CANSAY "DEAR" !W Z FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED A LIAR ETh.9 (Ham lag tntes WANT ADVERTISING la Tlio MMKS Will Kwp the Iucoino from Yomr Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tlio family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tlio clnsslflod columns, you may keep that llttlo extrn lncomo as "stendy ob a clock." 0o the fact about your i! w? r them who ought to irt'i ono..T .-it III ,.it.y"""" MEMlIER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WOMAN "" - . . .I-I....I In 1H7H mvl I'.sin""3'"-" " " ,AAA - Tho Const wan MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of TlmcB, Coast Mull Mq 23 nnu uooi uny Advertiser. 1ST FLOOD IB H STORY LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY IIet us talk it over l NEGRESS CONFESSES 10 1UR0ER . D,.nrl!ntc Thnt Bureau r-- n ill ye ouii !." Tomorrow. KKAsheds Thmicand Are Rendered Homeless at Hickman, Ky., Dy rresiiei. Iitod Press to tlio Coos uny Times.) CHINOTON, D. C April 2. I .rlfll forecast touuy Ltt, predicts floods In La ulIPPl vnlloy will bo &t In Its history. Heavy fh the Tcnnosso, Cumborlnnd laws ,(nrBlioilB havo K Mississippi to rise rapid- W - i in alnfn nr fi4.u I'pafoVwo.lnesdaywIth Ht Memphis a stngo of 44 foot fly higher BtaBO If tho lovcos I, BMt Bcrfotis flood condition r tu In lliCKiiinn. ivy., wiiu.u :.. nf ihn Mississippi broko ..mhelcvccs. nlaclng u portion jlind under water and rendor- '0)0 pcoplo homeless, ixo io -. ! MDortwl as n result of tho i. bnt serious conditions nro ro- JlromCnlro, III., jiompniB nnu tutern Missouri. FEARS ICE GORGES Atwclated Press to Coos Dny Tlmo.) XSIIIXOTON. D. C, April 2. I'M Tuft sent n mcHsngo to ?ki today urging an Immodlnto trlitlon of n half million dol- to ttrcngthen tho lovooa and try rtrnt further flood dnmngo in UUslulppi nnd Missouri rlvor It President Taft would uso el the appropriation If grnntocl, !troylng tho hugo Ico gorgo In Hliiourl river botween Yankton Ttrmllllon, 8. D. I HOD LIST ner Arrives From San Francisco Today Wash ington Due Soon. M Homor arrived In this morn- Iron San Francisco with n good oi rreigut ami a fair list of :jri. Sho will tnko coal, wind miscellaneous freight out 'cere and will nrobablv sail tho after tomorrow, I Waahlneton Is nnlinititlnil tn Iron San Francisco for Coos nay wow evening. "its thoso arriving on tho Hor- rDE,Lann. G. Lnnon, W. J. I Dambrose. Mr niblm. p. r"-C W Olbba. A Mnrmig f W p. Allen Klssam. TO REGULATE EXPRESS RATE House Committee Reports Bill Giving Interstate Commerce Committee the Power. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Tlmo.) WASHINGTON. D. C. April 2. Tho Hoiiso Interstate and foreign commorco committee reported favor ably today on n bill to amend tho lnw giving tho Intoratnto commerce commission nuthorlty over express companies. Provision will be made for rato zones, tho chnrges varying nccordlng to tho distance that a pack ngo Is cnrrlcd from tho point of origin. A closo working ngrccment also would be provided between tho ixprcss companies nnd tho rural frco delivery system of postofflce depnrt mont. Tho hill would govern tho trans portation of packages not exceeding 1 1 pounds weight nnd with a valua tion of $80 nr less. No allowance Is mado for tho I'xponso of transfer from one express company to, onoth or. Tho rates would bo fixed ns fol Iowb: Detwoen nny two points In the I'nlted States more than 2000 miles apart 12 cents a pound. Not moro thnn 2000 mllca npart, 10 cents n pound. Not moro thnn 1200 miles npart, seven cents. Not moro thnn S00 miles npart, five cents. Not moro thnn GOO miles apart, four cents. Ilotweon points not more than 250 mllra apart, two rents n pound. It Ih provided, however, thnt no express company shall ho compelled to nccopt nnd transport nny pnekngo nt n charge of less than 10 rents. Shippers sending packages to fnnnors on rural routes will bo obliged to pay postngo over tho rural route. Pon nltloB for vlolntlon of tho provisions of tho net arc provided for. W HAT Is Coos Uny eoIiik to do nbout n celebration thin vnnr? iui necessarily n Fourth of July celebration but n festival of some sort