"SQMEONt HAD TO LOSE" IS MIGHTY POOR CONSOLATION AFTER IT'S ALL OVER TADVEIVriSINa in Tho TIMES wii i'ut your Itwa JSaM "ln the Market" Effectively! Zhi Dut tho facto about your Lrtr beforo tho oyoo of all "pos- T hJerB" in town. And If f Vono of thorn who ought to own " '"- " (EwiB ftau Umttra MEMDEIl OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXV Established In 1878 i Tho Coast Mnll WANT ADVERTISING lu Tlio TIMES Will Kwi tho Iiicomo from Yobt Furnished Dooms from Lapsing! YOU can really hotp tho family idvonuos by renting n few furnlBhed rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho clnsallled columns, you may keep that little extra lncomo aa "steady as a clock." USBSSffSCSSSSSSSlX MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull mid Coo liny Advertiser. No. 222 WEDS OF THOUSANDS OF MINERS SUSPEND WORK TODAY All Mines in Pennsylvania An fl th acite Field Are Tied Up Now. BITUMINOUS MINERS IN B" CENTRAL STATES OUT Referendum Vote and Negotia tions Expected to Termi nate it Soon. I OVER 175,(100 IDLE J (Dy Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA, April 1. I Thcro Is a comploto Bhut-down in tho coal region, 175.000 nion ''J (Br Associated PresB to Tho Coos Day Times) NEW YORK, April 1. Tio nn ihrtclto operators bollovo tho suspen ,Iod of work In tho hard coal region lUch went Into offoct today will not (ontlnuo long and thul tho mooting of the operators' comniltto nnd tho representatives or tho mlncra In Phll idelphla April 10th wJI! losult ln a ttttlemcnt. This bollcf Is strength ened by tho raci U tu no traces u bitterness hnvo bun fIi .vu on oltlior tide, tho oo u'ntors ?ny. Scores of thousands of coal mln en quit work today In tho anthrnclto fields In Pennsylvania and In tho central competitive field of the bitu minous portion of tho Industry. Of (Idilly tho movement Is n "suspon ilon" of work nnd whothor It Is to deielon Into n widespread strlko do tends upon tho outcome of Iho vot ur In tho union ranks and of con ferences between tho men and cm ploren within tho next ten dnys. The anthrnclto men nro more ap prehensive than their bltumlnoiiB brethren as to tho outcome. This cotdltlon Is duo to no doflnlto ngrco cent being Immediately In sight for tie hard coal men, whereas tho bttu clnous confcrcnco at Cleveland nd Joarned after tho men's roprcsonta tlret had abaiidonod prnctlcnlly nil tlelr demands except an Incrcnso In utti and on this point modified their demands considerably. The union men nro to tnko n rof trendum ballot at onco aB to whoth tr the modified terms for a now lo agreement nro to bo accepted nd there Is a general fooling that tie result of tho ballot will bo to re tire to work. Approximately 400,000 men nro Jlrtttly affected today nnd soino 109.000 moro scattered through tho wl districts In tho country aro niching tho outcomo of tho "Sus tnlon" for Its possible offoct upon ilr own wages. probably will bo nt lonst 30 n before nil tho mines will hnvo MUDed If tho rnfflrnnilimi vntno mwl coherences result favorably and tho sit 10 days of that porlod may pro !!v ? Pf.bIem n to tho fiiQl supply w Industries of nil chnractors. M Y ARE IDLE I LINOIS Over 40,000 Men and 650 Mines in That State Affect ed by Suspension. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Time.) CHICAGO, April 1. Forty thou sand minors nnd GG0 bituminous minors In Illinois nro Idlo todny as n result of the expiration of the wage scalo agreement at midnight Sun day. 'Warnings have boon Issued to consumers of coal to economize. Tho conl supply on hnnd will last about two weeks. IK HANSEN'S HOW ESCAPE Albert Haines Heroically Res- ". uiuwning company Sunday. TO thfi linrnl . ,, "" ""oris 01 Aiuorr, "', gon of ., . thfflf 0t JInr8l,n'f'. Jons Hanson! sin a n. car-ll son of Mr. and We win J? .""'loi'htodly owos his Jester.!. "S'"K on Coos River Uan 'J:r,.R"ff0i:0l minting Wa fa ' ' lM0 rlvor nn was Albm i,.n t!p 8eol tlmo when rhnl a,.u," others cnino to the re5i.i,.r'"'l",r011 8everal mlnutou ImZ ure "s,,lnB noar tho tot Wb.' . . v,)ng Hnnson had 1. 