The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 29, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Inst Koncrnl election, . . tho
county court mny" ... at said
January term, appoint a second or
nddltlonal board consisting of threo
Judges and threo clerks for each pro-'
clnct, who shall hold their offices for
two years." Id. 330G. "It Bhall bo
tho duty of tho county cleric, thirty
dnys hoforo any general or presiden
tial election, and at least ten days
before any special election, to pro
unrn nrlntnit notlcca of tho election
'and mall two of snld notices to each
M......,w . .-..., ..... o - - ijudgo and each clerk or election in
rltory April 10, 1D09, were less than ,;, rCcInct: and it shall bo tho
tho number of electors who wero rog-' duty of tho sovoral Judge and clerks
istorcd for tho election hold In No- U Imnicdlntcly post snld notices In
Tombor, 1908. Tho Btatuto rcgulnt
(Continued from page 1.)
number of votors residing In tho tcr-
Ing tho incorporation of ports con
tains clauso3 ns follows: "Tho
Judges and clerks appointed by tho
county court for tho prcccdlne gen
eral election fill nil act as Judges and
dorks of such special election, and
tho register of voters used at such
preceding election shall be used at
nuch Bpcclnl election, and no 0110 but
persons authorized to vote within
BUch district nt a general election
held therein shnll bo authorized to
Toto at such special olcctlon. . . .
Tho polls shnll bo kopt open between
tho hours provided for In caso of
general olcctlon, and nntlco of tho
tlmo of such special election shall
bo posted In each polling precinct In
which such measure Is to bo voted
upon In llko manner as Is provided
fo In .sea of u nornl elections. L.
O. Ii. G11G.
Tho ovldonco received nt tho trial
herein shows that at tho olcctlon held
In Novcmbor, 1908, thoro woro 2002
rotors registered In tho sovcrnl pre
cincts comprising tho proposed port.
If tho testimony admitted had dis
closed that any ono or inoro of tho
persons so enrolled had moved out of
tho district prior to April 19, 1909,
tho registration would havo been di
minished to that extent. Tho num
bor bo enrolled would havo boon aug
montod also by testimony showing
that qunllflcd electors had moved In
to tho district nftor November, 1908,
or woro living therein at that tlmo
but woro not roglstcrod, and wero en
titled to voto at tho special election.
Tho testimony, to tho introduction
of which objection was mndc, con
sists of tho declarations of witnesses
who stated that tho number of voters
In tho district April 19, 1909, was
lesR than nt tho proceeding olcctlon,
and that mora Qualified electors had
moved out of tho territory nftor No
vcmbor, 1908, than hnd como Into it.
No nnmo of any porson wnu glvon
who either moved into or out of tho
district within tho tlmo specified, so
as cortnlnly to determine t hero fro in
nn incrcaBo of, or a reduction In tho
numbor of registered voters.
Tho finding of fact that tho num
bor of qualified doctors In tho torrl
tory Involved on April 19, 1909, was
npproximmoiy luoo is not founded
on any compotent ovldonco nnd er
rors woro committed in admitting tho
opinions of witnesses on that subject.
Tho finding respecting tho nnnroxl-
mnto numbor of voters, seems ex
prossly to bo contradicted by tho
finding thnt "on or about tho tenth'
dny of April, 1909, nctunl notlco of
i no unio or holding snld oloctlon was
mnllod to at least 1704 registered
votors within snld torrltory proposed
to bo Incorporated" nnd tho finding,
"that tho votorn Hworn in nt tho Port
of Coos liny oloctlon In April, 1909,
wnB 309," thus disclosing thnt tho
numbor of ntmllflod electors was
2073 InBtond of 19C0, tho numbor so
Tostlmony was admlttod over ob
jection nnd OXCOIltton t mi dim- In
show thnt tho quostlon of tho Incor
poration or l ho port was discussed at
public meetings hold In nnmo of tho
precincts nnd in nowspnpora pub
lished In tho district. Tho oloctlon
held April 19, 1909, wna special (Ii.
