fflP A HELPING HAND fIRST, THE GOOD ADVICf WILL ALWAYS KEEP TTDVEKTISlNa In Tho TISIES V' . ...... iimI Kntntn "in (Unnjg la Kmra WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep (ho Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting n few furnlahod rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified columns, you mny keep thnt Httlo extra Income as "steady as n clock." Will vm xuu if JlArkct" Kffectlvclyt m nut tho facts about your " H" Y.fnro 'Uo oyoB of nil "pos- properw - ,u town- And k glble buyore ono of them who ought to . . nno Oi mum MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS BKUCtTOTTravrff OL XXXV Fstnbllslicd In 1S70 ns Tlio Toast Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1912EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES.' A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll m- ooi WO PORTLAND MEN KILLED AND THIRD HURT IN HOLDUP iiiiu w nil) iiiivuTllrri CORONER'S JURY CENSURES GOV. MINERS UNO OPERATORS HOPE nknown Highwaymen Fire Shotgun " "Ul" ,",ljr When noouui y rano. HERIFF'S POSSES ; J-AIL lu riwu mem L Dead Men Close Friends Of FrailK U. uunun ui Marshfield. . t..,i nriu In Carta TitiV Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., March 30. Al- ouhBherltf Slovens of Multnomah list and Sheriff Maas of Olacka- county, togcthor wun auoui ,t- men have been hard at work "" ' . . .!. 1....I .,li.l,t (lint linvn il so iucccss whatovor In trying 1 1, ice tho murucrouB nigiiwuyiiiuii lo iMt night attempted to hold up , ininmobllo nnrty and, uiibuccosb ,i uttA n Bhotcun with fatal offoct. it,-.---- w. n TTI I IfO 01 luo pnriy, uuurKu iiimiiuho, neJIcal student, tnd Donnld M. inrt, a clerk, aro dead. Irtlnz I.upton, a moment huiuoiii tie University or urcgon, wnB snoi roojh the nrm but not seriously inred. Rmfo D. Stowart and II. L. Tnbb, other occupants, aro unlnjurod. Tttipot whore tlio attempted nom i occurred Is a very lonely ono and titter criminal with aonio know lit of tho surrounding county jit enlly avoid enpturo and poa ir mcsdo detection forovor. Tie man-huutcrs Imvo travorsod era largo section of tho surround- S country but aro declared to havo ailniularly unsuccessful In tholr lorti to find somo traco of tho na- sla. Tho THINK ALLENS SURROUNDED Capture of Virginia Courthouse Assassins Expected Very Soon. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TImo.) IIILI.SVII.1iK. Va.. March 30. Sldna Allen, leader of tho Allen clan, and Wcsloy Rdwnrds, his nephow, tho fuglttvo court houso assassins, nro bolloved to bo surrounded on Sugnr Loaf Mountain. Every line of cscapo Is said to bo guarded and a battlo may tnko plnce boforo night. POLITICS IN A Investigators of Killing by Ne braska Posse Returns Ex traordinary Verdict Today. f Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) SPRINGFIELD, Nob., March 30 Mcmbora of tho coronor'a Jury In tho Illuiit Inquest today signed a state ment rosontlng what thoy tormed tho "Interforenco" of Gov. Aldrlch In n letter written yesterday to Coroner Armstrong which thoy dcclaro was evidently "written with a vlow of In fluencing tho Jury." Thoro Is con sldcrnblo resentment over tho action of tho governor sending a lottor to tho coronor to bo read at tho Inquest and It Is freo'ly voiced. Tho lotter was addressed to tho coronor and citizens of Sprlngflold and tho tone, according to tho statement of tho Jury, "Indicated tholr Inability to tnko action on and lack of Intelli gence In handling a matter of this Borlous character." Tho Jury roturn od a verdict Bhortly after midnight recommending that Chiof of Police Drlggs of South Omaha, his special