1 W. STRIKE W Construction on Canadian Northern Railway Stopped Entirely. f Dy Associated rross to the Coos Day Times.) VANCOUVER, D. 0., April 1. A dispatch from Kamloops, D. C, says that construction work on the Canadlnn Northern Railway Is en tirely tied up by tho strlko of labor ers under tho direction of tho I. W. W. Flvo thousnnd mon nro out. 14.000 STRIKE NEAR CHICAGO Large Number of Carpenters Quit Work in Illinois' Metropolis Today. (Dy 'Associated Projs to Tho Coos Dny Times) CHICAGO, April 1. Fourteen thousnnd enrponters In Chlcngo nnd ItH environs went on n strlko todny. MISSISSIPPI FLOOD IS RAO "ddeniv V lg "8 when lo was N V r,frm0 alUl f0U tVOm tl, 'M 1( ,!', Uon'l was rowing tat H,i ".V ' fMua Salter nnd Al- "c-,enw ' AIU0 ov8 after timo v 's ?oIB "own the soc- l a'nnne n'ar'50 numbor of poo- u tlp'B ,, ,."" "l uie river at roBg ii,!"4 ,"' "nlte.l In praise of s mines' homio .,i. TUo M'f.HOUS IA-XCHEI) Blk u Itrw . , r.xcfiltcrt, 'a-"im:, Prn; t0 -"limns of Whlto Man re The Coos I BLACirnBay TImos) ' Wi"0- N. O.. ! ? "egroes March 29. r todav V?? 'yned near"hero vlleoaa er an attack on a Lovees Broken in Many Places and Federal Aid is Proposed. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day TImos.) WASHINGTON, D. C. April 1; To rollovo flood conditions In tho 1 Mlsalsslnnl valley Representative Hansdell of Louisiana todny Intro 1 iliicod a bill to make an emerueney appropriation of 1300,000. The nionoy would he made available Im mediately nnd utilised In the recon struction and maintenance of gov ernment lovees on tho rlvor. OXFORD WIXS RACK Victor In Elglit-omed Contort wllli i Harvard ' (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day TImos. ) PUTNEY, Eng., April 1 Oxford ,.. Mia niarht oared boat rare with Cambridge today from Putney to , Mort Lake by six lengths. The time was twenty-two minutes and flvo oc- onds for tho four miles and a qusr- tor. Tho weather was unfavorable. I w Tn.'1'HrtV K CASH Conviction of Millionaire Illlliiinn of Scuttle Stands. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) V4.SHIXOTO'. D. C. Varil 1 ! Tl.o .nnniinn i-ourt of tllO I lllteil States declined today u, review the conviction of Clarence D. Hlllman. a real estato man of Seattle, Indicted for alleged fraudulent use of tne malls. SOCIALISTS TRY TO EXPEL HAYWOOD Eastern Branch of Party Files Charges Against Former Head of Western Federation of Miners. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DICNVER, Col., April 1 Charges ngnlrlst William D. Haywood, tho So cialist lecturer nnd former secretary of tho Western Federation of Min ers, havo boon tiled with tho Denver organization of SoclnllBts by tho Drldgeport, Conn., brnnch, with a ro nuost for Haywood's expulsion from the International Socialist Party. Drldgeport SoclnllBts chargo Hay wood with having organized n dual machinists' union composed Inrgoly of men oxpellcd by tho socialists of that place, with having taken charge of tho Lnwroneo Tcxtllo Workers' strike nt the head of this rival or ganization against tho protosts of re gular socialists and with other al leged offenses ROUSE IN FERNDALE Destruction of B. F. Casteel Building in Ferndale Arouses Suspicions. A small vacant houso on tho Forn dalo hill, west of Duncan Ferguson's rosldonco, was destroyed by flro of unknown origin about -I o'clock this morning. Tho flro had galnod such headway when discovered that tho placo could not bo saved although Duncan Ferguson, Albort Sollg and n numbor of others were on tho sccno early. Tho