O. Ii. G11C) nnd ns tho stntuto pro
scribed tl-o particular ninnnor of giv
ing notlco thoroof, ns horolnnftor
miiioii, tno mouioij thus provided for
Is oxcIiibIvc. Wright vs. McMlnn
vlllo 117 Pnc. 298. Urrors woro
thoroforo comiult'od n admitting
uviuuiiL-n in uie puiiiio moetliiKH nt
which tho question of Incorporating
tho port wiih discussed, am! of tho
nowspnpor comments relating to tho
Bnmo Biibjeet. Whether or not tho
misapplication of ho leunl prlnrlploa
roforred to woro projudlclnl will do-
iwiii upon a coiiHidoratlon of tho
public nlnces In their respective pro
ducts." Id. 3307.
In the 12 precincts composing tho
district more thnn 150 bnllots having
been cast In each of threo of them,
tho rounty court appointed nn nddl
tlonal board, consisting of threo
Judges and threo clerks for each of
such more populous divisions of tho
county. Hy computation it will bo
seen thnt In tho 12 precincts desig
nated thcro wero 72 Judges and
clerks regularly required nnd also 18
extra members duly appointed, mak
ing 9 0, each of whom was ordered to
post two election notices In his pre
cinct, or 180 notices thnt should hnvo
been put up In tho cntlro district. It
will bo remembered that tho court
found thnt of the numbor of notices
so domandod thoro had been posted
by tho Judges nnd clorkB onlv ion:
by third parties at their request 8;
hy other porsons 9: unaccounted for.
14; nnd thnt thoro was a noglpct to
pill Up 4 4.
Tn olectlons to Incorporate ports,
nelthor tho Indues nor tho clarkn nro
roqulrod to mnko any roturn of tho
posting or election notices. Dennett
TriiBt Co. vs. Songstnckon, C8 Or.
Tho duty never having boon Im
posed hy stntuto It will ho nssumod,
without deciding tho quostlon, thnt
the 14 notices, in respect to which
no ovldonco was offered, woro prop
erly prcsumod by tho trial court to
linvc boon regularly posted. L. O. L.
799 Biibdv. 1G; Whlta vs. Smith, 50
Ark. 2GG, 270.
Tho piirpoBO designed to bo nub
Korvod by tho Btatuto In requiring no
tice of olcctlon to bo given, is to In
form lognl votors of tho tlmo, plnco
and objects of nn olcctlon. As found
hy tho trlnl court It will bo taken for
grnntod, without determining tho
mnttor, thnt though tho duty to post
such notices hos boon Imposed on
Judgos nnd clorka of oloctlon, tholr
nppolntmont by tho county court dooa
not crento Biich n rolntlon of trust
nnd confldonco thnt tho obligation
resting upon thorn cannot bo legally
discharged by other porsons. If oloc
tlon notices omanato from tho prop
er Bource, nro Issued pursunnt to
Inw, afford tho roqulslto Intelligence
nnd havo been displayed In public
plnccs for tho designated tlmo, it
would soom to bo immaterial who
posted thorn, and for thnt reason It
will bo concedod, though not noccs
sary to n decision horoln, thnt tho 17
notices thnt woro put up by porsons
other thnn tho Judgos nnd clerks of
olcctlon woro proporly posted.
Considering tho notlcos, In proof
of posting which tho trlnl court in
voked tho proflumptlon, nnd thoso
thnt woro put up by third poraonB ns
having been noatod bv tho 1m.Il-
nnd clerks, tho number of notlcos put
up nnu omiucu to bo displayed In tho
fuvurni precincts, composing tho pro
posed port, nro rospoctlvoly ns fol
lows: Coos City, 8 nnd 4; Coos
river north, 11 and lj Cooh rlvor, 9
nnd 3; Umpire 10 nnd 2: I.nko. s
nnd 4: Marshflold north, 10 nnd 8;
.mi mumm Biiuwi, zi nnu 2; Now
port, 10 nnd 2: North Horn!, 14 nnd
10; South slough, 10 mid 2; Sumner.
10 mid 2; nnd Tonmllo, 8 nnd 4. It
will bo noted thnt In each of thoso
preclneta thoro was n fnlluro to post
tho required numbor of oloctlon no-1
iicuh, varying rrom ono to ton.