deputy, John C. Trouton, and Sheriff Myers of Lincoln, bo hold to tho dis trict court for killing Roy Blunt and that Sheriff Grant Chaso of Sarpy county be censured for not prevent ing shooting which resulted In Dlunt's death. Illtint was killed in pursuit of tho convicts who recently escaped from tho penitentiary at Lincoln. Dlunt, a young farmer, was forced by tho convicts to drlvo a wngon In which tho convicts tried to cludo the posse. TO PREVENT LUNG STROGGLE PLAN TO KEEP UP PDRT IRK IKE ID E Roosevelt Campaign Manager Announces Many Contests , Are Planned. (Dy AsBoclnted Press to Tho Cooa Day Times; WASHINGTON. Mnrch 30. Tho surmlso that perhaps seats of 112 of tho delegates to tho lonen wcro Involved In tho shoot uithe only dovelopmont of tho rth up to ono o clock this nftor- les. LV0W.V IN MARSHFIELD film of Portland Holdup Friends of l'-aiiK u. Uoiiiui Irruk D. Cohan of tho Busy Cor- rirc-atoro this morning rccolvod Wtfram' from Portland, notifying s oi the holdup, tho mombora of euto party being Inttmato frlonds hit Hastings played quartorbnek tie Oregon Agrlcultunl Comoro Willi team In 1910 and 1011. Ho pi In the Initiation of thrco of fa In bis fraternity. Tho tolo ks came from Ilort Cohnn. his f tier, and gavo no particulars Ittthan that tho tragody occurred ue oiwego road, noar Portlnnd, 'tliM. Most of tho momborn of 'Pt'ero mombors of tho Mult aa Club of Portland. II IN WILL RETIRE ropubllcan national convention so far chosen will bo contested according to Sonator Dixon today at tho Rooso volt hcadquartorB horo. Though tho Taft manngors claimed that 2C4 dol ogatoB aro Instructed for him, Dixon crodlts him with only 3G and gives 02 to Hoosevolt and lists 04 ns unln Btructod. Tho contests Includo tho oloctlon of ten delegates In Indiana whoro tho Itoosovolt managers will attack tho validity of tho stato con vention becauso n contestd county delegation was allowed vote on its own eligibility. Twenty dologatcs woro soloctcd last wcok. Mississ ippi Is claimed outright by both tho Taft nnd Itoosovolt managors. They nro not Included In tho list of con tested dologatcs in tho Iloosovelt Btatoment, Iloosovelt mnnngora main taining thoy cnrrlod tho regular con vention nnd havo tho regular dele gates to Chicago. OHIO FOR, TAFT Republican State Central Committee Dny Sustains President. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Tlmo.) COLUMDUS, Ohio, March 30. Tho Taft administration was en dorsed nnd Taft was endorsed ns a candidate by tho ropubllcan state central committee hero today. DENIAL FROM KAISER Emperor Did Not Urge Fortification of Panama Canal. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) HKULIN, March 30. Tho North German Gnzetto today donles n re port that Emperor William had In a rocont conversation urgod a strong fortification of tho Panama cannl. Port President of China Will Resign and Quit Pub ' lie Life. Associated Press to Coos Buy .... umes) u-D0Y Marr )i nn ti,.. to --. jtolielleve President Yunn Shi ""I thortlv rnslll nml rnli-A a public life, according to n nows t ' ,"mm from Tlon Tsln to- lta. ."u,.nsk tll foreign pow- Protect him. WM.IH l iixivnis . ,. . ....... I nronililiUll.ill nil U'lllpll JOflOd liml lPOll Fw'e IW-. PiosMimtiiii PnJn fnmildal.lo cnmnalcii against tho 'paid. Alo $1020 t C. A. Noblo for 'Awcuatel fn tu tlio Coos Duy SmP,?,LI)' "' Jlnrc1' 30 lUinOIJ H0U"rt linKBMltlll. ,11-AI. ,..lno .. . ---- - i-.-. m,,m l'"nry bill by ."-InOttg VOtP Tl.n 1,111 .lo ''Tm napsf, i i.i. .i, i 10 linvnii,,,.. ii.. i.i I.ii """i tDiiun iuj ma PLAN HARD CAMPAIGN Mudoro AminghiK to Quell involu tion In Mexico. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 30 lebols in Mexico, according to tele- gram rocelvod hero today from Ms dero's private secretary. Ties for Hoail Tho first shlpmont i of tlos for the Terminal Railway ar Money to Operate Dredge Ore gon Pledged at Chamber of Commerce. At a meeting nt tho Marshfield Chamber of Commerce last evening, n fund of $7000 to continue tho dredgo Oregon on tho harbor Im provements outlined by tho Port Commission was guaranteed and steps taken to t-ecuio a reorganiza tion of the Krt at tho earliest pos blblo dato. The meeting was one of tho most largely attended thnt has been held lu many montliB, tho Chamber of Commorco bolng crowd ed. Dr. McCormnc, who presldod, announced at tho oponlng of tho meeting thnt it was n "get together" session and that In tho discussion of a moans of overcoming tho diffi culties ho desired to havo all person alities ollmlnatcd nnd his wish was compiled with, making tho gathering n most harmonious ono. Dr. McCormac stated that thoro wcro two Important thlngB for tho mooting to do, ono to provldo a way of keeping tho Oregon horo and tho othor of reorganizing tho Port Com mission. As to tho first, Eugincor F. K. Leefo explained that tho work outlined for tho Orogon by tho Port Commission would cost aomowhoro botweon S7000 to 19000. Ho said tho provlous commission projects tho Orogon had done had cost $G22G.75 and besides this ho had rocoived $1000 to be utilized In planting Hol land grass. Tho work to bo dono was lu widening tho channot to a width of S00 feet bctwoon tho Cold Storage and Porter mill. To do this to a dopth of IS feet would rcqulro tho removal or about 120,000 yards of dirt outsldo tho govornmont proj ect which would cost about 17.000, or to Increase the depth to 10 feot would cost possibly $0000. Owing to tho necessity of getting fcslornl npproval of the work, which had been granted boforo with tho under standing tho Port Commission would pay the costs, ho asked that the Chambor of Commorco guaranteo tho money at onco to Major Morrow. Aftor a momentary discussion, A. 11. Powers said that ho thought thero wero enough mon present who would guaranteo tho money needed until tho port could bo reorganized nnd raise it. For ono, l.o said he would personally guaranteo $5000 of tho amount. J. W. Donnott then said ho would guarantee another $1000 of It and Wm. Grimes said that he would guaranteo $1000 of It. This In might forth consldornblo applause from the assemblage. Peoplo to Pay Tnv. There was a lengthy discussion of the nrasoiit status of the Port. Dr. K. Mlugus statod that tho liabilities of the Port consisted of n $3000 mortgage duo lu April on tho Adams waterfront property on North iront EARLY TODAT Fire of Unknown Origin De stroys Building on South Sixth Street. Flro of unknown origin totnlly do- stroyed a vncunt houso on South Sixth street about 3 o'clock this morning, The houso wns owned by Tctcr Clausen. Although tho flro department re sponded promptly, tho flro was un der Biich headway that thoy could do nothing beyond keeping It from oproadtng to tho adjoining houses. Ono of those also belonged to Mr. nnd Mrs, Clausen nnd was occupied by Chas. II. Curtis nnd wife. For a fow minutes, it looked ns though It must also burn and most of tho fix tures were carried out. Tho homo of Mrs. Alice Sneddon was also threat ened for a time. Mrs. Clausen stated this morning thnt thoy hnd not estimntcd tholr loss. Sho said that thoy had Insur ance, on It but sho wns not posttlvo wnotnor or not It hnd expired. Thoy wcro Just overhauling tho houso pre liminary to leasing It, Honry John son yesterday started In tho work nnd InBt his toolB In tho tiro, Mrs. Clausen bollovcs that tho flro either resulted from tramps or others starting a flro In an old Btovo In tho bnsoment or that It was of Incendlnry origin. SALDWIN CASE DECIDED. NOW Supreme Court Turns Down Claims of Anita Turnbull- Baldwin. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) Arrange Conference for April 10 to Try and Adjust, Differences. EXPECT BOTH SIDES TO MAKE CONCESSIONS Part of Men in Anthracite Fields Quit Work Today Ready for Strike. I By Associated Prces to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, March 30 Another meting of tho nnthrnnlin nm.mii,,. and n committed minors tho dnto of SAN FRANCISCO, March 30 Ily w c ymMtto;inyUnhnV a unanimous decision of tho supremo riSl I Im . n 1 Cn."r; court here today the heirs of Lucky So'and "o fSr", Z "'" T f Dnldwln nro confirmed In tholr nos scsbIoiib of his ostnto estimated to bo worth approximately $11,000,000, and the claims against it of Bcatrlco Anita Baldwin or Turnbull, nro dismissed. CANADA SCENE OF DIG STRIKE TELS ABOUT S Coroner Wilson Returns From Investigation of McDuffce Shooting at Bandon. Coronor F. E. Wilson roturnod last night from Dnndon where ho con ducted the Inquest In tho MqDuffeo tragedy yesterday. Ho Is convinced thnt the verllct returned by tho Jury ho empnnnelod thoro Is correct, thnt Walkout of 4000 Railroad Con struction Laborers Blamed to I. W. W. , ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) VANCOUVER II. a, March 30. i' our thousand or tho flvo thousnnl mon omployed In railway construc tion cumps nlong tho Canadian North ern Railway botween Hopo nnd Knm loops Btruck today for hlghor pay and shorter hours. Many of thorn aro huudlng for Vancouvor to carry on tho propaganda horo. Tho mon havo boon rccoiving $2.50 and $3.25 for ton-hour days. Thoy domand a minimum of $3 for a nlno-hour day. This tho Hub-contractors refused to grant. It Ib said thnt most of tho men nro mombora of tho Industrial Workors of tho World, which havo been organizing and holding meet ings for Severn! weeks past. VESSEL POOL ago nnti othor (iiicmtlnnn win ha amicably reached and thnt tho sub pcnslon of work In tho hard coal rog lon which begins April 1 will bo of short durntlon. It Is reported that tho operators aro willing to grnnt ft small increnso In wages. Whothor tho minors will drnlt a now set of domnndB can not bo lonrnod. IS i Suit Begun to Dissolve Combi nation of Big Steamship companies. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) NEW YORK. March 30. A suit for tho dissolution of certain stcniu ship companies ongngod in traffic COM EH APRIL 10 President Hoer ntid President White Discuss Mine Hlrlko (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) PHILADELPHIA, March 30. Afl a result or telegrams exchanged today botweon Goorgo F. Baor, roproson tlng tho operators and John P. White and other olllclals or tho mlno work ore union, a conforenco will bo hold horo April 10 to discuss tho ilnnmml. for hlghor wages nnd bottor working conditions. It Is oxpoctcd that at tho confor enco each si do will concodo something nnd thnt nn agroomjent will soon follow. HOPE FOR PEACE Operator Willing to Mnko Blight" Concessions non. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Mnrch 30. Although a suspension of work, lias definitely boon called In tho anthra cite mines to tnko offect at midnight Sunday, measures aro undor way by tho Unltod Mlno Workors of Amorlca today to Improvo tho situation caus ed by tho dispute. President White of tho Union oxpected to nrrango a dato of mooting botweon tho anthra cite minors and operators for a sot tlomont of tho differences. At tho snmo tlmo tho bituminous minors nnd operators hoped to com plete nn ngroomont whoroby tho mln ore will nccopt a slight increnso in pay Instead or enforcing tho orlglnnl domnndB. MANY QUIT WORK Strike Sentiment Griming filnro Sub- lieiision Order. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmo.) SIIAMOKIN, Pa., March 30. Many minors did not ronort for work todny and othors wont to tho mines, got their tools nnd went homo. Slnco tho suspension order tho strlko son tlment Is much stronger. Is that It was a case of attempted ; between Now iork nnd tho far east iniiruer ami suiciue. j m oui uunui wb iuuu hulkhaadiits: nut lu front of Fern- dnle. the money having been guar anteed by the Port Commission whon the property owners woro slow In fpnin'ylnjc because of tho desire to provont the dredgingi being punipod uy or item ior u.e i. ....... """ - (ovor on t,,e nMd fmts. A1bo about .Ib rived today, abou 000 being Y""'1 . $,noo cli:. H. L-non for Catching ?.' .!!??" "Jr?.m. "'iMn! in lln'et dredging. $1000 hnvl.l been IVKll iv IV,,,, ' l WiU'UIt , , r .!;"' ,whn ve CALIFORNIA es nonr Ara- at Ocenn- U. oxpeoted tliat tlio lirsi siupmem '",, nIm OI1 fhp work Uv gl,i the rails will be received on the Relondo ! J" " " j' "., ,i . ,ti tbo b.1 '. uru - " '---- -- - - -- today. isii'v or thU venr'tt tax. the total tax .... 'l.alna ohnllf ?4 000. Seeks Relative'' Marahal carter ""? ".'. .a,i vnmi Una ,-,, nlvnil n lnttar from C. R. Wll-I . . . , i. .i. i.D, .1,1.,.. . At , .avo-inL. woman nt thnt'snn of 220 Golden Gate avonuo. San I ,;' .., ,,, PnP TT Brener Lf. r.lTmr.)ny Mr- and Francisco, asking him to locate lV5 ! Pnwors suggeBted that even- prop-J . - (V L L IflP IMOIII 1 Mn rv-t 1 . m . . ... ... (inm fli ' 11' Mill IU II . r. 1 ll-l-l.l T Mr.. - " " uiukuji rnniiiv oi umu iinuivi i" i .. .. mrnar 111 tiift 1'ort. iimiriuL oe " " la' I who was killed In an accident In Cur-, 10-ogte(1 t0 ,my ln Ma port tax f 'Uivinv ' ry county In laua or iJua. m "-. he nRS not nliendy none so and men -.,..u" V dlsnlav of olo- not snv why he Is trying to lointe , vo trustee or somo one expend it In Improving tho nariior uimi mo Port could be reorganized, thus not letting tho work stop. J. W. Dennett was thon called on by Dr. McCormac. Ho said that he was g'ad. as he a'ways had been, to do anything he could to help Im prove the harbor. Ho said tho past should be forgotten and tho peoplo should now get JJjkri (Continued on pr 4.) . ;" dlsnlay or olo-' not sny why he Is trying n irifi ii0rc7. s on dlsplny at tho; tho family. W i ST0"K. NORTH I'IIILlSiiy BOllcl(1, ANGLER'S L1CKNS1. at J :lc,..., 1"mi niiM.r, .: r t .oiiTi:,,'n-r?,-K cent w -.., mwsk.vs two :l,0flDePHOTTERMSS ,W.I IX3G FRAPPB nt E? Aueo film and WALKER STl'DIO. Milners'. Cyko paper at ruiihif Tackle tho best mad at NORTON & HANSEN'S two stores See our ad on page 3 Red Cross Drug Store. Thero woro all sorts of rumors afloat and thon be reached there the day boforo yesterday, tho peoplo thero generally had a suspicion that there was something Involved besides whnt had first boon given out. Mc Duffee's body had not boon moved from whore he fell nnd porsons who first saw him wero rosponBlblo for tho report that ho was not powdor burned. Mr. Wilson found that ho was badly powder burned, somo of i-o lmlr ftom tho tomplo bolng burned. Indicating that tho muzzle of tho 44-cnllbro had been hold closo to his head. The bullet passod clear through his head. Only two bullets hnd boon fired, the first one passing through Mrs. MrDuffee's body and falling on the floor of the pantry. Mr. MeDufreo