plncc bolongcd to F. Cnstcol who formerly resided on tho Dny but who now resides lu Snu Diego. Tho vnluo of It was small. This lire has strengthened tho be lief that soino unknown porson, evi dently domcutcd, is responsible for It nnd tho burning of tho Clauson houso In South Mnrshflcld Inst Friday night. Mrs. Chns. II. Curtis, who was ono of tho llrst to seo tho Clauson flro, stated that whon alio looked out and saw It. sho notlcod a strnngo man walking) along trio street. Mo npparontly paid no nttontlon to tho blazo nnd was walking nway from it. Ho was soon nftorwards scon nonr tho O. S. Torroy rcsidonco and instoad of going to wards tho flro was going towards town. PartloB living noar tho Casteel proporty otato that yostordny or last ovenlng, somo strango mpn, appar ently tramps, woro scon ln that nei ghborhood. Thoso facts couplod with tho nt- torapt to break into tha Carl W. Ev-! orison homo In West Marshflold Inst I week nnd tho finding of evidence of I n strnngor spending tho night in Matt Nolmo's barn hnvo causod somo npprohension. It is oxpoctod that Mnrshal Cartor nnd othors will try to round up the mytorlous Indi viduals who may bo responsible for tho Arcs. TODAY IS ALL FODL'S DAY MANY ARRIVE ON REDOiO' I Would-be Jokers Busy North Bend Bunch May Have ' to Pay for Fun. Today is All Fool's Day so bowaro. If you haven't boon mndo n victim, there Is still tlmo for tho would-bo Joker to get In his work boforo mid night. If you forgot nbout todny being April first, n wholo lot of pooplo did not. Somo woro so nnxlous that they started ln Sundny and thcro has been more Joking or would-bo Joking than in n long tlmo. Ono bunch of North Dond mon may have tho Joko turned on them to tho tuno of sovcrnl dollars. About 4 o'clock Sunday morning, thoy phon ed calls to tlio doctors In North Dond for an emergency call to tho Palnco notel there nnd most of tho physic IntiH turned out. Dr. Durmlster wns called down to administer to n bad tooth. Fred Wilson, tho Mnrshflold undertaker, sufforod tho worst. Ho received n call nnd got out, secured n rig and drovo to North Dond only to find thnt ho had boon mndo a victim. It Is said that tho mombors of tho North Dond party nro known and Dr. Durmlstor, Frod Wilson nnd tho North Dcnd doctors now thronten to suo thorn for tho cnlls. They nlso nhonod Danny Hull, not ing ngont of tho Rodondo, that sho would bo In North Dond nbout 2 o'clook and ho had to go down nnd mnko a flro and got ready for busi ness and then, thoy phonod him thnt It wns nil an April Fool Joko. In consequonco of tho would-bo Joko, tho telophono girls ln North Dcnd woro vory lndlgnnnt. This morning whon tho North Dond night watchman buw tho glare of tho flro In Ferndnlc, ho asked tho North Dend central to turn In n flro nlnrm to Mnrshflold. Sho thought It was another April Fodl Joko nnd rofusod. 0 0 Steamer in From San Fran cisco Early Sunday Will Sail Tuesday. Tho Rodondo arrlvod In early Sun dny from Snn Francisco with a cargo of miscellaneous frolght nnd n fair pnssongor list. She encountored rough weather all tho way up tho const. Tho Rodondo will snli at 1 1 o'clock luosday morning fjr Sin Francisco. Among those nrrl.'tng or her were the following: Mrs. A. R. Harrison nnd child, J. A. Luso, Win. Gran', II. E. IInat'.:i, J. A. O'Kelly, Mr. V I). Guerln and child. J. E. Edwar-M P. Drower, Mrs. P. D. Drewer, Mrs. Chris Dorchor, L. 