It will bo kept 111 mlllil Mint Mia
court found from tho ovldonco tnken
'"i "i "io oioetlon hold April 19,
1909, thoro woro 1234 votos cast, of
Wlllell 309 WCrO RVirri In na I.....I....
been polled hy electors who had not
been registered, nn.i thnt tiw. rna.,u
pf tho voto una 992 In fnvor of tho
Incorporation of tho port nnd 221
ngalnst tho measure, thereby dlsclos
Ing that 21 bnllotB woro evidently
placed In tho boxes without any
marks thereon to Indlcnto tho choice
(Continued from pago 1.)
law ns It stands, and ondoavor by
cautiousness nnd enroful efforto to
avoid tho Illegalities which occiirrod
In tho former attempt to organize,
' or shall wo wait for tho legislature
to conveno next Jnnunry nnd got tho
law amended, not only in tho partic
ulars mentioned, but after invcstlga
!,. iiv nnmn romnctont porsons who
will look over tho sltuntlon and look
into tho futuro nnd go into tho same
details as you would In your prlvato
business or when drawing up n con
tract which has to bo kopt in forco
nt tho provlous gonornl election, for years? If wo mnico a stagger iu
Novor thinking thnt somo of thorn it again under tho law as now crcnt-
mlght havo died between that tlmo cd, will tho port bo able to soil tho
and tho present or might havo moved bonds, nnd would It not bo wiso to
out of tho county. Why didn't thoy limit tho indebtedness which tho
provide that notlco bo glvon by pub- port Commissioners can Incur, with-
Jlshlng it in tho nowspaporT That out a voto of tho people, or do you
would bo less cxponBlvo nnd It would bollovo It will bo wise to pormlt tho
hnvo been road by overy body and law to remain ns It la so tnnt tno
then tho printers' nffldavit would bo Commission, without consulting tho
on fllo to show that It was printed, people, can bond tho district to tho
Then it says, tho election shall bo extent of ten per cent of its nsscsa-
hold for not less than forty nor more 0d valuation, something llko nonrly
than sixty days, na tho county court a million dollars at tho prcsont tlmo?
Bhall determine. Whnt a rldicu- Tho situation la n serious ono. My
Ioub absurdity to rcqulro that an oloc- idea would bo to proceed to rcorgnn-
tlon bo hold not lesB thnn forty days jzo undor tho law at onco and with
nor moro than sixty dayBl Dut that's tho understanding that tho now com-
tho Inw and tho court enn't chango it. mlssloncrs would bo pledged to In-
Now what does It mean? Why does cur n liability of not moro than
It not say that tho oloctlon shall bo $300,000, which wo already voted
hold for ono dny? Tho unfortunnto upon, without they wero requested
part of that Is this, that question has to do bo by a majority voto at an el-
not been sottlcd by tho Supreme octlon hold for that purpose Then
Court yet. Another Important ques- it would bo up to tho bond buyers
tlon is, will It bo posslblo to sell to dctormlno whether or not they
bonds boforo that quostlon la BOttlod. consider tho organization good with-
Dond holders would not buy tho out any further trips to tho Supromo
bonds until tho question of tho or- Court.
gnnlzntion of tho port had boon sottl- Then If tho stilo of tho bonds ho
od and all tho questions ralBod un- comes Impossible under tho present
less thoy should hnppon to got somo Inw, an ontlroly now Inw can bo on
incompotont attorney, who would acted at tho noxt legislature or tho
glvo an opinion, thnt tho organlza- present Inw can bo nmcndod bo ns
tlon wns according to law. Dut poo- t0 make It practicable, seems about
plo who hnvo flvo hundred thousand tho only thing loft to do.
dollars to invest, do not gonorally Present Pressing XccessltltcH
employ that class of Intolllgonco. Tho decision seems to hnvo brought
Tho law ItBolf Ib tho foundation for about chaos and confusion In tho
tho evils. Tho very first atop which minds of ninny nnd n solution of tho
wns takon wna a mistake How can question of how to copo with tho
It bo romodlod7 Now, that takes present pressing necessities npponrs
time I did not draw ,tho law and to predominate but as Dr. McCormao
hnd nothing to do with It nnd novor has called a mooting of tho Chamber
saw It until nftor It pnssod tho leg- of Commorco for this evening, por
Islaturo. haps It will not bo out of place for
Juatlco Mooro In hla opinion ro- nio to suggest what I bollovo Is tho
contly rondorod, Bays tho court has solution.