was getting along fairly woll when Mr. Wilson loft. Tho witnesses did not go dopp Into the cause of the family trouble that led up to the shooting. On tho morn ing of the fatal nffalr. McDuffoe walked up and down in the st:oet In riont or W. P. Spencer's restaurant. !:;. al Holman happened to be In 'he restaurant and McDutfee re mained outside. For somo unknown reason, McDuffeo had been suspicious of Spencer, It wns claimed. Tho witnesses boioro the coroner's Jury were Dr. Huston, John Davis, C. Baumgnrtner, Allen Boyd, Mrs. M. L. Wilkinson. G. W. Gatenby, W. P. Sponcer and S. S. Shields, and a statement trom Mrs. McDuffoo was also reed. Allan Boyd Is tho 20-yenr-old step son of McDuffee. Ho saw McDuffeo bhoot hluibblf, Tho coroner's Jury was composed or Gus Darre, Honry Pulson, Rny McNalr, Durt Dyer, L. A. Roeves and R. Walker. GARDEN HOSE at MILNERS'. by tho Unltod States government nero touny. Tho compnnlos aro charged with pooling freight rntes and rebating to concerns who ship exclusively oyor tholr Ityies. BOAT RACE FAILS Hough Water Interferes with Oxford Ciiinlirldgo Raco (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times.) ..PUTNEY, Eng.. Mnrch 30 Tho annual elght-oarod rowing contest botweon Oxford and Cambrldgo FRANCE TO STOP HTRIKK by Elghl-liour Day Law Emitted Chamber of Demilles. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times.) f PARIS. March 30. Tho Chambor or Deputies today passed a bill pro viding for an eight-hour dny for tho coal minors, it is bolloved tho no tion will remove tho possibility or a gonurnl strike In tho coal Holds. RESU.ME IN ENGLAND Mirny Miner.-, Vole to Resume Work In Great Rrlliaii (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Ray Tim os.) which started this morning nt tho i LONDON, March 30 Roturns todny Putnoy bridge was doclarod no raco from the scattered coal districts or after both sholls woro watorlofegod. Doth crows had dlflleultlos soon aftor tho start owing to tho rough wntor created by strong hoad winds. Their progross was vory slow and soon both sholls woro more or loss wnterlogged and as the raco progrossod, matters booamo worso. Cambrldgo droppod out first. Oxford's boat capslzod but tho crow righted hor and com pleted tho courso. Tho Judges de clared no eontost. It will bo row ed again April ! Groat Drltlnn show a largo majority. of tho miners doslre to resume work. In many places tho voto was five to ono in favor of It. it Is oxpected that thoro will bo a general resump tion Monday. THREE IIRAVE SAILORS THANK FIREMEN See, Meyer Commends MomberH of Crew of .Tail! Jones. (By Assoclutod Projs to Tho Cods Day Tlmos) WASHINGTON, Mnrch 30 Three mombors of tho crow of tho Unltod Stntos torpedo bout Paul Jonos lmvo Wo wish to oxpross publloly our , heon officially commondod by Socro slnroro appreciation of tho gallant, ta,T Moyor for brnvory In tho rocont work or tho mombors or tho Marsh- explosion on that vossel. Two of Hold Flro Department and osnoolally i thoso mon, Gus Smorlek and John J. tho Gulovson boys nnd Will Sleep, In Eborloln, entered tho flroi saving our othor houso from destruc tlon this morning. PETER CLAUSEN nnd wife All sizes CHICKEN NUTTING and CATTLE FENCE at MILNERS'. ROSARIES, CROSSES, LOCKI7T8, BRACELETS and RINGS for EAR TEIt GIFTS at Red Cros Drug Store. roroom im mediately aftor tho oxplnslon and groping their way through tho hot stonm "speeded up" tho blowers. Tho third, S. A. Goodson, descondod Into tho tiro room, turned on tho blowor nnd crnwlod around tho bollor ros and crawled around the boiler to res- 8CREEN DOORS, Window Screens and FLY KILLERS at MILNERS'.