should bo hold nftch vonr on Coos Ilnv. Kvnrv rlv nml nvnrv town ought to have n locnl holiday and pageant on somo fixed day and sea son of oach year. It should not bo trumped up nnd hollow, meaningless thing. It should eclohrnto and emplinslzo somo worthy event. Hnppy Is tho town thnt has had an event In Its history whoso celebration can bo mado tho subject of porpotunl uplift. Scattlo has Its "Potlatch;" Portland has Its "Itoso Carnlvnl;" Snn Francisco Its annual fall festival and while Coos Day cannot yet mnko pretensions to metropolitan glories, It should have Its annual holiday, nnd playtlmo for Its neighboring cIUcb nnd Its own citizens ns woll. Wo want a noblo pagoant, something thnt shall tnko hold upon and ex press tho public spirit, tho moral sentiment, tho hopes, aspirations and tho pride of tho peoplo. It brings out the tnste nnd administrative ability of tho young folks, ties them to their homo city nnd adds tho splco of llfo that so mnny run away to tho big cities In chaso of. Tho pleasant mom orlos of ono pageant is hardly worn off before preparations for tho next yenr miiBt begin, and ench yoar must nlwnys be flnor than tho ono bo foro. It fostors orlginnl pootry, song nnd art nt homo. Tho ordinary, every day folks havo an onormouB lovo for such things and their tnsto Is for tho best. In gottlng a subject for our pagoant, wo should stick to tho whtto raco nnd tho history of tho whlto raco. Scores of eastern cities go back to tho Indians for their subjocts, tho samo as wo go back to tho nogrocs for our popular songs. Now, what posslblo uplift enn wo got from tho Indians nnd Ncgocs? Got something from locnl history, if posslblo; falling that, try tho state, tho nntion or tho raco; or If history seems stnlo, tax tho futuro. Coos Day's splendid harbor and water courso promptly suggests a water carnival, but It should bo dono on a scnlo that would provent It from bolng tawdry or cheap. Tho previous colobratlons havo bcon successful and public Interest should not bo pormlttod to becomo lndtfforent. Tlioro aro many other features on Coos Day thnt may bo ultlllzod as the basis for n local colobratlon. Tlioro Is n Fruit Fnlr, n Dorry Day, n Forost Festival, a Coal Palaco, A Dairy Day, nny ono of tho many Industries that cnntrlbuto to our prosperity. Tho Times would bo plonsod to hoar from somo of Its rcadors with sug gestions. AG E 1 TALE IS TOLO I TODAY IJDONDO LOT OWNERS FACE TROUBLE Error in Old Survey of West Marshfield Results in Bad Mix-up, Ownors of proporty along tho north boundary of Western Addition, tho north plat of West Marsblleld nt prosont, nro greatly porturbed todoy over tho discovery that through an ovldont error in tho old survey their nrnnnrlv In KCrloilslV affected. The discovery was mado by Fred K. Get tins In making a survoy of tho tract which K. G. Porham recently pur chased from tho Southern Oregon company. Ho finds that tho lots of most of tho residents of the north part of West Marshtlold overlap In to Mr. Perhora'a proporty. For inBtnnco, all but eight feet of tho lot which B. A. Eickworth and wlfo rocontly purchasod lies in tho Perbam tract. Tho Gordon Smith and Mrs. Hampton homes are In a Biraillnr predicament. So is a lot belonging to tho Marshfield Incst mont company and many others. Just how tho matter can be straightened out is a problom. To correct tho error In tho old survey would necessitate tho moving or scores of buildings probably. ' Tho matter is now bolng investiga ted by tho property owners and Mr. Porham with a view of amicably ad Justing tho mix-up. LKT IjAWYEIIS WORK pr Sails This Morning r' ?an rrancjsco newrns Saturday. Tie Rflilnn,!,. .,., a... fo, t. ;,v D'"-u una morn W San Franolaon ... ... bhh lm larBelr l"mor from l?'" mill. film hml n nnnnnlt w Passengers. ' "Kedonrtn io i..i..,j .. ... a Ran ti loilUlUU IO Bllll :rdiT .J.ranclsco for Coos Dny Leoie .V ruoon at 3 o'clock. ijL. salllng on tho Ro en n rig.?' Austin. Mrs. Anna Va ?,;, rri,M' L'"c- Irwin. , ul l?.a- Jas. Allen. Jns. Al- .:'" Allen, Harvpi Aiion n . "" u "l"" " V." . ' ,i utt Joh i. ??mer, Robt. Hod- 'T i,i havo tho lawyers do L " UUUIf '! 4.11.1.... lit I ' " .,.