ooss will lenvo tomorrow for Curry County to nttoiul circuit court there. Ono of tho prlnclpol casos ho Is In terested In Is tho Port Orford Port enso, Bovoral different phases of tho Port Commission thoro bolng at lacked. Quo warranto proceedings, similar to thoso In tho Coos Day Port caso, havo been ordered Insti tuted by Governor West. C. R. Peck will nld W. II. Meredith In dorondlng tho port. Tho cases will bo trlod next week. Judgo Coko will lenvo ror thoro Friday. Caso Decided Word has Just boon recolvod that Judgo Harris ot Eu gono has linndod down n decision In tho case, of Andreas Anderson, n South Slough rancher, vs. tho Smith Powers Logging Company. Tho company condomnod right of way ncroHS Anderson's land nnd ho took It to tho circuit court on tho ground thnt tho logging road was not n public sorvlco corporation and con sequently did not havo tho right of omlnont domnln. L. A. Llljcqvlst, who rcprosontod Andorson, has no tified John D. aoss, who represented tho company, that ho will appeal tho caso. Chandler Won Cano O. It. Peck this morning received n telegram an nouncing thnt W. S. Chandlor was victorious In tho caso In which Mr. Pock represented him thoro lost week. Tho caso was hogun by Mr. Chandler's half brother, R. D. Chand lor, who chnrgod Mr. Chnndlor and tho Humboldt Steamship company with wrongfully convortlng 100 shares of stock In tho company to W. S. Chnndlor. It scorns that tho stock In tho company was bought by tho lute R. D. Chnndlor nnd was placed In R. D. Chandler's nnnio ror business reasons. Just prior to his death, It. D. Chandler ordered tho stock changed to W. S. Chnndlor. Tho court found thnt tho imitator was legal, nnd thnt R. D. Chandler hnd no claim to It. Takes Prlxoncr Ralph Qulno, a son ot Sheriff Qulno ot Douglas County, arrived hero today to tako L. F. Thorn tho housobronkor want ed there, back with him. Thorn was nrrostcd Sundny by Marshal Carter. Thorn Is charged with robbing tho Goorgo Winston homo nonr Rose-' burg. This is tho second Iioubo brenkor thnt has boon arrested this week for thefts near Roseburg, tho othor being n mnn named Davis who robbed tho W. Q. Drown homo at Rlddlo nnd who was arrested nt Med ford. Thorn ndmlttod his guilt to Marshal Cartor and Nlghtwntch Shoupc, but when Qulno nrrlvod to day, ho first claimed ho found tho Jowolry In nn envolopo In tho road nnd lntor said ho found It In nn old tobneco sack. Thoro Is Ilttlo doubt or his guilt. Deputy Sheriff Qulno will tako him out via. Gardiner to-morrow. PERSONAL NOTES SWANIE PETERSON ot Haines In lot Is n Marshflold business visi tor today. JOHN PREUS3, Jr., has taken n po sition ns clork In August Frl noon's store. J. S. DARTON ot Conulllo Is looking nftor business In Marshflold today. HENRY HUGaiNS ot tho Alllanco offlco loft this morning for Florence. MRS. COCHRAN or Coos City and her guest, Mrs. Dcrt Rice, ot Dan don, nro In Marshflold today. I. F. J, FEENBY, formerly of Mnrsh riold but now located nt Dandon, Is In Mnrshtlold on business to day. MRS. M. E. HILDRETH nnd dough tor, Mrs. Clias. Murr, connoctod with tho Women's Exchango ot North Dond, nro visitors In Marsh flold todny. MARK MASTERS, aged 81. nrrlvod horo a few days ngo rrom Okla homa with his dnughtor to make his homo on Coos Day. Thoy camo lu vln tho old Coos Day wagon road. MISS PEARL M. REIXJARO who Is attending Oregon University nt Hu gono Is expected hero next wook to spond tho Eostor vacation with hor pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. I, Rolgnrd. E. P. DU DARRY, representing a San Francisco commission houso, has beon scouring this section thu last fow days for potatoes. Ho loft to day for tho Sluslaw and Umpqua. sectlnn In quest of thorn. Not 8iifpended Local Socialists ImvA ImA.i nrlvlfiOfl fhnt ttin rnrfnrt published broadcast through tho country iy sonio pnpors inai mo "Appeal to itenson," tno leauing ho clallst paper, was