mndo ovory offort not to disturb tho Tho Supromo Court has already
oloctlon nnd nro unnblo to find any hold thnt tho port of Coos Day Is n
way undor tho law, na an apology for dofacto corporation and tho prcsont
bo doing. Now Just think of it. decision will not bo In forco until tho
When you Btop nnd think thnt ovory mnndnto from tho Supromo Court Is
Judgo on tho bonch wna In favor of niod with tho County Clork. It Is
up holding tho port oloctlon nnd tho customnry to send It to tho attorney
law upon which It 1b founded was bo for tho plaintiff, who urged tho caso
dofoctlvo that thoy cannot find any n tho Supromo Court nnd I presume
way by which It can bo dono, that n ,) tlmo it will bo sent to me
certainly ought to satiety any ono Thon I bollovo tho filing enn bo with-
that tho foundation of tho port la tho bold any rcnsonablo tlmo bo that tho
root of tho ovll. present commissioners will hnvo
Another question In tho caso nnd ninntv of tlnm tn oinn un tim nfrniro
upon which mo ruconi. cunu wuo uu- nntl provldo for tho Drodgo Oregon
elded, waB tho quostlon of notice' ,i0ng whatovor may bo noccBsary.
That was tho ono Question which nnd posslblly long enough so that tho
J bollovod tho court could not nvold port Election can bo hold and tho
nnd whon Judgo Durnott docldod tho pooplo hnvo a chanco to say who thoy
uwiur cunu in iuur ui uiu iuh, uu want ror commissioners.
Snld tlllB qilCStlon Of nOtICO WOUltl I Then tinrRnnH whn hnvn
havo to bo tried In .n quo warranto pn,i their port tax can havo no com-
procoouing. no uiqruiuru hhuwuu m pinlnt, na It waa dono voluntarily
roluctnnco to pass upon It nnd tried nntj thoso who hnvo not yot pnld can
to avoid It if possible Dut tho bond i,nvo it in tholr doscrotlon to pay
buyors would not purchaso until that tho threo mills nntl nld In tho work
question wna Bottled and you can nn,i i bollovo whon tho situation Is
very roauiiy neo mu wihuuiu lur muir lmdorRtnnil t inrn w II lm hut rn.v ,!,
., 1 It ... I. ...... I W HUW.V.I II..W
bo lining, nun uiuru iiuiy uo ii tiruiu
many moro discovered, upon a care
ful Investigation by compotont par
ti os.
I wns Bntlsflod from tho start that
when that quostlon of notlco camo
will rofuso to mnko tho paymont.
Tho C. A. Smith concerns nnd oth
er hoavy tax payors havo alroady
paid tho port tax, nftor bolng ndvisod
thnt tho decision would probably bo
HB it Ir fltlfl thftv Yinvn nn .trial., tn ...
l. l. .... ..-!.. ,... ..l.i .. .. : "- "' " muo..u iu ,u-
uuiuiu uii miuiimv, mu mum . cnu it nnu thoro nro possibly many
not dodgo it; thoro was no oBcnpo, ' othors who will follow in tholr foot
nnd my predictions havo boon cor- stops.
rcc i , i . . Another menna of delay would bo
I tried to got tho court to pasa u.- to nio n nntitinn f ,.i.-i i...;
on tho Borond quostlon in this Inst that would appoar to bo an insult n
suit, as to tho holding of tho oloctlon intolllgonco
lZ U.!f., '!"?;? S'i'l.SL".''!'. honct. capable, con-
..-. ww.. ....w .... ..... .. w ,.w.w. bi'iuiiiioub gentiomen, who comnrlso
to sell tho bonda until it la passed tho Supromo bench, unanimously say?
up,on! ., , ,.,.,.,. I "A "'Kont effort has beon mado to
In testing n law of this km , whoro find, if posslblo, somo way to escnio
tho object Is to got It BOttlod llnnlly.tho mnrinuin., .i.ii. t ',' "I -:ul'.
In tho courts, ovory question roenrd-1 mmn .,.,. i.i ... .. " ,."rco."