'A. Wldner. Kylo Fox. Mrs. Fox. Milton Glass. It. L. Wilght, 13. P. Dullorry, Carl TUton, W. A. DIschol, Jus. llert. E. L. Stewart, F. D. Nool, V. Garcia. P. Smith, J. Alklno, F. N. Myers and ten steerage. KEKMAXV DENIES Rl'MOR M..k o Intention of Lauding Troops lu Mexico. I (By Associated Pre. to the Coos Day ! Times.) UBRLIN. April 1. A dispatch from New York ssylng Oermany Is , in aim r tun to tnud troops In Mexico, was denied by the foreign off'en here today. It is said by officials that I theie Is abtol'itely no occasion for 1 such action ou the part of Germany. PORT TAX NOTICE All tax payers who desire to have their port. tax used for the Improve ment of tho harbor are roquestod to immediately sln a relinquishment directing the same to be pnld to Dr. K. MlnguB. Trustee. This can be done at elthor Flanagan & Donnott Dank, the First National Dank or the Chamber of Commerce. J. T. McCORMAC, Pres. Chamber of Commerce AFFECTS BAY Holds That Cities Cannot Change Charters May Nullify Franchise. Local lawyers nro much Interested In the decision of tho Orogou su premo court last week In tho case Involving tho annoxntlnn of St. Johns by the city of Portlund owing to tho fact that It will possibly affect mat- tors on Coos Day considerably. In his decision, tho supremo court holds thnt through nn amendment to tho constitution, cities no longer hnvo the power to nmond or annul tholr ohnrters. Tho supremo court holds that tho constitutional amend ment revoking tho Incorporation power of tho leglslnturo did not con fer It on any othor body and conso niiontly until another constitutional nmondmont Is mndo, no ohnugos lu city clinrters can bo mndo. The full text of tho decision has not been rocolvod hero yot. C. A. Sehbrede Is sondlng for It today. He is Interested in it, ospocially, bo- cause It will bo u means of knock Ing out the annexation of Plat D by tho city of North Dond. Ho says that ho bolleves tho decision nulllflos the franchise which the Murs...ieU flty charter granted the Tormlnal Railway under tho nmonded city charter of Marshflold and will mako tho North Dond spoclnl election on April 1 G useless. FLOOD SITUATION DETTL'R High Water Prevails in Mississippi Valley ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April 1 Al though the situation in most of the flood stricken districts Is improving today, high water still prevails ln many places and in several the riv ers are reported to have swept over and' broken levees. No loss of llfo was reported today. MSOR A -TRUST L I S U till! I WATER LINES M T Interstate Commerce Commis sion Wins Victory in United States Supreme Court. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, Apr. 1 A victory was won by tho lutcrstnte Commerco CommlsBlou when tho suproiue court of tho United Stntos decided tho commission had tho power to compol tho water lines to report to It re garding Intrastate as well as intor stnte biiHlnesB, It wns tho first ciibo from tho commerco court to bo considered by tho supremo court nnd the commerce court was rovorscd. INDICT FOUR FOR FRAUDS Federal Grand Jury Holds Them in Florida Everglades Case Today. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. Of, April 1. Indlctmonts growing out of tho Florida evorglndes Investigation of tho dopnrtment of ngrlculturo woro rotiiruod by tho federal grnnd Jury today against C. G. Elliott, A. D. Morohouso, Gray P. Toollo and Frank E, Singleton. Tho dofondnnts aro chargod individually with having ap proved or presented fnlso vouchors against tho government. Elliott nnd Morohouso hnvo assorted that tho charges of technical violation of tho lnw against thorn nnd tholr dlsmlssnl from tho dopnrtment wero brought about by their opposition to Ever glados land promoters. MILLINERY A display of olo gnnt pattern hats on display at tho WHITE HOl'SE STORE, NORTH DEND. Your Inspection solicited. THE VOGUE MILLINERY. CALL OFF BOUT: W Henderson Fails to Make Weight for Saturday Night's Go With O'Brien. Tlio Huuderson-O'llrlcn boxing bout which was slated for last Sat urday night wns called off lato In tho afternoon and an endonvor is being made today to huvo It hold noxt Sat urday night. It wns stated this morning that