about to auspond publication, Is nbsolutoly without foundation, tho paper is ueing puo- llolin.1 nnH H lot iU.ii nl no ilHiinl nnil thoy declnro that there Is no Inton- tlon of stopping it. Will Wed Mrs. P. N. FIngg has received word of tho approaching marrlago of her slstor, Miss Joso phlno Eddy, who formerly taught school horo. Miss Eddy has been teaching school at El Centro, Call., nnd In Juno will wed Irving Algor, principal of tho high school nt El Contro. It Is expected that they will visit hero on their honoymoon trip. 3ntw1 r?mniltfPn(tflft Oom- rrf idery. Knights Templar, will send a commuteo IP uoqumo auu mytuu Llbby COAIa Tno fclnd YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONH 73 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. If you have anything to sell, trade reut, or want help, try a want a. Cum of Scnrlet Fever Jooy Mc Koown, tho Ilttlo sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur MrKeown, Is reported 111 with n caso ot scnrlet tovor nt tho J, W. Denuott resldonco. Tho dlsonso was ovlduntly contracted In San Francis co, oh tho Ilttlo lad has boen sick for about 10 days, but not until yes torday could It bo dotormlnod what ho woh Biitforlng rrom. When tho attending physlclnn, Dr. Ilorsfnll, pronounced It scnrlot tovor, Mr. Den nett Immediately summoned Hoalth Officer Mingus, who took prompt measures to prevont nny contagion. Mrs. McKoown and tho putlont nnd tho nurs. Miss Hondloy, woro qunr antlnod In their apartments and everything possible dono for protec tion of the hoalth ot tho others, Tho other children havo boon quaran tined on the promises. Trophy Oup A flno silver trophy cup, tho prize in tho Coos County High School oratorical contests, Is on display lu tho window ot tho Rod Cross Jowolry. It was presentod to the High Schools by Dr. J. T. McCor mac and Is a handsomo trophy. It will go to tho school winning It three SEYMOUR II. DELL oxpocta to loavo tomorrow or noxt day for his homo lu Portland If ho la nblo to closo bo mo business affairs ho has on horo. Ho roturncd rocontly from a business trip to Old Moxlco, W. C. LUNOREN hns returned to his rnnch nt Ton Mllo nftor nbout n year spent nt his old homo In Kansas. Ho says that Coos Day looks bettor than over to him. Kansas had ono of tho moat sovero winters In yonrs. WARDEN W, SHUMWAY. field edi tor ot Tho Pacific International Motor Dont, published at Soattlo, Is tnnklng n short visit on tho Day nB tho guest of Roy Lawhorno and othor rrlends hVire. He Is do llghtod with this section ot tho country. GEO. P. TOPPINO Is hero rrom Dan don todny on buslnoss, Ho says that tho prospocts ot tho Dear Creok oil woll oro good nnd tho company hopos to soon socuro suf ficient funds to sink tho well deep onough to dotormlno whothor or not there Is oil thoro. Mayor James C, Dahlman, Omaha,, Nob., oftou cnllod tho "Cowboy May or", writ oa of tho benefit he derived from Foley Kidney Pills and says, "I havo takon Foley Kidney Pills and thoy havo given mo a great deal of rellof, so I cheerfully recommend thorn." Red Cross Drug Storo. After the show try a Turkish Datb Phone 2 14-J Dayton Bicycles On May 1st wo will advance tho price of Dayton Dlcycles $1.00 freight chargo from Portland. MARBILFIELD OYOLERY Agents Phone 180-R 007 Front streot. SOUPS FLAKED PEAS A small handful of Flaked Peas added to any soup, fifteen minutes boforo It Is ready to Borvo, will greatly Improve Us flavor nnd wnoiosomenoss. PUREE OF FLAKED PEAS 3 cups ot boof stock i4 cup cold water 1 tablespoonfuls catsup Tiny pleco ot garlic 1 cup Sporry Flaked Peas .... h medium onion tablespoon Worcestershire Sauco Salt to taste. Tloll onion in stock until tender, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar lic. daBh ot white pepper and salt; then add tho naked peas. Cook slowly 20 mlnutea, strain and serve with croutons. SUck onion with whole cloves. Tho Times' office.