Euil'irr II 11 iflnlHullillk
iHllllll 111 If 111 lHllB
.. .- . . " .-- ..-.,,
HIIIUIHT Of imilOIR onnt nt t1i aimMnl ' nf Min nlimtMru HM,. ... .. . : .
n,!,.?,V"" J1'?' f0"'l"ro,l Wh tho voto. polled be'lng 1231 of which 309
: 'iv-viiiB wnu nit ri'KiS'
iwifii itir uio preceiiing
Whatever the rule may he
Ing 1(8 validity which can bo dlscov
orod, should bo passed upon and thon
there would bo no dllllculty with tho
bond holders' nttornoy giving nn op
inion thnt tho port was proporly or
ganized. Tho government projoct provides
for a channol eighteen foot deep nt
low tido nnd two hiinilroil fnnl wliln
from tho bnr to tho head of nnvlga
.... i. , -.. . .
num- n ih milieu in urfRon that
n BPeclal election the notlco thoroof
loqulroil by tie Btatuto to ho kIvoii.
rniiRtltnin ii)iiiiiiiin ...i.,...
wl ch must b observed In order to I
oro routs- were a worn In. It will bo boo ti,ni !. '" u,0.imr lo l" llt'ntl or "nviga-
Novombor only 925 bill ".'a woro cast Sregs tlo,f nn,,br ron80U ,f 10 0rk J
I terod votors, nd ns thoro were on- i,n(,?r thnt nIl"-opriatlon by U. S.
o in other' llod at thnt tlmo 2002 elector it KnBlno.or Lcofo w,th lno Drodgo Oro-
Is qulto mnnlfoHt. If tho eontrndletory
flUdlUK IUHll Iiv tlin rniii-l lm .11'
KHi-dod. that 1077 roKli'orod votorn
1 .?, ."" "wri '" "10 Bl't'olnl election.
VnllilHtn ... nr tn l .:." I"..''" ,i... "" ' 'V""' "" ll linn
t ... i 7 . . iu upon. - "iiiiin uio priue ii o mi-
Slur ilcii vb. Ilnr luckor. iv" n un. 11 u.i i do...i ..' '..""
nno-iiHnt. v. Ai-ii-;:. ..: ".:. ii.r," v "- uiiry. ,.i uro.
, ..,.,,,, n; IJr
wnjfi-r v. jipji nnv o. 117
gon, tho coming nnd going of tho
UobhIu Dollar, with hor Immonso enr-
upon us," would It not bo nn Insult
iu iiioiu, ii8 won ns to ono's own In
tolllgenco, to ask that tho decision
containing thoso words bo ro-honrd.
but thnt la not for mo to any, it Is
with tho Commissioners to dotor
mine And ngnln, tho thought thnt
tho prosoiit momhora of tho Port
VlllllllllBBIUII HI Olllll lln llfll.l nnronn-
ally to nceount for tho monoya ox
ponded, should not hnvo n thought
wnu my ono. I havo novor Invest!
gntod tho law on tho mnttor nnd I do '
CfriU lilt v
JHft i DtrtjtninoeiwyKH
I fool nbsolutoly frlondly to overy
go lm been accomplished nnd no 'o Uwl t e otltlon rTZ , '
portion of any bond Iwne has boon j Zul( J sininJon n olllA?a
used to bring these remit, about. iP .. . i '. i, f,,"l,p.? n.a9" . S- W,'.
iiioruiiiro moro una uuen no cnlam
Ity by reason of tho delay: nt the
Biuno tlmo n number of improvements
K.lft: i 330, fur It cannot lm kuI.i u'-im. nul.
V. jleMIllllVllln 117 1nn Itltllllv tliut If ll... i,tt ..... . I PM11 liu lllfliln tn at 111 ivlilon ! I. o ..!.
?n! u'h,. i...." .:..""""" "? "T '" luiom, wnoi ":--" "."'" .""'" '''','",
- ii""rirr. iiiHiinr inn ntrnt ririurtvti in N'. inm i...i.
of M.e number of vote, cast prft-. lid not pmtldpata "t!o Bi'mela
id cnut their
not poMlbly
r.V iV . 1,1,,";n,', ,,h,t " I'Mfc'-Ml The vote upon miy lueanure. detor-
Hi.. ..mi... u .";.""'..'" ";""'-"" wuuii. uugni not
f ," 1,,,M,,,I fl-Hon. when pntii. oloctlon. bud attvuded hii
it o, with th ii umber of roglatereil bnllotB the iohuIi W)U,i i
vi.c r tl.oreln nt thnt tlmo. It eo,,- havo boon changed.
rinit ' 1,,,,";n,', t,h,t " '"fr Tho voto upon miy inoa
ronit miild hnvo Lena nnu il in ui nnl m ..a..ii .L.h..
in for v v llVH St" e' .bv, th9 w JWiulKM If It can be vo do
... . h ' requirement, of tho to find, ir ptwible. aouio way to o.