It was likely tlint tho agreement would bo slgnod this af ternoon nt 140 pounds or loss. It Is clalmod that Hondorson weighed 148 pounds Snturdny nftor noon, about ton pounds moro than tho wolght ngroed upon for tho light. O'Drlon posltlvoly refused to moot him ut tho Incrousod weight. Thero wns no forfolt to mako wolght. It Is expected that next time, a for folt will bo required on making tho agrood wolght. Hondorson Is also trying to ar range another bout to be pulled off here some tlmo this month. Day refutes to meet hi in unleau a. side bet of $200 Is postod on It. All Members of United Stales Supreme Court Unite in Opinion. ' THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. LOSES Was Ousted From State and Heavily Fined for Violation of Statute. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tiino.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 1. Tho anti-trust lnws of Missouri wcro uphold todny by tho supremo court of tho United Stntos. Tho court ap proved of the stnto's nctlon ln ouot lng tho Stnndnrd Oil Company of Itv dlnna nnd tho Republic Company of Now York from tho stnto and fining each IftO.OOO under tho laws. The International Harvestor Com pany recently nppcnlod to tho court from n Missouri oustor decroo, the npponl bolng bnBCd on tho ground' thnt tho laws woro unconstitutional. Judge Lamar who announced tho un animous opinion of tho court hold thnt no right of tho corporation had boon denied under tho law ln tho trial. NO WILL LEFT Coffee King's Twenty Millions, to Go to Sisters, ' Pfobably. (Dy Associated rross to Tho Cooa Bay Tlhiba) NEW YORK, April 1 No will baa boon found nnd John Arbucklo in now bollovod to havo dlod Intestate Ills fortuno la osUmatod at twonty million dollars. Mrs. Arbucklo died flvo years ago and tho couplo had no children, tho noxt of kin bolng Mrs. Robert JnmlcBon and Miss Christina Arbucklo. sisters. HOUSEBREAKER CAUGHT HERE L. F. Thorn Wanted at Rose burg for Burglary Captured by Marshal Carter. L. F. Thorn, who nrrlved bore from Rosoburg Saturday night, was nrrostcd Inst evening by Marshal Carter on telephonic advises from Rosoburg thnt Thorn was wanted thoro for entering and robbing a houso, Tho nrroHt was mado about two hours nftor Thorn hit town. Mnrshal Cnrtor has notified Sher iff Qulno nt Rosoburg and It Is ex pected that ho will arrlvo lu n day or two to tako Thorn back thoro to answer tho charges against him. Thorn stolo qulto a lot of Jowolry and othor articles hut had got rid of most of thorn boforo reaching hero. Ho pawned a ring with a Jow elor nt Myrtlo Point. Thorn la np parontly forty yenru old and looka llko a laborer- RESUME WORK I DR. SIN QUITS JOD I'tovMonal ProUilcnt of China Re tires Today. (Dy Associated I reus ut the Coos Day NANKING. April 1. The public ' ceremony connected with Dr. Sun j Yat Sun's roMKnatloti from the office of provisional president of tho Chi nese republic took place In the hall ' of tho National Assembly today. Dr. . Sun bade the National Assembly a dignified farewell. Ho urgod t hat i every effort be mude to secure u unit ed Chinese and achlove tho highest Idoal of tho republic. Ho reiterat ed Ills confidence In President Yuan Shi Kai and in tho cabinet and gon oral assembly. Miners Voting in Favor of Call ing Off Strike Cold Weather. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON. April 1 Rot urns from the referendum vote of the miners are coining In. Thus far of tho 43 -000 vote counted, more than 25.000 have declared for resumption. Tho ond of tho strike comes none too soon as cold weather set In again yc terdav and In some dlotrlcis the ground Is covered with snow A large nti'iib'T of Industrial plants closed today for lack of coal, Llbby COAL. The xind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co.