--. - - 4.l , C nl""!; "yrt0 Ctllp. C. H. nte p i o Bleau, Mrs. Harry l,nlOeo. Genovlch. ' VKL C';?CK IX MYRTLE HE nn,W9 inaentio v"Uf,! 'Jewelry rich l.a.8 on '"splay a beautl- 1 hit Wn MOWo clock which Vj!d of tK.Con.p,eted by Mr- F. WleJ i? c,ty u w,n rePay Supremo Court Jurists to Make At torneys Sjhteniatizo HHefs. iDy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.j WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2 Tho Unltod States Bupreiuo ,"""". " Hint! i")" do more. A now rule has been auopieu re,.- .. ...i.n oiiimiit nriois HI SfeBo"rtt?"nclMlndof argumonts and an aipnaoeiuiu w. of all cafes elfL CHOICE GOODS OX SALE Tho Red Cross Jewelry Department Is offering Hawks' and Libby Cut Glass. PIckard Hand Painted China . i.,nn. nml Plated Silverware ok or r-ATit discount. These, goods will be on sale at a discount for only nine days longor. Seth Nichols, Sailor, Arrested in New Hampshire, Con fesses to Slaying Dr. Knabe in Indianapolis. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tim os) PORTSMOUTH. N. II.. April 2. The photograph of Soth Nichols, the sailor, who according to tho pollco hns confessod thnt ho murdoroa Dr. Helen Knnbo In Indianapolis last Oc tober for $1500. and a copy of his alleged confession woro mailed to tho nuthorltlos of that city early today. Nichols will bo held horo until tho Indlnnnpolls authorities havo tlmo to net. Nichols who is said to bo n do sorter from the Unltod Stntos cruiser Dixie, camo here Inst wool: nnd was arrested on the chargo of carrying n loaded revolver. Tho pollco say that vestorday ho confessed to tho murder of Dr. Knabo. telling them ho would go Insane If he did not got It off his mind. Nichols has a suitor In In dianapolis. Whllo In Now York ho mot n stranger who offorod him $1500 to commit tho murdor. Ho nrcoptod and went to Indianapolis ivlinrn Jin was Inllioil liv tlio man. On GET CREMICAL ENGINES HERE New Scheme for Better Fire Protection in City Council Meeting. In order to soruro bettor flro pro tection for tho districts of Mnrshflold whoio there l llttlo or no water pro tectlon now. Mayor Straw last even ing suggested to tho city council that three chemical onglnos bo bought and ono placed In South ii-i,fi,i,i mm in West Marshflold nnd ono In Ferndalo. Tho council favored tho Idea and roforred tho mntter to tho flro and water com mittee of tho council to confer with the flro department officials about It. Mayor Straw said that soveral had suggested the Idea to htm evon prior to tho last two fires and said that ho sn..M i wna woll worth consider ing. He pointed out thnt tho resi dences in tho vicinity of tho E. D. McArthur and F. E. Allen homes In South Marshfield wore utterly with out flro protection and said that tho destruction of ono homo would en tail n loss greater than tho cost of th'pe chemical engines, the lntter onlv costing nbout ?700 eac'i. Councilman Ferguson said that his neighborhood was In a similar pre dicament and that If the city wantod .. nun flown there, ho would fur nish tho ground for a site free and OF THIRTY-FIVE BY ODD CULT S W S IN NEW YORK Republican State Chairman Re - elected Butler to Preside at Convention. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, April 2. William Domes, Jr., of Albany was reolcctod todny chairman of tho nowly elected republican stato commlttco whlcn mot horo for organization, as pro scribed by tho now primary law. Tho commlttco rntlucd tho oloctlon of Nicholas Murray Dutlcr, ns tempor ary chairman of tho stato convention to bo hold In Rochester April 9 nnd 10. It Is lenrned that Dutlor will al so bo elected permanent chatrmnn. Tho resolution declaring no cnndl dato for public olllco should bo en dorsed by tho stato commit teo was adopted unanimously. Mystery of Killing of Many in Southern States Is Un veiled by it. BELIEVED "VOODOO" WOULD PROTECT THEM ARE AGAINST PRIMARY tho night of October 23 they went to Dr. Knnbe's npnrtmouts. Thorts Nichols snld, an unknown man hand ed him n knife with which ho cut Dr. Knnbo's thront whllo sho was nslcop. He left Indlnnnpolls tho next day. THINK IT A DREAM Little Cn'denri Placed In Nlcholn Confession nt Indlnnnpolls. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 2. The police plnco little crcdonco In tho story Seth Nichols told to tho Ports mouth, N. II., pollco. Various cir cumstances Indlcnto tho story Is an invention. Nichols' sister, Mrs. Robert U Dlakomnri, snld todny that she had rellohlo Information that her brother was nbonrd tho U. S. S. Dixie at tho tlmo of tho denth of Dr. Knnbe. Sho snys hor brother Is not dependable nnd thnt his story Is n wild drenm. Mrs. William Knight, nn mint of Nichols, snld tho sailor was Insnno nnd thnt hor nnmo, suggested ns tho ono ho nppllod to tho nllogod Instl flator of his confession, was n com- nloto fabrication STRAW VETOES L Mayor Opposes Ninety - Day Residence Restriction of Voters Here. Mayor E. E. Straw last ovonlng presented to tho council his voto of nn ordinance fixing rcblrtonco .' qulrcmout for voting In Mnrshflold nt 90 days. His veto messago was brief, merely stating that ho wished to hnvo the city requirement tho tamo as tho stato's. Ho stated oral ly that he had been nuvisoa mat n the city attempted to fix additional restrictions, it might load to con fusion thnt would causo consider able trouble lator. Tho discussion of tlio veto was brief, owing to there being only four members of the council present, J. T. Merchnnt, who Is in California, nnd A. II. Powers bolng tho absen tees. In order to act on tho voto, It would require at least flvo votes to pass tho measure and consequently It wns decided to tablo tho veto until there was more of tho council pres- cnt' , . , Councilman Savago expressed hlm fclf as In favor of Mayor Straw's cto and the fixing of tho 30-day resi dence regulation. Councilman Copplo atntod that the ordinance was merely to glvo the people of Marshflold an oppouanuy to voto on t'e question, leaving it to .Minnesota Rcpiibllciin Commlttco Turns 'Proposition Down. (Dy Associated Tress to tho Coos Day Times) ST. PAUL, April 2 Tho presiden tial primary plnn wns turned down nt n mooting of tho Stato Republican Central Commlttco horo todny on n motion to tnblo tho resolution pro viding for tho plnn. Tho voto stood nycs 28, nnys 7 nnd not voting 2. FOR MISSISSIPPI LEVEES President Tnft Will I'rgo Ricclal Appropriation by Congress. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2. President Tnft promised tho Louis iana dologatlon todny to send to con gress at onco n speclnl mossngo for nn appropriation of $500,000 to strengthen tho lovees nlong tho Mis sissippi to provont further flood dnm ngo In tho states bordering on it. IRE FIGHTS Calmly Tells of Scries of As sassinations as Though They Were No Crime. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) LA FAYETTE, Ln., April 2 Clomonttno Dcnnnbot, a half blood ncgress, told n Btory horo todny that tho pollco authorities say thoy ac cept as clearing tho mystory of tho killing of twonty nogrocs ln South west Louisiana and which, It Is said, gnvo duos that will fix tho guilt of llftccn other assassinations of blacks In Louisiana nnd Toxns. From Clo mcntlno's story, it npponrs that sho lod a mysterious nogro cult, tho members of which performed rites of "human sncrlflro." Tho ncgress claims sho killed sev enteen of tho victims with hor own hnnds. Tho pollco doclnro Clomcntlno told tho story of wholosalo slaughter with no apparent npprehonslon thnt tho diking of human llfo was n crlmo. Without reservation sho told hor pnrt in tho thirty-five nssnnslnatlona but declined to rovcnl tho names ot tho mombors of tho mystorlous cult thnt helped her. Tho murdors havo bcon committed In tho Inst yonr. Do foro engnglng In nny of theso crimen, Clomcntlno armed horsolf with n "Voodoo" which sho got from n preacher nnd which sho nnd tlio oth er members of tho band woro assured would protoct them from tho lnw. Whllo tho oxnet reason of tho murdors was not explained to tlio satisfaction of tho authorities, It Is bollovod that Clomcntlno nnd hor companions wore dogonorntea and thnt tholr weakened brains woro ovl dontly affected by tho oxhortntlona thoy had hoard in tho "Church of Sacrlflco" of which Clomontino was tho directing bond. Nl E - 90- I Mexican