""'?.'" r8".' ' K,vl """ro l" tw fonelu.lon which ha been
sor nt the lam election and I 'surely
woulil not want anv flimni.ini in
done them. Then there Is Ilrotlor
Henry, whom I have Joshed for r,- v
off Ma roof if I could, and then there
i. who la so enorgetle In
affairs thRt he gets so i
ii"i invniiiinta tun ..i..u.... t..i..o.i ........ .... ... . .. ... . . ......
U,.u,.i. .. ii . i. ....." V'.V..". """:' "'"" "" ill I lie pioneer naya KUll
..." '": 'J. " ur, XJU. Tlie or UfOHOU t Wa llecWBlv tht nn. lllulnrtnkAit
proreeui iicee ynouid have been posted In pub- unsat Ufa, tory In another.
The Homely: . I.ooklns-
mul the onlarKonient of tho thini an
en and then some portion can be use-' ," ", r u,"' ,- ' "?,m
fllllv axnoiulml In tlin I,....,.... ....,. ! UP- ".". Who I
nt ri. i.i '..",;;" "!" ',r"" le Public
.i iiiioio, iiiiuuiiKU UIBie IB no que- liitoraata,! ki ... , ., ""'" "
tlcn but tho law 1m defective In aavlns-' 'IT.1. n M. wo,k "t he gives
or going Into detail as to what the ' t f, L J,1 Rm ,?' couU
Commlaslon can do with the inoney. , Twamed to th , t U ,,,!n IonK- lf
and what ah.Ul be ton.ldeie.l u h .?.! ? 0'f ioS' , p ' tbe,lV. n w,,0,8
bor lmproemont nnd It mav Im i.o. I n.L.r...t(.,(.)l1 '" coom Orlmea anil
Kible that a port commission .will balV f, ,n Sir ,?ua " a a wllol lnt
uWtriiie thus annnuured
.. .....i a i.ii iiiiiiiiiiMiuUiWIII lie I nt f i ,ir.. n. """"" '"
mporod from time to time by lltl- on,l n hit ,Ud'Ug myi.elf a"(l "e-
tlon where soma Improvement is .?,"'. fi ,i! IL T U tlle, WWI
.i..iti,,. t .., ii ,.... . wiien tney attack me. ami loot i.i
.,..,.,., , ,, ,,, u. . ,. . ...; " "-"
.i.Vt ' """." '" o" pal .Mike, l
tl.i I ? ,10. '." ove.n. TltU-laea when seen
hat ' r"f","f..wl " "I0.0" !h? ?feet, after
Shall we uro. I 'ir..'..'" v 'uu JOt. Do you
- cood again in attempting to orjianlie I "'" ;"".' .w"w "i; , an unkind
- a port of Cops Uay under the preseut ? n ., J 1, V'eUl nlMoualyT We
I'm........ .. ,l . ------ ; "" -m. u iumhui .uouiu w' .-x.wwwvss-n i "' "iiuur ani i reel entirely
t !,:.,..m":,,,,i2,,,r'7 r ri " I b y?? ;-i a .nn .i.ui i.m ,.ru.' rie"dij: wS"5
.,,. , - ., v .' '"" ! (' if u uuuiii! eu in tttn' .. ..... . mum
wiVu " ,".'" Kp'"7l eieetlou law. , county. By tho means suKMeated , l,'"e w
'' ii in
t,-t in tho ,.V.i.. ,.V ., V";,"'" .. i'"'. iu oruer 10 impart roqul-
.. . ..... ,....,, ,,, wnll,a , ro. ,,e iiiiorinaiion or pond nu elections
l.".V:::,!",,1? "ot. wro.anUoroth.ratleSnwhTcapart;
...., ,,, , inruoi oie. in i lie iiiiui O UllUIlt liaVO bo.'ll 1 11 1 Hi'
':.".'". J ,a.wh",e ,e'rtly would estod. Th. tlmo hai arrM how
!( I'lmsiuiv tko i nHiiVAi avar uiiau ..t.
(Beiurnin Qottyt
New Arrivals for Easter
Wear A. Benjamin
Priced $18 to $35
"Money Talks"
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
Mnrshfiolcl. Bnudoi
a tawwaa . . . anaaWa
Steamship Breakwater
I u'Jc .'S.1 JC?"TiaXD AT 0 A. SI. OX APItllt . W-""
TIIR Til! " IIAV M'lXUi ' ,i5' - AN,) "7' AT Si:ilU
' L. A. PAKKIll'ltST, A&u
Phono Mala
condition aimaraly In the face, what ' , ' V""V. l!a ,no.on street, after
i i...o. ,n i... .i ci..... i " un iug a narit imt
l"""M.wanmawiHliai,l,,IWMa)(IMMaM mpni iaMniwrrfa
a beat to be done?
not Wei should
ihlch havo been solemnly ad-
".. w.v.,1 UliU J(
as I do to every body else and
IV,8, w,hltever will fncllltato nav
iKatlon nnd aid In tho oncourngomont
I'v iniC' Al Sm.,th's "wvoloous nbll
it ami enternrlso wiiinh f..iDi.
time when thoro nm Rn n.nn., .1
w vu 4 II1UUD
8elv03' ' o.t of Co"
- Suro-Wo want ijjjj
iJay rB?n "" " "tnrlS 10 W
HOC (111 UUBU1DSS .n"-- . "f
oiitsliln pnnltnl Will invest .
bonda nnd lot tho money &
-..,, ''kf ii urnmi, i(l
mr mo norma or two years." id
3305. "in nil oloctlon precincts In
mu wore cast ono hundred and
1 ,. . ""! V
.'K,,; '"rS.7 Ui'?,rt. rr. :j;s'-j..r
;arsi:,E rau-s s- , ?
outaldo cnpltnl will
- --- --'wtjv 111 nil 1 iiiiiikb iinnno naii hit i mh ii
ueen solemnly ad-lt give mo more pleasure to bo of nfDef1!!Pl10j:od a,nd BUfferlne 'or a& to " iTolji overy lc'-Jltlroate
ravnp nn aalu n sarvlrn r n nni.1.1 a. "' 1 want Oi fooil In ntl. n- .. .. ... . " " '"'.' ! . hnt even .
-" .-- ". .. loiinuur man to say um-ii ui,7.TT "" vmia ot mo on uooa uny nnti o r-. - tu
tliod of imparting , anytliliig unkind of any one. oxcont '','8i0u.kl meot with tho most tie-I bor of the Port Commission .
" "" l"u "" 01 wnntlncr tn ' : "" " i""lu,"i un 1110 lines' Iioln In mnltlnc uous ui - . -!.
round any body. 1 ?.ssesied for nroEress ann nmBnn- n ' f i,,,ra nn the Pac'BC.j.
Hilt lot's quit Rliylnir nn.l not ,!,.. I :J' "nU so "r as I nm concf.rnn.1
to business. The improvement of ' 1 ose whoVlah'?? Why t.Cannot he,p
Coos Day Is Important to . ou". I U Mfia1 &?
Tho organization nn.l mnintnino I O'Connell and mvRiV n;.-?.0
y (150) or moro ballot. t tho tho deternnt.on to wnlcr 0 SJaJod tor ff IS
snirt.ootn.1 " l,lu '"cs noip in maiuiiB tuu -- ,. yin-
lft"BBea 'r Progress and prosper-' finest harbors on the ?"$
?' anU so f"r as I nm concerned I whr vRRols like the Cu
, .. .,v, v .. .-. inmut'
"White Star boats ana i" -- $&
atoamshlps will Ply 'heZ:.aiC
poan ports, through tho vw
al, to tho haven of 8ajt!e
uay." UOa ilieaa
mo, too. jjeunETT.
organization nnd maintalnanco ' O'Connell and myself, annolntnn n;
of a Port of Coos Day on conservative Eli a,2iarbor. con"n"ion and
business principles Is al, .mportant, SfflynaS.SSS