Federal Scouts Re pulse Revolutionists Threaten Americans. (Dy Associated Press to Tho O003 Day Times) DEL RIO. Tex., April 2. Tho Mexlcnn federal scouts from Lns Vegas, opposlto Dol Rio, repulsed n hand of revolutionists In a skirmish Sunday night but lost soveral killed nnd wounded and nil tholr horaos. Tho rebels loft soveli dend on tho field. Tho revolutionists soveral days robbed American cnttlomon on the Mexican Bldo nnd throatonod death to thoso who undertook to pro tect their Interests. After tho bnttlo Sunday thoy threatened to attack Las Vegas. AID IS PROMISED iiisu mu " - -." ,, . o voto on tre question, iuuviiik i l" see that the people woro educated In " v'to of Q dty Q dotormino its uso. .. . i.i whether a 90-day or a 30-day real- Mayor. Straw saiu '""""" donce should bo required of voters at municipal elections. So fnr as tho stato law wns concerned, Mr. Copplo stated that merely applied to pre cincts and did not apply to warns in nltlo. ITnuoi'or ln vlnw nf tllO fact that thore wore only four councll- mon present, not enough to pass tno measure over tho mayor's veto, Mr. Copplo moved that tho veto bo tabled. Other Business. The cost of paving Anderson ave nue between uroaaway huu jiuiu i,'.. nhtnt Ifoatlnir of the flro do nartmont confor with the flro and water committee of tho council nboiint It. Tribiito to Lawhorne. If Street Commissioner Lawhorno had boon prosont nt the council matins: last evpnin'?. he would have borrd that t'.e finest bunch of trlBfltes paid to his work that prob ably ha3 ever been given an em ploye of the city of Marshfield or any other Placojveynwasnt (Continued on pace ) 0. S. SENATE Four Additional Members From Arizona and New Mexico Take the Oath. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2. Tho Sonnto today becamo a body ot 90 momberH, Now Mexico nnd Arl xonn contributing tho four additional eountors. Thomas. I), Catron nnd Al bort D. Fall of New Mexico, republi cans, nnd U. M. Smith nnd II. F. ABhurst of Arizona, democrats, took tho oath of office, ALLIANCE IN OUT TODAY (Continued on pas 4.) President Tnft Henrs Plent From Residents of Texas. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C April 2. Presidont Tuft promised Representa tive Onrnor of Toxns today to take up with tho war department tho ques tion of protection for tho citizens of Del Rio, Tex., on tho Moxlcnn bor dor. Gnrner presented lottors nnd telegrams from officials of tho town showing their alarm over tho condi tions Boutli of Del Rio nnd asking for nld. PROTEST IX ARIZONA Mexicans Object to IroMsed Legis lation There. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmo.) RAY, Ariz., April 2. Two thous and Moxlcnns nttondod n mass meet ing ho-o last night to protest against tho hill ponding In tho Arizona legis lature, tt-nt would oxcludo non-Eng-liuii annnklntr workmen from engng- Inic In underground labor In this Btnto a niBlorltv of the Moxlcnns woro born In Arlzonn. Tlwy de nounced the measure as contrary to tho provisions under which Mexico ceded this section of tho country to tho United States and sent a pe tition for a moderation of tho meas ure to Governor Hunt and tho legislature. Arrives from Eureka and Sails a Few Hours Later for Portland. Tho Alllnnco arrived inoarly today from Eureka and sailed a fow hour later for Portland. Sho hnd n fair Incoming passenger list nnd a good list for Portland. Sho Is scheduled to sail from Port land Friday evening, at C o'clock for Coos Day. Among thoso arriving on tho Alli ance from Eurokn woro R. II. Rland, C. J. Drlscoll, E. A. John, A. M, Uohrlndt. J. M. Hint, D. W. Hender son, A. L. Goorgo, J. II. Mclndyro, P. Pnlto, II. Durbott and Albort Johnsan. Among thoso sailing on tho Alll nnco wore tho following: John Hodson, R. C Thompson, 8. II. Ilrako, Chas. Konlnnd, O. L. Vooth, L. W. Prossler, J. A. Taylor, W. H. JamoBon. A. A. Motcalf, Mario Walters, May Laird, Doll Howar.i, A, J. Edwards, Dan UJinon , w. Shumwak, C. II. Ludonon, O. Elklns, II. Ilagduhl and C. A. Drodo. REMHMUEIt thoso who come first get tho cbolco China, Cut-glass and silver. RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT.